Chapter 2 Wastewater Treatment Methods in Malaysia

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Chapter 1 – Introduction to
Wastewater Engineering
Semester II, 2022/2023

By: Ir. Ts. Siti Salwa Othman

[email protected]
Wastewater Treatment Methods in
Methods classified into:
 Physical unit operations.
 Chemical unit processes.
 Biological unit processes.
 Physical Unit Operation
The methods application of physical forces to treat sewage.
High capability in accomplish the effective treatment to
obtain the desired plant performance.
Operation Application
Screening Removal of course and settleable solids by surface straining
Comminution Grinding of course solids
Flow Equalization Equalization of flow and mass loadings of BOD suspended solids
Mixing Mixing of chemical and gases and maintain solid suspension
Flocculation Production of aggregation of smaller particle to bigger particle
Sedimentation Removal of settleable solids and thickening of sludge
Flotation Removal of finely suspended solids and particles
Filtration Removal of fine residual suspended solid remaining after
biological/chemical treatment
Micro Screening Same as filtration. Removal of algae from stabilization pond
 Biological Unit Processes
The methods which remove the pollutants by biological activity.
Biodegradable organic substances are converted into gasses that
escape to the atmosphere and cell tissue is removed by settling.
Oxidation Pond Basic Biological Reaction in an Oxidation Pond.
 Biological Unit Processes
The treatment methods which removal or conversion of
pollutants by the addition of chemicals or by chemical
reaction are known as Chemical Unit Processes. These
include precipitation, adsorption and disinfection
Sewage Water Treatment Diagram
Effluent Standards
Domestic sewage treatment is mainly designed to produced an
effluent low in solids and organic.
Standard have been established for the quality of effluent
discharged from treatment plants to receiving waters. These
take the form of acceptable upper limits for various effluent
Effluents from treatment plants are regularly sampled and
tested in laboratories to ensure that these standards are being
met and that treatment plants are being operated correctly.
Pollutants in sewage are measured to better understand and
thus facilitate the treatment of sewage and to examine the
effects of effluent on environmental.
In Malaysia, tests are carried out as part of a monitoring
program in keeping with Indah Water Konsortium and to ensure
the efficient operation of treatment processes.
Volume of effluent discharge per day can be used to calculate
the Dry Weather Flow (DWF)
DWF: Average daily sewage flow entering a sewage treatment or
sewer measured following 7 days without rain and during which
on the preceding 7 days, rainfall did not exceed 25 mm on any
Two (2) most important parameters measured are Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Suspended Solids (SS).
BOD is an amount of oxygen required to microorganism to break
down organic matter in wastewater. High BOD means that
sewage will rapidly consume all the naturally Dissolved Oxygen
(DO) in streams, river and lakes. Thus, it will killing off all
aquatic life and rendering the water septic and foul smelling.
SS is a measure of the undissolved material in sewage. High SS
leads to sludge deposits in the waterways. Thus, it will causing
significant environmental deterioration.
Standard BOD (mg/L) SS (mg/L) COD (mg/L) Oil and Grease
A 20 50 120 Not Detectable
B 50 100 200 0

Effluent that is discharged upstream (or any sensitive area) of a

water supply intake should meet Standard A. While effluent that
is discharged downstream must meet Standard B.
In Malaysia, these standards are set by the Environmental
Quality Act 1974.
Other Effluent Standard
Parameter Unit Standard
Temperature C 40 40
pH Value - 6.0 – 9.0 5.5 – 9.0
Mercury mg/l 0.005 0.05
Cadmium mg/l 0.01 0.02
Chromium (Hex) mg/l 0.05 0.05
Arsenic mg/l 0.05 0.1
Cyanide mg/l 0.05 0.1
Lead mg/l 0.1 0.5
Chromium (Tri) mg/l 0.2 1
Copper mg/l 0.2 1
Manganese mg/l 0.2 1
Parameter Unit Standard
Nickel mg/l 0.2 1
Tin mg/l 0.2 1
Zinc mg/l 1 1
Boron mg/l 1 4
Iron (Fe) mg/l 1 5
Phenol mg/l 0.001 1
Free Chlorine mg/l 1 2
Sulphide mg/l 0.5 0.5
Wastewater Concentration
Type of Wastewater BOD (mg/l) Wastewater BOD Load
(1) Volume (l/unit) (gram/unit)
(2) (3) = (1) x (2)
Cow 450 – 4330 45 – 136 182
Pig 1275 – 13260 11 – 23 114
Chicken and Duck 8500 – 40000 0.2 7 – 15
Sewage 250 - 400 227 68

BOD Load = BOD (mg/liter) x Volume (liter/unit)

BOD Value
Type of Wastewater BOD Load per day TKN Load perday
(gram/ (gram/
Sewage 55 -
Cow 498 222
Buffolo 347 107
Sheep 102 22
Pig 137 23

BOD Load and TKN composition per day for varies wastewater (Nicoll, 1998)
BOD Calculation
BOD value is very important to estimate wastewater concentration
with knowing the population (example: people/unit).
For example: BOD Load for 100 people
100 x 55 gram/day = 55,000 gram/day
If we know the flowrate, we can calculate the BOD value.
BOD Value = BOD Load (gram/liter)
Flowrate (liter/

BOD Load per day = gram/

For human normally refer to capita!

Thank you

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