MS Exp. 8 Thermosetting Plastics

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AIM: To study the Thermosetting Plastics


A Thermosetting plastic is a polymer that is irreversibly hardened by heat. Thermosetting plastics

are also known as thermosets, thermosetting polymers, or thermosetting resins. The starting
material for a thermoset is a liquid or soft solid. These materials can be molded into any desired
shape upon heating, but once they are cooled, they permanently get settled and become very rigid
and cannot be reformed or recycled again because of their increased tensile strength and melting
point. They do not melt even at higher temperatures. This rigidity is because of the increase in the
cross-linking of polymer chains present inside the thermosetting materials due to the energy
gained by the heat. In many cases, the rate of cross-linking can also be increased by adding a
catalyst or by applying external pressure.

Fig. 1 Bonding of Thermoset


 Thermosetting materials have a three-dimensional crosslinked molecular structure due to
which they are much stronger than thermoplastics materials.
 The higher the density of cross-links, the higher will be their ability to maintain their rigid
 Thermoset plastics are chemical resistant and can survive against both organic and
inorganic acids.
 The density of thermosetting materials depends on their constituent components.
 These materials lose their elasticity upon heating and become brittle in nature.
 Thermosets can’t be reformed and recycled once they set their shape.
 Thermoset materials maintain their stability at both high and low temperatures.
 By heating the polymer, it turns as hard material.
 It is available in the form of liquid at Room temperature.
 It is a Non-Recyclable process.
 Thermoset in the form of liquid is converted into Thermoset material in the form of solid
which is done by the action of heating and its Vice-versa is not possible.
 Gains strength: By the action of heating, the thermoset plastic material gains strength.
 No change in the strength of the thermosetting plastic is done by the action of cooling.
 Shape change: During heating only, the thermoset material changes its shape.
 Temperature: The servicing temperature of a thermoset plastic material is 300°C.
 Structure: It exhibits a Cyclic structure.
 It is hazardous to the environment which is more when compared to the thermoplastic and
less than the rubber.
In general, thermoset products are made through liquid molding processes. They are produced by
the process of condensation polymerization and consist of long molecular chains that are
cross-linked together by covalent bonds. Heat provides energy for covalent bond formation,
cross-linking the polymer subunits and curing/hardening the plastic. Sometimes the heat is
applied externally, but it may come from the chemical reaction of mixing ingredients. Adding
pressure, a catalyst, or a hardener can increase the curing rate. Once cured, a thermosetting plastic
cannot be re-melted, so it is formed into its final shape by injection molding, extrusion molding,
compression molding, or spin casting.
The polymers and other agents are fed into tanks or barrels, where they are heated to a liquid state
and mixed. Then the liquid polymers and other agents are injected into a mold cavity. As the
material cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity, it goes through a curing process
where the polymers cross-link together. That process forms an irreversible chemical bond that
prevents the risk of melting, softening or warping when or if the finished product is subjected to
high heat or corrosive environments. This makes thermosets perfect for high-heat applications
and outdoor use.

There are two primary liquid molding processes used to produce thermoset plastics:

Reaction Injection Molding (RIM)

The RIM molding process begins when two liquid agents—an A-component (polyol) and
B-component (isocynate)—are placed in separate tanks and heated to an elevated temperature.
They are then fed at high pressure into a mixhead. Once combined, the mixed liquid flows into a
mold where the chemical reaction takes place, forming a polymer in the mold.

Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)

RTM is a closed-molding process also known as liquid molding. Resin formulations are mixed
with a hardener, or catalyst,
and injected into a mold that
contains dry fibers, such as
fiberglass, where the part is
allowed to harden and form.
1) Thermosetting plastics are well-suited in the production of permanent parts for a wide range
of industries because of its toughness and durability.
2) Thermosetting plastics can be manufactured into all shapes and sizes, for just about any
application or need.
3) Lightweight and highly heat resistant, combined with its strength and corrosion resistance,
makes thermosetting plastic parts the choice material used from automobile fenders to
electronic assembly panels.
4) Also, because of its resilience, thermoset plastics will not become weaker when the
temperature increases or decreases.
5) Many manufacturers have switched to thermosets as they are cost-effective and are a great
replacement for some metal components.

Automotive, aerospace, construction, medical, military, agriculture, and corrosion control are all
such industries that utilize parts made with thermoset plastic.
Thermosetting Plastic Examples:
Many plastics encountered in daily life are thermosetting plastics. Examples include:
 Bakelite (phenolic)
 Cyanate esters
 Duroplast
 Epoxy resin
 Fiberglass (a fiber-reinforced thermoset)
 Melamine
 Polyester resin
 Polyurethane
 Silicone resin
 Vinyl esters
 Vulcanized rubber

RESULT: The thermosetting plastics are studied.

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