Science Form 1 Paper 1 Final

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26. An apparatus that hold and keep test tubes 34. When temperature is increased, what happens
safely is called a to the movement of particles of a liquid?
A. Tripod A. The become random
B. Retort stand B. The particles move around more, and at
C. Test tube rack a faster rate.
D. Gauze C. The particles move around less and at a
27. Which following gases in air is used for slower rate
respiration? D. They do not change
A. Carbon dioxide 35. Name the process that occurs when a solid
B. Oxygen change directly to a gas.
C. Nitrogen A. Evaporation
D. Rare gases B. Condensation
28. A tissue that transports water in plant is called C. Sublimation
A. Cell membrane D. melting
B. Xylem 36. A fuel is a substance that
C. Roots A. Burns in oxygen
D. Leaf B. Gives off energy when it burns
29. In the flower, male sex cells are produced in C. Both A and B
the structure know as the D. None of the above
A. Pistil 37. Which of the substances is not a fuel?
B. Anther A. Water
C. Filament B. Diesel
D. Style C. Methane
30. The wide base of the flower stalk is called a D. Petrol
A. Stamen 38. Which fuel is produced from sugar cane?
B. Sepal A. Charcoal
C. Receptacle B. Sugar
D. Whorl C. Ethanol
31. Why should dam and river water be boiled D. Methane
before drinking? 39. What is needed for iron and steel to rust?
A. To remove suspended matter A. Oxygen only
B. To remove dissolved minerals B. Water only
C. To remove some gases C. Hydrogen
D. To kill micro-organisms D. Both oxygen and water
32. A vector is an organism that 40. An acid is a substance that
A. Makes its own food A. Can dissolve in water
B. Is most affected by pathogens B. Turns red litmus paper blue
C. Carries e disease from one C. Turns blue litmus paper red
organism to another D. Forms a alkaline solution when dissolve
D. Is heterotrophic in water.
33. The process of coating a metal with
another metal is called The End
A. Protection
B. Rusting
C. Greasing
D. Electroplating

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