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An Integrative Approach to Healthy Bones:

Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention

Prevention is an important focus for every body system, and the health of the skeleton is no exception.
The vertebral bodies, the femur, and other bones must handle a tremendous amount of force
throughout a person’s lifetime. Healthy bone requires a precise balance between bone formation (by
osteoblasts) and bone absorption (by osteoclasts).

Around age 30, bone density peaks. After that, for most people, it steadily decreases with age. It is
vital to pay attention to bone health throughout the life cycle, especially before diagnoses such as
osteopenia or osteoporosis are made. Future bone density is influenced by whether or not a person’s
mother had healthy calcium and vitamin D levels, and whether or not the person was breast fed.1 It is
vital that children and adolescents maintain healthy calcium and vitamin D levels to optimize their peak
bone density. The first few years of menopause are a period of especially significant bone loss as
estrogen levels drop and there is less osteoclast inhibition.

Why does bone health matter? The main concern is fracture risk, which
increases when bone density and overall bone quality are low. There are 1.5
million osteoporosis-related fractures in the U.S. yearly, and 300,000 of them
are hip fractures due to a fall. These are not only costly financially but also
detrimental to quality of life. Five to 20% of people with hip fractures die within
one year, and 60% who have fractures will need assistance with their daily
activities for the rest of their lives.2-3 For more information, see the Washington
University School of Medicine handout at Bone and Mineral Diseases: Facts
About Osteoporosis (or enter this URL into your browser Courtesy: NIAMS


Bone density, because it can be easily measured and because it responds well to drug treatments,
understandably receives a great deal of attention when bone health is discussed. However, it is not
the only determinant of a healthy skeleton. Even at ½ bone density, the human spine should be able to
maintain five times the amount of weight it normally has to carry. Why then, do so many people get
spine fractures? Fracture risk seems to be related not only to bone quantity but also to bone quality.

This handout is designed to provide an evidence-based approach to maintaining bone health

throughout the life cycle, with attention given to bone density as well as to other factors that are tied to
bone health.

Diagnosing Bone Problems

Patients often question how bone density issues are diagnosed.
 Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (Dexa) scan. The main test that is used by conventional
medicine is the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (usually called “dexa”) scan. This test


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
involves little radiation (much less than a CT scan). During the test, certain bones are
exposed to two different X-ray beams with different energy levels at the same time. The
differences in penetration generate information on bone density. For more about this test
written at a level for patients, see Bone Density Scan at RadiologyInfo.org .
(http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=dexa) Readings for the spine and the hip
are most often used to diagnose low bone density.

Results of dexa scans are given in terms of T scores and Z scores. These are based on
standard deviations under a mean distribution curve (see Figure 1). Those who fall
farthest to the left on the bell curve (the 2.5% of people in a given group with the lowest
bone density) are considered to have osteopenia or osteoporosis.

o T scores compare a patient’s bone density to that of a healthy 30-year-old of the

same gender. The more negative the number, the less dense the bones.
 Osteopenia is diagnosed if the T score is between -1 and -2.5.
 Osteoporosis is diagnosed if the score is less than -2.5.
 Severe established osteoporosis (SEO) is diagnosed if the T score is
less than -2.5 and someone has had a fracture.

Test results vary according to what brand of dexa machine is used, so it is best for
patients to have follow-up tests done at the same place on the same machine. It is
usually recommended that people wait at least a year between tests when they are
being treated for low bone density to ensure sufficient time has passed for
measurable changes to have occurred. For those who are not being treated,
checking every 2-5 years is recommended.4

A bone density bell curve demonstrating how T and Z scores are obtained.
T scores and Z scores represent the number of standard deviations from median bone density. For 100 percent of
patients, the 2.5% with the lowest bone density will be classed as having osteoporosis. Another 15% will be classed
with osteopenia. Note that this is always in comparison to a young healthy person of the same gender.


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention

o Z scores compare a person’s bone density to that of others of the same age, sex,
and weight. This number is usually less negative than the T score, but it is not
used to diagnose osteoporosis or osteopenia. Rather, it lends a more
individualized perspective to a person’s density. Most 80-year-old women have
osteoporosis, so their T scores will always be low. A Z score can be used to
compare an 80-year-old woman to her peers for a better sense of the relative
severity of her bone loss.

Clinical Pearl
TT scores measure the patient relative to a healthy 30-year-old of the same gender. Z
h scores measure the patient relative to peers of the same age, gender, and weight.
e The T score will always be low for an 80-year-old woman but a Z score may not.

