Bookshelf NBK447989
Bookshelf NBK447989
Bookshelf NBK447989
Osteoporosis – Prevention,
Diagnosis and Treatment
A Systematic Review
Executive Director
Board of Directors
Karolinska Institute (Chair) Swedish Research Council National Board of Health
and Welfare
Swedish Association of Swedish Federation of GUNNAR ÅGREN
Health Professionals County Councils National Institute of
Public Health
Swedish Medical Association Faculty of Odontology, ULLA ÅHS
Malmö Swedish Association of
Local Authorities
Swedish Society of Medicine ULF WETTERBERG
Swedish Federation of
County Councils
Osteoporosis – Prevention,
Diagnosis and Treatment
A Systematic Literature Review
October 2003
Scientific Reviewers:
Mats Palmér Olle Svensson
Karin Ringsberg
4 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
❑ No particular diagnostic method or measurement site is opti-
mal for determining the risk for fracture in all parts of the
skeleton. Measurement of bone density in the hip is best for
predicting the risk for hip fracture. Measurements in the ver-
tebrae are best for predicting vertebral fracture. There is
more uncertainty regarding comparisons of the various mea-
surement methods – dual energy x-ray absorbtiometry
(DXA), ultrasound, and computed tomography (CT).
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risedronate (bisphosphonates) are shown to reduce the
number of fractures, mainly vertebral fractures, in postmeno-
pausal women with osteoporosis. Estrogen has been shown to
reduce the number of fractures, but its applicability is limited
due to increased risk for undesirable side effects. Selective
estrogen-receptor modulators (SERM) are shown to reduce
the risk for vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women
with osteoporosis.
67 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Consequences of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a common condition in Sweden. Measurement of
bone density in the hip shows that one in three women aged 70
to 79 years has osteoporosis. This means that the skeleton is too
thin and its strength so low that fracture can occur following
minor mechanical stress, ie, low-energy fracture.
Annually, approximately 70 000 fractures in Sweden are asso-
ciated with osteoporosis, whereof approximately 18 000 are hip
fractures. The number of hip fractures has increased in recent
years, mainly because more people are living longer.
In Sweden, the risk that a 50-year-old woman will have an
osteoporosis-related hip fracture at some time during the remain-
der of her life is 23 per cent (11 per cent in men). Corresponding
figures for vertebral fracture are 15 per cent (9 per cent), wrist
fracture 22 per cent (5 per cent), and upper arm fracture 13 per
cent (4 per cent). The risk that a middle-aged women, at some
point during the remainder of her life, will have one or more
osteoporosis-related fractures is approximately 50 per cent, and
the figure for a middle-aged man is approximately 25 per cent.
Women are at higher risk because they have a thinner skeleton
than men do, lose bone mass more quickly in conjunction with
menopause, and because they live longer.
The fracture risk varies among nations, even within Europe.
Sweden and Norway have the highest fracture rates. Although the
reasons have not been confirmed, some of the factors discussed
include heredity, body physique, low level of physical activity,
dietary patterns, and vitamin D deficiency.
The number of hip fractures has increased in recent decades,
mainly due to the aging population. In 1988, Sweden reported
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18 417 hip fractures, while in 1999 the figure was 19 715, an increase
of 7 per cent. Age standardization, which considers that fractures
are more common in higher ages, shows that the incidence (the
annual number of cases per inhabitant) has declined by 5 per cent
among women, but increased equally as much in men.
Osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures and rib fractures may
be spontaneous or caused by minimum stress, while wrist and hip
fractures always occur in conjunction with a fall. Falls may result
from the individual having poor balance, weak muscles, or factors
in the external environment.
Mortality from hip fractures is high. Within one year following
a fracture, mortality in the hip fracture group is 10 per cent to 15
per cent higher than in a corresponding group of the same gender
and age without hip fracture. The social consequences from osteo-
porosis fracture are also substantial. Following a hip fracture, not
everyone can return to his or her own residence, and walking abil-
ity deteriorates, which may increase social isolation. For many
patients, quality of life deteriorates. This also concerns individuals
affected by vertebral fractures. For these patients, pain and altered
appearance contribute toward social isolation.
Costs to Society
Hip fractures account for more than one half of all fracture-rela-
ted, direct healthcare costs. Among women over 45 years of age,
the annual number of patient days in acute care hospitals for hip
fractures is higher than for, eg, myocardial infarction, breast cancer,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or diabetes mellitus.
