Rise of Facism Worksheet

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Looking back on the 20th century, many historians trace the causes of World War II, including the rise of
totalitarian leaders, to factors created by World War I and the treaties signed at the end of the “Great War” (as WWI
originally was called). After WWI, many countries faced severe economic problems. Germany was particularly hard hit
economically. According to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was required to pay large sums of money, called
reparations, to the countries that had won the conflict. By 1930, mass unemployment and economic depression led to
bitter poverty in Germany, Britain, Japan, Italy, and the United States, as well as other countries around the world. In
Germany and Italy, the economic depression weakened the existing governments. As people demanded change, a
political movement that believed in an extremely strong, national government, called fascism, became popular in these
countries. Fascism included a sense of nationalism (a powerful sense of patriotism) and leaders were often dictatorial,
ruthless in suppressing opposition, and interested in centralizing power. Economic problems and ethnic tensions
contributed to instability and helped fascist rulers to gain power.

After World War I, Italian nationalists were outraged when Italy received just some of the territories promised by
the Allies. Chaos ensued as peasants seized land, workers went on strike, veterans faced unemployment, trade declined,
and taxes rose. The government could not end the crisis. Into this turmoil stepped Benito Mussolini, the organizer of the
Fascist party. Mussolini’s supporters, the Black Shirts, rejected democratic methods and favored violence for solving
problems. In the 1922 March on Rome, tens of thousands of Fascists swarmed the capital. Fearing civil war, the king
asked Mussolini to form a government as prime minister.
Mussolini soon suppressed rival parties, muzzled the press, rigged elections, and replaced elected officials with
Fascists. Critics were thrown into prison, forced into exile, or murdered. Secret police and propaganda (any technique
that attempts to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of a group in order to benefit the sponsor)
bolstered the regime. In 1929, Mussolini also received support from the pope. Mussolini brought the economy under
state control, but basically preserved capitalism. His system favored the upper class and industry leaders. Workers were
not allowed to strike and their wages were kept low. In Mussolini’s new system, loyalty to the state replaced conflicting
individual goals. “Believe! Obey! Fight!” loudspeakers blared and posters proclaimed.
Mussolini built the first modern totalitarian state. In this form of government, a one-party dictatorship attempts to
control every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Today, we usually use the term fascism to describe the underlying
ideology of any centralized, authoritarian government that is not communist. Fascism is rooted in extreme nationalism.
Fascists believe in action, violence, discipline, and blind loyalty to the state. They praise warfare. They are anti-
democratic, rejecting equality and liberty. Fascists opposed communists on important issues. Communists favor
international action and the creation of a classless society. Fascists are nationalists who support a society with defined
classes. Both base their power on blind devotion to a leader or the state. Both flourish during economic hard times.
Fascism appealed to Italians because it restored national pride, provided stability, and ended the political feuding that had
paralyzed democracy in Italy.
Known as el Duce (“El Doo-chay,” the Leader), Mussolini wanted to establish the greatness of Italy and create an
empire. In order to do this, Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in 1936. The Italians, fighting with modern weapons against
poorly equipped Ethiopians, conquered this African nation that same year.

Beginning in the 1930s, many Germans supported the Nazi Party, a violently nationalistic organization. The Nazi
Party declared that Germany had been unfairly treated after WWI, and that the Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919,
caused the economic depression. Many Germans believed that energetic leader, Adolf Hitler, would solve Germany’s
problems. As head of the Nazi party, Hitler promised to end reparations, create jobs, and rearm Germany. In 1933, Hitler
was elected chancellor of Germany and within a year he was dictator over the new Fascist state in Germany.
Hitler believed that the western powers had no intention of using force to maintain
the Treaty of Versailles. Subsequently, Hitler built up the military forces in Germany in violation of the Treaty. Most,
but not all, Germans believed that Hitler brought strength and courage back to their country, as well as prosperity. Those
who opposed Hitler were targeted by the Gestapo, Hitler’s secret police. Most people were proud to be Germans and
proud to be Nazis. In 1936, Hitler sent troops to the Rhineland, an old section of Germany along the Rhine River, where
they were not allowed according to the Treaty of Versailles. This act, another violation of the Treaty, was a clear
indication that Hitler wanted to prove his own superiority over the western leaders. Many Germans and Austrians were
proud of this violation of the hated treaty and other countries did nothing to stop it.
Known as der Fuhrer (the Leader), Hitler preached that the Germans were a superior race and that many
minorities, including Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, and communists, should be oppressed, exiled, or worse. A persuasive speaker,
he convinced his followers that Jews and other minorities were inferior and were the root of Germany’s problems. The
efficient ruthlessness and brutality of Hitler and his devoted followers and Hitler’s spell-binding effect as a speaker,
created a horrifying and powerful government dedicated to the superiority of the Aryan race (white, northern Europeans)
and the establishment of a new German empire. Hitler’s radical beliefs included: anti-semitism (persecution or hatred of
Jews), extreme nationalism, aggression (occupying nearby countries to create a German empire), lebensraum (union of all
German nations), anschluss (German union with Austria), and a hatred of Communism.


Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union grew into a totalitarian state that controlled all aspects of life, including
agriculture, culture, art, and religion. The state also developed a command economy, in which it made all economic
decisions. Stalin pushed for rapid industrialization in order to catch up with the west. To do this, Stalin developed three
5-Year Plans that set high production goals. Despite great progress in some sectors, products such as clothing, cars, and
refrigerators were scarce.
Stalin forced changes in agriculture too. He wanted peasants to farm on either state-owned farms or collectives,
large farms owned and operated by groups of peasants. Through collectivization, Stalin seized goods from peasant
farmers and sold the goods for profit. He used the capital gained from collectivization to finance his industrialization
drive. Some peasants resisted collectivization, which resulted in Stalin taking their land and sending them to labor camps
where many died. In 1932, Stalin’s policies led to a famine that caused millions to starve.
The ruling Communist party used secret police (KGB), torture, and bloody purges to force people to obey. Those
who opposed Stalin were rounded up and sent to the Gulag, a system of brutal labor camps. Fearing that rival party
leaders were plotting against him, Stalin launched the Great Purge in 1934. During the Great Purge, the KGB killed
thousands of army officers and prominent Bolsheviks who opposed Stalin. Among the victims of this and other purges
were some of the brightest and most talented people in the country.
Stalin feared the growing power of Nazi Germany. Soviet leaders had two foreign policy goals. They hoped to
spread world revolution through the Comintern, or Communist International. At the same time, they wanted to ensure
their nation’s security by winning the support of other countries. These contradictory goals caused Western Powers to
mistrust the Soviet Union.

Like Germany and Italy, Japan was intent on creating an empire. This small island nation resented the way
western countries and heads of state determined that Japan should not expand. Although Japan had an emperor, Hirohito
(Hiro-he-tow), the military had taken control of the government. Emperor Hirohito could not stand up to the powerful
generals; however, he was worshipped by the people who often fought in his name. Like the Germans, the Japanese
shared a strong military tradition. The army, navy, and air force grew in size and strength, and serving in the armed forces
became an even more desirable and honorable goal for young men than it had been previously.

Industrialization in Japan led to a need for raw materials. How would Japan, a small island nation in the Pacific,
obtain raw materials that it did not have access to? Imperialism! Japan was the first of the fascist countries to
successfully expand its empire by invading Manchuria (in northern China) in 1931. Japan occupied most of eastern China
by 1938, eventually seeking to bring all of Asia and the Pacific Ocean under its control. Japan’s aggressive imperialistic
policies in Asia were ignored by the League of Nations, which did not have the power to stop the militaristic government.

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