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Geoff Boeing

Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Analysis [email protected]

Sol Price School of Public Policy +1 213 740 2773
University of Southern California


Ph.D. City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley, 2017

M.S. Information Management, Arizona State University, 2006
B.S. Computer Information Systems summa cum laude, Arizona State University, 2004


2019– University of Southern California

Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Analysis, 2019–
Faculty Affiliate, Spatial Sciences Institute, 2021–
2021– Brookings Institution
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Metropolitan Policy Program
2018–19 Northeastern University
Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs
Faculty Affiliate, Network Science Institute
Faculty Affiliate, Global Resilience Institute
2017–18 University of California, Berkeley
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of City and Regional Planning


Urban informatics and geospatial data science: computational statistics, visualization, and spatial analysis
Transportation planning: street network design, access, equity, and urban form
Housing: emerging technology platforms’ impacts on markets, residential mobility, and segregation

Journal Articles
2023 G. Boeing, Y. Lu, and C. Pilgram. “Local Inequities in the Relative Production of and Exposure to
Vehicular Air Pollution in Los Angeles.” Urban Studies, published online ahead of print.
2023 G. Boeing, J. Wegmann, and J. Jiao. “Rental Housing Spot Markets: How Online Information
Exchanges Can Supplement Transacted-Rents Data.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 43
(3), 525–537. doi:10.1177/0739456X20904435
2022 G. Boeing. “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” Geographical
Analysis, 54 (3), 519–535. doi:10.1111/gean.12281

2022 G. Boeing and W. Riggs. “Converting One-Way Streets to Two-Way Streets to Improve Transportation
Network Efficiency and Reduce Vehicle Distance Traveled.” Journal of Planning Education and
Research, published online ahead of print. doi:10.1177/0739456X221106334
2022 G. Boeing, C. Higgs, S. Liu, B. Giles-Corti, J. F. Sallis, E. Cerin, M. Lowe, D. Adlakha, E. Hinckson,
A. V. Moudon, D. Salvo, M. A. Adams, L. V. Barrozo, T. Bozovic, X. Delclòs-Alió, J. Dygrýn, S.
Ferguson, K. Gebel, T. P. Ho, P. Lai, J. C. Martori, K. Nitvimol, A. Queralt, J. D. Roberts, G. H. Sambo,
J. Schipperijn, D. Vale, N. Van de Weghe, G. Vich, and J. Arundel. “Using Open Data and Open-Source
Software to Develop Spatial Indicators of Urban Design and Transport Features for Achieving Healthy
and Sustainable Cities.” The Lancet Global Health, 10 (6), 907–918. doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00072-9
2022 B. Giles-Corti, A. V. Moudon, M. Lowe, D. Adlakha, E. Cerin, G. Boeing, C. Higgs, J. Arundel, S. Liu,
E. Hinckson, D. Salvo, M. A. Adams, H. Badland, A. A. Florindo, K. Gebel, R. F. Hunter, J. Mitáš,
A. L. Oyeyemi, A. Puig-Ribera, A. Queralt, M. P. Santos, J. Schipperijn, M. Stevenson, D. Van Dyck, G.
Vich, and J. F. Sallis. “Creating Healthy and Sustainable Cities: What Gets Measured Gets Done.” The
Lancet Global Health 10 (6), 782–785. doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00070-5
2022 M. Lowe, D. Adlakha, J. F. Sallis, D. Salvo, E. Cerin, A. V. Moudon, C. Higgs, E. Hinckson, J. Arundel,
G. Boeing, S. Liu, P. Mansour, K. Gebel, A. Puig-Ribera, P. B. Mishra, T. Bozovic, J. Carson, J. Dygrýn,
A. A. Florindo, T. P. Ho, H. Hook, R. F. Hunter, P. Lai, J. Molina-García, K. Nitvimol, A. L. Oyeyemi,
C. D. G. Ramos, E. Resendiz, J. Troelsen, F. Witlox, and B. Giles-Corti. “City Planning Policies to
Support Health and Sustainability: An International Comparison of Policy Indicators for 25 Cities.”
The Lancet Global Health, 10 (6), 882–894. doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00069-9
2022 E. Cerin, J. F. Sallis, D. Salvo, E. Hinckson, T. L. Conway, N. Owen, D. Van Dyck, M. Lowe, C. Higgs,
A. V. Moudon, M. A. Adams, K. L. Cain, L. B. Christiansen, R. Davey, J. Dygrýn, L. D. Frank, R. Reis,
O. L. Sarmiento, D. Adlakha, G. Boeing, S. Liu, and B. Giles-Corti. “Determining Thresholds for
Spatial Urban Design and Transport Features that Support Walking to Create Healthy and Sustainable
Cities: Findings from the IPEN Adult Study.” The Lancet Global Health, 10 (6), 895–906.
2022 B. Giles-Corti, A. V. Moudon, M. Lowe, E. Cerin, G. Boeing, H. Frumkin, D. Salvo, S. Foster, A.
Kleeman, S. Bekessy, T. Hérick de Sa, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, C. Higgs, E. Hinckson, D. Adlakha, J.
Arundel, S. Liu, A. L. Oyeyemi, K. Nitvimol, and J. F. Sallis. “What Next? Expanding Our View of City
Planning and Global Health, and Implementing and Monitoring Evidence-Informed Policy.” The
Lancet Global Health, 10 (6), 919–926. doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00066-3
2022 S. Liu, C. Higgs, J. Arundel, G. Boeing, N. Cerdera, D. Moctezuma, E. Cerin, D. Adlakha, M. Lowe,
and B. Giles-Corti. “A Generalized Framework for Measuring Pedestrian Accessibility around the World
Using Open Data.” Geographical Analysis, 54 (3), 559–582. doi:10.1111/gean.12290
2022 C. Higgs, A. Alderton, J. Rozek, D. Adlakha, H. Badland, G. Boeing, A. Both, E. Cerin, M.
Chandrabose, C. De Gruyter, A. De Livera, L. Gunn, E. Hinckson, S. Liu, S. Mavoa, J. F. Sallis, K.
Simons, and B. Giles-Corti. “Policy-Relevant Spatial Indicators of Urban Liveability And Sustainability:
Scaling From Local to Global.” Urban Policy and Research, 40 (4), 321–334.
2022 M. Lowe, J. F. Sallis, D. Salvo, E. Cerin, G. Boeing, C. Higgs, S. Liu, E. Hinckson, D. Adlakha, J.
Arundel, A. V. Moudon, E. Resendiz, and B. Giles-Corti. “A Pathway to Prioritizing and Delivering
Healthy and Sustainable Cities.” Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy, 1 (1), 111–123.
2021 G. Boeing. “Off the Grid. . . and Back Again? The Recent Evolution of American Street Network
Planning and Design.” Journal of the American Planning Association 87 (1), 123–137.
2021 G. Boeing, M. Besbris, A. Schachter, and J. Kuk. “Housing Search in the Age of Big Data: Smarter
Cities or the Same Old Blind Spots?” Housing Policy Debate 31 (1), 112–126.

