LESSON PLAN - U1 Listening

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Listening Skill


A. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen to a talk show about family life for main ideas and specific information.
- Talk about some ways that parents can help their children achieve their
success in their studies.
B. Language Focus:
- Grammar: Present simple
- Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to family life
C. Instructional Resource:
- Audio track…
- Computer
- Board

Teacher’s and student’s activities Content

I. Pre-Listening (Exercise 1) (10 minutes)

1. Warm up/ Lead in
Introduce the new lesson. Let students look and
describe the picture (in group).

2. Introducing the lesson

Today we’re going to hear a talk show where
two people are talking.

3. Guessing
In group, students guess “What is the student
talking about?”
Students work in group.
a) Pre-teach vocabulary
T gives an example and elicits the word
Yesterday, I got up at 7 and had breakfast at 8,
but today I get up at 6 and have breakfast at half
past 6. Every day, my routine is different or we
can say “ There is no fixed daily routine.”

“We have the word “routine”, it means a usual

or fixed way to do things.”
EX: There is no fixed daily routine.

+cheer SO up
T gives a situation and elicits the word.

My friend was sick and I sent a bunch of flower

to make her happy or we can say: “My friend
was sick and I sent a bunch of flowers to cheer
her up”

EX: My friend was sick and I sent a bunch of

flowers to cheer her up.

Mai has many troubles in her life, but she is not
too sad, and she always tries to overcome them.
We can say “Mai is a strong girl” or we can say
“Mai has a great inner strength”

We have the word “strength”. It is the noun of

It means having great power.

EX: Mai has a great inner strength.

+carry on
My parents are teachers and I also want to be a
teacher to carry on the family tradition.

So we have the word “carry on”, it means

continuing doing ST

EX: I am carrying on the family tradition by

becoming a teacher.

If a person tells you something and it is not true,
you don’t believe it. You can also say, you don’t
trust it.

EX: I don’t trust everything on the Internet

because it may not be true.
Teacher shows a picture of crying John with a
Failed exam and a friend saying something to
cheer him up.
Teacher says: this friend is encouraging John to
try harder for the next exam.


During my university, my parents gave me both

physical and mental support so that I can
entirely focus on my studies

We have the word Support (n): emotional or

practical help

or we can say: “I with my supportive parents

can entirely focus on my studies”. We have the
word supportive (a)

4. Guiding question
- Before listening, T asks question:
How do you support your family members?
How do you feel when you are with your family

Students answer individually

II. WHILE LISTENING (25 minutes)

1. Listen for main idea (Exercise 2)

- T gives instructions: Their guesses will be written on the

board in the form of checklist.
T has Ss write their guesses on the board
and tell them:

“Now you are going to listen to the

introduction to the talk show and check
whether your answer to Question 2 is
correct or not.”

T tells Ss to listen for signal words “tell us

about…” and what follows them.

- T plays the recording twice.

Ss listen individually.

- After the first time, T asks some guiding T writes guiding questions on the
board, underlining some key words
questions to check comprehension: (e.g. topic, speaker name, won,)

+) What is the topic of the talk show?

+) What is the name of the guest speaker?

+) What has he just won?

T confirms the correct answer by
- T asks Ss from each group to come to the ticking the checklist with a different
board to tick the correct guesses. colour.
- After the second time, T confirms the
correct answer

2. Listening for details (Exercise 3)

- T asks Ss to underline key words in each

- T plays the recording twice and have Ss do
the task.
- Ss do the task individually.
- After the first time, T asks Ss to check their
answers with a partner.

Ss work in pairs.

- After the second time, Ss correct the false

statements in pairs. Pairs of Ss come to the board and
- T confirms the correct answers. write their final answers
3. Listen for key words (Exercise 4)
- T asks Ss to read the sentences first
- T explains some new words and have Ss T writes some difficult words or
underline key words in each sentence. phrases for them on the board (cheer
- T asks Ss to guess the part of speech of the him up, trust, moments, ….)
missing words based on the surrounding
- T plays the recording twice.
Ss do the task then compare their answers T writes the final answers on the
in pairs after the first time. board (T waits for Ss to spell the
Ss finish the task after the second time answers instead of actively write
- T checks answers with the whole class them right away)


(10 minutes)

- T asks Ss to form into groups of two
- T writes the question on the BB How can parents help their children
achieve success in their studies
- Gives instruction:
-T ask ss to discuss with their partner and discuss
about the question on the BB.

- Ss works in pair, discuss with each other about

the given question

- T walk around to observe Ss and give them ideas,

vocabulary,.. to help them if they need a resource.
- Ss ask T if they have any questions during their

- Call several Ss to present in front of class

- Ss present in front of class

- T gives Ss feedback and correct Ss’ mistakes

- Ss take note and ask T if they have any questions.

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