The North American Menopause Society recommends that all women over age 65 have a
dexa scan, as well as younger women who have risk factors such as history of fracture,
low weight, family history of hip fracture, or rheumatoid arthritis.5 It has been suggested
that men at risk be tested over age 70, or younger if they have various risk factors. 4 Most
providers determine whether or not the test is needed based on overall risk as well as
age. Medicare covers initial dexa screenings, and it pays for follow-ups a year or more
later for people with osteoporosis to evaluate treatment success. An important piece in
the treatment of bone loss is following the rate that bone density changes over time.

Based on dexa measurements, 18 million Americans have osteopenia, and 10 million

have osteoporosis. Fifty percent of women and 20% of men have it, and by age 75, 70%
of men and women will have it. At least 1 in 5 women over age 50 have osteoporosis by
age 65. Half of all women over 50 will have a hip, vertebral, or wrist fracture at some point
in their lives. For men, lifetime risk is 13-25%, but mortality from fracture is higher.6

Patients may ask about other available testing:

 Quantitative ultrasound (QUS). Some facilities offer quantitative ultrasound (QUS) to
screen for low bone density, usually looking at the bones of the foot. This test can pick up
low bone density so that additional evaluation by a dexa scan can be recommended, but a
normal test is not always a guarantee that bone density is normal.

 Quantitative CT’s. Quantitative CT scans can also show loss of density, but these are
rarely used. X-rays are not accurate for diagnosing bone density changes.

 Lab testing. Some resources also suggest lab testing to follow bone breakdown. Urine
deoxypyridinoline and n-telopeptide (NTX) levels are used to measure rates of bone
turnover. However, these may or may not be covered by insurers; some patients choose
to pay for these tests out of pocket. The importance of these tests in management of low
bone density is controversial.4,5 For instance, the n-telopeptide test is a sensitive measure
of bone breakdown, but it is not specific (i.e., if it is present, it can reliably tell you that
there is breakdown, but if it is not present, that does not guarantee that bone breakdown
is not occurring).


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
There are no symptoms in the early stages of osteoporosis. Patients can be encouraged to pay
attention to changes in their height and to be aware of bone pain (especially in the low back or
neck). Kyphosis is also a finding in the later stages of the disease.

What Are Risk Factors for Poor Bone Health?

A number of risk factors influence bone density and bone health in general. Some of these can be
modified; others cannot. The use of risk factors to predict fractures has low sensitivity and
specificity; however, it does appear that at least 50% of hip fractures can be explained on the
basis of risk factors that are potentially reversible. The list of links on page 13 of this handout
includes a risk calculator for people to gauge their likelihood of developing osteoporosis.


 Older age  Weight under 125 pounds (body mass
 Being female index under 20)
 White or Asian ethnicity  Weight loss of 12 pounds or more (The
 First degree relative (such as a mother) good things about this always outweigh the
with osteoporosis fracture risks.)
 Late start of menstruation (after 15 years  History of previous fracture
old)  Increased inflammation in the body
 Early menopause (Estrogen inhibits the  Limited sun exposure (leads to low
osteoclasts, and when its levels drop, do Vitamin D)
does bone density.)  Lack of exercise, not moving enough
 Prolonged time without having periods  Health conditions including: anorexia
(amenorrhea) nervosa, depression, type 1 diabetes,
 Smoking elevated parathyroid, low testosterone,
 Alcohol use elevated thyroid, Cushing’s disease, liver
disease, poor absorption of nutrients in the
 Dietary Issues
gut, rheumatoid arthritis, history of a
o Low Vitamin D Intake transplant, Turner’s syndrome, autoimmune
o Low calcium intake diseases, celiac disease
o Low Vitamin K intake
o High animal protein intake (over 75  Taking drugs that can lower bone
grams a day) density, including: Warfarin, seizure
o Excess Sodium intake medications, chemotherapy,
o Low magnesium intake corticosteroids, thyroid drugs, Cyclosporine,
o Excess phosphorus intake (including Medroxyprogesterone (such as Depot
from soft drinks) Provera), Heparin, Lithium,
o More than 300 mg of caffeine (four cups antidepressants, drugs that decrease acid
of coffee) daily. Tea is protective even in the stomach, such as proton pump
with caffeine. inhibitors
o Poor-quality vegetarian diets

It has been speculated that genes account for 25-45% of the variation in bone mineral density,7
but a prospective 25-year study of twins did not find osteoporotic fractures to be influenced by
genetic factors.8
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
Preventive and Therapeutic Approaches
Ideally, prevention is the most important step in maintaining bone health. Integrative care of the
bones can be organized into 6 main categories: 1) nutrition, 2) dietary supplements, 3) lifestyle
(e.g., physical activity and stopping smoking), 4) fall prevention and safety, 5) medications for
bone density, and 6) other therapies (e.g., sun exposure, mind-body approaches, kyphoplasty).

