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The complete Manual of



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ISBN: 978-2-9816945-0-8

Publishing date 01-09-2017

rev 3


The goal of this manual is to provide information; not to encourage or discourage

people from doing breathplay. I do not take any responsibility in any practice inspi-
red by this manual. This is not a training guide, reference manual or compen-
dium. Any of those below mentioned practices can lead to serious injuries, or
death. I truly believe you will find this book informative regarding some of the
most deadly BDSM practices, and this can help you, or your community, see the
dangers in those activities.

Word from the Author: Who I am, and why I wrote this book

Firstly, I am not a doctor, not a black belt martial practitioner and not, in any-
way, a professional at breathplay. Do not take any of this knowledge for the truth;
also conduct your own research. I am someone who has lost many friends due to
breathplay-related activities. I want to share my knowledge with the goal of saving
lives. I did lots of research before giving breathplay classes to provide awareness
on the dangers of this practice. I am also someone who has been doing BDSM for
a long time; I saw many things as I was travelling, through conventions across Ca-
nada and the United States; I learned from many people and through classes on
many topics related to this domain. Has an ex military personnel and martial arts
enthusiast, I leaned about things that are not that common, and therefore are
great to share.

I truly believe that sharing my knowledge is better than saying: “Don’t do it”.
It’s better to understand how and why something is dangerous so we can explain
how to mitigate risks as best as possible

What is Breathplay?

Breathplay represents different kinds of activities involved in BDSM. For the

purpose of this manual, I will define breathplay as the control over the flow of air
or blood. From choking to strangulation, breathplay is an umbrella term of activi-
ties where most of them are dangerous. You are playing with what keeps your bo-
dy alive, and some of these activities have killed many people in the past.

What are people are seeking by doing it, and why do people do it? Breathplay,
or erotic asphyxiation, has been a known activity for a long time in the kink com-
munity, but also outside of fetish environment, young and less young do it. People
engage in erotic asphyxiation for different
reasons. From playing with fear to more psy-
chological reasons, others will aim on more
physical sensations. For example: just having a
hand on the throat can give lots of sensation
for some, but for others it’s the feeling of pas-
sing out that they want to feel. Also, others
seek the effect provided by hypoxia. Some will
search for the pass out effect and after effect:
for example: the confusion of that comes with
waking up. So, from physical sensation to sim-
ple mind games, people are doing it to fulfil different needs.

What's the danger, and what's the safe way? The first thing is to understand
that breathplay is dangerous and can be in no way safe. Even if you know what
you are doing, accidents can happen. Bodies can react differently and can be da-
maged after intensive practice of those activities. Accidents can arise from direct
or indirect application of those techniques. The body can also become damaged
by cumulative use. One of the feelings people will seek during those activities is hy-
poxia. The air we breathe is a mix of gases, the most important one being oxygen.
The concentration of oxygen is about 20%. When the concentration of O2
(oxygen) in the air we reaches 10-15%, we get a drunkenness kind of effect. The
judgment is impaired - and it’s important to know this fact. So when people are be-
ginning to experience it, their judgment is being affected. So, if they think they
can take more, most of the time, they cannot. Also, the person begins to have coor-
dination issues. Many of the cases in which a person has died in relation to this ac-
tivity happened when the person was doing it alone. With judgment and coordina-
tion impaired, it’s an accident waiting to happen.


of oxygen, we may experience a lost of consciousness; lower than 8% is equal to
death. Please keep that in mind, especially those who play with bagging and re-
breather techniques. The ‘‘passing out’’ can be provoked by different methods: a
change in blood pressure can trigger this effect. The lack of oxygen can also cause
the body to react in order to try to save itself by shutting down most non-vital acti-
vities. Some people will enjoy the come back effect more - the confusion. The sen-
sation of passing out under control is something very intense: tunnel vision, loss of
all senses, and then muscular control let go.

This is the definition of edge-play: you play with someone’s life, and according
to the law, in Canada, you cannot give permission to be injured. So, if you die du-
ring those activities, even if you have provided consent, this will be considered
manslaughter. If you have children or loved ones, please take them into considera-

tion when you decide to engage in those activities - receiving or giving. Also, most
fetish events, such as Dungeons, do not allow edge-play because of the danger it
represents. Please see local rules to establish whether or not edge-play and
breathplay are welcome at that venue.


