MEMBRANES - 2011-37 - Concrete Shell Structures

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Concrete Shell Structures Revisited: Introducing a New ‘Low-Tech‘ Construction Method Using VACUUMATICS


International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures

E. Oñate, B. Kröplin and K.-U.Bletzinger (Eds)


Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
Department of Architecture, Building and Planning
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands
e-mail: [email protected], web page:
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture
P.O. Box 5043, 2600 GA Delft, the Netherlands
e-mail: [email protected], web page:
ABT Consulting Engineers
P.O. Box 82, 6800 AB Velp, the Netherlands
e-mail : [email protected], web page:

Key words: Vacuumatics, Concrete Shells, Construction Process, Formwork System.

Concrete shell structures, often referred to as ‘thin shells’, have been around since the
1930’s. The design of these thin shells was stimulated by the desire to cover wide spans in an
economically attractive manner. Typically, the thickness of concrete shells is relatively small
compared to the curvature and span. The main reason for concrete shells to be economically
feasible (especially from a material point of view), is that shells are structurally efficient in
carrying loads acting perpendicular to their surface by in-plane membrane stresses. Bending
moments may occur locally to satisfy specific equilibrium or deformation requirements, but
are considered relatively small in general. The construction process of concrete shells was
considered extremely labour-intensive and time-consuming. From the 1960’s the interest in
concrete shell structures suddenly decreased. The reason for this was that the biggest
motivation for designing concrete shells, reducing material costs, was losing ground to the
rapid increase of labour costs.
In the last decade, curved (concrete) structures in general seem to have (re-)gained
popularity, supposedly due to the vast developments in digital modelling technology. In
contrast to a few decennia ago, nowadays literally all ‘thinkable’ shapes are easily drawn by
Computer Aided Design (CAD) software and even calculated by advanced Finite Element
Modelling (FEM) software. Nevertheless, the construction process of concrete shells seems to
have lacked the same degree of development as the design and engineering processes.
Although Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) equipment is available in some industries,
the limiting factor at the moment, with respect to the realisation of concrete shell structures,
turns out to be the manufacturability and adaptability of the formwork system.

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

This paper provides a new perspective on the construction process of concrete shell
structures and introduces a new cost saving approach for constructing (single curved) concrete
shells using Vacuumatics formwork.


The diversity of shell structures is vast. Any surface that is curved in one or more
directions can be considered a shell surface. Shell surfaces may be defined by the
classification of their curvature, expressed in terms of Gaussian curvature. The Gaussian
curvature of a curved surface is the product of the two principle curvatures: κg = κ1 · κ2. A
positive Gaussian curvature characterises a clastic surface, whereas a negative Gaussian
curvature characterises an anti-clastic surface. Cylindrical surfaces (as well as planes) have a
Gaussian curvature of zero (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Gaussian curvatures: clastic (a), anti-clastic (b) and cylindrical (c)

A more comprehensive approach of describing shell surfaces, however, is by concentrating

on the way the surface is generated (or designed). In 1980 Heinz Isler1 identified three types
of shells according to this philosophy, referred to as ‘Geometric’, ‘Structural’ and
‘Sculptural’. In this paper we will further elaborate this classification by re-interpreting Isler’s
terms in an attempt to clarify the origin of each shell form.

2.1 Analytical Forms (‘Geometric’)

A blooming period of widespread concrete shell construction took place from the 1930’s,
where engineers like Felix Candela, Eduardo Torroja, Anton Tedesko and Pier Luigi Nervi
managed to design, calculate and construct extremely elegant concrete shells (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Les Manantiales Restaurant in Xochimilco Mexico City by Felix Candela2

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

As the designs between 1930-1950 were mainly based on mathematical defined

geometries, these shell shapes can be referred to as ‘Analytical Forms’3. Typical traditional
analytically-based surfaces are referred to as ‘revolution surfaces’, ‘translation surfaces’ and
‘ruled surfaces’ (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Analytical Forms: translation surface (a), revolution surface (b) and ruled surface (c)4

Since no digital design and calculating equipment was available in that time, the
mathematical formulas were not only essential for drawing and calculating these structures,
but also aided the actual construction process. The majority of the thin concrete shell
structures were constructed by pouring wet concrete onto a rigid wooden formwork, often
assembled from straight elements. This construction process required many skilled craftsmen
(Figure 4).

Figure 4: formwork construction by Felix Candela2

2.2 Experimental Forms (‘Structural’)

In the 1950’s, engineer Heinz Isler introduced a slightly different approach for designing
thin concrete shells. In the spirit of Antonio Gaudi’s hanging models, he successfully applied

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

several ‘natural’ phenomena, like air pressure, gravity and material flow, to design thin
concrete shells (Figure 5). Due to the experimental character of his approach, these shapes can
be referred to as ‘Experimental Forms’3. Structural calculations were made by conducting
load tests on small-scale models which were interpreted for the design of the full-scale
concrete structure.