2021 G. Boeing. “Spatial Information and the Legibility of Urban Form: Big Data in Urban Morphology.”
International Journal of Information Management 56, 102013. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.09.009
2021 G. Boeing, M. Besbris, D. Wachsmuth, and J. Wegmann. “Tilted Platforms: Rental Housing
Technology and the Rise of Urban Big Data Oligopolies.” Urban Transformations 3, 6.
2020 G. Boeing. “Online Rental Housing Market Representation and the Digital Reproduction of Urban
Inequality.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52 (2), 449–468.
2020 G. Boeing. “Planarity and Street Network Representation in Urban Form Analysis.” Environment and
Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 47 (5), 855–869. doi:10.1177/2399808318802941
2020 G. Boeing. “The Right Tools for the Job: The Case for Spatial Science Tool-Building.” Transactions in
GIS 24 (5), 1299–1314. doi:10.1111/tgis.12678
2020 G. Boeing. “A Multi-Scale Analysis of 27,000 Urban Street Networks: Every US City, Town, Urbanized
Area, and Zillow Neighborhood.” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 47
(4), 590–608. doi:10.1177/2399808318784595
2020 G. Boeing. “Urban Street Network Analysis in a Computational Notebook.” Region: Journal of the
European Regional Science Association 6 (3), 39–51. doi:10.18335/region.v6i3.278
2019 W. Kang, T. Oshan, L. J. Wolf, G. Boeing, V. Frias-Martinez, S. Gao, A. Poorthuis, and W. Xu. “A
Roundtable Discussion: Defining Urban Data Science.” Environment and Planning B: Urban
Analytics and City Science 46 (9), 1756–1768. doi:10.1177/2399808319882826
2019 G. Boeing. “Urban Spatial Order: Street Network Orientation, Configuration, and Entropy.” Applied
Network Science 4 (1), 67. doi:10.1007/s41109-019-0189-1
2019 G. Boeing. “Street Network Models and Measures for Every US City, County, Urbanized Area, Census
Tract, and Zillow-Defined Neighborhood.” Urban Science 3 (1), 28. doi:10.3390/urbansci3010028
2019 M. Padgham, G. Boeing, D. Cooley, N. Tierney, M. Sumner, T. Phan, and R. Beare. “An Introduction
to Software Tools, Data, and Services for Geospatial Analysis of Stroke Services.” Frontiers in Neurology
10, 743. doi:10.3389/fneur.2019.00743
2018 G. Boeing. “Measuring the Complexity of Urban Form and Design.” Urban Design International 23
(4), 281–292. doi:10.1057/s41289-018-0072-1
2018 G. Boeing. “Estimating Local Daytime Population Density from Census and Payroll Data.” Regional
Studies, Regional Science 5 (1), 179–182. doi:10.1080/21681376.2018.1455535
2018 G. Boeing. “The Effects of Inequality, Density, and Heterogeneous Residential Preferences on Urban
Displacement and Metropolitan Structure: An Agent-Based Model.” Urban Science 2 (3), 76.
2018 G. Boeing. “Pynamical: Model and Visualize Discrete Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Chaos, and
Fractals.” Journal of Open Source Education 1 (1), 15. doi:10.21105/jose.00015
2017 G. Boeing. “OSMnx: New Methods for Acquiring, Constructing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Complex
Street Networks.” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 65, 126–139.
2017 G. Boeing and P. Waddell. “New Insights into Rental Housing Markets across the United States: Web
Scraping and Analyzing Craigslist Rental Listings.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 37 (4),
457–476. doi:10.1177/0739456X16664789
2017 G. Boeing. “OSMnx: A Python Package to Work with Graph-Theoretic OpenStreetMap Street
Networks.” Journal of Open Source Software 2 (12), 1. doi:10.21105/joss.00215

