Dielectric and Magnetic Variance in Nico O Spinels Mediated by ZN Substitution For Efficient Data and Energy Storage
Dielectric and Magnetic Variance in Nico O Spinels Mediated by ZN Substitution For Efficient Data and Energy Storage
Dielectric and Magnetic Variance in Nico O Spinels Mediated by ZN Substitution For Efficient Data and Energy Storage
The presence of multiferroic behaviour in any material makes it exceptionally important for its possible significant role in
technological developments. The combination of dielectric and magnetic orders in a single device has become an intriguing
topic for material scientists in recent days. In this context, sol‒gel auto-combustion technique was utilized to synthesize
Zn-substituted NiCo2O4 to exploit its energy and data storage pursuits. Spinel-based cubic structure of metal cobaltites
was affirmed using X-ray diffraction technique. Enhancement in grain size mediated by Zn substitution was visualized.
Furthermore, elemental analysis confirmed the required stoichiometric contents in the samples. Koop’s theory, consistent
with Maxwell–Wagner model, elaborated the decrease in dielectric constant by enhancing the frequency. An energy loss in
dielectric relaxation was probed by measuring the loss tangent. In addition, the substitution of Zn also caused a decrease in
resistive behaviour of the samples. Magnetic analysis revealed that when Ni was replaced with Zn, the saturation magnetiza-
tion decreased which was attributed to the relative magnetic dipole moments of Zn and Ni.
Keywords Spinel cobaltites · Multiferroic properties · Dielectric characteristics · Impedance analysis · Electric modulus
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and NiCo2O4), chromites ( FeCr2O4, NiCr2O4 and C oCr2O4), Using these reagents in stoichiometric amounts, a series of
perovskite ferrites and manganites of rare earth (Bi and Pb) Ni1−xZnxCo2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8) was prepared.
[20], double perovskites of transition metal ions with d0, d4,
-d6 electron, mixed manganese oxides [21], organics and 2.2 Stepwise description of sample’s synthesis
halides [22] are found to exhibit multiferroic behaviour [23].
So far, Ni cobaltites, having cubic spinel structure, is the In order to synthesize the required composition, a facile
most studied as electrode materials for supercapacitors due chemical route named as sol‒gel auto-combustion has been
to their low cost, high specific capacitance, broad range of employed. The selection of this method was because of its
preparation methods and environmental-friendly character- credibility of time efficiency and cost effectiveness. In addi-
istics [24]. The cobaltites can be prepared by a variety of tion, this method provides better control of composition and
synthesis methods. For instance, Yang et al. in 2019 utilized gives self-purification during combustion process. This tech-
sol–gel method and deposited mesoporous carbon nano-fib- nique belongs to the mixing of various materials in appropri-
ers (MCNs) on Ni-substituted cobaltites nano-sheets. The ate solvents. Analytical precision balance was used to meas-
researchers reported their electrochemical properties by ure the accurate weights of metal nitrates and fuel agents.
which they revealed their use as an energy storage device These nitrates were then dissolved in de-ionized water with
[25]. Also in 2019, Kumar and Mariappan [26] fabricated chelating agents (urea and glycine) for the formation of gel.
Zn-substituted NiCo2O4 mesoporous rods through hydro- Magnetic stirrer was used for continuous stirring to assure
thermal process. Su et al. [27] fabricated spinel N iCo2O4 the homogeneity of solution. Afterwards, the solution was
nano-wire arrays (NWAs) via facile free solution method placed on a hotplate at 95 °C for 1 h while stirred continu-
and reported their magnetic behaviour at a very high applied ously using a magnetic stirrer. The stirrer was removed when
field of 70 kOe. solution became thick and started hindering the rotation of
In the past few years, not only multiferroics but also die- stirrer. The emission of bubbles had confirmed the start of
lectric nano-composites, due to their broad range of appli- gel formation in the beaker. The temperature of the hot plate
cations, have gained much attention due to their use in the was gradually increased up to 350 °C which led to the self-
field of electronic industry. As energy density (U) is given ignition of the gel. After the completion of auto-combustion
by U = ε˳εrE2/2, so in order to achieve high energy densities, process, a black-coloured fluffy powder was obtained. The
great efforts were made to enhance the electric breakdown synthesized material was then placed in an open air to cool it
strength or relative permittivity of the dielectric materials down. An Agate mortar and pestle was used to homogenize
[28]. Moreover, enhancing the relative permittivity would the powder samples. This was followed by the calcination
make them suitable not only for the electrode materials of of the samples at 400 °C for 2 h in a muffle furnace. The
highly efficient supercapacitors but also for other energy NiCo2O4 sample was tagged as NCO while Zn-substituted
storage gadgets and equipment. In addition, a lot of work samples were named as NZCO. The schematic of sample
has already been devoted to the effect of Zn substitution in preparation is shown in Fig. 1.
