Section 07 4000 - Metal Panel System
Section 07 4000 - Metal Panel System
Section 07 4000 - Metal Panel System
B. Related Sections: Requirements that relate to this section are included but not
limited to the sections below.
1. Division 01 “General Requirements”.
2. Division 01 “Building Enclosure Performance and Design Requirements” for
performance and design requirements.
3. Division 01 “Building Enclosure Testing” for testing requirements.
4. Division 01 “Building Enclosure Visual Mockup” for visual mockup requirements.
5. Division 06 Section “Wood Grounds, Nailers, and Blocking” for plywood
6. Division 06 Section “Rough Carpentry” for sheathing requirements.
7. Division 07 Section “Thermal Insulation” for insulation requirements.
8. Division 07 Section “Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim” for flashing requirements.
9. Division 07 Section “Joint Protection” for sealant requirements.
A. Design Requirements:
1. General:
a. Design, engineer, fabricate, and install work in compliance with specified
standards, performance requirements, material selections, and requirements
of this and related sections.
1) Do not exceed the allowable design working stress of the materials
involved, including anchors and connections. Apply each load to produce
the maximum stress in each respective component of each metal
b. Provide work to withstand thermal movement, wind pressure, gravity loads,
seismic loads and movement of building structure without failure. Work to
remain watertight and free from defects.
2. Industry Standard: Except as otherwise shown or specified, comply with
applicable recommendations and details of "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" by
SMACNA. Conform to dimensions and profiles shown.
B. Performance Requirements:
1. Exterior Locations:
a. Refer to Division 01 Section “Building Enclosure Performance and Design
Requirements” and Division 01 Section “Building Enclosure Testing” for
the following:
1) Wind Pressure Loading, Exterior
2) Seismic Loading
3) Thermal Movement
2. Roof Panels and Standing Seam Roof:
a. Capable of withstanding a concentrated load of 1320 N on an area of 2580 sq
mm located in the center of panel.
3. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide materials identical to those tested for
the following fire performance characteristics per ASTM test methods indicated
by UL or other testing and inspecting organizations acceptable to authorities
having jurisdiction. Identify treated lumber with classification marking of
inspecting and testing organization in the form of separable paper label or, where
required by authorities having jurisdiction, of imprint on lumber surfaces that will
be concealed from view after installation
a. Flame spread index as indicated below or less, or meet the fire propagation
criteria of NFPA 701
b. Surface Burning Characteristics: Not exceeding values indicated below,
tested per ASTM E 84 for 30 minutes with no evidence of significant
1) Flame Spread: 25.
2) Smoke Developed: 50.
4. Durability: The exterior wall, including metal panel cladding, shall maintain
its original performance throughout its design life, when maintained in
accordance with an agreed program. Materials and components shall not
suffer atmospheric corrosion, stress corrosion, bimetallic corrosion or
premature breakdown as a result of incompatibility or environmental
elements. The terms used to define durability are in accordance with BS
B. Product Data:
1. Submit for action. Describe the properties of items to be used in the Work.
C. Shop Drawings: Submit for action. Show fabrication and installation of the Work.
Include the following.
1. Indicate manner of forming, joining and securing metal roofing, and pattern of
seams. Show expansion joint details and waterproof connections to adjoining
work and at obstructions and penetrations.
2. Details for forming metal roofing, including joints and dimensions.
3. Details for joining and securing sheet metal roofing, including layout of fasteners,
clips, and other attachments. Include pattern of joints.
4. Details of termination points and assemblies, including fixed points.
5. Details of expansion joints, including showing direction of expansion and
6. Details of roof penetrations.
7. Details of edge conditions.
D. Design Data:
1. Structural Calculations:
a. Include structural computations, material properties, and other
information needed for structural analysis that has been signed and
sealed by the contractor’s structural engineer who was responsible for
their preparation.
b. Structural calculations for wall system, to show compliance with
performance requirements, the framing and glazing and their anchorage
to the building structure with all materials and all connections fully
dimensioned. Also include calculation for complete wall system
components including auxiliary support framing, internal
reinforcements, wall panels and glass products. Show ultimate factor of
2. Thermal Calculations:
a. Include thermal computations, material properties, and other
information needed include condensation control, thermal conductivity
and thermal analysis that has been signed and sealed by the
contractor’s mechanical engineer who was responsible for their
b. Thermal calculations to show a thermal profile of the temperature range
through a critical section of panels.
c. Determine the overall composite thermal transmittance or U-value or the
wall panel assembly.
d. Submittal will be reviewed by the Engineer for general compliance with
the contract documents. The Engineer will not apply action stamp and
will return calculation data and comments if any for information only.
