Giao An Anh 12hk1

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Date of preparation: ….../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: .…../……./ 2018

A. Aims:
- Help Ss to know about the English book grade 12 in general.(themes, tests, lessons etc.
- Introduce how to do an oral test, a fifteen - minute tests and a written test.
- Some requires of student to study well English.
- To help Ss have the opportunities to develop their oral fluency.
- To introduce the theme and units.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: know the topic, the theme and units.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, boards, colored chalks and lesson plan.
- Students: Textbook.
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Activities Interactions
1. Warm-up (8 minutes)
Introduces herself to the students. T <--> Ss
Asks some students to introduce themselves:
What’s your name? Do you like English?
Do you find English easy or difficult?
Which is the easiest, the most difficult?
Reading, speaking, listening, or writing? Individually
Why do you learn English?
How long have you learned English?
Are you good or bad at English?
2. Presentation (30 minutes)
1. The text- book English 12
- The 1st term: * Unit 1- Unit 6: 8 parts for each unit: getting started, language,
reading, speaking, listening, writing, communication and culture and looking T <--> Ss
back & project
* Review 1, 2 * Test yourself 1
* Written tests: 6: 15’(3) 45’(2) end- term (1)
- The 2nd term: * Unit 7- Unit 12: 8 parts for each unit: getting started,
language, reading, speaking, listening, writing, communication and culture and
looking back & project.
* Review 3, 4 * Test yourself 2
* Written tests: 6: 15’(3) 45’(2) end- term (1)
2. Teacher’s demand:
- Read the lesson before studying in class.
- Do all exercises at home.
- It is good to find the meaning and the pronunciation of the new words in the
dictionary at home.
-Listen to the teacher attentively and take part in the lesson actively and
- Take part in the activities that the teacher required such as pairs work, group
work or individual
- Each S has a notebook and book (student book and work book)
Books * Text - book English 12 * Work - book English 12
At home:
* Prepare for the new lessons: content, structures, words and phrases,
* Revise the old lessons + do all the homework
At class: * Participate in all activities * Keep the discipline
3. Consolidation (5 minutes)

Trang 1
Students’ assessment T <--> Ss
What do you find your English? Very good/ excellent:
Good:……… Average:……… Bad:……….. Very bad:………
- Give feedback.
4. Homework (2 minutes) T <--> Ss
- Prepare Unit 1: Life stories Lesson1: Getting started
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Objectives:
1. Language focus:- To introduce the overall topic of Unit 1: “Life Stories”, lexical items
related to people’s life stories, homophones, revision of the past simple vs. the past
- To check students’ comprehension thorough True / False
- To provide Ss with a chance to express their opinion about their choice.

Activities Interactions
1. Warm up (5 minutes)
Answer some lead-in questions.
1. Who is your favourite singer / footballer /…? T <--> Ss
2. Why do you like him / her?
3. Look at the picture on page 6 and answer questions: Do you know who they
are? What do you know about them?
Possible answers: 1. My favourite singer/ footballer is Sơn Tù ng/ David
2. I like Sơn Tù ng most because he not only sings beautifully but he is also
really handsome. I like David Beckham very much because he both plays
football excellently and is manly.
3. I have no idea about the first photo. The second is Michael Jackson, a popular
American singer and dancer. The third one is a good cook / chef. And the last
one is two students. May be they are talking about the three people just
2. New lesson
Activity 1: Listen and read (15 minutes) T <--> Ss
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation.
- Play the recording
- Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation.
+ Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an
American entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor, who was the co-founder, Whole class
chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.
+ Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American
singer, song writer, record producer, dancer, and actor.
+ Christine Ha (May 9, 1979) is an American chef, the first blind contestant of
the TV show Master Chef and winner of its third season in 2012.
Activity 2: Read the conversation again. Decide whether the statements Individually
are T or F. (12 minutes)
- Ask Ss to work individually and finish the task
- Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.
T (Quang says he hasn’t decided between Steve Jobs and Michael Jackson.)
F (Hung thinks Michael Jackson was a great dancer, but not an excellent singer
and his singing voice became weak and thin in his later years.)
F (Quang says M. Jackson’s music inspired him to learn to play a musical T <--> Ss
T (Quang says Christine Ha won the US Master Chef trophy in 2012. Hung says
Christine is a blind chef and a gifted writer, very talented and determined, and
it was absolutely amazing to watch her use all the kitchen tools and prepare the
T (Hung says Christine is a blind chef.)
Activity 3: Discuss with a partner.
If you were Quang, who would you choose to talk about, Steve Jobs or
Michael Jackson? Why?
- T has Ss read the question and discuss their answers with a partner; elicits Pair work
some answers and writes the best ones on the board. - Ss discuss in pairs and
answer the questions.
Possible answers:
1. If I were Quang, I would choose to talk about Steve Jobs because he is
amazingly talented - he was an entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor, who was T <--> Ss
the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.
2. If I were Quang, I would choose to talk about Michael Jackson because he was
a wonderful singer, a professional dancer, a great song writer, a leading record
producer, and a popular actor.
Activity 4: Find the words in the conversation that have
the same sounds as the following.
- T explains briefly to Ss that many English words (or combinations of words)
may have the same pronunciation, but different spellings and different Individually
meanings. They are called homophones.
1. too 2. eye 3. sea 4. one 5. no
Feedback: 1. two 2. I 3. see 4. won 5. know
Activity 5: Read the conversation again and write the correct tenses of the T <--> Ss
verbs in brackets.
This activity focuses on revision of the past simple and the past continuous.
- T asks Ss to give the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets first, and then has Individually
Ss read the conversation to check their answers. Feedback: 1. became, wasn’t and pair
2. felt, was creating work
T <--> Ss
3. Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? T <--> Ss
- Summarize the main points of the lesson.
4. Homework (1 minute)
- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to life stories. - Prepare T <--> Ss
Trang 3
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: - To provide learners some language items in Unit 1
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to people’s life stories
- For pronunciation, that is homophones in connected speech
- For grammar, the use of the past simple vs. the past continuous and use of articles
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: To encourage Ss to work harder, to provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations:- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Activities Interactions
1. Homework (3 minutes)
Tell about the person you admire. T <--> Ss
What’s his / her name? What does he / she do? What is he / she famous
for? Does he / she inspire you to do anything? What is it?
2. New lesson
A. Vocabulary: (8 minutes)
Activity 1: Write the words given next to their meanings. Individually
- T asks Ss to match the words with their meanings
- Ss read the words and their definitions in the box and then do the matching.
- Ss give the Vietnamese meanings of these words and then practise
pronouncing them.
- T checks answers as a class.
Feedback: 1. Figure: hình ả nh 2. Talented: có tà i
3. distinguished: lỗ i lạ c, xuấ t chú ng 4. Achievement: thà nh tích
5. respectable: đá ng kính trọ ng 6. perseverance: tính kiên trì
6. generosity: lò ng bao dung
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in
- T asks Ss to pay attention to the grammar when using the words in 1. When
using a noun, Ss need to consider its suitable form (singular or plural).
- T has Ss complete the sentences individually, and then compare their
answers in pairs.
- Ss complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in 1. Then Pair work
compare their answers in pairs.
- T checks answers as a class.
Feedback: 1. distinguished 2. talented 3. achievements
4. respectable 5. generosity
2. Pronunciation: Homophones (10 minutes) T <--> Ss
Activity 1: Listen to pairs of sentences. Write the correct words in the
- T asks Ss to study the Do you know…? box and practise saying the pairs of
homophones using the correct pronunciation; tells Ss that they are going to

Trang 4
listen to the recording and write the words they hear in the blanks; asks Ss to
read the two sentences a and b carefully, and decide on the part of speech of
the missing words.
- T checks answers as a class. Individually/
- Ss study the Do you know…? Box; listen to the recording and write the words
they hear in the blanks; Ss work in pairs, discuss the meaning of each word Pair work
and choose the correct one for each sentence.

2. a. allowed b. aloud 5. a. here b. hear

3. a. write b. right 6. a. been b. bean
4. a. new b. knew
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the sentences in 1.
- T plays the recording again and has Ss repeat each sentence chorally; asks
Ss to read the sentences in pairs.
2. Grammar: The Past Simple vs. the Past Continuous
Activity 1: Underline the correct word (8 minutes) T <--> Ss
- T has Ss review the use of the past simple and the past continuous; asks Ss
to look at the Remember box and draws their attention to the examples and
asks them guiding questions: In the first example, which verb indicates an
action in progress? Which verb indicates a shorter action that interrupts it?
What kind of action does the second example indicate? Why is the adverb
“always” used?
- Ss listen to the tape again and repeat the sentences chorally.
- Ss read the sentences in pairs.
1. went, was having 2. met, was traveling
3. was working, was, were 4. shared, was always taking
5. called, was doing, did not hear 6. was constantly asking, was
7. requested, was composing 8. joined, was then leading
Definite articles and omission of articles Pair work
Activity 2: Complete THE gaps with the where necessary. If an article is
not necessary, write a cross (). (6 minutes)
- T asks Ss to study the Do you know…? box and draw their attention to the
special cases (use of the and omission of articles).
- T asks Ss to complete the gaps with the or a cross () if an article is not Individual
- T has Ss compare their answers with a partner.
- Ss look at the Remember box and pay attention to the examples.
- Ss read each sentence carefully and decide which action is in progress and
which one is a shorter action that interrupts it.
- Ss complete the sentences.
Feedback: Ss <--> Ss
1. the 3. , 5. the, , the 7. , the, 
2. the, the  6. the, , , the, 8. the, 
4.  the
Indefinite articles - T asks Ss to
Activity 3: Complete the gaps with A, AN or a cross () if an article is not complete the
necessary. gaps with an
- T asks Ss to study Do you know…? box. indefinite article
- Ss study the Do you know…? box. DO YOU KNOW…? or a cross () if
The definite article THE is generally used before a singular or plural noun an article is not
when we talk about a specific thing or action. necessary and
Examples: The dog that bit me ran away. draw their
They like the films directed Steven Spielberg. attention to
Trang 5
sentences 7 and 8, in T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Trang 6
which the nouns (ice cream, coffee) can be countable or uncountable. Individually
- Ss read the sentences carefully and underline the nouns / noun phrases
after the gaps.
Feedback: T <--> Ss
1. a 3. a 5. , a 7. , an
2. , a 4. , a,  6. a, , a 8. a, 
Activity 3: Read the following story and complete each gap with an Individually
article. Write a cross () if an article is not necessary.
- T tells Ss that to do Activity 4, they need to consider whether to use a T <--> Ss
definite article, an indefinite article, or no article at all for each gap in the
story; asks Ss to read the whole story first to understand the context before
completing the gaps; has Ss compare their answers with a partner.
- T checks answers as a class.
1. a 4. a / the 7. the 10. the
2.  5. the 8. the 11. a
3. a 6.  9. a 12. a
3. Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? T <--> Ss
- Summarize the main points of the lesson.
Expected answers: I can use: Homophones in connected speech
The past simple vs. the past continuous and use of articles
4. Homework (1 minute)
- T asks Ss to do exercises again at home. T <--> Ss
- Prepare for the next lesson.
- Complete Exercises in workbook.
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To teach Ss to scan a text for specific information about two
people’s life stories and carefully read it for more detailed information through completing
the/ a table with correct information and answering questions.
- To teach Ss new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.
1. Language focus: To provide learners some vocabulary related to people’s life stories.
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their reading skills
- Skim the text to get the general idea
- Scan the text to get some specific details
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder/ - To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Activities Interactions
1. Check up (8 minutes)
Choose the correct words from the box to fill in the blanks.
- T has 2 Ss do this on the poster hang on the board. T <--> Ss
- Other Ss observe and give comments.
piece genes he’ll threw brake
peace jeans hill through break
1. You should have a now. You’ve been working non-stop for four hours.
2. Bryan’s got an ankle sprain, but I believe overcome his injury to win the