NiCo2O4 on gas sensing properties, as an electrocatalysis,
electrodes in batteries and supercapacitors [29–31]. So far, 2.3 Characterization
there are limited reports on the effect of Zn substitution on
the dielectric and magnetic properties of N iCo2O4. Hence, The crystalline nature, crystallite size, lattice parameters
to enhance the conductivity of N iCo2O4, Zn was substituted and phase formation of the samples were evaluated using
at Ni site for subsequent impedance spectroscopic and multi- a Bruker D8 Advance, X-ray diffractometer (XRD) using
ferroic analysis to exploit their potential as an efficient mate- Cu Kα radiations of wavelength 1.5406 Å. The patterns
rial for energy and data storage devices. were recorded between 2θ values of 15ο and 85ο. A Nova
NanoSEM-450, field emission scanning electron microscope
(FESEM) coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectro-
2 Experimental scope (EDX) was used to analyse the surface morphology
and the chemical composition of the specimens. FESEM
2.1 Materials images were further analysed by Java-based ImageJ software
in order to measure the grain sizes [32]. Dielectric properties
The metal nitrates like nickel nitrate hexahydrate including the dielectric constant, tan loss, real and imaginary
[Ni(NO3)2·6H2O], zinc nitrate hexahydrate [Zn(NO3)2·6H2O] part of electric modulus, impedance and ac conductivity of
and cobalt nitrate hexahydrate [Co(NO3)2·6H2O] were used cobaltites were analysed using Wayne Kerr Precision Imped-
as precursors, and glycine [ C2H5NO2] and urea [ CH4N2O] ance Analyser (6500B) in the frequency range of 20 Hz to
were used fuel agents. All these reagents were of analytical 20 MHz. For measuring the magnetic behaviour of the sam-
grade with purity ≥ 99% and purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. ples at room temperature (RT), LakeShore 7407, vibrating
Dielectric and magnetic variance in NiCo2O4 spinels mediated by Zn-substitution for… Page 3 of 11 492
sample magnetometer (VSM) was used at a magnetic field [33]. It was observed that when Zn was substituted at Ni site,
of ± 10 kOe. the lattice parameter is slightly increased with no significant
change in their intensity positions. At maximum Zn concen-
tration, the stability of spinel cubic structure was maintained
3 Results and discussion and confirmed by matching these indexed peaks with ICSD
reference no. 00-023-1390 for pure ZCO with lattice param-
3.1 Structural analysis eter 8.09 Å. This structural analysis confirmed the stability
of spinel cubic structure with a slight reduction in lattice
XRD patterns of N i1−xZnxCo2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and parameters. This stability of crystal structure with tuneable
0.8) are shown in Fig. 2. The diffracted intensities were lattice parameter could provide a variety of accommodative
indexed according to the indexing method given by B.D. lattice sites which may be very crucial for energy storage
Cullity. When indexed peaks of pure NCO were matched performance of the material. Using this structural data, a
with ICSD reference no. 00-002-1074, it confirmed the for- number of parameters like unit cell volume, crystallite size,
mation of cubic spinel structure with space group Fd-3 m. X-ray density and porosity were calculated, as summarized
The lattice constant for pure NCO was noticed as 8.10 Å in Table 1.
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Table 2 Average grain size Composition Average i.e. Ni1−xZnxCo2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8), at RT.
estimated from FESEM images Ni1-xZnxC2O4 grain size The plots of dielectric constant versus frequency of the sam-
(nm) ples are shown in Fig. 5a. As the dielectric constant con-
sists of real and imaginary parts, it can be represented as
x = 0.0 83 ± 3
ε* = ε′ + iε″. Here, real and imaginary parts of dielectric con-
x = 0.2 114 ± 3
stant are represented by ε′ and ε″, respectively. The relation,
x = 0.4 167 ± 3
ε′ = Cd/(ε˳A) was used to calculate the real part of dielectric
x = 0.6 198 ± 3
constant, where capacitance is C, thickness of the pellets is
x = 0.8 216 ± 3
d, the permittivity of free space is ε˳ and the area of cylindri-
cal pellets is A [35]. At x = 0.0, the dielectric constant had
the minimum value in low-frequency region and it further
3.4 Dielectric properties decreased with increase in the frequency. With the substitu-
tion of Zn at x = 0.2, the dielectric constant enhanced but still
To analyse the dielectric behaviour of the samples, the speci- showed a decreasing trend with the increase in frequency.
