Biodeterioration Lecture Notes

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Definition of Terms
 Biodeterioration
 Biodegradation
 Biodeteriogens
 Biocides
 Biofilm
 Materials

Biodeterioration: This can be defined as any undesirable change in the properties of

materials caused by the vital activities of living organisms.

Biodegradation: Refers to a process in which complex polymers are broken down into
less harmful or more useful forms.

Biodeteriogens: This simply means a biological agent of deterioration which could be

either microorganism or macroorganism.

Biocides: This refers to an agent; usually a chemical that has the ability to kill a
target organism without causing a significant damage to the material.

Biofilm: This refers to a group of microbes in which cells stick to one another
on a surface and become embedded within a self-produced matrix of
extracellular polymeric substances.

Materials: This refers to any form of matter with the exception of living
organisms which are used by humankind.

Biodeterioration as a course; introduces a field of study that we believed is viewed correctly
as a branch of environmental microbiology. It deals with the study of deterioration of
materials brought about by the actions of living organisms particularly microbes.
Biodeterioration poses threat to the economic value of materials as well as conservation of
resources. During the past few decades, we have become fully aware of threats to both
natural and synthetic materials. We now understand that the materials we use in our daily
life are the cultural analogs of the biosphere, and therefore are also at risk of biodeterioration
and therefore in need of conservation.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Ecological Aspects of Biodeterioration
In general, the response of living organisms to a potentially colonizable surface depends on
the ecological and physiological requirements of the biological species involved
(Biodeteriogens). The development of specific biological species on a particular material and
the degree of damage is determined by the nature and properties of the material such as:

i. Presence of other organisms

ii. Mineral constituents
iii. pH,
iv. Salinity
v. Moisture content
vi. Texture
vii. Temperature,
viii. Light conditions

Relationship between Biofilms and Biodeterioration of Materials

Microbial deterioration of materials occurs primarily through the formation and growth of
biofilms. There are several characteristics of biofilms that are of importance in the study of
microbial biodeterioration. These include:
1. Extremely difficult to eradicate and can serve as a source of microorganisms that
disperse to other habitats.
2. Harsh physical and chemical treatments that are needed to disinfect surfaces may
damage fragile materials.
3. Less stringent treatments may allow biofims to regrow and contaminate other objects
in the collection.
4. The biofilm exopolymer matrix may also play a role in the deterioration of some
materials. Acidic functional groups on the polymer may damage stone structures.
5. Finally, the close association of different types of organisms within the biofilm allows
for cooperative growth that can enhance deterioration.

Major Groups of Biodeteriogens

No special criteria exist which exclude any organism from being an actual or potential
deteriogen, except obligate parasites, which gain their nutrients from the living tissue of
their host (living tissue is not a ‘material’). Generally, fungi and bacteria are the main agents

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
of deterioration of both natural and synthetic materials. However, a wide range of other
organisms including algae, lichens, insects and other invertebrates, birds, mammals, and
plants have also been found to be agents of deterioration.

