Augmenting GPS With BeiDou

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Augmenting GPS RTK with Regional BeiDou in

North America
J. Dou, K. O’Keefe,
Position Location And Navigation (PLAN) Group,
Department of Geomatics Engineering,
University of Calgary

GPS/BeiDou system even with only two available

BIOGRAPHIES BeiDou satellites.

Jingjing Dou is a M.Sc. Candidate in the Position,

Location and Navigation (PLAN) Group of the INTRODUCTION
Department of Geomatics Engineering at the University
of Calgary. She received her B.Sc. in 2009 and has China is now developing its own independent global
worked with GNSS-based navigation since 2009. Her navigation satellite system which is called the BeiDou
research interest is precise positioning using integrated Navigation Satellite System. The Interface Control
GPS/BeiDou RTK. Document (ICD) was published in December 2012 and
the deployment of the first phase of BeiDou global
Kyle O’Keefe is an Assistant Professor of Geomatics navigation satellite system consisting 14 satellites has
Engineering at the University of Calgary. He completed been completed. The BeiDou regional navigation satellite
PhD and BSc. degrees in the same department in 2004 system is also known as the first phase of the BeiDou
and 2000. He has worked in positioning and navigation global navigation satellite system. A considerable amount
research since 1996 and in satellite navigation since 1998. of research has been conducted to evaluate the
His major research interests have been in GNSS system performance of the BeiDou system. However, the focus
simulation and assessment, space applications of GNSS, has been generally on pseudorange measurements, thus
carrier phase positioning, and local and indoor positioning limiting obtainable positioning accuracy to the order of
with ground based ranging systems. tens of meters. Moreover, most of the research has been
with respect to the Asia Pacific region which fails to
illustrate the performance of the regional BeiDou system
ABSTRACT globally.

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BeiDou system) In contrast, the real time kinematic (RTK) positioning
Signal-In-Space Interface Control Document (ICD) was capability (i.e., centimeter-level) of the BeiDou system
published in December 2012 and deployment of the initial has not received as much attention, even though many
BeiDou regional navigation satellite system consisting of applications require, or could benefit from, such high
14 satellites has now been completed. A tremendous positioning accuracy. Applications of RTK positioning
amount of research has been conducted to evaluate the include precise relative positioning of two vehicles,
performance of the BeiDou system. However, the focus precise relative motion over time and enhanced personal
has been generally on pseudorange measurements, thus navigation accuracy. Unfortunately, RTK positioning is
limiting obtainable positioning accuracy to the order of effectively impossible using the standalone BeiDou
tens of meters. Moreover, most of the research has been system anywhere outside the Asia Pacific region (e.g.,
with respect to the Asia Pacific region which fails to The America, Europe and Africa) due to the limited
illustrate the performance of the regional BeiDou system number of visible BeiDou satellites. According to current
globally. The purpose of this paper is to assess and BeiDou ephemerides, during limited times, three or four
demonstrate the usefulness of GPS/BeiDou combined Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites can be
RTK for users in North America by analyzing availability simultaneously tracked in North America while none of
and accuracy, then demonstrating GPS/BeiDou RTK with the Geostationary (GEO) satellites are visible. This is in
real data. Real data is obtained using a software receiver contrast to the Asia Pacific region, where typically ten
developed at the University of Calgary. Results of the test BeiDou satellites are visible at any given time. However,
conducted in an open sky environment are then presented RTK positioning based on both the Global Positioning
and analyzed to compare GPS and the combined System (GPS) and the BeiDou system could be attempted
GPS/BeiDou system. These preliminary results indicate in North America and might have advantages over using
the faster float ambiguity convergence with using a GPS alone.