Patient rehabilitation, primary care, and municipal housing also
generate major expenditures. The total direct costs for osteoporo-
sis-related fractures is approximately 3.1 billion SEK. This corres-
ponds to 1.9 per cent of the cost for health care. Indirect costs, ie,
for lost productivity, are approximately 440 million SEK. The
total cost in Sweden for osteoporosis and osteoporosis-related frac-
tures is approximately 3.5 billion SEK. Table 1 presents the cost
10 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Table 1. Costs in Sweden for osteoporosis and osteopo-
rosis-related fractures during the first year following
fracture (2001 price level)
Pharmaceuticals 230
Osteoporosis results from a reduction in the quantity of bone
tissue and the deterioration of bone microstructure, leading to a
general loss in bone strength.
The skeleton consists of two types of bone tissue. Cortical
bone is the compact tissue that forms an outer shell (cortical=outer)
covering every part of the skeleton. The inner part of the skeleton
consists of cancellous tissue, or trabecular bone, constructed of
small “beams”. Trabecular bone contains more bone cells and is
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replaced faster than cortical bone. The percentage of cortical bone
and trabecular bone varies among the different parts of the skele-
ton. The center of the long bones contains, almost exclusively,
cortical bone while the vertebrae contain approximately 75 per
cent trabecular bone. The basic substance of bone (matrix) consists
of protein. Its hardness and strength depends on the storage of
minerals, mainly calcium salts.
The skeleton is formed (modeled) as the individual grows.
Height increases and dimensions become greater. However, bone
tissue continues to be replaced and modeled even after growth
ceases, adapting to mechanical stresses for the remainder of one’s
life. Small injuries are continually repaired.
If the calcium content in blood becomes too low, calcium is
released from the skeleton. Normal replacement and development
of bone tissue requires sufficient nutrition, normal hormone for-
mation in the body, and sufficient stress on the skeleton.
Bone tissue includes various types of cells. The osteoblasts
build bone by mineralizing tissue, while osteoclasts break down
bone tissue. When people are young, the system is in balance and
the skeleton is maintained. When women reach menopause, the
production of estrogen declines and eventually ceases completely,
and the breakdown of bone tissue increases. At higher ages, in
both men and women, the production of constructive hormones
is diminished, as is the formation of active vitamin D in the kid-
neys. Frequently, physical activity and nutritional intake also de-
cline. Combined, these factors lead toward greater loss of bone
tissue and diminished bone quality in the elderly.
Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
To diagnose osteoporosis, several methods have been developed to
measure bone density. The methods assessed in this report include
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), quantitative computed
tomography (QCT), and quantitative ultrasound (QUS). A diag-
nosis is needed to assess the risk for fracture and to design treat-
12 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
ment. The risk for fracture is associated with the total decrease in
bone density, ie the decrease associated with age and possibly
greater deterioration compared with others of the same age.
This increasing decrease in bone density is usually expressed as a
T-score, ie the number of standard deviation units from the mean
value in a young, healthy population of the same gender. The
standard deviation units from the mean value in individuals of the
same age and gender (Z-score) provides other information, ie how
deviating the measured value is for an individual of this age.
Hence, an older person may have a T-score value indicating osteo-
porosis, but show a normal value for the age group (Z-score).
(See Figure 1.)
High bone density WHO
2 1
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An expert group under the World Health Organization (WHO)
proposed a definition for osteoporosis based on DXA to measure
bone density in the hip, vertebra, or lower arm in postmenopausal
women. Other measurement methods for bone density may use
other diagnostic boundaries. Neither children, adolescents, men,
nor very old people are included in this classification since there is
insufficient information on the “normal” bone density values
in these groups.
WHO Definition
Normal bone density: The measured value is no more than 1 stan-
dard deviation (SD) below the mean for young adults in the same
Reduced bone density (osteopenia): The measured value is between
1 and 2.5 standard deviations below the mean for young adults in
the same population.
Osteoporosis: The measured value is more than 2.5 standard devia-
tions below the mean for young adults in the same population.
Established osteoporosis: Value is more than 2.5 standard deviations
below the mean for young adults in the same population, and
patients have at least one fracture caused by low energy trauma.
14 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Project Scope and Design
New methods for diagnosing osteoporosis have emerged in recent
years. Several pharmaceuticals have been approved for treating
osteoporosis and preventing fractures. Protective devices to help
prevent damage caused by falls have become available. These
interventions provide some advantages, but also generate costs
and, in some cases, disadvantages for the patients. The aim of the
project has been to systematically and critically assess the scientific
evidence on the effectiveness of various interventions. It was par-
ticularly important to address the following issues:
• Can different risk groups be defined?
