ZBUS8147 2022 S2 Rubric Assess 2

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Assessment 2 Major written essay - guidance and assessment rubric (45%)

This assessment addresses the following Learning Outcomes and Program Learning Goals:
Course Learning Outcomes
• LO2 Identify, research, and critically analyse issues in project management practice and use research and theory to propose appropriate and well-justified solutions.
• LO3 Identify organising principles of the project management function and specify supporting organisational capabilities.
Program Learning Goals
• GA1 Business Knowledge: Students will make informed and effective selection and application of knowledge in a discipline or profession, in the contexts of local and
global business.
• GA2 Problem solving: Students will define and address business problems, and propose effective evidence-based solutions, through the application of rigorous analysis
and critical thinking.
• GA3 Students will harness, manage, and communicate business information effectively using multiple forms of communication across different channels.
Assessment structure and submission
You are asked to write an academic essay (2,500w) in which you apply the theory and concepts discussed in the course to respond to one of the provided essay questions
(below). You must formulate an argument and use academic literature when creating your response. Sources and material that you use in your essay must be appropriately
cited and referenced, using the APA referencing style. There are links about how to apply the APA style in Moodle.
Your document must be submitted via Turnitin, so please make sure that your essay is written in your own words and not extracted from other sources.
Please make sure that you read the marking criteria below. The rubrics outline the broad assessment criteria for each grading category. Where your paper ultimately sits
within these categories is a decision made by the assessor using their subject matter knowledge and academic expertise. The High Distinction criteria describes a paper that
would be acceptable at an academic conference (i.e., that has come up with an original contribution to project management thinking, supported convincingly with evidence
from the literature).
Essays must be in Standard Australian English (see Oxford Dictionary). Words exceeding the word limit will not be read or considered part of the assessable content.
You are expected to conform to high standards of literacy and academic practice, including literature research and full documentation of sources. This means you must use
references and you mist cite those references both in the body of your essay and provide a reference list at the end of the document. You are required to reference using
the APA method. Failure to do so is likely to result in a failed paper.
Be sure to express the ideas you read about in your own words but acknowledge their source by citing the reference. Avoid using rhetorical questions and / or direct quotes
as they do not demonstrate to the marker your understanding of the concepts and reading material.
Essay questions:
1. Traditional project management is less effective when project scope and technology are not well known. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Argue a case supported by
evidence from the academic literature.
2. Project success is a multi-layered concept, with definitions that extend beyond traditional PMBOK determinants of project success (i.e., cost, time, quality, and scope). Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Argue a case for your position and support your argument with evidence from the academic literature.
3. Project management is the most successful way to implement quality improvement programs because it provides a holistic approach to organisational change. Do you agree or disagree
with this statement? Argue a case for your position, supported by evidence from the academic literature.
4. Academic literature asserts that organisational culture is an intangible notion that can have a significant impact on organisational processes, including selecting and managing projects
in a project portfolio. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Argue a case for your position, supported by evidence from the academic literature.
5. Project management is sometimes described as an ‘accidental profession,’ with project managers thrust into highly specialised and specific projects based on their technical skills and
with limited career opportunities after the project ends. This means that there is not a set career path in project management. Do you agree with these statements? Argue a case for
your position, supported by evidence from the academic literature.
6. Project management systems as a means of organising work focus on hard skills and ‘scientific’ methodologies. However, managing people is a crucial component for successful
projects, and managing people means managing emotion. A fundamental weakness of project management is a failure to address emotion processes in planning, control, management
and/or success determinations. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Argue a case for your position, supported by evidence from the academic literature.
Marking Criteria – Assessment 2 Major Written Essay 45%
Program Goal Overall <50% (Fail) 50% - 64% (Pass) 65% - 74% (Credit) 75% - 84% (Distinction) ≥ 85% (High Distinction)
Problem Solving (40%) The major essay should be The major essay does not The major essay appears to be The major essay is The major essay is The major essay is
LO2 - Identify, research, and underpinned by research into appear to be underpinned by underpinned by some research underpinned by sufficient underpinned by underpinned by extensive
critically analyse issues in the academic literature. research into academic into academic literature. research into academic comprehensive research into research into academic
project management practice The major essay should literature. Evidence lacks logical literature. academic literature. literature.