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In this paper, the BeiDou regional system is introduced orbits have an altitude of about 35,787km, inclination of
briefly. Geometry-based carrier phase position and float 55 o, and eccentricity e< 0.003. The period is 23h56m
ambiguity estimation algorithms using stand-alone GPS resulting in a daily repeat ground track shaped like a
and the combined GPS/BeiDou system are described in symmetric figure of eight. The Geostationary Earth Orbit
detail. Definitions and measures of availability and satellites also have an altitude of 35,787km with no
accuracy are reviewed and clarified. These include inclination, resulting in almost constant positions in the
Dilution of Precision to assess solution geometry, Earth-fixed system. According to the BeiDou ICD, when
estimated position and float ambiguity. fully deployed, the constellation will consist of 27
Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites, 3 Inclined
Real data is collected using GSNRx™, a software Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (IGSO) satellites and 5
receiver developed at the University of Calgary that has Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites. This contrasts
just recently been modified to acquire and track BeiDou with the current constellation that consists of 4 MEO, 5
B1, B2 and B3 signals. Results of a test conducted in an IGSO and 5 GEO satellites.
open sky environment are presented and analyzed to
compare GPS and the combined GPS/BeiDou system.
The results will serve as a counterpoint for the analysis of
the BeiDou system that is currently being conducted in
the Asia Pacific region by others and will play an
important role in evaluating the global performance of the
combined GPS/BeiDou system for high precision


In a quest for independence, China has pursued the build-

up of its own satellite navigation system which is called
the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System for more than a
decade. BeiDou is the Chinese for of the constellation of
Big Dipper or Great Bear. There have been two
generations of the BeiDou system. The first generation,
called BeiDou-I, was a demonstration system. BeiDou-I
was a regional system consisting of two geostationary Figure 1 BeiDou-II GEO and IGSO
(GEO) satellites and one backup satellite. The first
generation was completed in 2003. In contrast to BeiDou- The BeiDou system uses the China Coordinate System
I system with regional coverage, BeiDou-II (also known 2000 (CGCS2000). It coincides with ITRF at the
as Compass) was conceived as a Global Navigation centimeter level. For most of the applications the
Satellite system (GNSS) like the GPS, GLONASS, and difference between these two systems can be ignored.
Galileo systems. It includes two phases. The first phase BeiDou Time is related to UTC and the offset with
comprises of 14 satellites has and has been completed as respect to UTC is controlled within 100 ns. Like GPS,leap
of the end of 2012. The second phase which will complete seconds are broadcast in the navigation message.
the full global constellation is expected in 2020. The (Odolinski et al. 2013)
BeiDou-II system will provide two services. An open
service free to civilian users with positioning accuracy of BeiDou signals are based on CDMA. All BeiDou
10m, timing accuracy of 20ns and velocity accuracy of satellites transmit triple-frequency navigation signals as
0.2m/s and an. authorized service to ensure more precise shown in the following table (Steigenberger et al. 2013).
and reliable use. The B1 band is close to the GPS L1 frequency of
1575.42MHz and the B2 frequency is identical to Galileo
The BeiDou Signal-In-Space Interface Control Document E5b. The B3 band is close to Galileo E6 with frequency
was released in December 2012 which is a significant of 1268.52MHz. We can see that no BeiDou frequencies
milestone that facilitates global acceptance of BeiDou overlap the GPS frequencies, and thus no Inter-system-
into GNSS. bias parameterizations are needed (Odijik and Teunissen,
2013). The ICD only contains the information on the B1
In contrast to other GNSSs, BeiDou-II consists of frequency. Tracking of the B2 and B3 signals to date has
satellites in three types of orbit: Medium Earth Orbit only possible due to knowledge about the signal structure
(MEO), Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (IGSO) and ranging codes obtained from analyses conducted with
and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) as shown in Figure high-gain antennas (Gao et al. 2009)
1 (Chen, 2013). The Medium Earth Orbit has altitude of
about 22,000 km, inclination of 55o, and a period of
12h53m. MEO is comparable to the GPS, GLONASS and
Galileo orbits. The Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite

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Table 1 Frequency bands of BeiDou satellite phase positioning with BeiDou alone and GPS/BeiDou
Band Freq. (MHz) Comment was compared by J. Li et al. (2013).

There have also been a limited number of results

published by researchers outside of China. The first
B1 1,561.098 Close to GPS L1 analysis of BeiDou-II using real data outside China is
given in Montenbruck et al. (2012a, b) which illustrates
short baseline relative positioning and PPP using three
B2 1,207.14 Same as Galileo frequencies in the Asia Pacific region. Steigenberger et al.
E5b (2012, 2013) analyzes orbit determination of BeiDou-II
and PPP with BeiDou-II and analysis of combined GPS
B3 1,268.52 Close to Galileo and BeiDou RTK positioning is reported by Odolinski et
E6 al. (2013) for single frequency, single epoch RTK using
B1 and L1 in Australia.
Similar to other GNSSs, BeiDou provides the service of
navigation, positioning and timing. In addition, the In industry, almost all navigation companies (South, Hi
BeiDou system has an uplink capability that enables Target, ComNav, Unicorecomm, Unistrong) in China
positioning, communication and short message produce a hardware receiver that can perform BeiDou
transmission. User positioning information can be sent to RTK positioning. Some companies outside China,
others without requiring ground-based mobile or satellite including, but not limited to, Timble, NovAtel, Leica and
telephone signals which is useful for search and rescue U-blox have receivers can track BeiDou signals and
operations and short messages can be transmitted through provide positioning results. Trimble and Leica have
the satellites which will benefit marine and field products that support BeiDou RTK.
applications. Adding BeiDou to the current GNSS
systems will definitely enhance the availability to global