Approaches to treatment of low bone density once it has occurred may also include pain
management and surgery.

1. Nutrition
Healthy bone formation requires absorption of sufficient levels of Vitamins D, C, B, and K.
Boron, chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, silicon,
and zinc are also important.7 Here are general suggestions for optimal nutrition based on the
current body of osteoporosis research.

 Do NOT rely on dairy intake alone, but consider other foods that help. A 37-study,
meta-analysis revealed a minimal link between dairy intake and bone health, unless
Vitamin-D fortified foods were consumed.9


Alliums (onion family) Fennel Parsley
Arugula French beans Pomegranate
Broccoli Garlic Prunes
Celeriac Leeks Red cabbage
Chinese cabbage Lettuce Turmeric
Cucumbers Mushrooms (not shitake) Wild garlic
Dill Oranges (and other citrus fruit

 Eat a few servings of soy. One small study found that those who ate soy protein had
better bone density than those who did not, but studies using soy supplements for
osteoporosis have had mixed results. Bottom line – soy in foods may reduce fracture risk,
so a few servings a day are reasonable, but supplements may not be worth it.10

 Calcium matters, but there is more to it than just taking calcium. A high calcium diet
may not be the full solution either. Absorption is an important part of obtaining adequate
amounts of calcium. Many of the suggestions noted in this section of the handout work, in
part, because they enhance calcium absorption. Vitamin D plays an especially important
role. People who absorb adequately can obtain 600-800 mg of calcium in their diets.

 Maintain adequate Vitamin D. This is not always easy to do with diet alone. Vitamin D in
dairy is not well-absorbed. Sun exposure can help, but research indicates that even with
sun exposure and dietary intake of the recommended daily allowance, many people still
have low Vitamin D levels. These levels should be kept above 34 ng/dL to minimize
fracture risk and maximize calcium absorption. Some recommend keeping the level
above 50. (See page 8 for information on supplementing this vitamin).


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
 Keep Vitamin A intake reasonable. Many supplements have high levels of vitamin A,
but amounts over 3000 IU daily can increase fracture risk.

 Keep alcohol down. Drinking fewer than 7 alcoholic beverages a week is tied to a lower
risk of fractures than drinking more than that.

 Watch caffeine, but it is okay to drink tea. Keeping caffeine under 300 mg daily (less
than 4 cups of coffee), is better for the bones.10 Tea, even with caffeine, has NOT been
found to have a negative effect on bone density. In fact, green, black, and oolong teas
seem to have a protective effect against osteoporosis development.8,11

 Avoid cola. Five to six servings of soft drinks per week (particularly colas) constitute an
osteoporosis risk factor, according to one population-based study.12

 Eat to decrease inflammation in the body. Increasing numbers of studies are showing
that low bone density is linked in part to chronic, low-grade inflammation.8,10 For more
information, see our handout on the Anti-Inflammatory Diet.

 Consume omega-3’s. Omega-3 fats, such as those found in fish oil, can suppress
osteoclast activation, and too much omega-6 relative to omega-3 fats in the body is tied to
lower bone density.13 While a recent systematic review held that more study is needed,
increasing omega-3 consumption is safe, not to mention effective, for numerous other
health issues as well. See our handout on Omega 3 Fats for more information.

 Eat 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. A serving is

the amount that can fit in the palm of a person’s hand. A high
vegetable to animal diet ratio seems to be protective against bone

 Minimize animal proteins. Various studies have shown that

women who eat over 75 grams of protein daily probably generate more acids in the
bloodstream. One of the body’s main ways of coping with acidity is to take calcium out of
the bones to neutralize it. However, the medical research literature is not clear on how
much an “alkaline diet” helps to promote health. Typically these diets encourage a low-
grain, low dairy, vegetarian diet, which certainly can have benefits for many different
reasons. Aiming for 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight might be a good
overall approach. The type of protein seems to matter as well. People have lower bone
density in places where most of the protein comes from animal, not plant, sources.7,10,14
For more information, see our handout Protein Alternatives to Meat.

