Tesis Dinamika Artikel The Effect of Small Group Discussion On The Students Ability

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JETAFL (Journal of English Teaching as a Foreign Language)

ISSN: 2459-9506

The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in

Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Siantar
Hotmaria1, Hilman Pardede2, Bloner Sinurat3
Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This research is in the classroom action research. The background of study is the
students in eight grade are difficult to speak English fluently. And the objective of this study is to
find out if Small Group Discussion Teaching Technique significantly affect to the students’
ability in speaking English. The problem of the study is; “Does Small Group Discussion
Teaching Technique significantly affect the students’ ability in speaking English at grade VIII of
SMP Negeri 2 Siantar?” To answer the problem of this study, the researchers follows some
theories from: Gastil (1993), Harmer (2003), Education (2003), Kate and Reg (2004), Harris
et.al (2008), Harris (1969), Richard (2008), Moran(2008), Arikunto (2013). Websites and some
research papers from internet. The researchers holds teaching-learning process in four meeting,
two meeting for each class (group). This research is supported quantitative data by using
technique of collecting data (use the test). The form of the test is pre-test and post-test. The
result of this research is the score average of experimental group in pre-test is 45, the
percentage of speaking ability was 45% and in post-test was 68, the percentage of speaking
ability was 68%. It was belonged to high category. The score average of control group in pre-
test was 38, the percentage of speaking ability was 38% and in post test was 51, the percentage
of speaking ability was 51% and it was belonged to sufficient category. From the phenomenon
above, can be seen there is more significant effect of small group discussion on the students’
ability in speaking English at grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Siantar, Kabupaten Simalungun. Small
group discussion is significant to apply for grade eight students, so the teachers can facilitate the
students learning with applying small group discussion.
Keywords: Effect, small group discussion, speaking, technique


There are many ways in communicating. One of the ways is speaking. We know that by
writing people also can communicate language but most of people use speaking as
communication, people speak every day. By language people can communicate with each other.
We are able to exchange knowledge, beliefs, opinions, feelings, we can laugh to express
amusement, happiness, disrespect, we can smile, we can be silent and so on, but our system of
communication before anything else is language.
English is an international language. Even technology and working world use English.
We know absolutely that everybody or students want to be the winner in studying or working

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

world competition that is getting tight day by day. One of the conditions that the students must
require is having ability to speak English fluently. This skill will be their plus point in facing the
working world. From now on, the students have to try hard to overcome their difficulties to
speak English fluently.
English is very important to be learnt especially for the students. In Indonesia English has
been a subject learning from the kindergarten and to university. English is also used in all human
life aspects. Almost all goods and places like modern building and park use English as the sign
for using and enjoying them, even the receptionist and the service. English is important for
Indonesia and the reason is English as a global or international language.
Speaking is the most part that is used in daily life to communicate, because by speaking
we can convey what we are going on clearly. There are many languages that we can use from our
body system but by speaking we can be more effectively. It is supported by Richard (2008:19)
states that the ability in mastering speaking skill is the priority for the second or foreign language
learners because the effectiveness of the English will determine their improving in spoken
language proficiency. It means that many people are living in speaking skill mostly as the
communication. And in language learning, speaking is medium through which much language is
learnt. And which for many is particularly conducive for learning.
Many activities that can be done in speaking such as speech, conversation, sharing,
chatting, etc. Indonesia as the country which is following the technology development or
modernization world is fighting to be better country and also want to be counted as progress
country. To get it, sure all people have to hard work and try to be better in communication. Good
communication will make us have a link to the other people or country, because just by having
good communication we can make a better relationship.
The teacher needs to teach by her or his all life in classroom and also students need to
learn together with their peer by seeing and discussing with their friends. The influence of the
students‟ experiences in the curriculum is not only by their relationship with the teacher but also
through their peers. This means that if the teachers and students can cooperate to make
conducive group situation, they will be successful in learning. It will create the affective side of
each student which attended the teaching and learning process. This also make the students can
be expected to have better academic achievement.
In the contrary from what is expected, today lots of Indonesian learners are not able in
mastering English as a mean an international language. That was what the researchers saw when
she pre-observation to students of the eight grade of SMP Negeri 2 Siantar. It is strengthen by the
fact the researchers found from interview with the teacher, the researchers found various answers
to the question. However, for some focal question, their answers are pretty much similar. The
students told what English to them. The first student thought that English is an international
language that needs to be learnt by all students to communicate in modern era. She realized it but
because she got difficulty then she was shy to learn. The second students said that English is
important but she cannot speak well, sometimes she wanted to try but because the situation in her
daily life make her forget to practice even she really realized that English is very important to her
future. The third students said that if he was able in speaking English he can go abroad, can be a
tour guide and for some students were same answer. Yet, they have a different interest in
English, some of them like speaking and listening, but some others do not think the same way.
The students answer about speaking is various.
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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

