Pre Trest SQ P.E 10

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Pre-Assessment Physical Education b.

starting slowly
C. engaging in high-impact, weight bearing
Name:______________________________________ activities
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best d. making your program convenient
corresponds to your answer in a given 12. Participation in active recreation is
statement. everyone's responsibility. Which of the following
1. How can one maintain an ideal body weight? is the best reason for this?
a. Follow the latest diet fads a. to have a healthy lifestyle
b. Balance the amount of food you eat with b. to maintain an ideal body weight
regular physical activity c. keep a physically fit and healthy body
c. Consult a doctor about an effective diet pill d. have, fun, enjoyment and socialization
that you can take 13. in performing hip-hop aerobics, what fitness
d. Believe in the power of your genes component is required of you?
a. agility b. power c. speed d. coordination
2. A desirable level of fitness can be achieved 14. Which of the following is not a health-related
through at least how many workouts per week? physical fitness test?
a. 3 b. 4 C. 5 d. 6 a. sit and reach b. 50- meter run
3. People who lead sedentary lifestyles are often C. sit-up d. push-up
referred to as 15. Your body composition is influenced by
a. couch potatoes b. athletes which of the following?
C. physically fit d. low-health-risk people a. genetics b. age C. gender d. all of the above
4. Which of the following is not a positive 16. Which of the following signs or symptoms is
outcome of personal fitness? not characteristic of bulimia?
a. improved physical appearance a. depressed mood
b. enhanced self-esteem b. noticeable weight loss or gain
c. hypertension C. lack of concern about weight
d. stress reduction d. habit of visiting the bathroom immediately
5. Which of the following can help you determine after meals
which fitness and recreational activities are 17. Which of the following food groups should be
realistic for you? consumed sparingly?
a. cost b. skills and attitude a. fats, oils, and sweets b. fruits
c. social needs d. all of the above C. vegetables d. milk, yogurt, and cheese
6. How many servings from the bread, rice, 18. You are invited to talk on how to prevent
cereal and pasta group should you eat each day? diseases and live a healthy and quality life. What
a. one b. two to three would be the focus of your talk?
c. four to five d. six to eleven a. nutrition and physical activity of the family
7. Which of the following is an example of a b. health background of the family
passive warm-up exercise? c. lifestyle and behaviour of the family
a. toe touch b. whirlpool bath d. environment where the family lives
c. walk around the gym d. basketball lay-ups 19. Your friend Kaye is overweight and she
8. Which of the following would not be a benefit wants to start her weight loss program. What
of walking? strategies and advice would you give her?
a. helps with weight management a. Avoid automatic eating while watching the
b. lowers blood pressure television, reading or studying.
c. it is a high impact exercise b. Try "junior size" instead of "super size", use
d. builds aerobic fitness smaller plates, bowls, cups, or glasses.
9. People who are physically active throughout c. Incorporate easy and enjoyable exercises into
their lives may add about year(s) to their life the program to be motivated
expectancy. d. All of the above
a. 1 b. 1.5 C. 2 d. 2.5 20. What term/s describe/s the use of barbells,
10. Which of the following is not a fitness benefit dumbbells, and machines to improve fitness,
of Yoga exercise? health and appearance?
a. improves posture and balance a. body building b. strength and conditioning
b. high risk of injuring the muscles and the c. weight training d. weight lifting
c. best way to build core strength
d. increases one's flexibility and muscular
11. Which of the following will not improve your
personal fitness program?
a. exercising at moderate intensities

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