DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q1 - W6
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q1 - W6
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q1 - W6
A. Reviewing previous Review past lessons about Review of the past lesson Review past lessons on the first Review the past lesson on
lesson and presenting digital logo. What are the different types of and second drawing challenge cartoon character made
new lesson Ask: what are logos? What do cartoons? Which is the Sketch n’
logos do? Draw
B. Establishing a purpose Today, you will realize that art Today, you are going to do Today we are going to do the Tell the pupils:
for the lesson processes, some challenges on making a third challenge on cartoon face Today, we are going to do
elements, and principles cartoon face drawing challenge challenge. the Activity 2- Cosplay
still apply even with the
use of technologies.
C. Presenting For the second part of our Tell and ask the pupils: Tell the pupils that they are Tell the pupils:
examples/instances of lesson, we will study cartoon How can one be a successful in going to do the third challenge Cosplay is short for
the lesson character making and study creating cartoon character? which is all about Sketch n’ “costume play”
ther following: Creating cartoon character is Draw and Inkscape. It involves creating
1. Origin and Nature of fun. costumes, styling a dress,
Cartoons This takes practice and Tell the Procedures: and mimicking a favorite
2. Types of Cartoons patience. 1. Scan and and save your cartoon, movie or video
3. The art of cartoon art as a digital file as game character. Cosplay
character making you did in making your is commonly seen at
4. Methods and digital logo. shopping mall, parks,
Principles of Cartoon 2. Search the internet for science fiction
Charatcer Making various website video conventions and book
5. Digital Cartoon tutorials on how to fairs.
Character Making create cartoon
characters using
software programs,
The third challenge is all about
Sketch n’ Draw and Inkscape.
1. Scan and and save
your art as a
digital file as you
did in making your
digital logo.
2. Search the
internet for
various website
video tutorials on
how to create
cartoon characters
using software
D. Discussing new Show pictures of different Discuss about the physical 3. Download any of Discussion on cosplay a
concepts and cartoons character like Mickey features, facial character, facial these image well-designed costume
practicing new skills Mouse, Pinocchio etc.. expression, hands, and the feet programs for final cosplay costume relies on
#1 character layout the creativity and skills of
using a tablet and the cosplayer.
digital pen.
Print out and copy
E. Discussing new Discuss what are cartoons and Talk about the recent Find out who is the best A role playing complete
concepts and how cartoons evolve developments in cartoon invention and best cartoon an effective cosplay
practicing new skills What are the different types of making character is most interesting costume
#2 cartoons in Editorial cartoon, and funniest?
strip cartoon, and caricature
F. Developing mastery Activity to try: Have you ever Do the activity: Group activity:
(lead to formative tried drawing a caricature? Cartoon Face Drawing A. Creation
assessment 3) Choose anyone who likes to challenge: Procedures:
have fun, ask yourself what is Materials: 1. Choose a character to
special to them? Are they tall Pencils, oslo paper, crayons, felt cosplay, choose a cartoon
and skinny? Do they smile a tip pen or marker. character that fits a
lot? Do their ears stick out? Procedures: model’s general
Draw a cartoon character of appearance , such as
yourself, inventing a cartoon height and weight.
character and drawing a 2.Take into consideration
cartoon character digitally your group’s skills and
1. Study yourself in a limitations before
mirror choosing a character
2. See what your eyes 3.Choose an outfit
and mouth are up to 4.Search materials
Does the finished picture make when you are sleepy, 5.Visualize your own
you laugh? shocked, angry ideas
naughty etc.. 6.Look for recycle
3. Sketch the result. materials to transform
7.Apply make up for the
8.Presentation of the
G. Finding practical Where do cartoonist get their Let the pupils Invent their own Give a suitable name of the Taking a mold of a body
application of ideas to create them cartoon character based on cartoon character you made part special effects
concepts and skills in their image, and let them tell and what is applied to you as manipulation is part of
daily living their character to their your own image? cartoon character-making
H. Making generalization Cartoonist has been creating Cartoonist has been creating Cartoonist has been creating Cartoonist has been
and abstractions amusing characters and fantasy amusing characters and fantasy amusing characters and fantasy creating amusing
about the lesson creatures for a long time. Many creatures for a long time. Many creatures for a long time. Many characters and fantasy
ideas come from their life. ideas come from their life. ideas come from their life creatures for a long time.
Many ideas come from
I. Evaluating learning Prepare learning logs Prepare learning logs Prepare learning logs Prepare learning logs
Learning logs help you Learning logs help you integrate Learning logs help you integrate Learning logs help you
integrate the art content, art the art content, art process, the art content, art process, and integrate the art content,
process, and personal feelings and personal feelings that you personal feelings that you art process, and personal
that you experience in our experience in our lesson, experience in our lesson, feelings that you
lesson, 1. What did I do in my art class 1. What did I do in my art class experience in our lesson,
1. What did I do in my art class today? today? 1. What did I do in my art
today? 2. What did I learn? 2. What did I learn? class today?
2. What did I learn? 3. What did I find interesting 3. What did I find interesting 2. What did I learn?
3. What did I find interesting about the art? about the art? 3. What did I find
about the art? 4.What questions do I have 4.What questions do I have interesting about the art?
4.What questions do I have about what I learned about what I learned 4.What questions do I
about what I learned 5. What was the point of 5. What was the point of have
5. What was the point of today’s lesson? today’s lesson? about what I learned
today’s lesson? 5. What was the point of
today’s lesson?
J. Additional activities
for application or
VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.