From the interviewed the researchers can draw a conclusion that there are some points
(answer) which are more or less similar. The points are as follow: (1) they are having the same
opinion that they have not yet had an „adequate‟ ability in speaking, however, they want to learn
and practice more to improve their speaking ability, (2) they have problems in speaking if they
have to speak in front of the audiences or their friend in a classroom, and (3) the way „speaking‟
taught in classroom according to them in an undirected language still need improvement. The
result of the interviewed above was emphasized by the classroom teacher‟s (Mrs. HG) statement
at June 12nd , 2019. What she said as follows;
“Masalah dalam speaking itu mereka sulit mengucapkannya, karena namanya speaking.
Baru intonasinyalah, pokoknya enggak pas lah kaya British itu. Beberapa ada yang malu-malu
beberapa ada yang enggak. Kalau mereka maju ada yang dihafal, tapi kurang paslah. Tapi
pokoknya adalah yang diucapkan.” (The problem in speaking is the students got difficulty in
saying it. Because that is speaking, then the intonation, they are not like a British. Some of
students were shy but some were not. If they went to in front, they have memorized, but it was
not suitable. But they said it.)
In other words students have difficulties in using the language in real. There are some
things which indicates can be seen from the production of language learning. The indicators can
be seen from the production of language itself, the result of their speaking out the language. The
first indicator is unsatisfying pronunciation and structure they used in their language. Although
pronunciation and structure is not the most essential thing in communicating the language, it
sometimes makes the communication less meaningful and bit confusing.
From the point of view, the cause is related to their language performance, psychological
performance, and motivation. Students have no adequate knowledge in presenting language in
oral way, in other words they are lack of vocabulary. By those, of course the students will get the
difficulty when they are instructing to make a conversation or arrange the words in English
because their lack in vocabulary. The difficult such case may lead students to burdened situation
which end to the unspoken language. It means students do not speak and they chose to be
We cannot claim whoever from those matters, even parents, teachers and the students
only, but we have to solve these problems. Students are getting difficulty from many aspects
during the process of teaching learning process. It happened from many cases, it may from their
background life, less facilities in learning English, bad condition, less motivation, less spirit,
narrow view and the technique that they use in the classroom and the effect from their peers. We
cannot blame and said that they were stupid and lazy or did not have desire to learn English.
The researchers asked to the teacher to show their score in speaking class, and here the
list of students‟ score in SMP Negeri 2 Siantar of grade seven four that will be going to be grade
eight. With minimal passing grade (KKM) is 65. The researchers took the data when pre-
observed and interviewed the teacher. This is the scores:

No Initial Names of students Score

1 AD 65
2 AGTN 65
3 AM 65
4 ADR 65
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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