2016 G. Boeing. “Honolulu Rail Transit: International Lessons from Barcelona in Linking Urban Form,
Design, and Transportation.” Planext 2, 28–47. doi:10.17418/planext.2016.3vol.02
2016 G. Boeing. “Visual Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Chaos, Fractals, Self-Similarity, and the
Limits of Prediction.” Systems 4 (4), 37. doi:10.3390/systems4040037
2014 G. Boeing, D. Church, H. Hubbard, J. Mickens, and L. Rudis. “LEED-ND and Livability Revisited.”
Berkeley Planning Journal 27 (1), 31–55. doi:10.5070/BP327124500

Book Chapters
2022 G. Boeing, M. Batty, S. Jiang, and L. Schweitzer. “Urban Analytics: History, Trajectory, and Critique.”
In: Handbook of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences (pp. 503–516), edited by S. Rey and R. Franklin.
Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar. doi:10.4337/9781789903942.00039
2021 G. Boeing and D. Arribas-Bel. “GIS and Computational Notebooks.” In: The Geographic Information
Science & Technology Body of Knowledge, edited by J. P. Wilson. Ithaca, NY: University Consortium for
Geographic Information Science. doi:10.22224/gistbok/2021.1.2
2021 G. Boeing. “Exploring Urban Form Through OpenStreetMap Data: A Visual Introduction.” In:
Urban Experience and Design: Contemporary Perspectives on Improving the Public Realm (pp. 167–184),
edited by J. B. Hollander and A. Sussman. New York, NY: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780367435585-15
2019 G. Boeing. “The Morphology and Circuity of Walkable and Drivable Street Networks.” In: The
Mathematics of Urban Morphology (pp. 271–287), edited by L. D’Acci. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser.
2017 J. M. Barajas, G. Boeing, and J. Wartell. “Neighborhood Change, One Pint at a Time: The Impact of
Local Characteristics on Craft Breweries.” In: Untapped: Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Craft
Beer (pp. 155–176), edited by N. G. Chapman, J. S. Lellock, and C. D. Lippard. Morgantown, WV: West
Virginia University Press. doi:10.31235/

Conference Proceedings
2023 G. Boeing, J. G. Harten, and R. Sanchez-Moyano. “Digitalization of the Housing Search: Homeseekers,
Gatekeepers, and Market Legibility.” Bringing Digitalization Home: How Can Technological Changes
Address Housing-Related Challenges? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Joint Center for Housing
2022 C. Higgs, A. Alderton, J. Rozek, D. Adlakha, H. Badland, G. Boeing, A. Both, E. Cerin, M.
Chandrabose, C. De Gruyter, L. Gunn, A. De Livera, E. Hinckson, S. Liu, S. Mavoa, J. Sallis, K.
Simons, and B. Giles-Corti. “Calculation of Policy-Relevant Spatial Indicators of Urban Liveability:
Experiences of Scaling a Research Programme from Local to Global.” 10th State of Australasian Cities
Conference. Melbourne, Australia: APO. doi:10.25916/jbnk-hp52
2019 G. Boeing. “Street Network Patterns, Orientation, and Entropy around the World.” Compendium of
the Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research
2018 A. Abdelkader, G. Boeing, B. T. Fasy, and D. L. Millman. Topological Distance between Nonplanar
Transportation Networks. Proceedings of the 28th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry. New York,
NY: City University of New York.
2018 G. Boeing. “The Relative Circuity of Walkable and Drivable Urban Street Networks.” Compendium of
the Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Transportation Research

Edited Articles and Reviews

2023 G. Boeing and W. Riggs. “Rethinking Which Ways Our Streets Should Go: Improving Efficiency with
Two-Way Streets.” Transfers Magazine. In press.

2018 G. Boeing. “Automated Street Network Analysis for Urban Planners with OSMnx.” Planning and
Technology Today 117 (Spring), 10–11. doi:10.31235/
2017 G. Boeing. “A Review of the Structure and Dynamics of Cities: Urban Data Analysis and Theoretical
Modeling.” Journal of the American Planning Association 83 (4), 418.
2017 G. Boeing. “Understanding Cities through Networks and Flows.” Berkeley Planning Journal 28 (1),
118–123. doi:10.5070/BP328133862
2016 G. Boeing. “How Our Neighborhoods Lost Food, and How They Can Get It Back.” Progressive
Planning 206 (Winter), 35–37. doi:10.31235/

Reports and Other Publications

2023 R. Sanchez-Moyano, G. Boeing, and J. G. Harten. “The Promises and Pitfalls of Housing Search
Digitalization.” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s SF Fed Blog. Jun 28.
2023 G. Boeing, J. Ha, Y. Zhou. “Improving the Accuracy of Intersection Counts and Densities for
Measuring Urban Street Network Compactness and Resilience.” Caltrans, Pacific Southwest Region
UTC. Technical report.
2022 G. Boeing. “Around the World, Cities Are Falling Short on Health and Sustainability Goals.” The
Brookings Institution Blog Series. Nov 16.
2021 G. Boeing, Y. Lu, C. Pilgram, and P. Mannino. “Race, Class, and the Production of and Exposure to
Vehicular Pollution in Los Angeles.” US Department of Transportation, Pacific Southwest Region
UTC. Technical report.
2020 G. Boeing. “How Much Does It Cost to Rent an Apartment, Anyway?” Planetizen’s Journal of
Planning Education and Research Blog Series. Mar 10.
2018 P. Waddell, G. Boeing, M. Gardner, and E. Porter. “An Integrated Pipeline Architecture for Modeling
Urban Land Use, Travel Demand, and Traffic Assignment.” US Department of Energy SMART
Mobility Urban Science Pillar: Coupling Land Use Models and Network Flow Models. Technical
report. doi:10.31235/
2017 G. Boeing. “Making Street Network Analysis Easy for Planners with OpenStreetMap.” Association of
Collegiate Schools of Planning Blog Series. Apr 11.

