Investigations On Microstructure, Mechanical, and Tribological Behaviour of Aa 7075 - X WT.% Tic Composites For Aerospace Applications

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archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438

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Original Research Article

Investigations on microstructure, mechanical, and

tribological behaviour of AA 7075–x wt.% TiC
composites for aerospace applications

K.R. Ramkumar a, S. Sivasankaran b,*, Fahad A. Al-Mufadi b, S. Siddharth c,

R. Raghu d
Centre of Excellence in Corrosion and Surface Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil
Nadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Qassim University, Buraidah 51452, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Amrita University, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

article info abstract

Article history: This research work was dedicated to prepare AA 7075/(0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 wt.%) TiC metal matrix
Received 2 June 2018 composites through stir casting route. The manufactured composites were effectively
Accepted 4 December 2018 characterized using various techniques such as X-ray diffraction, and advanced electron
Available online microscopes. The mechanical properties by the flexural strength and hardness results had
performed and investigated elaborately. Further, the tribological properties in terms of the
Keywords: wear resistance and the coefficient of friction was also done and demonstrated clearly. The
AA 7075 Al alloy dispersion of TiC ceramic particles and its embedding over the ductile Al 7075 matrix was
Metal matrix composite successfully obtained which exhibited excellent mechanical and surface behaviour with the
Characterization function of TiC particles when compared to monolithic Al 7075 alloy. These results were due
Mechanical properties to the particulate strengthening of hard TiC ceramic particle over the soft ductile phase. In
Wear addition, X-ray diffraction results ensured the manufacturing of Al 7075-x wt.% TiC metal
matrix composites successfully and no other inter-metallic phases were observed.
© 2018 Politechnika Wrocławska. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

particles are usually having the higher value of hardness,

1. Introduction
Young's modulus value, and excellent creep resistance.
However, the brittleness is the major flaw of ceramic particles,
The growing demand for novel lightweight materials with which is being restricted for the applications of structural and
higher strength and toughness has led to the development of aerospace parts [2]. However, the ductile metallic phases are
composite materials [1]. It is well known that the hard ceramic usually having more value of toughness; but these ductile

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K.R. Ramkumar), [email protected], [email protected] (S. Sivasankaran),
[email protected] (F.A. Al-Mufadi), [email protected]
(S. Siddharth), [email protected] (R. Raghu).
1644-9665/© 2018 Politechnika Wrocławska. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438 429

Fig. 1 – (a) Schematic of stir casting of AA 7075–TiC composite preparation and (b) photograph of stir casting furnace.

metallic phases have possessed the lower value of strength [3].

Table 1 – Chemical composition of AA 7075 alloy.
In order to improve and achieve both the strength and
toughness of ductile metallic phases, metal matrix composites Elements wt.%
(MMCs) are being used currently. MMCs are one kind of Si 0.2
engineering materials nowadays where hard ceramic particles Fe 0.23
are dispersed with ductile metals [4]. Among various kinds of Cu 1.71
MMCs, aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) are frequently Mg 2.46
Zn 5.29
used in most of the automotive and aerospace industries as it
Ti 0.54
has the lower value of density, and possesses excellent
Cr 2.21
castability [5]. Further, these AMCs have more attractive in Al Bal.
high strength-to-weight ratio, high stiffness-to-weight ratio,
high wear resistance, less cost, easily available one, more in
thermal conductivity, good in thermal stability, and so on [6– mechanical, and wear properties of AA7075/TiC composites
8]. Several researchers have focused on and studied the Al- through stir casting technique. The composites had reinforced
based MMCs reinforced with Al2O3, SiC, B4C, TiB2, ZrB2, and 0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 wt% TiC. The microstructure of the composites
TiO2 [9–13]. Among the various second phase particles, TiC characterized by X-ray diffraction and several electron micro-
ceramic particles are having the lower value of density, more scopes by which the mechanical and were behaviour with the
in strength, excellent wettability with molten Al alloys, and function of the reinforcement particles were investigated and
poor in chemical reactivity with the matrix [14–16]. Further, AA reported.
7075 alloy has the characteristics of easy to manufacture, good
abrasive resistance, excellent corrosion, good in wear resis-
2. Experimental procedure
tance, higher in strength, and heat treatable alloy. Some of the
applications of AA 7075 Al alloy are ships and submarines,
aircraft and space crafts, trucks and rail vehicles, automobiles This work encompasses the manufacturing of Al 7075–x wt.%
and prosthetic device. Several manufacturing routes are there TiC composites (x = 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5 wt.%) by stir casting
to manufacture the MMCs in which the stir casting process is method (Fig. 1). The chemical composition of AA 7075 matrix
preferred due to its simplicity, mass production, low cost, ease alloy is illustrated in Table 1. In this technique, the Al 7075
of applicability and flexibility [6,7]. However, there is no much initially kept in a crucible furnace; heated to a temperature of
research work related to AA 7075 alloy reinforced with 800 8C. Simultaneously the ceramic particles of TiC preheated
titanium carbide (TiC) ceramic particles. In this investigation, to a temperature of 200 8C in a pre-heater which is available
an attempt was made to study the synthesis, characterization, with the furnace. The properties of TiC are given in Table 2,