 Consider pH. Diets that tend to be acidic (to lower blood pH) may lead to decreased
bone density, as the body mobilizes bone mineral stores to keep pH stable. However,
research on alkaline diets and the use of alkali supplements does not indicate an
influence of these therapies on overall bone health.15 The best way to obtain an alkaline
diet is to eat 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
 Some specific diets seem to help. The DASH and Mediterranean diets seem to have
bone sparing effects, but caloric restriction and weight loss diets may have a negative
effect.7 The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet has been found to
decrease bone turnover. It may be effective because it leads to decreased sodium intake.
For more information, see the following links:
o DASH Diet (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/hbp/dash/new_dash.pdf)
o Mediterranean Diet (http://www.med.umich.edu/umim/food-pyramid/about.htm)

2. Supplements
Supplement use becomes an important aspect of maintaining bone health. Many vitamins and
minerals are involved in bone formation. Not only must they be taken in appropriate amounts,
but they also must be properly absorbed. Ideally, a healthy diet can be the mainstay of healthy
nutrient levels, but for many people, dietary intakes are not sufficient.

 Calcium. Calcium consumption is often thought of as synonymous with bone health.

Calcium supplementation does increase bone density, but it does not decrease fracture
risk and may even increase it.16 Use of calcium supplementation becomes even more
confusing in light of recent trials that suggest calcium levels may be tied to risk of
myocardial infarction (hazard ratio of 1.312, 95% confidence interval 1.02-1.67,
p=0.035).17 This review showed no mortality changes from supplementation, however,
raising the question of how significant the effect of calcium on cardiac risk will prove to be.

Absorption of calcium supplements is an important consideration. Patients must be taught

how to calculate overall calcium intake. Recommendations from the Institute of Medicine
for calcium are 1300 mg daily for females ages 9-18, 1000 mg a day from ages 19-50,
and 1200 a day for ages 50 and up. The first 3-6 years after menopause are especially
crucial, as this is when many women have very high bone loss rates.

Remember that these recommendations are for elemental calcium, not the total
amount of a calcium salt. Labels may or may not give doses in terms of elemental
calcium versus total amounts of the salt.

500 mg of elemental calcium is equivalent to18

o 1250 mg of calcium carbonate
o 2350 mg of calcium citrate
o 1282 mg calcium phosphate
o 3846 mg of calcium lactate
o 5556 mg of calcium gluconate

There is a lot of hype regarding which calcium products are best to take, but in truth, no
one calcium salt is clearly superior to all the others. Here are a few important facts about
some of the more popular calcium supplements that are available:
o Calcium carbonate. This is better absorbed when taken with food. Some
sources say that elderly people can only absorb about 5% of the calcium
carbonate they take. Calcium carbonate decreases the acidity in the stomach,
which may alter digestion.


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
o Calcium citrate is absorbed well even with low stomach acidity.
o Bone meal (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite) seems to be beneficial and
contains a number of other minerals as well.
o Calcium lactate and gluconate are other forms that are available.

The effects of taking calcium supplements for two years on bone mineral density are
largely lost within two years after the supplements are discontinued.18 Many authorities
suggest that calcium will be much better absorbed if taken in 3-4 divided doses that are
less than 500 mg each.18 One approach is to encourage patients to aim for their daily
recommended intake through a combination of diet and supplements, as we wait for
additional research to guide calcium use. Because Vitamin D may mitigate the cardiac
risk somewhat, it should be taken whenever calcium supplements are taken.19

 Vitamin D. Vitamin D controls the absorption of calcium in the gut and how it is deposited
into bone. Dietary sources can include fatty fish and cod-liver oil, liver, and sun-exposed

Vitamin D has received a lot of attention recently because it is showing promise in treating
and preventing a number of health problems. Vitamin D deficiency is perhaps one of the
main contributors to osteoporosis and fractures. Vitamin D has been found to decrease
fracture risk in the elderly, and it can reduce fall risk by about 22% in older adults who
take it.20 A meta-analysis of 29 trials found that D3 and calcium supplementation
decreased bone fracture absolute risk by 24%.21

While diet and sun exposure provide some Vitamin D, it has been found that 50% of
women receiving treatment for osteoporosis have levels that are too low.18 It is often
stated that people should take Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) because it is 3 times more
potent than D2 (ergocalciferol). However, recent literature has indicated that
supplementing with either form at appropriate levels can lead to normalization of serum
Vitamin D levels. It has been recommended that levels be kept in the upper half of the lab
reference range, if possible, in the 40-80 ng/dL range. Both D2 and D3 are activated by
the kidneys when they are converted to 1,25 Vitamin D; renal function plays an important
role in bone health.