No Initial Names of students Score

5 ADA 0
6 AY 65
7 CR 65
8 ADS 65
9 DL 65
10 DWT 65
11 DS 65
12 DT 65
13 FL 60
14 FM 60
15 FRA 65
16 HR 65
17 HK 60
18 ID 65
19 IT 65
20 IN 65
21 JLU 65
22 KLN 65
23 LL 65
24 LK 60
25 MRO 65
26 MR 65
27 NK 65
28 RFM 60
29 RK 65
30 RPT 65
31 SD 65
32 TPQ 60
33 WN 65
34 WFD 65
35 WL 65
36 YN 65
Students Total
Total Score
36 2245

Mean : Total Score = 2245 = 62,3

N (students Total) 36

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

From the data above, we can see that average of student score is 62,3 it means that
students still need in learning speaking again to increase their score and their ability in speaking
skill. By means we need to overcome that problem. The researchers assume that there should be
an appropriate method or technique in teaching speaking to overcome such problems. A method
or technique will accommodate the improvement of students‟ speaking competence. From the
students that the researchers interviewed, all of them were in a voice that speaking English
communicatively is still a problem for them, but it is the skill that they mostly want to master to
follow the modernization era that will be tight day by day. They believe that speaking English is
very important, especially for their future. But their learning today is not promoted learning good
speaking in supporting them to reach a better future.
In dealing with such problem, the researchers is eager to give a try in overcoming the
problem in English speaking competence through Small Group Discussion technique. The
researchers believes that small group discussion is a good technique in managing classroom
activity especially in conducting speaking activity. Harmer (2003:115) states that communication
between individual is more difficult in a group of twenty or thirty than it is in groups four or five.
In smaller groups it is easier to share material, speak quietly and less informally, and make good
eye contact. All of these contribute to successful task resolution. For then is said that small group
discussion is a friendly technique. It is also a technique which gives students opportunity to
speak the language creatively in communicative way and unburdened situation. In addition,
Department of Education (2003:2) states that effective teachers spend more time in small group
teaching, as it allows them tom personalize the curriculum for students and to differentiate task
and interaction according to individual students‟ needs. They also spend more time in guiding
and scaffolding students‟ learning while engaging in extended conversation, rather than using a
more formal recitation or telling mode. Additionally, the desire to understand and be understood
can be enhanced if students discuss topics important to them. The more negotiation of meaning
can take place in this manner and can help students make both input and output comprehensible.
Small group discussion consist of some students, it is more interested because they are
not alone in learning and facing their problems. By making them in a group they can learn and
struggle together and of course by teaching them in a small group they must responsible to make
their group better. It means that when they are in a group they will give influence each other in
their discussion about their lesson that is going to be learnt. They will interact and share each
other about what they are learning topic about. In this group they also can teach each other,
usually when their peer teach them it will be effective because they are not reluctant to convey
their difficulties. It also can build their good communication and their relationship among
The easy learning will make the students have desire and interest to learn English. It
presents a good situation in learning, they are challenged to have a better learning and it will be
affected to their learning process. So, It will make the teacher is easy to transfer the materials.
When the students have desire and interest it will make them having fun in learning process and
enjoy the classroom. From the statement above this has to keep the teacher to make the class is
fun for learning English.
To make the students are interested the teacher have to be creative and active in creating
a good techniques to make them stay fun. The techniques also have to be appropriate to their
needs. A good condition in learning process will make them stay love the lesson and they feel
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amusing. We know that not all the teachers can find and use the appropriate techniques as the
students hope.
The problems motivate the researchers to conduct a research to find out the effective
technique in SMP Negeri 2 Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun, to help the students love English in
their learning process and their daily life. Furthermore, interesting ways to help the students love
speaking and make them to be closer with English. Thus this research is conducted using an
action research approach. The action research is carried in the classroom by using small group in
conversation. The research is entitled: “The Effect of Small Group Discussion On The Students‟
Ability in Speaking English At Grade VIII Of SMP Negeri 2 Siantar”.