BEIDOU RTK OVERVIEW GPS and BeiDou use code division multiple access
(CDMA), which allows signals from different satellites to
Tremendous research has been conducted with the be transmitted on a common frequency. Phase
BeiDou system to illustrate its performance. Some RTK measurements made by two different receivers on a single
implementations have already been demonstrated, satellite can easily be differenced. Such a single
although only in China or the Asia Pacific region. Before difference is usually denoted by ∆ . In the case of a short
evaluating the RTK performance available by adding baseline, the differential errors (orbit, troposphere,
BeiDou to current GPS in North America, it is valuable to ionosphere, etc.) are negligible. The between-receiver
review recently reported results. single-difference measurement model is as follows.

Almost all reported BeiDou RTK results involve work in ∆Rgps + c∆dt gps + c∆dt
= ∆φgps + ∆N gps + ε φ
China and the Asia Pacific region. Among Chinese λL1
researchers Shi et al. (2012a) published the first quality
∆Rbeidou + c∆dtbeidou + c∆dt
analysis of BeiDou-II measurements in the world = using ∆φbeidou + ∆N beidou + ε φ
real data collected in Wuhan, China just after the release λB1
of the ICD. The noise level of code and phase
measurements is analyzed. In addition, kinematic short
baseline solutions using code plus phase measurements where
were implemented showing the precision of the ∆φ is the SD phase in units of cycles,
standalone BeiDou system is better than 4cm while the ∆R is the SD range in units of distance,
accuracy of a GPS/BeiDou combined solution was 20% c is the speed of light,
better than GPS alone. In the same year, results of static ∆dt is the SD receiver clock offset in
PPP and kinematic RTK positioning with BeiDou are
units of time,
given in another publication by the same group (C. Shi et
∆dt is the SD receiver clock drift in units of
al (2012b). The accuracy of Kinematic RTK was found to
be within 5-10cm. Later, single- epoch BeiDou carrier frequency,
phase ambiguity resolution using three civil frequencies λ is the carrier wavelength,
was firstly proposed by J. Qu et al. (2012) and differential ∆N is single difference ambiguity in units of
carrier-phase positioning performance in both static and cycles, and
kinematic scenarios using single frequency and dual ε φ is the phase error term, which includes
frequency measurements was presented by Y. Yang et al. multipath and residual differential errors
(2013). Finally, static single epoch dual frequency carrier

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In order to estimate the user state and the between SYSTEM DESIGN
receiver single different ambiguity in a geometry-based
model, the single-difference pseudorange, phase and The proposed RTK algorithm is conducted on the basis of
Doppler measurements are used in a least squares software receiver developed at the University of Calgary
estimation or Kalman filter. In both cases the following that has just recently been modified to track BeiDou B1,
state vector is estimated: B2, B3 signals. The flow chart of the system is as shown
below. The satellite signal is collected from antenna
trough NI Front End to obtain inter mediate frequency
samples. Afterwards, GSNRxTM (GNSS Software
Navigation Receiver) is used to acquire and track
incoming signals and generate measurements for use in
where other data processing software. GSNRx is a C++ class-
based GNSS receiver software program developed by the
is the SD state vector, PLAN Group capable of post-mission processing of raw
R is the relative position vector, data samples from a GNSS front-end. Finally, the
is the relative velocity vector, navigation solution will be obtained through PLANSoftTM
is the receiver clock offset with GPS, which is a GNSS differential real-time kinematic (RTK)
software. The SD float solution, double-differencing float
is the receiver clock offset with solution and fixed solution can be calculated using this
BeiDou, software.
is the SD receiver clock drift, and
is the vector of SD ambiguities