Vitamin D supplements should be taken with meals. The issue of toxicity of Vitamin D
sometimes comes up, but it is actually quite difficult to overdose on this, and case reports
of it happening are few. People usually need to take 40,000 units a day over several
months to become toxic.22 It is helpful to measure 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels to assess
how much a person needs. 1,25 hydroxy Vitamin D levels do NOT accurately show
vitamin D levels. Calcium absorption is 65% higher for people with a Vitamin D level of 35
compared to those with a level below 20. Twenty minutes of full body sun exposure will
give a young Caucasian person 20,000 IU of Vitamin D, but it is not possible to develop
Vitamin D toxicity through sun exposure.7

Dosing recommendations vary. Studies have found that 700-800 IU of D3 daily make a
difference with fracture risk and decrease sarcopenia (muscle-wasting). Many experts
recommend 1000 IU daily for people over 65, since the skin is only 25% as efficient at
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
making Vitamin D with sun exposure in older people. Some integrative providers are now
recommending 2000 IU of D3 daily for all adults. The distance from the equator that the
individual lives is also important. People living north of 35-40 degrees latitude in the
northern hemisphere may require more Vitamin D. Subcutaneous fat can also reduce the
absorption of Vitamin D through the skin, thus obese individuals are also at high risk for
deficiency but less risk for osteoporosis.

Latitude Map for the U.S.A.

 Vitamin K. Vitamin K comes in 2 main forms. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is found in

green leafy vegetables. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is found in meats, cheeses, and
fermented foods, such as fermented soy.

Vitamin K is required for the activation of osteocalcin. It works in synergy with Vitamin D3.
Many patients with low BMD and fracture are known to have Vitamin K deficiency, and a
2006 meta-analysis indicated that supplementing with Vitamin K reduced fracture
incidence (up to 80% for hip fractures) and bone loss.23,24

Vitamin K should be used with caution in those taking warfarin for anticoagulation, as it
will reverse the drug’s effects. Dosing used in studies tends to be 1 (or in some studies,
10 ) mg of K1 and 45 mg of K2 daily.25 Vitamin K3 (menadione) is linked to hepatotoxicity
and is no longer used.

 Magnesium. Magnesium is an important component of bone as well. It helps keep bone

flexible and has been found to increase BMD in post-menopausal women.26 It has
become increasingly popular for use within dietary supplements for osteoporosis,18 but
further research is needed to determine its clinical usefulness. Supplementation to
complement dietary intake may be reasonable, given that an estimated 80% of Americans
are magnesium deficient. Higher doses can lead to diarrhea. A standard dose is 400-800
mg daily.

For more information on magnesium supplementation including magnesium content of

various foods, recommended daily intakes, and important drug interactions, see the NIH
Office of Dietary Supplements’ handout on magnesium.
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
 Strontium Ranelate (Protelos). Strontium is an element in the body, but it is not
considered an essential element. It is found only in bone. Strontium ranelate (also known
as Protelos) seems to work similarly to the drug alendronate to prevent fractures in the
vertebrae of postmenopausal women who have had fractures in the past (a 40% risk
reduction). However, questions have been raised about it. It is much heavier than
calcium and can replace calcium in bone. Its effects on x-rays can make bones seem
more dense.

Strontium ranelate is available by prescription in 70 countries, but not in the U.S. Most of
the strontium supplements sold in the U.S. contain strontium citrate, which has not been
studied as carefully. Some rare side effects have been reported, including blood clots and
memory loss.27 It seems to accumulate in the body, which leads many clinicians to want
more research data before they routinely suggest it for bone health.

 Other Vitamins. Vitamin A, B Vitamins, and Vitamin C

Vitamin A above the recommended daily intake of 2000-2800 IU daily significantly
reduces bone mass in the elderly.28 B vitamins have been found to significantly reduce
fracture risk in elderly stroke patients but not affect bone density.18 Vitamin C seems to be
associated with a lower degree of loss in elderly men.

 Other Minerals. Higher potassium intake is associated with less bone loss, but more
trials are needed. Phosphorus deficiency is quite rare, and because phosphorus can lead
to a decrease in calcium absorption, supplementation is not likely to be needed.7 Animal
studies indicate that manganese and copper may improve BMD, but perhaps only in
people who are deficient. Studies of the role of fluoride have been mixed. Zinc should be
supplemented to assure recommended daily intakes of 30-50 mg daily are obtained.