Trang 6
gold medal.
3. Alex said his day was very busy, and he just wants some and quiet now.
4. Angela a stone into the river.
5. Blue , the most popular clothing item in the world, were invented by
Jacob Davis.
Feedback: 1. break 2. he’ll 3.peace 4. threw 5. jeans
2. New lesson (12 minutes) Giving back to the community
Activity 1: Discuss with a partner.
Who do you think the people in the pictures are? What do they need? What can
you do to help them? Pair work
Use the words under the pictures to answer the questions.
Picture a: flood/ food/ shelter Picture b: shabby classroom/ study
Picture c: cancer/ care/ comfort
Who and what they need
a. flood victims who need food and shelter
b. students studying in a shabby/ dilapidated classroom who need study T <--> Ss
equipment and a decent place to study
c. young cancer patients who need care and comfort
What to do: a. donating money, rice, old clothes
b. donating books, money
c. visiting them and giving gifts, organising different activities
Feedback: The answers vary.
Activity 2: Read two people's life stories and complete the table with facts
about them. (12 minutes)
- T tells Ss that they are going to read the life stories of 2 people and complete
the table with facts about them.
- T checks answers in pairs and then as a class. Pair work
Name Larry Stewart Le Thanh Thuy
Born 1948 1988
Died 2007 2007
Nationality American Vietnamese T <--> Ss
Health problem cancer bone cancer
Dedicated life to... the needy young cancer patients
Activity 3: Find the words or expressions in the text that have the following
meanings. Write them in the correct spaces. (10 minutes)
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and asks them to read the definitions.
- Ss read the definitions and find the words or expressions.
Feedback: Pair work
the needy: ngườ i thiếu thố n ['ni:di] reveal: bộ c lộ , tiết lộ [ri'vi:l]
anonymous [ə'nɒniməs] vô danh amputate ['ӕmpjuteit] cắ t chi
memory: trí nhớ ['meməri] initiate [i'niʃieit] khở i xướ ng
Activity 4: Read the stories again. Answer the questions.
- T asks Ss to read the stories individually again and answer the questions by
writing complete sentences or just taking short notes; has Ss work in pairs,
taking turns to ask and answer the questions. - T checks answers as a class.
Feedback: 1. Every Christmas, Larry handed out thousands of dollars to
needy people in public places.
2. Because he gave money to people during the festive season of December T <--> Ss
while his identity was hidden.
3. People have been inspired to continue his mission of kindness and charitable
4. Thuy organised charity activities to relieve young cancer patients’ pain.
5. She was awarded the title “HCM Outstanding Young Citizen”. Pair work
6. The newspaper organises annual events to support her program. One of
them is the Sunflower Festival, where children and their families get together
and have fun. Gifts are given to the young patients, and the memory of Thuy is T <--> Ss
kept alive by retelling the story about love and sharing.
Activity 5: Discuss with a partner.
Have you ever taken part in the Sunflower Festival to support Thuy's Dream
- T has Ss work in pairs and discuss the questions. - If Ss have never heard of
Thuy’s Dream Programme or the Sunflower Festival, T encourages them to
search the Internet for information before they answer question b.
Possible answers: Pair work
No, I didn’t.
I’d like to do it in the future. I’d paint portraits/ make sunflowers /perform T <--> Ss
chicken dance to help. I would like to do these things in order to ease cancer
patients’ sufferings.
3. Consolidation (2 minutes)
- Summarize the main points of the lesson T <--> Ss
4. Homework (1 minute)
- Ask students to learn by heart the new words. T <--> Ss
- Prepare for the next lesson.
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To teach Ss to talk about some famous historical figures of
Vietnam to be able to talk about a historical figure’s life story.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about some famous historical figures.
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up Look at the picture and say who he is.
8 minutes Possible answer: He is Nguyen Trai, a famous historical
figure of Vietnam. T <--> Ss
2. New lesson A historical figure
Activity 1: Choose the correct sentences (a-e) to complete Individually
8 minutes the conversation between two friends.
- T has Ss read the conversation quickly to get the main idea.
- Ss practise pronouncing new and difficult words.
Feedback: 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.e 5.b
Activity 2: Practise the conversation with a partner. T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to practise the conversation in pairs.
- Ss practise the conversation in pairs.
Activity 3: Choose one topic. Use the information below or
your own ideas to make a similar conversation.
13 minutes - T has Ss read the conversation again and complete the
information about Nguyen Trai.
- Ss choose one topic and make a similar conversation. Group work
Feedback: Conversation 2
13 minutes John: Hi, Van. What are you doing? Why are you talking to the
mirror? T <--> Ss
Van: Well … I’m practising for the storytelling contest next
week. I want to see my expression while I’m speaking.
John: I see. The topic is the life of a historical figure, isn’t it? Pair work
Van: That’s right. I’ve decided to talk about Le Quy Don.
John: Le Quy Don? Who is he?
Van: He was a distinguished philosopher, poet, and
encyclopaedist ([en,saikləu'pi:dist] nhà bá ch khoa), he was
responsible for a large number of encyclopaedic
([en,saikləu'pi:dik]), historical and philosophical ([,filə'sɔfikl])
John: Wow! He is a real national hero. Do you know any
stories about him? An interesting story will hold the attention
of your audience and the examiners.
Van: Yes. This is an interesting story about him: When he was Ss <--> Ss
still a child, he created a poem, using words with double
meanings to describe the characteristics of different types of
snakes. The poem can also be interpreted as a lazy student’s
self-accusation ([,ækju:'zei∫n]) and promise to study harder.
He is respected for his sharp wit and wide knowledge.
John: Excellent. Can you read the poem to me?
Van: Yes, I’ll read it at the contest. Why don’t you come to the
contest and listen to the poem?
John: OK, I will. I really want to know more about this famous
3. - Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some
Consolidation questions: T <--> Ss
2 minutes What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4. Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To teach Ss listen for specific information about a talk show on
privacy and disclosure of people’s private lives.
- To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of life stories.
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks. + Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Talk about the topic of life stories
+ Identify specific information through multiple-choice task and question answering
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up - Talk about a historical figure well-known in Viet Nam or Individually
7 minutes around the world.
- 1 or 2 ss do as required in front of the class and other ss T <--> Ss
observe. - Other students observe and give comments.
- Feedback
2. New lesson Learning from people’s lives
Task 1: Why are people often interested in the life of celebrities
13 minutes or famous people? Tick the possible reasons and add some Individually
more, if you can.
- T has Ss discuss the question with a partner; asks Ss to tick
the reasons why people are interested in the life of celebrities
or famous people.
- If necessary, T explains the meanings of some new words T <--> Ss
that Ss will hear (overwhelm, slander, take advantage of)
- Ss tick the possible reasons and add some more.
Feedback: Students’ answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ø 6. Just for fun.
7. To show that they are well-informed.
13 minutes Task 2: Listen to a talk show with host Cindy Brown and guest
speaker Andy Lewis, a sociologist. Choose the best answer to
complete each statement. Pair work
- T tells Ss to read through the statements and the answer
options so that they have some ideas about what they have to
listen for; helps Ss to identify the key words in each statement
or option.
- Ss match the words with their definitions. T <--> Ss
- Ss compare their answers. - T checks as a class.
Feedback: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A
Task 3: Listen again. Answer the questions.
- T has Ss listen again for more specific details to answer the
9 minutes questions.
- T checks answers as a class
Feedback: 1. The audience should have life skills to protect
themselves and to learn from other people’s lives. Individually
2. We should ask ourselves two questions: “Why is this story
told?” “What lesson can I learn from it?”
3. We can learn how to avoid making similar mistakes or how
to adopt a new way of life so we can improve ourselves and
become better human beings.
Task 4: Listen to the conversation again and choose the best
answer A, B, or C. T <--> Ss
- Ask Ss to listen again and do the task then compare the
answer with their partner.
Key: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
Task 5: Do you agree with Andy that everyone’s life story
like a book that can teach us something. Discuss with a
partner. Ss <--> Ss
What can we learn from a person’s life? Can we learn from his
/ her good or bad experiences or deeds?
Think about a famous person (for example Steve Jobs). What
can we learn from his / her life?
- T asks Ss some guiding questions before they start the Group work
discussion. Some Ss present their answers before the class.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
Trang 1 0
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To teach Ss to write about a life story.
- To teach Ss to develop ability to think in a logical way when rearranging sets of
jumbled paragraphs to form a well-structured text.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Learn about the life stories./ + Write about a life story.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up Answer the questions:
5 minutes 1. Why shouldn’t we let other people take advantage of our
stories? 2. How can we learn from other people’s lives?
Key: 1. Because they may use our private lives for blackmail or Individually
slander … in order to harm our reputation or just for fun.
2. By reading reasons for a person’s failure or success may help T <--> Ss
us avoid similar failure or to adopt a new way of life so we can
improve ourselves and become better human beings.
2. New lesson Task 1: Read the story of a champion swimmer and complete the
blanks. Use the words in the box. Group work
12 minutes - This activity aims to provide Ss with a sample story.
- T asks Ss to read the story and complete it.
- Ss read the story and complete the blanks.
Feedback: 1.adopted 2.obsessed 3.helpless T <--> Ss
4. overcome 5. competed 6. misfortune
8 minutes Task 2: Put the following parts of the story in the correct order.
- T asks Ss to read through the list (a-g). Pair work
- Ss read through the list (a-g).
Possible answers: 1.e 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.g 6.b 7.f
Task 3: Use the given information to write another story of
about 180-250 words.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the suggested ideas T <--> Ss
about Thu Ha.
- T collects some of Ss’ final drafts and gives comments.
13 minutes - Ss discuss the suggested ideas about Thu Ha; write drafts Individually
individually, and exchange their writing.
- Ss make revisions, if necessary.
Suggested answer: Poverty is no shame
By Thu Ha Published: 06:00 GMT, 20 September
My parents died in a traffic accident when I was ten years old,
so I grew up with my grandmother who was too old and weak to
work. I had to leave school and did odd jobs to earn a living:
selling lottery tickets, washing dishes and doing babysitting.
When I was 15, my grandma encouraged me to attend evening
classes, so I could improve my literacy and job prospects.
After lots of hardship and effort, I completed secondary school
and passed a challenging exam to enter Medical University,
which is the dream of many students. However, I could not pay
the school fees and had to reject the offer. The door to a new life
was closed before me. I was completely disappointed and saw
only gloomy days ahead. Then something incredible happened: I
was awarded a scholarship from the Thanh Nien newspaper for T <--> Ss
college students from poor families. This was really a turning
point in my life because I could continue my university studies
and hope for a better future.
Six years of hard work at the university and of trying to live on
a very tight budget came to an end at last. Now I am working as
a doctor at a hospital, but I will never forget those difficult days. I
am planning to set up and run a charitable organisation to help
poor students, as a way to acknowledge other people for
supporting me.
I’ve told my own story hoping to encourage other people like
me to overcome hard times. Don’t let poverty defeat you and
4 minutes destroy your hopes for a better future. This is my motto.
Task 4: Write your own story or the story of a person who has
overcome hardship to become successful. Individually
- This activity is optional.
- T has Ss do it in class if there is enough time, or lets them do it
at home.
- T collects Ss’ drafts in the next lesson for further comments
and grading.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect T <--> Ss
2 minutes - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4. Homework - Write the text again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: To provide learners some communication and cultural items
2. Skills: - To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder. To provide Ss some motivation.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand and communicate about communication skills and cultural understanding
+ Talk about life stories.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:

Trang 12
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up - Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill
5 minutes development T <--> Ss
2. New lesson 1. Communication: Family stories
Activity 1: Listen to An’s story. Complete the statements
19 minutes - T tells Ss that they are going to listen to An’s story. Group work
- T asks Ss to read the statements and underline the key words.
- T plays the recording once or twice for Ss to take notes.
- T has Ss work with a partner to compare their answers.
- T checks as a class.
- Ss listen, answer the questions and take notes.
Feedback: T <--> Ss
1. people’s life stories 2. walking/well-known historical figures
3. unreal 4. the countryside 5. respect/ real
Activity 2: Discuss the questions in pairs.
- T has Ss read question 1 and asks them if they know what
family stories mean
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions.
- Ss discuss the questions in pairs.
Suggested answers: Family stories should be told to children Pair work
because this is the best way to teach children about the family’s
history and traditions. Children will know more about their
ancestors and feel strongly attached to their family. Moreover,
when stories are told, everybody recalls memories of the past,
which provides the best opportunity for family members to spend T <--> Ss
time together.
2. Culture: The creator of Sherlock Holmes
Activity 1: Read and decide whether the statements about it are
18 minutes true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Tick the correct boxes.
- T has Ss read the text about Arthur Conan Doyle. Pair work
- T encourages Ss to compare their answers in pairs.
- T checks as a class.
- Ss read the text about Arthur Conan Doyle, and decide if the
statements are true, false, or not given.
- Ss compare the answers in pairs.
Possible answers: 1. NG 2. T (par. 2, lines 2…4)
3. F (par. 2, lines 5-6.) 4. T (par. 3, line 1) 5. T (par. 4, lines 5- T <--> Ss
6. NG (A statue of Sherlock Holmes was built in London. => A
statue of Doyle was built in Crowborough.)
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4.Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 1.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to life stories.
- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop speaking skills
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Use the homophones in connected speech correctly.
+ Use some key words of the life stories.
+ Do the exercises on past simple and past continuous tense.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
Write the words having the given sounds.
1. Warm up [breik] [sʌn] [bai] [diə] [pi:s]
5 minutes Group work
- T has Ss work in groups to write (on posters) the words
having the given sounds.
- Ss write (on posters) the words having the given sounds. T <--> Ss
- T gives the feedback and leads to the new lesson.
Feedback: [breik] brake, break [sʌn] son, sun [bai] buy, by
[diə] dear, deer [pi:s] peace, piece
2. New lesson Pronunciation:
Activity 1: Tick the word that does not have the same sound as
7 minutes the other two. Individually
- T helps Ss review homophones (words or combinations of
words that have different spellings and meanings, but the
same pronunciation).
- T asks Ss to work with a partner to compare the answers. T <--> Ss
- Ss say aloud the words in each group.
- Ss use a dictionary if they are unsure about the
- Ss read the sentences aloud.
Feedback: 1. brick 2. dare 3. wet 4. soon 5. greet 6. bay
Activity 2: Listen and write the correct homophones to
complete the sentences.
- T plays the recording and has Ss listen and complete.
- T asks Ss to repeat and has Ss spell the homophones.
- T has Ss practise saying aloud these sentences in pairs.
- Ss practise saying aloud these sentences in pairs.
Feedback: 1. wood, would 2. bored, board
3. weather, whether 4. hole, whole
Vocabulary: Pair work
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
words or phrase in the box.
- T asks Ss to read the instructions, do the activity individually.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Ss read the instructions, do the activity individually, and then T <--> Ss
compare their answers in pairs.
Feedback: 1. historical figures 4. (a) reputation 2. respectable
10 minutes 5. dedication 3. achievement 6. (a) distinguished
10 minutes Grammar:
Activity 1: Read the following story about Tran Quoc Toan. Put Individually
the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous.
- T has Ss read through the whole story about Tran Quoc Toan
before deciding on the correct tense of each verb.
- T has Ss do the activity individually first, and then compare
their answers in pairs. T <--> Ss

Trang 14
- T checks answers as a class.
- Ss read through the whole story about Tran Quoc Toan
before deciding on the correct tense of each verb. Pair work
- Ss do the activity individually first, and then compare their
answers in pairs.
Feedback: 1. was 2. began 3. gathered 4. was 5. became
6. was shouting 7. came 8. gave 9. ordered 10. were
discussing 11. was still waiting 12. got 13. crushed 14.
began 15. managed 16. were fighting 17. was always dashing
Activity 2: These sentences are incorrect. Correct them,
adding articles where necessary. T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to underline the nouns or noun phrases.
- T has Ss do the activity individually first, and then compare.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Ss underline the nouns or noun phrases and decide if these
words need an article or not.
Feedback: a (great time), the (USA) the (army), a (soldier),
the (country) the (English) a (two-week holiday), the
(Philippines) the (Louvre), a (boat trip), the (Seine), a (warm
hat), a (new coat), a (pair of woolen gloves), the (bank), the
(supermarket), the (theatre), the (way), the (rush hour), a
(taxi) Individually
Activity 1: Your group is going to take part in the Public
Speaking Contest organised by your school on the topic:
“A famous person you admire”.
- Ss work in groups of four. T <--> Ss
- T allows Ss one week to collect information about a famous
person, write his / her profile, and organize their
Each group member chooses a famous person, creates his
/ her profile, and gives a presentation about this person.
Feedback: Charlie Chaplin
1. Where and when was he/she born? 16 April 1889 in London
2. Where did he grow up? In London
3. What is he famous for? an English comic actor and film- Group work
4. Something interesting facts about him:
- worked mainly in the US/ - appeared as a humorous T <--> Ss
character with a small moustache, a bowler hat, a walking
stick, walked in a funny way with the backs of his feet together
and his toes pointing out to the sides
5. Lessons to learn from his/her life story:
During his childhood he lived in poverty and hardship but he
tried hard to achieve success.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4.Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

Trang 15
A. Objectives:
1. Language focus: To help Ss to know the overall topic of Unit 2: “Urbanisation”, some
vocabulary related to urbanisation and its features
- To check students’ comprehension thorough True / False
- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 2
2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 2.
- Reading: Reading for specific information about urbanization and its causes.
- Speaking: Discussing key features of urbanisation and expressing opinions.
- Listening: Listening for the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization.
- Writing: Describing a line graph about the rate of urbanisation.
3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 2 with the topic "Urbanisation"
- To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up - To think of as many words related to urbanisation as they
5 minutes can.
- Give the words by pronouncing them aloud or write them. T <--> Ss
Possible answers: + city, urban, areas, problems,
+ advantages, disadvantages + solutions, overpopulation, etc.
- T leads to the new lesson
2. New lesson Activity 1: Listen and read
- T shows Ss the pictures in the textbook and asks ss some
7 minutes questions. T <--> Ss
- Ss look at the picture and do the guessing as required.
- T asks Ss to read the instructions and predict what the two
friends will be talking about in their conversation.
Who are the boy and the girl? What are they talking about?
Suggested answers: They are Nam and Lan.
I think they are talking about urbanisation. They will probably
be talking about how they will organize the information for Whole class
their presentation about urbanisation.
- T plays the recording.
- Ss listen and read the conversation silently.
10 minutes Activity 2: Answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to work individually and finish the task
- Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.
- T has Ss read the questions and find the answers.
- Ss read the conversation again and answer the questions. Individually
Feedback: 1. They are discussing the outline, structure and
content of their presentation on urbanisation.
2. Next Friday.
3. It’ll be 15-minute presentation, followed by a five-minute
Q&A session.
4. It will cover the definition of urbanisation, its causes, and its
main advantages and dis-advantages. It will also refer to
urbanisation in Viet Nam. T <--> Ss
5. No, because that would make their presentation too long
and overload listeners with lots of information.
6. Students’ answers
8 minutes Activity 3: Match the words in box A with the words in box B
Trang 1 6
to form the compound adjectives that are used in the
- Ss read the words in the boxes and do the matching.
- T has Ss give the Vietnamese meanings of these words.
Feedback: 1. five-minute (Lan 2) 2. well-known (Lan 7) Individually
3. thought-provoking (Nam 4) or
Activity 4: Complete the sentences, using the correct forms of Pair work
the verbs in the box. Then find them in the conversation.
12 minutes - T asks Ss to read the conversation again and complete.
- Ss do as required T <--> Ss
Feedback: 1. be 2. focus 3. talk 4. talk 5. include
- T explains the subjunctive structure to Ss.
Notes: It is recommended that
I suggest that Individually
S + advised that S + Inf
It’s important that
It’s really necessary that
Activity 5: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following T <--> Ss
- T has Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs.
- Ss work in pairs first then they present their opinions freely.
- Talk about urbanisation in their hometowns or local areas. Pair work
Possible answers:
1. I live in an urban area. There are a lot of things that I like
about it: we can enjoy good living condition and health care,
various forms of entertainment, efficient transport, plenty of job
2. If a lot of people have moved in or out of our area, there will
be traffic jams. This will lead to traffic accidents because we T <--> Ss
don’t have enough good road systems. It also results in lack of
security because we are shortage of policemen.
3. - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the
1 minute topic - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:
Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018
A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: - To provide learners some language items in Unit 2
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to urbanization
- For pronunciation, that is diphthongs in connected speech
- For grammar, that is the form and use compound adjectives and the subjunctive.
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder/ - To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Homework Ss ask and answer the questions. Others listen and give
Trang 17
3 minutes comments on their answers. T <--> Ss
1. Do you live in an urban/ rural area? What you like about it?
2. Do you know if a lot of people have moved in or out of your
area? What are the reasons?
2. New lesson A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Look at the conversation in Getting Started again.
5 minutes Match the words in the conversation with the appropriate Pair work
- T has Ss go through the words and the meanings provided.
- T encourages Ss to read through the conversation again.
- T asks Ss to match the words with the definitions individually,
and then compare their answers in pairs or groups.
- T checks the answers as a class.
Feedback: 1. c (sự đô thị hó a) 2. f (cung cấ p quá nhiều)
3. a (sự cô ng nghiệp hó a) 4. e (thuộ c nô ng nghiệp) T <--> Ss
5. d (khô ng chú ý nữ a) 6. b (nạ n thấ t nghiệp)
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the words in 1.
7 minutes - Ss exploit the contextual clues that can help to figure out the
answers. For example, the use of the adjectives increased and Individually
the verb form after the gap suggests a noun.
- Ss complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
Feedback: 1. urbanisation 2. overload 3. switched off
4. agricultural 5. industrialisation 6. unemployment T <--> Ss
12 minutes Compound adjectives
Activity 1: Match a word on the left with a word on the right to
make a compound adjective.
- T has Ss work individually first. Individually/
- T encourages Ss to refer to the Do you know …?
- Ss do the matching as required. or
- T checks answers as a class.
Feedback: 1. weather-beaten (dà y dạ n nắ ng gió ) 2. well-paid Pair work
(đượ c trả lương cao) 3. long-lasting (lâ u dà i) 4. year-round
(quanh nă m) 5. worldwide (khắ p thế giớ i) 6. downmarket
(phụ c vụ giớ i bình dâ n)
Activity 2: Complete the text below with the compound
adjectives given in the box.
- To complete the text with appropriate compound adjectives. T <--> Ss
- T has Ss work individually first.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs or groups, and compare their
- Ss complete the text with the compound adjectives given.
- Ss work in pairs or groups, and compare their answers. Pair work
- T checks answers as a class.
Feedback: 1. weather-beaten 2. long-term 3. well-paid
4. fast-growing 5. up-to-date
2. Pronunciation: Diphthongs
Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and pay attention to the T <--> Ss
pronunciation of the underlined parts.
- T has Ss listen to the conversation and pay attention to the
pronunciation of the underlined parts.
- T has Ss refer to the Do you know …?
- T checks if Ss pronounce these diphthongs correctly.
- Ss listen to the conversation. Individually
- Ss refer to the Do you know …?
15 minutes Activity 2: Now listen to the conversation in 1 again.
- T has Ss write the diphthongs as headings of 8 columns.
- T lets Ss listen to the conversation in 1 again. Ss <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to practise the conversation with a partner.
2. Grammar: The subjunctive in that-clauses after certain verbs T <--> Ss
and expressions
Activity 1: Complete the sentences, using the correct form of
the verbs in brackets
- T encourages Ss to refer to the Do you know …? box to get Ss <--> Ss
more information about the subjunctive.
- T asks Ss to compare their answers in pairs.
- T checks answers as a class. Individually
Feedback: 1. (should) get 2. (should) be cleaned 3. (should)
work 4. (should) be allowed 5. (should) attend T <--> Ss
6. (should) not look down on
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
Use the appropriate forms. Individually
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
- T asks Ss to check answers in pairs or groups.
- T checks answers as a class.
- Ss complete the sentences with the verbs in the box, using the T <--> Ss
appropriate forms.
Feedback: (should) study/ (should) be told/ (should) obey
(should) be returned/ (should) search / (should) be searching
3. - What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes Expected answers: I can use: Homophones in connected speech
The past simple vs. the past continuous and use of articles
4. Homework - T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. - Exercises in workbook. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to scan a text for specific information about urbanization and its causes.
- To teach Ss new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.
- To develop reading skill through deciding true-false and answering questions.
- To learn new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up Find parts of speech of family words.
8 minutes - Then T has Ss give their Vietnamese meanings.
- Ss find the words as required. T <--> Ss
Word Part of speech Vietnamese meaning
urban adjective thuộ c đô thị
urbanise ? ?
urbanised ? ?
urbanisation ? ?
suburb ? ngoạ i ô
suburban ? ?
2. New lesson Activity 1: You are going to read a text about urbanisation.
Predict whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Pair work
12 minutes - T elicits Ss’ answers, encouraging all different predictions. T
has Ss explain their predictions.
Activity 2: Read the text and check your predictions in 1.
- T has Ss scan the text & compare their predictions in 1, checks T <--> Ss
answers as a class and asks Ss to give the clues from the
reading text which help them to work out the answers.
- Ss read an advice column and the questions.
- Ss choose the best summary of each reader’s problem. Pair work
1. T (Before the 1950s, urbanisation mainly occurred in more
economically developed countries (MEDCs).)
2. F (Since 1950s, urbanisation has grown rapidly in LEDCs
(Less Economically Developed Countries)) T <--> Ss
3. T (People migrate to urban areas on a massive scale due to
lack of resources in rural areas.)
4. F (The standard of living in urban areas will be higher than in
rural areas)
5. T (The urban population will continue to grow and it is
17 minutes expected that its proportion will increase to 70% by 2050.)
Activity 3: Find the words in the text having the following
meanings. Write the words in the space provided.
- T has Ss study the meanings, and go back to the reading text. Pair work
- T checks answers as a class.
Feedback: 1. expanding 2. counter-urbanisation
3. doubled 4. increase 5. migrate T <--> Ss
Activity 4: Read the text carefully. Answer questions.
- This activity helps Ss to practice reading for details and
specific information.
- T asks Ss to look at the questions quickly and underline the
key words. Individually/
- T checks answers as a class. Pair work
Feedback: 1. It’s a process by which urban areas grow bigger
as more and more people leave the countryside to live in towns
and cities.
2. MEDCs stands for more economically developed countries.
LEDCs stands for less economically developed Countries. T <--> Ss
3. Before the 1950s, rapid urbanisation took place in Europe and
North America because it was the period of industrialisation in
these areas.
4. After 1950, urbanisation started to grow rapidly in LEDCs.
5. Some of the “push” factors of urbanisation are lack of resources
in rural areas, bad weather conditions, and competition from
large agricultural companies.
6. Because they have to suffer bad weather conditions and
competition from large agricultural companies.
7. Some of the “pull” factors of urbanisation are the centralisation
of resources such as money, services, wealth and opportunities as
well as the higher living standards of these areas. Pair work
Activity 5: Discuss with a partner.

