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Research Papers
Keywords: Lithium-ion battery pack is widely used in electric vehicles (EVs), for which reasonable heat dissipation measures
Lithium-ion battery must be taken to keep battery working in a suitable temperature range. Liquid cooling is popular for its efficient
Battery thermal management system (BTMS) heat dissipation performance. In order to evaluate the effect of layout and channel design of cooling plates on the
Liquid-cooling system
heat dissipation of a battery module, numerical modeling and analyses were carried out. Two arrangements of
Cooling plate optimization
Modeling and design
the cooling plates with different coolant channels (i.e., single channel, multiple small channels, and S-shaped
channel) are discussed. The Z-score method is applied to evaluate the six cooling plate designs with various inlet
flow rates. It is found that the design with two cooling plates sandwiching one battery module shows a better
cooling performance. In terms of the channel structures, the comprehensive performance of the cooling plates
with multiple small flow channels is optimal, when inlet flow rate is between 7.817 × 10− 4 kg s− 1 ~ 0.0105 kg
s− 1 under the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) condition.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Yuan).
Received 25 May 2021; Received in revised form 31 December 2021; Accepted 25 January 2022
Available online 2 February 2022
2352-152X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
energy consumption. The optimization of the channel design and the pressure distribution is more uniform. Jiaqiang et al. [13] designed
quantity design is the main research direction in the liquid cooling the cooling plates with the S-shaped channels for a square battery cell.
system [8], various types of the liquid cooling plates have been devel Different S-shaped channel models were built by changing the width of
oped in the recent years. the channels and the radius of elbow in the channels. Their results show
Deng et al. [9] designed a new type of leaf-like channels with loops as that a smaller channel width will result in a larger pressure loss. An
the dispersion layer for a Li-ion battery cooling system. The influence of increase in the width and radius can improve heat dissipation perfor
four structural factors of the channels (i.e., bifurcation angle, width mance and reduce pressure drop to a certain extent. When the difference
ratio, length ratio, and thickness) was analyzed on the heat dissipation between the channel width and elbow radius is too large, extra pressure
performance. The simulation results show that the optimal performance drop will be caused in the elbow regions.
could be obtained for the width ratio is of 3/4, the length ratio of 1/2, Cao et al. [14] designed and manufactured the cooling plates with
and the bifurcation angle between 30◦ and 50◦ . Zhao et al. [10] designed the S-typed channels Various experiments and simulations are carried
a wave-shaped aluminum channel wounds on the surface of battery cells out for a number of the inlets and outlets of the S-shaped channels, as
for a battery pack composed of 71 cells of the 18,650 Li-ion batteries. It well as for different channel numbers and different flow directions. The
is found from the simulation results that increasing the heat exchange results suggest that the cooling plates with the multi-channels, the
area between the adjacent cells slightly improves the temperature dis staggered inlets and outlets have better cooling performance. Shang
tribution in the pack. Increasing the contact area between the battery et al. [15] designed a liquid cooling system with various types of contact
cell and outer wall of the channels will significantly reduce the surfaces between the square battery cells and the cooling plates. The
maximum temperature in the pack. Jarrett and Kim [11] optimized the heat dissipation performance of the cooling system is improved by
cooling plate designed for a thin rectangular battery cell by changing the optimizing the width of the cooling plates in a contact with the batteries.
width and position of the channels. Their result reveals that increasing The results show that the maximum temperature can be significantly
the channel width can reduce the average temperature and the pressure reduced when the width of the cooling plate is changed from 55 mm to
drop through the channels, while the narrower inlet channels and wider 75 mm, while the inlet temperature drops from 24 ◦ C to 15 ◦ C. It is
outlet channels can improve the uniformity of the battery temperature concluded that, when the width of the cooling plate is 60 mm, the inlet
distribution. temperature is 18 ◦ C and the mass flow rate is 0.21 kg s− 1, in other
Siddique et al. [12] conducted various experiments on the heat words, the cooling plate shows the best heat dissipation performance.