 Herbal Remedies.
o Soy and Other Phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are compounds contained in
plants that are able to bind to estrogen receptors. Their effects depend on how
much estrogen is in the body. In premenopausal women, they compete with
estrogen, and since they have a relatively weaker effect when they bind receptors,
they tend to be anti-estrogenic. In postmenopausal women, where estrogen
concentration is low, they produce a greater estrogenic effect than would
circulating estrogens alone.18

Reviews of the effects of dietary soy on bone density have shown benefit, but
findings related to soy supplements are mixed. Soy contains the isoflavones
daidzein and genistein, which are often taken in isolation from other soy
constituents. Some studies indicate some benefit for bone density (For example,
one randomized controlled trial found that 54 mg of genistein was as effective as
hormone replacement for preventing bone loss in postmenopausal women.29), but
most studies did not find these supplements to have significant benefit . 10

Ipriflavone, a synthetic derivative of the soy isoflavone daidzein, enhances

osteoblast activity and inhibits osteoclast recruitment. When taken with 1000 mg


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Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
of calcium, it does help to improve bone density. Notably, it also decreases back
pain caused by compression fractures. The challenge is that it was found to
decrease lymphocyte levels by nearly 30% after six or more months of use in
about 13% of study participants. Lymphocyte counts tend to normalize after 12
months of taking ipriflavone, but patients are best served taking this only with
routine surveillance of blood counts by their providers.18 The dose is 200 mg three
times daily, and this supplement is widely available over the counter.

Other common estrogenic herbs include red clover, flaxseed, dong quai, panax
ginseng, alfalfa, and licorice. Studies have not found these to be beneficial in
osteoporosis prevention and treatment.18

o Asian Combination Herbal Remedies.10 Two Chinese combination herbal

products, Shu Di Shan Zha and Shen Gu, have shown promise in randomized
trials for improving bone density and various laboratory measures of bone
breakdown. A number of other remedies have also shown promise in testing.
Reosto, a combination of 2 forms of organic calcium and five herbs, has long been
used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It was found to improve bone density in a
controlled trial involving 128 subjects. Similarly, Chujo-to, a Japanese remedy,
has shown promise in rat studies.

3. Lifestyle
 Exercise. Exercise is beneficial for improving bone density. Walking, weight-bearing
exercise, and resistance training are helpful, and the benefits are seen for all age groups.
Exercise is an important contributor to decreasing fall risk, and
activity can stimulate increases in bone diameter throughout
the lifespan.30 Vigorous, speedy walking, not just gentle
ambulation, makes a difference in maintaining BMD. Rates
should be at 3.8 miles/hour or more for greater benefit.31

 Tai chi. Tai chi has been found to significantly reduce the risk
of falls in elderly patients by improving balance.32 The effects
of tai chi specifically on BMD remain to be studied.33 Courtesy: NIAMS

 Smoking. Smoking increases lifetime vertebral fracture risk by 13% in women and 32%
in men; hip fractures are increased 31% and 40%. The effect of smoking is dose

4. Fall Prevention
Because decreasing fractures and their related complications is the ultimate goal of
prevention and treatment of low bone density, prevention of falls is an important aspect of
bone health. The following web links provide patients with detailed guidelines regarding fall
prevention in the home.
 Check for Safety: A Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults from the National
Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).


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Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
 Patient Handout—Falls: General Information from the American Geriatrics Society
(AGS) Foundation for Health in Aging.

5. Medications
The table below lists the drugs used for the treatment of low bone density, their dosing and
mechanisms of action, and their benefits and potential harms.

Drug Class Drug Name Dose Effects Harms

Bisphosphonates Alendronate 5 mg daily or 47% fewer 20% do not respond to
(Fosamax) 35 mg weekly vertebral bisphosphonates. Can
(Interfere with fractures, 56% cause muscle and joint
osteoclast fewer femur pain, bone damage
precursors to stop fractures (especially given IV),
reabsorption) Risedronate 5 mg daily or 36% fewer abdominal pain,
(Actonel) 35 mg weekly vertebral esophagitis, arrhythmias
fractures, 39% and dyspnea
Ibendronate 150 mg orally 52% decrease in
(Boniva) monthly or IV vertebral
every 3 fractures, no Zoledronic acid increases
months overall decrease atrial fibrillation risk
in others
Zoledronic 5 mg IV Spine fracture
acid (Reclast, yearly risk down 70%,
Zometa) hip 41%,
Selective Estrogen Raloxifene 60 mg daily Decrease breast Increased risk of clots,
Receptor (Evista) cancer 60%; e.g., deep vein
Modulators 30% decrease thrombosis, pulmonary
(SERMS) vertebral emboli
(Bind estrogen fractures
receptors without
other estrogenic
Biological Calcitonin 200 IU Half as effective Facial flush, nasal
(Decreases (Miacalcin) intranasally as others, but irritation
osteoclast activity) daily quite safe.
fracture pain
Anabolic (Analog of Teriperatide 20 mcg/day Stimulates new Under study, risk seems
parathyroid (Forteo) subcutan- bone growth to be minimal for <2 years
hormone) eously of use