Trang 20
Has your area been affected by urbanisation? How?
5 minutes - This follow-up activity enables Ss to personalise the topic. T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to share their experiences; invites
several pairs to share their experiences with the rest of the
class; encourages other Ss to ask follow-up questions.
- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer their guiding questions.
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

Put the words/ phrases in correct columns.
1. Check up Advantages or Disadvantages of living in big cities.
8 minutes Advantages Disadvantages T <--> Ss
air pollution better transport service
good education high cost of living
higher standard of living jobless
job opportunities noisy
overcrowded slums
2. New lesson Life in big cities
Activity 1: Read a conversation between two friends about life
8 minutes in big cities. What features do they mention? Are they positive
or negative? Individually
- T lets Ss practice the conversation in pairs.
- Ss complete the table with the correct information.
Positive features Negative features
Trang 21
+ There are more + Big cities are overcrowded T <--> Ss
employment opportunities and overpopulated.
+ People have chances to get + Many people are jobless /
high-paying jobs. unemployed.
+ People’s standard of living + Some people live in slums.
is higher.
Activity 2: Look at these features of city life. Decide whether
13 they are positive or negative. Can you think of other features?
minutes - T lets Ss work in pairs to decide whether the given features Pair work
are positive or negative. - T checks answers as a class.
Positive job opportunities, efficient services
noisy, densely populated, traffic congestion,
Negative severe shortage of housing, air pollution
higher rate of crime (–), stressful (–), social and
Others cultural integration (+), sports facilities (+),
better schools (+)
Activity 3: Discuss the positive and negative features of city Ss <--> Ss
13 minutes life and decide if you want to live in an urban or rural area.
What are your reasons? Present your group’s decision to the
whole class, using the ideas in 2 and the example below.
- T sets a time limit for the group’s preparation and practice;
invites some groups to present their ideas to the rest of the
class; encourages Ss to give feedback on things such as
interesting content, original ideas, fluency of speech. Group work
- Ss work in groups to do as required.
Possible answers: Another example for reference
All members of our group think that rural life is better than
urban life. We all agree that the cost of living is much cheaper in
rural areas. People are also more friendly and helpful. We can
live in an environment with little or no pollution. In addition, the
crime rate is fairly low compared to the city. The only problem is
that people have little access to modern facilities and
technology. It is important that the government invest more in Ss <--> Ss
rural areas so that people there can have the same opportunities
as people in the cities.
3. - Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some
Consolidation questions: T <--> Ss
2 minutes What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4.Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
1 - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To develop Ss’ skill of listening to a passage about the
advantages and disadvantages of urbanisation.
- To help Ss understand general ideas and specific details to answer questions.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks. + Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Identify specific information through multiple-choice task and question answering

Trang 22
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.

Trang 23
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
- T. has Ss discuss the pros and cons of urbanisation
1. Check up => Ss’ answers. (Suggested: + opportunities for better-paid Individually
7 minutes jobs + access to schools, hospitals and other social services +
higher standard of living. – more crime in big cities –
unemployment may result in robbery, kidnapping, murder and T <--> Ss
other illegal activities – shortage of housing, decrease in
agricultural and food production …)
2. New lesson Task 1: Look at the following statistics about urbanisation and
then answer the questions
10 minutes - T asks Ss to look at the statistics and describe any trends that Individually
they notice.
- Ss answer the questions.
Suggested answers: The urbanisation rate has been increasing
steadily over the past 30 years. / In 2030, nearly two thirds of
the population will live in urban areas. Urban areas become very T <--> Ss
crowded. A lot of people in the cities are not able to find jobs.
Some people have to live in slums with poor sanitation.
Task 2: Match the words with their meanings (group work)
13 minutes - T asks Ss to look at the words and the meanings given.
- Check answers as a class
Key: 1.d 2.e 3.a 4.c 5.b
Task 3: Listen to a talk about urbanisation and choose the title Group work
for it.
- Ss look at the three options and make their own predictions
for the title of the talk that they are going to listen to.
- Listen to the recording and choose one of the 3 options given.
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups T <--> Ss
- T. checks answers as a class
Key: B
12 minutes Task 4: Listen again and choose the best option to complete
the sentences. Individually
- Ss read the sentences and predict the information needed in
each gap. T <--> Ss
- T. gives Ss sufficient time to listen to the recording so they
can extract the information needed and select the correct
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups Ss <--> Ss
- T. checks answers as a class
Key: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A
Task 5: Read the sentences in 4 again. Do you agree or
disagree with them? Give examples to support your point of
- Ss discuss the questions in groups. Group work
– T. encourages groups to reach an agreement on each
- T. asks some groups to present their discussions to the rest of
the class.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework
Trang 2 3
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To develop Ss’ skill of writing a description of a line graph
about trends in urbanisation.
- To provide Ss with the language and sentence structures used to describe trends.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Learn about the life stories.
+ Describe a line graph about the rate of urbanisation.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up Asks Ss to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of T <--> Ss
5 minutes urbanization.
2. New lesson Task 1: Match the phrases in the box with the graphs (1-6)
T. asks Ss to match the phrases given in the box with the
10 minutes appropriate graphs. Pair work
Key: a. rise/ increase steadily b. fall/ decrease sharply
c. stay the same/ remain stable/ level off d. fluctuate
e. rise / increase sharply f. fall / decrease steadily
Task 2: Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning
- T. asks Ss to study the examples given and rewrite. T <--> Ss
- Ss rewrite the sentences and check their answers in pairs.
- T. checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. There has been a dramatic rise in the migration of
young people to big cities.
8 minutes 2. Due to shortages of jobs, the population in rural areas has
decreased in the last 10 years.
3. There was an increase of over 30% in the urbanisation rate
in Indonesia from 1969 to 2009. Individually
4. The rate of urbanisation in South Korea rose sharply during
the period between 1969 and 1989.
5. There was a slight decrease in the urbanisation rate in this
city during the economic crisis in 2008.
Task 3: The line graph below shows the urbanisation rate in
South Korea and Indonesia. Write a description (of about 150
words) of the trends in the graph.
- T. asks Ss to write the first draft of their line graph
description. T <--> Ss
- Ss revise their drafts based on their partners’ comments.
- T collects Ss’ final pieces of writing for checking and marking.
Suggested answer: The line graph shows the rate
15 minutes of urbanisation in two countries, namely Indonesia and
South Korea, from the mid-1960s to 2009.
In the mid-1960s, the rate of urbanisation in Indonesia was about
17%, followed by a slight increase of 3% in 1969. Then the rate Individually
remained stable at around 20% for a ten-year period from 1969

Trang 24
to 1979. In the next fifteen years, there was a steady rise in the
rate of urbanisation in this country. From 1995 to 2009,
Indonesia’s urbanisation rate increased sharply, reaching over
South Korea’s urbanisation rate was about 30% in 1969, roughly
10% higher than that of Indonesia. The rate went up sharply T <--> Ss
throughout the next thirty-year period to about 82% in 2005, and
then levelled off towards 2009.
In conclusion, it is clear that while both countries experienced a
growth in their urbanisation rate, in South Koreait almost
doubled by the end of the period.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Focus on the form of a biography T <--> Ss
2 minutes - Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4. Homework - Write the text again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: - To provide learners some communication and cultural items
2. Skills: - To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand and communicate. + Talk about urbanisation in Bangkok.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill
5 minutes development T <--> Ss
2. New lesson 1. Communication: The urban world in 2050
Activity 1: Listen to a talk about predictions for life in cities in
18 minutes 2050 and choose the correct option in each of the following Pair work
- T tells Ss that they are going to listen to a talk.
- T asks Ss to read the statements and underline the key words.
- Ss listen, answer the questions and take notes.
Activity 2: Discussion T <--> Ss
1. What is sustainable urbanisation?
2. Which of these processes can contribute to sustainable
a. Better urban planning b. Efficient infrastructure
c. Increased water, air and industrial pollution
d. Lack of exercise e. Equal access to educational resources Group work
3. What do you think the government and local authorities
should do to ensure sustainable urbanisation in Viet Nam?
- T asks Ss to practise asking and answering the questions.
- Ss work in groups.
- Take notes of their partners’ answers, their ideas if necessary.
Key: 1. Sustainable urbanisation is an urbanisation process that
ensures better urban planning, efficient infrastructure, equal T <--> Ss
access to educational resources and other facilities.
2. a, b, e 3. Students’ answers
2. Culture: Urbanised Bangkok
Activity 1: Look at the two photos of Bangkok, Thailand. What
19 minutes aspects of city life do they show? Pair work
- T. asks Ss to look at the two pictures and encourage them to
talk about the aspects of an urbanised Bangkok.
Suggested answers: It is a fast-growing city. The first picture
shows modern Bangkok with its improved infrastructure and
high-rise buildings. The second one shows the other side of
urbanisation, such as the growth of slums and urban poverty.
Activity 2: Read the text about urbanisation in Bangkok. T <--> Ss
Answer the questions:
- T asks Ss to read the text individually to get an overall idea
about its content, read the questions and underline the key Individually
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups
Key: 1. Bangkok plays an important role in Thailand. It has been
a capital city for over 200 years. The growth of Bangkok is the T <--> Ss
world’s window on the growth of Thailand.
2. It has brought about economic, social and cultural benefits.
3. The drawbacks include the growth of slums, social issues such
as drugs and crime, traffic congestion, and environmental Pair work
pollution. or
Activity 2: Discussion: If you had the opportunity, would you Group work
migrate to a city like Bangkok? Why/ Why not?
- Ss work in pairs or groups to express their opinions. T <--> Ss
- T. encourages all Ss to answer the question.
- Ss present their opinions to the class
- T. gives appropriate feedback whenever needed.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 2.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to urbanisation.
- To give them a chance to do a small project to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss review and recognize the diphthongs in connected speech.
- To help Ss consolidate the use of compound adjectives and revise the subjunctive
- To provide further opportunities for Ss to use the language, skills and information.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Use the diphthongs in connected speech correctly.
+ Use some key words of urbanisation.
+ Do the exercises on compound adjectives and the subjunctive.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
Find the words which have the following
1. Homework phonetic transcription.
5 minutes 1. / ɡrəʊθ /: …………… 2. / reɪt /: …………… Individually
3. / səˈraʊndɪŋ /: ………… 4. / kəmˈpeə(r) /: ………
5. / prəˈvaɪd /: …………. 6. / sɪˈvɪəli /: …………
- T gives Ss handouts and asks Ss to find out the words. T <--> Ss
- Ss do the task individually and exchange the answers in
- T gives feedback. 1. growth 2. rate 3. surrounding
4. compare 5. provide 6. severely
2. New lesson Pronunciation:
Activity 1: Listen to the words containing diphthongs and put
7 minutes them in the correct box. Individually
- Listen to isolated words containing diphthongs and put
them in the correct box, compare their answers in pairs or
- T. checks answers as a class.
Key: /eɪ/: age, nation /aɪ/: style, mine /ɔɪ/: destroy, noise T <--> Ss
/əʊ/: grow, hope /aʊ/: crowd, proud /ɪə/: here, near
/eə/: there, wear /ʊə/: poor, sure
Activity 2: Listen and mark the diphthongs. Then practise
saying the sentences with a partner
- T. plays the recording and has Ss circle the diphthongs. Pair work
- Ss compare their answers in pairs
- T. checks answers as a class
Key: 1/ played, eight, years (/eɪ/ /eɪ/ /ɪə/)
2/ nine, hours, without, break, tired
/aɪ/ /aʊ/ /aʊ/ /eɪ/ /aɪ/ T <--> Ss
3/ Despite, environmental, air, (/aɪ/ /aɪ/ /eə/)
4. noise, remains, dangerous(/ɔɪ/ /eɪ/ /eɪ/)
10 minutes Activity 1: Underline the correct word in each sentence.
- T asks Ss to underline the correct word in each sentence.
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups. Pair work
- T gives feedback.
Feedback: 1. urbanisation 2. industrial 3. urban
4. risen 5. off
Activity 2: Complete the sentences, using the compound
adjectives in the box. T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to go through the compound adjectives in the box.
- Ss complete the sentences with these compound adjectives.
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups Pair work
- T gives feedback.
Feedback: 1/ off-peak 2/ upmarket 3/ thought-provoking
4/ never-ending 5/ day-to-day
7 minutes Grammar:
Activity 1: Complete the following sentences, using the T <--> Ss
correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Ss work individually, and then compare their answers in
Trang 2 7
pairs or groups.
T. gives feedback and further explanations if necessary. Individually
Feedback: (should) organize/ (should) be divided/ (should)
call/ (should) be given/ (should) support
Project: T <--> Ss
3 minutes Activity 1: Choose a city or a country, and find out how it has
undergone urbanisation. Think about how to organise your Group work
Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss the guiding questions and T <--> Ss
brainstorm their ideas
T. encourages groups to prepare an outline for their
presentation. Ss practise their presentation in groups
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

LISTENING (2 points)
I. Hannah is listening to messages on her voicemail. Why is each person calling? Listen and
circle the correct answer.
1. A. to remind her about a dental appointment 3. A. to tell her the book has not arrived
B. to cancel a dental appointment B. to tell her the book has arrived
C. to remind her about a business meeting C. to tell her the book can’t be ordered
2. A. to tell her about a restaurant 4. A. to copy her homework
B. to invite her to a movie B. to chat with her about friends
C. to cancel a date C. to ask for help with her homework
II. Listen to the message then complete the information.
Message for: (5)_ Telephone number: (7)
Name of caller: (6)_ Best time to call: between (8)_ and 6:00
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
9. A. agreed B. organized C. looked D. listened
10. A. each B. which C. changeable D. characteristic
IV. Choose the word whose main stress is different from that of the other words.
11. A. mausoleum B. engineering C. solidarity D. delicate
12. A. fascinating B. ignorant C. artificial D. astronaut
V. Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences.
13. You can subscribe to your favorite newspapers and magazines the nearest post
A. in B. on C. from D. at
14. He is very capable learning and understanding things.
A. with B. of C. at D. about
15. . I need £1,000 to my daughter's account.
A. transfer B. transform C. transmit D. transact
16. The health of our children is being_ by exhaust fumes.
A. danger B. endanger C. dangerous D. endangered
17. Portland, Maine, is the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent his early years.