Figure 5: Isler’s Experimental Forms, based on air pressure, gravity and material flow 5

From structural point of view, in particular Isler’s shells based on gravity, behaved
superior to the Analytical Forms from the 1930’s. The explanation for this is that these shapes
obey the laws of nature under their own weight (pure compression or pure tension), whereas
Analytical Forms are merely approximations of these ‘natural’ forms.
As Isler’s designs were not easily described analytically, the construction process was
considered somewhat more complex than it was the case with Analytical Forms.
Nevertheless, Heinz Isler managed to design his formwork is such a clever way (using
amongst other things prefabricated curved wooden segments) that he was able to re-use it
numerous times, even integrating thermal insulation into his formwork system6 (Figure 6).

Figure 6: formwork system by Heinz Isler6

2.3 Digital Forms (‘Sculptural’)

After a sudden decrease in interest in curved (shell) structures from the 1960’s, an
increased interest arose in the 1990’s as rapid developments in digital modelling technology
offered new possibilities for architects and engineers. Where in the past the design and
engineering of curved (shell) structures were the playing field of a few experts, nowadays a

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

larger group of designers is able to design and even calculate almost any thinkable shape. The
term ‘free-form’ has become an integral part of modern design, effectively utilising CAD,
FEM and even CAM technology (Figure 7). In spirit of Isler’s afore mentioned terminology,
this third type of shell geometry will be referred to as ‘Digital Forms’3. With these types of
structures the shell shape is no longer based on structural efficiency (and thus material
reduction), but rather derived from aesthetics and spatial functionality.

Figure 7: Kakamigahara Crematorium by Toyo Ito and Matsuro Sasaki7


The aforementioned shell categories might easily be considered as several consecutive
steps in the evolution of shell structures. However, this would imply that each successive type
is superior to the former. As can be illustrated with a timeline indicating the dominant
category of each shell type, this is not the case3 (Figure 8). All three categories are still being
realised these days. Furthermore, each of the three categories has had its peaks and low
points, often related to the peak of the career of an influential designer or engineer or imposed
by a certain bottleneck within the building process. In many cases, his bottleneck appears to
be directly related to the degree of knowledge or technology available.
In general, it can be stated that Analytical Forms originate from the need to mathematically
describe a curved shell surface in order to calculate and construct them. Experimental Forms,
on the other hand, are designed very intuitively and are considered structurally ‘pure’, yet
more difficult to calculate and construct. Digital Forms offer an unprecedented freedom of
form and can be calculated with sophisticated digital modelling technology, but are even more
challenging to construct. This history of concrete shell structures teaches us that successful
examples are, without exception, the result of a highly integrated design and building process.
Whereas engineers of the 1930’s to 1960’s often were considered to be the architect as well as
contractor embodied within one person, nowadays this synergy in (shell) building can only be
achieved by making architect, structural engineer and construction specialist cooperate from
the early stages of the building process3.
When focussing on the biggest bottleneck nowadays, with respect to the successful
realisation of concrete shell structures, we can conclude that the construction process in
particular requires a new impulse in order to ‘keep up’ with the vast developments of digital
modelling technology (with respect to design as well as engineering). In particular the
manufacturability and adaptability of the formwork system (related to construction time and
labour costs) seems to be the limiting factor. Focusing on the construction methods used in

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

the past, we can conclude that the largest number of shell structures is constructed by means
of conventional timber formwork. In the last few years several ‘new’ techniques have been
developed (like CNC moulds, fabric formwork, adjustable moulds using independently
activated pistons), but only minor success had been reached on replacing timber moulds,
mainly due to lack of adaptability or lack of repetition for prefabrication, or due to a large
waste production or simply because of too large initial (start-up) costs. Therefore, the need
arises for an economically attractive or perhaps ‘low-tech’ formwork system, that discards the
abovementioned disadvantages altogether.

Figure 8: history of concrete shell structures3

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

3.1 A philosophy for successfully constructing concrete shells

From a theoretical point of view, it would make sense to consider the way shell surfaces
are generated as the most effective construction method. Strictly speaking, many of the
successful aforementioned concrete shells confirm this philosophy. For instance, Candela’s
designs are constructed using straight elements to create hyperbolic-paraboloid-shaped (or
hypar) shells. Although Isler (as a successful exception) still used conventional timber
formwork for the full-scale construction, others however, did follow the ‘generation =
construction’-philosophy and used an inflatable formwork to successfully construct dome-
shaped shells (e.g. Binishells3). With respect to Digital Forms, CAM technology seems to be
the way to go.

