Deccan Herald - Opinion Editorial
Deccan Herald - Opinion Editorial
Deccan Herald - Opinion Editorial
In my view, Uniform Civil Code does not support these. Triple talaq too is not a just law.
Reservations, however, completely support these.
Uniform Civil Code is the same laws being applied to every community. This means, that there would
be one law for everyone without any exceptions based on religion, region, sex, caste, etc. Although
the above-mentioned are relevant, the main target is religion. If a uniform civil code IS after all
applied, then the personal laws for all the different religions will be demolished. The same law will
govern everyone. This is in no way a good thing. India is a country of many diverse people. All of us
following one law will not work. Each community has its own faith and its own practices. There has
to be some common ground for all communities, but the laws do not need to be the same. The laws
can be built on the same base, but the intricate details are different for each community. We can not
force 1.28 billion different people to follow the same law. One way to think about it would be that
this becomes one form of a dictatorship.
Triple talaq is one of the more redundant practices of Islam. It is a sort of divorce where the husband
can divorce his spouse by saying divorce three times in Urdu. It occurs instantly and can happen over
any medium. It is also irrevocable. To top it off, this ‘privilege’ is only given to the husband. This is an
unfair practice and misogynistic too. It can happen in the heat of the moment, without any
consideration, and without actually meaning to. This isn’t fair on the wife, or the husband honestly.
This leaves the wife in a very vulnerable situation, especially if she has children to take care of, as is
often the case. The husband, after the triple talaq, doesn’t have to pay maintenance for longer than
a period of 3 months, except under special circumstances. So, triple talaq is extremely sexist and
does not provide for the female. Also, it does not give the two any time to think which can be very
Reservation is a huge and controversial topic. The Lok Sabha is split right down to the middle over
whether we should have reservations or not. In my opinion, reservations are important at this point
in Indian democracy. The current stage of our country is such that everyone does not get equal
opportunities. Whether it be religion, region, case, sex, finance, etc, there are always biases in our
society. Our earning community does not have enough representation of people from each
community, which is why reservations are needed. The financially deprived people are not going to
be able to keep a seat in places where the fee is high. However, if they get a scholarship through the
reservation seats, they do not need to worry about their financial situation anymore. Another factor
affecting this is that a lot of the people who are considered minorities are financially unstable. Since
until recently, these people have not got an education, and they do not have much representation in
the community. This is why we need reservations in our current society. There might come a day
when India will not need reservations anymore, and that will truly be a happy day for us. However,
that day has not yet come, and if we remove reservations too soon, our society will not have
adequate representation from all parts of it.