Trang 28
A. where B. it where C. where is D. which is where

Trang 29
18. We could make better of our energy resources.
A. spend B. use C. need D. limit
19. . Many newer cars have a much lower fuel _.
A. consuming B. consumer C. consumation D. consumption
20. I've no idea he behaved strangely at the meeting
A. why B. where C. which D. when
21. The old man said he in this village for over 70 years.
A. has been living B. was living C. is living D. had been living
22. The singer was on the piano by her sister.
A. played B. performed C. accompanied D. helped
VI. Choose the one that is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word.
23. The astronauts were able to send the information back to the earth.
A. spaceships B. space stations C. spacemen D. space shots
24. No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space.
A. exactly B. clearly C. carefully D. vividly
READING (2 points)
VII. Fill in each blank space with one appropriate from the box.
journey groundless space flown affected harmless
Before man had appeared in space it was thought that his physical and mental capabilities
might be (25)_ by long periods of weightlessness, and that he might be endangered by high
levels of radiation. Yuri Gagarin's first (26)_ flight in April 1961 showed that man could live
in space and, although this (27)_ only lasted for 108 minutes, it gave encouragement to
those interested in the future of manned space flight. In fact most of the early fears about man's
health in space have proved (28)_ , and although several odd medical effects have been
observed, none has seriously affected man's ability for useful work.
VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer among A, B, C. or D provided.
The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years
among athletes from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia
(OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Medals are
awarded in each event, with gold for first place, silver for second and bronze for third, a
tradition which started in 1951. The Asian Games are dominated by the People's Republic of
Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committee (NOC) to represent their
country of citizenship. National anthems and flags accompany the medal ceremonies, and tables
showing the number of medals won by each country are widely used. In general only
recognized nations are represented, but a few non-sovereign countries are allowed to take part.
The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it compete as Chinese Taipei, due to the
political status of Taiwan.
29. Which of the following is true?
A. The Asian Games are held every year.
B. The International Olympic Committee is the founder of the Asiad.
C. The first gold medals given to by the winning athletes in 1951.
D. The Olympic Council of Asia regulated the Games.
30. The People's Republic of China .
A. is the strongest in the Asian Games B. is the host of all Asian Games
C. is not allowed to take part in the Games D. refuse to enter the Games
31. In the medal ceremonies .
A. the competitions are entered to represent their country of citizenship
B. national anthems are played
C. the number of medals won by each country is first announced
D. the winners are given a string of flowers
32. Which of the following is not true of the right to participate in the Asian Games?
A. Only recognized nations are allowed to take part.
B. Almost every nation can take part in the Games.
C. Non-sovereign countries are also allowed to participate.
D. All are correct.
WRITING (2 points)
IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences without changing its original meaning. (1 point)
33. They decided to go to the zoo in spite of the heavy rain.
Though_ .
34. . Because the weather was bad, the plane couldn’t take off.
Because of_ .
35. They had no intention of travelling around the world.
They didn’t intend .
36. . Somebody has taken away some of my books.
Some of my books _.
X. In about 80-100 words, write a letter to a friend to tell about a film you saw recently. (1

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018


A. LISTENING (2 points)
I. (0.25point per one correct item)
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C
II. (0.25point per one correct item)
5. Bill 6. Mary 7. 654 9389 8. 5:00
III. (0.25point per one correct item): 9. C 10. D
IV. (0.25point per one correct item):11. D 12. C
V. (0.25point per one correct item):
13. D 15. A 17. A 19. D 21. D
14. B 16. D 18. B 20. A 22. C
VI. (0.25point per one correct item): 23. C 24. A
READING (2 points)
VII. (0.25point per one correct item):
25. affected 26. space 27. journey 28. harmless
VIII. (0.25pt/item)
29. D 30. A 31. B 32. D
D. WRITING (2 points)
IX. (0.25point per one correct sentence):
33. Though it rained heavily, they decided to go to the zoo.
34. Because of the bad we at her, t he pl an e couldn ’t t ake off .
35. They didn’t intend to travel around the world.
36. Some of my books have been taken away.
X. (1 point)
Phầ n Mô tả tiêu chí đá nh giá Điểm tố i
Bố cụ c (0.4 point) o Câ u đề dẫ n chủ đề mạ ch lạ c 1.1 point
o Bố cụ c hợ p lí rõ rà ng phù hợ p yêu cầ u củ a đề bà i 1.2 points
o Câ u kết luậ n phù hợ p 0.1 point
Nộ i dung (0.4 o Phá t triển ý có trình tự logic, thuyết phụ c ngườ i đọ c 0.1 points
point) o Đủ dẫ n chứ ng, ví dụ , lậ p luậ n 1.1 points
o Độ dà i: Số từ khô ng nhiều hơn hoặ c ít hơn ớ i quy định 1.2 point
Sử dụ ng ngô n ngữ o Sử dụ ng ngô n từ phù hợ p nộ i dung, vă n phong/ thể loạ i 0.1 point
(0.2 point) o Sử dụ ng ngô n từ phong phú , ngữ phá p, dấ u câ u, chính tả 0.1 point

Trang 30
Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./


A. Objectives:
1. Language focus: To help Ss to know the overall topic of Unit 3: “The green movement”,
some vocabulary related to The green movement and its features
- To check students’ comprehension thorough True / False
- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 3
2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 3.
- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific information about soot pollution.
- Speaking: Discussing lifestyle choice and deciding if they are environmentally friendly.
- Listening: Listening for general ideals and specific information.
- Writing: Writing an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of a green lifestyle.
3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 3 with the topic "The green movement"
- To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up To elicit some of their ideas of what a green lifestyle is.
5 minutes To look at the picture and guess what the students in the
picture are talking about. T <--> Ss
2. New lesson Activity 1: Listen and read
7 minutes - T tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation T <--> Ss
between Kevin, Maria, and Mai about a green lifestyle.
10 minutes - T plays the recording - Ss listen and read silently.
Activity 2: True-False- Not given Statements Whole class
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to decide whether the statements
are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Individually
Sts do as required, they may refer back to conversation to get
the necessary information.
Key: 1. T 2. NG 3. F 4. NG 5. T 6. F
8 minutes Activity 3: Combine each pair of sentences using the word in T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to read the simple sentences and focus on the
words (conjunctions) given in brackets. Individually
- Ask Ss to combine the sentences and then have them read or
their compound or complex sentences to check their answers. Pair work
Key: 1. Some chemical…………surfing but they affect the…….
2. We should……resources because they…………
3. We are…..habitats, which will help…………. T <--> Ss
12 minutes Activity 4: Identifying information
- Ss work out the meaning of the new phrases from the
context. - T asks Ss to work individually.
- Sts read the meaning of each noun phrase, and then read all
the conversation again to find the correct phrase. Individually
- T has Ss write the correct phrase next to the meanings given.
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. Dangerous climate change. 2. renewable resources T <--> Ss
3. eco-friendly products 4. hazardous chemicals
5. green technology
Trang 31
3. - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

Trang 32
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the
1 minute topic - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: - To provide learners some language items in Unit 3
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the green movement
- For pronunciation, that is assimilation in connected speech
- For grammar: compound and complex sentences. And relative clauses with which.
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder - To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Homework - T sticks cards with words on them to the board, asking sts to
3 minutes try to remember as many words as they can. T <--> Ss
clutter - mould and mildew - preservation – depleted – pathway
- dispose of - asthma - conservation
- After 1 minute, T removes the cards.
- Sts volunteer to read the words as they remember.
2. New lesson A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again
5 minutes and match each word and phrases with its meaning.
- T ask Ss to work individually, read each word or phrase. Individually
- Sts read explanations and decide a verb, noun, or adjective.
- T can provide support by encouraging Ss to use the context
and clues in the conversation.
- T asks Ss to study the context in which the words or phrases
in 1 have been used. T <--> Ss
Key: 1c 2d 3g 4e 5b 6h 7f 8a.
7 minutes Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the words and phrases in 1.
- Sts do as required, bearing in mind a verb or a noun must be
used its suitable form (e,g. verb tense, singular or plural form Individually
of nouns).
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences individually.
Alternatively, in a weaker class, T has Ss work on the
sentences in pairs.
- Sts find the suitable words to fill in the gaps. T <--> Ss
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. pathway 2. mould and mildew 3. preservation
12 minutes 4. dispose of 5. deplete
B. Pronunciation: Assimilation
Activity 1. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the ending
and beginning sounds in red. :
- T explains the process of assimilation (Ss should not Individually/
intentionally change the ending sounds as described.)
- T plays the recording or
- Sts listen and follow - Sts repeat as a class.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turns pronouncing. Pair work
- Sts try to say them as naturally as possible.
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying
15 minutes attention to the assimilation indicated in bold.
- T can extend this task by having Ss take turns reading each of
the sentences twice:
1. slowly, trying to enunciate the sounds clearly and avoid any T <--> Ss
2. quickly, trying to blend the final and initial sounds. Sts do as
required, asking their partners to listen carefully and identify
any assimilated sounds.
2. Grammar: Simple, compound, and complex sentences Pair work
Activity 1: Identifying types of sentences
Work in pairs and decide whether the following are simple,
compound or complex sentences and tick the right box.
- T asks Ss if they can remember the differences between T <--> Ss
simple, compound and complex sentences.
- Ss work in pairs to figure out the answers.
- T monitors the activity and helps Ss, check answers as a class
Key: 1. Simple 2. Compound 3. Complex
4. Simple 5. Complex 6. Complex
Activity 2: Combine the following simple sentences, using Individually
words from the box.
- T asks Ss to do the activity individually.
- Sts do as required, paying attention to the meaning.
Key: 1. If we all adopt a green lifestyle, we will help conserve
our natural resources.
2. Some foods taste good, but they do not have many nutrients.
3. We should keep the school air clean because this will
improve students’ concentration and help them to learn Ss <--> Ss
4. Germs can cause infections in parts of our body and make us
feel unwell.
5. When we all start conserving the environment, we can all
enjoy better living conditions. T <--> Ss
6. Coal, which is still used in a lot of power plants, remains one
of the most important energy sources.
Relative clauses with which
Read the Do you know…? And explain the difference between
which defining something in the main clause and which
defining the whole idea of the main clause.
Main clause, which + relative clause
Note: In relative clauses, the relative pronoun which can be used
to define the whole idea presented in the main clause. It is
usually separated with a comma after the main clause. Ss <--> Ss
Activity 3: Combine the following sentences using which
- Ss do the activity individually
- T Monitors the activity and helps Ss, if necessary.
Key: The water in this river is being seriously polluted, which
places some species of native fish in danger of extinction. Individually
Burning coal is the main source of carbon dioxide emissions,
which can cause global warming.
The air in most classrooms in this school contains a lot of
harmful gases, which is very worrying as many young children
are studying here. T <--> Ss
We should all go green by practicing the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and
recycle, which is always encouraged by environmentalists.
Illegal dumping is strictly prohibited in the town, which has
helped to keep our environment clean and green.
Young people are starting to practice simple green living, which
will help to save our planet for future generations.
3. - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes Expected answers: I can use: Assimilation in connected speech
Compound, complex sentences / Which as a connector
4. Homework - T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
- Complete Exercises in workbook.
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to scan a text for specific information in an article about soot pollution.
- To teach Ss new vocabulary by filling the missing information.
- To develop their reading skill through choosing the main idea for each paragraph.
- To learn new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
- Make 3 sentences of 3 types learnt in the previous lesson
1. Check up - Make a sentence with a relative clause in which which is used
8 minutes to presented the whole idea in the main clause. T <--> Ss
2. New lesson Black carbon pollution
Activity 1: Match the pictures with the appropriate phrases
17 minutes - Focus attention on the pictures and do the matching. Pair work
- Sts match first individually, and then check with a partner.
- T checks the answers as a class.
Key: 1. Diesel vehicle 2. Melting of the Arctic 3. Soot T <--> Ss
Activity 2: Choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph
- T has Ss read the headings quickly.
- Sts do as required, and express the main idea of the
- T checks answers as a class and write them on the board. Pair work
Key: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D
Activity 3: Complete the sentences with no more than 5
- T tells Ss that the activity focuses on reading for specific
information and that Ss cannot write more than five words in
each blank T <--> Ss
12 minutes - T allows enough time for Ss to read the instructions and the
incomplete sentences.
- T has Ss work in pairs. They should write their answers, and
then check with another pair. Pair work
- T checks answers as a class and provide feedback.
Key: 1. ….know little about soot/ don’t know much about soot.
2. ......., oil, wood, and other fuels. T <--> Ss
3. ...... second most damaging greenhouse gas ......
4. ...... smaller than dust and mold/ very tiny.
5. ..... clean, alternative fuel stoves ...... Individually/
Activity 4: Discussion. Question: Are soot emissions a problem Pair work
5 minutes in your community in Vietnam in general?
- T puts Ss in pairs and let them discuss the questions freely. If
Ss have difficulty coming up with new ideas, give them some
examples of soot emissions and the pollution and health T <--> Ss
problems they cause.
- One or two pairs to report the discussion results to the class.
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To teach Ss to talk about lifestyle choices.
- To teach Ss to practise sharing and giving responses to new information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about lifestyle choices
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
- Do you have a green lifestyle?
1. Warm up - Tell one green activity you have done.
8 minutes T elicits answers from students about how green they are. T <--> Ss
2. New lesson How green are you?
Activity 1: Put the following lifestyles in the right column
8 minutes - T informs the objectives: discussing lifestyle choices and
deciding if they are environmentally friendly or not. Individually
- Ss read all the lifestyle choices to get an overall
understanding of the topic.
- T explains any unfamiliar language or concepts.
Key: Green activities:
2. Walk whenever and wherever possible.
3. Plug in your electric appliances where you can easily turn
them off at night or when you do not use them.
5. Take short showers instead of long baths. T <--> Ss
7. Turn off your computer or put it on sleep mode when you
do not use it.
8. Start growing an organic vegetable garden.
9. Clean surfaces with natural products like lemon juice and
olive oil.
Environmentally unfriendly activities:
1. Set your printer’s default to one-sided printing.
4. Ask your parents to buy you a car or motorcycle for
convenient travelling.
6. Ask your parents to get you a new mobile phone
immediately after the latest model comes out.
10. Take part in deforestation and hunting activities.
13 minutes Activity 2: Complete the conversation using the lifestyle
choices in 1 and the reason in the box.
- T lets Ss work in pairs to complete the conversation.
- Encourage Ss to share their ideas.
- Ask Ss to practice the conversation.
Key: Mai: take short showers instead of long baths.
Mai: to save electricity, water and other non-renewable
energy resources.
Kevin: buy us motorcycles for convenient traveling ……help Pair work
reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, which causes
13 minutes global warming and health problems.
Activity 3: Think of more green activities and discuss how
they will benefit the environment Ss <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to discuss and practice in pairs.
Then one or two pairs to present their ideas in front of the Group work
class. - T listens and gives feedback.
3. Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some
Consolidation questions: What have you learnt today? What can you do T <--> Ss
2 minutes now?
4. Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To develop Ss’ skill of listening to for general ideas and specific
information in a talk show about a Go Green initiative of a school.
- To help Ss understand general ideas and specific details to answer comprehension
questions. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks. + Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Identify specific information through multiple-choice task and question answering
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
- T asks Ss some questions:
1. Check up What are some Go Green activities that you like taking part in? Individually
7 minutes What benefits do they bring to the environment?
1 or 2 students are called to the board to do as required. T <--> Ss
2. New lesson Task 1: Discuss and prepare an action plan for the Go Green
10 minutes - Listening for general ideas and specific information in a talk Pair work
show about a school’s Go Green initiative.
- Sts do as required, describing the activities and the reasons
for doing them.
- T asks sts to present their plans to the whole class.
Task 2: Listen to a talk show and answer the following T <--> Ss
13 minutes questions.
- T asks sts to read through the questions and make some
guesses about what they are going to hear.
- Plays the recording without pausing first and for gist.
- Sts listen for gist - T plays the recording again.
1. A secondary schools Go Green Movement in Cam Ranh. Group work
2. To help their school to go green and save the planet.
3. Students spare 10 minutes during the break time every
weekday at school for green activities.
4. He hopes the project will encourage more people to change
their lifestyle and go green. T <--> Ss
Task 3: Listening - True/ False/Not Given (6’)
- T has sts read through the statements and check their
comprehension before playing the recording.
- T plays the recording- Sts listen.
- Sts work in pairs and exchange ideas
12 minutes -T checks the answers as a class. Individually
Answers: 1. NG 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T
Task 4: Listen again and complete the table, using no more
than 5 words for each blank.
- T tells the requirements of the task.
- Sts do as required, then share their ideas so that they can T <--> Ss
help each other with the answers.
- T checks the answers as a class.
Key: Group work
Days of week Green Activities
Monday 1. Recycling old /broken electronics
Tuesday 2. Growing organic vegetables
Wednesday 3. Learning about going green T <--> Ss
Thursday 4. Checking for mould growth
Friday 5. Testing and widening environmental
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To develop Ss’ skill of writing an essay about the advantages
and disadvantages of a green lifestyle.
- To provide Ss with the language and sentence structures used to describe trends.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a green lifestyle.
+ Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of a green lifestyle.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up Name some Go Green activities and their benefits to the T <--> Ss
5 minutes environment.
2. New lesson The advantages and disadvantages of a green lifestyle
Task 1: Read the incomplete essay about the advantages and
13 minutes disadvantages of green energy. The aim of this activity is to help Pair work
sts plan and write an essay about the advantages and
disadvantages of green lifestyle.
- T has sts read through the incomplete essay
- Sts do as required, then discuss in groups to identify the aim
of the 3 paragraphs - introduction to the topic, the advantages T <--> Ss
of green energy and the conclusion.
- T asks Ss to use the ideas and words given to draft the missing
20 minutes Task 2: Use the ideas in 1 to write an essay of about 180-250
words about the advs and disadvs of consuming organic food.
Complete the outline before you write an essay.
BODY Advantages: *............................................................... Individually
Disadvantages: *...............................................................
A pro/ a con...
A positive aspect.../A positive point ... T <--> Ss
A negative aspect.../Negative consequences.../As
a consequence of...
A further (dis)advantage.../One more (dis)advantage ...
The advantages outweigh the disadvantages ....
However,.../ Nevertheless .../On the other hand,..../In
contrast, .../ On the contrary,.../ Despite all of this ..
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect T <--> Ss
2 minutes - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4.Homework - Write the text again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