Before trying!

Before trying! Questioning is a important part of the negotiation for

breathplay: questions about medical issues are common sense, from knowing
blood pressure issues to breathing issue or even heart conditions; always ask the
sought type of activity and the effect the other person is seeking; limits that the per-
son has; as well as how to communicate the safe word or their sign to stop. If the
person has ingested either alcohol or caffeine based beverages, this can change
their blood pressure, or impact on the body. The same can be true if the person
has not eaten or slept for the past few days. It is important to ask if the person has
had any experience with these activities before. The person’s age is also important:
engaging in edge or breathplay between the ages of 20-30 is not the same as doing
it at 50-80. If you come across anything that can increase the risks related to those
activities, do something else.
Before doing any kind of risky activity like breathplay, taking a class on First
Aid and CPR can also be a good thing. Better be prepared for the worst than not
be ready if something goes wrong. This is the kind of play that needs all your at-
tention: be focused at all times, no pee break allowed during those activities. Lea-
ving someone alone is considered a predicament; if they cannot help themselves,
you are legally responsible for anything that happens to them. These activities re-
quire you to always be monitoring consciousness, which is defined by ‘thinkable
reactions’, such as giving an answer to a question or holding a limb in a certain po-
sition, the movement of the eyes, breathing and holding something in the hand -
especially if light can be misleading.



The larynx - our air pipes - is made of cartilage,

which can be damaged by pressure. A foreign object
in the mouth can trigger the gag reflex, which can
lead to light coughing or even to throwing up and
other not so great sensations. The Adam’s apple is also
a place where you should not put pressure; it does not
create a good kind of pain there. On both sides of the
air pipes, we have the main
artery: the carotid artery that leads blood to the
brain. On those carotid arteries we have a sinus (the
sinus of the carotid). This is a split where we have a ba-
roreceptor, which controls the pressure of the heart.
This one can be tricky: when compressed it believes
that the pressure is too high and it asks the heart to
slow down. Putting a continuous pressure there can lead to the heart stoping.
In the back of the neck, in the spine, we have some backup arteries. Those pro-
vide 30% of the blood flow to the brain. Understanding how the lungs work, and
how a pressure on the belly can lead to make respiration harder is an important
thing to learn. Be careful of body modifications, such as implants, surface pier-
cings, dermal piercings, and other things that can cause an issue with this type of
play. The body has two types of nervous systems that facilitate its functioning: sym-
pathetic and para-sympathetic.

When conscious, you can control some parts, for example breathing; when you
pass out, the nervous system falls back on the other type, which uses mechanical
information to continue to work. Example: under water, you can hold your breath;
but if you pass out, the nervous system will try to make you breathe in the water.
Every body is different and individual differences can account for up to 15%
of variance, from the difference in the shape of an ear to a complete inversion of
side of the internal organs. Not because you know on someone where some things
are, will you be certain that the same points are located at the exact same place on
Always acquire the proper tools for your activity: safety shears and the
equipment needed to solve any issue that
can arise by your actions. A charged cell
phone is a good thing to have handy in
order to get medical assistance rapidly.
Have a first aid kit and some common
sense. It is important to recognise which
effects that accompany breathplay can
be seen has indicators to stop or to take
a break from it. Headaches can be an
indicator that it is time to take a break.
Petechia is the most known effect of
breathplay, which is characterised as
blood traces in the white of the eyes. Pe-
techia can also be seen over the skin: it
means that some blood vessels have ex-
ploded. If there appears to be a loss of
memory or another effect that seems
atypical for the person’s usual beha-
viour, stop the play and go and consult
a healthcare professional.


Breathplay: Air
Air Control Cycle of respiration: most marksmen have learnt about the cycle
of respiration and how to control it for a better aim. When someone takes air in,
they can hold their breath for some time. Then they will release the air, and if you
prevent them from taking another breath in, for example, by smothering them,
then panic and fear will overtake them. Also, it is important to understand that
those cycles of respiration will go faster and faster when the cardio quicks in due
to stress and fear. Using that knowledge is the primordial part of breathplay. Re-
member that they need to breathe, but you will also know when to block the ac-
tion or not. Never block too hard on exhales - see Valsalva manoeuvre. Try to play
with mind games, and not with the sensation of hypoxia or hyperventilation.


