CRACK OF 29 - Hoover

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 Herbert Hoover
 Franklin D. Roosevelt
 Harry S. Truman
 Dwight D. Eisenhower
 John F. Kennedy
 Lyndon B. Johnson
 Richard M. Nixon

CRACK OF 29 - Hoover
In 1930 the American systems for welfare comprised a set of local and state charities, the social
work was put into practice in response to the Depression (1929-1939), the program was under
Roosevelt administration “New Deal.

Until de 30s us was the only one immersed in the industrial revolution but don't have any general
legislation on social security.

After WWI end the US experienced a strong economic growth and became the supplier of the
European countries in reconstructions.

The crack of 29 also affects main countries of Europe and in the rest of the world.

In 1993 Roosevelt took office president.

Unemployment, and algo he laid the foundations for the state to intervene in the economy.

Causes: Overproduction (exceed demand of products), speculation (abundance of capital and easy
access to credit)

Consequences: Framers the hardest hit (impact of process), Fall of the New York Stock Exchange,
Collapse of the financial system (October 24,1929) “Black Thursday, Followed by the Great
measures implemented by the Hoover government to deal with the crisis are:
 Accelerate government investments in infrastructure.
 Maintain the price of agricultural products through the creation of the Federal
Agricultural Board and the Financial Society for Reconstruction
 Raise tariffs to benefit national products.
 Boost exports
 Seek the commitment of businessmen to maintain the
 wages and avoid layoffs.
Before the crack, economic liberalism reigned, theory considers that the participation of
the state in economic activity should be minimal. “Non-state innervation in any area of the
When Roosevelt arrives at the presidency, he strove confidence in the sectors of American society,
opted for the redistribution of federal income and for restoring the power of population.

- Accelerate government in infrastructure.
- Maintain the price of agricultural products thorough the creation of Federal Agricultural
Board in the financial society for reconstruction.
- Raise tariffs to benefit national products.
- Boost exports.
- Seek the commitment of businessmen to maintain the wages n avoid layoffs.

ADAM SMITH: Before he used the economic liberalism reigned. The theory considers that the
state participation in economic should be minimal “Non state intervention in any area of

ROOSEVELT´S ARRIVAL: Opted for the redistribution of federal income n restoring the purchasing
power of the population: calls attention to the “forgotten”. Three government alternatives he
chooses Reforming democrat capitalism.


 Agricultural Adjustment Act
 Federal Emergency Relief Act
 Civilian Work Administration
 The Homeowners Loan Act
 Tennessee Valley Author Authority Plan
 National Recovery Act
 Public Work Administration and Works Progress Administration

SECOND NEW DEAL (1935–1936)

o Social Security Act
o Works Projects Administration
o Wealth Tar Act of Revenue Act
o National Labor Relation Act or Workers Act


FASCISM: Led by a dictator who rules by forcefully n often violently suppressing oppositions n
criticism, controlling all industrial n commerce, n promoting nationalism often racism.

MARXIST COMMUNISM: Social, political, n economic philosophy named after Karl Mark.
Examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, n economic development, n agrees 4 a
worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism.

REFROMING DEOCRATIC CAPITALISM: Political n economic system by resource allocation

according to marginal productivity n social need, as determinate by decision through democracy.

CUBA N KOREA CONTAINMENT: Korean War, China n SU, n South Korea, Us. US wants to
spread communism n divides south Korea n north Korea. Cuban revolution: Fidel Castro,
implemented major social n economic reforms, Cuban crisis missile.
McCARTHYISM (1940 - 1954): Name for Joseph, it’s part of the red scare, developed at cold war
n when the Soviet Union increased power, RESON COMUNISM, Les a campaign to investigate
espionage n communist. (Hollywood industry n ppl go to the black list)Focused on exposing
communists. RED SCARE: Fear of communism subversion od US government, after WW2 know 4
his public allegations abt communist n soviet spies (government n education system). Immigrants
become false accusation n some were deported.

JAPAN NUCLEAR ACATCK: causes, attack the pearl harbor, 1st bomb LITTLE BOY in HIROSHIMA
(1945, August 6) 2nd FAT MAN in NAGASAKI (August 9).

GREAT SOCIETY: By Johnson w/ the goals of end poverty, reduce crime, abolish equality n
improving the environment. (May 1964) (March) introduce the office of economic opportunity n
the economic opp act. BLACKLASH AND VIETMAN.

PEARL HARBOR: 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, sale of weapons to UK, selling them n
occupying military bases in Atlantic Sea. Causes: Embargo on Japan all imports decreed by US.
Consequences; Sinking of 8large US ships loss, almost complete destruction of PH. AFER WW2:
Economic crisis, nuclear weapons.

SPUTNIK: Space race between US n SU from 1957 to 1975, October 4, 1957, SU launched Sputnik,
purpose; obtain atmospheric n electromagnetic field data from the planet, effect US fear by the
UUSE, US n SU race for technological n military superiority. Explorer 1 by US in 1958, creation of
NASA, artificial satellite in orbit, improved communication n application of technology in life.

STALINISM (Stalin): Rigid authorisms, widespread use of terror by Mancism-Leninsm. Doctrine of

socialism in one country. Totalitarian police state in SU. Effects; one-party, rapid industrialization, n
colonization of eastern Europe. END; of force labor in economy n free prisoners.

IMPACT AFTER WW2: After the end of World War II, many changes happened around the world,
such as political, economic, and social impacts.

 Japan: living conditions of the population were unstable, people fell into depression bc of
destruction and defeat, eat rats or insects bc of the lack of food, October of 1945 the
release of thousands of political prisoners was ordered, and the military police of the army
was dissolved, 1,972,000 Japanese deaths and victims of the explosions.
 US: Women were more necessary and were expelled from their roles and return to their
work as housewives, Ethnic minorities were released from military service in 1945-1946
under the same conditions and offered skilled jobs, military casualties: about 298,000
 ROW: 9.8 and 10.4 million people were killed for political or racial reasons by the Nazi
regime, war provoked severe hunger crises that led to many victims, increased the
likelihood of heart disease, diabetes and depression, deaths.

 Japan: lost 42% of national wealth and 44% of industrial capacity, military and civilians
returned on one hand, aggravated the ruin and the famine but the immediately joined the
work force, economy was almost paralyzed with severe food shortages, high inflation, and
the effects of a widespread black market and the Economic Miracle experienced rapid and
sustained economic growth from 1945 to 1991.
 USA: a massive mobilization of resources, helping the US out of the Great Depression,
economic changes, like increased public spending, creating new jobs and industries, the
demand for goods and services increased and the government applied policies like
rationing and price controls to ensure a fair distribution of resources, Also led to the
growth of the middle class and the beginning of the Baby Boom, Gross national product
(GNP), measured all goods and services produced increments by 1960 firmly establishing
the US as the richest and most powerful nation in the world.
 ROW: inflation, trade defects, debt, balance of payments, deleted gold and dollar supplies.

 Japan: Dismantling of the zaibatsu agrarian reforms to distribute land to tenants and labor reforms,
constitution established many new civil liberties, Article 9 of the new constitution prohibited Japan
from maintaining an army or going to war anymore.
 USA: Emerged as one of the two superpowers., Was the only country to emerge from the war with
its economy and military intact, became the world's dominant economic and military power, A wave
of anti-communist sentiment swept the United States, called the Red Scare and sometimes
 ROW: Western Europe and Asia were rebuilt through the US Marshall Plan, Central and Eastern
Europe fell under the influence of the Soviet Union, Europe was divided into a US-led Western bloc
and a USSR-led Eastern bloc.

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