2.1 Speaking
Speaking is a process of communication between at least two people and a way to
express someone‟s idea. Thinking about perception, feeling, and intention in learning language.
It is the skill of a speaker to communicate information to a listener, her or his skill is realized by
her or his ability to apply the rules of the language she or he is speaking to transfer the
information she or he in her or his mind to her or his listeners effectively.
According to Department of Education (2003:152) spoken language is a language which
where people think about how they are making meaning. And in this session Speakers and
listeners are within interaction to get the aim each other. It means that the people have to be able
to communicate by education that they get since they know that. As the speaker tends to
comprehend to the conversation that involves shifting of the topic also the speaker tends to have
skill to express about perception, feelings, interaction or ideas to hold conversation. Learners
need to know how speakers dipper from one to another and how particular circumstances call
different from of speech. They can learn how speaking styles affect listeners. Thus, the rate
which they speak, the volume and precision of pronunciation may differ substantially from one
situation to another.

2.2 Teaching Speaking

Speaking lesson can follow the usual pattern of preparation, presentation, practice,
evaluation, and extension. The teacher can use the preparation step to observe, draw and
establish a context for speaking task on certain object and things. (Where, when, why, with
whom it occur) and initiate awareness of speaking skill to be targeted. In presentation, the
teacher can provide learners with a reproduction model that furthers learner comprehension and
they become more attentive observers of language use. Practice involves learners in reproducing
the target structure, usually in controlled or highly supported manner. Evaluation involves
directing attention to the skill being examined and asking learners to monitor and assess their
own progress. Finally, extension consists of activities that ask learners to use strategy or skill in a
different context or authentic communicative situation, or to integrate use of new skill or strategy
with previously acquired ones.

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

2.3 The Basic of Speaking

The eight components of the SPEAKING is a basic that we have to know as a
communicator, the eight components are:
S= Setting, it is include the time and place, physical aspects of the situation such as
arrangement of furniture in the classroom.
P= Participant, it is identify the personal characteristics such as age and sex, social
status, relationship with each other.
E= Ends including the purpose of the event itself as well as the individual goals of the
A= Act, sequence or how speech acts are organized within a speech event and what
topics are addressed.
K= Key or the tone and manner in which something is said or written.
I= Instrumentalities or the linguistic code i.e. language, dialect, variety and channel
i.e. speech or writing.
N= Norm or the standard socio-cultural rules of interaction and interpretation, and
G= Genre or type of event such as lecture, poem and letter.
The eight components of speaking above can influence the success of speaker in speaking. Thus,
a speaker should give attention for those components to get the goal of speaking.

2.4 The Types of Speaking

There are four types of speaking, they are:
1. Memorized speaking
The type of speaking that one does when she or he takes a part in play or when
she or he delivers an oration or a humorous or dramatic reading in a speech contest.
When these lines are recited orally, the students are doing what may be called memorized
2. Manuscript speaking
The type of speaking is done by the radio or television news announcer. Reading
well from manuscript is not easy. It requires considerable practice and skill if it is to be
done well.
3. Extemporaneous speaking
It refers to the type of speech that is prepared but is not memorized or written out.
This type of speaking is usually carefully prepared and is often rehearsed, but the speaker
avoids memorization so that she or he can talk in a natural, conversational way to her or
his audience.
4. Impromptu speaking
This type of speaking is the kind that is done on the spur of the moment. In
impromptu speaking, the speaker states her or his opinions without making a prepared
and rehearsed speech.

