1st Lecture

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Shaqlawa Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University

Medical Laboratory Technology Department

First Stage, First Semester
General Chemistry
Hardi Rafat Baqi (MSc. Biochemistry)
E-mail: [email protected]

Matter and Substance

The Atomic and Molecular Perspective of
Chemistry is the study of the properties and behavior of matter.
Matter is the physical material of the universe; it is anything that has mass and occupies space.
A property is any characteristic that allows us to recognize a particular type of matter and to
distinguish it from other types.
This lecture, your body, the air you are breathing, and the clothes you are wearing are all samples
of matter.
We observe a tremendous variety of matter in our world, but countless experiments have shown
that all matter is comprised of combinations of only about 100 substances called elements.

The Atomic and Molecular Perspective of
One of our major goals will be to relate the properties of matter to its composition, that is, to the
particular elements it contains.

Chemistry also provides a background for understanding the properties of matter in terms of
atoms, the almost infinitesimally small building blocks of matter.
Each element is composed of a unique kind of atom.
We will see that the properties of matter relate to both the kinds of atoms the matter contains
(composition) and the arrangements of these atoms (structure).

Composition and Structure of Molecules
In molecules, two or more atoms are joined in specific shapes.

Composition and Structure of Molecules
For example, notice that the molecules of ethanol and ethylene glycol have different
compositions and structures.
Ethanol contains one oxygen atom, depicted by one red sphere.
In contrast, ethylene glycol contains two oxygen atoms.
Even apparently minor differences in the composition or structure of molecules can cause
profound differences in properties.
For example, let’s compare ethanol and ethylene glycol, to be quite similar.
Ethanol is the alcohol in beverages such as beer and wine, whereas ethylene glycol is a viscous
liquid used as automobile antifreeze.

Macroscopic and Submicroscopic realm
Chemistry is the science that seeks to understand the properties and behavior of matter by
studying the properties and behavior of atoms and molecules.
as we proceed with our study of chemistry, we will find ourselves thinking in two realms:
The macroscopic realm of ordinary-sized objects (macro = large) and the submicroscopic realm
of atoms and molecules.
We make our observations in the macroscopic world, but to understand that world, we must
visualize how atoms and molecules behave at the submicroscopic level.

Classification of matter
Matter is typically characterized by:
•Its physical state (gas, liquid, or solid)
•Its composition (whether it is an element, a compound, or a mixture).

States of matter
A sample of matter can be a gas, a liquid, or a solid.
These three forms, called the states of matter, differ in some of their observable properties.
A gas (also known as vapor) has no fixed volume or shape; rather, it uniformly fills its container.
A gas can be compressed to occupy a smaller volume, or it can expand to occupy a larger one.
A liquid has a distinct volume independent of its container, and assumes the shape of the
portion of the container it occupies.
A solid has both a definite shape and a definite volume.
Neither liquids nor solids can be compressed to any appreciable extent.

Properties of the states of matter
In a gas the molecules are far apart and moving at high speeds, colliding repeatedly with one
another and with the walls of the container.
Compressing a gas decreases the amount of space between molecules and increases the
frequency of collisions between molecules but does not alter the size or shape of the molecules.
In a liquid, the molecules are packed closely together but still move rapidly.
The rapid movement allows the molecules to slide over one another; thus, a liquid pours easily.
In a solid the molecules are held tightly together, usually in definite arrangements in which the
molecules can wiggle only slightly in their otherwise fixed positions.

Properties of the states of matter
The distances between molecules are similar in the liquid and solid states, but the two states
differ in how free the molecules are to move around.
Changes in temperature and/or pressure can lead to conversion from one state of matter to
another, illustrated by such familiar processes as ice melting or water vapor condensing

Pure substances
Most forms of matter we encounter—the air we breathe (a gas), the gasoline we burn in our
cars (a liquid), and the sidewalk we walk on (a solid)—are not chemically pure.
We can, however, separate these forms of matter into pure substances.
A pure substance (usually referred to simply as a substance) is matter that has distinct
properties and a composition that does not vary from sample to sample.
Water and table salt (sodium chloride) are examples of pure substances.