-Valsalva manoeuvre: This technique known to people who dive, or use aeropla-
nes. The goal is to balance the pressure in the ears, by blowing in an obstructed
nose when the mouth is close. This technique pushed to the extreme can have ne-
gative effects. So, never block the exhale of air of someone.

-Gag reflex: The gag reflex is activated when a foreign object, which represents
a risk to the safety of the breathing, is detected by the body. The reflex can go

from coughing, to vomiting and so on until the obstruction is cleared of the way.
This is important to understand when you are playing with insertables in the
mouth like ball gags or other toys of that type. Some ball gags have holes in the
ball that allows saliva to flow out, but some don’t.

-Thumb versus tongue: a swinger who

likes breathplay during sex taught this
technique to me. It shouldn't leave any
marks. You place both hand as if you we-
re strangling someone, with fingers on
each side of the neck. You then raise your
thumbs in order to place them where the
tongue is: under the chin and one inch be-
low it. Then you push up in that direction
toward the throat. This will make brea-
thing more difficult, but not impossible.
You put no pressure on the neck or tra-

-Face sitting: This can be a very dangerous thing to do, since you cannot see
the face of the person. You should always use other ways to verify your partner’s
consciousness. The obstruction can be done from the front (vagina smothering) or
even with the behind of a person. It can be done clothed or naked, and some ma-
terials like latex can add a layer of fun to this kind of play. Also the weight of the
person doing the sitting is something to take into consideration.

-Nose Blowing: I always see this one as a punishment. Blowing in the nose of
someone, like canine mouth to mouth, can give some people no enjoyable sensa-
tions. Be careful to not over pressurize your blow.

-Bathing cap: Putting a layer of latex on to the face of the person in order to
prevent them from breathing. I recommend letting the person take a deep breath
before applying the layer over latex over their face. This can be very effective for
fear play. Most caps are pretty opaque, so it is blocking the sense of sight as well.
The exhale is less of an issue since the air will came out of the sides of the cap.
This play lasts only a few seconds at a time; put on and put off.

-Smothering: Smothering with a hand over the mouth and letting the person
breath through their nose can be a light play; however during intercourse the need
to breathe increases and the amount of air getting in is small. This type of play
provides an effect of oxygen deprivation. You can also feel the breathing on your
fingers, which are right under the nose. If you also block the nose, be sure to not
block the exhale; you can also play by cutting from time to time the breath-in
breath-out process for a few seconds. Some people who love leather or latex will en-
joy smothering with gloves.

-Positional asphyxia: It was used in the past to torture and kill people, so it’s a
very dangerous thing to do. An example of a rope tie that can be done to achieve
this effect is the ebi-tie, where the resulting compression of anyone with a belly
can lead to difficulty to breathe. Full body suspension by the wrist is also one tie
from which breathing becomes harder and harder over time. Crucifixion was a
cause of death by positional asphyxiation where the body was held by the hands
tied to the cross, and the pressure of gravity on the body was making it harder and
harder the take some air in. Another known position that can lead to positional as-
phyxia is the hogtie, where the bottom is on their belly and tied up; the weight of
the person plays against them and causes issues to breathing.

-Compression: Breathplay by compression can be done in many ways. Sitting

or putting a knee on the belly of someone can lead to difficulty to breathe. Some
compression ties, which compress the thoracic cage, have the same effect, but take
more time to do and/or to undo. A corset for some people can also do the job
when it comes to breathing. Take note to remember when to undo is also very im-
portant. In some choking games, kids force hyperventilation before getting their
chest compressed against a wall, and when they release, the change of pressure ma-
kes them pass out, which is very dangerous due to the fall that will follow.

-Belly compression with legs or scissors-legs: The compression of the belly ma-
kes the breathing more difficult. In some ancient cultures, putting rocks on the bel-
ly was a torture that lead to death. This practice can be as dangerous as any other,
but it is very fast to undo. Be careful not to put to much pressure on the ribs or on
the bladder. Try to aim for mid-belly.