As shown above, the float solution and single difference

ambiguities can be estimated as real valued numbers.
consists of single difference ambiguities of both GPS and
BeiDou satellites. It should be noted that there is one
more between receiver clock offset with the addition of
BeiDou to allow for different receiver biases for each
system. Once the float solution has been solved, the state
vector can be transformed into double differenced (DD)
form and the receiver clock offsets and drift will be
eliminated by the inter-satellite differencing. The need for
a separate BeiDou clock offset could be removed by
calibration, however double-differencing between GPS
L1 and BeiDou B1 would not be used to eliminate the
offset due to L1 and B1 having different carrier
frequencies. When the single-differenced ambiguities are
transformed into the DD domain the resulting double
differenced state vector is:

is the DD state vector
is the vector of DD ambiguities

Once double differenced ambiguities are obtained, any

common clock offset remaining in the ambiguities is
removed and an integer ambiguity method, for example
LAMBDA, can be used to resolve the ambiguities to
integers if possible and a fixed solution can be obtained
The above RTK methodology is implemented in the
PLANSoftTM processing software (Ong et al, 2009)
developed by the University of Calgary. In this paper, Figure 2 System Design of GPS/BeiDou RTK
single difference solutions will be calculated and analyzed
as a preliminary result.

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In order to test the augmentation of adding BeiDou to

GPS in North America, a small set of data was collected
in Calgary, Canada. The detailed data collection
information is listed below. Data was collected using two
NovAtel 702GG Antennas and two National Instruments
PXIe-1065 and PXIe-1075 front ends. A total of four
channels were utilized to capture GPS L1 of base station,
BeiDou B1 of base station, GPS L1 of rover and BeiDou
B1 of rover respectively. The antennas were located on
the roof the CCIT building at the University of Calgary,
Canada. A complete open sky view was available which
allowed tracking of as many satellites as possible. The
baseline length was approximately 8 meters which allows Figure 4 GSNRx processing snapshot
almost all spatially correlated errors to be eliminated
through between receiver single differencing. A snapshot RTK processing was implemented in post-mission, but
of the data collection is shown in Figure 3. with all algorithms implemented in real-time (i.e. only
forward processing is used). The following parameters
and settings are used for RTK processing.
• GPS Code standard deviation: 0.5m
• GPS Doppler standard deviation: 0.1Hz
• GPS Phase standard deviation: 0.02 cycles
• BeiDou Code standard deviation: 0.5m
• BeiDou Doppler standard deviation: 0.1Hz
• BeiDou Phase standard deviation: 0.02 cycles
• Elevation mask: 5.0 degree
• PDOP threshold: 20.0
• Blunder detection significance level: 0.1%
• Phase solution type: L1+B1
• Phase rate cycle slip threshold: 4 cycles
• Data rate: 1 Hz


Results shown include availability, float position

accuracy, and float ambiguity convergence. Availability is
the percentage of time that satellites are usable. The
number of GPS satellites and BeiDou satellites through
Figure 3 Data collection
time span will be given and analyzed. Dilution of
(open sky, static, short baseline)
Precision (DOP) is how measurement precision is diluted
into estimated states precision. It is calculated based on
GPS and BeiDou intermediate frequency samples were
the covariance matrix of the state vector. In our case,
acquired and tracked in GSNRxTM. a software based
receiver developed at the University of Calgary. The Position DOP (PDOP) will be illustrated.
result was a short set of measurements and ephemerides.
σ N2 + σ E2 + σ U2 = σ 0 × PDOP
σ N , E ,U is the standard deviation of state in each
σ 0 is the a priori variance factor of the

Figure 5 shows the PDOP and the number of available

GPS and BeiDou satellites during the 3 minute test. The
GPS plus BeiDou combined system is denoted as G/B in
the following discussion unless otherwise stated. There
are 1 or 2 BeiDou satellites available during the three
minute test, while 6 or 7 GPS satellites are available. The

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PDOP can be improved only when there are two BeiDou Table 2 Accuracy Statistics
satellites available. When only one BeiDou measurement GPS only G/B
is available, it is used only estimate the BeiDou clock Direction Time Mean RMS Mean RMS
offset and as a result does not affect the positioning (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
Number of Available Satellites minute -33.70 38.08 -32.85 37.31