Types of Biodeterioration
Biodeterioration can be broadly classified into four types that include:
i. Physical/Mechanical Biodeterioration
ii. Aesthetic Biodeterioration
iii. Biochemical Assimilatory Biodeterioration
iv. Biochemical Dissimilatory Biodeterioration
 Physical/Mechanical Biodeterioration
This is a form of deterioration in which the organism simply disrupts or distorts the
material by growth or movement and does not use it as a food source. Typical
examples include: expansion of microbial masses between rock layers, leading to
spalling of the surface. Typical example include cracking of underground pipes
caused by tree roots, the gnawing of electrical cables, blocks, plasterboard, and wood
by rodents, and bird strikes on aircraft.
 Aesthetic Biodeterioration (Fouling/Soiling)
This simply represents the presence of an organism or its dead body, excreta, or
metabolic products. Microorganisms, especially fungi and algae, can be found
growing on otherwise undamaged materials, utilizing surface dirt and detritus, thereby
diminishing the value or acceptability of the material. The classic example here is the
dark fungal colonies growing on damp soap. The performance of the material is not
affected, but the growth creates a generally unacceptable appearance. Many fungi
may also release soluble or insoluble pigments and also a range of other metabolites
which causes discolouration.
 Biochemical Assimilatory Biodeterioration
This is a form of deterioration in which the deteriogen utilize the material as a food or
energy source. It is probably the most easily understood form of biodeterioration.
Microbial enzymes breaking down cellulose, rats and insects eating stored grain, and
insect larvae consuming stored fruits are all examples.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
 Biochemical Dissimilatory Biodeterioration
In this type of deterioration, a material suffers chemical damage, but not as a direct
result of the intake of nutrients by the organism. Many organisms excrete waste
products, including pigmented or acidic compounds, which can disfigure or
damage materials. This type of biodeterioration often goes hand-in-hand with
chemical assimilatory biodeterioration and Biofilm development, and the effects may
be difficult to differentiate when they exist simultaneously.

Significance of Biodeterioration to Mankind

Biodeterioration is a process that is relevant to economics as well as with the survival and
quality of our material objects. Some of these are materials and substances that we need and
value. It ranges from food, clothing to building materials, transportation modes including
structures, and fuels, to medicinal, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Most of the
materials used by mankind are derived from either plants or animals with minimum
processing and are often susceptible to attack by microorganisms. The cost of prevention
and control of deterioration of such material has been an economic burden to humankind.
This can largely be controlled by proper understanding of the materials and the possible
deteriogens and mechanisms.

Sampling Methods Involved in the Assessment of Biodeterioration of Materials

i. Contact plate method

ii. Scrapping method
iii. Swabbing
iv. washing
v. Adhensive tape method
Contact plate method: This method involves the use of prepared culture plate in which the
plate is allowed to come in contact with the surface or material under investigation. This
method is preferred for sampling from the surfaces of buildings structures as well as from the
surface of paper

Scrapping: This involves the use of hard and sharp material to scratch the surface of the
material under investigation, after which the scraps can be collected in a sterile container for

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
laboratory analysis. The problem with this method is tha extraneous materials may be
collected which can be inhibitory to the growth of deteriogens under laboratory condition.

Swabbing: In this sampling method, swabs are used to rub the surface of material under
investigation after which the swabs can be used to inoculate a prepared medium for the
isolation of Biodeteriogens. Though the simplest, it is very difficult to standardize this
method because only a fraction of the total organisms is collected, also some swab are
produced with with materials that are inhibitory to the organisms.

Adhensive Tape method: This method involves the use of adhesive tape to trap a sample
from the surface of materials. It is applicable for sampling from glass and some construction
materials. The method works with the same principle as the contact plate, but it is more
efficient in removing cells from the surface.

Major stages Involved in the Assessment of Biodeterioration

1) Identification of the major types of organisms

2) Microscopic observation of the interface biofilm
3) Elemental and mineral analysis of the damage materials.
4) Final investigation
Biodeterioration Testing Techniques

i) Preliminary screen
ii) Controlled environmental simulation
iii) Field trial or long-term exposure.

Preliminary Screen: This is a biodeterioration testing method that is applicable in the early
stage of product development, particularly on a number of promising formulations which
merit further examination. E.g. testing the efficacy of a range of preservatives in a new
product in order to recommend or choose the most appropriate one. This technique is limited
in the sense that it does not simulate the end use of the product.

Controlled Environmental Simulation: This testing technique are normally designed to

cover the limitations of preliminary test method as it takes into consideration the end use of
materials while keeping a reasonable amount of control on the environmental conditions.
Normally, the preservatives are incorporated in the materials they are designed to protect or
the material may be exposed to the type of environment it is likely to encounter in service.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Such materials may then be subjected to artificial weathering or ageing to simulate the effect
of environmental factors such as rain, temperature, humidity etc.

