SOPY3085 Rubrics - Reflection Paper

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Hong Kong Baptist University

Department of Social Work

SOPY 3085 Policy Processes and Politics
Reflection Paper Marking Criteria (20%)

Student Name: Student No.:

Criteria Max Score Your Score
Critical Evaluation of the Subject/Application of Theoretical Concepts and Reflection (10%)
 Applies several key concepts from class to the article review. Demonstrates Excellent
sophistication of thought. Uses relevant examples for discussion. Central argument is (9-10)
clearly communicated and worth developing. Acknowledgement of contradictions and
limits and their logical implications.
 Begins to acknowledge the complexity of the central idea/argument and the possibility of Good
other points. Some relevant examples are used. Applies at least one key concept from (7-8)
class related to the review’s theme to the reflective report.
 Adequate but weaker and less effective in responding to central idea of the review. Satisfactory
Presents central idea/argument in general terms and usually does not acknowledge other (5-6)
views. Some irrelevant examples used. Terms are often defines on dictionary definitions.
Implies key concepts, but doesn’t make clear link to class resources to the reflective
 Does not have or propose a clear central idea or argument or does not responding to the Marginal pass
review. The central idea or argument may be too vague or need to be developed (3-4)
 Does not respond to the paper topic/theme, lack a central idea or argument, and may Poor
neglect to use relevant class sources to substantiate argument. Does not apply any (0-2)
theoretical concepts.
Adequate Literature Review/Theoretical Conceptualization (5%)
 Uses concepts or evidence appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient literature Excellent
review and explanation to convince. (5)
 Begins to offer reasons to support its points, perhaps using varied kinds of concepts or Good
evidence. Begins to integrate the evidence and explain connections between literature (4)
and main ideas.
 Often uses generalizations to support its points. Examples used may be not relevant and Satisfactory
depend on unsupported opinion. Often has lapses in logic (3)
 Depends on clichés or overgeneralizations for support, or offers little evidence of any Marginal pass
kind. Summary rather than analysis. (2)
 Uses irrelevant details or lacks supporting evidence entirely. May be unduly brief. Poor
Organization and Referencing (5%)
 Uses a logical structure appropriate to review’s subject, purpose, and disciplinary field. Excellent
Appropriate referencing is used in main text and bibliography. (5)
 Shows a logical progression of ideas and uses fairly sophisticated sub-topic and Good
transitional devices; may move from least to more important ideas (simple to complex). (4)
Though some logical links may be faulty, each paragraph clearly relates to paper’s
central theme. Most reference sources in main text and bibliography are provided in
systematic but inappropriate form.
 May list ideas or arrange them randomly them only and lack of logical sequence. Satisfactory
Paragraphs may be overly general, and arrangement sentences within paragraphs may (3)
lack coherence. Reference sources are not quoted in main text, though there is a
 May have random organization, lacking paragraph coherence and using few or Marginal
inappropriate transitions. Paragraphs may lack main ideas and may not all relate to pass(2)
paper’s theme. Referencing is patchy.
 No appreciable organization; Paragraphs lack of logic and coherence; No referencing. Poor
Total Score: ______________(Out of 20%)

Further comments (if needed):______________________________________________________________________________

Signature of Lecturer: Date:

Last updated in Nov 2017

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