# of SV

5 G/B minute -6.75 13.47 -6.97 13.59


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
minute 6.95 13.41 6.78 13.34
GPS 1st
3.2 G/B minute 32.78 42.16 37.66 47.46

2.8 E 2nd
minute -13.36 15.30 -12.88 14.73
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time [s]
Figure 5 Availability and Geometry minute -26.87 28.38 -26.75 28.26
Figure 6 presents the positioning errors of a single
differenced float solutions in the North, East and Up
minute 130.74 135.66 124.69 129.27
directions. The estimated positions with GPS only and
G/B converge to similar values. But obvious differences
U 2nd
can be observed at the very beginning which is illustrated
minute 76.01 76.32 75.74 76.04
in Table 2.
Float Positioning Errors GPS only minute 36.04 38.07 36.10 38.12
N error [m]

In this table, the mean and the root mean square (RMS)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 error of the position errors are shown for each minute.
There is an obvious improvement in terms of RMS error
1 with BeiDou added in the first minute in the North and
E error [m]

0 Up direction, while in the second and third minutes, the

-1 improvement is very slight. In this sense, the BeiDou
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
system can contribute to improving the accuracy and to
speeding up the converging time of the solution. However
U error [m]

the additional one or two BeiDou satellites have almost

no effect after three minutes.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time [s]
In order to evaluate the measurement errors, the single
difference pseudorange and phase residuals are shown in
Figure 6 SD-Rx Float Positioning Errors Figures 7 and 8. The magnitude of BeiDou code residuals
is similar to those from GPS. However, the phase
residuals of BeiDou are obviously larger than the GPS
phase residuals.

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SD-Rx Pseudorange Residuals GPS PRN2 clock drift varies within 0.4 m/s. In order to observe the
GPS PRN5 clock offset clearly, the first figure is zoomed in Figure
GPS PRN12 11. The two clock offsets are parallel to each other with
GPS PRN25 an intersystem clock bias due to inter-channel and inter-
GPS PRN31 frequency delays in the front ends used to gather the
4 BeiDou7 samples. This effect is not due to the actually between
Residuals [m]

system time offset, since this will have cancelled in the
between receiver single difference.

SD-Rx Clock Offsets

Clock Offset[m]
-2 0 Beidou

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 -1000
Time [s]
Figure 7 SD-Rx Pseudorange Residuals 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

SD-Rx Phase Residuals SD-Rx Clock Drift

200 -8.6

Clock Drift[m/s]
150 -8.8


Residuals [mm]

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 Time [s]

Figure 10 SD-Rx Clock Estimation


SD-Rx Clock Offsets (zoomed in)

-150 -315
-200 Beidou
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 -320
Time [s]

Figure 8 SD-Rx Phase Residuals -325

Clock Offset[m]

Histograms and fitted normal distributions are shown in
Figure 9 from which we can see that GPS residuals are -335
better than BeiDou, especially for the phase
measurements. It should be noted however that there are -340
more samples in the GPS plots.

GPS SD code residuals BeiDou SD code residuals

Mean=0.09 m Std=1.59 m Mean=-0.53 m Std=0.96 m -350
150 20 55.5 56 56.5 57 57.5 58
Time [s]


Figure 11 SD-Rx Clock offsets

0 0
-5 0 5 -5 0 5 The GPS SD float ambiguities are estimated based on
Residuals [m] Residuals [m]
GPS SD phase residuals BeiDou SD phase residuals
GPS only system and G/B system and are plotted in
Mean=1.16 mm Std=29.89 mm Mean=22.49 mm Std=217.13 mm Figure 12. The float ambiguities of PRN 10 are zoomed in
200 80
as an example for analysis. Two facts can be observed:
150 60
The float ambiguities of both the GPS only system and


100 40
G/B system converge to one or two integer values which
50 20
will allow the ambiguities to be fixed within a limited
-200 -100 0 100 200
-200 -100 0 100 200
search space. At the beginning, the float ambiguities of
Residuals [mm] Residuals [mm] G/B system are closer to the final ambiguities which may
Figure 9 SD-Rx measurement residual distributions result in faster ambiguity fixing before convergence.

The BeiDou SD-Rx float ambiguities are shown in Figure

The SD clock offsets corresponding to GPS and BeiDou 14. A cycle slip one of the phase measurements while a
and the common clock drift are estimated and shown in loss of lock affects the other. Both of these problems still
Figure 10. From the lower plot, it is observable that the need to be resolved.