Field Trial or Long-term Exposure: This is usually a long-term test (usually greater than
one year) in which material (product) is exposed to one or more service situation or a range
of climatic factors that the materials are likely to encounter in service. This testing technique
may last for up to 10 years

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Control of Biodeterioration

The main effort in the field of biodeterioration has been to develop, either empirically or by
design, methods for preventing the biodeterioration of materials and thus preserve their value
and usefulness for as long as possible. It is useful, however, to discuss control strategies in a
wider context so that they can be applied to full effect in a given situation. The phrase that an
ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure is extremely pertinent to biodeterioration.
Preventative techniques are the main option for consideration, whereas remedial treatment is
at best only a temporary solution: it does not usually completely cure the problem. Prevention
should ideally commence when the raw material has assumed a potentially susceptible state.
This may be directly after the harvesting in the case of foodstuff or when a synthetic product
is placed in an environment conducive to biological activity. The preventative methods
involve physical/mechanical techniques such as heat, cold, drying, osmotic pressure, and
the use of mechanical barriers. Chemical methods were first introduced as fumigants
(sulfur) and then as salts of mercury, copper, and zinc in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries for preservingtimberandother natural productsin storage. It was not until the
SecondWorldWar that the widespread use of chemical preservatives or biocides commenced.
The prevention and control of a biodeterioration problem require a knowledge of the product
composition, process and manufacturing details, supply chain information, and the
application in order to be able to recommend the most equitable solution to all parties
concerned. As the materials involved have a value, there may be the need to establish or
apportion responsibility for a proble. The expertise in this area has, over the past one decade
been taken up by the manufacturers and formulators of preservative products as part of their
customer service package.

It is worth noting that no single control method is perfect or suitable in all sitiuation. Most of
the methods reduce the level of contamination or microbial growth in or on a material to a
minimum level acceptable to the industry and the end user. Different materials may require
different approach.
There are three different methods used in the control of biodeterioration. These include the
1. Physical Methods
2. Chemical Methods
3. Biological Methods

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Physical Control Methods
Physical processes such as irradiation, desiccation/drying, membrane filtration,
pasteurization, use of osmotic pressure, high temperature(heat), low temperature (cold),
surface coating e.t.c can be applied to control the growth and survival of biodeteriogens on
material and therefore help in preserving the value of material. Factors that need to be
considered in selecting the physical agent/process for control include:
1. A good understanding of the physiology of the biodeteriogen: This is helpful in
determining the strategy of physical methods. For example, where thermotolerant
microbes are suspected to be the deteriogens, high temperature may be employed.
2. The nature or composition of the material/product to be preserved: This is also
very critical because some materials are sensitive to some physical treatment.

Desiccation/drying: The partial removal of water from a product or the maintenance of that
product in an atmosphere low in moisture is commonly used in a variety of familiar situations.
Desiccants are often placed inside the packaging of goods to absorb atmospheric water and
reduce the humidity in the package, which in turn reduces the likelihood of microbial growth.
Radiations: Radiations such as UV rays, gamma rays and microwaves have all been
employed to a limited extent as sterilizing agents, often where there has been a large-scale
spoilage problem especially in the case of liquid products where there is a possibility that the
product may be reclaimed or reworked. Gamma irradiation has been used to treat books from
a library after flooding resulted in widespread fungal growth. The residual preservative
activity of irradiation is nil, and other precautions must be subsequently used to prevent
Membrane Filtration: membrane filters are also extensively used as barriers to
microorganisms. Membrane filters with pore sizes of either 0.45 or 0.22μm are routinely used
to trap fungi and bacteria. The use of physical barriers for the exclusion of larger organisms is
a matter of common sense and knowledge of the habits of particular troublesome groups.
Surface Coating: Nature of the surface of a material affects the initial colonization by
microorganisms. Smooth hydrophobic surfaces are less likely to encourage colonization than
textured surfaces which can harbour organic debris and water and provide crevices for
microorganisms. Surface coating using materials such as antifouling paints and silicone
rubber material (polydimethyl siloxanes) have been devised for the prevention of external
fouling on off-shore structures.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Chemical Control Methods
Chemical method of controlling biodeterioration involves the use of biocides. Biocides are
used routinely in the protection of materials. Biocides exert their effect on the target organism
in a number of ways, including oxidation, hydrolysis, denaturation, cell lysis, metabolic
inhibition, and alteration of membrane permeability. The term preservative is generally
regarded as the most accurate descriptive term for general use chemical to control
biodeterioration, because it infers that the protected material maintains its integrity and
performance characteristics during storage and use.
It is worth noting that majority of biocides are toxic chemicals and as such are subject to
national and international controls. These controls range from inventories, or lists of
permitted and banned chemicals, through hazard and risk assessments which control the
marketing of such chemicals, to the use of risk labels and maximum permitted levels of use.