Inspired by the aforementioned philosophy, now Vacuumatics formwork will be discussed
with respect to the construction process of (single curved) concrete shell structures.
Furthermore, the analogy with the construction process of gridshells will be illustrated. First,
a small introduction on Vacuumatics and gridshells in general.

4.1 Vacuumatics
Vacuumatic structures, or Vacuumatics, consist of structural aggregates (particles) that are
tightly packed inside a flexible membrane envelope (skin). The structural integrity is obtained
by applying a (controllable) negative pressure, or partial vacuum, inside the surrounding skin,
hence prestressing and stabilising the particles in their present configuration by means of the
atmospheric (air) pressure. This process is referred to as ‘vacuum prestressing’. When
subjected to bending forces, the particles take up the compressive (contact) forces, whereas
the tensile forces are mainly taken up by the membrane envelope (Figure 9). The tensile
strength (and even the flexural rigidity) can be substantially enhanced by adding a piece of
reinforcement (e.g. a piece of textile) in the tensile zone of the structure (analogues to
reinforced concrete).

Figure 9: structural principle of Vacuumatics

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

The beneficial morphological characteristics of Vacuumatics are their ability to be ‘freely’

shaped and even to be re-shaped repeatedly to fulfil new geometric requirements. These
characteristics provide a promising approach for the design of a temporary, adaptable load-
bearing structure and thus a truly flexible and reconfigurable self-supporting formwork
As systematic research on the flexural rigidity of vacuumatic structures has illustrated9, the
structural behaviour of Vacuumatics largely depends on the individual characteristics of its
filling particles and surrounding skin, as well as on the interaction of these particles with the
enclosing skin and the particles mutually. Typically (when using thin plastic films like
LDPE), large deflections tend to occur at relatively low bending forces (Figure 10). This
specific characteristic might be used beneficially when applied as a formwork system. That is,
the vacuumatic structure will be easily curved and ‘only’ needs to withstand the concrete
mortar pressure until the structure is sufficiently hardened. As Vacuumatics behave
substantially better when submitted to compression forces rather than bending forces, this
implies that when the vacuumatic structure is shaped into its final shell form, it will be able to
withstand an external load very effectively by in-plane membrane stresses. The bending
stresses are, like mentioned before, considered relatively small (i.e. dependent on the shell

Figure 10: large bending deformations of Vacuumatics

4.2 Gridshells
An interesting approach for the design of shell structures in general was (re-)introduced by
Frei Otto in the 1970’s, as he put new life into the structural principle of gridshells10.
(Gridshells, also known as lattice shells, were originally pioneered by the Russian engineer
Vladimir Shukhov in 1896). Gridshells, are basically shell structures where material has been
removed to create a slender lattice grid pattern. Where in plain shells load paths are available
all over the surface, in gridshells the internal forces are transferred via discrete members.
Inspired by the suspension models of Antonio Gaudi, Frei Otto designed his gridshells by
inverting the form of a suspended soap film or that of a flexible suspending net10 (Figure 11).

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

Figure 11: Mannheim gridshells design based on a hanging model10

From construction point of view, the powerful concept that lies behind gridshells is that the
construction starts from a flat surface. The straight members are assembled on ground level as
a flat mesh. The final shape of the structure is obtained by locally forcing (i.e. deforming by
pushing and pulling) the members perpendicular to the surface and fixing the connections and
boundaries once the shell reached it desired (equilibrium) shape (Figure 12). To allow this
transformation to take place, the connections of the grid need to be initially ‘flexible’,
enabling scissor motion as well as sliding motion.

Figure 12: Mannheim gridshell construction10

Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.


Analogues to gridshells, the simplistic (or rather low-tech) assembly of Vacuumatics
enables an intuitive design approach for constructing shell structures by manipulating a flat
surface. From design point of view, it can be stated that in some cases a close relationship
might be seen with the second category of concrete shells (Experimental Forms), as these
forms are also often derived from manipulating a flat surface into its desired (equilibrium)
shape (e.g. by inflation or suspension). A big difference, however, is that with Vacuumatics
(as is the case with gridshells) some degree of initial flexural rigidity exists that influences the
internal equilibrium and therefore the shaping process.
A beneficial characteristic of vacuumatic structures is that the flexural rigidity can be
(partially) regulated by simply adjusting the level of vacuum pressure. A higher degree of
‘deflation’ will lead to a higher amount of structural prestressing and therefore to a larger
resulting bending stiffness. Only a marginal amount of vacuum pressure is required in order
to keep the particles from shifting inside the membrane envelope due to the gravitational
forces as the structure is being deformed. When the intended shape is reached, the level of
vacuum pressure can be increased to its maximum (approximately 1 bar), which stabilises the
shell shape. After hardening of the concrete (which will most likely be applied like shotcrete),
the Vacuumatics formwork can be re-inflated (or ‘re-flated’) and peeled off from the cured
concrete surface and even be re-used to create an entirely different curved shell shape. Using
this so-called ‘flexibility control’ (Figure 13), the shaping process of Vacuumatics formwork
can be effectively directed8.

