Identifying Odd and Even Numbers

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Lesson Plan Title

Identifying Odd and Even numbers

Lesson Plan

Title: Identifying Odd and Even Numbers

Grade: 3

Subject: Mathematics

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify odd and even numbers up to 100.

2. Differentiate between odd and even numbers.
3. Apply the concept of odd and even numbers in real-life scenarios.

Standards: This lesson plan aligns with the following standards for the

Common Core State Standards (CCSS):

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.D.9: Identify arithmetic patterns (including

patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them
using properties of operations.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.A.1: Interpret products of whole numbers,
e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects


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I. Introduction (10 minutes)

Begin the lesson by engaging the students' attention with a video or song
about odd and even numbers.
Ask the students if they have any prior knowledge or experience with odd
and even numbers. Write their responses on the board.
Introduce the learning objectives for the lesson and explain the
relevance of understanding odd and even numbers in everyday life.

II. Exploring Odd and Even Numbers (15 minutes) Activity 1: Odd and Even

Provide each student with a set of number cards from 1 to 20.

Instruct the students to sort the cards into two groups: odd numbers and
even numbers.
After they have completed the sorting, have them share their groups with
a partner and explain their reasoning for each number's classification.
As a class, discuss any disagreements or misconceptions that arise
during this activity.Activity 2: Odd and Even Number Line
Distribute a number line from 1 to 50 to each student.
Instruct the students to place a counter or manipulative on each odd
number and leave the even numbers empty.
Encourage students to observe the pattern that emerges on the number
Ask students to reflect on and discuss the patterns they noticed with
their peers.

III. Reinforcing Odd and Even Numbers (20 minutes) Activity 3: Odd or
Even Game

Divide the students into pairs or small groups.

Provide each group with a deck of playing cards with face cards removed.

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Instruct the students to take turns flipping cards and classifying them as
odd or even. They should explain their reasoning to their group members.
Encourage discussions within the groups and address any
misconceptions that arise.
To add a challenge, have the students calculate the sum of the numbers
they flipped and determine if it is odd or even.

IV. Application of Odd and Even Numbers (15 minutes)

Present real-life scenarios where odd and even numbers are applicable,
such as sharing cookies between friends or forming teams.
Discuss how understanding odd and even numbers can help in these
Engage the students in a brief brainstorming session, where they suggest
other scenarios where odd and even numbers are relevant.

V. Conclusion (5 minutes)

Recap the key concepts learned during the lesson.

Review the definitions of odd and even numbers.
Ask the students to consider how they can apply their knowledge of odd
and even numbers outside the classroom.

Assessment: To assess students' understanding of identifying odd and

even numbers, conduct a formative assessment in the form of a worksheet
or a group activity where students classify given numbers as odd or even.
Monitor their participation during the hands-on activities and provide
feedback accordingly.

Extensions: For advanced students, encourage them to explore larger

numbers and patterns related to odd and even numbers. They can also
investigate divisibility rules for determining whether a number is odd or

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For struggling students, provide additional practice with manipulatives or

visuals, such as using number charts or counters to identify odd and even

Note: This lesson plan should be adjusted to meet any specific state
standards that may apply.

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