Characteristics of an Ideal Biocide

To be effective, the ideal biocide (which does not, exist!) should have the following

1. Toxic to the target deteriogens

2. Non-toxic to human and non-target animal and plant life
3. Stable in both the concentrate and the diluted form
4. low cost:performance ratio
5. Compatible with the product and not impart any unwanted
colour or alter the properties of the material

Major Chemical Agents for the Control of Biodeteriogens

Several groups of chemical have found application in the control of biodeterioration. These
include: phenolic compounds, alcohols, aldehydes, oxidizing agent, quaternary ammonium
compound as well as organic acids and their esters.

Chemical Group Example of Chemical Agent Industrial/Domestic Applications

Phenolic compounds Trichlorophenol, Orthophenyl Disinfection and preservation in
phenol, Pentachlorophenol e.t.c leather and paper industries as
bactericides of fungicides

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Alcohols Benzyl alcohol, As preservatives in Cosmetic
Aldehydes Formaldehyde, Glutaraldehyde As preservatives for paints and
Oxidizing agents Chlorine, Bleach, Hydrogen Treatment of domestic and industrial
peroxide, Ozone water supplies
Quaternary ammonium Benzalkonium chloride, As preservatives for textiles and wood
compounds cetrimide industries.
Organic acids and their Propionic, Lactic, Sorbic, and Preservation of acidic foodstuffs as
well as cosmetics
esters. Benzoic acids, parabens

Biological Control Methods

This involves the use of one biological agent to suppress another. One example in the control
of wood decay is the use of immunizing commensals. Studies have shown that the fungus
Scytalidium lignicola is antagonistic to Lentinus lepideus, a wood-decaying fungus;
Trichoderma viride has also been used commercially. It may be introduced as a slug (spores
of the fungus mixed in a dehydrated nutrient matrix and pressed into a pill) into the trunk of a
standing tree; in a similar situation, the technique has also been suggested for protecting
electricity transmission and telegraph poles.


Stored Plant Food Materials (unprocessed)
Materials under this group include fruits, seeds, cereal, vegetables, and root crops. These
types of materials usually decayed due to post-harvest attack of bacteria and fungi.
Microorganisms involved are mostly those that produce pectinases, and cellulases. The
biodeterioration in this case is commonly described as spoilage. The most affected products
are soft fruits and salad vegetables. Chemical constituents of these type of material are vital
part of microbial nutrient. The microbes can damage the material partially or completely
which may consequently down grade the quality of the products.
 Biodeteriogens: A large number of microorganisms are involved.
 Erwinia sp.
 Corynebacterium sp.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Fungi are also notable for their involvement, storage fungi usually
developed from dormant spores/mycellium e.g
 Phytophthora sp.
 Streptomyces sp
 Curvularia sp
 Aspergillus sp