2.5 Classroom Speaking Activities

Teaching speaking should be taught in attractive and communicative activities. There are
many types of classroom speaking activities. Harmer, (2003: 271-274) stated that there are six

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

classroom speaking activities. They are acting from script, communication games, discussion,
prepared talks, questionnaires, simulation, and role play. They are explained below.
1. Acting from script
We can ask the students to act out the scenes from plays and or their course
books, sometimes filming the result. Students will often act the dialogues they have
written themselves. This frequently involves them in coming out the front of the class.
When choosing who should come out to the front we need to choose the brave one not
the shyest because we want to make the other students feel interesting.
2. Communication games
Games which are designed to provoke communication between students
frequently depend on an information gap, so the student has to talk to a partner in order to
solve the puzzle, draw a picture, put things in the right order or find similarities and
differences between pictures.
3. Discussion
Discussion is a way where the teacher can avoid such difficulties. All it means is
the students have a chance for quick discussion in a small group before any of them are
asked to speak in public. Because they have chance to think of ideas and the language to
express them with before being asked to talk in front of the whole class, the stress level of
the eventual whole class performance is reduced.
4. Prepared talks
A popular kind of activity is the prepared talk where the students make a
presentation on a topic of their own choice. Such talks are not designed for informal
spontaneous conversation, because they are prepared. Prepared talks represent a defined
and useful speaking genre and if properly organized, can be extremely interesting for
both speaker and listeners.
5. Questionnaires
Questionnaires are useful because by being pre-planned, they ensure that both
questioner and respondent have something to say to each other. Depending upon how
tightly designed they are, they may well encourage the natural use of certain repetitive
language pattern and thus be situated in the middle of four communication continuum.
Students can design questionnaires on any topic that is appropriate. As they do so the
teacher can act as a resource, helping them in the design process. The results obtained
from questionnaires can then form the basis for written work, discussions, or prepared
6. Simulation and Role playing
Many students derive great benefits from simulation and role play. Students‟
simulate a real encounter such as business meeting, an encounter in an aero plane cabin,
or an interview as if they were doing so in the real world, either as themselves in that
meeting or aero plane, or taking in the role of a character different from themselves or
with thoughts and feeling they do not necessarily share. Simulation and role play can be
used to encourage general oral fluency, or train students for specific situation especially
where they are studying.

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

2.6 Small group Discussion

Small group discussion is one variety of teaching techniques in improving students‟
speaking competency. Before defining what small group discussion is, it is necessary to
understand each term in it. According to Department of Education (2003:28) small group is
group learning, where students work through a sequence of stages in groups of four, here they
will engagement, exploration, transformation, presentation and reflection. Usually the students
who will learn together in small group, they are about five to eight Kate and Reg (2004:2). It
means in group there are some students who are discussing in learning together. It is also
supported by Harris et.al (2008:5) state that by small group the students can influence each other,
they share a common goal or purpose, they have a sense of mutual belonging because they share
meaning among membership. From its definition it means that by grouping them in a small
discussion will make the students spread their spirit and can influence their friends in positive
think when they are learning together.
A group may be described as an assemblage of people seeking to satisfy individual needs
through the exchange of ideas. Based on the definitions above, it can be summarized that a group
is a collection of individuals in the same place in which there are interactions among the
members. A collection of students in a classroom itself is actually referred to as a group. As
classes get larger and larger, the ability of such opportunities grows less and less. In this case
small group interact in conversation.
In discussions is the process of talking things over among two or more persons,
preferably face to face. By discussion process ideally is a cooperative effort on the part of a
number of individuals to work together as a group, through the exchange of thought orally,
toward some group after understanding the concept of each term, the writer comes to the
definition of small group discussion. It is the exchange of in formations, opinions, and ideas
among all members of a group which consist about five to eight members solve the problems.

2.7 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Discussion

According to Harmer (2003:114-118) there are number of values to be gained through the
use of small group discussion:
a. Advantages of group work:
1. Here there are more than two students in the group, personal relationship are usually
less problematic, there is also greater chance of different opinions and negotiation than
pair work or individual work.
2. It encourages broader skills of cooperation and negotiation than pair work, and yet is
more private than work in front of the whole class.
3. It promotes learners autonomy by allowing students to make their own decision in the
group without being told what to do by the teachers.
4. Although we do not wish any individuals in groups to be completely passive,
nevertheless some students can choose their level of participants more readily than in a
whole class or pair work situation.
b. Disadvantages of group work:
1. It is likely to be noisy (though not necessarily as loud as pair work can be). Some
teachers feel that they lose control, and the whole class feeling which has been
painstakingly built up may dissipate when the class is split into smaller entities.
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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