generation for square battery cells and also designed the cooling plates Chen et al. [16] carried out a study on the cooling plates with the small
with S and needle-shaped channels. The simulation results show that the channels, as well as with different inlet and outlet positions and small
temperature distribution in the S-shaped cooling plates is more uniform, runner widths. The predicted result shows that the cooling plates with a
while the pressure drop in the needle-shaped channels is lower, in which symmetrical structure can significantly reduce the maximum
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
temperature and the pressure drop in the battery pack. 2. Modeling methodologies
The cooling plate with the micro-channels is widely used in BTMS
due to its high cooling efficiency. However, one major drawback of the 2.1. Geometry of the battery module and cooling plate
micro-channels is its high internal pressure drop as the coolant flows in
the channels, which results in a greater power required for this type of The prismatic pouch LiFeO4 Li-ion battery to be modeled in this work
the cooling plates. Li et al. [17] studied the heat transfer in a square corresponds to the one used in our previous work [31]. The nominal
battery pack with a cooling plate containing three U-shaped voltage and capacity of the battery cell are 3.2 V and 20 Ah, and the
micro-channels. The cooling performance is evaluated under different maximum and minimum voltage are 3.6 V and 2 V, respectively. The
flow rates when the battery works at the discharge rate of 5 C. The re active zone of the battery cell is 207 mm × 157 mm × 7 mm. The tabs of
sults show that the predicted battery temperature is lower in the upper the cell have the dimension of 40 mm × 31 mm × 0.2 mm, while the
part and higher in the lower part. When the coolant flow rate reaches distance between them is 32 mm. To reduce the number of the grids and
0.1 m s− 1, the battery temperature and its gradient are effectively simplify the modeling, the thickness of the tabs is considered to be
limited to a tolerable level. Chen et al. [18] conducted a study on the consistent with that of the battery cell (i.e., 7 mm), which is one of the
strategies of matching flow rate and heat dissipation performance of the major simplifications to be removed in our future work. The battery
cooling plate for a square battery pack. Their experimental and simu module in this work consists of 6 Li-ion battery cells arranged in parallel.
lation results show that through a reasonable cooling scheme, the The distance between two battery cells is 3 mm, and the overall size of
maximum temperature of the battery pack can be maintained at 26 ◦ C, the battery module with 6 cells is 247 mm × 157 mm × 57 mm. In
32 ◦ C and 40 ◦ C at the discharge rate of 0.5 C, 1 C and 1.5 C, respectively. practice, the thermal insulating materials are usually sandwiched be
Most researches mentioned above are aimed to a design of the tween the cells to reduce the risk of thermal runaway. In this simulation,
cooling plate based on the single battery cell. However, a battery pack it is assumed that the battery cells are insulated. The geometry of the
commonly contains hundreds to thousands of the battery cells, such a battery module is built using CATIA as shown in Fig. 1. The insulating
design will inevitably increase the weight of the BTMS, which will affect materials are not shown in Fig. 1 for the perspective of modeling, since
the dynamic performance of EVs. Lin et al. [19] also pointed out that the the insulating materials are treated in the thermal boundary conditions
energy consumption of BTMS and the economic efficiency of lightweight with zero thickness in the modeling.
design are still challenging. For the application in ships or other cases, a In this study, the cooling plates may be located in various places, as
large number of the battery cells is always needed to meet the power shown in Fig. 1. In Design A, the cooling plate is arranged at the bottom
requirement. For these specific cases, it is impossible to equip each in of the battery module. While in Design B, two cooling plates sand
dividual battery with a cooling plate. wiching the battery module from two sides. In addition, the influence of
Chung et al. [20] carried out the structural design and thermal model the channel structure of the cooling plates on the cooling performance is
development of the large-scale electric vehicle BTMS. The simulation also evaluated in this study. Three types of the channel structures are
results show that when a design with multiple cooling plates scattered in considered for each design: the single-channel (Design A-I and B-I),
the battery pack is used, the ratio of equivalent thermal conductivity to multiple mini-channels (Design A-II and B-II), and serpentine-channel
system volume increases by 64%, and the total pressure drop only in (Design A-III and B-III), respectively. The thickness of the cooling
creases by 19%. Zhang et al. [21] designed the cooling system for the plate is 5 mm while the coolant channel is 3 mm in all designs. For the
battery module containing 14 cells. The system contains 4 mini-channel cooling plate with this single-channel, the coolant channel has the same
cooling plates connected in parallel. The results show that when the inlet shape as the plate. For the cooling plate with 6 mini-channels, each
velocity is above 2 m/s, the maximum temperature of the battery pack channel is designed with the width of 7 mm. In this study, the Z-type
will remain below 40 ◦ C, while the maximum temperature difference flow arrangement is employed because it has its better performance on
between the battery cells within 5 ◦ C. Siruvuri et al. [22] designed the the temperature distribution according to Chen’s findings [16]. The
cooling plates for the battery module composed of 5 square cells. Four width of the collection channels in this study is 12 mm, aiming to reduce
cooling plates with the S-type channels are sandwiched between the the energy consumption of the system. The serpentine-channel design
battery cells. The simulation concluded that the battery module con can be seen as a combination of several straight-pipes and bent-pipes.
