Summer Training Report Guidelines 2011

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Delhi College of Advanced Studies, New Delhi

CONDUCT OF SUMMER TRAINING: BBA, BBA (B&I) & BBA(TTM) SEMESTER IV STUDENTS Objective 1. Students of BBA, BBA(B&I) & BBA(TTM) of Semester IV are to constructively engage themselves in summer training as part of curriculum at the end of their Semester IV. The summer training is to be carried out in a firm or company. On completion of the summer training each student is required to submit a written report. The academic objectives of summer training are to Work & gain knowledge of real business environment, Analyse how theoretical concepts taught are applied/not applied in real situations, Analyse best practices of a company/industry in different functional areas, Enhance analytical & application abilities of students, and Develop skills in technical report writing through data collection, data analysis, data presentation and draw lessons cogently vis--vis a given firm or company. The objective of this Academic Circular is to lay guidelines to conduct summer training and to standardize the format of submission of report. University Scheme for Summer Training 2. As per the syllabi of BBA , BBA(B&I) & BBA(TTM ) students of Semester IV are to carry out summer training in a firm or company for the duration of Eight Weeks and to submit a report within Two Weeks of the commencement of semester V. The report evaluation has two components, viz. (a) External : Project (50 Marks); it involves external viva. (b) Internal : Project (50 Marks); it involves viva & presentation before an internal Committee. Scope of Summer Training 3. It is partly responsibility of the student to find a firm or company where he/she intends to carry out his/her summer training. A firm or company once fixed cannot be changed. It is necessary for each student to get the approval of the name of firm or company from the Summer Training Coordinator. Each student is required to carry out the work independently and submit the report individually. ANY PREVIOUS WORK OR BORROWED REPORT WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED AND IN ALL CASES OF REJECTION THE WORK IS TO BE REPEATED AFRESH.

Final Report 4. The Guidelines for methodology to be adopted for conducting the summer training are attached as Appendix-A. The format of the project report is attached as Appendix-B. All students are to adhere to these guidelines. Schedule of Submissions To be Completed By Date Activity Submission of Firms Companys Name Where the student intends doing Summer training Commencement of Summer Training Mid-Term re-view : Submission of work Done in first four weeks-complete Chapter-1 Submission of Draft report to the Respective guide Discussion with guides and return of corrected report Submission of Final Report (One Hard copy & CD) to the respective guide Viva & Presentation to the Internal Committee Total Marks Marks Alloted Remarks -

10 10 10 20 50

As per Appendix-A As per Appendix-A

6. The lists of Summer Training Coordinators, Faculty Guides and students for BBA, BBA(B&I) BBA (TTM) are attached as Appendix C, D & E respectively. 1. All Students of BBA, BBA(B&I) BBA (TTM) Semester IV 2. Faculty Coordinators & Guides (Prof. (Dr.) J.P. Varshney)) Director

Appendix-A (Refer Para 4) CONTENTS OF SUMMER TRAINING REPORT Chapter plan and the contents that are to be included in the summer training report are given below (Report should be covered within 40-50 double space typed pages): Chapter-1: Profile of the Firm/Company This chapter is to include the following aspects: 1. Name of the firm/company, its complete address along with telephone numbers, email address, website name. Mention whether local, national or multinational. If national/multinational, give location & address of the registered office and geographical areas of operation of the company. 2. Explain the nature of the organisation and its business (service/production/trading etc), i.e., type of industry & business in which the company is operating. Mention any specific functional area, if any such as marketing, finance, HR, logistics etc, in which the company is operating. 3. Companys vision & mission. 4. Product range of the company. 5. Size (in terms of manpower & turnover) of organisation. 5. Organisation structure of the company. 6. Market share & position of the company in the industry.
7. Present leadership. Mention the people & their level with whom you have interacted

during the summer training.

8. Source of data collection: Give source of data for each type of data that you have included

in the report. Chapter-2: SWOT Analysis of the Company This chapter is to include the following aspects: 1. Strengths & Weaknesses of the company. 2. Opportunities & Threats that the company faces.

3. Best practices/USPs that the company follows in different functional areas such as marketing, HR, finance, inventory management, CRM, logistics, ITES, etc.
4. Explain the variations/deviations in practices followed by the company vis--vis the

concepts taught to you in the classroom. Chapter-3: Analysis of Financial Reports of the Company This chapter is to include the following aspects: 1. Analysis of Balance Sheet of the company and comments on its various components of at least two years. 2. Analysis of Trading, Profit & Loss Statements of at least two years. 3. Analysis of Cash Flow Statement of the company of at least two years. Chapter-4: Lessons Learnt In this chapter students are to mention learning value of the summer training covering following aspects (these are suggestive but not exhaustive): 1. Comment on your experience about the working environment obtaining in the company. 2. Briefly explain the practical knowledge you gained during your summer training in terms of practices followed by the company in different functional areas of management. 3. Difficulties, if any, experienced in the company where you have undergone summer training. Also, give your recommendations/suggestions whether the students should be sent to the company in future for summer training.