-Gas Mask: As ex-military, I know that gas masks can be part of breathplay, it
makes respiration more difficult due to a filter. You can add a hose to help you
play with it. Blocking the intake is easy. You can see the mask getting closer to the
face, caused by the vacuum. Also some people will use the hose to play with
odours, or will use it for its suction, which can be used for sensation play. Masks
give a limited visibility on the face of the person wearing it: be attentive and find
ways to monitor consciousness.

-Re-breather: Those are bags going in pair with some gas masks. This allows
the recycling of the air, which gets lower and lower in oxygen concentration. This
creates the buzz procured by hypoxia. These games are also very dangerous. Some
re-breathers are designed in a part of latex equipment, which makes the visibility
of the face not always optimal.

-Tape: Tape used for smothering is very popular for play, pictures and videos.
You need to be careful of an indirect element: sometimes people can react to the
glue. Also, the tape can be hard to remove. I recommend trying ‘3M Microfoam’
tape. This foam tape, which is also used in the medical field, is comfortable for the
lips as it’s very soft. It’s easy to remove and the glue is less toxic than on duct tape.

It’s possible to use non-adhesive tape that sticks to itself; however even with those
tapes be sure to have your safety shears close by.

-Saran wrap (plastic wraps): Those can be wrapped around the head. I recom-
mend doing this from the nose up, so the person can still breath through their
mouth. You can use tape to make a blindfold over the Saran wrap. Then, if you
want to have full control over the other person’s breathing, you can cut a little
square that you can apply and remove at will. To remove the head wrap, you can
cut it or pull it up. If you want to cut it, I recommend doing so on the side of the
head. Be careful with hair.

-Bagging with hard bag: Using a plastic bag over the head can be very
overwhelming. The hard bags are like giant zip lock bags. You can put some air in
it to make it look bigger. To secure it over the head, you can tape the base of it or
you use non-sticky tape. Like with re-breathing, the circulation of air lowers the
concentration of oxygen in the bag. Hard bagging allows you to cut a hole on the
top corner of the bag to let some air in, or to suck the air out. Also, the hole can
be used to blow smoke from a cigar or can be used to fill the bag with water; this
can be very scary. If an issue arises, the bag can be easily opened up. Be careful of
the condensation that can build inside the bag and make you lose some visibility
of the subject.

-Bagging with a soft bag: The best bag I have found is the one used in hotels for
the mini garbage cans. Those are the strongest. You put it over the head, and force
it to stick to the face for a scary effect. You can also inflate a little before putting it
over the head, and then close the base to the neck so the air can’t come in/out. It’s
a scarier sensation to see the bag getting closer and closer. Rebreathing is dange-
rous; play with caution.

- Gag: Gags are the bread and butter of many sex-shops. Some are very basic
such as ball gags, while others look like a small penis. Most of them do not have
holes for drooling. Some have big holes that allow breathing. The important thing
to watch for is mostly the gag reflex. You should always be able to monitor any is-
sue that can arise with these implements.

-Kiss of death: The Kiss of death is probably the most romantic way to do
breathplay. When joining the lips, you seal the other person’s mouth with yours.
You can kiss with tongue or not. Using a hand you block their nose. Now you con-
trol the flow in and out of the air. You can breathe through your own nose and
give the other person some of that air. You can also steal some breath from that
person. In that position you don’t want the other person to panic, so it’s something
you do only for a short moment - sensation play.

-Hyperventilation: Hyperventilation can lead to passing out. Some school cho-

king games are about hyperventilation where you get into a ball position and then
you rise up to your feet fast. This is very dangerous due to the fall.

-Nose plugs: Similar to the one used for swimming, the purpose of these is to
simply block the use of the nose. It became breathplay when the mouth is also obs-
tructed by kissing or by fellatio.

-Latex band: Sizes can vary. The Top uses a piece to block the breathing for a
moment. The latex will take the shape of the face and seal the region that it is
used on.


Breathplay: Blood
Breathplay: Blood Strangulation in this sense is about changing the amount of
pressure of blood the brain will receive. The variation in pressure will make most
people pass out. When a person passes out, you let go. The person should come
back as soon you let go. When playing with either blood or air, both are as dange-
rous. Most of these techniques are call bi-lateral carotids compression.