2. Not all students enjoy it since they would prefer to be the focus on the teacher‟s
attention rather than working with their peers. Sometimes students find themselves in
uncongenial groups and wish they could be somewhere else.
3. Individuals may fall into group roles that become fossilized, so that some are passive
whereas others may dominate
4. Groups can take longer to organize than pairs; beginning and ending group work
activities especially where people move around the class can take time and be chaotic.

2.8 Conversation
Conversation is a dialogue which is done by some people, where they talk about
something that they have ever heard and know as the important thing information that need to
be talked. (Richards, 1994:3).

2.9 Types of Conversation

1. Conversation about subjective ideas.
This is often serve to extend understanding and awareness.
Example: “Refined Fuel oil (BBM)”
Clara: I do not know what to say when watching the news that about
increment of refined fuel oil, whereas I go to campus everyday by
Andy: now, you have to learn to go on foot three times for a week,
beside you scrimp you are healthy, hehe..
Dee: I think so; the important thing is that government has enough
reason to make the increment.

2. Conversation about objective fact.

It is serve to consolidate a widely held view.
Example: “English department in UHN”
Marry: dev, what do you think of the program study that is most
Interested in our campus?
Devi: I think English department, you may see that after finishing
Examination in pasteboard, they are many than other majors.
Merry: you are right, English department is most interested in this

3. Conversation about other people.

This is usually absent which maybe critical, competitive, or supportive. This
includes gossip.
Example: “celebrity”
Kevin: celebrity is public figure, I think they need to keep their
Priority in relationship, I really do not like them.
David: yap, especially women. Do they think that they are not
Sari: if I were them, I will keep my priority. We know that we need
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Follow the modern era but we have to think our salvation in

Social media.
Tina: yummy! I like them who see simple but smart like Chelsea

4. Conversation about oneself.

It is sometimes indicate attention or seeking behavior that can provide relevant
information about oneself to participant in the conversation.
Example: “Governor Jakarta, Basuki Purnama(Ahok) ”
Maria: I really like with Ahok, he is brave leader, He tries to lead with
Justice for all society, even many people especially official do
Do not like him with his honest way. I stay like him and never
Stop praying him so that God blesses all his ways.
Jessie: so do I, I like his ways and I hope that he can be president in
Next period.
Icahn: we are proud of him because he is one of believe in Christ and
I also hope, he does many things in fearing to God
Corry: of course, I have ever red in face book, that his reason can be
Hold out is Jesus, since he begins his leadership in Bangka
Belitung up to now in Jakarta. He has understood how to
Face all officials characters and how to overcome it.


3.1 Design of Research

Research consists of quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research is the research
that applied in population and using the sample as the participants, qualitative research on the
other hand does not applied in population and sample (Arikunto, 2013:28). In this research, the
writer uses quantitative research where the writer will collect the data from the students as the
participants. The writer wants to find the effect of small group discussion by conversation in
teaching speaking for grade VIII in Junior High School. The writer designs the research in two
groups, experimental group (using small group) and control group (Without small group).

Table 3.1 Research Design

Group Pre Test Treatment Post Test
Experimental  X 
Control  Y 

Note :
X : Teaching using small group in teaching speaking.
Y : Teaching without small group in teaching speaking.
 : Teaching speaking by using small group.
X : Teaching speaking without small group.
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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

3.2 The Population and Sample

A. Population
Arikunto (2013:173) defines that population is the whole subjects or people under
observation in a research. So in doing this research there must be population that will be
investigated. The population of this research is students at grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Siantar.
There are five classes in this grade and each class has 35 students except of grade VIII-4 and
VIII-5, so the total of numbers population is 175 students.