2014 A. E. Beck, G. Boeing, and D. Shannon. Systems and Methods for Analyzing Requirements. United
States patent US8650186B2, European patent EP2413256, Australian patent AU2011204935, Canadian
patent CA2747481, Chinese patent CN102346763.

2023 “Urban Informatics for Transport: Measuring Networks and Access around the World.” University
Consortium for Geographic Information Science. Washington, DC. Feb 17.
2022 “Digitalization of the Housing Search: Homeseekers, Gatekeepers, and Market Legibility.” University
of Washington, Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Urban Design and Planning and Ph.D. Program in
the Built Environment. Seattle, Washington. May 20.
2022 “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” National University of
Singapore, Department of Real Estate seminar series. Singapore. Mar 14.
2021 “Urban Morphology and Street Network Science.” University of Cincinnati, Department of
Geography. Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct 15.

2021 “Street Network Science and New Urban Data.” Cornell University, Tech Campus. Urban Data guest
lecture. New York, New York. Oct 13.
2021 “Street Networks and the Evolving Urban Structure.” CEMFI Empirical Microeconomics seminar
series. Madrid, Spain. Apr 8.
2021 “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” University of Bristol and
Newcastle University Centre for Data. Spatial Analytics and Data seminar series. Newcastle upon Tyne,
England. Jan 26.
2020 “Street Networks and the Evolving Urban Structure.” University of Chicago, Center for Spatial Data
Science and Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation. Chicago, Illinois. Nov 18.
2020 “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” Asian Institute of
Management. The Science of Data seminar series. Makati, Philippines. Oct 26.
2020 “OSMnx for Urban Street Network Analysis.” University of California, Los Angeles, Department of
Urban Planning. Introduction to GIS and Spatial Data Science, guest lecture. Los Angeles, California.
Oct 26.
2020 “Introduction to Street Network Analysis with OSMnx.” Alan Turing Institute and University of
Warwick. Data Science for Social Good lecture series. London, England. Aug 21.
2020 “Volunteered Geographic Information in Urban Analytics.” University of California, Berkeley,
Department of City and Regional Planning. Introduction to Urban Data Analytics, guest lecture.
Berkeley, California. Jun 17.
2020 “Modeling and Visualizing Urban Spatial Form.” California State University, Long Beach, Department
of Mathematics and Statistics. Long Beach, California. Apr 24 (canceled due to pandemic).
2019 “Urban Data Science: Street Networks and Travel Behavior.” Evidation Health. Data Science Seminar
Series. Santa Barbara, California. May 16.
2019 “Network Science for Urban Transportation Modeling and Long-Range Planning.” MIT Megacity
Logistics Lab at the Center for Transportation and Logistics. Cambridge, Massachusetts. May 9.
2019 “Computational Modeling and Analysis in Transportation System Design.” Cornell University.
Systems Engineering Seminar Series. Ithaca, New York. Apr 12.
2019 “Growth, Access, and Resilience as Urban Technology Paradigms Shift.” The World Bank, Global
Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery. Washington, DC. Apr 3.
2018 “Computational Urban Street Network Analysis.” Virginia Tech. Urban Computing Seminar Series.
Arlington, Virginia. Dec 4.
2018 “Urban Science and Street Networks.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Urban
Studies and Planning. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Nov 27.
2018 “Introduction to Street Network Analysis with OSMnx.” University of Helsinki, Digital Geography
Lab. Helsinki, Finland. Nov 16.
2018 “Urban Street Network Science with OSMnx.” Tufts University, Department of Urban and
Environmental Policy and Planning. Somerville, Massachusetts. Nov 15.
2018 “Free Data for Free Spaces: Democratizing and Disseminating Spatial Network Data and Models for
Better Urban Planning.” Venice Biennale of Architecture. Venice, Italy. Oct 24.
2018 “Online Rental Housing Market Representation and the Digital Reproduction of Urban Inequality.”
Harvard University, Joint Center for Housing Studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sep 20.
2018 “Urban Street Network Science: Modeling, Simulating, and Visualizing Complex Transportation
Systems.” Uber Technologies. San Francisco, California. Aug 20.
2018 “The Study of Street Networks in Urban Data Science.” NYU Center for Data Science. New York,