taining the multiple cooling plates with opposite flow direction has more The ratio of the straight-pipe width to the bent-pipe inner radius
efficient and uniform heat transfer. ranges between 0.5~6 to achieve a better cooling performance. When
In order to understand the thermal behavior of the batteries, the heat the ratio is 5/2, the cooling plates show the best performance on the
generation model is necessary. Several heat generation models are temperature distribution according to Zhang’s work [13]. In this work,
developed and available, such as ECM model [23,24], NTGK model the width of the straight-pipes is 8 mm, while the inner radius of the
[25–28], Newman’s P2D model [29,30]. In a previous study [25], the bent-pipe is 3 mm, i.e., the ratio of them is 8/3 (closed to 5/2). The
heat generation rate of a prismatic lithium-ion battery cell at different geometry parameters of these coolant channels are summarized in
operating temperatures and discharging rates have been determined in Fig. 2.
the well-designed experiments. The results show that, as the discharging
rate increases, the heat generation rate of the battery increases, while 2.2. Mathematical method and modeling
the voltage plateau of the battery decreases during the discharging
process. 2.2.1. Mathematical equations and boundary conditions
The cooling plate design is proposed and evaluated for a battery To evaluate the performance of the cooling plates, the numerical
module composed of six battery cells in this work. Two types of the simulation is applied to predict the pressure and temperature distribu
cooling plate arrangement are proposed. In addition, three commonly tion in this system. Aluminum is chosen as the material for the cooling
used channel structures (single-channel, S-shaped channel and small plates due to its lightweight and high thermal conductivity. Water is
channels) are investigated to evaluate the cooling plate performance. chosen as the coolant due to its high heat capacity and low viscosity. The
Each design discussed and compared in details. It is found that the physical properties of the cooling plates and the coolant are regarded as
cooling plates with the small channels arranged on the both sides of the constants for the temperature variation of the cooling system is small, as
battery module have the best cooling performance. shown in Table 1. One battery cell divided into three domains in the
modeling: active zone of the cell, positive tab, and negative tab. In each
domain, the material is assumed homogeneous, which means the
housing of the cells has been neglected. It should be mentioned that the
modeling domain to be considered consists of both the cooling plates
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
Fig. 1. Geometry of battery module with arrangement of cooling plates (Design A: cooling plate beneath the battery module, Design B: cooling plates sandwiching
battery module).
Fig. 2. Geometry for various channels of the cooling plates for: (a) Design A (I, II, III), and (b) Design B (I, II, III).
Table 1
Physical properties of the battery module and coolant.
Properties Cooling plate Coolant Cell active zone Positive tab Negative tab Unit
and the coolant domains. In order to reduce computation time, the the cross-sectional area of the channels, μ0 is the kinematic viscosity of
current model is simplified by the battery cell being directly connected water, dH is the characteristic length, given by:
to the cooling plate. The thermal contact resistance is not considered in
this model, which is one of the major simplifications to be removed in dH = (2)
our future work.