• Can preventive interventions be recommended?
• Is general screening justified?
• How should new diagnostic methods be assessed?
• How should pharmacotherapy be assessed?
The charge to the Project Group also included assessment of the
costs and cost effectiveness of the various treatment models.
This report was compiled by a Project Group of 15 individuals
representing most of the specialties that care for patients with
Relevant questions were formulated and criteria were estab-
lished to include or exclude studies in the areas to be reviewed.
The criteria established for the studies’ design, outcome measures,
followup period, population size, and time periods vary among
different subject areas, depending mainly on the availability of
studies. In pharmacotherapy, randomized controlled trials were
required, usually with fracture as an endpoint. For diagnostics,
risk factors, and rehabilitation, an epidemiological study was usu-
ally required. In addition to fracture, other accepted outcome
measures include quality of life and the secondary endpoints of
bone density and bone mass.
The first step in researching the literature was to investigate
the availability of systematic reviews and meta-analyses in the
Cochrane Library databases as regards the questions to be an-
swered. Thereafter, several searches were conducted in Medline.
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Sources, mainly the Cochrane Library, were periodically checked
to identify any new systematic reviews. Complementary searches
related to certain questions were conducted in the EmBase,
Cinahl, Cats, and SciSearch databases. In addition, reference lists
were reviewed and relevant journals and Swedish dissertations
were checked.
The first selection of studies was carried out by reviewing how
well the summaries identified in the database searches fulfilled the
predetermined criteria. The next stage involved ordering full text
articles or other documents. From the studies selected, the data
that would be essential for the final assessment were extrapolated
and tabulated.
16 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Table 2 Risk Factors
Non-treatable risk factors Treatable risk factors
High age Physical inactivity
Previous fracture Low weight/low BMI
Female gender Cortisone treatment
Menopause Low bone density
Heredity Tendency to fall
Ethnicity Tobacco smoking
Body height Alcohol consumption
Low exposure to sunlight
Impaired vision
High Age
Bone density declines in both genders as age increases. In women,
bone loss is more rapid following menopause and continues
throughout life. In men, bone loss is more continuous. Parallel
with bone loss, the risk for fracture among women aged 80 years
and older is approximately 30 per cent higher than in women
aged 50 to 59 years. High age increases the risk for low bone
density, and for fractures in both women and men (Evidence
Grade 1).
Previous Fracture
Both women and men who previously experienced vertebral com-
pression or fractures in the wrist, upper arm, or hip are at in-
creased risk for hip fracture and vertebral compression (Evidence
Grade 1). For example, the risk for hip fracture is more than
double in those who have already experienced such a fracture.
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Female Gender
Women between the ages of 60 and 80 years lose nearly twice the
bone density than men of the same age. The risk for hip fracture
in women is also nearly doubled. In both women and men the
risk for hip fracture doubles every fifth year. Men in a particular
age group have the same incidence of hip fracture as women in a
group 5 years younger. The prevalence of vertebral fracture in
a Swedish population was twice as high in women as in men.
(Evidence Grade 1)
The average age of menopause among Swedish women is 51 years.
In menopause, the production of estrogen in the ovaries declines
and eventually ceases, leading to increased bone loss. Bone loss is
greatest during the first years following menopause (Evidence
Grade 1). Menopause is usually defined as early if it occurs prior
to 45 years of age. Women with early menopause have less bone
density than women of comparable age with normal menopause.
The risk for osteoporosis-related fractures in women with early
menopause is triple that of comparably aged women with normal
menopause. The importance of this risk factor is thought to decline
after 70 years of age. (Evidence Grade 2)
Women having a mother with osteoporosis run a slightly higher
risk for osteoporosis. If the mother experienced a hip fracture, the
risk for the daughter is moderately increased (Evidence Grade 2).
There is some evidence that hip fracture in the mother increases
the risk for vertebral compression in her sons (Evidence Grade 3).
Studies of twins have yielded inconsistent findings.
Different ethnic groups have different maximum bone mass and
different rates of bone loss following menopause. This is probably
18 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
due to the fact that body measurements and lifestyle differ among
different ethnic groups. Studies in the United States show that
bone density was highest among Afro-Americans, lower among
whites, and lowest among Asian women. The risk for fracture
was, nevertheless, lower among Asian women than among white
women, but lowest among Afro-American women. These differ-
ences can be partly explained by differences in body composition.
