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3 Molecules,

Compounds, and
Review Questions
3.1 The properties of compounds are generally very different from the properties of the
elements that they are derived from. When two elements combine to form a compound, an
entirely new substance results.

3.2 Chemical bonds are the result of interactions between charged particles—electrons and
protons—that compose atoms. Ionic bonds, which occur between cations and anions,
involve the through-space attraction of oppositely charged particles. Covalent bonds, which
occur between two or more nonmetals, involve the sharing of electrons between two atoms.

3.3 Chemical compounds can be represented by chemical formulas and molecular models. The
type of formula or model you use depends on how much information you have about
the compound and how much you want to communicate. An empirical formula gives the
relative number of atoms of each element in the compound. It contains the smallest whole
number ratio of the elements in the compound. A molecular formula gives the actual number
of atoms of each element in a molecule of the compound. A structural formula shows how the
atoms are connected. A ball and stick model shows the geometry of the compound. A space-
filling model shows the relative sizes of the atoms and how they merge together.

3.4 An empirical formula gives the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound.

A molecular formula gives the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of a

3.5 Atomic elements are those that exist in nature with single atoms as their base units. Neon
(Ne), gold (Au), and potassium (K) are a few examples of atomic elements.

Molecular elements do not normally exist in nature with single atoms as their base unit;
rather, they exist as molecules, two or more atoms of the same element bonded together.
Most exist as diatomic molecules, for example, hydrogen (H 2), nitrogen (N2), and oxygen
(O2). Some exist as polyatomic molecules: phosphorus (P4) and sulfur (S8).

Ionic compounds are generally composed of one or more metal cations (usually one type of
metal) and one or more nonmetal anions bound together by ionic bonds. Sodium chloride
(NaCl) and potassium sulfate (Na2SO4) would be examples of ionic compounds.

Molecular compounds are composed of two or more covalently bonded nonmetals.

Examples would be water (H2O), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

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60 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.6 To write a formula for an ionic compound: 1) Write the symbol for the metal cation and its charge
followed by the symbol for the nonmetal or polyatomic anion and its charge. 2) Adjust the subscript on
each cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the sum of the charges of the cations
equals the sum of the charges of the anions.

3.7 Binary ionic compounds are named by using the name of the cation (metal) and the base name of the
anion (nonmetal) + the suffix -ide. Ionic compounds that contain a polyatomic anion are named by using
the name of the cation (metal) and the name of the polyatomic anion.

3.8 Ionic compounds formed from metals that can form more than one cation must include the charge of
the cation in the name. The charge is indicated by putting the charge of the metal in roman numerals in
parentheses after the metal name. Metals that can form only one cation do not need the charge specified.

3.9 To name a binary molecular inorganic compound, list the name of the first element with a prefix to
indicate the number of atoms in the compound if there is more than one, followed by the base name of
the second element with a prefix to indicate the number of atoms in the compound if there is more than
one, followed by the suffix -ide.

3.10 The prefix mono = 1; di = 2; tri = 3; tetra = 4; penta = 5; hexa = 6.

3.11 Binary acids are composed of hydrogen and a nonmetal. The names for binary acids have the following
form: hydro plus the base name of the nonmetal + ic acid. Oxyacids contain hydrogen and an oxyanion.
The names of oxyacids depend on the ending of the oxyanion and have the following forms: oxyanions
ending with -ate: base name of the oxyanion + ic acid; oxyanions ending with -ite: base name of the
oxyanion + ous acid.

3.12 Organic compounds are at a minimum composed of carbon and hydrogen. They often contain a few
other elements, most commonly nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur.

3.13 An alkane is a hydrocarbon containing only single C to C bonds. An alkene contains at least one double
C to C bond and an alkyne contains at least one triple C to C bond.

3.14 Functionalized hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons in which a functional group—a characteristic atom or
group of atoms—has been incorporated into the hydrocarbon. The family or organic compounds known
as alcohols have an –OH functional group.

3.15 (a) alcohol:

(b) ethers:
(c) aldehyde:

(d) ketone:

(e) carboxylic acid:

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(f) ester:

(g) amines: RNH2, R2NH, and R3N

3.16 The formula mass is the average mass of the molecule (or formula unit) of a compound. The formula
mass allows the conversion between the mass of molecules and the number of molecules present.

3.17 The chemical formula indicates the elements present in the compound and the relative number of atoms
of each type. The chemical formula gives the conversion factor between the kind of element and the
formula; it also allows the determination of mass percent composition.

3.18 Mass percent composition is the mass of an element of the compound divided by the total mass of the
compound times 100. Mass percent composition is used as a conversion factor between the mass of the
element and the mass of the compound.

3.19 Chemical formulas contain within them inherent relationships between atoms (or moles of atoms) and
molecules (or moles of molecules). For example, the formula CCl 2F2 tells us that one mole of CCl 2F2
contains one mole of C atoms, two moles of Cl atoms, and two moles of F atoms.

3.20 The experimental data showing the relative masses of the elements in a compound can be used to obtain
an empirical formula.

3.21 The molecular formula is a whole-number multiple of the empirical formula. To find the molecular
formula the molar mass of the compound must be known. The molecular molar mass divided by the
empirical molar mass gives the whole-number multiple used to convert the empirical formula to the
molecular formula.

3.22 CHNS analysis is used to measure the percentage content of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur in a
sample. In CHNS analysis, the unknown compound undergoes complete oxidation in the presence of pure
oxygen, followed by reduction. The carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur in the sample are converted to
CO2, H2O, N2, and SO2, respectively.

Problems by Topic

Chemical Formulas and Molecular View of Elements and Compounds

3.23 The chemical formula gives you the kind of atom and the number of each atom in the compound.
(a) Mg3(PO4)2 contains: 3 magnesium atoms, 2 phosphorus atoms, and 8 oxygen atoms
(b) BaCl2 contains: 1 barium atom and 2 chlorine atoms
(c) Fe(NO2)2 contains: 1 iron atom, 2 nitrogen atoms, and 4 oxygen atoms
(d) Ca(OH)2 contains: 1 calcium atom, 2 oxygen atoms, and 2 hydrogen atoms

3.24 The chemical formula gives you the kind of atom and the number of each atom in the compound.
(a) Ca(NO2)2 contains: 1 calcium atom, 2 nitrogen atoms, and 4 oxygen atoms
(b) CuSO4 contains: 1 copper atom, 1 sulfur atom, and 4 oxygen atoms
(c) Al(NO3)3 contains: 1 aluminum atom, 3 nitrogen atoms, and 9 oxygen atoms
(d) Mg(HCO3)2 contains: 1 magnesium atom, 2 hydrogen atoms, 2 carbon atoms, and 6 oxygen

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3.25 (a) 1 blue = nitrogen, 3 white = hydrogen: NH3

(b) 2 black = carbon, 6 white = hydrogen: C2H6
(c) 1 yellow – green = sulfur, 3 red = oxygen: SO3

3.26 (a) 1 blue = nitrogen, 2 red = oxygen: NO2

(b) 1 yellow – green = sulfur, 2 white = hydrogen: SH2
(c) 1 black = carbon, 4 white = hydrogen: CH4

3.27 (a) Neon is an atomic element.

(b) Fluorine is one of the elements that exist as diatomic molecules, therefore it is a molecular
(c) Potassium is a metal and therefore an atomic element.
(d) Nitrogen is one of the elements that exist as diatomic molecules, therefore it is a molecular

3.28 (a) Hydrogen is one of the elements that exist as diatomic molecules, therefore it has a molecule as its
basic unit.
(b) Iodine is one of the elements that exist as diatomic molecules, therefore it has a molecule as its
basic unit.
(c) Lead is not one of the elements that exist as a diatomic molecule, therefore it does not have a
molecule as its basic unit.
(d) Oxygen is one of the elements that exist as diatomic molecules, therefore it has a molecule as its
basic unit.

3.29 (a) CO2 is a compound composed of a nonmetal and a nonmetal, therefore it is a molecular
(b) NiCl2 is a compound composed of a metal and a nonmetal, therefore it is an ionic compound.
(c) NaI is a compound composed of a metal and a nonmetal, therefore it is an ionic compound.
(d) PCl3 is a compound composed of a nonmetal and a nonmetal, therefore it is a molecular

3.30 (a) CF2Cl2 is a compound composed of three nonmetals, therefore it is a molecular compound.
(b) CCl4 is a compound composed of a nonmetal and a nonmetal, therefore it is a molecular
(c) PtO is a compound composed of a metal and a nonmetal, therefore it is an ionic compound.
(d) SO3 is a compound composed of a nonmetal and a nonmetal, therefore it is a molecular

3.31 (a) white – hydrogen: a molecule composed of two of the same element, therefore it is a molecular
(b) blue – nitrogen, white – hydrogen: a molecule composed of a nonmetal and a nonmetal, therefore
it is a molecular compound.
(c) purple – sodium: a substance composed of all the same atoms, therefore it is an atomic element.