The coolant flow and heat transfer are assumed to be in a steady where A is the cross-sectional area of the channel, S is the perimeter
state. To evaluate the effect of flow rate, the Reynolds number are length of the channel cross-section
calculated as follows [32]: The simulation is carried out for different flow rates (or the Reynolds
QM dH number). The fluid flow is assumed as laminar when the Reynold’s
Re = (1) number is less than 2300. If the Reynold’s number exceeds 3000, the
A μ0
standard k-ε model is then chosen. The governing equations are outlined
where QM is the mass flow rate of water through the channels, while A is as follows [33]:
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
The continuity equation reads: The battery thermal and electrical parameters are solved using the
( CFD method at the battery cell-scale by solving the following differential
∂ρwater →)
+ ∇⋅ ρwater U = 0 (3) equations [36]:
∂ρcell T
→ − ∇⋅(kcell ∇T) = σ+ |∇φ+ |2 + σ − |∇φ− |2 + q̇ECh (12)
where ρwater is the density of the water, U is the velocity of the coolant ∂t
(in vector). {
The momentum conservation equation for the laminar flow: ∇⋅(σ + ∇φ+ )= − jECh
∇⋅(σ− ∇φ− ) = jECh
∂( →) ( →→)
ρ U + ∇⋅ ρwater U U = − ∇p + ∇⋅(τ) + ρwater →
g (4)
∂t water where σ+ and σ- are the effective electric conductivity for the positive
and negative electrodes, φ+ and φ- are the electric potentials for the
where p is the static pressure, τ is the stress tensor, and →
g means the
positive and negative electrodes, jECh and q̇ECh are the volumetric current
acceleration of gravity, respectively.
density and the generated heat due to electrochemical reactions,
The stress tensor τ is given by respectively.
( → →T ) The q̇ECh and jECh in Eqs. (12) and (13) are evaluated by the following
τ = μ ∇U + ∇U (5)
equations [25]:
[ ]
where μ is the molecular viscosity. q̇ECh = jECh U − (φ+ − φ− )− T
For the coolant, the energy conservation equation reads [34]: dT
∂ [→ ] [ ( →)]
(ρwater E) + ∇⋅ U (ρwater E + p) = ∇⋅ keff ∇T + τeff ⋅U + q̇ECh (6) jECh =
Y[U − (φ+ − φ− )] (15)
∂t Qref Vol
p v2 where Vol denotes the active zone’s volume of a single battery cell,
E=h− + (7)
ρwater 2 Qnominal is the battery total electric capacity in Ampere hours, and Qref is
the capacity of the battery obtained in the experiments to evaluated the
where, keff is effective thermal conductivity, τeff is the time-averaged modeling parameters Y and U, which are the functions of the battery
effective viscous stress tensor of water, v means the velocity of water depth of the discharge (DOD). For a given battery, the voltage-current
(in scalar). The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (6) represents the response curve can be obtained by the experiments, while Y and U can
energy transfer due to the heat conduction and viscous dissipation. In be determined by curve-fitting of the obtained data. The following
Eq. (7), h is the sensible enthalpy of water. q̇ECh means the electro formulation is employed in ANSYS Fluent for the Y and U functions, as
chemical reaction generated heat of the battery cells. shown in Eqs. (16) and (17) [27]:
Additional transport equations are also solved when the flow is in [ ] )
turbulent condition. The turbulence kinetic energy, k, and its rate of ∑5
U= an (DOD)n − C2 (T − Tref (16)
dissipation, ε, are obtained from the following transport equations [35]: n=0
[( ) ]
∂ ∂ ∂ μ ∂k [ ] [
(ρk) + (ρkui ) = μ+ t + Gk − ρε (8) ∑
5 (
1 1
∂t ∂xi ∂xj σk ∂xj Y= bn (DOD)n exp − C1 − (17)
T Tref
[( ) ] where C1 and C2 are the battery-specific constants employed in NTGK
∂ ∂ ∂ μt ∂kε ε ε2
(ρε) + (ρεui ) = μ+ + C1ε Gk − C2ε ρ (9) model.