New York. Apr 18.
2018 “Computational Street Network Analysis in Urban Form Studies.” Columbia University Graduate
School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. New York, New York. Apr 17.
2018 “Scalable Methods for Acquiring, Analyzing, and Visualizing Urban Street Networks.” NYU Center for
Urban Science and Progress, Applied Urban Science Group. Brooklyn, New York. Apr 16.
2018 “Studying Urban Form and Resilience through Large-Scale Street Network Analysis.” University of
California, Santa Barbara, Department of Geography. Santa Barbara, California. Jan 30.
2018 “Seeing Cities through New Technologies and Big Data.” University of Oregon, School of Planning,
Public Policy, and Management. Eugene, Oregon. Jan 25.
2018 “Urban Form, Sustainability, and Large-Scale Street Network Analysis.” Northeastern University,
School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. Boston, Massachusetts. Jan 18.
2018 “Understanding Urban Form and Circulation through Large-Scale Street Network Analysis.”
Dartmouth College, Department of Geography. Hanover, New Hampshire. Jan 15.
2017 “Street Network Analyses of Urban Form Resilience and Equity.” University of Chicago, Mansueto
Institute for Urban Innovation. Chicago, Illinois. Nov 2.
2017 “Measuring Urban Form Sustainability with Topological and Geometric Street Network Analysis.”
Stanford University, Sustainable Urban Systems Initiative. Palo Alto, California. Oct 26.
2017 “Graph-Theoretic Representation and Analysis of Urban Street Networks.” Montana State University,
Department of Computer Science. Bozeman, Montana. Oct 16.
2017 “OpenStreetMap Network Data for Transportation Planning.” Remix Transit Planning. San Francisco,
California. Aug 16.
2017 “Street Networks: Urban Form and Resilience.” University of Florida, Department of Urban and
Regional Planning. Gainesville, Florida. May 8.
2017 “Scalable Methods for Acquiring, Analyzing, and Visualizing Urban Street Networks.” The Santa Fe
Institute. Santa Fe, New Mexico. Feb 2.
2016 “Urban Data Science for Studying Housing Affordability and Urban Form.” NYU Center for Urban
Science and Progress. Brooklyn, New York. Dec 14.
2016 “New Insights into Rental Housing Markets: Web Scraping and Analyzing Craigslist Rental Listings.”
City of Oakland. Oakland, California. May 12.
2016 “New Insights into Rental Housing Markets: Web Scraping and Analyzing Craigslist Rental Listings.”
City of San Francisco, Citywide Planning Division. San Francisco, California. Apr 19.
2016 “Smart Cities, Technology, and Representation: Prospects and Challenges.” Adobe Systems.
Sustainability Speaker Series. San Jose, California. Jan 28.

Campus Talks
2022 “Local Inequities in the Relative Production of and Exposure to Vehicular Air Pollution in Los
Angeles.” METRANS University Transportation Center Speaker Series. Los Angeles, California. Mar
2020 “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” METRANS University
Transportation Center Speaker Series. Los Angeles, California. Oct 27.
2018 “Urban Street Network Science with OSMnx.” Northeastern University Seattle Campus. Seattle,
Washington. Nov 28.
2018 “The Legibility of Urban Spatial Order in Computational Street Network Analysis.” NUVis:
Northeastern University Visualization Consortium. Boston, Massachusetts. Oct 18.

2017 “Urban Street Network Analysis with OSMnx.” Geospatial Innovation Facility, College of Natural
Resources, University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, California. Oct 5.

Keynote and Plenary Addresses
2023 “Measuring Built Environments around the World: New Insights into Urban Sustainability and
Health.” Tech in the City Speaker Series, keynote address. Center for Urban and Regional Analysis,
The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. Feb 10.
2021 “Urban Mobility and Street Network Science.” Regional Studies Association Winter Conference,
Regional Studies Regional Science keynote lecture. Online. Nov 8.
2019 “Geographic Information, Spatial Networks, and the New Urban Science.” American Association of
Geographers Annual Meeting, 8th annual Transactions in GIS plenary address. Washington, DC. Apr
2018 “The Legible and the Illegible: Urban Science, City Design, and Human Circulation.” The Architect of
the Future Conference, plenary address. Moscow, Russia. Sep 10–11.

Sessions Organized
2017 “Emerging Computational Methods in Urban Design.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Annual Conference. Denver, Colorado. Oct 12–15.

Sessions Chaired
2021 “Big Data and Machine Learning for Urban Mobility.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Annual Conference. Miami, Florida. Oct 21–23.
2019 “Machine Learning Methods.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference.
Greenville, South Carolina. Oct 24–27.
2019 “Social Systems.” International Conference on Network Science. Burlington, Vermont. May 27–31.
2018 “Smart Cities Technologies for Transportation Systems.” Smart Cities: Critical Infrastructure
Symposium. Seattle, Washington. Nov 29.

Invited Panelist
2022 “Teaching Data Science in Urban Planning.” Panelist with Marta González, Sarah Williams, and
Anthony Vanky; chaired by Adam Millard-Ball. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual
Conference. Toronto, Canada. Nov 3–6.
2022 “City Intelligence with Open Data.” Panelist with Stephanie Dietrick, Cy Chan, and Sobhan Moosavi;
chaired by Hua Wei. ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. Phoenix,
Arizona. Feb 21–25.
2021 “Machine Learning in Public Health.” Panelist with Catherine D’Ignazio, Jing Gao, and Alykhan
Mohamed; chaired by Rumi Chunara. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. Online.
Dec 6–14.
2021 “Plenary Session: AI and Big Data in Real Estate and Urban Studies.” Panelist with Stephanie Sy, Thies
Lindenthal, Man Cho, and Warren Wan; chaired by Tien Foo Sing. Joint Real Estate Conference of the
American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Asian Real Estate Society, and Global
Chinese Real Estate Congress. Singapore. Jul 18–21.
2020 “Nationwide Studies of Urban Form: Evolution, Innovation, and New Opportunities.” Panelist with
Reid Ewing, Shima Hamidi, and Catherine Brinkley; chaired by Steven Richter. Association of
Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Online. Nov 5–8.