3. Design data and shop drawings to be submitted simultaneously
E. Samples:
1. Initial Selection: Submit for action. Furnish manufacturer’s complete color
selection showing full range of colors and finish characteristics. Furnish the
a. Material as requested by Engineer.
2. Verification: Submit for action. Furnish materials to be used with labels
indicating colors, finish characteristics, and locations of the Work. Samples will
be reviewed for color and appearance only. Furnish the following.
a. Zinc Sheet: 300 mm square in range of finish selected. Include insulation
backing, fasteners and attachments.
b. Stainless Steel Sheet: 300 mm square in range of finish selected. Include
fasteners and attachments.
A. Qualifications:
1. Contractor: Contractor is responsible for quality control of the Work.
2. Manufacturer / Fabricator: A firm experienced in successfully producing work
similar to that indicated for this Project, with a record of successful in-service
performance, and with sufficient production capacity to produce required units
without causing delay in the Work.
a. Experience: Minimum of 10 years.
3. Electro Polishing Finisher: Firm experienced in successfully applying electro
polishing finishes of type indicated, employing competent control personnel to
conduct continuing, effective quality control program to ensure compliance with
a. Experience: Minimum of 5 years.
4. Installer:
a. Custom-Fabricated Sheet Metal Roofing Fabricator Qualifications.
1) An installer trained in the use of the materials and equipment to be
employed in the Work.
D. Mockups:
1. General:
a. Use the same installation methods and materials as required for the Work.
Schedule construction so that it may be reviewed, and any necessary
adjustments made, prior to commencing fabrication of the Work. When
accepted, mock-up shall serve as the standard for materials, workmanship,
and appearance throughout the Project.
2. Testing Mockup:
a. Construct mock-up for Testing Laboratory to verify that finished Work will
meet specified design and performance requirements. Correct non-compliant
mockups until performance requirements are met. Refer to Division 01
Section “Building Enclosure Testing.”
3. On Site Visual Mockup:
a. Provide the mock-up at location to be determined.
b. Refer to Division 01 Section “Building Enclosure Visual Mockup”
c. Fabrication and construction shall proceed only after acceptance of the on-
site visual mockup.
B. Existing Conditions: Field measure at location of the Work prior to preparation of the
shop drawings. Include measurements of adjacent construction to which the Work
must fit. Coordinate construction to ensure that actual opening dimensions
correspond to fabricated dimensions of the Work.
1. Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work,
guarantee dimensions and proceed with fabrication of products without field
measurements. Coordinate construction to ensure that actual opening
dimensions correspond to guaranteed dimensions.
B. Coordinate metal roofing with rain drainage work, flashing, trim, and construction of
decks, walls, and other adjoining work to provide a leakproof, secure, and
noncorrosive installation.
A. General: Warranties shall be in addition to, and not a limitation of, other rights the
Employer may have under the Contract.
A. Zinc Sheet:
1. Zinc, 99 percent pure, alloyed with a maximum of 1 percent copper and titanium;
with manufacturer's standard factory-applied, flexible, protective back coating.
B. Stainless Steel: Provide austenitic stainless steel in type and finish as required to
produce the Work.
1. Electro Polishing:
a. Provide electro polishing on all exterior stainless steel where the project is
located within 20 km of seas or oceans.
2. ASTM A 666, 240/A240M, Type 316L, “Standard Specification for Chromium
and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure
Vessels and for General Applications”, stretcher-leveled standard of flatness.
3. A480/ A480M, “General requirements for flat-rolled stainless and heat-
resisting steel plate, sheet, and strip”.
a. Cold or hot rolled as determined by the fabricator and the electro polishing
C. Aluminum:
1. Sheet: ASTM B 209, alloy and temper as recommended by manufacturer.
G. Waterproofing Membrane:
1. Modified bituminous Sheet:
a. Refer to Division 07 Section “Self-Adhering sheet Waterproofing” for
waterproofing requirements.
H. Underlayment Membrane:
1. Cold-applied, self-adhering membrane composed of a high strength slip resistant
polyethylene film coated on one side with a layer of butyl rubber adhesive.
a. Basis of Design: Subject to compliance with requirements, the design is
based on the following.
