Dizon 02 LabEx1 HCI

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Dizon, Jhon Venedick R.

BSIT 302

1. Create a new document on Microsoft Word with the filename 02LAB_LastName_FirstName (e.g.,
02LAB_Reyes_Mika). This will serve as your answer sheet and will be collected by your instructor.

2. Open Google Chrome and access Fluid UI (https://www.fluidui.com/). Explore the different modules of
the website.

3. Use the Internet to find a set of applicable General HCI Design guidelines to evaluate the website.

4. Create an evaluation table for the website. It should include the guidelines, website rating based on
the guideline.

5. Include the link where you retrieved the set of guidelines you used to evaluate in your answer sheet.
6. After filling out the table, write an essay with at least five (5) sentences explaining why you selected

specific set of guidelines to evaluate the website. (15 points)

7. Answer the following questions. Use at least five (5) sentences. (15 points each)
a. If you were going to develop an emergency mobile application, what HCI criteria and category
would you use as a guideline in the design and development of the application? Why?

b. If you were assigned to design and develop the interface of a learning management system for a
university, what HCI criteria and category would you use as a guideline in the design and
development of the application? Why?

c. If you were developing the interactive interface of a video editing tool, what HCI criteria and
category would you use as a guideline in the design and development of the application? Why?

Criteria Guidelines Rating Remarks

Visual Display Avoid cluttered 10/10 The Ui of this website is very easy to
Layout display use and its very understandable to me
Structure for easy 10/10 and its very useful for a beginner to
comparison. make a interface in a OS so that’s why
Align items on a 9/10 my rate in this criteria is up all of my
page. hands.
User Make it easier for In terms of this type of criteria its so
Types the user to see 10/10 very minimal the logging in option and
and hear content. its very lightweight for the computer
Give users enough and easier to understand where I can
time to read and 10/10 login and you don’t need some
use content. verification to log in not like other
Make text content 10/10 websites that has so many etc etc in
readable and login in in the websites and some
understandable. website has so many ads not like this
so full hand I raise again in this criteria.

- 02_Handout_1(2).pdf (sti.edu)

1. why you selected that specific set of guidelines to evaluate the website. (15 points)
- I pick these guidelines because this two was my first see in the websites after I search it and its
very easy to evaluate the websites because of this criterion so this is why I pick this specific guideline to
evaluate this website.

2. Answer the following questions. Use at least five (5) sentences. (15 points each)

a. If you were going to develop an emergency mobile application, what HCI criteria and category
would you use as a guideline in the design and development of the application? Why?

- I think General HCI Design, and the guidelines is Optimize display density, Place important items
consistently, Structure for easy comparison, and Use frames when functions must remain
accessible why? Because I think this, I pick of guidelines is important to a mobile application
without it nothing happens in your works.

b. If you were assigned to design and develop the interface of a learning management system for a
university, what HCI criteria and category would you use as a guideline in the design and
development of the application? Why?

- of course, Graphical User Interface (GUI) why? Because GUI is the main UI of an application this is
where you can customize all interface of an application and its open wide setting for an application so
this guideline is I can use it for that situation.

c. If you were developing the interactive interface of a video editing tool, what HCI criteria and
category would you use as a guideline in the design and development of the application? Why?

- I choose Taking User Input as guidelines why? Because Taking User Input guidelines is can
improve the overall performance, especially time and accuracy, for high interactive systems. It
can help to our Video editing tool interface and interactable by user you can customize it all by
these guidelines.

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