End of Year Test B

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1 Correct the underlined words in the sentences. 4 Choose the best answers to the questions.

0 I’ve write a story for you. written 0 I don’t know the place you want to meet.
1 The film is starting in ten minutes. a where b when c that
2 The game win by our team. 1 Dan has stomachache and hasn’t eaten today.
3 That’s the restaurant which we had dinner last week. a a b the c –
2 All students wear the school uniform. It is necessary.
4 You may not smoke here. It is forbidden. a may b must c don’t have to
5 If I have some money, I would go on holiday next 3 It’s the kind of place you want to take your friends.
a where b when c which
6 He’s the teacher where has just started.
4 If you feel ill, you see a doctor.
7 Have you see the new library in town?
a can b will c should
5 I’m going to New Zealand on holiday next year.
a the b a c –
6 If I had a car, I to Madrid.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
a go b would go c am going
verbs in brackets.
7 You bring food and drink to the party. We have
0 Mike isn’t going away (not go away) this summer. already bought food and drink.
1 My sister never (like) classical music. a can b don’t have to c have to
2 I (help) you if I had time.
3 Will you make the dinner tonight, if I (cook) it /7
4 I’m sure that this summer (be) very warm 5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
because the winter wasn’t cold.
5 The train (leave) at 8 p.m. 0 Those new jeans look great on you!
6 I (spend) a year abroad when I was nineteen. 1 His father likes to advice to people.
7 Sam (be) on holiday to France many times. 2 I’d really like to yoga. It looks very relaxing.
8 This amazing story (read) by thousands of 3 I exams really stressful.
people since this morning. 4 If I my room and help my mum in the kitchen,
9 He (work) in that company for four years. my parents give me pocket money.
5 I £10 a day in my part-time job.
/9 6 The shop assistant was really and answered
all my questions.
7 We are not staying in our country for our holiday this
3 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
year. We are going .
0 Zoe hasn’t got much confidence to speak in public. 8 There were a lot of people waiting at the airport, and
enough we had to stand in a long .
1 I like people which are friendly. 9 I love taking photos. I’m going to do a course.
2 Your team will win when they play this well. 10 I don’t like films. I think they are really scary!
3 Not much people know that Suriname is in Latin
America. /10
4 That’s the place when we met our friends.
5 If I had time I learn another language. TOTAL SCORE /40
6 The car made in France.
7 A River Amazon is in South America.


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Reading Listening
1 Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 2 15 Listen to some people talking about their lives.
Match the speakers (1–6) with the free-time activity
(a–g) they would enjoy the most. There is one extra
Electronic communication is changing
The internet allows people to communicate faster than ever and
has become an important part of daily life in most developed Speaker 1
countries. Without it, life seems to stop but not everyone has
Speaker 2
access to computers and the Internet, for example: people in
less developed countries or the older generation who have never Speaker 3
had to use computers for school or work. Speaker 4
As technology improves, more devices to help us communicate Speaker 5
are being developed. How we communicate is changing too
Speaker 6
and we talk less to people and text more. Some people in the
communications industry believe that if given the choice of how a chatting on messenger
to contact someone, more people are choosing their phone and b swimming
not their computer. Phones are cheaper than computers and
c triathlon
now have internet access and more functions than we know or
have time to use. A separate camera or personal stereo is no d going to parties
longer necessary. Today’s phones take pictures, play music, book e athletics
flights and hotels, and much more. They come with additional
applications which allow us to find out information very quickly. f yoga
So, connecting with people through your phone is definitely more g free running
practical for this day and age. Modern mobile phones provide
us with all that our computers do and more, at any time and
There are of course disadvantages too and anyone who has
lost their phone will tell you how strange it feels. Some people
are totally lost without them and feel they have no social life.
But as society becomes more of a phone-culture, a lot more 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The
will change. The next time you go out, see how phones are first letter of each word has been given.
changing our society, how we communicate and how we live. The
world might be getting smaller but it might also be that we are 0 Could you help me with the bag , please?
forgetting how we used to talk to each other.
1 Window or a seat, Mr Alton?
2 Did you p your case yourself, sir?
1 The internet is an important part of life for everyone.
3 Good morning, sir. Could I have your p and
2 Some people have never used a computer. ticket, please?
3 It is becoming more common for people to contact each 4 Could you tell me h to get to the nearest bank?
other by phone and not their computer.
5 Could you pay the e baggage at the ticket
4 If you want to have internet access, you must have a office, please?
6 Could you put your c here, please?
5 If you have a modern mobile phone, you don’t have to
have a camera or personal stereo. 7 In my o , the shops should close later at the
6 Computers are more useful for many people than
mobile phones these days.
7 Mobile phones are an important part of some people’s
social lives.

Photocopiable © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2012 Matura Choices Pre-Intermediate

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