 Overall Effect
Lost of economic value

 Control
Deterioration of these kinds of materials is mostly checked by altering storage
conditions by
 Chilling
 The use of inert gases
 Treatment with low dosages of gamma-radiation

Biodeterioration of Leather
This is a product of animal hides. It consists of wool and animal glue, animal fat, proteins and
keratins which are attacked by microorganisms. Therefore, it is rapidly deteriorated by
lipolytic and proteolytic microbes.
 Biodeteriogens: The fact that finished leather is quite acidic, fungi are the major
 Rhizopus sp.
 Cunninghamella sp
 Mucor sp
 Aspergillus sp
Bacteria: these are mostly organisms used in the processing
 Bacillus subtilis
 B. megaterium
 B. punilis

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
 Effect
Colour damage
Foul odour
Reduction in tensile strength

 Control
Deterioration of these kinds of materials is mostly checked by incorporation of
biocides (Bromopol) during processing


The problems of biodeterioration in buildings are many and diverse. In each case, it relates to
one or a combination of the following:
1. Materials used
2. environment created by the building itself,
3. Associated services, and/or uses to which the building is put.

Nature of Deterioration

In some instances, the presence of microbial growth on building structure is considered an

aesthetic issue, because visible growth of pigmented microorganisms can alter the
appearance of buildings and statues. However, in many cases microorganisms may
exacerbate physical weathering of components of building structure particularly on the
Microbial biodeterioration of building structure; especially those constructed with cement,
stone and related materials is widely thought to occur through the action of organic and
inorganic acids produced as metabolic by-products. water absorption by the biofilm
matrix results in shrinking and swelling of the extracellular polymeric substance, causing
mechanical stress that opens cracks and fissures. However, in addition to metabolic acids and
water absorption, biofilm exopolymers can increase the dissolution rate of calcium carbonate,
suggesting that they may also cause deterioration of such materials. Depending on
environmental conditions, bacterial polysaccharides may precipitate calcium carbonate. Some
acids may react with calcium to form other minerals. For example Sulfuric acid produced by

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
sulfur-oxidizing bacteria can react with limestone to form a gypsum (calcium sulfate) crust.
Exfoliation of this crust results in deterioration of the stone.

Major Biological Problems Associated with Building Structures

i. Fungal Growth
ii. Bacterial Growth
iii. Insect Infestation
iv. Rodent Infestation
v. Lichen and Algal Growth
i. Fungal and Bacterial Growth:
Fungal and bacterial growth presents a serious problem to building structures.
Some of the consequences of bacterial and fungal infestation of buildings include
but not limited to the following:

a) It reduces the structural strength

b) It affect decorations, paintwork, furniture
c) It causes cracks and disintegration of building structures
d) It causes discolouration/disfiguration of buildings.
e) It causes health problems
ii. Insect Infestation
This problem is less common as compared to bacterial and fungal infestation.
However, it is affects the building structures in the following ways:
a) Reduction of structural strength
b) It causes health hazards and aesthetic problems
c) It causes Soiling (discolouration of structures)
d) It causes fouling due to offensive odour of the insect excreta
iii. Rodent Infestation:
Rodents serve as agent of destruction to building structure and exert their effect in
the following ways:
a) Formation of unnecessary holes in the walls thereby causing mechanical
b) Presents health risks
c) They can also cause fouling due to their excreta.
d) They can cause destruction of decoration especially those made up of fibrics

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
iv. Lichen and Algal Growth
The most notable effects of this problem include the following:
a) It causes reduction in structural strength
b) It causes discolouration of paintwork
c) It causes aesthetic problems.
Signs of Deterioration of Building Structures

Sign of deterioration of building structures can manifest in one or combination of the


i) Colour change
ii) Crack formation
iii) Formation of patches and accumulation of biomass
iv) Rusting of metallic components of the building structures
v) Chalking
vi) Formation of blisters
vii) Water entrapment
Major Groups of Microorganisms Involved in The Deterioration Building Structures

Diverse groups of microorganisms are involved in biodeterioration of building structures.