Figure 13: flexibility control of Vacuumatics formwork

5.1 Shaping of Vacuumatics formwork: suspension method

One of the most imaginative methods of shaping Vacuumatics is the so-called ‘suspensions
method’ (analogues to Isler’s suspended cloth and Frei Otto’s cable nets). In initial, flexible
(or ‘deflated’) state Vacuumatics behave like a tensile structure (i.e. under pure tension),
where the particles act as the (enhanced) dead-weight of the structure. Preliminary small-scale
tests of the suspension method (total length = approximately two meters) show promising
results (Figure 14).


Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

Figure 14: preliminary tests of the suspension method using Vacuumatics

When inverted, the Vacuumatics formwork (and with this the intended concrete structure)
behaves like a shell structure under pure compression. Self-evidently, the inverting process
might be considered a rather delicate operation, in particular in case of relatively large shell
In addition, the deformation of the Vacuumatics structure due to its dead-weight can even
be restricted (or rather regulated) if desired by increasing the level of vacuum pressure (and
thus the flexural rigidity). In other words, an equilibrium state will be reached at a relatively
smaller deflection. Even the opposite is possible, as the derived suspended deformation can be
enlarged by locally manipulating the structure (i.e. pulling parts the structure downwards or
moving the edges of the structure inwards).

5.2 Shaping of Vacuumatics formwork: lifting method

Another (and perhaps more practical) method, derived from real-time gridshell
construction, is to locally lift the structure into its final shape. The deformation can be
controlled by jacking up ‘internal’ supports or even using inflatable devices (Figure 15).

Figure 15: lifting method of gridshell construction10

It needs to be taken into account, that in this case the gravitational forces in fact initiate the
deformation process, which requires the structure to have a certain minimal degree of (initial)
flexural rigidity. A big advantage, is that with this method no inversion of the formwork in its
the final shell shape is required. A simple example of lifting a piece of paper by its symmetry
axis, perfectly illustrates the potential of this method (Figure 16). Once the structure reaches
its intended shape, the edge supports need to be fixed in order to stabilise the shell, before the
concrete (e.g. shotcrete) can be applied.


Frank Huijben, Frans van Herwijnen and Rob Nijsse.

Figure 16: potential of lifting method illustrated with a sheet of paper

The construction process of concrete shell structures appears to be the limiting factor with
respect to realisation of concrete shell structures in a economically attractive manner. There
for, a new impulse is required to keep up with digital modelling technology used in design
and engineering. From a theoretical point of view, it would make sense to consider the way
shell surfaces are generated (analytically, experimentally or digitally) as the most effective
construction method. Inspired by this philosophy, Vacuumatics formwork provide a relatively
intuitive and ‘low-tech’ approach for constructing efficiently shaped concrete shells, by using
principles derived from ‘nature’ as well as real-time gridshell construction, hence saving time,
labour as well as material.

[1] D. Billington, Thin Shell Concrete Structures, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, US (1982).
[2] E. De Anda Alanís, Félix Candela 1910-1997, The Mastering of Boundaries, Taschen
GmbH, Köln DE (2008).
[3] R. Verhaegh, Free Forms in Concrete, The fabrication of free-form concrete segments
using fabric formwork, MSc Thesis Eindhoven University of Technology NL (2010).
[4] H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer and A. Kilian, Architectural Geometry, Bentley
Institute Press, Exton Pennsylvania US (2007).
[5] E. Ramm and E. Schunck, Heinz Isler Schalen, Karl Krämer Verlag, Stuttgart DE (1986).
[6] D. Billington, The Art of Structural Design, A Swiss Legacy, Princeton University Art
Museum, New Jersey US (2003).
[7] T. Sakamoto and A. Ferré, From Control to Design, Parametric/Algorithmic
Architecture, Actar Barcelona ES (2008).
[8] F. Huijben, F.v.Herwijnen and R. Nijsse, Vacuumatics 3D-Formwork Systems:
Customised Free-Form Solidification, IV International Conference on Textile
Composites and Inflatable Structures, Structural Membranes 2009, Stuttgart DE (2009).
[9] F. Huijben, F.v.Herwijnen and R. Nijsse, VACUUMATICS; Systematic Flexural Rigidity
Analysis, Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
(IASS) Symposium 2010, Spatial Structures – Permanent and Temporary, November 8-
12 2010, Shanghai CH (2010).
[10] J. Hennicke and E. Schaur, IL 10 Gitterschalen – Gridshells, Mitteilungen des Instituts
für leichte Flägentrachwerke (IL), Universität Stuttgart DE (1974).



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