The Creation
The Creation
The Creation
those that bear grain and those that bear fruit. God
was pleased with what he saw.
God made the two larger lights, the God created the great sea monsters,all kinds of
sun to rule over the day and the moon creatures that live in the water, and all kinds of
to rule over the night.He also made birds. He blessed them all the told the
creatures that live in the water to reproduce
the stars.He placed the lights in the sky
and to fill the sea, he told the birds to increase
to shine on the earth,to rule over the
in number.
day and night.
Moral Lesson:
The moral lesson in this story is that you were created to
do impossible things. Because there’s nothing we can’t
accomplish if we’ll put that in mind .
The Book of Genesis is absolutely thoughtful and thought-
provoking experience. The first book of the Bible, Genesis,
is filled with themes and storylines that have inspired not
only religious philosophy but also our cultural and moral
It all started when God created the heaven and earth. In the first
day the earth is without form and darkness was upon the face of