Four Bar Velocity - Reyes Lab 03
Four Bar Velocity - Reyes Lab 03
Four Bar Velocity - Reyes Lab 03
Use Adam/ View to
Create a marker
Change angle units
Add motion
Usen Adams/Postprocessor to
Create center of mas angular velocity measurements
Software Version
Adams 2013.2
Problem Description
In the four-bar linkage shown, control link OA has a counterclockwise angular
velocity omega = 10 rad/s during a short interval of motion. When the link CB
passes the vertical position shown, point A has coordinates x
= -60 mm and y = 80 mm. By means of vector algebra, determine the angular
velocity of AB and BC.
This problem asks for the rotational velocity of segment BC when it is in the
pictured position given a constant and known rotational velocity for segment
OA. We will use ADAMS to create a model with the given conditions and
collect the data needed.
Step 1. Creating the Model
Step 2. Create a Marker
a. Start Adams/View.
a. Press F4 to Open Coordinate Window
b. Create a new model. (Model Name = Fourbar, Units = b. From Bodies ribbon, select Construction
mmks, Gravity = none) Geometry: Marker
c. Modify the spacing of the Working Grid (X = 10mm, c. Create a marker at each of the following
Y= 10mm) coordinates: O (0, 0, 0); A (-60, 80, 0); B (180,
d. Click Units from Settings menu 180, 0); C (180, 0, 0)
e. Select Radian from Angle pull down menu
f. Click OK
Step 3. Create Links and Joints
a. From Bodies ribbon, double click RigidBody: Link Step 4. Add Motion
b. Create links OA, AB, and BC, using the markers a. From Motions ribbon, select Rotational Joint
as end points. Motion
c. From Connectors ribbon, double click Create a b. Enter (1rad) in Rot.Speed text field
Revolute joint c. Select joint at point O
d. Make revolute joints between two links at points A
and B, and between link and ground at O and C.
Step 5. Testing the Model Theoretical Solution
a. From Simulation ribbon, select Run an Interactive
b. Set End Time to 10 and Step Size to 0.1
c. Click Start,
d. Click Plotting
e. Create a CM position plot for link OA in X component
f. Create a CM angular velocity plot for LinkAB and
LinkBC in mag component
g. Use the Plot tracking tool
h. Follow the plot curve. Find the angular velocity at X =
Adams solution