(Evidence Grade 2)
Body Height
Tall women are at greater risk for osteoporosis and fractures
(Evidence Grade 1). There is weak evidence that tall body height
at 25 years of age can predict later fracture (Evidence Grade 3).
Physical Inactivity
The percentage of physically inactive individuals increases with
increasing age. Elderly women are more inactive than elderly
men. Physical inactivity comprises an independent risk factor for
hip fractures in both women and men. The absence of weight-
bearing muscle exercise increases the risk for hip fracture
(Evidence Grade 1).
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Corticosteroids Treatment
Treatment (tablets) based on a daily dose corresponding to at least
5 mg prednisolone reduces bone density and increases the risk for
fracture. A single daily dose of 7.5 mg prednisolone for a longer
period doubles the risk for hip fracture and nearly triples the risk
for vertebral fracture (Evidence Grade 1). Low and moderate
doses of inhalation steroids for longer periods in treating asthma
do not increase the risk for osteoporosis and fracture (Evidence
Grade 2).
Tendency to Fall
Fractures in the hip and the wrist are often caused by a fall on a
level plane. Falling sideways is of importance in hip fractures.
One fourth of those over 65 years of age have fallen at least once
in the past year. For individuals aged 80 through 84 years, the
figure is approximately 40 per cent. Factors shown to increase the
risk for fracture by falling include major body instability, low
muscle strength, impaired mobility, urinary incontinence in the
oldest age group, medications that reduce the awareness level, and
impaired vision. The increased tendency to fall is a major risk
factor for fractures among the elderly (Evidence Grade 1).
Tobacco Smoking
Tobacco smoking influences metabolism in the skeleton, both
indirectly via the hormone system, but also through direct toxic
effects on bone tissue. Bone density is lower among smokers and
20 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
ex-smokers. This applies to both genders (Evidence Grade 1). The
risk for hip fracture among women who smoke is up to three
times higher than among non-smokers. The greatest risk is found
among low weight women. Even men who smoke are at an in-
creased risk for hip fracture (Evidence Grade 1). Although smo-
king cessation will reduce the risk, some elevated risk will remain.
Alcohol Consumption
The risk for hip fracture increases in both genders as alcohol intake
increases. Men who are high consumers of alcohol have a five
times greater risk for hip fracture than those who abstain. Women
with high alcohol consumption have a 40 per cent increase in the
risk for hip fracture (Evidence Grade 2). This increase in risk may
be associated with the poor nutritional situation and increased
tendency to fall among alcoholics.
Impaired Vision
In people aged 75 years and older, impaired vision is included as
an independent risk factor for falls and fractures. The risk for hip
fractures five times greater among women with impaired vision at
a mean age of 80 years. Impaired vision is an important risk factor
for accidental falls leading to hip fracture in both genders
(Evidence Grade 2).
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Methods to Determine Bone Mass and Predict
Fracture Risk
The bone density measurement methods that have been adequately
assessed scientifically, and assessed in this section, include DXA,
QCT, and QUL. As presented in the introduction, osteoporosis
is defined by WHO as bone density that is at least 2.5 standard
deviations below the mean value in a young, healthy, gender-
matched population. A low value measured in part of the skeleton
is sufficient to establish a diagnosis of osteoporosis. If several parts
of the skeleton are measured, the probability for establishing a
diagnosis increases.
22 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Method Body part Examination Accuracy % Precision % Advantages Disadvantages
time (min)
DXA Whole body 3–10 3–9 0,5–3 Relatively high Measure in gram
(DEXA) Lumbar spine per body part precision per surface area,
Hip Low radiation size dependent.
Heel dose Relatively high
Many body price. Influenced
parts including by arthrosis and
determining bone density.
* Ultrasound measurements use sound speed and ultrasound attenuation in bone. Hence, accuracy is not relevant in relation to bone density.
Measuring a certain sound speed with a certain accuracy does not tell how accurately the bone density has been indirectly estimated.
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There are no optimal diagnostic methods or measurement sites for
determining fracture risks in all parts of the skeleton. Measuring
bone density in the hip is best for predicting the risk for hip frac-
ture. Comparisons of the various measurement methods – DXA,
ultrasound, and CT – are less certain. This uncertainty is not due
solely to the methods themselves, but also to biological variations;
bone density declines in winter but is unchanged or
increases in the summer.
Heel as
measured 2.2 (1.8–2.7) 1.8 (1.5–2.2) 1.5 (1.4–1.7)
by ultrasound
* The confidence interval is equivalent to the lowest individual confidence interval for each
measurement site.
