Assessment Task 3 - Maths in Your World - Task Description

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Choose two of the items below – and complete a report style solution showing a full solution based on
the criteria document. Each of the items below should be completed in 2-3 pages.
Please refer to the grading rubric before you start on the assignment, so that you can work your
assignment out in a way that would meet the requirements. This assignment should also be 4 – 6 pages
in length. Penalties apply for over length submissions.

Grading criteria for this assignment:

• Situation/Experience/Scenario description. (10 marks).
• Calculations and working showing mathematical process using appropriate symbols and
terminology. Graphs, pictures, and diagrams. (70 marks).
• General presentation and language skills. (20 marks).

1 Studio apartment

You are to calculate the total cost to tile and carpet this apartment. Look up the
price of any tiles or carpet you wish but make sure you reference the store source.
The tiled areas are the Bathroom and the Porch. The bathroom measures
3𝑚 × 4.3𝑚. The rest of the remaining floor space, minus the Kitchen bench, needs
to be carpet. You can calculate the size of the Porch from the dimensions shown in
the diagram above. The Kitchen bench will require you to do some scale
The is a 3D image of this apartment at the end of this task sheet for further
reference if needed.

Diagram source:

2 Budget

After working for a couple of years after graduation, you

are currently in a job that pays $6000 basic monthly
salary. You are to prepare a budget to see how long it will
take to save for a tour in Canada valued at $4995. You
already have saved $500. The expenses for your budget
are in two categories: Fixed and Discretionary. Fixed
expenses are items like rent and electricity that are
essential. Discretionary expenses are optional items like
clothing and entertainment. Ensure your budget has at least 5 items in each expense type.

Create a table showing budget expense details (including income tax, using the Singapore Tax table
shown below) in weekly, monthly, and annual columns. You may wish to also comment on the
amount you indicate for each expense item

Based on a weekly gross income [𝐴𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 × 5], determine how much tax you need to pay
using the current Singapore Tax table shown below.

Please do not disclose any personal information in this task. Keep the expense details general and
realistic. You may use software like Excel to help with this task if you wish.
3 Haughton Pipeline Project
Stage 2 of this project is planned to commence in 2023. It will improve the “top
up” capability for the Townsville water supply in times of low rainfall. The
project is a 30km stretch of circular 1.8m diameter pipes to carry the water at a
rate of 364 ML (megaliters) per day.

i) Calculate the speed of the water in m/s (meters per second) and
km/hr (kilometers per hour) necessary to complete the 364 ML/day if
the pipe is half full of water. Assume the pipe has the same flow rate
ii) What pipe diameter (still with water to half capacity) would be
needed to achieve a water speed of 2 m/s?

4 Airport

16 km

𝐵𝐶 = 2900 𝑚
𝐴𝐷 = 2400 𝑚

i) Referring to the diagram above (not drawn to scale), the space shuttle is 16 𝑘𝑚 away from the
control tower at an airport. An observer in the control tower sees the shuttle at an elevation
of 15°. If the control tower is 44 𝑚 tall, how high is the shuttle above the ground?

ii) A hill stands in between the space shuttle and the landing runway, that is modelled as a
trapezium, 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷, with AD = 2400 m and BC = 2900 m. Suggest, with calculations, a possible
flight path for the space shuttle to approach the runway, with the following requirements:
a. The space shuttle has to fly at least 1000 feet above the hill to maintain a safety distance.
b. The runway starts at the control tower
c. The steepest angle of final approch must be at most 3.
d. The final descent must start from a distance of at least 3 NM (nautical miles).

Show your solution in a clearly labelled diagram with the necessary dimensions.
5 GPA (Grade Point Average)

A survey of 19 students was done to see if there is a relationship between missed classes and their GPA
(Grade Point Average).

i) Plot these points on a graph with missed classes on the horizontal axis (X) and GPA on the
vertical axis (Y).
ii) Draw a line of best fit and predict what GPA you might get if you miss 20 classes.
iii) How many missed classes are there for a GPA of zero?

You may use computer software (Excel or similar) to complete this item.

0 5 18 10 4 2 5 11 3 7 3 9 12 6 5 13 26 15 24
6.5 5 3 4.8 6.8 4.9 5 4.5 5 4.2 5 5.6 4.5 5 4.4 4 1 3.7 1.8

6 Fencing

A farmer wants to fence a grassland area to control how

the cows eat the grass. The farmer decides to make a
two-by-two rectangle so that the cows can rotate to the
next area once the grass has been eaten. The other 3
areas in the meantime have time to replenish the grass.

(i) You are to design 3 different fenced areas

using 1200m of fence. Find the area of each
(ii) What is the dimension that would give the optimal (maximum) area? Justify your
conclusion with calculations.
7 Pool Area.

Irregular shapes do not have a

formula to calculate the area.
A numerical technique is to break
the shape up into several equal
width rectangles. You can then
measure the height of each
rectangle and get an estimate of the

Using the diagram at the end of this

task sheet, draw a series of
rectangles and determine an
estimate of the area of the main
swimming pool (ignore circular spa

Note that the overall length of the pool is 14m. Use this to find the scale of the diagram.

Are there other shapes you could use to improve your estimate?

8 Create your own problem…

Don’t want to do one of the items listed above? If you would like to create your own example, scenario
or situation run it by your Teacher and they can let you know if it qualifies as a submission option. You
would still need to do a total of two items, this one and another one from the list above.

Obviously it would need to be a suitable level of difficulty. A simplistic problem and solution would
yield a poor result but a very complex example would also not be appropriate – choose a topic from
the MA1022 subject outline, anything outside of it would not be acceptable. Your own original problem
must also be unrelated to any of the items above.

Grading criteria for this item is the same as the others.

Item 1 3D reference image

Item 7 reference image

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