Table 3.2 Population of the research

No Classes Male Female Total
1 VIII-1 20 15 35
2 VIII-2 14 21 35
3 VIII-3 17 18 35
4 VIII-4 15 16 31
5 VIII-5 15 16 31
Students total 167

B. Sample
A sample is limited number of elements from a population (Arikunto 2013:174). The
sample is selected by using clustering sample technique. Based on this technique, two classes are
chosen sample. There are 70 students become the sample to present the whole population. They
divided into two groups. One class as experimental group VIII-4 consists of 36 students and the
second class as control group VIII-5 consists of 34 students.

3.3 The Instrument of Collecting Data

Instrument is a device that used for collecting data. The writer chooses test as the
instrument for the research. Arikunto (2013:192) defines that instrument is tools or facilities that
used by the researcher to collect the data to make the research become easier to do or the
technique that the researcher uses in collecting the data. There are two kinds of instrument for
used to collect the data. They are pre-test and post-test. The writer chooses test for collecting the
data is by using conversation in pretest and post test. But before the students present in front of
the class, they write for preparing in speaking or presenting their conversation. The researcher
will do the test for about two hours or 2x40 minutes.

3.4 The Technique of Collecting Data

The procedure would be divided into three parts. They are pre test, experiment and post
test. The first step experimental group and control group would be given pre test, both of the
groups have the same topic. The second step was treatment, the treatment would be given for the
experiment group only. They would be taught by small group discussion. While control group
without using small group discussion. The third step is post test. Experiment and control group
would be given the same topic. The procedure divides as the following:

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

Table 3.3 Procedure for collecting data in experimental group.

No Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1 Teacher gives the pre test, asked the students to Students do the test by
make conversation about giving opinion. writing the conversation
about giving opinion (in
2 Teacher gives the explanation of the conversation by Students listen carefully to
using small group. the teacher and learn
together in a small group.
3 Teacher gives post test by giving the test about Students follow and do their
conversation, the students are divided into small best.

Table 3.4 Procedure for collecting data in control group.

No Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1 Teacher gives the pre test, asked the students to Students do the test by
make conversation about giving opinion. writing the conversation
about giving opinion (in
2 Teacher gives the explanation of the conversation Students listen carefully to
without using small group. the teacher and learn
together (in couple).
3 Teacher gives post test by giving the test about Students follow and do their
conversation without using small group and divide best.
them based on conventional technique.

A. Pre Test
Pre test is conducted to find out the students preliminary scores before the treatment is
given. The students make the written test about conversation first before they present in front by
oral speaking. The writer will ask the students to perform in front of class as the test to the
experimental group and control group.

B. Treatment
After conducting the pre-test, the writer conducts the treatment. The experimental group
and control group will be taught by using same materials but different instrument. The
experimental group will be taught speaking by small group in conversation while control group
will be taught speaking without small group or may use the conventional technique.

C. Post Test
Post test is the test conducted after conducting the treatment. After explaining the
material, both a group in experimental group and control group will be given the same test. Here

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

the students also make the written text first before they speak orally. The test that will be given is
the same test with pre test.

3.5 The Validity and Reliability of Test

A. The Validity of Test

Validity is to show the valid of the instrument. A valid instrument has a high validity,
otherwise, a less valid of the instrument has not a high validity.
The form : (Arikunto 2013:317)

N ∑XY –N(∑X) (∑Y)

Rxy =
N∑X2- (∑X) 2 N∑Y2-(∑Y)2
Rxy = the correlation between two variables
N = Total of the data
X = The mark in pre test
Y = The mark in post test
XY = Sum of multiplication X and Y
X2 = Square of X
Y2 = Square of Y

In order to find out the validity of the test, the writer uses formula coefficient
correlation products moment. The level of validity of the test according to Arikunto
0, 80 - 1, 00 = very high
0, 60 - 0, 80 = high
0, 40 – 0, 60 = sufficient
0, 20 – 0, 40 = low
0, 00 – 0, 20 = very low