-Pinch of death: A simple pressure from a finger and a thumb on each of the
carotids. Your other hand turns the neck and lifts the head by holding the hair;
this will block the pressure from the backup arteries. Don’t forget that a person
who passes out has no muscular control, so they fall. It is your job to avoid injuries
- so protect them at all cost.

-Rope neck: This a very controversial topic. Rope neck can be as simple as a
rope that passes in front of the neck like some Hojo-jutsu ties. It can be like a
leash with a non-collapsing loop or a single column around the neck. It can be de-
corative or for sensation. Be careful also for rope marks around the neck. Keep in
mind that marks can be seen by others and can lead to undesirable misunderstan-
dings. Pressure applied on the carotids can induce sensations or lead to passing
out. Also, be careful with the tracheae. Even pressure on just one side of the neck
can lead to passing out. Never attach the noose to a solid object around the neck.

-Fake choke: Some people will love a hand on their throat to feel the passion,
but not any of the sensations. If you put the palm of your hand over the hollow in
the middle of the two collarbones, with fingers and thumb on each side, you are
low on the neck. You can apply light pressure and this will have no effect. It’s more
effective when pushing against something: in bed it’s safer for the head, which can
hit something.

-Rope and scarf choke: This is a good way to minimize a direct pressure on the
baroreceptor and give an overall better sensation. Place the middle of the scarf on
the front of the neck; pass each side of the scarf behind the neck so the compres-
sion is all around uniformly. Also during coitus, the person can hold it for themsel-
ves and apply the pressure that they want. The partner can look at them and make
sure that they don’t go too far.

-Belt: They can be used as a tool for strangulation. The main issue here is the
locking by the pin of the belt or the pinching of the skin. I recommend putting the
top of the bite in the direction of the pulling. That way a little space still exists.
From behind or the front this can be seen as very hot, but also as dangerous. Play
with holding, not squeezing, the neck.

-Rear naked choke: This is a technique, borrowed from the martial arts, applies
a bi-lateral pressure on the carotids using the bicep and forearm, and it’s very effec-
tive to make most people pass out in less than 15 seconds. For some people they
call it the ‘sleep-holder’. Be sure to take a class on those techniques with a profes-
sional. Even if no accidents are noted in the records of judo and jiu-jitsu for this
practice, that does not mean it’s 100% safe. Be sure to hold the person well: a per-
son who passes out has no muscular control. Also, if after 10 seconds the techni-
que is still not working, let go. You may be holding it the wrong way, or the anato-
my of the person is different with their carotids placed further back, or their
backup arteries are bigger. I have met three people out of a thousand who cannot
pass out, so no need to try harder than normal.
-Leg triangle choke: Since the most powerful group of muscles is used for this
technique, this can be very dangerous. Even well trained practitioners can contract
those powerful muscles too much. This can be seen as a very erotic activity, since
the head of the person is close to the other person’s genitals. Some techniques call
it the ‘triangle choke’. Seek advice and classes from a professional to learn this tech-

-Recreational hanging: An activity which looks like the well known lethal pu-
nishment. Those are made normally with a non-collapsing noose and a pulley. In
many countries, and as late as the 17th century, this kind of activity could be seen,
from France to the monks in China. I will not recommend these activities in any
way: the neck is not designed for this kind of stress, and this represents a very dan-
gerous threat of compression on some vital organs.

-Water boarding, drowning, and wet towel: For many years water was used to
torture people, and it’s effective: remember they found many witches. When you
play with those more advanced techniques I recommend taking a class on it. Also,
breathing through a wet towel is very difficult. When it comes to water boarding, I
would recommend using very, very cold water. The effect will be obtained more ef-
fectively, combined a thermal shock. The goal is to play with the mind, and the
sensation of a make-believe drowning, without killing the person.


Last part

In the ‘‘Don’t’’ section:

-Arm bar: The arm bar was a technique used by police forces for a long time,
but due to many deaths they decided to use ‘the naked choke’ technique instead.
The arm bar is a compression of the trachea using the forearms, which can lead
to damaging to the air pipes - and it doesn’t help to calm anyone down.