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3.32 (a) green – chlorine, purple – sodium: a compound composed of metal and nonmetal, therefore it is
an ionic compound.
(b) green – chlorine: a molecule composed of two of the same element, therefore it is a molecular
(c) red – oxygen, black – carbon, white – hydrogen: a molecule composed of nonmetals, therefore it
is a molecular compound.

Formulas and Names for Ionic Compounds

3.33 To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal cation
and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion and its charge. 2) Adjust the subscript on each
cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the sum of the charges of the cations equals
the sum of the charges of the anions.
(a) calcium and oxygen: Ca2– O2– CaO cations 2+, anions 2–
2+ 2–
(b) zinc and sulfur: Zn S ZnS cations 2+, anions 2–
+ –
(c) rubidium and bromine: Rb Br RbBr cation +, anions –
(d aluminum and oxygen: Al3+ O2– Al2O3 cation 2(3+) = 6+, anions 3(2–) = 6–

3.34 To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal cation
and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion and its charge. 2) Adjust the subscript on each
cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the sum of the charges of the cations equals
the sum of the charges of the anions.
(a) silver and chlorine: Ag+ Cl− AgCl cation +, anion –
(b) sodium and sulfur: Na S2− Na2S cation 2(1+) = 2+, anion 2–
3+ 2−
(c) aluminum and sulfur: Al S Al2S3 cation 2(3+) = 6+, anions 3(2–) = 6–
+ −
(d potassium and chlorine: K Cl KCl cation +, anion –

3.35 To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal cation
and its charge and the symbol for the polyatomic anion and its charge. 2) Adjust the subscript on each
cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the sum of the charges of the cations equals
the sum of the charges of the anions.
Cation = calcium: Ca2+
(a) hydroxide: OH– Ca(OH)2 cation 2+, anion 2(1–) = 2–
(b) chromate: CrO4 CaCrO4 cation 2+, anion 2–
(c) phosphate: PO4 Ca3(PO4)2 cation 3(2+) = 6+, anion 2(3–) = 6–
(d cyanide: CN– Ca(CN)2 cation 2+, anion 2(1–) = 2–

3.36 To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal cation
and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion and its charge. 2) Adjust the subscript on each
cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the sum of the charges of the cations equals
the sum of the charges of the anions.
Cation = potassium: K+
(a) carbonate: CO32– K2CO3 cation 2(1+) = 2+, anion 2–

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(b) phosphate: PO43– K3PO4 cation 3(1+) = 3+, anion 3–

(c) hydrogen phosphate: HPO42– K2HPO4 cation 2(1+) = 2+, anion 2–

(d acetate: C2H3O2 KC2H3O2 cation 1+, anion 1–

3.37 To name a binary ionic compound, name the metal cation followed by the base name of the anion + -ide.

(a) Mg3N2: The cation is magnesium; the anion is from nitrogen, which becomes nitride:
magnesium nitride.
(b) KF: The cation is potassium; the anion is from fluorine, which becomes fluoride:
potassium fluoride.
(c) Na2O: The cation is sodium; the anion is from oxygen, which becomes oxide:
sodium oxide.
(d Li2S: The cation is lithium; the anion is from sulfur, which becomes sulfide:
) lithium sulfide.
(e) CsF: The cation is cesium; the anion is fluorine, which becomes fluoride:
cesium fluoride.
(f) KI: The cation is potassium; the anion is iodine, which becomes iodide:
potassium iodide.
(g) SrCl2: The cation is strontium; the anion is chlorine, which becomes chloride:
strontium chloride.
(h) BaCl2: The cation is barium; the anion is chlorine, which becomes chloride:
barium chloride.

3.38 To name an ionic compound with a metal cation that can have more than one charge, name the metal
cation followed by parentheses with the charge in roman numerals followed by the base name of the
anion + -ide.

(a) SnCl2: The charge on Sn must be 4+ for the compound to be charge neutral:
The cation is tin(IV); the anion is from chlorine, which becomes chloride:
tin(IV) chloride.
(b) PbI2: The charge on Pb must be 2+ for the compound to be charge neutral:
The cation is lead(II); the anion is from iodine, which becomes iodide:
lead(II) iodide.
(c) Fe2O3: The charge on Fe must be 3+ for the compound to be charge neutral:
The cation is iron(III); the anion is from oxygen, which becomes oxide:
iron(III) oxide.
(d CuI2: The charge on Cu must be 2+ for the compound to be charge neutral:
) The cation is copper(II); the anion is from iodine, which becomes iodide:
copper(II) iodide.
(e) SnS: The charge on Sn must be 4+ for the compound to be charge neutral:
The cation is tin(IV); the anion is from oxygen, which becomes oxide:
tin(IV) oxide.
(f) HgBr2: The charge of Hg must be 2+ for the compound to charge neutral:
The cation is mercury(II); the anion is from bromine, which becomes
bromide: mercury(II) bromide.
(g) CrCl2: The charge on Cr must be 2+ for the compound to be charge neutral:
The cation is chromium(II); the anion is from chlorine, which becomes
chloride: chromium(II) chloride.

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(h) CrCl3: The charge on Cr must be 3+ for the compound to be charge neutral:
The cation is chromium(III); the anion is from chlorine, which becomes
chloride: chromium(III) chloride.

3.39 To name these compounds you must first decide if the metal cation is invariant or can have more than
one charge. Then, name the metal cation followed by the base name of the anion + -ide.

(a) SnO: Sn can have more than one charge. The charge on Sn must be 2+ for the
compound to be charge neutral: The cation is tin(II); the anion is from oxygen,
which becomes oxide: tin(II) oxide.
(b) Cr2S3: Cr can have more than one charge. The charge on Cr must be 3+ for the
compound to be charge neutral: The cation is chromium(III); the anion is from
sulfur, which becomes sulfide: chromium(III) sulfide.
(c) RbI: Rb is invariant: The cation is rubidium; the anion is from iodine, which
becomes iodide: rubidium iodide.
(d) BaBr2: Ba is invariant: The cation is barium; the anion is from bromine, which
becomes bromide: barium bromide.

3.40 To name these compounds you must first decide if the metal cation is invariant or can have more than
one charge. Then, name the metal cation followed by the base name of the anion + -ide.

(a) BaS: Ba is invariant: The cation is barium; the anion is from sulfur, which becomes
sulfide: barium sulfide.
(b) FeCl3: Fe can have more than one charge. The charge on Fe must be 3+ for the
compound to be charge neutral: The cation is iron(III); the anion is from
chlorine, which becomes chloride: iron(III) chloride.
(c) PbI2: Pb can have more than one charge. The charge on Pb must be 4+ for the
compound to be charge neutral: The cation is lead(IV); the anion is from
iodine, which becomes iodide: lead(IV) iodide.
(d SrBr2: Sr is invariant: The cation is strontium; the anion is from bromine, which
) becomes bromide: strontium bromide.

3.41 To name these compounds you must first decide if the metal cation is invariant or can have more than
one charge. Then, name the metal cation followed by the name of the polyatomic anion.

(a) CuNO2: Cu can have more than one charge. The charge on Cu must be 1+ for the
compound to be charge neutral: The cation is copper(I); the anion is
nitrite: copper(I) nitrite.
(b) Mg(C2H3O2)2: Mg is invariant: The cation is magnesium; the anion is acetate:
magnesium acetate.
(c) Ba(NO3)2: Ba is invariant: The cation is barium; the anion is nitrate: barium nitrate.
(d Pb(C2H3O2)2: Pb can have more than one charge. The charge on Pb must be 2+ for the
) compound to be charge neutral: The cation is lead(II); the anion is
acetate: lead(II) acetate.
(e) KClO3: K is invariant: The cation is potassium; the anion is chlorate: potassium
(f) PbSO4: Pb can have more than one charge. The charge on Pb must be 2+ for the
compound to be charge neutral: The cation is lead(II); the anion is
sulfate: lead(II) sulfate.

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 67

3.42 To name these compounds you must first decide if the metal cation is invariant or can have more than
one charge. Then, name the metal cation followed by the name of the polyatomic anion.

(a) Ba(OH)2: Ba is invariant: The cation is barium; the anion is hydroxide: barium
(b) NH4I: The cation is ammonium; the anion is from iodine, which becomes
iodide: ammonium iodide.
(c) NaBrO4: Na is invariant: The cation is sodium; the anion is perbromate: sodium
(d Fe(OH)3: Fe can have more than one charge. The charge on Fe must be 3+ for the
) compound to be charge neutral: The cation is iron(III); the anion is
hydroxide: iron(III) hydroxide.
(e) CoSO4: Co can have more than one charge. The charge on Co must be 2+ for the
compound to be charge neutral: The cation is cobalt(II); the anion is
sulfate: cobalt(II) sulfate.
(f) KClO: K is invariant: The cation is potassium; the anion is hypochlorite:
potassium hypochlorite.