24 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Table 5 compares the absolute 10-year risk for hip fracture in both
genders having osteoporosis at different ages (T-score –2.5 SD)
with the absolute fracture risk in corresponding age groups.
Women Relative risk for Absolute risk for Absolute risk for
hip fracture versus hip fracture hip, wrist, vertebral,
the population shoulder fracture
Men Relative risk for Absolute risk for Absolute risk for
hip fracture versus hip fracture hip, wrist, vertebral,
the population shoulder fracturer
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The relative risk (RR) for fracture is high among 60-year-old
women and men with osteoporosis compared to corresponding
age groups. In the group aged 80 years (T-score –2.5 SD) there is
no such difference in the risk for fracture. However, the opposite
applies regarding the absolute risk, ie, the younger group with a
high relative risk have a lower absolute risk than 80-year-old group.
26 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
the heel in predicting fractures.
Ultrasound studies of the fingers, wrist, and knee are not
shown to be superior to studies of the heel, which is therefore
recommended among the ultrasound examination options
(Evidence Grade 3). Quantitative computed tomography of
central aspects of the skeleton is a research method, since it
yields a high radiation dose and poor accuracy (Evidence Grade 1).
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Biomedical and Genetic Markers for Bone Remodeling
In the remodeling of mature bone, several different substances are
released that can serve as markers of bone metabolism. These
markers circulate in the blood and are excreted in the urine where
they can be analyzed. The hope is that these substances can be
used to identify individuals at increased risk for fracture, to facili-
tate diagnosis and to predict the effects of osteoporosis treatment.
Research is under way to investigate the genetic background of
Biochemical markers are currently a research instrument, and
are not used in routine health services. Genetic markers for bone
density also remain at the research stage and cannot be used in
clinical practice.
Physical Activity
Total physical activity refers to how much a person moves on his
or her way to and from work, during work, at home, and during
leisure-time activities. The higher incidence of osteoporosis could
possible reflect a change in life style that involves reduced physical
A mechanical load that places greater stress on a part of the
skeleton leads to the formation of new bone in that part. Too little
load in any part of the skeleton leads to degradation of bone and
a reduction in bone mass. Biomechanical stresses and muscles
play a role in the formation of bone tissue. Heavy, quick, and
varied load or stress probably has the greatest effect on bone for-
mation. Continual weight-bearing stimuli are thought to have the
greatest effect on maintaining bone mass.
In assessing the effect of physical activity on health and bone
mass, one must consider several factors that may influence the
outcome. Individuals who are physically active may differ from
others in several respects. People with good health, good muscle
power, and good dietary habits are probably more physically ac-
tive than others. Hence, it is important to assess the population
28 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
studied, how exercise is designed and registered, and how the
outcome measures are selected in relation to the population and
its level of physical activity. In most cases, bone mass or bone
density are used as outcome measures. Isolated studies have re-
ported on the rate of fracture. There are many types of physical
activity: regular walking, aerobics, jogging, jumping, bodybuil-
ding, weight lifting, school gymnastics, bicycling, and swimming.
Other activities also apply to those heavily involved in sports.
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Studies of people involved in sports have included rowers, ten-
nis players, bicyclists, and runners. All studies are small, and rea-
sons other than exercise cannot be excluded in explaining differen-
ces. Generally, one finds an increase in bone mass in parts of the
skeleton that have been subjected to substantial load (Evidence
Grade 3).
30 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Does physical activity have different effects in men and women?
Most studies are conducted on women. Among children and
teenagers, one observes the same positive effects in both genders
(Evidence Grade 2). A few studies in adult men found no effects
on bone density from physical activity, but a possible effect in
terms of reduced risk for vertebral compression after long-term
Dietary habits, exactly like other lifestyle factors, may be associa-
ted with bone density and the risk for fracture resulting from
osteoporosis. Diet is important, both because it is necessary to
have a sufficient supply of energy and nutrition and because poor
dietary habits may cause deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
Nutritional deficiencies are common among the elderly with ill-
ness. A Swedish study found that 28 per cent of the patients who
were admitted to a geriatric department were undernourished.
This also applied to 38 per cent of the patients with hip fracture
and 8 per cent of stroke patients.
Is total dietary intake important for bone mass and fracture risk?
A certain intake of energy and nutrition is necessary so that the
supply of nutritional substances is sufficient and that protein is
not burned off as energy. Low-weight individuals have a different
hormone balance and a lower content of important growth fac-
tors. A slim individual also has little tissue to cushion falls.
