Composite Materials of Al 7075 TiB2 TiC

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com Volume 4 Issue V, May 2016

IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Composite Materials of Al-7075,TiB2,TiC
Tensile strength and Rockwell Hardness Test
Pullareddy.M1, Chanikya.K2, Hrish.M3, Vijay Raghavendra.V4
Final Year Students Mechanical Engineering Students, Gates Institute Of Technology, Gooty

Abstract: Composite material is a combination of two or more materials having compositional variations and depicting
properties distinctively different from those of the individual materials of the composite. A composite mixture having more than
one fiber is known as hybrid composite During the past decade, considerable research effort has been directed towards the
development of in situ Metal Matrices hybrid Composites (MMCs), Using this approach, MMCs with a wide range of matrix
materials (including aluminum 7075 grade, Titanium carbide, Titanium boride), and second-phase particles (including borides,
carbides, nitrides, oxides and their mixtures have been produced In the present work, the elemental TiC, TIB2 powders are
mixed with aluminum molten metal to produce the AL-7075, TiC, TIB2 MMC. The proposed investigation is to deal with
development of aluminum based composite through casting route. Synthesis, characterization of Tensile Test and Rockwell
Hardness Test.
Key words: Composites, Al 7075, TiC, TIB2 MMC.


For manufacturing of composite material by stir casting knowledge of its operating parameter are very essential. As there is various
process parameters if they properly controlled can lead to the improved characteristic in composite material.

A. Stirring speed
Stirring speed is the important process parameter as stirring is necessary to help in promoting wetability i.e. bonding between matrix
& reinforcement. Stirring speed will directly control the flow pattern of the molten metal. Parallel flow will not promote good
reinforcement mixing with the matrix. Hence flow pattern should be controlled turbulence flow. Pattern of flow from inward to
outward direction is best. In our project we kept speed from 250-650 rpm. As solidifying rate is faster it will increase the percentage
of wetability.

B. Stirring temperature
It is an important process parameter. It is related to the melting temperature of matrix i.e. Aluminium. Aluminium generally melts
at 660◦C. The processing temperature is mainly influence the viscosity of Al matrix. The change of viscosity influences the particle
distribution in the matrix. The viscosity of liquid decreased when increasing processing temperature with increasing holding time
stirring time. It also accelerates the chemical reaction b/w matrix and reinforcement. In our project in order to promote good
wetability we had kept operating temperature at 620°C which keeps Al (7075) in semisolid state.

C. Reinforcement preheat temperature

Reinforcement was preheated at a specified 500◦C temperature 30 min in order to remove moisture or any other gases present within
reinforcement. The preheating of also promotes the wetability of reinforcement with matrix.

D. Addition of TiC and TiB2

Addition of Magnesium enhances the wetability. However increase the content above 1wt. % increases viscosity of slurry and hence
uniform particle distribution will be difficult .

E. Stirring time
Stirring promotes uniform distribution of the particles in the liquid and to create perfect interface bond b/w reinforcement and
matrix. The stirring time b/w matrix and reinforcement is considered as important factor in the processing of composite. For uniform
distribution of reinforcement in matrix in metal flow pattern should from outward to inward.

© IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 4 Issue V, May 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
In a stir casting process, the reinforcing phases are distributed into molten matrix by mechanical stirring. Stir casting of metal matrix
composites was initiated in 1968, when S. Ray introduced alumina particles into an Aluminium melt by stirring molten aluminum
alloys containing the ceramic powders. Mechanical stirring in the furnace is a key element of this process.
The resultant molten alloy, with ceramic particles, can then be used for die casting, permanent mold casting, or sand casting. Stir
casting is suitable for manufacturing composites with up to 30% volume fractions of reinforcement.
The cast composites are sometimes further extruded to reduce porosity, refine the microstructure, and homogenize the distribution
of the reinforcement. A major concern associated with the stir casting process is the segregation of reinforcing particles which is
caused by the surfacing or settling of the reinforcement particles during the melting and casting processes. The final distribution of
the particles in the solid depends on material properties and process parameters such as the wetting condition of the particles with
the melt, strength of mixing, relative density, and rate of solidification .The distribution of the particles in the molten matrix depends
on the geometry of the mechanical stirrer, stirring parameters, placement of the mechanical stirrer in the melt, melting temperature,
and the characteristics of the particles added.
An interesting recent development in stir casting is a two-step mixing process. In this process, the matrix material is heated to above
its liquids temperature so that the metal is totally melted. The melt is then cooled down to a temperature between the liquids and
solidus points and kept in a semi-solid state. At this stage, the preheated particles are added and mixed. The slurry is again heated to
a fully liquid state and mixed thoroughly. This two-step mixing process has been used in the fabrication of aluminum.
Among all the well-established metal matrix composite fabrication methods, stir casting is the most economical. For that reason, stir
casting is currently the most popular commercial method of producing aluminum based composites.

A. Tensile Test In Universal Testing Machine
The diameter of the hybrid composite Al-7075,TiC,TiB2 is 30mm. applied load = 100kgf =980.6N. At different areas in hybrid
composite Al-7075,TiC,TiB2 we applied an load for 15 seconds by using load lever. The readings are noted down at three different
Sl. No Composites Ultimate tensile strength (Mpa) Percentage of elongation (%)
1 Al 7075 112 15
2 Al 7075 (2.5% TiC & TiB2) 115 13
3 Al 7075 (5% TiC & TiB2) 120 11
4 Al 7075 (7.5% TiC & TiB2) 128 9

Rockwell Hardness Test Procedure

© IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved Volume 4 Issue V, May 2016
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
B. The Rockwell Test
The Rockwell test consists of measuring the additional depth to which a carbide ball or Brale diamond penetrator is forced by a
heavy (major) load beyond the depth of a previously applied light (minor) load (SET point)
The minor load is applied first and a SET position is established on the dial gauge or displacement sensor of the Rockwell tester
The diameter of the hybrid composite Al-7075,TiC,TiB2 is 30mm. applied load = 100kgf =980.6N. At different areas in hybrid
composite Al-7075,TiC,TiB2 we applied an load for 15 seconds by using load lever. The readings are noted down at three different
Sl. No Composites Load (Kgf) Load (N) Hardness (HRB)
1 Al 7075 100 980.6 74
2 Al 7075 (2.5% TiC & TiB2) 100 980.6 76
3 Al 7075 (5% TiC & TiB2) 100 980.6 83
4 Al 7075 (7.5% TiC & TiB2) 100 980.6 87

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© IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved

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