Table 2 – Properties of titanium carbide particles (TiC).

Density Melting Vickers Elastic Thermal Crystal
(g/cm3) point (8C) hardness (GPa) modulus (GPa) conductivity (w/m/k) structure
4.93 3067 24–32 400 17–32 Cubic
430 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438

Table 3 – The sample composition, weighing of AA 7075

matrix and TiC particles.
% Al (7075) alloy (kg) TiC (g)
0 1 0
2.5 1 25
5 1 50
7.5 1 75

which was supplied by Loba Chemie, India. Meanwhile, the Al

7075 alloy had attained its liquid state and the stirring motor
was switched on. The stir casting set-up consisted of a blade,
which was made of austenitic stainless steel. The speed of the
stirrer was limited to 300 rpm. After reaching the vortex in the
molten metal, the preheated TiC ceramic particles had mixed
evenly. During mixing, the stirrer had started to rotate at a
constant speed. Then the mixed molten metal under vortex
Fig. 3 – X-ray diffraction peak obtained on AA 7075–x wt.%
condition was kept out for sometime (10 min) at high
TiC (x = 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5) ex situ composites.
temperature to have the uniform dispersion of the reinforce-
ment with the matrix. Prior to mixing the TiC particles, the slag
was removed from the molten matrix, which floated above the
melt. The preheated ceramic TiC particles were then added to were chemically micro-etched using Keller's reagent (95 ml
the molten matrix by weight fraction starting from 2.5 wt.% to distilled water, 2.5 ml HNO3, 1.5 ml HCl, and 1.0 ml HF). The
7.5 wt.% with the step size of 2.5. The reinforcement weight scanning electron microscope of JEOL JSM6390, and the
fraction was restricted to 7.5 wt.% in the present work to retain transmission electron microscope (TEM) of JEOL JEM2100 were
considerable ductility with strength and to maintain the used for effective characterization. The electron backscattered
fluidity of the composite melt. Finally, the molten metal was diffraction (EBSD) of FEI Quanta FEG SEM equipped with TSL-
poured in the circular permanent metallic die of the size of OIM software was also performed to show the grain refine-
30 mm diameter and 250 mm length. The various sample ment occurred in AA 7075 matrix alloy by incorporating the TiC
composition, the addition of matrix AA 7075 alloy in the particles. The X-ray diffraction machine of Shimadzu XRD6000
furnace and the TiC ceramic particles in mass basis are given was used to have X-ray diffraction patterns using CuKa
in Table 3. Fig. 1(a) shows the schematic of stir casting process radiation, which was operated at 30 mA and 40 kV. During X-
used to manufacture the AA 7075–TiC composites. Fig. 1(b) ray diffraction, 20–808 scanning range with the scanning rate of
shows the photograph of bottom pouring stir casting furnace 28/min was used. The flexural strength was obtained by
used in the present research work. Further, the time steps conducting a three-point bending test. The flexural test was
involved in the manufacturing of AA 7075 alloy, and AA 7075– conducted with 1 mm/min crosshead movement. The hard-
TiC composites were illustrated as a schematic in Fig. 2. ness was recorded using a Rockwell hardness tester at 150 kgf
The standard metallographic procedure was used to load of dwell time 20 s.
characterize the manufactured ex situ MMCs samples. The The dry sliding wear tests were conducted using the
small specimen size of around 10 mm diameter with 10 mm standard Tribo Meter supplied by M/s. Ducom, Bangalore,
height was cold mounted using acrylic resin, polished with India. Before the wear test, the samples with the dimensions of
different SiC grit papers, disc polished with 9 mm alumina, and 10 mm in diameter with the height of 15 mm were prepared
lapped using 1 mm diamond suspension. Then, the samples using the wire-cut electrical discharge machine (WEDM) and