The three major groups include bacteria, cyanobacteria and fungi.

Bacteria: Certain species belonging to the genera Desulfovibrio, Thiobacillus,

Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas and Pseudomonas are known for their involvement in
deterioration of building structures

Cyanobacteria: Notable genera in this group are species of Pleurococcus, Oscillatoria,

Synochocystis and Chlorella.

Fungi: Different species of fungi are implicated in the biodeterioration of building

structure, they are more commonly implicated as compared to bacteria and cyanobacteria.
Examples these fungi include species of Penicillium Botritis, Pullularia, Trichoderma etc.

Abiotic agents of Deterioration of Buildings

1. Chemicals
This involves interaction of certain cleaning agents with materials and/or components
causing disintegration, softening or discoloration.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
2. Human Activity/Attitude
Failure to clean and carry out routine maintenance
Ignorance of the causes of deterioration and decay
Adopting a negative attitude of waiting until emergency measures are required.
3. Atmospheric elements
Reaction of the structure, external fabric, finishes and claddings to the penetration of
Atmospheric elements such as:
 Wind
 Rain
 Sun
 Frost and snow for cold weather
4. Moisture
Dampness may create a suitable condition for fungi growth and attack; Excessive
moisture may lead to excessive condensation and corrosion of building components
5. Fire
The heat and the combination of heat and water can lead to the swelling, distortion,
spilling and cracking of the structural components.


 Biodeterioration of Paints

Paints are used as protective coatings to prevent the environmental weathering of materials and to
provide a decorative finish. They are simply made up of a binder, a pigment, and a solvent. Binders
produce the film as the paint dries by cross-linking, the pigment which can be either mineral or
organic based provides the colour. The solvent could either be water or hydrocarbon-based and it
facilitates the application and drying properties.

Why microbes attack paints?

Paintings contain a wide range of organic and inorganic molecules that many microorganisms may
utilize as nutrient for growth, these include sugars, gums, and other polysaccharides, proteins,
linseed and other oils. The mix of these molecules provide different ecological niches that may be
exploited by a large variety of microbial species especially bacteria and fungi. Thus paints are
susceptible to microbial biodeterioration.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Biodeteriogens of Paints

Paints are potentially prone to ‘in-can’ attacks by both fungi and bacteria. In liquid state, the paint
may be colonised by a range of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria particularly the spore
formers (Bacillus spp. and Clostridium spp.) Others include P. aeruginosa P. putida, P. fluorescens,
Alcaligenes spp., Proteus spp., Citrobacter freundii, Corynebacterium spp. Notable Fungi imlicated
are species of Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Chaetomium, Rhizopus and Alternaria.

Predisposing Factors

Certain environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, light, and pH favours microbial
growth on paint. e.g The pH of most paints is in the range 8–9.5, and this favours the Pseudomonads,
which are the most commonly encountered group, comprising at least 75% of isolates from spoilt
paint. Anaerobic microorganisms in the finished paint and raw water can oxidize organic matter using
electron acceptors (an oxidation-reduction types of reaction) that leaves large acidic fragments in the
paint than oxygen for nutrients. They are vulnerable while still in the can and as an applied paint film.
Although both solvent-based and water-based systems are susceptible, ‘in-can’ problems are almost
solely confined to water-borne emulsion paints, whereas spoilage of the film occurs in both.


Once a water based paint has been contaminated, its chemical and physical appearance change. The
deterioration of oil paintings is manifested in color change, decomposition of medium, and
appearance of stains. Growth of microorganisms on paintings may cause aesthetic and structural

The main effects of microbial attack are: Gas evolution, Production of ‘off ’ odours, Loss in
viscosity of the paint (and to a lesser extent, increase in viscosity), Emulsion splitting, pH change,
discolouration, and the growth of bacterial or fungal colonies on surface of the paint. Others are
frothing, sedimentation and separation into phases, as well as potential health hazard. Any one of
these signs will render the paint unusable.