2020 “Urban Data Science Beyond the Hype: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of
Incorporating Data Science into Urban Planning Pedagogy and Practice.” Panelist with Karen Chapple
and Atul Pokharel; chaired by Abigail Cochran and Manuel Santana. Association of Collegiate Schools
of Planning Annual Conference. Online. Nov 5–8.
2019 “Urban Data Science: Methods and Models for Our Changing Cities.” Panelist with Vanessa
Frias-Martinez, Wenfei Xu, Song Gao, and Ate Poorthuis; chaired by Levi Wolf and Wei Kang.
American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Apr 3–7.
2018 “Big Ideas Session on Civic Analytics and Urban Science.” Panelist with Luis Bettencourt, Marta
González, and Sarah Williams; chaired by Constantine Kontokosta. Association of Collegiate Schools
of Planning Annual Conference. Buffalo, New York. Oct 25–28.
2018 “Who Benefits from ‘Smart City’ Technologies? How Can They Be a Piece of the Puzzle Toward Social
and Environmental Justice?” Panelist with Lisa Schweitzer, Clint Andrews, and Tom Sanchez; chaired
by Mehdi Heris. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Buffalo, New York.
Oct 25–28.
2017 “Public Communication Strategies for Planning Academics.” Panelist with Jennifer Dill, Yingling Fan,
and Justin Hollander; chaired by Carissa Slotterback. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Annual Conference. Denver, Colorado. Oct 12–15.

2023 Cities, Form, Environmental Exposures, and Health Impacts. Hosted by the Barcelona Institute for
Global Health. Barcelona, Spain. Oct 24–25.
2022 Global Launch of the Lancet Global Health Series on Urban Design, Transport, and Health. Hosted by
The Lancet Global Health. Online. May 10–12.
2022 Bringing Digitalization Home: How Can Technological Changes Address Housing-Related
Challenges? Hosted by the Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies and Graduate School
of Design. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mar 24–26.
2021 The Intersection of Smart Cities with Housing and Community Development. Hosted by Housing
Policy Debate and Virginia Tech. Online. Feb 15.
2019 Spatial Data Science Symposium: Setting the Spatial Data Science Agenda. Hosted by the University of
California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, California. Dec 9–11.

Conference Papers Presented 1

2023 M. Lore, J. G. Harten, and G. Boeing. “Computer-Assisted Methods for Thematic Coding of
Large-Scale Text Data in Urban Planning.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual
Conference. Chicago, Illinois. Oct 19–21.
2023 G. Boeing and J. Ha. “Simulating Street Network Resilience and Robustness around the World.”
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois. Oct 19–21.
2023 G. Boeing and Y. Zhou. “Improving the Accuracy of Intersection Counts and Density Measures of
Urban Street Networks.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Chicago,
Illinois. Oct 19–21.
2023 G. Boeing, C. Pilgram, and Y. Lu. “Street Network Design and Transport-Related Greenhouse Gas
Emissions around the World.” Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Jan
2022 J. G. Harten and G. Boeing. “Negotiating Vulnerability: The Role of Gender in Shared Housing.”
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. Nov 3–6.
Presenting author italicized if other than first author.

2022 G. Boeing, C. Higgs, S. Liu, B. Giles-Corti, J. F. Sallis, E. Cerin, M. Lowe, D. Adlakha, E. Hinckson,
A. V. Moudon, D. Salvo, M. A. Adams, L. V. Barrozo, T. Bozovic, X. Delclòs-Alió, J. Dygrýn, S.
Ferguson, K. Gebel, T. P. Ho, P. Lai, J. C. Martori, K. Nitvimol, A. Queralt, J. D. Roberts, G. H.
Sambo, J. Schipperijn, D. Vale, N. Van de Weghe, G. Vich, and J. Arundel. “Using Open Data and
Open-Source Software to Develop Spatial Indicators of Urban Design and Transport Features for
Achieving Healthy and Sustainable Cities.” International Society for Physical Activity and Health
Congress. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Oct 23–26.
2022 G. Boeing. “Measuring Healthy, Sustainable Cities: Global Urban Indicators from Open Data.” World
Planning Schools Congress. Nusa Dua, Indonesia. Aug 29–Sep 2.
2022 G. Boeing, Y. Lu, C. Pilgram, and P. Mannino. “Race, Class, and the Production of and Exposure to
Vehicular Pollution in Los Angeles.” Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management Fall
Conference. Austin, Texas. Mar 27–29.
2022 G. Boeing, Y. Lu, C. Pilgram, and P. Mannino. “Local Inequities in the Relative Production of and
Exposure to Vehicular Air Pollution in Los Angeles.” American Association of Geographers Annual
Meeting. New York, NY. Feb 25–Mar 1.
2022 G. Boeing, Y. Lu, C. Pilgram, and P. Mannino. “Local Inequities in the Relative Production of and
Exposure to Vehicular Air Pollution in Los Angeles.” Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
Washington, DC. Jan 9–13.
2021 S. Jamal, E. Desjardins, G. Boeing, R. Lovelace, and A. Paez. “Using R to Develop Open Source Course
Packages with Computational Notebooks: An Example of Transportation Geography.” Innovations in
Education Conference. Hamilton, Canada. Dec 9–10.
2021 C. Higgs, J. Rozek, A. Alderton, B. Giles-Corti, H. Badland, C. De Gruyter, D. Adlakha, K. Simons, A.
Both, G. Boeing, E. Cerin, A. De Livera, S. Liu, M. Chandrabose, J. F. Sallis, L. Gunn, and E. Hinckson.
“Calculation of Policy-Relevant Spatial Indicators of Urban Liveability: Experiences of Scaling a
Research Programme from Local to Global.” State of Australasian Cities Conference. Melbourne,
Australia. Dec 1–3.
2021 G. Boeing, Y. Lu, C. Pilgram, and P. Mannino. “Race, Class, and the Production of and Exposure to
Vehicular Pollution in Los Angeles.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference.
Miami, Florida. Oct 21–23.
2021 S. Liu, C. Higgs, J. Arundel, G. Boeing, N. Cerdera, and D. Moctezuma. “A Generalized Framework for
Measuring Pedestrian Accessibility around the World Using Open Data.” Association of Collegiate
Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Miami, Florida. Oct 21–23.
2021 G. Boeing. “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” Transportation
Research Board Annual Meeting. Online. Jan 25–29.
2020 G. Boeing. “Street Network Models, Indicators, and Relationships with Vehicular Emissions for Every
Metropolitan Area in the World.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference.
Online. Nov 5–8.
2020 G. Boeing. “Off the Grid. . . and Back Again? The Recent Evolution of American Street Network
Planning and Design.” Western Regional Science Association Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii. Mar
18–21 (canceled due to pandemic).
2020 G. Boeing. “The Street Grid and Car Ownership: Trends in US Transportation Network Design.”
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Jan 12–16.
2019 G. Boeing. “Off the Grid: The Evolution of American Street Network Planning and Design.”
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Greenville, South Carolina. Oct
2019 G. Boeing and W. Riggs “Converting One-Way Streets to Two-Way Streets to Improve Transportation