Fig. 2 – Schematic of time steps involved during manufacturing of AA 7075 alloy and AA 7075 + wt.% TiC composites.
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438 431

then the samples were washed in acetone. The counterpart was expected to the distortion of a-Al lattice produced by the
disc made of high carbon high chromium steel with the outer incorporation of TiC ceramic particles. The manufactured
diameter of 70 mm with 10 mm thickness was used. The input composites (all samples) exhibited well crystalline peaks and
parameters used were: the load of 40 N, the sliding velocity of no other intermetallic phases were observed in XRD pattern,
1.5 m/s, the sliding distance of 500 m, and the disc speed of which demonstrated explicitly that there was no impurity.
240 m. The wear test was conducted at room temperature and Further, these results had explained that there was no reaction
the wear rate was calculated by weight loss basis which was between the a-Al matrix and cubic TiC phases [18,19].
measured using the digital weighing balance of Sartorius
CP423S with 1 mg precision. Finally, the SEM investigation was 3.2. Microstructures of AA7075/TiC AMCs
carried out on the worn samples to examine the various wear
mechanism and worn surface morphology. Fig. 4 shows the SEM images of AA 7075 reinforced with the
different weight percentage of TiC particles in which the a-Al
phase and the second phase particles were clearly seen. Some
3. Results and discussions casting defects, namely, the porosity, the scratches, and the
asperities were also observed in the unreinforced monolithic
3.1. XRD of AA7075/TiC AMCs alloy (Fig. 4(a), [20]). However, the intentionally added
reinforcements particles were distributed uniformly/homo-
Fig. 3 shows the X-ray diffraction pattern obtained for AA 7075 geneously over the matrix (Fig. 4(b)–(d)). These homogeneous
(JCPDS reference number 98-008-4180) alloy reinforced with distributions of TiC particles are necessary to enhance the
different weight percentage of TiC (JCPDS reference number 96- mechanical properties of materials. Further, Fig. 4(b)–(d) had
901-2565) ex situ particles (0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 wt.%). It was clearly shown the proper interface between the TiC particles
observed that the intensity of peak corresponding to cubic TiC and the a-Al matrix which had indicated the good bonding of
phase had started to increase with the increase of weight second phase particles in the matrix. This could be expected to
percentage of TiC particles in the AMCs and simultaneously the enhance the load bearing capacity of a-Al matrix. In addition,
matrix peak (a-Al) had started to decrease [17]. Further, it was the observed clear interface between the TiC particles and a-Al
noticed that the peak position of a-Al was incoherent which matrix could be expected to increase the thermal stability. In

Fig. 4 – SEM images of Al 7075–composites of (a) Al 7075–0 wt.% TiC, (b) Al 7075–2.5 wt.% TiC, (c) Al 7075–5 wt.% TiC, (d) Al
7075–7.5 wt.% TiC composite and (e) EDX of (d).
432 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438

Fig. 5 – TEM micrographs of Al 7075–7.5% TiC composites: (a), (b) particulates and (c), (d) dislocation density.