3.43 To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal cation
and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion or polyatomic anion and its charge. 2) Adjust the
subscript on each cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the sum of the charges of
the cations equals the sum of the charges of the anions.

(a) sodium hydrogen sulfite: Na+ HSO3– NaHSO3 cation 1+, anion 1–
(b) calcium permanganate: Ca MnO4– Ca(MnO4)2 cation 1+, anion 2(1–)
+ –
(c) silver nitrate: Ag NO3 AgNO3 cation 1+, anion 1–
+ 2–
(d) potassium sulfate: K SO4 K2SO4 cation 2(1+) = 2+, anion 2–
(e) rubidium hydrogen sulfate: Rb+ HSO4– RbHSO4 cation 1+, anion 1–
+ –
(f) potassium hydrogen K HCO3 KHCO3 cation 1+, anion 1–

3.44 To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal cation
and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion or polyatomic anion and its charge. 2) Adjust the
subscript on each cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the sum of the charges of
the cations equals the sum of the charges of the anions.

(a) copper(II) chloride: Cu2+ Cl– CuCl2 cation 2+, anion 2(1–) = 2–
+ –
(b) copper(I) iodate: Cu IO3 CuIO3 cation 1+, anion 1–
2+ 2–
(c) lead(II) chromate: Pb CrO4 PbCrO4 cation 2+, anion 2–
(d) calcium fluoride: Ca2+ F– CaF2 cation 2+, anion 2(1–) = 2–
+ –
(e) potassium hydroxide: K OH KOH cation 1+, anion 1–
2+ 3–
(f) iron(II) phosphate: Fe PO 4 Fe3(PO4)2 cation 3(2+) = 6+, anion 2(3–) = 6–

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68 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.45 Hydrates are named the same way as other ionic compounds with the addition of the term prefixhydrate,
where the prefix is the number of water molecules associated with each formula unit.
(a) CoSO4 · 7H2O cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate
(b) iridium(III) bromide tetrahydrate IrBr3 · 4H2O
(c) Mg(BrO3)2 · 6H2O magnesium bromate hexahydrate
(d potassium carbonate dihydrate K2CO3 · 2H2O

3.46 Hydrates are named the same way as other ionic compounds with the addition of the term prefixhydrate,
where the prefix is the number of water molecules associated with each formula unit.
(a) cobalt(II) phosphate octahydrate Co3(PO4)2 · 8H2O
(b) BeCl2 · 2H2O beryllium chloride dihydrate
(c) chromium(III) phosphate trihydrate CrPO4 · 3H2O
(d LiNO2 · H2O lithium nitrite monohydrate

Formulas and Names for Molecular Compounds and Acids

3.47 (a) CO The name of the compound is the name of the first element, carbon, followed by
the base name of the second element, ox, prefixed by mono- to indicate one and
given the suffix -ide: carbon monoxide.
(b) NI3 The name of the compound is the name of the first element, nitrogen, followed
by the base name of the second element, iod, prefixed by tri- to indicate three
and given the suffix -ide: nitrogen triiodide.
(c) SiCl4 The name of the compound is the name of the first element, silicon, followed by
the base name of the second element, chlor, prefixed by tetra- to indicate four
and given the suffix -ide: silicon tetrachloride.
(d Se4N4 The name of the compound is the name of the most electropositive element
) first, selenium prefixed by tetra- to indicate four followed by the base name of
the second element, nitr, prefixed by tetra- to indicate four and given the
suffix -ide: tetraselenium tetranitride.
(e) I2O5 The name of the compound is the name of the first element, iodine, prefixed by
di- to indicate two followed by the base name of the second element, ox,
prefixed by penta- to indicate five and given the suffix -ide: diiodine pentaoxide.

3.48 (a) SO3 The name of the compound is the name of the first element, sulfur, followed by
the base name of the second element, ox, prefixed by tri- to indicate three and
given the suffix -ide: sulfur trioxide.
(b) SO2 The name of the compound is the name of the first element, sulfur, followed by
the base name of the second element, ox, prefixed by di- to indicate two and
given the suffix -ide: sulfur dioxide.
(c) BrF5 The name of the compound is the name of the first element, bromine, followed by
the base name of the second element, fluor, prefixed by penta- to indicate five and
given the suffix -ide: bromine pentafluoride.
(d NO The name of the compound is the name of the first element, nitrogen, followed by
) the base name of the second element, ox, prefixed by mono- to indicate one and
given the suffix -ide: nitrogen monoxide.

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(e) XeO3 The name of the compound is the name of the first element, xenon, followed by
the base name of the second element, ox, prefixed by tri- to indicate three and
given the suffix -ide: xenon trioxide.
3.49 (a) phosphorus trichloride: PCl3

(b) chlorine monoxide: ClO

(c) disulfur tetrafluoride: S2F4
(d) phosphorus pentafluoride: PF5
(e) diphosphorus pentasulfide: P2S5

3.50 (a) boron tribromide: BBr3

(b) dichlorine monoxide: Cl2O
(c) xenon tetrafluoride: XeF4
(d) carbon tetrabromide: CBr4
(e) diboron tetrachloride: B2Cl4

3.51 (a) HI: The base name of I is iod so the name is hydroiodic acid.
(b) HNO3: The oxyanion is nitrate, which ends in -ate; therefore, the name of the acid is
nitric acid.
(c) H2CO3: The oxyanion is carbonate, which ends in -ate; therefore, the name of the acid
is carbonic acid.
(d) H3PO4: The oxyanion is phosphate, which ends in -ate; therefore, the name of the
acid is phosphoric acid.

3.52 (a) HCl: The base name of Cl is chlor, so the name is hydrochloric acid.
(b) HClO2: The oxyanion is chlorite, which ends in -ite; therefore, the name of the acid
is chlorous acid.
(c) H2SO4: The oxyanion is sulfate, which ends in -ate; therefore, the name of the acid
is sulfuric acid.
(d) HNO2: The oxyanion is nitrite, which ends in -ite; therefore, the name of the acid
is nitrous acid.

3.53 (a) hydrofluoric acid: HF

(b) hydrobromic acid: HBr
(c) sulfurous acid: H2SO3

3.54 (a) phosphoric acid: H3PO4

(b) hydrocyanic acid: HCN
(c) chlorous acid: HClO2

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Organic Compounds
3.55 (a) composed of metal cation and polyatomic anion – inorganic compound
(b) composed of carbon and hydrogen – organic compound
(c) composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen – organic compound
(d) composed of metal cation and nonmetal anion – inorganic compound

3.56 (a) composed of carbon and hydrogen – organic compound

(b) composed of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen – organic compound
(c) composed of metal cation and nonmetal anion – inorganic compound
(d) composed of metal cation and polyatomic anion – inorganic compound

3.57 (a) contains double bond – alkene

(b) contains only single bonds – alkane
(c) contains triple bond – alkyne
(d) contains only single bonds – alkane

3.58 (a) contains triple bond – alkyne

(b) contains double bond – alkene
(c) contains only single bonds – alkane
(d) contains triple bond – alkyne

3.59 (a) but = 4 C, ane = single bonds: CH3CH2CH2CH3

(b) 3 C = prop, single bonds = ane: propane
(c) oct = 8 C, ane = single bonds: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3
(d) 5 C = pent, single bonds = ane: pentane

3.60 (a) 2 C = eth, single bonds = ane: ethane

(b) pent = 5 C, and = single bonds: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3
(c) 6 C = hex, single bonds = ane: hexane
(d) hept = 7 C, ane = single bonds: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3

3.61 (a) contains O: functionalized hydrocarbon: alcohol

(b) contains only C and H: hydrocarbon
(c) contains O: functionalized hydrocarbon: ketone
(d) contains N: functionalized hydrocarbon: amine

3.62 (a) contains O: functionalized hydrocarbon: carboxylic acid

(b) contains O: functionalized hydrocarbon: aldehyde
(c) contains only C and H: hydrocarbon

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(d) contains O: functionalized hydrocarbon: ether

Formula Mass and the Mole Concept for Compounds

3.63 (a) Pentane
(b) 2-methylbutane
(c) 2-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)heptane
(d) 4-ethyl-2-methylhexane

3.64 (a) 2-methylpropane

(b) 2,4-dimethylhexane
(c) 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane
(d) 5-ethyl-2,4-dimethyloctane

3.65 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

3.66 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

3.67 (a) But-1-ene or butene

(b) 3,4-dimethylpent-2-ene
(c) 3-(1-methylethyl)hex-1-yne or 3-isopropylhexyne
(d) 3,6-dimethylnon-4-yne