These preparations/articles that someone applies to, sprinkles on, or rubs into their body to cleanse,
beautify, or promote attractiveness or alter their appearance. The product must not affect normal
bodily function or structure. This definition of cosmetics excludes ordinary soap”. Cosmetics are
products which are designed to clean, beautify, or perfume the human body. They deliver agents that
can enhance personal appearance, modify body odor or assist in body cleansing. They comprise four

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
functional groups: skin, hair, oral care, and colour cosmetics. E.g creams, sunscreens, shampoos,
styling gels, toothpaste, lipstick, mascara, and face powders. Application is largely restricted to the
skin. Although products such as toothpaste or those for “feminine hygiene” may come into contact
with mucous membranes. Eye-area cosmetics may also come into secondary contact with the cornea
and conjunctiva. Cosmetics should be safe for use and not cause human health problems. Therefore,
effort should be geared toward production of pathogens-free cosmetics. The packaging should also be
done in a manner that reduces the risk of contamination and improve the aestheitc value of the

Predisposing Factors of Paints Biodeterioration?

Many products contain water and other raw materials that are very susceptible to microbial attack.
Most raw materials used in cosmetics are dry powders, natural gels, or surfactants. A few examples of
these are talc and quaternized clay, aloe vera, anionic surfactants, and ammonium lauryl sulfate.
The complex chemical and physicochemical nature of many formulations is often found to be
conducive to the survival and even multiplication of such contaminants, unless specific precautions
are taken to prevent it. Such survival, and even growth, may result in appreciable damage to the
product as spoilage and/or the user as infection This must be addressed to ensure the continued
stability and safety of the product. Cosmetics are susceptible to microbial attack. Both bacteria and
fungi participate in the contamination process. The nutritional requirements of most saprophytic,
non-fastidious spoilage contaminants are likely to be well met in almost all cosmetics, since many
ingredients are easily biodegradable. Washing the talc provides an ideal setting for spore forming
bacteria to grow.

Source of Contamination

High potential for consumer abuse contribute to high contamination such as: Reckless handling,
repeated contact with saliva, repeated and communal application and possibilities for in-use dilution
of remaining product, such as for shampoos or soap in the shower. Microorganisms might
contaminate cosmetics during manufacture, storage or use. Contamination can occur from the
environment where raw materials are sourced.

Biodeteriogens of Cosmetics

Several pathogenic and non pathogenic bacteria are presence in unused cosmetic preparations. Some
of these have been linked to infections, for example, eye infections from mascaras and hospital-
acquired septicaemia from hand lotions and handcreams. In dry powders and natural gels such as aloe
vera, the primary contaminant is a spore-forming Bacillus or Clostridium spp. In surfactants, a wide
variety of gram-negative bacteria may grow and carry out biodeterioration. Shared-use cosmetics
accumulate human microflora, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and

Prof. A. A. Orukotan
Corynebacteria spp, as well as pathogenic fungi, yeasts and bacterial spores. Those that contain water
or become wet during use reveal pseudomonads and related bacteria. Most fungi considered to be
contaminants to cosmetics are recovered at 25°C and bacteria at 30°C. Creams and wet wipes may
exhibit surface mould growth during storage. The most commonly reported microbial hazards found
in liquid cosmetics are pseudomonads and their related Gram-negative rods. Spores forming bacterial
and fungal predominating in dry cosmetic powders. Toilet soaps have been found to be colonized by
Aureobasidium pullulans, Stachybotrys atra, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Trichoderma viridae.
Deteriorated facial and baby lotions have been found to contain species of Serratia and Pseudomonas.


Shampoos and other anionic-surfactant-containing products are subject to off-odours, discolouration,

and loss in viscosity. This will result in a slimy or ropy liquid with an unpleasant odour.

Prof. A. A. Orukotan

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