∂t ∂xi ∂xj σε ∂xj k k
The voltage-current response curve of the Li-ion battery studied in
this work is specified in our previous work [31]. After the curve-fitting,
where Gk represents the generation of the turbulence kinetic energy due
the 5th order polynomial result is obtained:
to the mean velocity gradients. C1ε, and C2ε are the constants (C1ε =
1.44, C2ε = 1.92, Cμ = 0.09), σk and σε are the turbulent Prandtl numbers U = 3.277319 − 0.05345DOD + 2.0046DOD2 − 10.7147DOD3 +17.6408DOD4
for k and ε (σk =1.0, σε = 1.3).
− 9.274539DOD5 (18)
The turbulent viscosity coefficient, μt is computed by combining k
and ε as follows:
Y = 109.7939 + 1026.441DOD − 5925.772DOD2 +14, 030.59DOD3
k 2
− 14, 517.3DOD4 +5310.861DOD5 (19)
μt = ρCμ (10)
The previous studies have shown that, as the charging or discharging
For the solid cooling plates, the battery cells and tabs, the thermal rate increases, the battery heat generation also increases. In this study,
conduction equation with the heat source term governs the heat trans the 4 C discharging process is selected as the reference for the battery
fer: heat generation. The virtual connection is used to set the parallel con
nections between the battery cells instead of modeling busbar.
∂T The boundary conditions are essential to solve the above-mentioned
ρcell cp = kcell ∇T + q̇ECh (11)
∂t governing equations. In the present study, the mass flow inlet with a
constant temperature, as well as the pressure outlet conditions are
where ρcell means the density, kcell the thermal conductivity of the bat
chosen as the inlet and outlet boundary conditions, respectively. The
tery cells, q̇ECh the electrochemical reaction generated heat of the battery
inlet temperature and initial temperature of the studied module is
298.15 K, and the outlet relative pressure is at 0 Pa. For the battery
In this study the electrochemical reaction generated heat of the
module with the cooling plates, several inlet mass flow rates are set for
battery cells q̇ECh is evaluated by the Newman, Tiedemann, Gu, and Kim
the 4 C discharging process. In the base case, the mass flow rate is chosen
(NTGK) model, which is one of the Dual-Potential Multi-Scale Multi-
at 1.8 × 10− 3 kg s− 1. In addition, 3 × 10− 3 kg s− 1 and 6 × 10− 3 kg s− 1 are
Domain (MSMD) Battery Model. To predict the temperature distribu
also investigated. To further study the effect of the flow rate, 6 × 10− 4 kg
tion, the transport equations need to be solved at the battery cell scale.
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
s− 1 is chosen to represent the smallest flow rate below 10− 3 kg s− 1, while beyond the grid number of 1.1 million. In other words, for Design A, the
3 × 10− 2 kg s− 1 is chosen to represent the biggest flow rate over 10− 2 kg 1.1 million grids are suitable. As an example, Fig. 3(b) displays the
s− 1. It should be noted that, in this study, several cooling plates are meshing applied for Design A-I with the grid number of 1.1 million.
designed to obtain the flow rate by one common pump, which controls There are two cooling plates for the cooling battery module in Design B,
the flow rates in the sum of all cooling plates. The walls of the coolant which means that more grids are required. After the grid independence
channels are set to be the non-slip fluid-solid coupling boundary con analysis, it was found that, for Design B, 2.4 million grids are suitable.
ditions. The contacted walls between the battery cells and the cooling In the previous work [37], various discharging experiments have
plate are assumed to be the coupled walls, while the other walls as the been conducted for a battery module consisting of three battery cells in
heat insulated surfaces. A time-step of 5.0 s is used for the electrical series, in terms of the surface temperature of the battery cell. In order to
model, which results in about 180 time-steps for the complete dis validate the present mathematical method, the model containing the
charging process. three battery cells in series is developed using the above-mentioned
method. Fig. 3(c) shows the predicted results from the current work
2.2.2. Grid independence analysis and model validation and the experimental ones presented in the previous work [37], in which
The structured meshing method is applied for the battery module Tavg means the average temperature at the measured locations. The
using ANSYS Meshing functions. A grid independence analysis has been thermocouples used in the experiment are T-type 30 gage with the un
performed. Taking Design A-I as an example, two locations are selected certainty of 1 ◦ C [37]. The error bar in Fig. 3(c) shows the experimental
for analysis: the center of the sixth battery cell far from the inlet and the range of the uncertainty, and the simulated values are within it. The
center of the coolant. Fig. 3(a) shows the predicted temperature results relative error shown in Fig. 3(c) is calculated based on Celsius. The
of these two locations to evaluate the numerical performance of the relative error within 4% for Tavg is also presented for different dis
developed model. It can be seen from the predicted results that, both charging time steps to judge the accuracy of the simulation model.