3.68 (a) hex-3-ene

(b) 4-methylpent-2-ene
(c) 3-ethyl-3-methylpent-1-ene or 3-ethyl-3-methylpentene
(d) 4-ethyl-5,5-dimethylhex-2-yne

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72 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.69 (a)


3.70 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

3.71 (a) methylbenzene

(b) bromobenzene
(c) chlorobenzene

3.72 (a) ethylbenzene

(b) fluorobenzene
(c) (1,1-dimethylethyl)benzene or tert-butylbenzene

3.73 (a) 1,4-dibromobenzene

(b) 1,3-diethylbenzene
(c) 1-chloro-2-fluorobenzene

3.74 (a) 1-bromo-2-chlorobenzene

(b) 1-chloro-4-ethylbenzene
(c) 1,3-diiodobenzene

3.75 (a) (b) (c)

3.76 (a) (b) (c)

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 73

3.77 (a) Propanol or Propan-1-ol

(b) 4-methylhexan-2-ol
(c) 2,6-dimethylheptan-4-ol
(d) 3-methylpentan-3-ol

3.78 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

3.79 (a) methyl butanoate

(b) propanoic acid
(c) 5-methylhexanoic acid
(d) ethyl pentanoate

3.80 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

3.81 (a) ethoxypropane, or ethyl propyl ether

(b) ethoxypentane, or ethyl pentyl ether
(c) propoxypropane, or dipropyl ether
(d) ethoxybutane, or butyl ethyl ether

3.82 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

3.83 (a) diethylamine

(b) methylpropylamine
(c) butylmethylpropylamine

3.84 (a) (b) (c)

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74 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

Formula Mass and the Mole Concept for Compounds

3.85 To find the formula mass, we sum the atomic masses of each atom in the chemical formula.
(a) NO2 formula mass = 1  (atomic mass N) + 2  (atomic mass O)
= 1  (14.01 u) + 2  (16.00 u)
= 46.01 u
(b) C4H10 formula mass = 4  (atomic mass C) + 10  (atomic mass H)
= 4  (12.01 u) + 10  (1.008 u)
= 58.12 u
(c) C6H12O6 formula mass = 6  (atomic mass C) + 12  (atomic mass H) + 6  (atomic mass O)
= 6  (12.01 u) + 12  (1.008 u) + 6  (16.00 u)
= 180.16 u
(d) Cr(NO3)3 formula mass = 1  (atomic mass Cr) + 3  (atomic mass N) + 9  (atomic mass O)
= 1  (52.00 u) + 3  (14.01 u) + 9  (16.00 u)
= 238.03 u

3.86 To find the formula mass, we sum the atomic masses of each atom in the chemical formula.
(a) MgBr2 formula mass = 1  (atomic mass Mg) + 2  (atomic mass Br)
= 1  (24.31 u) + 2  (79.90 u)
= 184.11 u
(b) HNO2 formula mass = 1  (atomic mass H) + 1  (atomic mass N) + 2  (atomic mass O)
= 1  (1.008 u) + 1  (14.01 u) + 2  (16.00 u)
= 47.02 u
(c) CBr4 formula mass = 1  (atomic mass C) + 4  (atomic mass Br)
= 1  (12.01 u) + 4  (79.90 u)
= 331.61 u
(d) Ca(NO3)2 formula mass = 1  (atomic mass Ca) + 2  (atomic mass N) + 6  (atomic mass O)
= 1  (40.08 u) + 2  (14.01 u) + 6  (16.00 u)
= 164.10 u

3.87 (a) Given: 25.5 g NO2 Find: number of moles

Conceptual Plan: g NO2  mole NO2

Check: The units of the answer (mole NO2) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate because it is
less than 1 mole of NO2.
(b) Given: 1.25 kg CO2 Find: number of moles
Conceptual Plan: kg CO2  g CO2  mole CO2

Check: The units of the answer (mole CO2) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate because
there is over a kg of CO2 present.

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 75

(c) Given: 38.2 g KNO3 Find: number of moles

Conceptual Plan: g KNO3  mole KNO3

Check: The units of the answer (mole KNO 3) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate because
there is less than 1 mole of KNO3.
(d) Given: 155.2 kg Na2SO4 Find: number of moles
Conceptual Plan: kg Na2SO4  g Na2SO4  mole Na2SO4

Check: The units of the answer (mole Na 2SO4) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate because
there is over 100 kg of Na2SO4 present.

3.88 (a) Given: 55.98 g CF2Cl2 Find: number of moles

Conceptual Plan: g CF2Cl2  mole CF2Cl2

Check: The units of the answer (mole CF2Cl2) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate because it
is less than 1 mole of CF2Cl2.
(b) Given: 23.6 kg Fe(NO3)2 Find: number of moles
Conceptual Plan: kg Fe(NO3)2  g Fe(NO3)2  mole Fe(NO3)2

Check: The units of the answer (mole Fe(NO 3)2) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate
because there is over a kg of Fe(NO3)2 present.
(c) Given: 0.1187 g C8H18 Find: number of moles
Conceptual Plan: g C8H18  mole C8H18

Check: The units of the answer (mole C 8H18) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate because it
is much less than 1 mole of C8H18.
(d) Given: 195 kg CaO Find: number of moles
Conceptual Plan: kg CaO  g CaO  mole CaO

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76 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

Check: The units of the answer (mole CaO) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate because
there is over a kg of CaO present.
3.89 (a) Given: 6.5 g H2O Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: g H2O  mole H2O  number H2O molecules

Check: The units of the answer (H 2O molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it is
smaller than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have less than 1 mole of H2O.
(b) Given: 389 g CBr4 Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: g CBr4  mole CBr4  number CBr4 molecules

Check: The units of the answer (CBr4 molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it is
larger than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have more than 1 mole of CBr4.
(c) Given: 22.1 g O2 Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: g O2  mole O2  number O2 molecules

Check: The units of the answer (O 2 molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it is
smaller than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have less than 1 mole of O2.
(d) Given: 19.3 g C8H10 Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: g C8H10  mole C8H10  number C8H10 molecules


Check: The units of the answer (C8H10 molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it is
smaller than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have less than 1 mole of C8H10.
3.90 (a) Given: 85.26 g CCl4 Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: g CCl4  mole CCl4  number CCl4 molecules


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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 77

Check: The units of the answer (CCl4 molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it is
smaller than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have less than 1 mole of CCl4.
(b) Given: 55.93 kg NaHCO3 Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: kg NaHCO3  g NaHCO3  mole NaHCO3  number NaHCO3 molecules


Check: The units of the answer (NaHCO3 molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it
is more than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have many moles of NaHCO3.
(c) Given: 119.78 g C4H10 Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: g C4H10  mole C4H10  number C4H10 molecules


Check: The units of the answer (C4H10 molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it is
larger than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have more than 1 mole of C4H10.
(d) Given: 4.59  105 g Na3PO4 Find: number of molecules
Conceptual Plan: g Na3PO4  mole Na3PO4  number Na3PO4 molecules


Check: The units of the answer (Na3PO4 molecules) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: it
is larger than Avogadro’s number, as expected, since we have more than 1 mole of Na3PO4.

3.91 (a) Given: 5.94  1020 SO3 molecules Find: mass in g

Conceptual Plan: number SO3 molecules  mole SO3  g SO3

Check: The units of the answer (grams SO 3) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there is
less than Avogadro’s number of molecules, so we have less than 1 mole of SO3.
(b) Given: 2.8  1022 H2O molecules Find: mass in g
Conceptual Plan: number H2O molecules  mole H2O  g H2O


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78 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

Check: The units of the answer (grams H 2O) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there is
less than Avogadro’s number of molecules, so we have less than 1 mole of H2O.

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 79

(c) Given: 1 C6H12O6 molecule Find: mass in g

Conceptual Plan: number C6H12O6 molecules  mole C6H12O6  g C6H12O6


Check: The units of the answer (grams C 6H12O6) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there
is much less than Avogadro’s number of molecules, so we have much less than 1 mole of C6H12O6.

3.92 (a) Given: 4.5  1025 O3 molecules Find: mass in g

Conceptual Plan: number O3 molecules  mole O3  g O3

Check: The units of the answer (grams O3) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there is
more than Avogadro’s number of molecules, so we have more than 1 mole of O3.
(b) Given: 9.85  1019 CCl2F2 molecules Find: mass in g
Conceptual Plan: number CCl2F2 molecules  mole CCl2F2  g CCl2F2


Check: The units of the answer (grams CCl2F2) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there is
less than Avogadro’s number of molecules, so we have less than 1 mole of CCl2F2.
(c) Given: 1 H2O molecule Find: mass in g
Conceptual Plan: number H2O molecules  mole H2O  g H2O

Check: The units of the answer (grams H 2O) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there is
much less than Avogadro’s number of molecules, so we have much less than 1 mole of H2O.

