Outcomes Elementary Review Test 2

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REVIEW TEST 2 UNITS 7–12 4 Choose the correct option.

1 My dad often funny jokes.
a tells b says c speaks
Grammar 2 Have you the washing?
a made b done c been
1 Complete each sentence with an auxiliary or modal 3 We for a walk in the country yesterday.
auxiliary verb. Use negative forms if necessary. a got b had c went
1 you like to go for a walk later today? 4 Arthur an important meeting.
2 It’s Sunday, so we have to work today. a goes b has c does
3 ‘Are you feeling tired?’ ‘Yes, I .’ 5 When did you married?
4 ‘Did you bring the map?’ ‘No, I . I’m sorry.’ a have b go c get
5 ‘I’ve never played American football. 6 The factory has closed and a lot of people have
you?’ ‘Yeah! I was born in the States.’ their jobs.
6 ‘I haven’t been to that new nightclub.’ ‘Really? Well, a lost b missed c thrown
you . You’d really like it.’ 7 I fell off the ladder and myself.
7 Louise lost her passport. She’s looked a broke b hurt c forgot
everywhere for it. 8 You need to the 22 bus to the centre.
8 ‘I don’t like gardening.’ ‘Really? We . We a go b get c make
spend hours in the garden every weekend.’ 9 My legs feel a bit this morning because
9 ‘You don’t look well. Are you OK?’ ‘No, I . I walked 15 kilometres yesterday.
I don’t feel well at all. a sick b burnt c stiff
10 ‘I’ve never seen the film Titanic.’ ‘Oh, I . 10 STUDENTS AGAINST GOVERNMENT
But it was a bit too romantic for me. CUTS
2 Complete the text with one word in each space. / 10
I’m seventy now, I’ve retired and I don’t 1
to work anymore. I have lots of free time, 2 Listening
I’m 3 to go on a round the world trip. I’d
to see the Taj Mahal in India and the 5a Listen to the news and put the stories in the order
Great Wall of China before I die. Why? Well, I really want they are mentioned. The first has been done for you.
to visit them 5 I think they are two of the a MAJOR SHOP SHUTS
amazing places in the world. I’m not 7 b NEW ROAD PLANNED 1
to take 8 luggage with me on c CHANGING TIMES FOR FATHERS
my trip – just a small, light backpack. I have some money, d CLEVER FOOD?
but I certainly haven’t got 9 money to stay /3
in expensive hotels, and, in my opinion, tourists spend 5b Listen again and choose the correct answers. Each
much time in international hotels and question has only one correct answer.
never really see the real places they are visiting. 1 In the first story, why are some people angry about the
/ 10 motorway?
a The number of cars will increase.
Vocabulary b People will lose their jobs.
c Travellers will have to pay more.
3 Decide which word does not go in each group. 2 What can’t you buy at Millers?
1 words to describe male relatives a sofas and chairs
a aunts b uncles c sons b books and magazines
2 words to describe personality c hats and coats
a stressful b quiet c strict 3 How did scientists find out how good chocolate was
3 words to describe experiences for your intelligence?
a embarrassing b annoyed c scary a They did tests on students in England.
4 words to describe train tickets b They used students at American universities
a single b delay c first-class to test it.
5 words to describe food in a restaurant c They did scientific tests on themselves.
a the bill b the dessert c the starter 4 Why does Rosie say that more dads are spending time
6 words to describe dairy products looking after their children?
a cream b nuts c butter a They have more free time after work.
7 words to describe meat b They sometimes don’t want to work.
a pork b garlic c steak c Sometimes their partners have better-paid jobs.
8 words which have a negative form using un- / 12
a healthy b fair c difficult
9 words to describe health problems
a a cold b a head c a cough
10 words to describe positive feelings
a bored b excited c relaxed
/ 10
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6 Talk about one of the following topics.
• your family 8 Write one of the following.
• a place you have been to • a review of a restaurant you have visited
• your plans for the weekend • a description of places to visit in your city
/ 15 • an email to a friend suggesting a place to go to and a
time and a place to meet
Reading / 15 / 100

7a Read the text. Which paragraph (A–C) gives the

answer to each question (1–3).
1 Why is the world’s largest family so large?
2 How many people are there in the world’s biggest
3 Where does the world’s largest family live?
7b Read the text again and decide if these sentences are
true (T) or false (F).
1 Some of the family have left home. T/F
2 Men and women in the family do the same jobs
about the house.  T/F
3 Ziona is older than all the other people in
his family. T/F
4 Ziona might get married again one day. T/F
5 Many of Ziona’s wives didn’t have much
money when they got married. T/F
6 Ziona makes all the important decisions
in the family. T/F
/ 12
The world’s largest family
In the mountains of northern India near Bangladesh,
there is a very unusual family. They all live together in the
same house, and they spend a lot of time together. Every
day, the men in the family look after their animals and
the food they are growing, but they always return home
for meals. The women do the cooking and cleaning. And
there is a lot of cooking! Why? Well, this is the world’s
largest family. Their home has four floors and a hundred
rooms, but it is very crowded!
Ziona is in his seventies, and he is the head of the world’s
biggest family. He got married to his first wife Zathiangi
when he was seventeen and she was twenty, but he
didn’t stop there. Amazingly, today, he has thirty-nine
wives and more children and grandchildren than any
other person in the world, and he says that he doesn’t
want to stop getting married or having kids! One of
his sons told us that Ziona married most of his wives
because they were poor, and he wanted to be kind and
to help them. That’s why the family has got larger and
larger. In the family’s religion, a man can marry any
woman he wants to.
In the house, everybody looks after Ziona, but it seems
that the women make most of the decisions. To make
sure there is enough food for the family each day, the
oldest wife, Zathiangi, has to organise all the other
mothers to prepare over thirty chickens for dinner. There
are ninety-four people to feed in the family, including
Ziona and all his wives, children and grandchildren. It
can’t be easy to remember all the names!

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