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
6. Other Approaches
 Mind-Body Approaches. There are reports that depression may be associated with
lower bone mineral density, but reviews conclude that the role of depression remains
inconclusive.35 Nevertheless, stress reduction approaches
are worth considering, given that they can be beneficial for
people for an array of medical concerns, and because they
tend to have few adverse effects.

 Sun Exposure. One study of 250 patients who were

institutionalized following strokes found that regular sun
exposure for a year increased Vitamin D levels by four
times and increased BMD an average of 3% compared to
Courtesy: U.S. Nat'l. Park Service

 Essential Oils. One review noted that essentials oils from thyme, rosemary, sage, and
other plants, when added to food, seem to inhibit osteoclast activity, increasing bone
density in animals, but more study is needed in humans.10



U.S. National Library of 1. Patient handout on 1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubm

Medicine, National osteoporosis. edhealth/PMH0001400/
Institutes of Health
(NIH) 2. Medline Plus 2. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlinepl
information on us/osteoporosis.html
osteoporosis. Has links
to an interactive tutorial
and to information In
National Osteoporosis The “About Osteoporosis”
Foundation section has detailed http://www.nof.org/
information for patients.
Siteman Cancer Center Risk Calculator. Allows
Barnes-Jewish Hospital patients to calculate risk of http://www.yourdiseaserisk.siteman.
Washington University osteoporosis, as well as wustl.edu/
School of Medicine other common health
World Health
Organization FRAX® Fracture risk http://www.shef.ac.uk/FRAX/tool.jsp?
Collaborating Centre assessment tool. Allows locationValue=9
for Metabolic Bone clinicians and patients to
Diseases, University calculate fracture risk.
of Sheffield, UK
University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
We have also developed a corresponding handout for patients on this topic.

1. Body JJ, Bergmann P, Boonen S. Nonpharmacological management of osteoporosis: A
consensus of the Belgian Bone Club. Osteoporosis Int epub March 2011.
2. Lash RW, Nicholson JM, Lourdes V, et al. Diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. Prim Care
3. Plotnikoff GA. Osteoporosis. In Rakel D (ed). Integrative Medicine, 3 ed, Philadelphia: Elsevier,
4. Lewiecki EM. Prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Obstet Gynecol Clin N
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5. Board of Trustees of North American Menopause Society, Position statement: Management of
osteroporosis in postmenopausal women: 2010 position statement of The North American
Menopause Society. Menopause, 2010;17(1):35-54.
6. Looker AC, Melton LJ, Harris TB, et al. Prevalence and trends in low femur bone density among
older US adults: NHANES 2005-6 compared with NHANES III. J Bone Miner Res 2010;25(1):64-
7. Kotsirilos V, Vitetta L, Sali A, et al. Osteoporosis. In A Guide to Evidence-Based Integrative and
Complementary Medicine. Sydney, Australia:Churchill Livingstone, 2011.
8. Kannus P, Palvanen M, Kaprio J, et al. Genetic factors and osteoporotic fractures in elderly
people: Prospective 25 year follow up of a nationwide cohort of elderly Finnish twins. BMJ
9. Lanou AJ, Berkow SE, Barnard ND. Calcium, dairy products, and bone health in children and
young adults: A reevaluation of the evidence. Pediatrics 2005;115:736-43.
10. Putnam SE, Scutt AM, Bicknell K, et al. Natural products as alternative treatments for metabolic
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11. Devine A, Hodgson JM, Dick IM, et al. Tea drinking is associated with benefits on bone density in
older women. AJCN 2007;86(4):1243-7.
12. Tucker KL, Morita K, Qiao N, et al. Colas, but not other carbonated beverages, are associates with
low bone mineral density in older women: The Framingham Osteoporosis Study. Am J Clin Nutr
13. Salari P, Rezaie A, Larijani B, et al. A systematic review of the impact of n-3 fatty acids in bone
health and osteoporosis. Med Sci Monit 2008;14(3): RA37-44.
14. Heaney RP, Layman DK. Amount and type of protein influences bone health. Am J Clin Nutr
15. Macdonald HM, Black AJ, Aucott L, et al. Effect of potassium citrate supplementation or increased
fruit and vegetable intake on bone metabolism in healthy post-menopausal women: A randomized
controlled trial. AJCN, 2008;88(2):465-74.
16. Feskanich D, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, et al. Milk, a 12-year prospective study. Am J Public
Health 1997;87:992-7.
17. Bolland MJ, Avenell A, Baron JA, et al. Effect of calcium supplements on risk of myocardial
infarction and cardiovascular events: Meta-analysis. BMJ 2010;341:c3691.
18. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Natural Medicines in the Clinical Management of
Osteoporosis. Accessed at
=1&pm=5, May 2011.
19. Cleland JGF, Witte K, Steel S. Calcium supplements in people with osteoporosis. BMJ 341:c3856.
20. Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Fracture prevention with vitamin D supplementation: A meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials. JAMA 2005;293:2257-64.
21. Stransky M, Rysava L. Nutrition as prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Physiol Res.
2009;58 Suppl 1:S7-11.


