L4 Lipid

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Lipid -1

Structure & Function of Lipids

Mr. Wong Gou Rean

9 October 2023
Learning Outcomes:
• At the end of the lectures, student should be able to:
i. define lipids and state its important functions.
ii. classify and state important properties of lipids.
iii. explain the nomenclature used in classifying lipids.
• A heterogeneous group of compounds of biochemical importance
• Solubility:
• insoluble in water
• soluble in non-polar organic solvents
• High energy value: major source
of energy
• Glucose: 2 acetyl CoA vs Lipid:
many acetyl CoA
• Fat is stored in adipose tissue,
thermal insulator in the
subcutaneous tissue and organs
• Additional function:
• essential fatty acids, fat-soluble
vitamin, coenzyme functions,
prostaglandins, steroid hormones
• Compartmentalized in human body:
• Membrane
• Droplet
• lipoprotein
• Amphipathic properties
• Hydrophobic and hydrophilic region
• Hydrophobic barrier
Lipid Chemistry
Lipid is ester= alcohol+ carboxylic acids

Carboxylic Acid (R-COOH)

COOH =carboxyclic group
R- hydrocarbon group

Fatty acid general formula: CH3-(CH2)n-COOH

High energy value: major source of energy (TAG)
• Glucose: 2 acetyl CoA vs Lipid: many acetyl CoA
1. Simple lipids: fats/oil (FA with glycerol) and waxes (FA with
monohydric alcohols)
2. Complex lipids
1. Phospholipids: sphingolipid, lecithin, cardiolipins etc
2. Glycolipids
3. Other complex lipids: sulfolipids, amino lipids, lipoproteins
3. Derived lipids: fatty acids, hydrocarbons (glycerol, alcohol) ,steroids,
ketone bodies, hormones
- Some of these (free FA etc) also act as precursors lipids
Fatty acids
Saturated (no double bond) vs unsaturated (one or more double bond)

• Double bond 3 carbons apart

• Fatty acids that occur in natural
fats usually contain an even
number of carbon atoms
• The melting points of fatty acids
increase with chain length
• The melting points of fatty acids
decrease according to
Cis–trans isomers for fatty acids with
double bond(s)
Arachidonic acid. Four double
bonds in the cis configuration
bend the molecule into a U
Classification of Fatty acid by length of carbon
• Short chain (3-10 carbons)
• Medium chain (8-18 carbons)
• Long chain (16-24 carbons)
• Very long-chain (Longer than 24 carbons)
Transport of lipid
• long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs): These molecules are highly water
insoluble and must be transported in the circulation in association
with protein.
• More than 90% of the fatty acids found in plasma are in the form of
fatty acid esters (primarily TAG, cholesteryl esters, and phospholipids)
contained in circulating lipoprotein particles
• Unesterified (free) fatty acids are transported in the circulation in
association with albumin (made in liver).
Other unsaturated fatty acids
Eicosanoids: derived from eicosa (20-C) polyenoic fatty acids
prostanoids, leukotrienes (LTs), and lipoxins (LXs)

• Prostanoids- prostaglandins, thromboxanes

• Cyclization of the 20C polyunsaturated fatty acids
• Exist in every mammalian tissue
• Act as local hormones
Nomenclature names of the fatty acid
• Commonly used systematic nomenclature names the FA after the
hydrocarbon with the same number of arrangement of carbon atoms
• Saturated acids ends in –anoic. E.g octanoic acid (caprylic acid) (C8)
• Unsaturated acids end in –enoic. Eg. ocatadecenoic acid (oleic acid) (C18)

Carboxyl end
C5 C3 C1
Methyl end COOH also known as the α, β, and γ
carbons, respectively, and the
C16 C4 C2 terminal methyl carbon is known
as the ω- or n-carbon.
Other nomenclature:
• arachidonic acid, 20:4(5,8,11,14), is 20 carbons long and has 4 double
bonds (between carbons 5–6, 8– 9, 11–12, and 14–15).
Essential fatty acids
• Dietary essentials in humans because we lack the enzymes needed to
synthesize them. Plants provide us with these essential fatty acids.
• Linoleic (18:2) and α-linolenic acids (18:3) are the only fatty acids
known to be essential for animals including humans.
• Conditional essential fatty acid: arachidonic acid
• can be formed from linoleic acid.
• Essential fatty acid deficiency (rare) can result in a dry, scaly
dermatitis as a result of an inability to synthesize molecules that
provide the water barrier in skin.
• Precursor of many steroids
• Bile acids, hormones, vitamin D
• Constituent of tissue: Basic structure
• plasma membrane and lipoproteins
• Often found as cholesteryl ester
• Esterified with a long chain fatty acids
• It occurs in animals but not in plants or

Clinical Importance
• Essential roles in nutrition and heath
• Obesity
• Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases
• diabetes mellitus
• Excessive fat deposits cause
• a risk factor for increased
mortality, hypertension, type 2
diabetes mellitus,
hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia,
and various endocrine

• Abnormality in cholesterol and

lipoprotein metabolism leads to
atherosclerosis and
cardiovascular diseases.
• Atheros (paste) +sclerosis
• Hardening of the arteries
• Formation of fibrofatty lesions in
the intimal lining of arteries
• Accumulation of lipid in the vessel
wall leads to atherosclerotic
plaque formation
Diabetes mellitus
• Glucose and lipid metabolism are
associated to each other.
• diabetes mellitus, the metabolisms
of fatty acids and lipoproteins are
deranged, leading to ketosis
• Many patients with DM have
• Elevation of plasma cholesterol and
• Lipids have the common property of being relatively insoluble in
water (hydrophobic) but soluble in nonpolar solvents.
• 3 major classes of lipid: simple, complex and derived lipid
• Long-chain fatty acids may be saturated, monounsaturated, or
• Nomenclature names of the fatty acid
• Cholesterol, an amphipathic lipid, is an important component of
membranes and the parent molecule from which all other steroids in
the body.
• Biology importance of lipid
Reference text book
• Ferrier, D. R. (2014). Lippincott’s illustrated reviews. USA:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
• Rodwell, V. W., Bender, D. A., Botham, K. M., Kennelly, P. J., &
Weil, P. A. (2018). Harper's illustrated biochemistry. New York,
NY, USA:: McGraw-Hill Education.
• Vasudevan, D. M., Sreekumari, S., & Vaidyanathan, K.
(2019). Textbook of biochemistry for medical students. Jaypee
brothers Medical publishers.

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