Tcell and Twater vary less than 0.05 K as a grid number is further increased Table 2 further presents the predicted Trise in this work and the
Fig. 3. Grid indenpence test and modeling validation: (a) temperature distribution at the monitored locaions selected for battery cell and coolant; (b) mesh
arrangement of battey module with cooling plate for the case of Design A-I; (c) comparison of Tavg in this work and previous study [37].
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
Table 2
Comparison of predicted results with experimental data [37].
C- Experimental Simulated Relative error of
Rate maximum Trise (K) maximum Trise (K) maximum Trise (%)
3.1.1. Performance comparison between Designs A and B Fig. 4. Maximum temperature increases under various flow rates in
Numerical simulations are carried out for the six designs proposed in different structures.
this study. Table 3 shows the simulation results at different flow rates, in
which Tmax is the maximum temperature of the battery module and Tdiff Taking the Tmax into consideration, the Design B is more suitable.
is the maximum temperature difference between the battery cells. It can However, it is difficult to judge the cooling performance of three
be seen that for the Design A, based on the flow rate of 1.8 × 10− 3 kg s− 1, different flow channel structures only by the maximum temperature. It
the averaged maximum temperatures of the two structures decrease by is also necessary to consider the temperature field distributed in the
0.1 K and 0.28 K, if the coolant flow rate increases by 66.67% and battery module and the energy consumption at different flow rates.
233.33%, respectively. When the flow rate is reduced by 40%, the
averaged maximum temperature rises by 0.49 K. When the flow rate is 3.1.2. Analysis of the effect of channel structures using Z-score method
five times bigger than 6 × 10− 3 kg s− 1, the maximum temperature drops As revealed in the previous section, Design B has a better cooling
only by 0.3 K. While for the Design B, the averaged maximum temper performance Consequently, the cooling performance with different
ature of the three structures decreases by 2.08 K and 3.43 K, respec coolant channel structures is analyzed in this section in terms of three
tively. The averaged maximum temperature rises by 4.58 K when the aspects: the efficiency of the cooling plates, the maximum Trise, and the
flow rate is reduced by 40%. When the flow rate is five times bigger than maximum Tdiff of the battery module. Here, the efficiency of the cooling
6 × 10− 3 kg s− 1, the maximum temperature drops only by 1.37 K. It plate refers to the ratio of heat transfer intensity to the flow resistance,
should be noted that for the Design A-I, when the coolant flow rate which is based on the idea of taking the cooling plates and battery
reaches 6 × 10− 3 kg s− 1, the maximum temperature is higher than that module as a heat exchanger. It is calculated as follows [38]:
when the flow rate is 3 × 10− 3 kg s− 1. This is because the maximum
temperature is affected by the flow rate and the local coolant distribu ϕ=
tion. The coolant can not be distributed evenly for the case employing f
the single straight channels when the mass low rate is very big. It can be
where, j refers to the Kolben heat transfer factor to evaluate the heat
seen that a change in the flow rate has a bigger impact on the maximum
transfer intensity, while f the flow resistance factor representing the
temperature in the case of Design B.
strength of flow resistance. j is defined as follows:
Fig. 4 shows a comparison of the temperature rise (Trise) in the bat
tery module with different structures under various flow rates. The value Nu
j= (21)
of Trise is the difference between the operating temperature and the Re⋅Pr1/3
initial temperature. It can be seen that under the same flow rate and the
same channel structure, the case with the design of two cooling plates where, Nu represents the Nusselt number; Pr is the Prandtl number.
sandwiching the battery module has a smaller temperature increase. For Table 4 shows the maximum temperature rise (Trise), the maximum
the Design A, as the flow rate increases, the maximum temperature temperature difference (Tdiff) of the battery module, the averaged Nu
difference in the battery module also increases. This is because, in the and f, and the efficiency ɸ for the Design B-I, B-II, and B-III under various
height direction of the battery, the heat generated by the battery cell flow rates.
cannot be effectively taken away by the coolant. For all the three designs, it is found that, as the flow rate increases,
Table 3
Maximum temperature and temperature difference predicted for various inlet flow rates and designs.