general, the undesirable intermetallic compounds would form composites. Based on the grain size colour orientation map,
if there is no proper interface between the ceramic particles it was very clear that the AA 7075 matrix grains were refined
and matrix which lead to having the thermodynamically with the function of TiC ceramic particles. In general, the
unstable ceramic particles in the liquid matrix melt [21]. The presence of strain fields with more amounts of dislocations
energy dispersive diffraction (EDAX) pattern for AA 7075– is the major benefits to enhance the mechanical properties
7.5 wt.% TiC was also shown in Fig. 4(e) which confirmed the which could be achieved by the grain refinement process.
presence of both a-Al and TiC particles and no intermetallic Based on EBSD colour map, the grain size of a-Al matrix was
compounds [17,19]. determined and the grain size variation with the function of
However, the proper interface between the ceramic particles TiC particles is shown in Fig. 7. The observed average grain
and matrix phase with the good bonding of TiC particles in the size of a-Al matrix had started to decrease by incorporating
matrix was achieved in the present research work. In order to the TiC particles due to the pinning effect of TiC particles in
confirm the proper interface between TiC and a-Al matrix, TEM the matrix [23–25]. The calculated average grain size of AA
investigation on AA 7075–7.5 TiC AMC was carried out which is 7075 alloy, AA 7075–2.5 wt.% TiC, AA 7075–5.0 wt.% TiC, and
shown in Fig. 5. The TEM images of Fig. 5 revealed the TiC particle AA 7075–7.5 wt.% TiC AMCs were 155  4 mm, 121  3, 89
morphology, dislocations and interfacial properties in a-Al  4.5 and 65  2.5 mm, respectively (Fig. 7). Further, the
matrix phase. The measured TiC particle size was around crystallographic characteristics in terms of grain boundaries
250 nm (ultra-fine level) which was calculated from the average orientation angles, namely, low angle grain boundary
of 125 TiC particles obtained from several TEM images. Further, (LAGBs, 0–158), high angle grain boundaries (HAGBs, >158)
proper interfacial characteristics could be observed clearly based can also be used to examine the behaviour of materials. Fig. 8
on Fig. 5(a) and (b). In addition, there was no reaction layer shows the grain boundaries representations, misorientation
around the TiC particles due to which the TiC particles could not angle, and the corresponding pole figure for AA 7075 alloy
able to change its shape from around spherical shape to needle- and AA 7075 reinforced with 7.5 wt.% TiC composite. In Fig. 8
like shape. These results confirmed that the TiC particles had (a) and (d), the red colour grain boundaries were indicated
attained the stability during high-temperature casting processes. the angle from 08 to 58, the green colour grain boundaries
Moreover, more amounts of dislocations were also observed were indicated the angle from 58 to 158, and the blue colour
(Fig. 5(c) and (d)) which was due to the difference in the value of grain boundaries were indicated the angle of more than 158.
the coefficient of thermal expansion between the matrix phase From Fig. 8, it was very clear that the AA 7075–7.5 wt.% TiC
and TiC ceramic particles. In general, the a-Al matrix would composites was produced more HAGBs (78.8%) whereas the
expand and contract at a faster rate when compared to the TiC AA 7075 alloy was exhibited the HAGBs of 41.8% only. These
ceramic particles which were due to differences in the value of results explained that more grain refinement was occurred
the coefficient of thermal expansion. Due to this, a considerable in the composite. This grain refinement was expected to
amount of dislocations had formed after solidification which make the changes in the solidification of matrix melt with
produced more amount of strain fields [22]. the function of TiC particles. The introduction of TiC
Fig. 6 shows the grain size map obtained from EBSD for AA particles in a-Al matrix would lead to diminishing the a-
7075 alloy reinforced with different weight percentage of TiC Al grain growth [23,24]. This diminishing rate of grain grow
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438 433

Fig. 6 – Grain size colour orientation map obtained by EBSD for (a) AA 7075 alloy, (b) AA 7075–2.5 wt.% TiC, (c) AA 7075–5 wt.%
TiC and (d) AA 7075–7.5 wt.% TiC.

had started to increase with the percentage of TiC particles

which was the main reason to have a fine grain a-Al matrix at sb ¼ (1)
the higher amount of TiC particulate composite.
where W is the applied flexural load in 'N', L the span of the two
3.3. Mechanical properties of AA7075/TiC AMCs support in 'mm', b the width of the specimen in 'mm', and t is
the thickness of the specimen in 'mm'. Further, the corre-
The mechanical behaviour in terms of Rockwell hardness and sponding induced bending strain (eb) on the tested sample was
bending stress for the manufactured AA 7075/TiC AMCs are also calculated using:
shown in Figs. 7 and 9, respectively. The measured average
hardness of around 109 HRC was obtained in 0 wt.% eb ¼ (2)
monolithic alloy whereas around 248 HRC was obtained in
7.5 wt.% TiC reinforced composite. The improved hardness of where d is the deflection measured in 'mm' at the centre of the
around 2.3 times was obtained in the higher reinforced specimen. The variation of bending stress and bending strain
composite. This huge enhancement in hardness value was curves of AA7075/TiC composites are shown in Fig. 9. The
due to the presence of more dislocations, grain refinement, observed bending stress had started to increase with the
and effective bonding between a-Al matrix and TiC particles function of the percentage of TiC particles steadily. This
(Figs. 4–6 and 8). The induced bending stress (sb) of each was attributed to the presence of hard TiC ceramic particles,
specimen from the three-point bending test was determined its uniform distribution, grain refinement, and proper embed-
using the formula [26]: ding of TiC particles with a-Al matrix (Figs. 4–6 and 8) [14].
434 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438