3.93 Given: 1.8  1017 C12H22O11 molecules Find: mass in mg

Conceptual Plan: number C12H22O11 molecules  mole C12H22O11  g C12H22O11  mg C12H22O11


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80 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

Check: The units of the answer (milligrams C 12H22O11) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there
is much less than Avogadro’s number of molecules, so we have much less than 1 mole of C12H22O11.

3.94 Given: 0.12 mg NaCl Find: number of formula units

Conceptual Plan: mg NaCl  g NaCl  mole NaCl  number of formula units NaCl


Check: The units of the answer (formula units NaCl) are correct. The magnitude is appropriate: there is
less than 1 mole of NaCl, so we have less than Avogadro’s number of formula units.

Composition of Compounds
3.95 (a) Given: CH4 Find: mass percent C

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100% and carbon is the heaviest element.
(b) Given: C2H6 Find: mass percent C

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100% and carbon is the heaviest element.

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 81

(c) Given: C2H2 Find: mass percent C

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100% and carbon is the heaviest element.
(d) Given: C2H5Cl Find: mass percent C

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100% and chlorine is heavier than carbon.

3.96 (a) Given: N2O Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100% and there are two nitrogens per molecule.

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82 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

(b) Given: NO Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100% and the mass of nitrogen is less than the mass of oxygen.
(c) Given: NO2 Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100%. The mass of nitrogen is less than the mass of oxygen and there are two oxygens per
(d) Given: HNO3 Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between
0 and 100%. The mass of nitrogen is less than the mass of oxygen and there are three oxygens per

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 83

3.97 Given: NH3 Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between 0 and
100% and nitrogen is the heaviest atom present.
Given: CO(NH2)2 Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable. It is between 0 and 100%
and there are two nitrogens and only one carbon and one oxygen per molecule.
Given: NH4NO3 Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between 0 and
100%. The mass of nitrogen is less than the mass of oxygen and there are two nitrogens and three
oxygens per molecule.
Given: (NH4)2SO4 Find: mass percent N

Conceptual Plan:

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84 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 85


Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between 0 and
100% and the mass of nitrogen is less than the mass of oxygen and sulfur.
The fertilizer with the highest nitrogen content is NH3 with a N content of 82.27% N.

3.98 Given: Fe2O3 Find: mass percent Fe

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between 0 and
100% and iron provides most of the formula mass.
Given: Fe3O4 Find: mass percent Fe

Conceptual Plan:

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between 0 and
100% and iron provides most of the formula mass.
Given: FeCO3 Find: mass percent Fe

Conceptual Plan:

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86 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature


Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is between 0 and
100% and iron provides slightly less than half of the formula mass.
The ore with the highest iron content is Fe3O4 with an Fe content of 72.37% Fe.

3.99 Given: 55.5 g CuF2: 37.42% F Find: g F in CuF2

Conceptual Plan: g CuF2  g F

Check: The units of the answer (g F) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less than the
original mass.

3.100 Given: 155 mg Ag; 75.27% Ag in AgCl Find: mg AgCl

Conceptual Plan: mg Ag  g Ag  g AgCl  mg AgCl

Check: The units of the answer (g AgCl) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is greater
than the original mass.

3.101 Given: 150 μg I; 76.45% I in KI Find: μg KI

Conceptual Plan: μg I  g I  g KI  μg KI

Check: The units of the answer (μg KI) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is greater
than the original mass.

3.102 Given: 3.0 mg F; 45.24% F in NaF Find: mg NaF

Conceptual Plan: mg F  g F  g NaF  mg NaF


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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 87

Check: The units of the answer (mg NaF) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is greater
than the original mass.

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88 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.103 (a) red – oxygen, white – hydrogen: 2H:O H2O

(b) black – carbon, white – hydrogen: 4H:C CH4
(c) black – carbon, white – hydrogen, red – oxygen: 2C:O:6H CH3CH2OH or C2H6O
3.104 (a) black – carbon, red – oxygen: 2O:C CO2
(b) red – oxygen, white – hydrogen: 2H:2O H2O2
(c) red – oxygen, white – hydrogen: 2H:O H2O
3.105 (a) Given: 0.0885 mol C4H10 Find: mol H atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol C4H10  mole H atom

Check: The units of the answer (mol H atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is greater than the original mol C4H10.
(b) Given: 1.3 mol CH4 Find: mol H atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol CH4  mole H atom

Check: The units of the answer (mol H atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is greater than the original mol CH4.
(c) Given: 2.4 mol C6H12 Find: mol H atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol C6H12  mole H atom

Check: The units of the answer (mol H atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is greater than the original mol C6H12.
(d) Given: 1.87 mol C8H18 Find: mol H atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol C8H18  mole H atom

Check: The units of the answer (mol H atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is greater than the original mol C8H18.
3.106 (a) Given: 4.88 mol H2O2 Find: mol O atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol H2O2  mole O atom


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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 89

Check: The units of the answer (mol O atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is greater than the original mol H2O2.
(b) Given: 2.15 mol N2O Find: mol O atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol N2O  mole O atom

Check: The units of the answer (mol O atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is the same as the original mol N2O.
(c) Given: 0.0237 mol H2CO3 Find: mol O atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol H2CO3  mole O atom

Check: The units of the answer (mol O atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is greater than the original mol H2CO3.
(d) Given: 24.1 mol CO2 Find: mol O atoms
Conceptual Plan: mol CO2  mole O atom

Check: The units of the answer (mol O atoms) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it
is greater than the original mol CO2.

3.107 (a) Given: 8.5 g NaCl Find: g Na

Conceptual Plan: g NaCl  mole NaCl  mol Na  g Na

Check: The units of the answer (g Na) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original g NaCl.
(b) Given: 8.5 g Na3PO4 Find: g Na
Conceptual Plan: g Na3PO4  mole Na3PO4  mol Na  g Na

Check: The units of the answer (g Na) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original g Na3PO4.

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90 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

(c) Given: 8.5 g NaC7H5O2 Find: g Na

Conceptual Plan: g NaC7H5O2  mole NaC7H5O2  mol Na  g Na

Check: The units of the answer (g Na) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original g NaC7H5O2.
(d) Given: 8.5 g Na2C6H6O7 Find: g Na
Conceptual Plan: g Na2C6H6O7  mole Na2C6H6O7  mol Na  g Na

Check: The units of the answer (g Na) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original g Na2C6H6O7.

3.108 (a) Given: 25 kg CF2Cl2 Find: kg Cl

Conceptual Plan: kg CF2Cl2  g CF2Cl2  mole CF2Cl2  mol Cl  g Cl  kg Cl


Check: The units of the answer (kg Cl) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original kg CF2Cl2.
(b) Given: 25 kg CFCl3 Find: kg Cl
Conceptual Plan: kg CFCl3  g CFCl3  mole CFCl3  mol Cl  g Cl  kg Cl


Check: The units of the answer (kg Cl) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original kg CFCl3.
(c) Given: 25 kg C2F3Cl3 Find: kg Cl
Conceptual Plan: kg C2F3Cl3  g C2F3Cl3  mole C2F3Cl3  mol Cl  g Cl  kg Cl


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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 91

Check: The units of the answer (kg Cl) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original kg C2F3Cl3.
(d) Given: 25 kg CF3Cl Find: kg Cl
Conceptual Plan: kg CF3Cl  g CF3Cl  mole CF3Cl  mol Cl  g Cl  kg Cl


Check: The units of the answer (kg Cl) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less
than the original kg CF3Cl.

Chemical Formulas from Experimental Data

3.109 (a) Given: 1.651 g Ag; 0.1224 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is Ag2O.

(b) Given: 0.672 g Co; 0.569 g As; 0.486 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is Co3As2O8.

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92 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

(c) Given: 1.443 g Se; 5.841 g Br Find: empirical formula

Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is SeBr4.

3.110 (a) Given: 1.245 g Ni; 5.381 g I Find: empirical formula

Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is NiI2.

(b) Given: 2.677 g Ba; 3.115 g Br Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is BaBr2.

(c) Given: 2.128 g Be; 7.557 g S; 15.107 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 93


The correct empirical formula is BeSO4.

3.111 (a) Given: in a 100 g sample: 74.03 g C, 8.70 g H, 17.27 g N Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is C5H7N.

(b) Given: in a 100 g sample: 49.48 g C, 5.19 g H, 28.85 g N, 16.48 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is C4H5N2O.

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94 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.112 (a) Given: in a 100 g sample: 58.80 g C, 9.87 g H, 31.33 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is C5H10O2.

(b) Given: in a 100 g sample: 63.15 g C, 5.30 g H, 31.55 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is C8H8O3.

3.113 Given: in a 100 g sample: 75.69 g C, 8.80 g H, 15.51 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 95

The correct empirical formula is C13H18O2.