Flow rate QM(kg s− 1) 6 × 10− 4
1.8 × 10− 3
3 × 10− 3
6 × 10− 3
3 × 10− 2
Designs Tmax (K) Tdiff (K) Tmax (K) Tdiff (K) Tmax (K) Tdiff (K) Tmax (K) Tdiff (K) Tmax (K) Tdiff (K)
Design A-I 319.48 21.03 319.04 21.85 318.99 21.99 319.02 22.22 318.44 22.79
Design A-II 317.30 18.61 316.76 19.74 316.63 19.98 316.21 20.58 316.13 20.61
Design A-III 319.31 20.00 318.82 21.71 318.68 22.02 318.55 22.29 318.42 22.58
Design B-I 314.92 15.56 310.36 13.21 308.83 12.08 307.88 11.39 305.30 10.07
Design B-II 314.69 14.16 310.53 12.98 307.69 11.04 306.36 10.16 304.43 9.04
Design B-III 314.71 13.42 309.68 12.29 307.80 11.21 306.04 9.94 304.63 9.00
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
Table 4
Predicted temperature increase Trise, temperature difference Tdiff, Nu, f, and ɸ for the Design B.
Design Case No. QM(kg s− 1) Trise(K) Tdiff(K) Nu f ɸ
− 4 − 4
Design B-I 1 6 × 10 19.78 15.56 0.63 1.42 × 10 2958.64
3 4
2 1.8 × 10− 15.21 13.21 1.12 4.30 × 10− 579.47
3 3 × 10− 3 13.68 12.08 1.21 7.21 × 10− 4
4 6 × 10− 3 12.73 11.39 1.50 1.47 × 10− 3
5 3 × 10− 2 10.15 10.07 2.37 3.09 × 10− 2
− 4 − 4
Design B-II 6 6 × 10 19.54 14.16 2.43 3.02 × 10 3376.20
3 4
7 1.8 × 10− 15.38 12.98 4.41 9.39 × 10− 653.21
8 3 × 10− 3 12.54 11.04 4.90 1.55 × 10− 3
9 6 × 10− 3 11.21 10.16 5.75 3.37 × 10− 3
10 3 × 10− 2 9.28 9.04 9.19 8.68 × 10− 2
the maximum Trise and the maximum Tdiff decrease, while both the heat
transfer intensity, and the flow resistance increase. A comprehensive
evaluation method in terms of Z-score is applied to further analyze the
three designs, in terms of Z-score. This evaluation method reads [39]:
where ZY0 represents the basic score, ZYij represents the Z-score of the i-
th factor of the case No. j; Xij is the index value of the i-th factor of the
case No. j; the index value should be added when the value of this factor
is positively correlated with the modeling effect, otherwise, subtracted;
Xi is the mean value of the i-th factor of all the cases, Si is its standard
deviation; ZYj represents the total Z-score of the case No. j.
In this work, the basic score ZY0 is 10 to represent the averaged
cooling effect level of the concerned cases. In the present study, the
higher maximum Trise and higher maximum Tdiff means poorer cooling
performance. The higher the efficiency ɸ, the better the cooling per
formance. When the comprehensive score value is calculated, the index Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of Z- scores of design B-I, II, and III.
values of Tdiff and Trise are subtracted, and the index value of the effi
ciency is added. it is also found that, with a further increase in the flow rate, the influence
The calculation of the mean Xi is as follows degree of the flow rate on the Trise and Tdiff decreases.