Fig. 7 – Effect of TiC content on the average grain size (mm) and the Rockwell hardness number (HRC) of Al 7075–x wt.% TiC
composites (x = 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 wt.%).

Fig. 8 – EBSD results of AA 7075 alloy: (a) LAGBs and HAGBs representation, (b) misorientation angle and (c) pole figure; EBSD
results of AA 7075–7.5 wt.% TiC composite: (d) LAGBs and HAGBs representation, (e) misorientation angle and (f) pole figure.

Based on the rule of mixture, the presence of hard TiC particle matrix (Fig. 6) had expected to assist the effective load carrying
would impart hard nature in the composites and hence the capacity of the matrix. In addition, the incorporation and
AMCs possessed more bending stress. Further, the effective getting of uniform distribution of TiC particles (Fig. 4) in the
interfacial bonds (Fig. 4) between the a-Al matrix and TiC matrix would enhance the strength in the composites due to
ceramic particles, and the grain refinement occurred in the Orowan strengthening mechanism. Moreover, the associated
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438 435

surfaces and more amounts of porosities due to shrinkages

was observed in unreinforced AA 7075 alloy. However, the
observed size of voids near the TiC particles had started to
decrease with the function of reinforcement which indicated
the achievement of good bonding that might have expected to
decrease the shrinkages. The decrease in the size of void or
dimples had expected to grain refinement engendered by the
TiC particles in the matrix. Further, there were no voids around
the TiC particles which also confirmed the effective bonding in
the composites. In addition, the observed flattened fracture
surfaces with the function of TiC particles had again indicated
the effective bonding occurrence [28].

3.4. Dry sliding wear behaviour of AA7075/TiC AMCs

Fig. 9 – Bending stress–strain curves of Al 7075–x wt.% TiC The variation of wear rate, wear resistance and the coefficient
composites (x = 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 wt.%). of friction of AA 7075 alloy reinforced with the different weight
percentage of TiC particles is shown in Fig. 11. From Fig. 11(a), it
was observed that the wear rate had started to decrease with
the increase of the hard TiC ceramic particles in the a-Al
strain fields with the function of TiC particles (Fig. 5(b) and (c))
matrix. These results were attributed to the improvement of
in a-Al matrix had promoted more strength and hence the
hardness, outstanding interfacial bonding between the matrix
mechanical properties had improved in the present research
and ceramic particles, embedding of hard TiC particles, and
work. Baradeswaran and Elaya Perumal [27] had achieved the
grain refinement in the structure [25,29]. The increase in wear
improved bending strength of 435 MPa for AA 7075 alloy rein-
resistance with the incorporation of TiC second phase
forced with Al2O3 and Gr hybrid composite.
particles in a-Al matrix is also shown in Fig. 11(a). The
The fractured surfaces after bending under SEM images are addition of TiC particles in the matrix was expected to have a
shown in Fig. 10. From Fig. 10(a), it was clearly observed that homogeneous cast structure that might have reduced the
lower amount of dimples, the large size of cleavage fracture isolation of matrix. Further, the differences in the value of the

Fig. 10 – Fracture surface morphology of SEM images of Al 7075–composites of (a) Al 7075–0 wt.% TiC, (b) Al 7075–2.5 wt.% TiC,
(c) Al 7075–5 wt.% TiC and (d) Al 7075–7.5 wt.% TiC composite.
436 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438

Fig. 11 – Wear behaviour of Al 7075–x wt.% TiC (x = 0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5) composites: (a) variation of wear rate, and wear resistance
and (b) variation of coefficient of friction.

