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Based upon our decades of research and experience working with

leaders at organizations around the world, we’ve found that the best
leaders consistently possess certain fundamental qualities and skills.

What is a true leader?

True leadership is a representation of the way you work with your
team to achieve goals. A true leader makes an effort to help develop
their team's skills so they can reach their full potential. They lead by
example and establish strong, trusting relationships to ensure success
within the team and for the organization as a whole.

Eight characteristics of a true leader

1. Displays integrity
A true leader acts with integrity, which means they have ethical values
that they follow in all aspects of their life. They should communicate
these values at work to provide a foundation for the behaviours they
expect from employees. Having integrity will help you earn respect,
which will motivate your team to follow your leadership. Integrity
also establishes your credibility in the workplace because employees
will feel that they can trust you to make morally correct decisions
under any circumstance.
To show your integrity at work, you should serve as a positive
example for your employees. For example, always follow
organizational policies and treat others with respect. Show your
employees that you strive to produce high-quality work and maintain
a positive reputation, and they should do the same.
2. Helps others develop
A true leader should aim to develop their team members to their full
potential. By helping individual members advance their skills, they
enhance the team's potential and, as a result, benefit the
organization as a whole. Employees want to see career advancement,
which means they will be much more receptive to a leader that gives
them opportunities to grow.
One way to develop employees is by delegating tasks—these are
tasks that the leader can do themselves but serve as a chance for the
assigned employees to learn something new or strengthen specific
skills. You will also benefit because it gives you more time to focus on
more significant or time-consuming responsibilities. When trying to
develop your team, be sure to give individuals the freedom to make
choices on their own. You need to set boundaries and guidelines, but
having more decision-making authority will help employees progress
and feel more fulfilled in their roles.

3. Values relationships
A true leader should value their relationships with team members
above their leadership status. To do this, leaders should work
alongside their team members rather than solely assigning them
tasks. They should take the time to get to know each member as an
individual and build relationships with them on a more personal
level. When your team members feel valued on an individual level,
they will feel more motivated because they know their work is
Showing your team members that you appreciate them can be as
simple as thanking them or expressing gratitude in other ways when
they have completed tasks. Another simple way to show appreciation
is to deliver encouraging messages. For example, if you thought an
employee did a great job during a client presentation, let them know
afterward. When employees know they are doing well at work, the
confidence they feel can help elevate their work even further.

4. Holds themselves accountable

A true leader needs to take responsibility for their actions and expect
the same from their employees. They should hold themselves to a
high standard of work, thus leading as an example for others to
follow. Being accountable includes recognizing your mistakes and
modeling professional ways of recovering from them. Creating an
environment that values accountability can improve performance
and trust among team members because it lets everyone know they
can rely on one another to perform their duties.
One way to implement accountability in the workplace is to provide
specific feedback on work that does not fit your standards. Make sure
to speak to individuals directly and respectfully to help them
understand the mistakes they made and how to fix them. Likewise,
you should praise team members when they show signs of
improvement. Employees will be more inspired to follow your high
standards when they feel respected—and when they see you are also
following these standards in your work.

5. Shows honesty
A true leader is always willing to have open and honest conversations
with their employees. Being honest establishes a sense of trust with
the team, which promotes respect and a willingness to follow your
lead. Employees feel valued when they know that you take the time
to communicate with them and tell them the truth. Make sure you
communicate with your team often because it helps everyone feel
more comfortable with open conversations.
To display honesty, aim to provide your employees with the
information they need to know directly. For example, you should be
transparent with your team about any changes within the
organization and how those changes may affect them. You can also
show honesty on a day-to-day basis by providing feedback to your
team members or hosting regular check-ins, if possible.

6. Practices active listening

A true leader should always hear what their employees have to say,
both positive and negative. They should let employees express their
thoughts without interrupting or judging them. A good listener also
makes an effort to understand and empathize with the other person's
thoughts and feelings.
Make it clear to your employees that you are available to hear their
questions, concerns, ideas and suggestions, which helps them feel
appreciated at work and like they have a more active role on the
team. When having these conversations, make sure to maintain eye
contact and ask any clarifying questions to show that you are
engaged and listening.

7. Promotes a vision
A true leader takes a vision, whether it is their own or the company's
and uses it to motivate and inspire their employees to reach goals. By
sharing their vision with the team, the leader creates a collective
sense of purpose that provides direction and incentive to its
members. A true leader can compellingly sell their vision, whether by
making it relatable to employees or presenting a narrative that helps
them visualize the outcome.
Always communicate your defined vision to your team and help them
understand how their responsibilities support it. Employees will feel
empowered when they have a clear idea of how they can contribute
to the team's success. Help your team focus by establishing goals
throughout their projects and explaining how achieving these goals
advances the vision. Provide positive feedback and encouragement
when individuals meet these goals.
8. Displays courage
A true leader is unafraid of potential conflict or criticism, especially
when they have the confidence that what they are doing is for the
good of the team. Employees respect a leader who represents their
interests in any situation. Possessing a strong set of values and a clear
vision helps a true leader remain courageous through any challenge.
Aside from showing confidence in your decisions and confronting
conflicts, being courageous at work can include having the ability to
be direct with your employees. Being a leader means you make
decisions that directly affect your team members, so it's important to
stay confident and courageous in your actions.

Leadership is nothing if it doesn't build a systems based
management structure, and management would have no
support without the work of leadership as the backbone of
Quality of true leader
 introduction
 What is a true leader?
 Eight characteristics of a true leader
 . Displays integrity
 . Helps others develop
 . Values relationships
 . Holds themselves accountable
 . Shows honesty
 . Practices active listening
 . Promotes a vision
 . Displays courage
 Conclusion
 Bibliography

The following website were used in completion of this


 Indeed
 Wikipedia

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