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96 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.114 Given: in a 100 g sample: 40.92 g C, 4.58 g H, 54.50 g O Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is C3H4O3.

3.115 Given: 0.77 mg N, 6.61 mg NxCly Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan:
find mg Cl  convert mg to g for each element  convert mass to mol of each element 

write pseudoformula  write empirical formula

divide by smallest number


The correct empirical formula is NCl3.

3.116 Given: 45.2 mg P, 131.6 mg PxSey Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan: find mg Se  convert mg to g for each element  convert mass to mol of each element

 write pseudoformula  write empirical formula

divide by smallest number


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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 97

The correct empirical formula is P4Se3.

3.117 (a) Given: empirical formula = C6H7N, molar mass = 186.24 g mol–1 Find: molecular formula

Conceptual Plan: molecular formula = empirical formula  n

Solution: empirical formula mass = 6(12.01 g mol–1) + 7(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(14.01 g mol–1) = 93.13 g mol–

(b) Given: empirical formula = C2HCl, molar mass = 181.44 g mol–1 Find: molecular formula

Conceptual Plan: molecular formula = empirical formula  n

Solution: empirical formula mass = 2(12.01 g mol–1) + 1(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(35.45 g mol–1) = 60.48 g mol–

(c) Given: empirical formula = C5H10NS2, molar mass = 296.54 g mol–1 Find: molecular formula

Conceptual Plan: molecular formula = empirical formula  n

Solution: empirical formula mass = 5(12.01 g mol–1) + 10(1.008 g mol–1)
+ 1(14.01 g mol–1) + 2(32.07) = 148.28 g mol–1

3.118 (a) Given: empirical formula = C4H9, molar mass = 114.22 g mol–1 Find: molecular formula

Conceptual Plan: molecular formula = empirical formula  n

Solution: empirical formula mass = 4(12.01 g mol–1) + 9(1.008 g mol–1) = 57.11 g mol–1

(b) Given: empirical formula = CCl, molar mass = 284.77 g mol–1 Find: molecular formula

Conceptual Plan: molecular formula = empirical formula  n

Solution: empirical formula mass = 1(12.01 g mol–1) + 1(35.45 g mol–1) = 47.46 g mol–1

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 99

(c) Given: empirical formula = C3H2N, molar mass = 312.29 g mol–1 Find: molecular formula

Conceptual Plan: molecular formula = empirical formula  n

Solution: empirical formula mass = 3(12.01 g mol–1) + 2(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(14.01 g mol–1) = 52.06 g mol–

3.119 Given: 85.63% C, 14.37% H Find: empirical formula

Conceptual Plan:
Mass % C, H → mass C, mass H → mol C, mol H → pseudoformula → empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is CH2.

3.120 Given: 93.71% C, 6.29% H Find: empirical formula

Conceptual Plan:
Mass % C, H → mass C, mass H → mol C, mol H → pseudoformula → empirical formula


The correct empirical formula is C5H4.

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 101

3.121 Given: 54.53% C, 9.15% H Find: empirical formula

Conceptual Plan: assume 100 g of sample
Mass % C, H → mass C, mass H → mol C, mol H → mass C, mass H, mass O → mol O →

pseudoformula → empirical formula
divide by smallest number

The correct empirical formula is C2H4O.

3.122 Given: 32.00% C, 4.03% H Find: empirical formula

Conceptual Plan, assume 100 g of sample
Mass % C, H → mass C, mass H → mol C, mol H → mass C, mass H, mass O → mol O →

pseudoformula  empirical formula
divide by smallest number

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102 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

The correct empirical formula is C2H3O3.

Cumulative Problems
3.123 (a) alkene; 2,3,4-trimethylpent-2-ene
(b) alkane; 2,2,4-trimethylhexane
(c) carboxylic acid; 3-methylpentanoic acid
(d) amine; butyl(1-methylethyl)amine
(e) alcohol; 2,4-dimethylhexan-1-ol

3.124 (a) 4-ethyl-4,5-dimethylhept-2-ene

(b) 1-bromo-3-ethylbenzene
(c) 1-methylethyl-3-methylpentanoate
(d) 3-methylbutanal

3.125 Given: 145 mL C2H5OH, d = 0.789 g cm–3 Find: number of molecules

Conceptual Plan: cm3  mL: mL C2H5OH  g C2H5OH  mol C2H5OH  molecules C2H5OH


Check: The units of the answer (molecules C2H5OH) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because we
had more than two moles of C2H5OH and we have more than two times Avogadro’s number of molecules.

3.126 Given: 0.05 mL H2O, d = 1.0 g cm–3 Find: number of molecules

Conceptual Plan: cm3  mL: mL H2O  g H2O  mol H2O  molecules H2O


Check: The units of the answer (molecules H 2O) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because we
have less than 1 mole H2O and we have less than Avogadro’s number of molecules.

3.127 (a) To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal
cation and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion or polyatomic anion and its charge.
2) Adjust the subscript on each cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the
sum of the charges of the cations equals the sum of the charges of the anions.
potassium chromate: K+ CrO42–; K2CrO4 cation 2(1+) = 2+; anion 2–

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 103

Given: K2CrO4 Find: mass percent of each element

Conceptual Plan: %K, then %Cr, then %O

molar mass of K = 39.10 g mol–1, molar mass Cr = 52.00 g mol–1, molar mass O = 16.00 g mol–1
Solution: molar mass K2CrO4 = 2(39.10 g mol–1) + 1(52.00 g mol–1) + 4(16.00 g mol–1) = 194.20 g mol–1
2  molar mass K = 2(39.10 g mol–1) = 78.20 g K 1  molar mass Cr = 1(52.00 g mol–1) = 52.00 g Cr

4  molar mass O = 4(16.00 g mol–1) = 64.00 g O

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.
(b) To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal
cation and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion or polyatomic anion and its charge.
2) Adjust the subscript on each cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the
sum of the charges of the cations equals the sum of the charges of the anions.
Lead(II)phosphate: Pb2+ PO43– ; Pb3(PO4)2 cation 3(2+) = 6+; anion 2(3–) = 6–
Given: Pb3(PO4)2 Find: mass percent of each element
Conceptual Plan: %Pb, then %P, then %O

Solution: molar mass Pb3(PO4)2 = 3(207.2 g mol–1) + 2(30.97 g mol–1) + 8(16.00 g mol–1) = 811.5 g mol–

3  molar mass Pb = 3(207.2 g mol–1) = 621.6 g Pb 2  molar mass P = 2(30.97 g mol–1) = 61.94 g P

4  molar mass O = 8(16.00 g mol–1) = 128.0 g O

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 105

(c) sulfurous acid: H2SO3

Given: H2SO3 Find: mass percent of each element
Conceptual Plan: %H, then %S, then %O

Solution: molar mass H2SO3 = 2(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(32.07 g mol–1) + 3(16.00 g mol–1) = 82.086 g mol–1
2  molar mass H = 1(1.008 g mol–1) = 2.016 g H 1  molar mass S = 1(32.07 g mol–1) = 32.07 g S

3  molar mass O = 3(16.00 g mol–1) = 48.00 g O

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.
(d) To write the formula for an ionic compound do the following: 1) Write the symbol for the metal
cation and its charge and the symbol for the nonmetal anion or polyatomic anion and its charge.
2) Adjust the subscript on each cation and anion to balance the overall charge. 3) Check that the
sum of the charges of the cations equals the sum of the charges of the anions.
cobalt(II)bromide: Co2+ Br–; CoBr2 cation 2+ = 2+; anion 2(1–) = 2–
Given: CoBr2 Find: mass percent of each element
Conceptual Plan: %Co, then %Br

Solution: molar mass CoBr2 = (58.93 g mol–1) + 2(79.90 g mol–1) = 218.73 g mol–1
2  molar mass Co = 1(58.93 g mol–1) = 58.93 g Co 1  molar mass Br = 2(79.90 g mol–1) = 159.80 g Br

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.

3.128 (a) perchloric acid: HClO4

Given: HClO4 Find: mass percent of each element
Conceptual Plan: %H, then %Cl, then %O

Solution: molar mass HClO4 = 1(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(35.45 g mol–1) + 4(16.00 g mol–1) = 100.46 g mol–1
1  molar mass H = 1(1.008 g mol–1) = 1.008 g H 1  molar mass Cl = 1(35.45 g mol–1) = 35.45 g Cl

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106 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

4  molar mass O = 4(16.00 g mol–1) = 64.00 g O

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.
(b) phosphorus pentachloride: PCl5
Given: PCl5 Find: mass percent of each element
Conceptual Plan: %P, then %Cl

Solution: molar mass PCl5 = 1(30.97 g mol–1) + 5(35.45 g mol–1) = 208.2 g mol–1
1  molar mass P = 1(30.97 g mol–1) = 30.97 g P 5  molar mass Cl = 5(35.45 g mol–1) = 177.25 g Cl

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.
(c) nitrogen triiodide: NI3
Given: NI3 Find: mass percent of each element
Conceptual Plan: %N, then %I

Solution: molar mass NI3 = 1(14.01 g mol–1) + 3(126.9 g mol–1) = 394.7 g mol–1
1  molar mass N = 1(14.01 g mol–1) = 14.01 g N 1  molar mass I = 3(126.9 g mol–1) = 380.7 g I

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.
(d) carbon dioxide: CO2
Given: CO2 Find: mass percent of each element
Conceptual Plan: %C, then %O

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 107

Solution: molar mass CO2 = 1(12.01 g mol–1) + 2(16.00 g mol–1) = 44.01 g mol–1
1  molar mass C = 1(12.01 g mol–1) = 12.01 g C 2  molar mass O = 2(16.00 g mol–1) = 32.00 g O

Check: The units of the answer (%) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because each is
between 0 and 100% and the total is 100%.