Fig. 12 – Worn surface morphology SEM images of Al 7075–composites of (a) Al 7075–0 wt.% TiC, (b) Al 7075–2.5 wt.% TiC, (c) Al
7075–5 wt.% TiC, (d) Al 7075–7.5 wt.% TiC composite and (e) EDX of (d) showing the Fe elements present in the material.

coefficient of thermal expansion between the TiC particle and had the lower value of wear resistance (Fig. 11(a)). The severe
a-Al matrix had expected to develop more amount of strain wear occurred in unreinforced alloy was attributed to the
fields consequently it led to enhance the dislocation density. presence of coarse grain matrix which had poor resistance
Due to this, the wear rate had started to decrease with the against deformation. However, the observed coefficient of
function of TiC particles. The variation of coefficient of friction friction value had started to decrease with the incorporation of
with the function of TiC particle is also shown in Fig. 11(b) in TiC particles (Fig. 11(b)) which was due to more in strength,
which the value of the coefficient of friction had started to uniform distribution of TiC particles, grain refinement, well
decrease considerably when the amount of TiC particles bonding, and embedding of TiC particles (Figs. 4–6 and 8). In
increased. The unreinforced monolithic AA 7075 alloy had general, the a-Al matrix embedded with hard TiC particles
possessed more value of the coefficient of friction and hence, it would offer more resistance against wear as the hard TiC
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 19 (2019) 428–438 437

particle would never allow the matrix to shear deformation.  The absence of voids, cracks and other defects near the
Due to this, it was expected that the contact had occurred matrix and reinforcement interface provided the way for the
between the reinforcement particles and the steel counterface occurrence of effective load transfer from Al 7075 matrix to
in which the hard TiC particle would act as third body abrasion TiC reinforcement, which results in the enhancement of
[27,30]. This could minimize the coefficient of friction and flexural strength.
hence, the coefficient of friction had started to decrease with  The increasing of reinforcement in the matrix had exhibited
the function of TiC particles (Fig. 11(b)). improved wear resistance due to increase in strength in the
The worn surface morphology observed from SEM of AA matrix, dispersion strengthening, and effective bonding.
7075–x wt.% TiC (x = 0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5) AMCs is shown in Figs. 12
(a)–(d). The abrasion and delamination mechanisms are the
common two wear mechanisms which would occur during the
Data availability statement
sliding wear test [23,24]. From Fig. 12(a) and (b), it was
obviously explained that severe delamination, more grooves,
rigorous surface failure, matrix peeling, more scratches, and The experimental datasets obtained from this research work
more ploughing had occurred in AA 7075 monolithic alloy and and then the analyzed results during the current study are
AA 7075–2.5 wt.% TiC AMCs. Further, the adhesive wear available from the corresponding author on reasonable
mechanism was expected to be the dominant one as these request.
samples was poor in strength and lower value of hardness.
Some wear debris with white particles was also observed
Authors' contributions
which was expected to oxidization. The formed debris was
attributed to poor in adhesive. However, fewer defects had
observed in AA 7075–5 wt.% TiC AMCs and AA 7075–7.5 wt.% Dr. S. Sivasankaran has framed the idea of this work and
TiC AMCs. Further, wear tracks with good tribo-film had also designed the experiments. Mr. K.R. Ramkumar and Mr. S.
observed in these AMCs (5 and 7.5 wt.% TiC) samples. Due to Siddharth have carried out the experimental part of this work.
this, the value of the coefficient of friction had started to Mr. R. Raghu has done the characterization studies using SEM
decrease with the function of reinforcement consequently the and TEM. Dr. Fahad Al-Mufadi has contributed to materials
good tribo film could decrease the adhesive wear. In addition, and tools. Dr. S. Sivasankaran has written this paper and
the higher reinforced sample had exhibited less wear track, finally Dr. Fahad Al-Mufadi has fine tuned the article.
fewer damages, and no oxidization layer. This was expected to
possess higher amount of resistances, uniform distribution of
reinforcements, more in strength, and effective interfacial
strength between TiC particles [31] and a-Al matrix. Based on Acknowledgments
these results, it could be concluded that admirable improved
tribological properties could be achieved in the manufactured On behalf of all teamwork of this research, the corresponding
AMCs and hence, the parts made of these materials are author wishes to thank the Qassim University for all the
expected to run in long life which is the major expectations in funding and support required to carry out this research.
the aerospace industries.

4. Conclusion

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