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine
Healthy Bones: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, and Fracture Prevention
22. Vitamin D Council, The Truth about Vitamin D Toxicity,
http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/vitaminDToxicity.shtml, accessed May 2011.
23. Cockayne S, Adamson J, Lanham-New S, et al. Vitamin K and the prevention of fractures:
Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Intern Med
24. Bolton-Smith C, McMurdo ME, Paterson CR, et al. Two-year randomized controlled trial of vitamin
K1 (phylloquinone) and vitamin D3 plus calcium on the bone health of older women. J Bone
Mineral Res 2007;22(4):509-19.
25. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Natural Medicines in the Clinical Management of
Osteoporosis. Accessed at
=1&pm=5, September 22, 2011.
26. Mutlu M, Argun M, Kilic E, et al. Magnesium, zinc and copper status in osteoporotic, osteopenic,
and normal post-menopausal women. J Int Med Res 2007;35(5):692-5.
27. Price CT, Langford JR, Liporace FA. Essential nutrients for bone health and a review of their
availability in the average North American diet. Open Orthop J. 2012;6:143-9.
28. Promislow JH, Goodman-Gruen D, Slymen DJ, et al. Retinol intake and bone mineral density in
the elderly: The Rancho Bernardo Study. J Bone Min Res. 2002;17:1349-58.
29. Cotter A, Cashman KD. 2003. Genistein appears to prevent early postmenopausal bone loss as
effectively as hormone replacement therapy. Nutr Rev 2003;61:346–51.
30. Bonaiuti D, Shea B, Iovine R, et al. Exercise for preventing and treating osteoporosis in
postmenopusal women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002;(3):CD000333.
31. Borer KT, Fogleman K, Gross M, et al. Walking intensity for post-menopausal bone mineral
preservation and accrual. Bone 2007;41(4):713-21.
32. Wolf SL, Barnhart HX, Kutner NG, et al. Reducing frailty and falls in older persons: An
investigation of Tai Chi and computerized balance training. Atlanta FICSIT Group. J Am Geriatr
Soc 1996;44:489-97.
33. Wayne PM, Kiel DP, Krebs DE, et al. The effects of Tai Chi on bone mineral density in
postmenopausal women: A systematic Review. Arch Phys med Rehabil. 2007;88(5):673-80.
34. Ward KD, Klesges RC. A meta-analysis of the effects of cigarette smoking on bone mineral
density. Calcified Tisue International;2001;68:259-70.
35. Mezuk B, Eaton WW, Golden SH. Depression and osteoporosis: Epidemiology and potential
mediating pathways. Osteoporos Int 2008;19(1):1-12.
36. Sato Y, Metoki N, Iwamoto J, et al. Ameilioration of osteoporosis and hypovitaminosis D by
sunlight exposure in stroke patients. Neurology 2003;61:338-42.

This handout was created by Adam Rindfleisch MPhil, MD, Assistant Professor in Family
Medicine and Integrative Medicine Consultant and edited by Charlene Luchterhand, MSSW.
Both are in the Department of Family Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of
Medicine and Public Health.
Date created: October, 2011
Date revised: April, 2014


University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine

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