Trang 38
A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: To provide learners some communication and cultural items
2. Skills: - To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder,, to provide Ss some motivation
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Understand and
communicate about communication skills and cultural understanding
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up - Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill
5 minutes development T <--> Ss
2. New lesson 1. Communication: The Green Movement in Vietnam
Activity 1: Listen to an overview of the green movement in
18 minutes Vietnam. Decide whether the statements are True, False Pair work
- T plays the recording - Sts listen and do the task
- T plays the recording again and checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F T <--> Ss
Activity 2: Discussion
- T asks Ss to work in groups and discuss the questions
- 1 or 2 groups to present their ideas in front of the class
1. How can you contribute to the Green Movement in Viet
2. What else can Super Motor Viet Nam and the Plaza s Viet
Nam do to encourage green lifestyles in Viet Nam? Group work
3. What kind of campaign can your school launch to raise
teachers and students awareness of going green?
2. Culture: The Greenest Countries and cities in the world
Activity 1: Read the text and answer the questions
19 minutes - Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups T <--> Ss
- T. checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. 5 countries: Sweden, Norway, Costa Rica, Germany and
Denmark. 10 cities: Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Stockholm,
Vancouver, London, New York, Singapore, Beijing, New York, Individually
Helsinki and Oslo.
2. Their public transport run on electricity.
3. Freiburg s building design standards requires that
consumption should be limited to 65kw/hours. Pair work
4. Both of them have a lot of bike path and encourage people to
5. Solar panels are installed on public or private building in T <--> Ss
Activity 2: Discuss the question
- T asks Ss to work in groups and discuss the questions Individually
- T invites one or two groups to present their ideas in front of
the class. - T. encourages all Ss to answer the question. T <--> Ss
- Ss present their opinions to the class
- T. gives appropriate feedback whenever needed.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss

Trang 39
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 3.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to the green movement.
- To give them a chance to do a small project to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss review and recognize the assimilation in connected speech.
- To help Ss consolidate the use of simple, compound and complex sentences and which.
- To use the language, skills and information they have learnt in the unit 2.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

-T informs the class the objectives: reviewing pronunciation,
1. Warm-up vocabulary and grammar. T <--> Ss
5 minutes - T reviews what assimilation is and when the process happens.
2. New lesson Pronunciation:
Activity 1: Listen and underline the sounds that are
10 minutes assimilated. Individually
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups
- T. checks answers as a class.
- T plays the recording again and have Ss repeat the sentences
Key: 1. This is the best book on environmental issue.
2. We believe that both side should focus more on energy -
saving projects.
3. Well make the earth a green planet.
4. Wind power produces no green-house gas emission during
5. Bio-fuels are obtained from biodegradable plant material.
Activity 2: Listen and complete the sentences T <--> Ss
-T has Ss to refer back to the Do you know...?
-T. plays the recording
Sts listen and write down what they hear.
-Ss compare their answers in pairs
-T. checks answers.
Key: 1. green been 2. town planning
3. food poisoning 4. Green Britain 5. light bulbs Pair work
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct words /
phrases in the box.
T asks Ss to underline the key words in each sentence, then fill
in the gaps with the words given, making changes if necessary T <--> Ss
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups.
- T gives feedback.
Key: 1. disposal of 2. depleted 3. cluster 4. organic
5. combustion 6. soot particles 7. pathway
7 minutes Grammar:

Trang 40
Activity 1: Combine the simple sentences into compound
sentences, using appropriate conjunctions.
- Ss work individually, and then compare their answers in pairs
or groups. Pair work
- T. gives feedback and further explanations if necessary.
Key: 1. We read food labels carefully, for we want to buy only
organic products.
2. The burning of fossil fuels is the largest source of greenhouse
gas emissions and causes air pollution. T <--> Ss
3. Shall we organize a tree-plating day or launch a recycling
campaign at school?
12 minutes 4. Regular exercise is essential to longevity, but it is not the only
5. Noise pollution can cause stress and psychological problems,
so try to spend some peaceful, quiet time in nature.
Activity 2: Combine the simple sentences into complex Pair work
sentences using the words in brackets.
- Ss work individually, and then compare their answers in pairs
or groups.
- T. gives feedback and further explanations if necessary.
Key: 1. If we change our consumption habits, we can reduce our T <--> Ss
carbon footprint.
2. We should use bicycles instead of cars because this will help
reduce exhaust fumes and pollution.
3. When fossil fuels are burned, they emit harmful gases to the
4. Protect the environment where you live.
5. We reuse bags, old clothes and scrap paper at home so that Individually
we can reduce waste.
Activity 3: Match the simple sentences, then write complex
sentences with which.
- Ss work individually, and then compare in pairs or groups.
- T. gives feedback and further explanations if necessary. T <--> Ss
Key: 1. d. The indoor air quality at school is better now, which
has helped students to improve their concentration and test
2. a. They have cleaned the mould from the walls, which ahs
resulted in fewer asthma attacks. Pair work
3. e. We keep our school environment clean and green, which
has made us very proud.
4. b. They have started using more green products, which has
8 minutes brought them many financial and health benefits. T <--> Ss
5. c. School staff have shown parents different ways to go green,
which has an impact on the entire community. Group work
Project: Doing a survey:
Ss work in groups of 8, using the questionnaire to interview
group members. T <--> Ss
T tells Ss to use 1 a questionaire for all groups member to better
figure out the situation.
T. encourages groups to prepare an outline for
their presentation.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
Trang 41
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018

PERIOD 28: REVIEW 1 (UNIT 1,2,3)
1. Language focus - To help students revise what they have learned in unit 1, 2, 3
- To give them a chance to practice
2. Skills - To develop communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students - Read through Review 1
1. Class organization (1 minute)
2. Check up (5 minutes) - Ask some Ss to go to the board do the tasks again
3. New lesson (35 minutes)
Language - Vocabulary Language - Vocabulary
1. Use the correct form of the word in Do as appointed
the box 1. preservation 2. distinguished
Ask Ss to do the task then exchange 3. respectable/respected 4. urbanization
the result with their partner 5. disposal 6. industrialization
2. Match the word on the left with the * Do as appointed
word on the right to form compound 1. thought-provoking 2. off-speak
adjectives. 3. well-planned 4. long-term
Ask Ss to do the task then exchange 5. worldwide
the result with their partner
Pronunciation Pronunciation
3. Listen and write the correct words * Do as appointed
in the blanks. Then practice reading 1. their, they’re 2. counsil, counsel
the sentences 3. Where, wear 4. made, maid
Ask Ss to do the task then exchange 5. red, read
the result with their partner
Grammar Grammar
4. Complete the sentences, using the Do as appointed
correct form of the verbs in the box 1. join 2. complete 3. come
Ask Ss to do the task then exchange 4. offer 5. be provided
the result with their partner
5. Put the verbs in brackets in the past Do as appointed
simple or past continuous 1. was walking 2. saw 3. was standing
4. came 5. realized 6. stopped
Ask Ss to do the task then exchange 7. helped 8. led 9. met
the result with their partner 10. was waiting 11. said
12. was worrying 13. wondered
6. Make compound or complex Do as appointed
sentences, using the words in 1. If students can keep their homes and schools green
brackets and the prompts and clean, they will contribute to the go green
Ask Ss to do the task then exchange 2. The burning of fossil fuels emits harmful gases, but

Trang 42
the result with their partner people still use them for heating and cooking
3. The city buses and taxis use noise reduction devices
and run on environmentally friendly fuels
4. Many residents use coal fires for cooking, which can
seriously pollute the air of the city
5. They use corn to make bio-fuels, which may lead to
food shortage.
4. Consolidation (3 mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3
5. Homework: (1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018

PERIOD 29: REVIEW 1 (UNIT 1,2,3) (continued)
1. Language focus - To help students revise what they have learned in unit 1, 2, 3
- To give them a chance to practice
2. Skills - To develop communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students - Read through Review 1
1. Class organization (1 minute)
2. Check up (5 minutes) - Ask some Ss to go to the board do the tasks again
3. New lesson (35 minutes)
SKILLS – Reading: Counter SKILLS – Reading: Counter urbanization
urbanization Do as appointed
2. Read the text again decide whether Do as appointed
the following statements are T, F or NG Read the text about the causes and effects of
and tick the correct box counter-urbanization
Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the 1. T 2. F 3. NG 4. F 5. T
result with their partner
Speaking: Historical figures Speaking: Historical figures
3. Work with a partner. Use the Do as appointed
information below or your own ideas to A: Who are you going to talk about in your
make a conversation about one presentation tomorrow?
historical figure B: I’m going to talk about our national hero –
Emperor Quang Trung. He was a very talented
Ask Ss work in pairs to do the task political and military leader. He led the Vietnamese
people against the Qing invaders between 1788 and
A: You should also mention the year of his birth and
death. The emperor was born in 1753 and died in
B: I agree. Though he died young, he was able to
introduce some very important economic and
educational reforms in Vietnam.
Listening: Wave energy Listening: Wave energy
4. Listen to the recording about wave Do as appointed
energy. Choose the best option to 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
complete the sentence Do the task then compare the result with that of
their partner
Writing: Solar energy Writing: Solar energy
5. Write meaningful sentences about the Do as appointed
pros and cons of solar energy. Use the 1. Solar energy comes directly from the sun and this
words given renewable energy source is sustainable
5. Solar energy is not always available 2. This type of energy is environmentally friendly and
since access to sunlight is limited at does not cause pollution
certain times 3. Solar energy is available everywhere and is very
6. Although it is greener than fossil fuels, quiet because its devices do not have any moving
the production of solar panels may emit pars.
some greenhouse gases 4. Solar panels are expensive as they use rare and
special materials, and the technology used to store
solar energy is costly.
6. Use the ideas in 5 (and your own Do as appointed
ideas) to write an essay of about 180 – Nowadays, it has become necessary to use green
250 words about the pros and cons of technology with green renewable sources. Among all
solar energy green energy sources, solar energy is the most
important renewable energy source.
First of all, …
4. Consolidation (3 mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3
5. Homework: (1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 1, 2, 3
- Read Review 1 at home
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018

A. Objectives:
1. Language focus: To help Ss to know the overall topic of Unit 4: “The mass media”, some
vocabulary related to The mass media.
- To check students’ comprehension thorough questions and answers
- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 4
2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 4.
- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific information.
- Speaking: Talking about social networking.
- Listening: Listening for specific information.
- Writing: Describing a pie chart.
3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 4 with the topic " The mass media "
- To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up - T asks students to elicit some of their ideas of what a green
5 minutes lifestyle is.
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and guess what the students in T <--> Ss
the picture are talking about. -Sts answer.
2. New lesson Activity 1: Nam and Lan are talking about the use of mobile
7 minutes devices and the Internet. Listen and read T <--> Ss
- T. plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently.
- Ss listen and read silently.
Activity 2: Answer the following questions
- T. asks Ss to read the questions, and underline any key words. Whole class
- Ss read the questions, underline any key words.
Keys: 1. They are chatting, sending messages or searching for
news and information on different websites.
2. Because everyone in his house uses digital devices to read Individually
the news.
3. He had used the computers in the local library to access the
4. She thinks that they may not understand the benefits of
sharing online information.
5. He thinks that she is addicted to social media and relies too
much on the Internet. T <--> Ss
6. Ss’ answers.
Activity 3: Complete the table with the appropriate words and
10 minutes phrases in the box
- Ss work in pairs to compare answers.
- T. checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. Digital devices: smartphones, tablet PCs, computers
2. The mass media: newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, DVDs,
social media, the Internet Individually
3. Online activities: chatting, sending messages, searching for or
news and information, reading online newspapers, accessing Pair work
Internet resources
Activity 4: Read the text again. Pick out 5 verbs followed by a
10 minutes prep. Discuss the meaning with a partner. T <--> Ss
- T explains to Ss how to do the activity.
- T has Ss scan the conversation quickly and underline the five
verb phrases in focus. Individually
Key: Cut down (on), subscribe to, take sth. with, listen to,
10 minutes connect with
Activity 5: Read the following sentence. Underline the verbs.
What tenses are they in? T <--> Ss
- T. reminds Ss of the verb forms of the tenses.
- Ss underline the verbs forms in the two sentences. Individually
- T. asks two Ss to explain which action happened first in each
Key: He had (already) started using the computers in the local
library to access Internet resources T <--> Ss
Past perfect (This action happened first)
When Minh’s dad bought him a tablet PC four months ago.
Past simple
3. - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the
1 minute topic - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: - To provide learners some language items in Unit 4
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to The mass media
- For pronunciation, that is the pronunciation of the verb ending -ed in connected speech
- For grammar, the past perfect vs. the past simple.
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: To encourage Ss to work harder. To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Homework - T spells some words, asking Ss to try to recognize them
3 minutes - Ss try to recognize them T <--> Ss
- T. asks Ss to read the context provided to do the task.
Media website communication smart phone
Email television newspaper magazine
2. New lesson A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Match the words and phrases with the definitions. Individually
5 minutes - Ss work individually, read each word or phrase and match it
with the definitions.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: a. 3 b.1 c.5 d.2 e.6 f.4 T <--> Ss
7 minutes Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the words and phrases in 1.
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences individually. Individually
- Sts find the suitable words to fill in the gaps.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. Mass media 2. Addicted 3. social networking
4. Efficient 5. instant messaging 6. Cyberbullying
2. Pronunciation: The pronunciation of the verb ending -ed T <--> Ss
12 minutes Activity 1. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the ending
-ed of the verbs
- T tells Ss what the objective of the activities is, and asks them
to read the information in the Remember box.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and repeat all the verbs. Individually/
- Ss recognise & practise pronunciation of the verb ending-ed.
- Ss repeat chorally and individually. or
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying
attention to the verbs ending -ed Pair work
- T plays the recording for Ss to repeat chorally and
- Ss listen and repeat the following sentences.
2. Grammar: Prepositions after certain verbs
Activity 1: Match each verb with a preposition
The aim of this matching activity is to focus Ss’ attention on T <--> Ss
collocations consisting of verbs and prepositions that normally
appear together.
- T has Ss work in pairs to read the Do you know..? box and Pair work
discuss the meaning of the verb phrases provided.
15 minutes - Ss work in pairs to discuss the meaning of the verb phrases
provided and do the matching. T <--> Ss
Key: 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a/c 5.c
Activity 2: Make sentences with the verbs in 1
Trang 46
- T allows time for Ss to work individually
- T asks them to exchange their work in pairs for peer Individually
- T asks a few Ss to read their sentences aloud, and have the
class make comments on grammar, word choices and meaning.
- Ss make sentences with the verbs in 1.
The past perfect vs. the past simple
- Remember the use of relative pronouns who, that, and which. Ss <--> Ss
- Sts read the Do you know…? and explain the difference
between which defining something in the main clause and
which defining the whole idea of the main clause. T <--> Ss
Main clause, which + relative clause
Note: In relative clauses, the relative pronoun which can be used
to define the whole idea presented in the main clause. It is usually
separated with a comma after the main clause.
Activity 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.
- T explains the objective of activity 1, and ask Ss to read the Individually
Remember box. Check their comprehension and review the
formation of the past perfect (had + past participle).
- T allows time for Ss to do the task individually.
- Ss do as required
- T checks answer as a class, then invites a few Ss to read the
sentences aloud if necessary. Ss <--> Ss
Key: 1. had invented, completed 2. appeared, helped
3. had risen, started 4. understood, had read
5. Had (ever) … appeared, took part, had
6. got, submitted, showed, had arrived 7. had already finished,
left, arrived
Activity 2: Complete the following sentences using either the
past simple or past perfect and your own ideas.
- Ss work independently to exchange their work with a partner Individually
for peer checking.
- A few Ss read out their sentences.
Suggested answers: T <--> Ss
1. … had used the library’s computer to get access to the
2. … rang his doorbell.
3. … started sending me their greetings/ had already posted
their greetings for my birthday.
4. … they began drawing their charts.
5. … the teacher changed the topic.
6. … he wrote a brief description of the data.
3. - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes Expected answers: I can use: ed-ending in connected speech
Prepositions after certain verbs
The past perfect and past simple
4. Homework - T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. - Complete Exercises in T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

