05-Standard of Command Line Provisioning File For SDH Equipment
05-Standard of Command Line Provisioning File For SDH Equipment
05-Standard of Command Line Provisioning File For SDH Equipment
This specification aims at standardizing the contents and format of the MML
batch files and specifying the data that need to be configured in the MML for
the convenience of future maintenance. For the office deployed after the
specification is issued, its MML should be written in accordance with this
specification. Software project QC to be conducted hereafter shall also refer
to this specification. The statements that fall short of the writing specification
in the MML files will be handled as off-specification items.
2) All the commands should be sent one by one by pressing the "Y" key
after a prompt shows up in the command entry window.
3 ) After the batch files are sent and checked successfully and the NE
status becomes stable, the databases (drdb, fdb0 and fdb1) must be
backed up using the following commands:
4) When the command is sent from the "sbsterm" in the workstation, the
writing format of "#5:cfg-set-stgpara:sync=intr:" cannot be used. Instead, it
should be written in two lines:
5 ) For 155/622H, it is probable that the result back display of the 4.02
serial commands can be inexplicable. In this case, the command
":tm155a:false" can be used to convert it into the format we habitually use.
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
1 ) The first line of the batch file cannot be a null line, otherwise the
"sbsterm" software of the workstation will not give the prompt of "(Yes, No,
or All)".
The set display mode is false. If it is set as true, a large bunch of 155A-
exclusive return codes will be returned whenever a command is sent, which
is quite difficult to understand, so normally the above command is sent.
:cfg-set-sysname<sys1>: "ring1";
:cfg-set-sysname<sys2>: "shanghai";
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
The name of the logic system must be defined, or the display of logic
system names in the network management will likely be abnormal.
Advise that the logic system should be defined with the direction connected
by the relevant line unit : the logic system is defined as "ring" if it's a
ring,or "the name of the opposite station" if it's a chain。
:cfg-set-stgpara:sync=w1s8k :syncclass=w1s8k&intr;
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
Notes must be given after time slot configuration to mark the direction of the
time slot. For the adding and dropping VC12 payloads of this station, the
format of Notes is "//name of the station-- name of the opposite end station-
number of VC12* time slots"; for VC4 payloads, the format of Notes is
"//name of the station-- opposite end station name VC4-which VC4". The
VC4 numbers at both ends should be consistent (for example, both of them
should be the first VC4); for the pass-through payloads of this station, the
format of Notes is "//pass-through" or more detailed notes. The payloads of
different destinations can be separated by null strings. It is believed that
notes made in this way will also be beneficial to the notes maker.
20)Querying NE status
This standard is to unify the writing contents and writing format of command
line provisioning batch files, and to specify the configuration data in
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
command line and make the future maintenance convenient. For the project
which is deployed after the issuing date of this standard, the statements in
its command line file should also be written according to this standard. And
the future quality inspection of software should also be executed according
to this standard. The statements which do not accord with this standard will
be treated invalid.
4) After provisioning batch files are all sent and verified successfully, wait till
the NE states are stable, then execute the following commands one by one
to back up database of NE software (drdb, fdb0 and fdb1).
That means, in order to switchover the operated NE, only the "#5:" format is
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
This statement is to avoid that large amount of performance data is reported
and sending of provisioning batch file will be blocked. If there is any
performance data reported, the following command should not be sent until
the report is over. After sending all commands in batch file, start
performance monitoring finally.
4) Initialize the NE
5) Set NE parameters
:cfg-set-sysname<sys1>: "sys1";
:cfg-set-sysname<sys2>: "sys2";
Note: The logical system name must be defined, otherwise, the display of
logical system name on NMS might be abnormal.
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
:cfg-set-stgpara:sync=w1s8k :syncclass=w1s8k&intr;
:cfg-set-stgbackup:12,stg ,0;
:cfg-set-stgbackup:13,stg ,1;
If a NE has two STG units, the active/standby relation between these two
units should be set, as illustrated in the second and third statements.
Otherwise, it is not required.
:cfg-set-gupara<sys1,gw1&&gw4>:srj1="HuaWei SBS":stj1="HuaWei
For the project which is deployed newly, this setting is not required
generally, and the default is used (By default, the J1 bytes which should be
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
received and sent are HuaWei SBS). For the upgrading and expansion of
existing network, this setting might be required, so as to keep J1 and C2
bytes consistent with the exitsting ones of other NEs, refer to Data Setting
standard for details.
:cfg-set-tupara:tu1&&tu3,1&&32, np&75o;
:cfg-set-tupara:tu4,1&&4, np&75o;
:cfg-create-vc12:sys1,gw1,33&&48,sys1,ge1,33&&48; //passing
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
VC12*timeslot quantity; for VC4 traffic, the comment format is //this station
name -- opposite station name VC4- number, the VC4 numbers at both
ends should be consistent (e.g., both are VC4-1); for the traffic passing
through in this station, the comment is //pass through, or in more details.
The traffics with different destinations can be spaced by an blank line. For
the method of configuring TDA traffic, please refer to the relative file, which
is required to be mastered by each engineer.
20) Checkout all the configurations and download them to each unit
This standard is to unify the writing contents and writing format of command
line provisioning batch files, and to specify the configuration data in
command line and make the future maintenance convenient. For the project
which is deployed after the issuing date of this standard, the statements in
its command line file should also be written according to this standard. And
the future quality inspection of software should also be executed according
to this standard. The statements which do not accord with this standard will
be treated invalid.
4) After provisioning batch files are all sent and verified successfully, wait till
the NE states are stable, then execute the following commands one by one
to backup database of NE software (fdb0 and fdb1).
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
That means, in order to switchover the operated NE, only the "#5:" format is
Write in two lines separately, and note that there should be no space after
"#1:", otherwise, it can not be sent to the correct NE!!
4) Initialize the NE
5) Set NE parameters
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
:cfg-set-sysname<sys1>: "sys1";
:cfg-set-sysname<sys2>: "sys2";
These two commands must be ahead of the commands which set the
mapping from physical equipment to logical equipment.
The board position of PMU is 19, but it's not necessary to create this board
in command line. After the OptiX equipment is powered on, the PMU will
enter running state automatically. The last work to do is to add PMU in
board-position window of NMS after provisioning.
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
14) Set parameters of LU (usually take the default value instead of setting
the parameters manually)
:cfg-set-gupara: iu6,0,src2=tugs:stc2=tugs;
For the project which is deployed newly, this setting is not required
generally, and the default is used (By default, the J1 bytes which should be
received and sent are HuaWei SBS). For the upgrading and expansion of
existing network, this setting might be required, so as to keep J1 and C2
bytes consistent with the exitsting ones of other NEs, refer to Data Setting
standard for details.
:cfg-set-tupara:iu3&iu4,1&&63, np;
//shenzhen--guangzhou VC12*16
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
18) Checkout all the configurations and download them to each unit
OptiX High-level Training Manual Part 2 Equipment Commissioning
Chapter 5 Standard of Command Line Provisioning
File for SDH Equipment
5.1.1 Announcements...........................................................................................2-5-1
5.2.1 Announcements...........................................................................................2-5-4
5.3.1 Announcements...........................................................................................2-5-9