All substances are either elements or
Elements are substances that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances.
On the molecular level, each element is composed of only one kind of atom.
Compounds are substances composed of two or more elements; they contain two or more kinds
of atoms.
Water, for example, is a compound composed of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.
Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances in which each substance retains its
chemical identity.

Currently, 118 elements are known, though they vary widely in abundance.
Hydrogen constitutes about 74% of the mass in the Milky Way galaxy, and helium constitutes
Closer to home (Earth), only five elements—oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and calcium—
account for over 90% of Earth’s crust (including oceans and atmosphere), and only three—
oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen—account for over 90% of the mass of the human body

The symbol for each element consists of one or two letters, with the first letter capitalized.
These symbols are derived mostly from the English names of the elements, but sometimes they
are derived from a foreign name instead.

Most elements can interact with other elements to form compounds.
For example, when hydrogen gas burns in oxygen gas, the elements hydrogen and oxygen
combine to form the compound water.
Conversely, water can be decomposed into its elements by passing an electrical current through

Pure water, regardless of its source, consists of 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen by mass.
This macroscopic composition corresponds to the molecular composition, which consists of two
hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen atom:

Property comparison
The properties of water bear no resemblance to the properties of its component elements.
Hydrogen, oxygen, and water are each a unique substance, a consequence of the uniqueness of
their respective molecules.

Most of the matter we encounter consists of mixtures of different substances.
Each substance in a mixture retains its chemical identity and properties.
In contrast to a pure substance, which by definition has a fixed composition, the composition of
a mixture can vary.
A cup of sweetened coffee, for example, can contain either a little sugar or a lot.
The substances making up a mixture are called components of the mixture.

The substances making up a mixture are called components of the mixture.
Some mixtures do not have the same composition, properties, and appearance throughout.
Rocks and wood, for example, vary in texture and appearance in any typical sample.
Such mixtures are heterogeneous.

Mixtures that are uniform throughout are homogeneous.
Air is a homogeneous mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and smaller amounts of other gases.
The nitrogen in air has all the properties of pure nitrogen because both the pure substance and
the mixture contain the same nitrogen molecules.
Salt, sugar, and many other substances dissolve in water to form homogeneous mixtures.
Homogeneous mixtures are also called solutions.
Although the term solution conjures an image of a liquid, solutions can be solids, liquids, or

Properties of matter
Every substance has unique properties.
The properties of matter can be categorized as physical or chemical.
Physical properties can be observed without changing the identity and composition of the
These properties include color, odor, density, melting point, boiling point, and hardness.
Chemical properties describe the way a substance may change, or react, to form other
A common chemical property is flammability, the ability of a substance to burn in the presence
of oxygen.

Intensive and Extensive
Some properties, such as temperature and melting point, are intensive properties.
Intensive properties do not depend on the amount of sample being examined and are
particularly useful in chemistry because many intensive properties can be used to identify
Extensive properties depend on the amount of sample, with two examples being mass and
Extensive properties relate to the amount of substance present.

Physical and chemical change
The changes substances undergo are either physical or chemical.
During a physical change, a substance changes its physical appearance but not its composition.
(That is, it is the same substance before and after the change.)
The evaporation of water is a physical change.
When water evaporates, it changes from the liquid state to the gas state, but it is still composed
of water molecules.

Physical and chemical change
All changes of state (for example, from liquid to gas or from liquid to solid) are physical changes.
In a chemical change (also called a chemical reaction), a substance is transformed into a
chemically different substance.
When hydrogen burns in air, for example, it undergoes a chemical change because it combines
with oxygen to form water.

Law of Conservation of Mass
Mass is the quantity of matter in a material
Antoine Lavoisier (1743–1794), a French chemist, was one of the
first to insist on the use of the balance in chemical research.
By weighing substances before and after chemical change, he
demonstrated the law of conservation of mass, which states that
the total mass remains constant during a chemical change
(chemical reaction).


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