Network Efficiency and Reduce Emissions.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual
Conference. Greenville, South Carolina. Oct 24–27.
2019 G. Boeing. “Urban Spatial Order: Street Network Orientation, Configuration, and Entropy.”
International Conference on Network Science. Burlington, Vermont. May 27–31.
2019 G. Boeing. “The Legibility of Urban Form: Spatial Information Platforms and Visualization.”
International Conference on Urban Experience and Design. Medford, Massachusetts. Apr 26.
2019 G. Boeing. “Online Rental Housing Market Representation and the Digital Reproduction of Urban
Inequality.” Boston Area Research Initiative Annual Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. Apr 26.
2019 G. Boeing. “The Evolution of American Street Network Design and Planning.” Urban Affairs
Association Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California. Apr 24–27.
2019 A. Abdelkader, G. Boeing, B. T. Fasy, and D. L. Millman. “Local Persistent Homology-Based Distances
between Nonplanar Road Networks.” Joint Mathematics Meetings. Baltimore, Maryland. Jan 16–19.
2018 A. Abdelkader, G. Boeing, B. T. Fasy, and D. L. Millman. “Topological Distance Between Nonplanar
Transportation Networks.” Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry. Queens, New York. Oct
2018 G. Boeing. “Sociodemographic Representation of Online Rental Housing Listings: Information
Surpluses and Deficits.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Buffalo,
New York. Oct 25–28.
2018 P. Waddell, I. Garcia-Dorado, S. Maurer, G. Boeing, M. Gardner, E. Porter, and D. Aliaga. “Urban
Modeling Without Zones: A Metropolitan Graph-Based Microsimulation of Real Estate Markets and
Transportation.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Buffalo, New York.
Oct 25–28.
2018 G. Boeing. “Transportation Network Modeling and Urban Equity.” Dukakis Center for Urban and
Regional Policy Transportation Equity Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. Oct 19.
2018 P. Waddell, I. Garcia-Dorado, S. Maurer, G. Boeing, M. Gardner, E. Porter, and D. Aliaga.
“Architecture for Modular Microsimulation of Real Estate Markets and Transportation.” Symposium
on Applied Urban Modelling. Cambridge, England. Jun 27–29.
2017 G. Boeing. “New Methods for Acquiring and Analyzing Worldwide Street Network Data: A Multiscale
Analysis of 27,000 Urban Street Networks.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual
Conference. Denver, Colorado. Oct 12–15.
2016 G. Boeing. “Craigslist and U.S. Rental Housing Markets.” American Planning Association Annual
Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. Apr 2–5.
2016 G. Boeing. “Understanding Informal Rental Housing Markets through Public Data.” American
Association of Geographers. San Francisco, California. Mar 29–Apr 2.
2016 J. M. Barajas, G. Boeing, and J. Wartell. “Neighborhood Change, One Pint at a Time: The Impact of
Local Characteristics on Craft Breweries.” Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference. San Diego,
California. Mar 16–19.
2015 G. Boeing. “Methods for Measuring the Aggregate Complexity Outcomes of Urban Design.”
International Conference on Complex Systems. Tempe, Arizona. Sep 28–Oct 2.
2015 G. Boeing. “Pedagogy of Urban Informatics.” Environmental Design Circus. Berkeley, California. Mar
2014 G. Boeing and P. Waddell. “Web Scraping Urban Data: Lessons from the Lab and the Classroom.”
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Oct
30–Nov 2.
2014 G. Boeing, D. Church, H. Hubbard, J. Mickens, and L. Rudis. “LEED-ND and Perceptions of

Livability.” Environmental Design Circus. Berkeley, California. Mar 13.