3.129 Given: 25 g CF2Cl2/mo. Find: g Cl/yr.

Conceptual Plan: g CF2Cl2/mo.  g Cl/mo.  g Cl/yr.

Check: The units of the answer (g Cl) is correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less than the
total CF2Cl2/yr.

3.130 Given: 12 kg CHF2Cl/mo. Find: kg Cl/yr.

Conceptual Plan: kg CHF2Cl/mo.  kg Cl/mo.  kg Cl/yr.

Check: The units of the answer (kg Cl) is correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less than the
total CHF2Cl/yr.

3.131 Given: MCl3, 65.57% Cl Find: identify M

Conceptual Plan: g Cl  mol Cl  mol M  atomic mass M

Solution: in 100 g sample: 65.57 g Cl, 34.43 g M

3.132 Given: M2O, 16.99% O Find: identify M

Conceptual Plan: g O  mol O  mol M  atomic mass M

Solution: in 100 g sample: 16.99 g O, 83.01 g M

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 109

3.133 Given: in a 100 g sample: 79.37 g C, 8.88 g H, 11.75 g O, molar mass = 272.37 g mol–1
Find: molecular formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  pseudoformula  empirical formula  molecular formula


The correct empirical formula is C9H12O.

empirical formula mass = 9(12.01 g mol–1) + 12(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(16.00 g mol–1) = 136.19 g mol–1

3.134 Given: in a 100 g sample: 40.00 g C, 6.72 g H, 53.28 g O, molar mass = 180.16 g mol–1
Find: molecular formula
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  pseudoformula  empirical formula  molecular formula


The correct empirical formula is CH2O.

empirical formula mass = 1(12.01 g mol–1) + 2(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(16.00 g mol–1) = 30.03 g mol–1

3.135 Given: 80.56% C, 7.51% H, molar mass = 268.34 g mol–1

Find: molecular formula
Conceptual Plan, assume 100 g of sample
Mass % C, H → mass C, mass H → mol C, mol H → mass C, mass H, mass O → mol O →

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110 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

pseudoformula  empirical formula  molecular formula
divide by smallest number empirical formula  n

The correct empirical formula is C9H10O.

3.136 Given: 79.96% C, 8.20% H, molar mass = 270.36 g mol–1

Find: molecular formula
Conceptual Plan, assume 100 g of sample
Mass % C, H → mass C, mass H → mol C, mol H → mass C, mass H, mass O → mol O →

pseudoformula  empirical formula  molecular formula
divide by smallest number empirical formula  n


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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 111

The correct empirical formula is C9H11O.

3.137 Given: 4.93 g MgSO4 · xH2O, 2.41 g MgSO4 Find: value of x

Conceptual Plan: g MgSO4  mol MgSO4 g H2O  mol H2O Determine mole ratio


Determine g H2O: 4.93 g MgSO4 · xH2O – 2.41 g MgSO4 = 2.52 g H2O

3.138 Given: 3.41 g CuCl2 · xH2O, 2.69 g CuCl2 Find: value of x

Conceptual Plan: g CuCl2  mol CuCl2 g H2O  mol H2O Determine mole ratio


Determine g H2O: 3.41 g CuCl2 xH2O – 2.69 g CuCl2 = 0.72 g H2O

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112 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.139 Given: molar mass = 177 g mol–1, g C 8(g H) Find: molecular formula
Conceptual Plan: CxHyBrO
Solution: in 1 mol compound, let x = mol C and y = mol H, assume mol Br = 1, assume mol O = 1
177 g mol–1 = x(12.01 g mol–1) + y(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(79.90 g mol–1) + 1(16.00 g mol–1)
x(12.01 g mol–1) = 8{y(1.008 g mol–1)}
177 g mol–1 = 8y(1.008 g mol–1) + y(1.008 g mol–1) + 79.90 g mol–1 + 16.00 g mol–1
81 = 9y(1.008)
y = 9 = mol H
x(12.01) = 8  9(1.008)
x = 6 = mol C
molecular formula = C6H9BrO
Check: molar mass = 6(12.01 g mol–1) + 9(1.008 g mol–1) + 1(79.90 g mol–1) + 1(16.00 g mol–1) = 177.0 g mol–1
3.140 Given: 65.43% C, 6.71% H, 8.48% N, molar mass = 165 g mol–1
Find: molecular formula
Conceptual Plan, assume 100 g of sample
Mass % C, H  mass C, mass H, mass N mol C, mol H, mol N 

, ,
mass C, mass H, mass N, mass O  mol O 

pseudoformula  empirical formula  molecular formula


The correct empirical formula is C9H11NO2.

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 113

3.141 Given: 23.5 mg C17H22ClNO4 Find: total number of atoms

Conceptual Plan: mg compound  g compound  mol compound  mol atoms  number of atoms

Check: The units of the answer (number of atoms) are correct. The magnitude of the answer is reasonable
since the molecule is so complex.
3.142 Given: in a 100 g sample: 76 g V, 24 g O Find: formula and name
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula

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114 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature


The correct formula is VO: vanadium(II) oxide.

Given: in a 100 g sample: 68 g V, 32 g O Find: formula and name
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct formula is V2O3: vanadium(III) oxide.

Given: in a 100 g sample: 61 g V, 39 g O Find: formula and name
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula


The correct formula is VO2: vanadium(IV) oxide.

Given: in a 100 g sample: 56 g V, 44 g O Find: formula and name
Conceptual Plan:
convert mass to mol of each element  write pseudoformula  write empirical formula

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 115


The correct formula is V2O5: vanadium(V) oxide.

3.143 Given: MCl3, 2.395 g sample, 3.606  10–2 mol Cl Find: molar mass M
Conceptual Plan: mol Cl  g Cl  g X

mol Cl  mol M  atomic mass M



3.145 Given: FexCryO4; 28.59% O Find: x and y

Conceptual Plan: %O  molar mass FexCryO4  mass Fe + Cr

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116 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

Mass Fe + Cr = molar mass – (4  molar mass O) = 223.8 – 64.00 = 159.8 g
Molar mass Fe = 55.85, molar mass Cr = 52.00
Since the mass of the two metals is close, the average mass can be used to determine the total

moles of Fe and Cr present in the compound. Average mass of Fe and Cr = 53.5. =

2.96 = 3 mol metal.
Let x = mol Fe and y = mol Cr
x mol Fe + y mol Cr = 3 mol total
since there are two unknowns in this equation, a second equation is needed to solve for the
x mol Fe(55.85 g Fe/mol) + y mol Cr(52.00 g mol–1) = 159.8
rearranging the first equation, we can write:
y mol Cr = 3 – x mol Fe “3 mol total – x mol Fe” is the number of mol Cr
substituting equation 1 into equation 2, we get:
x(55.85) + (3 – x)(52.00) = 159.8
So x = 1 and y = 2.
Check: Formula = FeCr2O4 would have a molar mass of Fe + 2Cr + 4O = 55.85 + 2(52.00) + 4(16.00) =
223.85 and the molar mass of the compound is 223.8.

3.146 Given: X3P2; 34.00% P, 100 g sample contains 34.00 g P Find: X

Conceptual Plan: g P  mol P  mol X

and then g P  g X  molar mass X


Check: The units (g mol–1) are correct. The answer, Ca, is reasonable because Ca3P2 is a molecule that exists.

3.147 Given: 0.0552% NaNO2; 255 g bag Find: mass Na in bag

Conceptual Plan: g bag  g NaNO2  g Na

Check: The units of the answer (mg Na) are correct. The magnitude of the answer is reasonable because
only a small % of the total mass is Na.

3.148 Given: ore is 57.8% Ca3(PO4)2 Find: mass of ore to get 1.00 kg P
Conceptual Plan: mass ore  mass Ca3(PO4)2  mass P
Solution: Assume a 100.0 gram sample of ore.

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Check: The units of the answer (kg ore) are correct. The magnitude of the answer is reasonable since the
amount is greater than 1 kg.

