My Father Goes To Court

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Scholastica’s College Tacloban

Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic, Palo, Leyte

Course Title: Philippine Literature Date: September 21, 2023

Course Code: GECC-9
Professor: Chariebelle B. Cabeltis, LPT

Name: Cristine Dominique E. Donaire Program & Section: BSN-3E

Output 4: YES, to S.T.E.A.L!

As discussed during our first discussion, there are two types of characterization:
direct characterization and indirect characterization. Direct Characterization is easy
to identify knowing its explicitness. Indirect characterization, on the other hand, is a
little difficult. How do we identify the characterization when it is indirect? One way is
S.T.E.A.L. -ing!
My Father Goes to Court
by: Carlos Bulosan


SPEECH “Do you claim that we This reveals that the
stole the spirit of your father is essentially
food by hanging outside questioning the morality
your windows when your and integrity of the
servants cooked it?” wealthy American. The
Father said. father values his truth and
justice. He is suggesting
“Do you claim that we that the American's
stole the spirit of your wealth has not brought
wealth and became a him happiness or a joyful
laughing family while family life but has instead
yours became morose made him bitter and sad.
and sad?” Father said. On the other hand, the
father is proud of his own
family, which, despite
their modest means, is a
happy and laughing
family. The father is
implying that their
happiness and integrity
cannot be bought or
stolen by the wealthy.

THOUGHTS “We were all healthy These are the thoughts of

because we went out in the narrator when he was
the sun and bathed in the with his family. These

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St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban
Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic, Palo, Leyte

cool water of the river that thoughts reveal that this

flowed from the character is in good
mountains into the sea. health and enjoys a joyful
Sometimes we wrestled and carefree life. The
with one another in the statement conveys a
house before we went to sense of closeness within
play. We were always in the family. They engaged
the best of spirits and our in physical activities like
laughter was contagious. wrestling with each other,
Other neighbors who which is a common way
passed by our house for siblings or family
often stopped in our yard members to bond. This
and joined us in laughter”, physical interaction also
the narrator said. implies that they had the
energy and vitality to
engage in such activities.

EFFECTS on the others Paragraph 3. This shift in the rich man's

toward the character behavior symbolizes a
Some days the rich man growing conflict or tension
appeared at a window between the wealthy
and glowered down at us. American neighbor and
He looked at us one by the immigrant family. It
one, as though he were signifies a deterioration in
condemning us. their relationship, possibly
due to cultural
differences, economic
disparities, or the rich
man's changing
perceptions of the
immigrant community.

ACTIONS Paragraph 5. The rich man's reaction is

significant. He slams the
One day the rich man window shut and hurries
appeared at a window to close all the windows in
and stood there a long his house. This reaction
implies a sense of
time. He looked at my
discomfort or unease on
sisters, who had grown fat his part. It suggests that
in laughing, then at my the sight of the happy,
brothers, whose arms and sturdy, and close-knit
legs were like the molave, Filipino family challenges
which is the sturdiest tree his preconceived notions
in the Philippines. He or threatens his own
sense of privilege and
banged down the window
and ran through his
house, shutting all the

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St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban
Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic, Palo, Leyte

windows. On the other hand, the

other family did not react
much about it.

In this passage, Carlos

Bulosan is using vivid
imagery and symbolism to
highlight the contrast
between the immigrant
family's happiness,
resilience, and unity and
the rich man's apparent
discomfort with witnessing
this. It underscores the
theme of social and
economic disparity, as
well as the immigrant
family's ability to find
happiness and strength in
their close relationships
despite their challenging

LOOKS Paragraph 4. The phrase "our faces

were bright and rosy"
Our faces were bright and describes the healthy and
cheerful appearance of
rosy, but theirs were pale
the narrator's family. It
and sad. suggests that they have a
robust and lively
demeanor, likely a result
of spending time
outdoors, engaging in
physical activities, and
having a generally
positive outlook on life.

The term "theirs were

pale and sad" highlights
the emotional condition of
the rich American
neighbor's family. The
word "pale" suggests a
lack of vitality or
enthusiasm, while "sad"
indicates a sense of
melancholy or
unhappiness. This
description implies that
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St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban
Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic, Palo, Leyte

the American family

members are not
experiencing the same
level of joy or
contentment as the
narrator's family.

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