Awards and Honors
2023 National Planning Institute of Australia Award for Planning Research Excellence (joint recipient)
2022 USC Price Bronze Research Award
2021 USC Price ASPD Golden Apple Award for teaching excellence
2021 USC Price Bronze Research Award
2020 Stough-Johansson Springer Award, best WRSA paper by an early-career scholar
2019 Network Science Society Visualization Prize finalist
2018 Information Is Beautiful Awards shortlist
2018 ACSP FWIG Emerging Scholar Award
2014 Kaye Bock Award, best journal article
2010 Accenture Inventor Innovation Award

Grants and Fellowships

2021–22 Improving the Accuracy of Intersection Counts and Densities for Measuring Urban Street Network
Compactness and Resilience ($100,000). Caltrans/Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation
Center research grant. PI.
2020–22 Connections Between Built Environments, Policy, and Public Health ($200,000). The Public Good
Projects research grant. PI.
2020–21 Race, Class, and the Production of and Exposure to Vehicular Pollution in Los Angeles ($100,000). US
Department of Transportation/Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center research
grant. PI.
2019 Urban Form Impact: Humans, Environment, Equity ($50,000). NU Tier 1 research grant. Co-PI with
Sara Carr and Jay Cephas.
2019 NU CSSH summer research matching grant ($6,000). PI.
2019 NU Lab for Maps, Texts, and Networks research grant ($2,500). PI.
2016–17 University of California Doctoral Completion Fellowship ($36,655)
2012–16 University of California Regents’ Fellowship ($158,025)

University of Southern California
Urban Informatics
Advanced Urban Analytics
Data, Evidence, and Communication for the Public Good

Northeastern University
Urban Theory and Science
Advanced Spatial Analysis of Urban Systems
Big Data for Cities

University of California, Berkeley
Urban Informatics and Visualization (graduate student instructor)

Python for Planners
Data Analysis and Visualization for Planners
Geospatial Data Analysis
Street Network Analysis

Academic Journal Editorship
Editorial board, Urban Studies, 2021–
Editorial board, Urban Findings, 2020–
Guest academic editor, PLOS One, 2021
Book review editor, Berkeley Planning Journal, 2013–14

Academic Journal Peer Review

American Behavioral Scientist
American Journal of Sociology
American Sociological Review
Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Applied Network Science
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
European Physical Journal: Data Science
Geo: Geography and Environment
Geographical Analysis
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
International Planning Studies
International Regional Science Review
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Journal of the American Planning Association
Journal of Open Source Education
Journal of Planning Education and Research
Journal of Planning Literature

Journal of Transport and Land Use
Journal of Transport Geography
Journal of Urban Design
Journal of Urban History
Journal of Urban Technology
Journal of Urbanism
Landscape and Urban Planning
Nonlinear Dynamics
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The Professional Geographer
Research in Transportation Economics
Scientific Reports
Social Forces
Social Indicators Research
Sustainable Cities and Society
Town Planning Review
Transactions in GIS
Transport Findings
Transport Policy
Transport Reviews
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Transportation Research Record
Urban Design International
Urban Planning
Urban Science
Urban Studies

Academic Press Peer Review

Cambridge University Press
Springer Nature

Funding Agency Peer Review
Israel Science Foundation
National Science Foundation
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
United Arab Emirates University, Office of Associate Provost for Research

Service to the Field

Review and Appraisal Committee, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 2021–22
Program Committee, Spatial Data Science Symposium, 2021–22
Co-Lead, Emerging Data and Technologies track, World Society for Transport and Land Use Research, 2021
Outreach and Engagement Task Force, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 2019–2021
Program Committee, Future Cities Challenge, 2019–20
Review and Appraisal Committee, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 2018–20
Scientific Committee, Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, 2018–20

Service to the University

USC Healthy Campus Built Environment and Sustainability Committee, 2022–23
USC Price Ph.D. Degree Committee, 2020–23
USC Price Research Committee, 2020–21
USC Price Urban Planning and Development Ph.D. Admissions Subcommittee (chair), 2020–21
USC DUPSA Hiring Search Committee, 2019–20
Northeastern CSSH Standing Committee on Digital Proficiencies and Quantitative Methods, 2018–19
UC Berkeley DCRP Ph.D. program faculty representative, 2015–16
UC Berkeley DCRP Ph.D. program admissions committee, 2015–16

Doctoral Committees
Robert Binder, USC Price, exam committee
Seongmoon Cho, USC Price, exam committee
David Flores Moctezuma, USC Price, exam and dissertation committees
Shea Ellen Gilliam, USC Spatial Sciences Institute, dissertation committee
James Gross, USC Price, exam and dissertation committees
Jaehyun Ha, USC Price, exam and dissertation committees
Naomi Lee, USC Price, exam committee
Thu Nguyen, USC Price, exam committee
Clemens Pilgram, USC Price, exam and dissertation committees
Marley Randazzo, USC Price, exam committee
Bonnie Wang, USC Price, exam committee
Mengya Xu, USC Spatial Sciences Institute, exam committee

Li Yi, USC Spatial Sciences Institute, exam and dissertation committees
Yuquan Zhou, USC Price, exam and dissertation committees

Studio Review Jury

MIT, Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (Prof. Sarah Williams), Fall 2018

American Association of Geographers
American Planning Association
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Association for Computing Machinery
Complex Systems Society
Network Science Society
New York Academy of Sciences
Project Management Institute
Python Software Foundation
Regional Studies Association
Urban Affairs Association

U.S. Department of Defense secret clearance
U.S. Department of Homeland Security public trust
Project Management Professional (PMP)

2017–19 The Public Good Projects, New York, New York
2017–18 Calthorpe Analytics, Berkeley, California
2016–18 UrbanSim Inc., Berkeley, California
2013–18 Avalon Health Economics, Morristown, New Jersey
2013 Raimi & Associates, Berkeley, California
2010–11 Voluntary Service Overseas, London, England

2009–13 Accenture, New York, New York; London, England; San Diego, California
2007–09 Permission Data, New York, New York
2004–07 Acumen Inc., Mesa, Arizona
Updated August 2023


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