Undernourishment and low weight increases the risk for osteopo-
rosis and fractures caused by osteoporosis (Evidence Grade 2).
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research findings have demonstrated the effect that protein con-
tent in the diet has on bone loss and fractures caused by osteopo-
rosis (Evidence Grade 3).
32 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
of a generally good nutritional status (Evidence Grade 2).
Documentation is insufficient to show general co-variation
between calcium intake in the diet and bone density or osteopo-
rosis-related fractures. There may be an effect between calcium
intake (more than 1500 mg/day) and bone density in postmeno-
pausal women (Evidence Grade 3). Documentation on the
relationship between the dietary content of calcium and the risk
for fracture is insufficient. Other minerals in the diet have not
been sufficiently studied
What role does diet play in the formation of bone mass during
growing years?
The studies which have analyzed the importance of diet during
childhood and adolescence clearly suggest that good dietary
habits involving sufficient intake of protein, calcium (milk prod-
ucts), and necessary vitamins is important for developing maxi-
mum bone mass (Evidence Grade 2).
Pharmacotherapy for osteoporosis involves the use of calcium,
vitamin D, and three types of substances that impede the degra-
dation of bone tissue. The three substances include estrogen
agents of moderate potency, selective estrogen receptor modula-
tors (SERM), and bisphosphonates. Agents are available in other
countries which stimulate bone formation, eg, parathormone
(PTH). This agent is expected to be approved in Sweden in the
near future.
Most treatment studies of these drugs have examined their
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effects on bone density or biochemical markers. This report priori-
tizes studies addressing the most important outcome measure,
namely the risk for fracture. Most studies are conducted on middle-
aged and elderly women. Only a few studies involve men. Some
studies address osteoporosis caused by cortisone in men and
women. Most studies have been under way for three years. Isolated
studies have examined safety and tolerance up to seven years.
An earlier SBU report on estrogen treatment concluded that evi-
dence shows that estrogen agents of moderate potency can prevent
bone loss (Evidence Grade 1) and reduce the number of fractures
(Evidence Grade 2). Several studies have been presented since
publication of the SBU report, mainly the Women’s Health
Initiative (WHI) addressing primary prevention. Part of the study
showed that estrogen combined with progesterone reduces the risk
for hip fracture and other fractures. The study was discontinued
prematurely due to increased incidence of breast cancer and
cardiovascular diseases. However the evidence for fracture reduc-
34 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
tion is good (Evidence Grade 1). The applicability of treatment is
limited by its undesirable effects. There are no controlled studies
of fractures during estrogen treatment in women at high risk for
osteoporosis fractures.
A large study has shown a reduced risk for vertebral fractures in
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis (Evidence Grade 1).
Data are lacking for other fractures.
Currently, three bisphosphonates are registered in Sweden for
treatment of osteoporosis: alendronate, etidronate, and risedronate.
There are several large studies of alendronate and risedronate in
women with osteoporosis. All of these studies show a lower frac-
ture prevalence. The best effects concern vertebral fractures and
all peripheral fractures (Evidence Grade 1). There is also a signifi-
cant reduction in the risk for hip fractures among elderly women
with osteoporosis (Evidence Grade 2). Isolated studies suggest
that these agents also have preventive effects for bone mass and
vertebral compression in men (Evidence Grade 3). Risedronate
prevents the loss of bone mass in cortisone-treated patients
(Evidence Grade 1). The evidence is insufficient for determining
the effects on fracture risk in cortisone-treated patients.
F RO M T H E R E P O RT ” O S T E O P O RO S I S –
P R E V E N T I O N , D I A G N O S I S A N D T R E AT M E N T ”
Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis
and Preventive Fracture Treatment
A feature common to all economic calculations is the use of
models to estimate the cost effectiveness of different treatments.
Osteoporosis treatment influences the risk of disease for extended
periods, motivating the use of models. Uncertainty about the
costs and effects in the studies requires one to interpret with cau-
tion the conclusions of the cost effectiveness of various treat-
ments. Future economic assessments require further knowledge
about the effects and risks of treatment, mortality, quality of life,
and cost in various ages and risk groups.
Reliable conclusions cannot be drawn regarding the cost effective-
ness of hormone treatment in preventive intervention of fractures
in asymptomatic women.
Clinical studies have shown that bisphosphonates protect against
fractures in elderly women with osteoporosis. Economic studies
suggest that treatment with bisphosphonates is cost effective in
elderly women with elevated fracture risk. Assessing this with great-
er certainty would require further studies to analyze the effects of
treatment on fracture risks in these patient groups during and fol-
lowing treatment.