mens in pellet form were placed inside the holder of imped- The value of dielectric constant continuously showed an
ance analyser. increasing trend as the substitution of Zn in Ni cobaltites
elevated and a maximum value of dielectric constant was
3.4.1 Dielectric constant obtained at x = 0.8 by keeping the decreasing trend with the
elevation of frequency, respectively. Hence, variation of
Data obtained from the dielectric analyser explored the die- dielectric constant with the frequency at RT was explored
lectric behaviour of pure and Zn-substituted Ni cobaltites, by these graphs which demonstrated that with the increase in
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(a) (a)
492 Page 8 of 11 M. M. Munir et al.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 7 a Real impedance, b imaginary impedance, c Nyquist plot and d ac conductivity of Zn-substituted Ni cobaltites for x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6
and 0.8 against frequency
with the increase in frequency. Furthermore, the impedance of the specimen so, at x = 0.0, highly insulating behaviour
decreased at each step of substitution of Zn in Ni cobaltites. of the compound can be seen. Nevertheless, as the concen-
In order to differentiate grain resistance from grain tration of Zn in the samples increased, the diameter of the
boundary regions, complex impedance measurements pro- semicircles showed a decreasing trend. Hence, it can be con-
vide a suitable way. For this purpose, Nyquist plot is shown cluded that the decrease in diameter depicted the lessening in
in Fig. 7c in which Z′ has been taken along x-axis and Z’’ the resistivity and increment in the conductivity of the speci-
along y-axis. Generally, from these plots the information mens [40]. Using these semicircles, we can calculate the
about three different electroactive regions can be obtained. values of grain boundary resistances (Rgb), capacitance (Cgb)
These different regions involve the conducting grains, insu- and relaxation time (τ). ac conductivity (σac) of the sam-
lating grain boundaries and interface between the samples ple can be calculated using the formula, σac = 2πfεoε′tanδ,
and the electrodes. In current study, one semicircle for each where ε′, f and εο represent real part of dielectric constant,
specimen was observed that corresponded to grain bounda- frequency and permittivity of free space, respectively. ac
ries and which was efficaciously taking part in the electri- conductivity for all compositions is shown in Fig. 7d. It is
cal response of the prepared samples [39]. There is a direct clearly observed that ac conductivity of Zn-substituted Ni
relation between the diameter of a semicircle and resistance cobaltites was higher than the pure Ni cobaltites. At low
Dielectric and magnetic variance in NiCo2O4 spinels mediated by Zn-substitution for… Page 9 of 11 492
frequency, material showed the resistive behaviour due to 14.29, 6.40, 4.01, 2.68 and 1.68 emu/g with Zn substitu-
effective grain boundary in this regime and their resistive tion, respectively. In addition to this, the value of rema-
nature decreased. It was also due to the hopping of charge nent magnetization (Mr) was noticed as 3.23, 1.19, 0.77,
carriers in material. Substitution of Zn metal in cobaltites 0.36 and 0.35 emu/g, respectively, in the series. Similarly,
at all concentrations clearly exhibited maximum resistive coercivity (H c) was found to be 300, 350, 375, 400 and
medium at low frequency. Maximum amount of Zn in Ni 435 Oe, respectively, with the increased Zn contents. The
cobaltites showed higher conductive nature of the material. increasing value of Hc indicates that material is becoming
magnetically hard on increasing Zn contents which means
3.5 Magnetic analysis Zn substitution hinders the flipping of magnetic dipole
moment in alternating magnetic field [42]. The values of
Magnetic response of pure NCO and ZNCO at RT is Mr, Ms and Hc are summarized in Table 4. A comparison
shown in Fig. 8. The magnetic behaviour of any mate- of the magnetic properties of these compositions with the
rial is varied by different factors like temperature, shape previous work is summarized in Table 5 [43–47].
or dimension of materials. Nakate et al., (2016) reported
the magnetic behaviour of Zn-substituted Ni cobaltite
nano-plates. They showed the small hysteresis loop for 4 Conclusion
nano-plates of Zn-substituted Ni cobaltite multiferroic
material [41]. Here, the M–H curves of N i 1-xZn xCo 2O 4 Spinel cobaltites N i 1-xZn xCo 2O 4 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6
with the concentration of x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 and 0.8) were synthesized using sol‒gel auto-combus-
exhibited maximum magnetization at 10 kOe of applied tion method. XRD confirmed cubic spinel structure of
magnetic field strength. From these M–H loops, the val- Zn-substituted Ni cobaltites. It has been observed that
ues of saturation magnetization (M s) were recorded as lattice constant slightly increased from 8.168 to 8.196 Å
with substitution contents that varied from x = 0.0 to 0.8,
respectively. The growth of grains was witnessed from
15 x=0.0
(a) FESEM images and average grain size was noticed as 83,
Magnetization (emu/g)
10 x=0.4 167, 198 and 216 nm at x = 0.0, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8, respec-
x=0.6 tively. The proper substitution of Zn at Ni site was probed
5 x=0.8
from their EDX spectra. At the frequency of 20 Hz, the
0 presence of Zn in cobaltites enhanced the value of dielec-
4 tric constant from 44 to 2512 due to the presence of grain
Magnetization (emu/g)
8 360
492 Page 10 of 11 M. M. Munir et al.
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ZnCo2O4 3.75 × 10–5 3.75 × 10–5 – 2019 [46]
NiCo2O4 14.29 3.23 300 This work
Ni0.2Zn0.8Co2O4 1.68 0.35 435 This work
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