Concrete Ring Wall Foundation 02

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- Item No. TK-1601

- Service Oily Water Retention Tanks
- Type Concrete Ring Wall Foundation

- Refer to Dwg.No. 8474L-015-DW-1743-626
- Refer to G.A Dwg No. RGX-D-87-1354-001


- Dead Load, Shell, Roof, & Ext.Structure Loads : DL 14.37 kN/m

- Live Load : LL 2.89 kN/m
- Uniform Load, Operating Condition : WO 112.89 kN/m2
- Uniform Load, Hydrotest Load : Wh 123.93 kN/m2
- Base Shear due to Wind : FW 80.71 kN
- Reaction due to Wind : RW 2.09 kN/m
- Moment Due to Wind : MW 533.15 kN-m
- Base Shear due to Seismic Load : FS 807.26 kN
- Reaction due to Seismic Load : RS 17.16 kN/m
- Moment Due to Seismic Load : MS 4492.39 kN-m


- Diameter of Tank = D = 9.000 m

- Bolt Center Dia = BCD = 9.174 m
- Height of Tank = HT = 12.000 m


fy 420 MPa
fc' 28 MPa
g Concrete 24.00 kN/m3
g Steel 78.40 kN/m3
g Soil 18.00 kN/m3
g Water 10.00 kN/m3


Net Soil Bearing Capacity of Area

In normal operations 250 kPa

Coefficient of Lateral Soil Pressure

Angle of Internal Friction f= 30
Active soil pressure coefficient Ka = tan² (45 - /2) 0.33
At rest soil pressure coefficient Ko = 1 - sin 0.50
Passive soil pressure coefficient Kp = tan² (45 + /2) 3.00
Coefficient of friction m= 0.50


- Top of Ringwall EL + 100.300 m

- Bottom of Ringwall EL + 97.000 m
- Unit Elevation EL + 100.000 m

EL+ 100.300 m


EL+ 97.000 m

- Width of Ring wall b= 1.00 m

- Height of Ringwall df = 3.30 m
- Soil Cover h2 = 3.00 m
- Projection h1 = 0.30 m

- Footing Outer Dia Do = BCD + b 10.17 m

- Footing Inner Dia Di = BCD - b 8.17 m

Areas & Moment of Inertia

- Area of Ring Foundation AF =  ( D02-Di2 ) / 4 28.821 m2

- Area of Soil AS =  Di2 / 4 52.5 m2
- Area enclosed by Tank AT =  D2 / 4 63.6 m2

- Moment of Inertia of Ring S =  ( Do3-Di3 ) / 32 49.8 m3


Weight of Ring Footing WF = F * df * Concrete 2282.62 KN

% Contant Load transferred to Ring ( P1 ) 17.51 %

% Contant Load transferred to Soil ( P 2 ) 82.49 %
P1 = (AT - AS) / AT * 100
P2 = 100 - P 1
Vertical Horizontal Moment
Below Ring Below Soil
kN kN kN kN-m
- Ringwall Selfweight : DSW 2282.62 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Structure Weight excluding Selfweight : DSA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Live Load : LL 83.29 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Tank Load for Erection : EQE 414.16 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Tank Contant Load : EQO 1257.76 5923.99 0.00 0.00
- Tand Hydrotest Load : EQT 1380.76 6503.33 0.00 0.00
- Wind Load :W 60.24 0.00 80.71 799.49
- Seismic Load :E 494.57 0.00 807.26 7156.35
- Internal Pressure - Operating : IPO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Internal Pressure - Test : IPT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Fluid Surge Load : FSL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vertical Loading (N) Horizontal Loading (H) Moment (M)
LL = LL *  * BCD W =Fw W = Mw + H * df
EQE = DL *  * BCD E =FS E = MS + H * df
Below Ring EQO = ( WO * AT ) * P1
Below Soil EQO = ( WO * AT ) * P2
Below Ring EQT = ( W h * AT ) * P1
Below Soil EQT = ( W h * AT ) * P2
W = RW *  * BCD
E = RS *  * BCD


Unfactored Loading Combination (L/C)

L/C Nos Load Combinations Below Ring Below Soil
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN-m)
701 Erection + Wind 2757.01 0 80.71 799.49
702 2636.54 0 -80.71 -799.49
703 Erection + Earthquake 2780.22 0 576.38 5109.63
704 2073.98 0 -576.38 -5109.63
705 Operating w/o Wind 4037.83 5923.99 0.00 0.00
706 4037.83 5923.99 0.00 0.00
707 Operating + Wind 4098.06 5923.99 80.71 799.49
708 3977.59 5923.99 -80.71 -799.49
709 4098.06 5923.99 80.71 799.49
710 3977.59 5923.99 -80.71 -799.49
711 Operating + Earthquake 4390.95 5923.99 576.38 5109.63
712 3684.71 5923.99 -576.38 -5109.63
713 4390.95 5923.99 576.38 5109.63
714 3684.71 5923.99 -576.38 -5109.63
715 Test w/o Wind 4119.18 6503.33 0.00 0.00
716 4119.18 6503.33 0.00 0.00
717 Test + Wind 4155.32 6503.33 48.43 479.70
718 4083.04 6503.33 -48.43 -479.70
719 4155.32 6503.33 48.43 479.70
720 4083.04 6503.33 -48.43 -479.70