Calcium + Vitamin D
Studies of treatment with calcium and vitamin D have shown a
reduced prevalence of fractures in elderly women with osteoporo-
sis. Since the costs are moderate, the treatment of elderly women
with calcium/vitamin D is cost effective.
36 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Pain and Pain Treatment
Nothing would suggest that osteoporosis alone causes acute or
chronic pain. Symptoms appear following acute fractures, or as
after-effects of previously incurred fractures. Many patients with
osteoporosis may also experience other back problems, eg, degen-
erative changes that cause back pain without the presence of ver-
tebral compression. In older people, both degenerative changes
and osteoporosis with vertebral fractures are common, but the
prevalence varies in different populations. The literature review
focuses on vertebral compression and back pain. Fracture-related
pain and conditions resulting from peripheral fractures are not
addressed since they are oriented more toward orthopedics.
F RO M T H E R E P O RT ” O S T E O P O RO S I S –
P R E V E N T I O N , D I A G N O S I S A N D T R E AT M E N T ”
Is orthopedic surgery using vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty
effective against back pain in osteoporosis?
The methods have been tested since the mid 1990s and involve
injecting bone cement into the vertebral body. In vertebroplasty
and kyphoplasty, bone cement is injected to relieve pain and stabil-
ize the vertebrae. In kyphoplasty, the compromised vertebral body
is initially expanded to restore, either fully or partially, the height
of the vertebrae. Only recent vertebral fractures can be treated
since fracture healing occurs within two months, rendering the
procedure more difficult. Several published case reports suggest
that vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty provide rapid and effective
pain relief in selected patients with fresh vertebral fractures
(Evidence Grade 3). Randomized controlled trials have yet to
show that this invasive treatment has a better effect than conven-
tional pain relief, and that it is effective and safe in long term
followup in unselected patient groups.
Isolated, well-execute studies suggest that physiotherapy involving
exercise of muscle strength and balance in women with fresh ver-
tebral fractures provides favorable effects, such as lower experience
of pain, reduced use of pain relievers, and improved quality of life
(Evidence Grade 3).
38 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Falls and Preventing Falls
Falls are common and are increasing in absolute
numbers, mainly because the number of elderly is
increasing. During a year, falls occur in approxi-
mately 30 per cent of those over 65 years of age.
Two thirds of the individuals in nursing
homes fall during a year, half of them more
than once. Several factors may, alone or in
combination, cause falls. Causes may
include age-related changes in balance,
joints and muscle problems, vision
problems, dizziness, general weakness,
undernourishment, medication, and hazards
that cause falls inside and outside of the home.
All falls do not lead to fractures, but the risk
increases if the person who falls has osteoporosis.
Several studies address exercise programs to
improve balance. In summary, there is moderate
scientific evidence that walks and aerobic exercise
improve balance, oxygen uptake, strength, and
quality of life (Evidence Grade 2). Individually
designed training programs for muscle strength
and balance have been shown to reduce the
number of falls (Evidence Grade 2).
Also, interventions to reduce the risks at
home can result in reducing number of falls
(Evidence Grade 2). However, interventions are
less successful in reducing the number of falls
among individuals with impaired cognitive
function (Evidence Grade 3). There is no evi-
dence showing that interventions to prevent
falls will reduce the number of fractures.
Hip Protectors
Falling laterally on the upper part of the femur often causes a hip
fracture. Hip protectors are intended to reduce the impact of the
fall on this particular area. Hip protection devices usually consist
of an undergarment with fixed or removable plastic shields cover-
ing the hip. Hence, they are effective only for the upper part of
the femur. Elderly people who live in institutions or their own
home have been studied. Hip protectors appear to reduce the risk
for hip fracture after falls in the elderly who live in nursing homes
or institutions (Evidence Grade 2). A problem is compliance, as
identified in a study where no difference in the fracture rate was
observed among those who used hip protectors and the control
group. The participants did not use the protectors during the
night, and falls occurred when they got out of bed. The use of hip
protectors requires motivating not only the individual but also the
Studies of hip protectors suggest that they can protect against
fractures in selected elderly, high-risk patient groups in nursing
homes. In these groups, hip protectors can be cost effective. To
reliably assess cost effectiveness, more studies are needed to invest-
igate the costs and effects in different age groups and living situa-
40 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Hip Fractures
Rehabilitation in geriatric, orthopedic, or multidisciplinary care is
equivalent with regard to outcome measures such as mortality,
institutional living, and function (Evidence Grade 1).
