Ms 103 Earthworks

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Table of Contents
1. Revisions Status 2. Scope/Objectives 3. Reference 4. Definitions 5. Health and Safety Hazards 6. Responsibilities 7. Procedures /Method to be Employed 8. Manpower Requirement 9. Material Requirement 10.Equipment Requirement 11.Health and Safety Provisions 12.Q.C Approvals and other Documentation 13.Supporting documentation 14.Distribution 15.Site Safety Engineers Approval

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Revision Number





Description of Re-submittal


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This Method statement details the procedure for the earth works required to achieve any raised sub grade level. And will include all the backfilling operation related to this project. 3.0 REFERANCE Project Technical Specification, Section _____________, Contract Drawings, 4.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS: Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered separately in the project safety plan. 5.0 DEFINITIONS CC MS QCP ITP 6.0 echnical Construction Method Statement Quality Control Procedure Inspection & Test Plan.



Construction Manager-

The earthworks activities are carried out according to the specification and drawings. The progressing works are carried out according to the planned program and all the equipments required to execute the works are available as per the project planning and are in good condition Co-ordinate with the (CLIENT/CONSULTANT), Project Manager, Site Engineer, Safety Engineer, and sub-contractor for the safe and proper execution of the work. Specific attention to all safety measure and quality control in co-ordination with safety engineer and QC engineer and in line with HSE plan and Quality plan. 6.2

Project Engineer-

Earthworks are carried out according the specification and drawings. Provide all necessary information and distribute the responsibilities to his construction team. Ensure and monitor that the work progress is in accordance with the required program and report the same to the Construction Manager.

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Co-ordinate with the safety engineer to ensure that the works are carried out in a safe working practice. Co-ordinate with the QC engineer for the tests to be carried out and initiate for the inspection for the finished works. Ensure the implementation of any request that might be raised by(CLIENT/CONSULTANT) the Rep. Ensure that an efficient daily progress has been obtained from all the equipments and men power engaged in the work and check the same against the daily report received from the Forman. Pass all the revised information to the Forman and ensure that its being carried out properly. Co-ordinate with the surveyor and plan the survey works in advance as per the work sequence. 6.3

QA Engineer-

Ensure that all the works are carrying out as per the specification and the related quality procedure. Inspect and satisfy him self the completed work and requesting for the clients approval. Maintain inspection and test records complete for any future reference. 6.4

Safety Engineer-

Ensure the implementation of all safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan and everybody aware of it for its proper implementation. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain the safe working on the site Inspect all the site activities and train the persons to prevent accidents and its proper reporting to the project manager and the client. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy 6.5


Carrying out the work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in coordination with the site engineer on a daily basis. Daily reports of the works achieved and coordinate for the future planning with the Site engineer. Coordinate with the surveyor for the benchmarks, setting out and the markings. Incorporate all the QC and Safety requirements as requested by the concerned Engineer. Met with any type of unforeseen incidents or requirements and reporting to the site engineer immediately.

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7.1 Back filling for Buildings and Structures:Backfilling works will be done for the areas where all the construction activites are finished and all the water proofing application are completed and cured properly. 7.1.2 All the area will be cleaned for all type of debris before starting the backfilling. 7.1.3 All the horizontal and vertical water proofed surfaces will be covered by 1000-gauge polythene sheet. 7.1.4 The backfill materials, which will be approved by (CLIENT/CONSULTANT), will be stocked near site. 7.1.5 Material will be moistened as per its Optimum Moisture Content, and will be mixed thoroughly for the uniform moisture content by means of shovel. 7.1.6 The material will be then laid in layer not more than 200mm in loose depth for the materials compacted with heavy compaction equipment and not more than 100mm in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. 7.1.7 Each layer will be compacted to a min. 95% MDD of the material by roller vibrators in wider spaces and by hand tamper in narrow spaces. 7.1.8 Back filling will be done to required elevations evenly adjacent to structures, piping, or conduits 7.2 Back filling for Trenches:7.2.1 Backfilling of trenches will be started only after the inspection of the laid services and the clearance from (CLIENT/CONSULTANT) 7.2.2 Backfill will be done for trenches where trench excavation pass within 400 mm of column or wall footings or foundation and which are carried below bottom of such footings or foundation, or which pass under wall footings or foundations, with the concrete of grade 20 N/mm2. 7.2.3 For piping or conduits that passes less than 750 mm below the surface of roadways, a concrete slab with encasement of 150 mm thick will be laid before any backfilling starts. 7.2.4 3/8 gravel will be used as sub-base to the piping conduits and granular fill will be used over it. 7.2.5 The material will be laid in layer not more than 200mm in loose depth for the materials compacted with heavy compaction equipment and not more than 100mm in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. 7.2.6 Each layer will be compacted to a min. 95% MDD of the material by roller vibrators in wider spaces and by hand tamper in narrow spaces. 7.2.7 Back filling will 7.2.8 be done to required elevations evenly adjacent to piping, or conduits 8.0 MANPOWER REQUIRMENTS: Charge hands Surveyors Driver 7.1.1

Construction Company
9.0 MATERIAL REQUIRMENTS: Water Back fill materials Concrete of grade 20 N/mm2 Warning tapes, boards, and flashlights. 10.0EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT: Shovel. Jcb. Truck. Water Tanker. Roller compactor. Plate compactor. Theodlight Levels -2 No -1 No -5No -2No -1No -1No -2No -2No

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11.0HEALTH AND SAFETY PROVISIONS: For all the backfill activities, adequate barriers, signboard, advance-warning signs, traffic control and flashlights will be provided. Warning tape with rope will be installed all around the back filling area. Steel bars will be used as posts with warning tape on top all around. Where a backfilling work crosses road or access track, permission from the appropriate authority will be taken, and where required a stage system or a diversion will be adopted to maintain the access. If an existing service is exposed during the excavation, the service should be properly protected and supported during all the activities. Ladders with handrails will give proper and safe access to the bottom of the excavation. Water will be sprayed on dusty heaps of materials. All the dusty materials will be covered by Tarpaulin during the transportation. 12.0Q.C. APPORVAL AND OTHER DOCUMENTARY REQUIRMENTS: All the quality control documentation related to the excavation should be approved before commencing the work. And as follows. QCP for Earthworks ITP for Earthworks Project Quality Plan. Check sheets for the Earthworks.

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13.0 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION: This Method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced documentations. Contract Specification and drawings. QCP for Earthworks ITP for Earthworks MS for demolition. MS for Excavation. Project Quality Plan. Project HSE Plan. Applicable Quality Control Documents from sub contractors.

14.0 DISTRIBUTION; Copies of this method statement have also been issued to the following for information/ action/comments: Management Representative Project Manager. Construction manager. Site Engineer. HSE Engineer. QA/QC Engineer. SITE SAFETY ENGINEERS APPORVAL: Approved


Approved Subjected to compliance with the following notes/comments

Not Approved - Reasons

Signed: ____________________

Dated: ________________

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