Trang 47
A. Aims and Objectives: - To scan a text for specific information about mass media.
- To teach Ss new vocabulary by completing true false task.
- To develop their reading skill through choosing the main idea for each paragraph.
- To learn new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Lead-in Objectives: skimming and scanning an article for general ideas
8 minutes and specific information, and learning additional vocabulary T <--> Ss
and information related to the history and forms of mass
2. New lesson Mass media forms
Activity 1: Put the words and phrases related to the mass
17 minutes media in three groups Pair work
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: Print: books, magazines, leaflets, newspapers
Television: news programmes, dramas, reality shows, T <--> Ss
The Internet: email, websites, instant messaging, data sharing
Activity 2: Quickly read instructions and choose the best
heading for the text.
- T. gets Ss to read instructions and predict the best heading Pair work
for the text.
- T checks answer as a class, invites one or two Ss to explain
how they came up with their answers.
- T draws Ss’ attention to the keywords (… each form of…; new
digital media forms…) in the last paragraph.
- Ss read instructions and choose the best heading for the text. T <--> Ss
Key: Forms of mass media
12 minutes Activity 3: Match each of the following words with its
meaning. Pair work
This matching activity is to improve and expand Ss’ vocabulary
by learning words in context.
- Ss do the task individually. T <--> Ss
- T checks answers as a class, invites several Ss to say the
Vietnamese equivalent. Individually/
5 minutes Key: a. 3 b. 4 c. 6 d. 2 e. 7 f. 1 g. 5 Pair work
Activity 4: True, False or Not given:
- Ss read the sentences in the table and underline the key
words which help to justify the answers.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. NG 7. F T <--> Ss
Activity 5: Discussion
Discuss the forms of mass media that you use daily. Explain how
you benefit from using them. Group work
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to share their preferred forms of
mass media for daily communication.
- T reminds them of the six forms of mass media mentioned in T <--> Ss
the text.
- T asks several pairs to report their discussion results.
- Ss work in groups of four to discuss the forms of mass media.
Trang 48
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To teach Ss to talk about social networking.
- To teach Ss to practise sharing and giving responses to new information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about social networking
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

- Ss work in groups to make a list of their favourite social
1. Warm up networking sites. Making as many words as possible from the
8 minutes words: A SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE. T <--> Ss
- Social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln,
Pinterest, Google Plus +, Instagram, etc. (The following URL is a
good reference for the most popular social networking sites:
2. New lesson Talking about social networking
Activity 1: Complete conversation with sentences in the box
10 minutes - T asks Ss to read the sentences in the box and the Individually
conversation, reminds them to underline any contextual clues.
- Ss read the sentences in the box and the conversation and
then do the task as required.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. E 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. F 6. A T <--> Ss
Activity 2: Put the following opinions about using social
11 minutes networks in the appropriate box
- T lets Ss work in pairs to complete the conversation. Pair work
- Encourage Ss to share their ideas and help each other
complete the sentences.
Key: Positive opinions: 2, 4, 5 Negative opinions: 1, 3, 6 T <--> Ss
13 minutes Activity 3: Make a similar conversation
- T explains the opinions provided in the table.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs. Pair work
- T asks several pairs to role-play their conversations in front of
the class, encourages Ss to make comments or ask questions.
- Ss make a similar conversation (as in 3) and express the
opinions about social networking. Ss explain the opinions Ss <--> Ss
provided in the table.
3. - Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some
Consolidation questions: T <--> Ss
2 minutes What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4.Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss

Trang 49
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To develop Ss’ skill of listening to for general ideas and specific
information in a conversation about social media: language-learning apps
- To help Ss understand general ideas and specific details to answer comprehension
questions. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks. + Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Identify specific information through multiple-choice task and question answering
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
Inform the class of the lesson objectives: listening for specific
1. Lead-in information in a conversation between two students talking
7 minutes about their uses of social media and how they use it for language T <--> Ss
2. New lesson Social media: language-learning apps
Task 1: Read about how three students use social media.
10 minutes Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Pair work
- T allows time for Ss to quickly read the conversation and
complete the gapped sentences.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. app 2. record 3. GPS
4. interactive 5. connect 6. audio 7. updates T <--> Ss
13 minutes Task 2: Listen to a conversation between two students talking
about language learning applications. Which of the following did
they not talk about?
- T asks Ss to read the instructions and the information Group work
- T plays the recording without pausing, so Ss get the gist of it.
- T plays the recording again. This time T asks Ss to listen and
circle the information that they did not hear in the recording. T <--> Ss
12 minutes Key : 2 & 3
Task 3: Listen again. Give short answers to the following
questions. Individually
- T asks Ss to read through the questions and answer them.
- Ss do as required.
Key: 1. He showed her a few social networking sites that help
people to improve their English. T <--> Ss
2. She downloaded some language learning apps on her
smartphone and started learning vocabulary on the go.
3. Because she wants to improve her English.
4. She uses some social networking sites.
5. She used a free programme on her smartphone.
6. She used it to collect samples from English TV and radio.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework

Trang 50
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
- To develop Ss’ skill of describing a pie chart showing the use of online resources.
- To provide Ss with the language and sentence structures used to describe trends.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Learn about a pie chart showing the use of online resources.
+ Describe a pie chart showing the use of online resources.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up The lesson objective: describing a pie chart showing Ss’ use of T <--> Ss
5 minutes online resources at a secondary school.
2. New lesson Describing a pie chart showing the use of online resources
Task 1: In pairs, discuss what a pie chart is and how you can
15 minutes describe it. Pair work
- T asks Ss to look at the illustrations and credit their answers.
- Sts do as required.
+ A pie chart - a circular chart divided into triangular areas
(slices/ segments) proportional to the percentages of the
whole. T <--> Ss
+ To describe a pie chart: the information (content) and
proportion of each segment, which can be measured in
percentages (%) or fraction (e.g. one-third, a quarter).
8 minutes Task 2: The pie chart below illustrates the forms of
communication used by students in Intel school. Complete the
description with the words in the box.
- T allows time for Ss to read the text and do the task. Individually
- T checks answer as a class.
Key: 1. preferences 2. recorded 3. majority
4. tied in 5. dominant 6. the least
Task 3: Study the pie chart and write a paragraph of about T <--> Ss
130-160 words to describe the sections.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the words and phrases.
- Sts work independently and write their final drafts.
- One or two students write the description on the board.
- Ss listen to the T’ feedback
Suggested answer: The pie chart shows students’ preferred
online resources recorded in a survey carried out at Intel
Secondary School Library in 2014. A brief description of the
students’ preferences follows.
We can see that a majority of students used interactive games,
which rank the first at 30%. Fiction e-books line in the second at
20%, and are given 10% less than interactive games. Online
magazines rank the third at 18% while non-fiction e-books
account for 15%. Online dictionaries are the fifth library

Trang 51
resource at 11%. Only a minority of students, or 6% used science
journals, which is the least popular of all resources, and used five
old less than the most preferred resource, interactive games.
To conclude, the dominant form of online resources used by the
students at Intel Secondary School Library is interactive games.
Of all the resources – fiction e-books, online magazines, non-
fiction e-books, online dictionaries – students used science
journals the least.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect T <--> Ss
2 minutes - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4.Homework - Write the text again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: - To provide learners some communication and cultural items
2. Skills: - To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder. To provide Ss some motivation
- Understand and communicate about communication skills and cultural understanding
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up - Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill
5 minutes development T <--> Ss
2. New lesson 1. Communication: Learning English with video
Activity 1: Listen to a conversation between Nam and Mai
18 minutes about learning English with video. Decide whether the Pair work
statements are T or F.
- T plays the recording all the way through for the first time,
plays it again for Ss to do the task. T <--> Ss
- Ss work in pairs to compare their answer.
Key: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T
Activity 2: Discussion
- T asks Ss to work in groups and discuss what videos they
would like to watch in their English lessons classes.
Suggested ideas: 1. The videos clips are powerful audio-visual Group work
resources for learning a language.
2. They can: - provide authentic language use
- capture learners’ attention
- increase their motivation
- enhance their learning experience T <--> Ss
2. Culture: Social media apps
19 minutes Activity 1: Read the following text and give short answers to
the questions.
- Ss read the instructions and brainstorm the social networking.
- Ss compare their answers with a partner.
Key: 1. They are for communication, entertainment and
security on the Internet. Pair work
2. Because they want to have more advanced options than basic
3. A video-sharing app is an application for creating videos and
sharing them with family and friends.
4. They are action and adventure games followed by puzzles
and board games. T <--> Ss
5. Beside protecting smartphones and tablet devices from theft
and loss of data, these security apps detect and remove viruses
as well as phishing scams.
6. We should go through its functions very carefully and read
the user reviews.
Activity 2: Work in groups. Tell your group about your favorite
social networking app and its functions. Group work
- Ss discuss their favourite social networking apps in groups.
- Ss read the questions and underline the key works or any
clues that may help them to identify the answers as they scan T <--> Ss
the text.
- Some Ss are asked to present the apps and demonstrate its
functions in front of the class.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? T <--> Ss
2 minutes - Elicit answer: I have improved my listening, speaking and
reading skills. I can talk about the educational values of videos
for learning English. I can also talk about social media apps for
communication, entertainment and security.
4. Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 4.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to the social media apps.
- To help Ss review and recognize the pronunciation of ed in connected speech.
- To help Ss consolidate the use of simple past tense and past perfect tense.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Use some key words of the social media apps.
+ Do the exercises on simple past tense and past perfect tense
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
T informs the class the objectives: reviewing pronunciation,
1. Warm-up vocabulary and grammar. T reviews from and use of simple T <--> Ss
5 minutes past tense and past perfect tense.
2. New lesson Pronunciation:
Activity 1: Put the words in the correct box.
10 minutes - T asks Ss to do the task independently. Individually
- Ss put the words in the correct box, then compare their
answers in pairs or groups
Key: /t/: watched, surfed, talked, checked
/d/: installed, enabled, shared, enjoyed, offered
/id/: updated, reported, provided, protected, downloaded
Activity 2 Listen and write down the verbs in the appropriate
7 minutes columns. T <--> Ss
- Ss are asked to read the verbs aloud.
Key: /t/: 1. decreased 2. developed 4. influenced 7. produced
/d/: 6. emerged 9. compared
/id/: 3. downloaded 5. invented 8. provided
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct words /
phrases in the box. Pair work
- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups.
- T gives feedback. T <--> Ss
Key:1. disposal of 2. depleted 3. cluster 4. organic
5. combustion 6. soot particles 7. pathway
Activity 2: Complete gapped sentences with words in the box.
12 minutes - T asks Ss to read and complete the gapped sentences.
- Ss are asked to underline the key words in each sentence,
then fill in the gaps with the words given.
Key: 1. social media 2. Social networking 3. Mass media
4. app 5. Advent 6. Microblogging
Grammar: Pair work
Activity 1: Complete the gapped sentences with the
appropriate prepositions.
- T asks Ss to read the statements and understand all the verbs.
- Ss discuss these clues in pairs and decide on the correct
8 minutes preposition. T <--> Ss
Key: 1. on 2. Out 3. to 4. for 5. of/ about 6. with
Activity 2: Match the two halves of the sentences.
- T asks Ss to read and complete the gapped sentences.
- Ss are asked to underline the key words in each sentence. Pair work
Key: 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.f 6.c
Activity 3: Put the words in brackets in past simple or past
perfect tense.
- T asks Ss to read the incomplete sentences and underline any
key words independently. T <--> Ss
- Ss underline the key words in each sentence.
- Ss exchange the answers in pairs.
Key: 1 had had 2. attended 3. deleted, had received Individually
4. got, stopped 5. had wasted 6. had edited, uploaded
Project: Interview three classmates to find out their opinions
about social networking sites and apps. Then report to the T <--> Ss
Ask Ss to work in groups of four. Group work
Ask Ss to read and discuss the guiding questions.
T. encourages groups to prepare an outline for their
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018

I. Hannah is listening to messages on her voicemail. Why is each person calling? Listen and
circle the correct answer. (0.25 pt/item)
1. A. to remind her about a dental 3. A. to tell her the book has not arrived
appointment B. to tell her the book has arrived
B. to cancel a dental appointment C. to tell her the book can’t be ordered
C. to remind her about a business meeting 4. A. to copy her homework
2. A. to tell her about a restaurant B. to chat with her about friends
B. to invite her to a movie C. to ask for help with her homework
C. to cancel a date
II. Listen to the message. Complete the information. (0.25 pt/item)
Message for: (5)_ . Name of caller: (6)_
. Telephone number: (7) . Best time to call: between (8)_ _.and 6:00.
III. Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the others. (0.25 pt/item)
9. A. visited B. decided C. handicapped D. wanted
10. A. each B. which C. changeable D. characteristic
IV. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. (0.25 pt/item)
11. A. education B. universal C. eradication D. population
12. A. volunteer B. struggle C. promise D. concentrate
V. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (0.3 pt/item)
13. There was shortage of food and safe water after the flood.
A. Ø B. an C. a D. the
14. . Mr. John thanked me helping him with the homework.
A. to B. for C. of D. on
15. it was a formal dinner party, James wore his blue Jeans.
A. Even though B. Since C. Only if D. Until
16. Population growth rate in recent years.
A. has fallen B. had fallen C. have fallen D. fell
17. The children were warned in the lake without an adult present.
A. not swim B. not to swim C. not swimming D. to not swim
18. It’s no use him us.
A. asking / helping B. asking / to help C. to ask/ helping D. to ask / to help
19. My handbag was stolen we were playing tennis.
A. before B. while C. after D. during
20. If I had enough money, I a good dictionary.
A. would buy B. would have bought C. will buy D. will have bought
21. He me that if he were me, he would do that work.
A. told B. said to me C. said D. says
22. Lan: What do you think of the General Knowledge Quiz?
Nga: . It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge.
A. Yes, that’s right B. Oh, it’s great C. It’s not a good idea. D. Ok, I don’t agree
VI. Fill in each blank in the following passage with a suitable word. (0.25 pt/item)
The United Nations released new population projections for all countries in July 2014.
Gerland analyzed the data (23)_ described the probabilistic population projections for the
entire world as (24)_ as individual regions and countries. World population is (25)_ to
continue growing for the rest of the century, with at (26)_ a 3.5-fold increase in the
population of Africa. Furthermore, the ratio of working-age people to older people is almost
certain to decline substantially in all countries, (27)_ just currently developed ones.