Different types of intensive exercise interventions by physio-
therapists and occupational therapists, eg, more frequent exercise,
specific methods for exercising walking skills, or neuromuscular
stimulation, do not shorten the rehabilitation phase nor do they
improve the outcome in cognitively intact patients (Evidence
Grade 2).
Most studies exclude patients with impaired cognitive func-
tion. A few studies suggest that these patients may benefit from
more intensive rehabilitation (Evidence Grade 3). Knowledge
about patients with severe cognitive disorders is inadequate.
Early mobilization and discharge to the patient’s home, with
rehabilitation provided in primary care for patients assessed to be
sufficiently functional, has been a practice in Sweden for many
years. Given the appropriate selection of patients and sufficient
resources in primary care, this treatment yields results equal to
those from inpatient rehabilitation services (Evidence Grade 1).
Since a high percentage of the patients admitted with hip
fractures are undernourished, providing energy rich diets and
extra proteins can shorten the rehabilitation phase. Mortality is
not influenced. (Evidence Grade 2)
The diagnosis of osteoporosis is seldom reported either during
admission or discharge of patients with hip fractures. Few patients
receive adequate treatment with drugs or other interventions to
prevent new fractures (Evidence Grade 2).
Wrist Fractures
Intensive exercise under the leadership of a physiotherapist or treat-
ment, eg, with ultrasound, does not shorten the rehabilitation
phase or yield an outcome superior to early exercise on one’s own
following instruction (Evidence Grade 2).
F RO M T H E R E P O RT ” O S T E O P O RO S I S –
P R E V E N T I O N , D I A G N O S I S A N D T R E AT M E N T ”
Vertebral Fractures
Exercise under the guidance of a physiotherapist can result in less
pain, a lower use of painkillers, and improved quality of life in
patients with new fractures (Evidence Grade 3). Continuing to
exercise is important to prevent new fractures and reduce pain
(Evidence Grade 3).
42 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
Ethical and Social Aspects – Priorities
According to a parliamentary decision, priorities in health care
should be based on an ethical platform consisting of three prin-
ciples: the principle of human value, the principle of need, and
the principle of cost effectiveness. Health services should also
adhere to the decision concerning four priority groups. Further-
more, all interventions in health care should be based on four
principles: to do good, to do no harm, to respect autonomy, and
to be just.
The healthcare conditions caused by osteoporosis, ie, fractures
in conjunction with low energy trauma, belong to priority group I.
The same group includes care of individuals having lower autono-
my – among osteoporosis patients, this involves all elderly patients
with dementia. A large number of patients need rehabilitation
after the acute fracture phase and therefore belong to priority
group II. Even primary prevention, which is an important aspect
of prevention in osteoporosis, belongs to priority group II.
There is no scientific evidence to show that general population
screening programs for osteoporosis are of value. Hence, this is
not ethically justified.
The treatment of patients with osteoporosis appears to follow
accepted ethical principles. An exception concerns undertreating
patients who have experienced fractures. Rehabilitation is judged
to be the same from an ethical standpoint. However, there is
some uncertainty as regards hip fracture patients with moderate to
severe cognitive disorders.
With all types of fragility fractures, social rehabilitation is a
necessary complement to pain relief, physical skills training, and
interventions to prevent new fractures.
F RO M T H E R E P O RT ” O S T E O P O RO S I S –
P R E V E N T I O N , D I A G N O S I S A N D T R E AT M E N T ”
Reports published by SBU in English
SBU Reports
SBU Summaries
F RO M T H E R E P O RT ” O S T E O P O RO S I S –
P R E V E N T I O N , D I A G N O S I S A N D T R E AT M E N T ”
Dyspepsia – Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment (2001), no 510-12
Back Pain, Neck Pain (2000), no 510-11
Prognostic Methods for Acute Coronary Artery Disease (2000), no 510-10
The Patient – Doctor Relationsship (2000), no 510-8
Urinary Incontinence (1999), no 510-9
Smoking Cessation Methods Conclusions (1998), no 510-7
Routine Ultrasound Examination During Pregnancy (1998), no 510-6
Smoking Cessation Conclusions (1998), no 510-5
Surgical Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases (1998), no 510-2
Preventing Disease with Antioxidants (1997), no 510-4
Community Intervention Cardiovascular Disease (1997), no 510-3
The Use of Neuroleptics (1997), no 510-1
Alert Reports
46 S B U S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S
SBU Evaluates
Health Care Technology