4.6.1- Check Soil Pressure

Area of Ring Foundation AF =  ( D02-Di2 ) / 4 28.821 m2

Area of Soil AS =  Di2 / 4 52.5 m2

Max soil pressure Below Ring : PR = NR / AF + M/S < Pallow : Allowable Soil Pressure
Max soil pressure Below Soil : PS = NS / AS < Pallow : Allowable Soil Pressure

NR / A M/S PR PS Pallow
L/C Nos Load Combinations Status
(KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²)
701 Erection + Wind 95.66 16.063 111.72 0.00 333.33 PASS
702 91.48 -16.063 75.42 0.00 333.33 PASS
703 Erection + Earthquake 96.47 102.661 199.13 0.00 333.33 PASS
704 71.96 -102.661 -30.70 0.00 333.33 PASS
705 Operating w/o Wind 140.10 0.000 140.10 112.89 250.00 PASS
706 140.10 0.000 140.10 112.89 250.00 PASS
707 Operating + Wind 142.19 16.063 158.25 112.89 332.50 PASS
708 138.01 -16.063 121.95 112.89 332.50 PASS
709 142.19 16.063 158.25 112.89 332.50 PASS
710 138.01 -16.063 121.95 112.89 332.50 PASS
711 Operating + Earthquake 152.35 102.661 255.01 112.89 333.33 PASS
712 127.85 -102.661 25.19 112.89 333.33 PASS
713 152.35 102.661 255.01 112.89 333.33 PASS
714 127.85 -102.661 25.19 112.89 333.33 PASS
715 Test w/o Wind 142.92 0.000 142.92 123.93 333.33 PASS
716 142.92 0.000 142.92 123.93 333.33 PASS
717 Test + Wind 144.18 9.638 153.81 123.93 333.33 PASS
718 141.67 -9.638 132.03 123.93 333.33 PASS
719 144.18 9.638 153.81 123.93 333.33 PASS
720 141.67 -9.638 132.03 123.93 333.33 PASS

4.6.2- Check Overturning

Resistant moment : Mr = N.Do / 2 (kN-m)

Safety Factor : Fo = Mr/Mo > Foallow : Minimum Safety Factor for Overturning
Mr Mo
L/C Nos Load Combinations Fo Foallow Status
(kNm) (kNm)
701 Erection + Wind 14024.9 799.5 17.54 1.50 PASS
702 13412.1 -799.5 16.78 1.50 PASS
703 Erection + Earthquake 14143.0 5109.6 2.77 1.50 PASS
704 10550.3 -5109.6 2.06 1.50 PASS
705 Operating w/o Wind 20540.4 0.0 999.00 1.50 PASS
706 20540.4 0.0 999.00 1.50 PASS
707 Operating + Wind 20846.9 799.5 26.08 1.50 PASS
708 20234.0 -799.5 25.31 1.50 PASS
709 20846.9 799.5 26.08 1.50 PASS
710 20234.0 -799.5 25.31 1.50 PASS
711 Operating + Earthquake 22336.8 5109.6 4.37 1.50 PASS
712 18744.1 -5109.6 3.67 1.50 PASS
713 22336.8 5109.6 4.37 1.50 PASS
714 18744.1 -5109.6 3.67 1.50 PASS
715 Test w/o Wind 20954.3 0.0 999.00 1.50 PASS
716 20954.3 0.0 999.00 1.50 PASS
717 Test + Wind 21138.1 479.7 44.07 1.50 PASS
718 20770.4 -479.7 43.30 1.50 PASS
719 21138.1 479.7 44.07 1.50 PASS
720 20770.4 -479.7 43.30 1.50 PASS

4.6.3- Check Sliding

Resistant force : Hr = 0.5 N (kN)