∑n In order to analyze the influence of coolant flow rate on the tem
j=1 Xij perature of each individual cell, the battery cells are numbered as
Xi = (24)
n number 1 to 6 from the side close to the inlet. Fig. 6(b) shows the Tmax
while he standard deviation Si is calculated as follows: and maximum Tdiff for each battery cell.
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ It can be seen that the Tmax of the six cells is approximately the same,
√∑ (
√ n X − X
) while Trise and Tdiff are gradually decreased with an increase in the flow
Si =
√ j=1 ij i
(25) rate. Fig. 6(b) shows that when the flow rate is smaller than 1.8 × 10− 4
n kg s− 1, the battery cell far away from the inlet has a lower Tdiff. Fig. 6(c)
The Z-score obtained is shown in the Fig. 5. It can be seen that the shows the temperature distribution of the battery pack with the cooling
score value of Design B-II is bigger than that of Design B-I when the flow plate (one cooling plate is hidden) when the flow rate is 1.8 × 10− 4 kg
rate is kept the same. It can be seen that the Design B-II has a bigger s− 1. The temperature distribution of the cooling plate slice from the
averaged Z-score, which reveals that the Design B-II (with the smaller middle section is also shown in Fig. 6(c). For a comparison, Fig. 6(d) and
channel) is a suitable design based on this specific evaluation method. (e) show the temperature distribution at 6 × 10− 3 kg s− 1 and 3 × 10− 2 kg
s-1, respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that for the flow rate of 1.8 ×
10− 4 kg s− 1 and 6 × 10− 2 kg s− 1, the temperature at the lower center of
3.2. Analysis of influence of coolant mass flow rate on Design B-II the battery pack is higher. The Tdiff in the cooling plate is small, and the
highest temperature is near the outlet. It can be seen from Fig. 6(e) that
Design B-II is the suitable design based on the previous discussion, when the flow rate is 3.0 × 10− 2 kg s− 1, the maximum temperature of
and the influence of its flow rate on the temperature distribution of the the battery and the cooling plate is lower than that of other cooling
six cells needs further analysis. It can be seen that, from the predicted Z- systems. Fig. 6 shows that there are the hotspots in the middle of the
score values, the coolant flow rate has a great influence on the cooling battery module. Number the small coolant channels from the inlet side,
effect of the cooling plate. Fig. 6(a) shows the variation of the Trise and respectively No.1-No.6. Table 5 shows the mass flow rate distribution in
Tdiff of the battery module with the coolant flow rate in Design B-II. It channels. It is found that both the No.3 and No.4 channel have small
shows that the influence of the flow rate on the Trise of the battery pack is flow rate. Since the smaller the mass flow rate, the less heat can be taken
bigger than that on the Tdiff between the battery cells. At the same time,
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
Fig. 6. (a) the Trise and Tdiff under various flow rates in Design B-II (b) the maximum temperature and temperature difference predicted for six cells of Design B-II, as
well as temperature distribution predicted for battery pack at: (c) 1.8 × 10− 4 kg s− 1, (d) 6 × 10− 3 kg s− 1, and (e) 3 × 10− 2 kg s− 1.
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
Fig. 7. Battery pack power and temperature difference under NEDC conditions: (a) variation of battery pack discharging power with time under NEDC conditions;
(b) variation of maximum temperature difference with time in three NEDC conditions (c) the curve fitting of temperature increase and pump power with mass flow
rate; (d) the curve fitting of δ(Trise)/δQM.
X. Li et al. Journal of Energy Storage 49 (2022) 104113
Table 6
Predicted results of Tmax, Tdiff, Trise, and Δp for various inlet flow rates.
QM(kg s− 1) 3 × 10− 4
6 × 10− 4
1.8 × 10− 3
3 × 10− 3
6 × 10− 3
9 × 10− 3
0.012 0.024 0.03
Tmax, K 296.64 296.27 295.96 295.91 295.88 295.86 295.86 295.84 295.80
Tdiff, K 0.92 0.82 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.65
Trise, K 1.49 1.12 0.81 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.71 0.69 0.65
Δp, Pa 2.24 4.57 15.42 29.00 74.35 135.48 213.02 657.46 1806.52
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