Appendix-B (Refer Para 4) FORMAT OF THE PROJECT REPORT Format

1. The final report should be written and compiled in the following the sequence: (a) Title Page (b) Certificate (s) (c) Acknowledgements (d) Contents (e) List of Tables (f) List of Figures (g) List of Symbols (h) List of Abbreviations (j) Body of the Report (As per Appendix A) (k) References/Bibliography (l) Appendices

Title Page 2. The format of the title page is attached as Annexure-I. Certificate 3.The format of the certificate is attached as Annexure-II. A certificate of the organisation where the student has conducted the summer training may also be attached separately after the Institutes certificate. Acknowledgements 4. In the Acknowledgements page, the writer recognises his indebtedness for guidance and assistance by the faculty guide and any other member (s). Courtesy demands that he/she also recognises specific contributions by other persons or institutions such as libraries and research foundations. Acknowledgements should be expressed simply, tastefully, and tactfully duly signed above the name. Contents & List of Tables/Figures/Symbols/Abbreviation 5. The format of Contents and list of Tables/Figures/Symbols is attached as Annexure-III. Body of the Report: Guidelines for Report Writing 6.The guidelines for writing the report detailed in Appendix-A. Following aspects must be adhered to: (a) Page Size: Good quality white A4 size executive bond paper should be used for typing and duplication.

(b) Chapter/Para Numbering: The chapters are to be numbered as Chapter-1, Chapter-2 etc. The heading/title of the chapter is to appear below the chapter number in uppercase. Paragraphs are to be numbered as 1,2,3 etc in every chapter separately. Sub-paras are to be numbered as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3----, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3-----etc. Sub-sub paras are to be numbered as 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 etc. (c) Page Specifications: (i) Left Margin (ii) Right Margin (iii) Top Margin (iv) Bottom Margin : 1.25 inch : 1.25 inch : 1 inch : 1 inch

(d) Page Numbers: All text pages starting from Body of the Project Report should be numbered at the bottom center of the pages. (e) Normal Body Text: (i) Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, Double Spacing, Single Side Writing. (ii) Paragraphs Heading Font Size: 12, Times New Roman. (iii)Page/Title Font Size: 14 (f) Structure of Final Report: The report should be of covered within 40 to 50 typed pages in double space (excluding Appendices and Bibliography) on A4 size paper with 12 font size. (g) Table and Figure Number: Table and figure numbers are to be written at the bottom of the table/ figure as given below: (i) Table No-1: Number of Employees in Organisation ABC (ii) Figure No-1: Sales Figures of ABC Company for 2004-2010 (h) Binding & Color Code of the Report: (i) Hard Bound Report (ii) Background of the cover page For BBA For BBA (B&I) For BBA(TTM) (iii)Letters in Silver White

References/Bibliography 7. Examples are given below: 1. D.L. Carney, J.I. Cochran, The 5ESS Switching System: Architectural Overview, AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64, no. 6, July-August 1985, pp. 1339-1356. 2. A. Stevens, C++ Database Development, MIS Press, New York, 1992, p. 34. 3. 4. Appendices 8. The appendices are to be attached at the end of the report and to be numbered as Appendix-A, Appendix-B etc. right justified at the top of the page. Below the word Appendix write in parenthesis Refer Para No__. The para number should be the number in the body of text where the reference of appendix is given. An appendix may have annexure (s). The annexures, if any, are to be attached immediately after the said appendix. The annexures are to be numbered as Annexure-I, Annexure-II etc.


Title of the Summer Training Report

(Font size = 18)

(Name of the organization) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) or Bachelor of Business Administration (Banking & Insurance) or Bachelor of Business Administration (Tour & Travel Management)

Affiliated To

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Guide: Guide Name

Submitted by: Student Name Roll No.:

Delhi College of Advanced Studies New Delhi 110018 Batch (2009-2012)


I, Mr./Ms._______________________________, Roll No. ________________ certify that the Summer Training Report (Paper Code-------) entitled ________________________________ is done by me and it is an authentic work carried out by me at ___________________________ (Name of the firm or company). The matter embodied in this has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student Date:

Certified that the Summer Training Report (Paper Code-------) entitled ____________ done by Mr./Ms._______________________________, Roll No. ___________, is completed under my guidance.

Signature of the Guide Date: Name of the Guide: Designation:


Prof. (Dr.) J.P. Varshney) Director


S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Topic Certificate (s) Acknowledgements List of Tables List of Figures List of Symbols List of Abbreviations Chapter-1: Profile of the Firm/Company
Chapter-2: SWOT Analysis of the Company Chapter-3: Analysis of Financial Reports of the Company Chapter-4: Lessons Learnt References/Bibliography Appendices

Page No. -

FORMAT FOR LIST OF TABLES/FIGURES/ SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title 1 Number of Employees in Organisation ABC 2 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title 1 Sales Figures of ABC Company for 2004-2010 2 LIST OF SYMBOLS S. No. Symbol 1 2 @ Nomenclature & Meaning Sigma (summation) At the rate LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS S.No. Abbreviated Name 1 CRM 2 EPS Full Name Customer Relationship Management Earning Per Share Page No. Page No.

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