Safety Factor : Fs = Hr / H > Fsallow : Minimum Safety Factor for Sliding

Hr H
L/C Nos. Load Combinations Fs Fsallow Status
(kN) (kN)
701 Erection + Wind 1378.51 80.71 17.08 1.50 PASS
702 1318.27 80.71 16.33 1.50 PASS
703 Erection + Earthquake 1390.11 576.38 2.41 1.50 PASS
704 1036.99 576.38 1.80 1.50 PASS
705 Operating w/o Wind 2018.91 0.00 999.00 1.50 PASS
706 2018.91 0.00 999.00 1.50 PASS
707 Operating + Wind 2049.03 80.71 25.39 1.50 PASS
708 1988.80 80.71 24.64 1.50 PASS
709 2049.03 80.71 25.39 1.50 PASS
710 1988.80 80.71 24.64 1.50 PASS
711 Operating + Earthquake 2195.47 576.38 3.81 1.50 PASS
712 1842.35 576.38 3.20 1.50 PASS
713 2195.47 576.38 3.81 1.50 PASS
714 1842.35 576.38 3.20 1.50 PASS
715 Test w/o Wind 2059.59 0.00 999.00 1.50 PASS
716 2059.59 0.00 999.00 1.50 PASS
717 Test + Wind 2077.66 48.43 42.90 1.50 PASS
718 2041.52 48.43 42.16 1.50 PASS
719 2077.66 48.43 42.90 1.50 PASS
720 2041.52 48.43 42.16 1.50 PASS





df T

T = Hoop Tension =

Ka γsoil df

4.7.1- Factored Loading

Area of Soil AS =  Di2 / 4 52.5 m2
Max soil pressure Below Soil PS = NS / AS
Hoop Stress F =F1 + F2
F1 = Ka PS df
F2 = 1/2 Ka SOILdf 2 32.7 kN / m
Hoop Tension T = 1/2 F Di

F1 F T
L/C Nos Load Combinations Below Soil Below Soil
(kN) (kN) (kN / m) (kN) (kN)
101 Erection + Wind 0.00 0 0.00 32.67 133.52
102 0 0.00 0 0.00 32.67 133.52
103 Erection + Earthquake 0.00 0 0.00 32.67 133.52
104 0 0.00 0 0.00 32.67 133.52
105 Operating w/o Wind 8293.59 158.046 173.85 206.52 844.05
106 0 8293.59 158.046 173.85 206.52 844.05
107 Operating + Wind 5923.99 112.89 124.18 156.85 641.04
108 0 5923.99 112.89 124.18 156.85 641.04
109 0 5923.99 112.89 124.18 156.85 641.04
110 0 5923.99 112.89 124.18 156.85 641.04
111 Operating + Earthquake 6516.39 124.179 136.60 169.27 691.79
112 0 6516.39 124.179 136.60 169.27 691.79
113 0 6516.39 124.179 136.60 169.27 691.79
114 0 6516.39 124.179 136.60 169.27 691.79
115 Test w/o Wind 9104.66 173.502 190.85 223.52 913.54
116 0 9104.66 173.502 190.85 223.52 913.54
117 Test + Wind 6503.33 123.93 136.32 168.99 690.67
118 0 6503.33 123.93 136.32 168.99 690.67
119 0 6503.33 123.93 136.32 168.99 690.67
120 0 6503.33 123.93 136.32 168.99 690.67

Maximum Hoop Tension TMAX = 913.54 kN

4.7.2- Circumferencial Reinforcement

Area of Steel for Hoop Tension = AT = TMAX / fy 2175.08 mm2

Minimum Steel Area as per ACI-318-05-14.3.3 = AMIN = 0.0025 * b * df 8250.00 mm2
Area of Steel Required = AREQ = 8250.00 mm2
Bar size (db) 25 mm
Sectional area 491 mm²
Required No. of Bars 18

Provide 9 - D25 Bars on each face

4.7.2- Vertical Reinforcement

Minimum Steel Area as per ACI-318-05-14.3.2 = AMIN = 0.0015 * b 1500 mm²/m

Bar size (db) 20 mm

Sectional area 314 mm²
Required spacing of bars 209 mm

DETAIL `A' Provide D20 @ 200 mm c/c

SrNo 4


For Option 1 Vert
Below Ring
- Ringwall Selfweight : DSW 2282.62
- Structure Weight excluding Selfweight : DSA
- Live Load : LL 83.29
- Tank Load for Erection : EQE 414.16
- Tank Contant Load : EQO 1257.76
- Tand Hydrotest Load : EQT 1380.76
- Wind Load :W 60.24
- Seismic Load : EQ 494.57
- Internal Pressure - Operating : IPO
- Internal Pressure - Test : IPT
- Fluid Surge Load : FSL
tical Horizontal Moment For Option 2 Vertical
Below Soil Below Ring Below Soil
kN kN kN-m kN kN
- Ringwall Selfweight : DSW 2282.62
- Structure Weight excluding Selfweight : DSA
- Live Load : LL 84.00
- Tank Load for Erection : EQE 420.00
5923.99 - Tank Contant Load : EQO 1211.04 5703.96
6503.33 - Tand Hydrotest Load : EQT 1337.14 6297.86
80.71 799.49 - Wind Load :W
807.26 7156.35 - Seismic Load : EQ
- Internal Pressure - Operating : IPO
- Internal Pressure - Test : IPT
- Fluid Surge Load : FSL
Horizontal Moment

kN kN-m

80.71 799.49
807.26 7156.35

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