1) Grace Construction Products “Grace Ultra”
( )
2) Equal Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, the
following manufacturer’s product will be considered as equal.
a) Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing “Dri-Start” ( )
b) Polyguard Products “Deck Guard” ( )
I. Drainage Layer:
1. Geocomposite Drain: 10 mm thick hollow studded polystyrene core covered on
one side with a non-woven needle punched polypropylene filter fabric on one side
and smooth polymeric sheet on the other side.
2. Basis of Design: Grace Construction Products “Hydroduct 220”
a. Other Manufacturers:
1) Subject to compliance with requirements, provide equal products as
determined by the Engineer.
2) In order to be considered as equals, a written request accompanied by all
appropriate product data, samples, test results, and certifications must be
submitted to the Engineer. Products deemed to be acceptable will be
included by Engineer’s written response.
K. Fabric Membrane:
1. Color: Black
2. Basis of Design: Subject to compliance with requirements, the design is based
on the following.
a. Vapro Shield USA “Black Wall Shield” ( )
3. Other Manufacturers:
a. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide equal products as
determined by the Engineer.
b. In order to be considered as equals, a written request accompanied by all
appropriate product data, samples, test results, and certifications must be
submitted to the Engineer. Products deemed to be acceptable will be
included by Engineer’s written response.
N. Miscellaneous:
1. General:
a. Provide materials and types of fasteners, solder, welding rods, protective
coatings, separators, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as required for
a complete roofing system and as recommended by fabricator for sheet
2. Fasteners:
a. Self-tapping screws, self-locking rivets and bolts, and other suitable fasteners
designed to withstand design loads.
3. Solder:
a. Zinc:
1) Lead-tin solder containing 40% tin and 60% lead to L-Pb Sn 40 (Sb)
(antimony content less than 0.5 wt.%). Flux: Felder ZD-Pro or equal.
b. Stainless Steel Sheet:
1) Solder as recommended by stainless steel manufacturer.
4. Sealant Tape:
a. Pressure-sensitive, 100 percent solids, gray polyisobutylene compound
sealant tape with release-paper backing. Provide permanently elastic,
nonsag, nontoxic, nonstaining tape.
5. Elastomeric Sealant:
a. Refer to Division 07 Section “Joint Protection” for One-Part Nonacid-Curing
Silicone Sealant requirements.
A. General:
1. Provide panel profile, including major ribs and intermediate stiffening ribs, if any,
for full length of panel.
2. Fabricate stretcher leveled sheet material not to exceed 3 mm deviation from
dead flatness measured at any point on a flat table.
3. Fabricate panel stiffening material to maintain flatness required.
4. Demonstrate visual flatness of sheet material as required for the project prior to
producing the project material
5. Fabricate metal sheet from metal produced in one heat lot.
6. Panels and Components: Panels shall be fabricated to a tolerance not to exceed
3mm deviation in any dimension from designed dimension. Overall panel
deviation shall not exceed L/360, while maintaining visual flatness and consistent
curvature without telegraphing of hardware or stiffening components
7. Metal Panel System:
a. Fabricate and finish panels and accessories at the factory by manufacturer's
standard procedures and processes, and as required to fulfill indicated
performance requirements which have been demonstrated by factory testing.
b. Comply with indicated profiles and dimensional requirements, and with
structural requirements.
c. Fabricate panel joints with captive gaskets or separator strips, which provide
a tight seal and prevent metal-to-metal contact in a manner which will
minimize noise from movements within panel system.
d. Provide with concealed attachment system.
e. Condensation:
1) Fabricate panels for control of condensation, including vapor inclusion of
seals and provisions for breathing, venting, weeping and draining.
f. Thermal Movement: Assembly shall allow for thermal expansion and
8. Sealant Joints:
a. Where movable, nonexpansion-type joints are indicated or required to
produce weathertight seams, form metal to provide for proper installation of
elastomeric sealant in compliance with SMACNA standards.
9. Metal Protection:
a. Where dissimilar metals will contact each other, protect against galvanic
action by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating, by applying self-
adhering sheet underlayment to each contact surface, or by other permanent
separation as recommended by fabricator of sheet metal roofing or
manufacturers of the metals in contact.
10. Sheet Metal Accessories:
a. Custom fabricate flashings and trim to comply with recommendations in
SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" that apply to design,
dimensions, metal, and other characteristics of item indicated. Obtain field
measurements for accurate fit before shop fabrication.
1) Form exposed metal accessories without excessive oil canning, buckling,
and tool marks and true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges
folded back to form hems.
2) Sealed Joints:
a) Form nonexpansion but movable joints in metal to accommodate
elastomeric sealant.
3) Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible.
4) Fabricate cleats and attachment devices of sizes as recommended by
SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" for application, but not
less than thickness of metal being secured.
B. Metal Panels:
1. Zinc Metal Panels and Splines:
a. Zinc sheet epoxied to honeycomb core.
1) Zinc Sheet: 1.5 mm minimum thickness.
2) Aluminum Honeycomb Core:
a) Cell Size: As determined by manufacturer to meet performance
3) Panel System:
a) Depth: 35 mm minimum.
b) Panel designed to be supported by Extruded Aluminum Clip System.
c) Basis of Design: Subject to compliance with requirements, the design
is based on the following.
1) Hunter Douglas “HD Facades, QuadroClad 300 Series
Honeycomb Panels” ( )
d) Other Manufacturers:
1) Subject to compliance with requirements, provide equal products
as determined by the Engineer.
2) In order to be considered as equals, a written request
accompanied by all appropriate product data, samples, test
results, and certifications must be submitted to the Engineer.
Products deemed to be acceptable will be included by Engineer’s
written response.
2. Stainless Steel Metal Panels and Splines:
a. Stainless steel sheet epoxied to honeycomb core.
1) Stainless Steel Sheet: 1.5 mm minimum thickness.
2) Aluminum Honeycomb Core:
a) Cell Size: As determined by manufacturer to meet performance
3) Panel System:
a) Depth: 35 mm minimum.
b) Panel designed to be supported by Extruded Aluminum Clip System.
1. Custom base and clip system designed to accept standing seam roof and support
and accept stainless steel channel assembly.
a. In addition to panel manufacturer system, provide Standing Seam Roof
2. Separator Pad: As selected by manufacturer to meet performance requirements.
F. Z-Furring:
1. Custom zee-shaped furring members designed to meet performance
2. Thickness: As required to meet performance requirements.
3. Material: Stainless steel sheet.
H. Finish:
1. General: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and
Metal Products" for recommendations relative to applying and designating
2. Aluminum:
a. High Performance Organic Coating - Fluorocarbon (PVDF): AA-C12C42R1x
(Chemical Finish: cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: chemical
conversion coating, acid chromate-fluoride-phosphate pretreatment; Organic
Coating: as specified below) Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed
metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturer's instructions.
1) 4-Coat Fluorocarbon Powder Coating System with Pearlescent Flake
Pigments (primer, barrier, color, clear coat): Manufacturer's standard 4-
coat thermo-cured system composed of specially formulated inhibitive
primer, barrier coat, fluorocarbon color coat with Pearlescent Flake
Pigments, and clear fluorocarbon topcoat, with both color coat clear
topcoat containing not less than 70 percent polyvinyldene resin by weight;
complying with AAMA 2605.
2) Color and Gloss: To match Engineer’s sample.
3. Stainless Steel:
a. General:
1) Finish designations prefixed by AISI conform with the system established
by the American Iron and Steel Institute for designating finishes for
stainless steel sheet.
2) Electro Polishing:
a) Provide electro polishing on all exterior stainless steel after forming and
b) Prepare, electro polish and post treat metal in compliance with ASTM B
c) Basis of Design: Inox Arabia “Electro Polishing System”
A. Site Verification of Conditions: Examine and correct conditions of area to receive the
Work prior to installation.
1. Examine solid roof sheathing to verify that sheathing joints are supported by
framing or blocking, that tops of fasteners are flush with surface, and that
installation is within flatness tolerances required for finished roofing installation.
2. Verify that substrate is sound, dry, smooth, clean, sloped for drainage, and
completely anchored, and that provision has been made for drainage, flashings,
and penetrations through sheet metal roofing.
B. Examine roughing-in for components and systems penetrating sheet metal roofing to
verify actual locations of penetrations relative to seam locations of sheet metal
roofing before installation.
C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. General:
1. Install system in accordance with manufacturer’s printed installation instructions,
submittals, applicable industry standards, and governing regulatory requirements
for the Work.
A. At the end of each work day, remove unused materials, debris and containers from
the site.
A. Protect the Work so it will not deteriorate or be damaged. Remove protection at time
of completion.
A. Metal Panels:
1. MTL-14: Zinc Metal Panel, Hunter Douglas, HD Facades,
Quadro Clad 300 Series Honeycomb Panels,
Zinc to match Engineer’s sample
C. Underlayment Membrane:
1. WPS-04: Polyethylene with Butyl Rubber, Grace construction Products, Grace