Trang 55
VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer. (0.25 pt/item)
One of the most serious problems threatening human life is the dirtying and poisoning of
air and water. It is the pollution of our environment. Air pollution occurs when wastes are
poured into the atmosphere and the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe. We
depend for life on the air we breathe. As the air becomes more and more polluted, hazards to
health increase. Today we have industrial air pollutants from factories and mills and engine-
exhaust fumes. That’s why some large cities have to ban cars from the city center to wipe out
smoke and limit the emission of poisonous gases and dangerous chemicals from industrial
smoke stacks in order to clean the air in our living environment as much as possible.
28. One of the following is a serious problem threatening human life except _.
A. dirty air B. the poisoning of water
C. environmental pollution D. environmental conservation
29. In some large cities people clean the air by .
A. emitting dangerous chemicals into the air B. emitting poisonous gases into the air
C. forbidding cars from the city center D. building more factories
30. . The word “wipe out” in line 6 means:
A. ban B. place C. change D.
remove WRITING
IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences without changing its original meaning. (0.2
31. He is not old enough to do the volunteer work.
→ He is.....................,..............................................................................
32. . She said, "I'll call the police if you don't leave immediately!”
→ She threatened.....................,.........................................................
33. . My father doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink.
→ My father neither.....................,.....................................................
34. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
→ I have.....................,.............................................................................
35. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
→ The man is believed .....................,...............................................
X. In about 100-120 words, write a paragraph about your hobby. (1 pt)
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018

I. (0.25pt/item): 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C
II. (0.25pt/item): 5. Bill 6. Mary 7. 654-9389 8. 5:00
III. (0.25pt/item): 9. C 10. D
IV. (0.25pt/item): 11. C 12. A
V. (0.3pt/item): 13. C 15. B 17. A 19. A 21. B
14. B 16. B 18. A 20. B 22.
VI. (0.25pt/item): 23. and 24. well 25. likely 26. least 27. not
VII. (0.25pt/item): 28. D 29. C 30. D
VIII. (0.2pt/item)
1. He is not old enough to do the volunteer work.
→ He is too young to do the volunteer work.
2. She said, "I'll call the police if you don't leave immediately!”
→ She threatened to call the police if I didn’t leave immediately.
3. My father doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink.
→ My father neither smokes nor drinks.
4. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
→ I have not seen Rose for three years.
5. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
→ The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.
IX. (1 pt)
- Task fulfillment (idea/content): 30%
- Organization (coherence, cohesion); 30%
- Vocabulary/structures (variety, accuracy, appropriacy): 40%
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Objectives:
1. Language focus: To help Ss to know the overall topic of Unit 5: “Cultural identity”,
some vocabulary related to Cultural identity.
- To check students’ comprehension thorough questions and answers
- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 5
2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 5.
- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific information.
- Speaking: Talking about the ways to maintain cultural identity.
- Listening: Listening for specific information.
- Writing: Writing an essay about the most important feature.
3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 5 with the topic " Cultural identity "
- To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up Look at the picture and guess who they are and what they are
5 minutes talking about. They are three students and their teacher. They T <--> Ss
are probably talking about Japanese culture.
2. New lesson Activity 1: Listen and read
7 minutes - T. plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently. T <--> Ss
- Ss listen and read silently.
- T. tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation. Whole class
Activity 2: Complete the diagram:
10 minutes - T ask students to complete the diagram individually first, and
then compare their answers with a partner.
Key: 1. Language 2. Food 3. Clothing Individually
4. Beliefs 5. Cultural practices
Activity 3: Answer the following questions
- T. asks Ss to read the questions, and underline any key words
before they scan the conversation for the answers. T <--> Ss
- Ss read the questions, underline any key words.
Keys: 1. Because it’s essential to understand their family
10 minutes history and traditions.
2. They wear kimonos on special occasions and celebrate
Japanese festivals. They eat sushi, sashimi and udon noodles.
They also speak Japanese at home. Individually
3. She doesn’t know whether her home is Japan, where her or
parents come from, or Viet Nam, where she was born and grew Pair work

Trang 57
4. (Suggested answer): Language: Vietnamese; food: square and
round sticky rice cakes, pho; clothing: ao dai, ao ba ba; beliefs:
ancestor worship; cultural practices: Hung Kings’ Festival, Quan T <--> Ss
ho singing.
Activity 4: Find the verb or adjective that goes with each of the
following nouns or noun phrases. If necessary, use a dictionary
10 minutes to check the meaning.
- T asks students to read the conversation again and find the
verbs or adjectives that go with the given nouns or noun
Key: 1. express/ protect 2. traditional 3. cultural Individually
4. understand 5. maintain
Activity 5: Read the conversation again and write the correct
tenses of the verbs in brackets.
- T asks students to write the correct tenses of the verbs in
brackets first, and then has them read the conversation to T <--> Ss
check their answers.
Key: 1.have been living/ have lived 2. ’ve been
3. - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the
1 minute topic - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: - To provide learners some language items in Unit 5
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to Cultural identity
- For pronunciation, that is the assimilation in connected speech
- Grammar: perfect vs. the present perfect continuous and repeated comparatives.
2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: To encourage Ss to work harder. To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Homework - T spells some words, asking Ss to try to recognize them
3 minutes - Ss try to recognize them T <--> Ss
- T. asks Ss to read the context provided to do the task.
- T asks Ss to do exercises on workbook.
2. New lesson A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Write the words or phrases given in the box next to Individually
7 minutes their meanings.
- To match the words or phrases with their meanings.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. national costumes 2. assimilate 3. custom T <--> Ss
4. maintain 5. cultural practices 6.
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the words in 1.
- Sts do as required, bearing in mind a verb or a noun (e,g. verb Individually
tense, singular or plural form of nouns).
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. cultural practices 2. custom 3. national
4. maintain 5. multicultural 6. assimilated T <--> Ss
B. Pronunciation: Assimilation
7 minutes Activity 1. The following phrases are spoken in low, careful Individually/
speech and in fast, connected speech. Listen and repeat. Pay
attention to the pronunciation of the underlined sounds or
- Ss repeat chorally and individually.
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the following sentences spoken in Pair work
fast, connected speech
- T plays the recording for Ss to repeat chorally and
- Ss listen and repeat the following sentences, paying attention
10 minutes to the assimilation. T <--> Ss
C. Grammar:
The present perfect and present perfect continuous. Pair work
Activity 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or
present perfect continuous.
-T asks students to read each sentence carefully and decide T <--> Ss
whether the focus is on the action/ event or the result of the
action/ event. Draw their attention to the time expression used
in sentences 2,4,8 (for many years, all morning, for hours)
15 minutes Key: 1. have cleaned 2. have been trying 3. has stood
4. has been working, has planted 4. have gone Individually
6. haven’t finished
Activity 2: Complete the following sentences with the correct Ss <--> Ss
forms of the words in brackets, using repeated comparatives.
- T asks students to complete the sentences.
Key: 1. better and better 2. higher and higher T <--> Ss
4. More and more 5. More and more difficult
6. faster and faster 7. fewer and fewer 8. more and more Individually
Activity 3: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.
- Use the given information to complete the sentences.
- T has students do the activity individually first, and then Ss <--> Ss
compare the answers in pains. T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. is becoming colder and colder
2. are becoming lower and lower
3. More and more people
4. was driving faster and faster
5. Fewer and fewer customers
3. - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss
2 minutes Expected answers: I can use: Assimilation in connected speech
The present perfect and present perfect continuous
4. Homework - T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
- Complete Exercises in workbook.
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: To teach Ss to scan a text for specific information in a passage
about cultural identity in today’s modern society.
- To teach Ss new vocabulary by answering questions.
- To develop their reading skill through choosing the main idea for each paragraph.
- To learn new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the meanings given.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Lead-in T informs the class of the lesson objectives: skimming and
8 minutes scanning an article for general ideas and specific information, T <--> Ss
and learning additional vocabulary and information related to
the cultural identity
2. New lesson Cultural identity in modern society
Activity 1: Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words or
17 minutes phrases in the box. Then complete the sentences with their Pair work
correct forms.
-Use a dictionary to find the meanings of the words in the box.
Key: 1. for granted 2. cultural identifiers
3. identity 4. integrated 5. aspects T <--> Ss
Activity 2: Read the newspaper column about cultural identity.
Four sentences have been removed from the column. Choose a Pair work
12 minutes sentence (a-d) to complete each gap (1-4)
Key: 1.b 2.d 3.c 4.a
Activity 3: Read the newspaper column again and answer the
-T has students work in pairs and practice asking and T <--> Ss
answering the questions.
Key: 1. They define themselves by (cultural identifiers such as)
nationality ethnicity, location, history, language, gender, beliefs,
customs, clothing and food.
2. In this stage, culture is taken for granted. Cultural ideas and Individually/
values provided by families, communities or the media are Pair work
easily accepted without much critical thinking.
3. They may become more curious, and willing to explore,
analyses and compare their beliefs with other cultures.
4. When they develop a clear sense of cultural identity, know
which social group they belong to, and feel satisfied with their T <--> Ss
cultural identity.
5. Because access to the Internet and the media provides
5 minutes instant contact with many cultures.
6. First, they keep their cultural identity. Second, they
assimilate into the new culture of the majority. Third, they
integrate into the new cultural environment (keeping their
cultural identity and flexibly adjusting to the different aspects
of the new culture). Group work
Activity 4: What should young people do to develop their
cultural identity in today’s modern society? Discuss with a
partner. T <--> Ss
Trang 60
- T has some pairs/ groups summarize their discussion and
present the main points/ ideas to the rest of the class.
Consolidation - Summarize the main points of the lesson T <--> Ss
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: To talk about activities that can help maintain cultural identity.
- To teach Ss to practise sharing and giving responses to new information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about some activities on cultural identity.
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Homework - Check students’ work books
8 minutes T <--> Ss
2. New lesson Maintaining cultural identity
Activity 1: Work with a partner .Discuss and decide if these
10 minutes activities can help to maintain cultural identity. Can you add any Individually
more activities?
-T asks students to work in pairs. T has them discuss and decide
if the activities can help maintain cultural identity especially in
situations when people are away from their home countries.
-T encourages students to add more activities. T <--> Ss
Suggested answers: 6. Singing/ Listening to folk songs
7. Reading heritage folklore 8. Conserving heritage sites
11 minutes Activity 2: Work in pairs. Talk about why each of the activities
in 1 is important. Pair work
-T encourages them to talk about why the activities in 1 (or their
suggested activities) are important maintaining cultural identity
I think it’s important to preserve our native language. It’s a vital T <--> Ss
part of culture and it is critical to a person’s cultural identity. Our
first language helps us to develop intellectual abilities and shape
our cultural identity. It enables us to communicate, establish links
with family and community members, and acquire and value
native culture.
13 minutes Activity 3: Work in groups of three. Choose an activity in 1. Group work
Discuss how it will help to maintain cultural identity in the age
of globalization. Use the reasons discussed in 2 and any
information you may want to add.
-T encourages them to use the reasons they have discussed in 2 Ss <--> Ss
and any additional information they may want to add.
3. - Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions:
Consolidation What have you learnt today? What can you do now? T <--> Ss

Trang 61
2 minutes
4. Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To develop Ss’ skill of listening to for general ideas and specific
information and to help Ss understand general ideas and specific details to answer
comprehension questions. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks. + Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Identify specific information through multiple-choice task and question answering
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
Inform the class of the lesson objectives: listening for specific
1. Lead-in information in a conversation between two students talking T <--> Ss
7 minutes about their uses of social media and how they use it for language
2. New lesson Cultural diversity in Singapore
Task 1: You are going to listen to a talk about cultural diversity
10 minutes in Singapore. What do you know about this city- state? Look at Pair work
the information below and describe Singapore
Key: 1. Eurasians and other 2. Indians
3. Malays 4. Chinese T <--> Ss
Task 2: Work in pairs. Discuss and match the national costumes
13 minutes with their names.
-T focuses Ss’ attention on the pictures and has them do the
matching first individually, and then check with a partner.
Key: 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.b Pair work
12 minutes Task 3: Listen to a talk. What is the speaker talking about? Tick
the correct boxes.
- T plays the recording non-stop so students can get the gist of
the talk. T has students compare answers in pairs, and then
check answers as a class. T <--> Ss
Key: 1.v 4.v 6.v
Task 4: Listen again and answer the following questions
1. When did Singapore become an independent country?
2. What is Singapore’s national costume?
3. Who used to wear the cheongsam?
4. How is the sari worn? Individually
5. What is the office attire for men and women in Singapore?
6. How do young Singaporeans think of themselves?
-T tells students that the activity focuses on listening for specific
- T has students work in pairs first, and then checks their
answers as a class.
Key: 1. Singapore gained its independence on 9 August 1965.
2. Singapore does not have a national costume, as people from
the different ethnic groups tend to wear their traditional T <--> Ss

Trang 62
3. Both Chinese men and Chinese women used to wear
4. It’s wrapped around the waist and hung over the shoulder.
5. Men usually wear dark trousers, white shirts and a tie while
women wear long-sleeved blouses skirts.
6. The young people often think of themselves as Singapore first,
and then as Chinese, Malay or Indian.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4. Homework
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To develop Ss’ skill of writing an argumentative essay about the
most important feature that defines someone’s cultural identity.
- To provide Ss with the language and sentence structures used to describe trends.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Learn about an essay about the most important cultural identity.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Check up The lesson objective: Writing an argumentative essay about the T <--> Ss
5 minutes most important feature that defines someone’s cultural identity.
2. New lesson What makes me Vietnamese
Task 1: Work in pairs. Discuss the reasons why language is often
7 minutes considered the most important cultural identifier. Pair work
- T tells students that they can refer back to the reading.
- T asks students to read the example and discuss.
- T encourages students to share their ideas.
Example: Language is the most important cultural identifier
because it allows me to communicate with my family and T <--> Ss
10 minutes Task 2: Read the following argumentative essay on language as
defining a person’s cultural identity. Complete the essay, using
the correct forms of the words in the box
- T tells students that they are going to read an argumentative
essay. Allow enough time for them to read through the text and
work out the essay structure
-T asks students to use a dictionary to check the meaning of Individually
difficult words and phrases. or
- T checks answers as a class. Pair work
Key 1. Expressing 2. Demonstrate 3. Features 4. Unite
5. Share 6. Invaded 7. Unifying 8. Unique
15 minutes Task 3: Which is the most important cultural identifier or the
feature that defines your cultural identity?
- T asks students to work independently and write their final
essays incorporating all the feedback from students and teacher T <--> Ss
- T invites some students to read their essays. - Ss can choose
one of the following cultural identifiers:
- Festivals and cultural practices/ - Shared values and beliefs
- Traditional food /- History / - Education Individually
Definition of cultural identity……………
Thesis statement…………
First argument……………………………
Second argument………………………
Conclusion T <--> Ss
Summary of the arguments
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect T <--> Ss
2 minutes - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
4. Homework - Write the text again at home.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives:
1. Language focus: To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items
2. Skills: - To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes: - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ About communication skills and cultural understanding.
+ About the migration and cultural identity.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
1. Warm up Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill T <--> Ss
5 minutes development
2. New lesson 1. Communication: Migration and cultural identity
Activity 1: Listen to a talk by Mr Ben Wilson, a sociologist and
17 minutes psychologist, about preserving migrants’ cultural identity. Pair work
Answer the questions.
- Tell students that they are going to listen to a talk by Mr Ben
Wilson about preserving migrants’ culture identity.
- Play the recording once or twice for students to take notes of
their answers. T <--> Ss
Activity 2: Discuss the questions with a partner.
- Ask students to work with a partner to compare their
answers. Check answers as a class.
2. Culture: Festivals
20 minutes Activity 1: Read the text about celebrations of some ethnic
groups in Viet Nam. Write the names of the festivals under the
- T has students read the text quickly and write the names of
the festivals under the photos.
Key: a. Elephant Racing Festival b. Forest Worshipping Group work
Activity 2: Read the text again and complete the table.
- T asks students to study the table and consider what kind of
information they need to write in it.
- T asks students to read the text again and complete the table. T <--> Ss
T checks answers as a class.
Key: Elephant Racing Festival; Location: Dak Lak Province
Time: annually, in March; Ethnic groups: M’Nong and Ede
Purpose: to promote the martial spirit of the M’Nong and Pair work
Ede people; Activities: - watching elephant race
Eating traditional food and drinking rice wine; Dancing T <--> Ss
Watching elephants play soccer
Activity 3: Discuss the questions with a partner
- T has students discuss the questions in pairs. T <--> Ss
- After their discuss, T asks some pairs to report their
experiences and opinions to the class.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? T <--> Ss
2 minutes - Elicit answer: I have improved my listening, speaking and
reading skills. I can talk about the educational values of videos
for learning English. I can also talk about social media apps for
communication, entertainment and security.
4.Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ………../……./ 2018 Date of Teaching: ………../……./ 2018

A. Aims and Objectives: - To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 5.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to the cultural identity.
- To give them a chance to do a small project to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss review and recognize the assimilation in connected speech.
- To help Ss consolidate the use of simple past tense and past perfect tense.
- To use the language, skills and information they have learnt in the unit 5.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Use some key words of the cultural identity.
+ Do the exercises on present perfect tense and present perfect continuous tense.
B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities Interactions
-T informs the class the objectives: reviewing pronunciation,
1. Warm-up vocabulary and grammar. T <--> Ss
5 minutes - T reviews from and use of simple past tense and past perfect
2. New lesson Pronunciation:
Activity 1: Underline the sounds that can be affected by
8 minutes assimilation. Individually
- T helps students to review the process of assimilation in this
unit (/t,d,n/ before /k,g/; /s,z/ before /s,j/)
- T asks students to work with a partner to compare their
answers. T checks answers as a class.
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the sentences in 1 T <--> Ss
-T plays the recording and has students listen and repeat.
-T asks some students to say these sentences aloud.
9 minutes Vocabulary: Pair work
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of
the words or phrases in the box
-T has students read the instructions and do the activity.
-T checks answers as a class.
Key: 1. preserve 2. cultural identity 3. cultural T <--> Ss
4. national pride 5. Solidarity 5. national Pair work
12 minutes costume
Activity 1: Read the exchanges. Put the verbs in brackets in the T <--> Ss
present perfect or present perfect continuous. Use the passive
voice if necessary.
-T has students do the activity individually first, and then
compare their answers in pains.
-T checks answers as a class. Pair work
Key: 1. has become, have continued, has been working
Have never seen, have worn, has even become
Activity 2: Read the situation and complete Andy’s statements
about himself, using repeated comparatives.
-T tells students that they are going to write sentences about T <--> Ss
someone called Andy.
-T allows students to do the activity individually first, and then
compare their sentences in pains.
- T checks answers as a class.
Key: 2.lower and lower 3. more and more difficult
4. more and more complicated 5. More and more
8 minutes 6. less and less Group work
Work in groups of four or five. Choose one ethnic group in Viet
Nam. Look for information about the features that define the
group’s cultural identity.
-T has students work in groups of four or five
-T allows students one week to collect the information about an
ethnic group, prepare a poster, and organize their presentation
about the ethnic group.
3. - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
Consolidation - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? T <--> Ss
2 minutes What can you do now?
4.Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss
E. Evaluation:
Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018
1. Language focus - To help students revise what they have learned in units 4,5
- To give them a chance to practice
2. Skills - To develop communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students - Read through Review 2
1. Class organization (1 minute)
2. Check up (5 minutes) - Talk about ethnic groups in Vietnam
3. New lesson (35 minutes)
Language - Vocabulary Language - Vocabulary
1. Use the correct form of the words or phrases in the Do as appointed
box to complete the sentences 2. social networking
Ask Ss to do the task then compare the result with 3. digital devices 4. mass media
their partner 5. instant messaging 6. advent
2. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of Do as appointed
the words in brackets. 1. assimilate 2. identity 3. National
Ask Ss to do the task then compare the result with 4. ethnicity 5. integrate
their partner
Pronunciation Pronunciation
3. Listen to the sentences and pay attention to the Do as appointed
regular verbs in the past tense. Tick the correct box /t/: 4, 6, 8, 11
Ask Ss to do the task then compare the result with /d/: 1, 2, 10, 12
their partner /id/: 3, 5, 7, 9
4. Consolidation (3 mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units 4, 5
5. Homework: (1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units 4, 5
- Read Review 2 at home
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018