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SD-Rx BeiDou ambiguities
SD-Rx GPS float GPS

SD-Rx AMB [cycles]

ambiguities GPS+Beidou
9812 -7095

9810 -7100
9808 -7105
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
4 -7110
x 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

-2.702 x 10

SD-Rx AMB [cycles]

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

PRN 10
7674 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time [s]
] x 10
Figure 14 SD-Rx BeiDou ambiguities
cl 2.3365
PRN 12

-R 2.336
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 CONCLUSIONS
b -1590

-1595 In this contribution, a GPS/BeiDou RTK methodology is

PRN 25 presented and evaluated. The algorithm is based on
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 single-differenced phase parameterization that eliminates

x 10 the spatially correlated errors while retaining between
receiver clock effects. The solution is implemented using
PRN 29 code, phase and Doppler measurements. A short test is
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
conducted where two BeiDou satellites are briefly
available. The results indicate the addition of two BeiDou
satellites improves the availability and the geometry
-1450 effectively, and slightly improves the float positioning is
PRN 31
improved, especially at the beginning of processing.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 There is an inter-system receiver clock bias between GPS
Time [s]
and BeiDou. The next step is to attempt to fix ambiguities
Figure 12 SD-Rx GPS Float ambiguities and then continue to test the method in more scenarios
where BeiDou satellites are available in North America.
SD-Rx ambiguities (GPS PRN10)

7676 GPS+Beidou
Chen, H. (2013) Plot of BDS GEO and IGSO,
SD-Rx AMB[cycles]

7675 Li, J, Y. Yang, J. Xu, H. He, H. Guo and A. Wang (2013)

Performance Analysis of Single-Epoch Dual-Frequency
7674.5 RTK by BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, China
Satellite Navigation Conference, 133-144.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time[s] Montenbruck, O., A. Hauschild, P. Steigenberger, U.
Figure 13 SD-Rx Float ambiguities (GPS PRN10) Hugentobler, P.J.G. Teunissen, S. Nakamura (2012a)
Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional
navigation satellite system. GPS Solutions, 2012. DOI

Montenbruck, O., A. Hauschild, P. Steigenberger, U.

Hugentobler, and S. Riley (2012b) A COMPASS for Asia:
First experience with the BeiDou-2 Regional Navigation
System. IGS Workshop 2012, July 23-27, Olsztyn,
Austria, 2012.

ION GNSS+ 2013, Session A6, Nashville, TN, 16-20 September 2013 Page 8/9
Ong, R.B, M. G. Petovello and G. Lachapelle (2009)
Assessment of GPS/GLONASS RTK Under Various
Operational Conditions, ION GNSS 2009, Session F6a,
Savannah, GA.

Odolinski, R., P.J.G. Teunissen, D. Odijk (2013) Quality

Analysis of a Combined COMPASS /BeiDou-2 and GPS
RTK Positioning Model, IGNSS Symposium, Outrigger
Gold Coast, Qld Australia 16-18 July, 2013.

Shi, C., Q. Zhao, Z. Hu and J. Liu (2012a) Precise

relative positioning using real tracking data from
COMPASS GEO and IGSO satellites, GPS Solutions,
2013. DOI 10.1007/s10291-012-0264-x.

Shi, C., Q. Zhao, M. Li, W. Tang, Z. Hu, Y. Lou, H.

Zhang, X. Niu and J. Liu (2012b) Precise orbit
determination of Beidou Satellites with precise
positioning, in Science China, Earth Sciences, Vol.55
No.7: 1079–1086, DOI: 10.1007/s11430-012-4446-8.

Steigenberger, P., Hauschild, A., Hugentobler, U. and

Montenbruck, O. (2012) Performance analysis of
Compass orbit and clock determination and Compass
only PPP. IGS Workshop 2012, July 23-27, Olsztyn,
Austria, 2012.

Steigenberger, P., Hugentobler, U., Hauschild, A.,

Montenbruck, O., (2013) Orbit and clock analysis of
COMPASS GEO and IGSO satellites. J. of Geodesy
doi:10.1007/s00190-013- 0625-4.

Yang, Y., J. Li, J. Xu, H. He, H. Guo, J. Tang (2013)

Basic Performance of BeiDou Regional System, in
Proceedings of the ION 2013 Pacific PNT Meeting,
Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 221 – 246.

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