B. The Reliability of Test

The reliability of the test concerns its precision as a measuring instrument or it can be said
that reliability refers to the consistency of the measurement.
The form :
r11 = 2 x r1 / 21 / 2
1+ r1 / 21 / 2
Where : r11 = the reliability.
r1/21/2 = coefficient between the two tests.
The opinion of Arikunto about the Reliability of the test is considered as following :
0, 00 – 0, 20 = the reliability is low
0, 21 – 0, 40 = the reliability is sufficient
0, 41 – 0, 70 = the reliability is high
0, 71 – above = the reliability is very high

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

3.6 Technique of Analyzing Data

Data analysis is the last step in the procedure of research. After collecting the data, the
researchers also formulate the technique of analyzing data and there is also formula used to
calculate the data. The procedures are:
1. Transcript the data
2. Identify the students‟ scores using formula
3. Compare the scores using formula


4.1 Finding of the Research

Based on analyzing of the data, the researchers found that the mean of experimental
group in pre-test is 45 and post-test is 68 where the standard deviation in pre-test 15.45. the
validity of the test in experimental group is 0.62 and reliability of the test in experimental group
is 0.76. The mean of control group in pre-test is 38 and post-test is 51 where the standard
deviation is 17.84, the validity of the test in control group is 0,51 and reliability of the test in
control group is 0.67. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that one hypothesis (Ha)
was accepted. It was showed by the value of tobs = 3.24 and the value of ttable = 2.00 at = 0.05
and df = 60 (Nx + Ny – 2 = 31 + 31 - 2). It means there is more significant effect of small group
discussion at grade VIII in SMP Negeri 2 Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun.

4.2 Discussion
Moran (2008: ix) states that teaching activities are something to bring the students into
the rational thinking. It means that the teacher should bring the good effect to the students. The
main subject that have been discussed on the thesis is about effect of small group discussion on
the students‟ ability in speaking English at grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Siantar, Kabupaten
Simalungun. The researchers used small group discussion technique in learning process to get
the goal of teaching. In this research the researchers found that the speaking mastery in the
students were increased when did the teaching by small group discussion. It is proved by the
score that gotten in experimental group was higher than control group.
From data analysis, the researchers find out the mean of experimental group is higher than the
mean control group. The mean of experimental group is higher than the mean of control group.
Small group discussion provides the students have partner in speaking. For the active
students it can make them enhance their speaking and also for the passive they can learn together
and interested to be active in their group. The researchers realizes that this study is still far from
what she expected, especially for the students score in speaking, but she knows that is not only
thing that she can take from her research. There are many things, she learn how to deal with
teaching and learning with the students, how to make them enjoy first the opening session and
make them comfortable before starting lesson.
It is necessary to respect them as the students and give them reward for the little thing
that they can do, they can respect us when we know how to get close to them. She was successful
to make the students respect themselves. It means the students had changed into a better one.

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The Effect of Small Group Discussion on the Students’ Ability in Speaking English at Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2

Although the students still need to be touched, no matter how so chaotic they are, they deserve to
respect and right. It is elders who take the responsibility to lead them into positive change.
In the other hand, the researchers found that there are some things that influenced their
English learning, expecially speaking mastery in the students. When the researchers did the
research, the students were noisy. The condition made the researchers wasted much time to make
them focus. The facilities in SMP Negeri 2 Siantar were not complete, such as infocus,
loudspeaker, and language laboratory. This condition made the teacher or researchers was
difficult to apply the the technique in learning.


Based on the data analysis it is found out that t-observed is higher than t-table. This
shows that the alternatives hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, and null hypothesis is rejected. Through
this finding it can be concluded that small group discussion significantly affects to the students‟
speaking ability in English. The students who are taught by small group discussion are more
focused and enjoy their learning process, because there they can help and influence one another
than in control group without using small group discussion.


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