-Over pressure: Applying too much pressure with any technique will lead to in-
juries, and you don’t want that.

-Solid hanging: Never attach a noose or a loop to anything over your head that
can lead to hanging. Never attach the neck to something that can move or fall.

-Other: Never engage in any of these practices alone; never mix these activities
with drugs, alcohol, fatigue, or in exacerbated negative emotional states. Remem-
ber that even if it’s safer when you know what you are doing, it does not mean in
any way that knowledge will make this practice safe.

Death cases: Every year, many people die from these practices. But not enough
education is provided to help people mitigate the risks of edge and breathplay. So,
I endeavour to make a step forward.

-Auto erotic asphyxiation: ‘Kill Bill’ lead actor, David Carradine, was found
dead from what appeared to be autoerotic asphyxiation. This kind of death is
most common, and happens, sadly, when people do it alone, and then as a result,
make bad decisions.

-Obstruction, an incident in St-Julie: A paramedic, who was doing heavy bon-

dage and also using a ball gag with is wife, never noticed that during the sex she vo-
mited and was choked to death by her vomit. This case was ruled as an accident,
since no breathplay was intended.

-Alone, St-Bruno: a fireman who was doing an intense session with his partner,
left her in a predicament alone. She was standing, unable to move, with a metallic
solid collar that was loose around her neck. Thee woman suffered ostatic syn-
drome that made her pass out; with all the weight of her body pulling down, the
collar choked her and resulted in her death.

-Vacbed, Toronto: a friend of mine was working on a vacbed, with a small ope-
ning for his head. The latex collar was pressing on his baroreceptors, which slowly
made his blood pressure drop until he fell unconscious; even then the pressure con-
tinued to send a message to the heart to have it slow down until it stopped. Never
do it alone; never apply continued pressure there.

-Predicament, Italy: in the rope community, this incident is well known. The rig-
ger tied two intoxicated girls by the neck to each other. The predicament was that
in order for both of them to not get choked, they had to stay on their toes, but one

of them collapsed. This choked the other one. Both girls passed out, choking each
other to death. The rigger, who was also intoxicated, left his safety shears in his
car. It took too long to cut the ropes, sadly.

-Bag of death: in many countries, the ‘exit bag’ used in conjunction with with
the help of a neutral gas, like helium is used for the purpose of death. It puts the
person unconscious quietly and the re-breathing inside the bag does the rest. This
is sometimes used for legal suicide.


- Erotic asphyxiation: The intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for
the purposes of sexual arousal.
- Auto-erotic asphyxiation: Self induced effect of erotic asphyxiation.
- Passing out, syncope, also known as fainting: Defined as a short loss of con-
- BDSM: Bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism.
- Safe word: A code word to communicate an official instruction to stop the
- Edge-play: activity that endangers the life or health of the person receiving
the play.
- Ball gag: Fetish sex toy, which consists of a mouth insertable object with tex-
tile or rope to hold it in place.
- Vacbed or vacuum bed: envelope spanned by a frame, and a suction pump
or a floor vacuum removes most of the air from the envelope. It’s a restric-
tion device.
- Top: The person who will administer.
- Bottom: The person who will receive.
- Hypoxia: A condition where the body or a region of the body is deprived
an adequate amount of oxygen.
- Adam's apple: The structure of the Adam's apple forms a bump under the

- skin. It is typically larger in adult males.

This book was inspired by:

TSURUMI, Wataro. The Complete Manual of Suicide, Japan,1993.
ISBN 978-4-87233-153-0

KOIWAI, E Karl. Deaths allegedly caused by the use of «choke hold» (Shime-Waza), Ju-
do Info, Online publishing date unknown (original paper publishing 1987), (On-

KNIGHT, Bernard and Pekka Saukko. Knight's Forensic Pathology Third Edi-
tion, CRC Press, United States, 2015.
ISBN-10: 0340760443

LYLE, Douglas P. Forensics For Dummies, For Dummies, United States, 2016.
ISBN-10: 0764555804 ,ISBN-13: 978-0764555800

Images from: Gray Anatomy, 1918.

This book is dedicated to all people who touched my heart and left too soon.
This book is the work of many friends,


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