and use research and theory demonstrate the ability to link Irrelevant essay content OR organisation AND/OR lacks Evidence arranged logically but Highly logical presentation of All evidence presented
to propose appropriate and different theoretical concepts does not address the essay justification supported by lacks a strong integrative evidence supported by critical logically, well supported by
well-justified solutions. to form an argument, rather question OR covers a different evidence. argument linking theoretical analysis of theory and critical analysis of theory. Links
Problem Solving GA2 - than just describing the topic AND/OR presents Theoretical concepts are concepts AND/OR lacks evidence. Links different different concepts to form a
Students will define and material or focusing on one assertions or opinions, presented, but further justification with evidence OR concepts to form an integrated sophisticated argument AND is
address business problems, concept at a time. inappropriate, discriminatory, refinement is needed AND/OR with some gaps AND/OR argument. strongly justified by evidence.
and propose effective prejudiced, polemic, summarises material, relies on summarises material, lacks
evidence-based solutions, anecdotal. assertions or opinions, or lacks overall synthesis and analysis.
through the application of balance.
rigorous analysis and critical
Knowledge (30%) The major essay should Limited knowledge of topic. Basic knowledge of topic, Good knowledge of topic but Comprehensive knowledge of Extensive topic knowledge
LO3- Identify organising demonstrate extensive Does not apply knowledge to linkages could be explained summarises material and lacks topic cogently applied to essay AND originality in ideas
principles of project knowledge and understanding identify organising principles of more clearly. critical analysis. question. critically applied.
governance and supporting of project management theory project governance and Applies knowledge to identify Good application of knowledge Comprehensive application of Sophisticated application of
organisational capabilities. and concepts. Students apply supporting organisational organising principles of project to identify organising principles knowledge to identify knowledge to identify
that knowledge to the essay capabilities. governance and supporting of project governance and organising principles of project organising principles of project
GA1 - make informed, question to consider organising
effective selection, organisational capabilities, but supporting organisational governance and supporting governance and supporting
principles of project further refinement is required. capabilities but lacks analysis. organisational capabilities, organisational capabilities,
application of knowledge in a governance supporting
discipline or profession, in with critical analysis of sophisticated analysis of
organisational capabilities. strengths / weaknesses. strengths / weaknesses.
the contexts of local and
global business.
Business Communication The essay should be an Poor written expression. Clear and comprehensible Good written expression. Very good written expression. Excellent written expression,
GA3 (15%) - Students will example of excellent written Sentence and paragraph written expression. Sentences Sentences well-formed and Sentences and paragraphs are polished and imaginative. All
harness, manage, and expression, with clear, concise, structure is poor. Language is and paragraphs are adequately paragraphs well structured, very well-formed. Language is sentences and paragraphs are
communicate business and persuasive rambling; jargon laden; difficult structured. Language is clear. but there is a need to improve clear, concise, and very very well-formed. Language is
information effectively using communication. to follow. Many errors in Some errors in spelling, overall synthesis between persuasive. Virtually no errors clear, succinct, unambiguous,
multiple forms of spelling, punctuation, or punctuation, or grammar. sections. Clear and persuasive in spelling, punctuation, or and highly persuasive. No
communication across grammar. language. Minor errors in grammar. errors in spelling, punctuation, or
different channels. spelling, punctuation, or grammar.
Literature Review (15%) Evidence of research into the Over reliance on prescribed Limited selection and use* of Appropriate selection and use* Good selection of quality Excellent selection* of
Students will conduct a academic literature needs to textbook, or websites, limited quality references**, lots of of quality references** AND references** some in addition references including quality
literature review into the be apparent in extensive in- use* of additional quality assertions, or overuse of mostly covers crucial points. to those from course AND references** AND used* to
academic literature. Students text referencing using APA references**, lots of websites or mainly limited to Consistently references used* to substantiate most substantiate nearly all crucial
will correctly apply approved referencing style. A minimum assertions. Does not reference prescribed textbooks. sources in-text and reference crucial points. Sources points. Sources are integrated
referencing style (APA). of 6 quality references** are sources appropriately or References sources in-text and list in APA style, with minor integrated effectively into text extremely effectively into text
expected, but there is no accurately in-text, or in reference list mainly accurately errors. throughout. Consistently throughout. Consistently
upper limit. reference list. in APA style, with some errors. references sources in-text and references multiple sources in-
reference list in APA style, with text and reference list in APA
few errors. style, with no errors.
*Use and selection of quality references refers to effective evaluation of appropriate sources, applied to present a critical analysis of source material to develop a persuasive argument and is NOT assessed on the number of references
included. **Quality references refers to peer-reviewed journal articles from reputable journals.

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