PERIOD 49: REVIEW 2 (UNIT 4,5) (continued)
Grammar Grammar
4. Fill each gap with an appropriate preposition Do as appointed
Ask Ss to do the task then compare the result with 1. to 2. of 3. in 4. for 5. from
their partner
5. Put the words in brackets in the correct tenses Do as appointed
Ask Ss to do the task then compare the result with 1.have … cleaned 2. haven’t swept
their partner 3. have washed 4. have tried
5. has been studying
6. Match the two halves of the sentences Do as appointed
Ask Ss to do the task then compare the result with 1. f 2. e 3. g 4. a 5. d 6. b
their partner 7. c
4. Consolidation (3 mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units 4, 5
5. Homework: (1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units 4, 5
- Read Review 2 at home
E. Evaluation:

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018


Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group.
1. A. geology B. psychology C. classify D. photography
2. A. idiom B. ideal C. item D. identical
3. A. children B. child C. mild D. wild
4. A. both B. myth C. with D. sixth
5. A. helped B. booked C. hoped D. waited
6. A. name B. natural C. native D. nation
7. A. blood B. food C. moon D. pool
8. A. comb B. plumb C. climb D. disturb
9. A. thick B. though C. thank D. think
10. A. flour B. hour C. pour D. sour
Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.
1. A. uncle B. machine C. rubber D. butter
2. A. every B. evening C. potato D. factory
3. A. produce B. money C. improve D. because
4. A. vegetable B. university C. Wednesday D. television
5. A. coffee B. farmer C. paper D. deliver
6. A. eleven B. elephant C. energy D. envelope
7. A. preparation B. decoration C. television D. exhibition
8. A. leather B. paper C. iron D. ceramics
9. A. mirror B. invent C. wallet D. engine
10. A. discovery B. calculator C. aero-plane D. difficulty
Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.
1. I remembered up in that house with my brothers and sisters.
A. to grow B. to growing C. grow D. growing
2. They are going to the pool to 1.8 meter.
A. deep B. depth C. deepen D. deeply
3. Is it possible for us to to the cinema without him?
A. reach B. come C. arrive D. go
4. I want you to _ your best clothes tonight for the party.
A. wore B. dress C. put on D. hung up.
5. She encouraged the job.
A. to take the job B. that Frank should take C. Frank to take D. to Frank to take
6. I you can swim so well and I can’t.
A. hate B. hate it that C. hate that D. hate it
7. Michael made me him next week.
A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call D. promise calling
8. We watched the cat the tree.
A. climbed B. climb C. had climbed D. was climbing
9. I wish you stop interrupting me whenever I speak
A. will B. would C. did D. might
10. . I expect a postcard from my father in England today.
A. being received B. to receive C. receiving D. to be receiving

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. He failed in the election just because he his opponent.
A. overestimated B. underestimated C. understated D. undercharged
2. They because it is a national holiday.
A. don’t work B. won’t work C. haven’t worked D. aren’t working
3. She’s finished the course, ?
A. isn’t she B. hasn’t she C. doesn’t she D. didn’t she
4. “Would you like a beer?” “Not while I’m_ .”
A. in the act B. in order C. on duty D. under control
5. Some friends of mine are really fashion-conscious, while are quite simple.
A. some other B. some others C. anothers D. the other
6. According to some historians, If Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he the rest of the
A. had conquered B. would conquer C. would have conquered D. conquered
7. Is that the man has been stolen?
A. the car of whom B. the car of his C. whose car D. the car of who
8. When someone answers the phone, you say, “Can I Elsie, please?”
A. talk to B. say to C. tell D. speak to
9. “How much do you earn, Mary?” “I’d .”
A. rather don’t say B. better not to say C. rather not say D. prefer not say
10. Captain Scott’s to the South Pole was marked by disappointment and tragedy.
A. excursion B. visit C. tour D. expedition
11. The teacher made a difficult question, but at last, Joe a good answer.
A. came up with B. came up to C. came up against D. came up for
12. There are a lot of buildings in the centre of the city.
A. many-floored B. many story C. multi-storied D. multi-storey
13. . “Make yourself at home.” “ .”
A. Yes, can I help you B. Thanks. Same to you
C. Not at all. Don’t mention it D. That’s very kind. Thank you.
14. Olympiakos 0 – 0 with Real Madrid in the first leg of the semi-final in Athens.
A. drew B. equalled C. equalised D. shared
15. The pop star_ when the lights .
A. sang/ were going out B. was singing/ went out
C. was singing/ were going out D. sang/ went out
16. It was not until she had arrived home remembered her appointment with the doctor.
A. when she B. that she C. and she D. she
17. a novelty in American retailing, fixed prices are now universal in sales.
A. It was once B. Once it was C. That once D. Once
18. Jane will have to repeat the course because her work has been .
A. unpleasant B. unnecessary C. unusual D. unsatisfactory
19. . I don’t know in my essay.
A. is there a mistake B. there a mistake is C. a mistake is there D. there is a mistake
20. you ever_ the U.S. before your trip in 2006?
A. Have/ been B. Would/ be C. Would/ have been D. Had/ been
Fill in each gap with a suitable relative pronoun: which, that, whose, whom, who, where, when, why, or
1. Here is the beach is the safest for swimmers.
2. Mr. Bike will buy the house is opposite to my house.
3. I’ve ever read the book Huong gave me yesterday.
4. The man I saw last weekend said something totally different.
5. The town we are living is noisy and crowded.
6. Sunday is the day we usually go fishing on.
7. Sunday is the day we usually go fishing.
8. The boy sister is in my class can speak Japanese and Korean languages.
9. The dictionary is on the table belongs to Long.
10. He wore a hat made him look like a cowboy.

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018


Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the one given.
1. I last saw him in 1998.
A. I didn't see him since 1998. B. It is in 1998 that I saw him.
C. I haven't seen him since 1998. D. It has been 1998 since I saw him.
2. They say that the doctor has made a serious mistake.
A. The doctor is said that he has made a serious mistake.
B. It is said that the doctor has been made a serious mistake.
C. The doctor is said to have made a serious mistake.
D. The doctor is said to make a serious mistake.
3. My shoes need cleaning.
A. I need to clean my shoes. B. I have to clean my shoes.
C. Cleaning is needed for my shoes. D. I need to have my shoes cleaned.
4. You ought to make up your mind now.
A. It is time you made up your mind. B. Making up your mind is necessary.
C. You should have made up your mind. D. It is possible to make up your mind.
5. She is the most intelligent woman I have ever met.
A. I have never met a more intelligent woman than her.
B. She is not as intelligent as the women I have ever met.
C. I have ever met such an intelligent woman.
D. She is more intelligent than I.
6. She says that it's good if I make my own decisions.
A. She encourages me making my own decisions.
B. She encourages me to make my own decisions.
C. I was encouraged by her to make my own decisions
D. Making my own decisions is her encouraging.
7. It is worthiness to ask John for help.
A. John is worthless to help. B. John is worth helping.
C. It is no use to ask John for help. D. It is no good asking John to help.
8. His behavior is understandable.
A. We can understand what he behaves. B. We can understand why he behaves like that.
C. It is difficult to understand his behavior. D. It is understood that he behaves.
1. It isn’t necessary to finish the work today. → You don’t
2. Sally finally managed to get a job. → Sally finally succeeded
3. That’s the last time I go to that restaurant. → I certainly
4. “I advised you to take a holiday” The doctor said. → “You’d
5. If you don’t rest yourself you really will be ill. → Unless
6. The doctor told him that he worked too hard. → You

Trang 70
7. Those pictures are beautiful. → How
8. It was an interesting film. → What
1. We arrived too late to see the first film. → We didn’t
2. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass” said Peter. → Peter apologized
3. I was downing, but he saved me. → If he
4. Sally is the cleverest student in the class. → Nobody
5. I have never read such a romantic story before. → This is
6. We can’t afford to buy the car. → The car
7. His parents made him study hard for the exams. → He was
8. We started cooking for the party four hours ago. → We have

Date of preparation: ……./…../2018 Date of teaching: ……./……./2018

1. Language focus - To help Ss revise their old lessons
2. Skills - To give Ss the chance to test and mark themselves
3. Attitudes - To motivate Ss to test themselves
- To get feedback from the students
1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: Lesson plan, text book
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students: - Revise their old lessons at home
1. Class organization (1 minute)
2. Check – up (5 minutes) Some Ss go to the board, revise the use of although/ in spite of
3. New lesson (35 minutes)
MÃ ĐỀ 257
Time allowance 45 minutes
I. Complete the passage by choosing the best option (marked A, or B, C, D) for each blank.
All men should study: we have to study to broaden our knowledge and develop our
intelligence. An (01) man can only utilize his body strength to work and live. An educated
man, besides his strength, still has the faculty of his intelligent brain and good reflection. This
intelligence and thought enable him to help his physical strength to act more quickly and cleverly.
In a same profession or work, the educated man differs (02) the uneducated man
considerably. Therefore, intellectual workers have to study, this is a matter, of course, but manual
workers must also gain an education. In civilized countries, compulsory education has also
(03) applied. Everyone must spend seven or eight years to study. From ploughmen to
laborers in these nations, no one is (04) to read a book or a paper fluently.
Question 01. A. educate B. educated C. educating D. uneducated
Question 02. A. with B. in C. from D. about
Question 03. A. to be B. been C. is D. being
Question 04. A. disable B. unable C. enable D. able
II. Choose the best option among A, B, C, or D provided to finish each of the questions below.
Question 05: Many rare and precious species are now danger of extinction.
A. in B. from C. on D. by
Question 06. Paul has just sold his car and intends to buy a new one.
A. Japanese old black B. old black Japanese C. old Japanese black D. black old Japanese
Question 07. The man gave me the book is my uncle.
A. who B. when C. where D. which
Question 08: - Linda: “I’ve passed my driving test.” – Peter: “ .”
A. Do you? B. That’s a good idea C. It’s nice of you D. Congratulation
Question 09: Many of pictures from outer space are presently on display in the public library.

Trang 71
A. that sent B. sent C. sending D. to sending
Question 10: You_ ill unless you stop working so hard.
A. will becomeB. would have become C. would become D. become
Question 11: The flight was cancelled_ the air-traffic controllers being on strike.
A. despite B. because C. because of D. although
Question 12: They are nice people that everyone likes them.
A. a so B. so a C. such a D. such
Question 13: I hadn’t heard from him for ten years, then , I got a fax from him.
A. once in a blue moon B. blue in the face C. out of the blue D. having green fingers
Question 14. Last summer, we visited Canada and United States.
A. an B. a C. the D. 
Question 15. If he were better qualified, he get the job.
A. will B. could C. may D. can
Question 16. The mobile phone is an effective means of_ in the world nowadays.
A. communicated B. communicative C. communicate D. communication
III. Choose the word (marked A, B, C, or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others.
Question 17. A. Vietnamese B. challenge C. fortunate D. gravity
Question 18. A. benefit B. aspiration C. understand D. engineer
IV. Choose the option marked A, B, C, or D that best completes each of the following sentences.
The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physic, physiology
or medicine, literature, and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that
purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred Bernard Nobel. The prizes, awarded since 1901, are
administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a prize for economics endowed by the
Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in writing by a
qualified authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian
academies and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The awards are usually
presented in Stockholm ion December 10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate
tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each prize includes a gold medal, a diploma,
and a cash award of about one million dollars.
Question 19. What does this passage mainly discussed?
A. The Nobel prizes. B. Great contributions to mankind.
C. Swedish philanthropy. D. Alfred Bernard Nobel.
Question 20. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?
A. Five times a year B. Twice a year C. Once a year D. Once every two year
Question 21. A Nobel prize would NOT be given to_ .
A. a doctor who discovered a vaccine B. an author who wrote a novel
C. a composer who wrote a symphony D. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement
Question 22. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
A. Because that date was Nobel’s will. B. Because Central Bank administers the trust.
C. Because it is a tribute to the King. D. Because Alfred Nobel died on that day.
V. Choose the word (marked A, B, C, or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others of the same group.
Question 23: A. hesitate B. basic C. physics D. reserve
Question 24: A. decided B. practiced C. laughed D. cooked
VI. PART 1. Listen to Eric talking to Mary about the weekend. Their friend, Carlos, Is coming to
visit them. You will hear the conversation twice. For questions 25-28, choose A, B or C.
Question 25. When is the football match?
A. Saturday afternoonB. Saturday morning C. Sunday afternoon
Question 26. Where are they going to eat on Saturday evening?
A. at home B. in a Chinese restaurant C. in an Italian restaurant
Question 27. What are they going to do on Sunday morning?
A. go to the cinema B. get up late C. go for a drive
Question 28. Where are they going to have lunch on Sunday?
A. in a pub B. in a café C. at home
VII. PART 2. You will hear a telephone conversation. A girl wants to speak to Martin, but he is
not there. Listen and complete questions 29-32. You will hear the conversation twice.
Phone Message
To: MARTIN Time: (31)
From: (29) Please bring: a friend
Party at: (30)_ Her phone number: (32)
VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that the original meaning of the
33. . The dress is more expensive than the skirt. → The skirt .
34. . “Turn off all the lights when you go out, Jane said.→ Jane .
Tim.” → I haven’t _.
35. . The last time I saw him was in 2005. ing. → Getting .
36. It was a bit difficult to get into work this
morn chool English Speaking Club” (LS ESC) for students.
IX. WRITING A LETTER. (1 point) ager (Mr. Bright) to ask for permission.
Imagine that you want to join “Lien Son High S
Write a letter of about 100 words to the Club Man Further information Conclusion
You may follow
- Reason the outline-below:
to write? Level of English? - Eagerness to join? Polite ending
- Your interest? - Membership? - English proficiency?
4. Consolidation: (3 minutes) - Phonetics - Vocabulary - Grammar
- Reading - Writing
5. Homework (1 minute) - Revise their old lessons for end term test
V. Evaluation:

Date of planning: …....../…....../2018 Date of teaching: …....../....…../2018

1. Language focus - To check understanding and access the process of teaching
- To get feedback from students
2. Skills - To help Ss develop their skill of doing MCQ tests
3. Attitudes - To motivate Ss to work harder for their test
1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: copies of MCQ test, answer key
- Teaching method: Written test – multiple choice questions
2. Students: - Prepare for the test at home
1. Class organization (1 minute)
2. Testing time: (44 minutes)
3. Contents:
Time allowance 45 minutes
Đbp bn chính thức:
Đbp bn cbc mã đề Đbp bn cbc mã đề
Câu 168 257 346 479 Câu 168 257 346 479
01. C D D A 15. C B A B
02. B C D B 16. D D B C
03. D B B C 17. B A D D
04. A B C B 18. C A C B
05. C A C B 19. B A B B
06. C B A A 20. B C B D
07. C A A C 21. D C B A
08. D D C D 22. C D A A
09. B B C A 23. A B C D
10. C A D D 24. D A C B
11. A C C B
12. A D D B
13. D C D A
14. A C B A
25. C A B C
26. C B C C
27. B C A A
28. C A B A

31. 8.30 P.M. (p.m.)
32. 7245936

33. The skirt is not (isn’t) as expensive as the dress.

34. Jane told (asked) Tim to turn off the lights when he went out.
35. I haven’t seen him since 2005.
36. Getting into work this morning was (a bit) difficult.

- Bai viết:
Đú ng mã u thư trang trọ ng, đủ cá c phà n, đủ só từ 0,4 điẻ m
Bó cụ c cha ̣ t chẽ , lie n ké t ý , lie n ké t đoạ n tó t 0,3 điẻ m
Dù ng từ mạ ch lạ c, vó n từ phong phú 0,3 điẻ m
Tổng 1 điểm

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