3.149 (a) Given: CuSO4 in tablet, 1 mg Cu, MM of Cu = 63.56 g mol–1

Find: mol Cu
Conceptual Plan: mg Cu  g Cu  mol Cu

(b) Given: CuSO4 in tablet, 1 mg Cu, MM SO42– = 96.0626 g mol–1

Find: mass of SO42–
Conceptual Plan: mol Cu  mol SO42–  mass SO42–

(c) Given: CuSO4 in tablet, 1 mg Cu, 1.43 g tablet weight

Find: %mass of Cu in tablet

3.150 (a) Given: CaCO3 in tablet, 200 mg Ca, MM of Ca = 40.078 g mol–1

Find: mol Ca
Conceptual Plan: mg Ca  g Ca  mol Ca

(b) Given: CaCO3 in tablet, 200 mg Ca, MM CO32– = 60.0089 g mol–1

Find: mass of CO32–
Conceptual Plan: mol Ca  mol CO32–  mass CO32–

(c) Given: CaCO3 in tablet, 20 mg Ca, 1.43 g tablet weight

Find: %mass of Ca in tablet

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118 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

Challenge Problems
3.151 Given: g NaCl + g NaBr = 2.00 g, g Na = 0.75 g
Find: g NaBr
Conceptual Plan:
Let x = mol NaCl, y = mol NaBr
then x molar NaCl  (molar mass NaCl) = g NaCl
y molar NaBr  (molar mass NaBr) = g NaBr
To determine the mass of NaBr, we first need to find the moles of Br. Since in NaBr, Na and Br are
present in a 1:1 molar ratio, moles of Na can therefore be determined. Using the atomic mass of each
element, a total mass for NaBr can be calculated. A system of two equations and two unknows can be
set up as shown below.
(1) x mol NaCl (58.4 g/mol) + y mol NaBr(102.9 g/mol) = 2.00 g
(2) x mol Na (23.0 g/mol) + y mol Na (23.0 g/mol) = 0.75 g Na
rearranging (2) to determine y yields the following:
(3) x mol Na = 0.0326 mol Na – y mol Na
Substituting (3) into (1), and remembering that x moles of NaCl contains x moles of Na, and
y moles of NaBr contains y moles of Na:
(0.0326 mol NaCl) (58.4 g/mol) – y mol NaBr (58.4 g/mol) + y mol NaBr (102.9 g/mol) = 2.00 g
Solving for y,
y (44.5 g/mol) = 0.09616 g
y = 0.002161 mol NaBr
To determine mass of NaBr, multiply by molar mass
mass of NaBr = 0.002161 g (102.9 g/mol) = 0.22 g NaBr
Check: The units of the answer (g NaBr) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable since it is less than the
total mass.

3.152 Given: Sample 1:1.00 g X, 0.472 g Z, X2Z3; Sample 2: 1.00 g X, 0.630 g Z; Sample 3: 1.00 g X, 0.789 g Z
Find: empirical formula for samples 2 and 3
Conceptual Plan: moles X remains constant, determine relative moles of Z for three samples.
Solution: Let X = atomic mass X, Z = atomic mass Z

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 119

3.153 Given: sample of CaCO3 and (NH4)2CO3 is 61.9% CO32–

Find: %CaCO3
Conceptual Plan:
Let x = moles of CaCO3 y = moles of (NH4)2CO3
then x moles  (molar mass CaCO3) = g CaCO3
y moles  (molar mass (NH4)2CO3) = g (NH4)2CO3
then, a 100.0 g sample contains:
x (100.0 g/mol) = g CaCO3
y (96.1g/mol) = g (NH4)2CO3
and 61.9 g CO32–
(1) Calculate the moles of CO32–:
61.9 g CO32-  (60.01 g/mol) = 1.0315 mol CO32-
Total moles of CO32– in CaCO3 and (NH4)2CO3 must add up to 1.0315 moles. Because of the
stoichiometry of each constituent (one equivalent of CO 32– in each), total moles of CaCO3
and (NH4)2CO3 must also add up to 1.0315 moles:
x CaCO3 + y (NH4)2CO3 = 1.0315 mol
y = 1.0315 – x
(2) x mol CaCO3 (100.087 g/mol) + y mol (NH4)2CO3 (96.086 g/mol) = 100.0 g sample
x (100.087 g/mol) + (1.0315 – x)(96.086) = 100
4.001 x = 100 – 99.113 = 0.887
x = 0.222 mol
Therefore, mass of CaCO3 = 0.222 mol  100.087 g/mol = 22.2 g CaCO3
In a 100 g sample, the mass % of CaCO3 is 22.2%.
The units of the answer (mass % CaCO 3) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable since it is between
0 and 100%.

3.154 Given: 1.1 kg CF2Cl2/automobile, 25% leak/year, 100  106 automobiles Find: kg Cl/yr.
Conceptual Plan: kg CF2Cl2 /auto  kg CF2Cl2 leaked/yr  kg Cl/yr/auto  kg Cl

Check: The units of the answer (kg Cl) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable because it is less than
the kg CF2Cl2 leaked per year.

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120 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.155 Given: rock contains: 38.0% PbS, 25.0% PbCO3, 17.4% PbSO4 Find: kg rock needed for 5.0 metric tonne Pb
Conceptual Plan: determine kg Pb/ 100 kg rock then tonne Pb  kg Pb  kg rock

Solution: in 100 kg rock:

Check: The units of the answer (kg rock) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable since it is greater than
the amount of Pb needed.

3.156 Given: Sample 1: 2.52 g sample, 4.23 g CO2, 1.01 g H2O; Sample 2: 4.14 g, 2.11 g SO3; Sample 3: 5.66 g,
2.27 g HNO3
Find: empirical formula of the compound
Conceptual Plan: g CO2  g C  %C; g H2O  g H  %H; g SO2  g S  %S;

g HNO3  g N  % N and the  % O and the % composition  mol of each atom 

pseudoformula  empirical formula

divide by smallest number


% O = 100 – 45.81 – 4.49 – 20.41 – 8.92 = 20.37% O

Assume a 100 g sample:

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Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature 121

3.157 Given: molar mass = 229 g mol–1, six times mass C as H, Find: molecular formula
Conceptual Plan: Let x = mass of C, then 6x = mass of C
Solution: in 1 mol of the compound: g C + g H + g S + g I = 229 g
Since the molar mass of I = 127, there cannot be more than 1 mol of I in the compound, so
x + 6x + g S + 127 = 229
x + 6x + g S = 102
If the compound contains 1 mol S, then 7x = 102 – 32 = 70 and x = 10 g H and 6x = 60 g C

Check: Molar mass of C5H10SI = 5(12) + 10(1.0) + 32 + 127 = 229 g mol–1, which is the mass given.

3.158 Given: compound is 40% X and 60% Y, atomic mass X = 2(atomic mass Y) Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan: mass X and Y  mass ratio X:Y and then g X  mol X and g Y  mol Y and then

mole ratio

But: atomic mass X = 2(atomic mass Y)

3.159 Given: compound is 1/3 X by mass, atomic mass X is 1/3 atomic mass Y Find: empirical formula
Conceptual Plan: mass X and Y  mass ratio X:Y and then g X  mol X and g Y  mol Y and then

mole ratio

But atomic mass X = 1/3 atomic mass Y so:

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122 Chapter 3 Molecules, Compounds, and Nomenclature

3.160 Given: 9.0 g sample of C and S, 23.3 g mixture of CO2 and SO2 Find: mass of S in sample
Conceptual Plan: Let x = g C and y = g S and then x g C  mol C  mol CO2  g CO2 and the

y g S  mol S  mol SO2  g SO2


Check: The units of the answer (g S) are correct. The magnitude is reasonable since it is less than 9.0 g.

Conceptual Problems
3.161 The sphere in the molecular models represents the electron cloud of the atom. On this scale, the nucleus
would be too small to see.

3.162 (a) Atomic mass O > atomic mass C, %O would be higher.

(b) Atomic mass N and O close, molecule contains 2 N to 1 O, %N would be higher.
(c) Atomic mass O > atomic mass C, same number of atoms, %O would be higher.
(d) Atomic mass N is much greater than atomic mass H, %N would be higher.

3.163 The statement is incorrect because a chemical formula is based on the ratio of atoms combined, not the
ratio of grams combined. The statement should read the following: The chemical formula for ammonia
(NH3) indicates that ammonia contains three hydrogen atoms to each nitrogen atom.

3.164 The statement is incorrect because equations are balanced based on the number and kind of atoms, not
molecules. The statement should read the following: When a chemical equation is balanced, the number
of atoms of each type on both sides of the equation will be equal.

3.165 H2SO4: Atomic mass S is approximately twice atomic mass O, both are much greater than atomic mass
H. The order of % mass is %O > %S > %H.

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