S2C Activity-Sheet Activity-2 English

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Training on HOTS-PLP for English Teachers

Session 2C: Activity 2

Directions: Study the given stem in the third row. Write sample assessment questions aligned with a specific SOLO
Taxonomy Level given. Check the assigned level to your group based on the instructions given in the slide decks. After
completing the learning task, check the attached key takeaway points (KeyTAP) for your group’s discussion and reflection.
Discuss the learning tasks with the group and strategize assignment of specific tasks for all members. Synergize your efforts
and maximize collaboration.

by: Elenor M. Malimata
Vishu was born in India. India is amongst the poorest countries in the world, so there are
only a few opportunities for success. Because of this, he decided to move to another
country where door of opportunities open more freely than in his hometown. He decided
to migrate to Thailand. During his flight, he thought that he would have difficulty adjusting
to Thai culture and finding it difficult to find friends because of the language barrier.
Thailand proved this wrong because of the warm welcome of its people. Vishu find them
accommodating and cordial, understanding that he was foreign and still unfamiliar to their
country. He found a nice place to stay, and after a while, he was able to adapt to
Thailand’s environment. As Vishu was now comfortable with his life in Thailand, he started
mall business he had when he was still in India, and it became a big thing among the
people. Indeed, he could smile widely because of the ambience and opportunities
Thailand has offered him in this place.
Learning Area: ENGLISH

Group Name: Group No.

Read the text about distance learning, then write assessment questions based on the stem. Center the learning tasks
relating a content or theme to previous experiences and background knowledge. See the attached document for the copy
of the text entitled “Success Baggage.”

Item 1 [Write your sample assessment question here.]

Check Assigned Level for
Item 1:
Extended Abstract

Item 2
Check Assigned Level for
Item 2:
____Extended Abstract

Note: You can use the back page or a separate sheet of paper for completing the task.
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics
Session 2C: Activity 2 (Attachment – English)
Key Takeaway Point (KeyTAP)

KeyTAP Responses

Importance of HOTS in Importance of HOTS in

Classroom Instruction Learning Assessment
Learning Intakes
[What content
knowledge, concepts,
and skills did I learn in
this learning session?]

Learning Reflections
[What are my
realizations after
learning about these
new intakes?]

[Where do I apply
these new learnings in
our school focused on
teachers’ empowerment
learners’ development?]

Note: You can use the back page or a separate sheet of paper for completing the task. Moreover, the KeyTAP
(tool and rubrics) is adopted from the on-going research work of Rejulios Villenes of SDO Quezon and part of the SDO
approved localized tools for L&D programs.

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