EELE 3332 - Electromagnetic II: Maxwell's Equations

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EELE 3332 – Electromagnetic II

Chapter 9

Maxwell’s Equations
Islamic University of Gaza
Electrical Engineering Department
Dr. Talal Skaik

Review – Electrostatics and Magnetostatics

Electrostatic Fields
produced by stationary charges.
Magnetostatic Fields
produced by steady (DC) currents or stationary magnet

Electrostatic Fields and Magnetostatic Fields do not vary

with time (time invariant).

Electromagnetic Fields
produced by time-varying currents.
Maxwell’s Equations for static fields

9.2 Faraday’s Law

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday's ideas about conservation of

energy led him to believe that since an electric
current could cause a magnetic field, a magnetic
field should be able to produce an electric current.
He demonstrated this principle of induction in
1831. 4
Faraday’s Law
• In 1831, Farady discovered that a time-varying magnetic
field would produce an induced voltage (called
electromotive force or emf).
• According to Faraday’s experiments, a static magnetic field
produces no current flow.

Faraday discovered that the induced Vemf (in volts) in

any closed circuit is equal to the time rate of change of
the magnetic flux linkage by the circuit.

Faraday’s Law
dλ dΨ
Vemf =
− =
dt dt

where λ= N Ψ is the flux linkage

N is the number of turns in the circuit.
Ψ is the flux through each turn.

Faraday’s Law
Change flux due to moving permanent magnet

Vemf = −N

Faraday’s Law

Minus Sign? Lenz’s Law
Induced EMF is in direction that opposes the change in flux that caused it

9.3 Transformer and motional
electromotive forces
For a circuit with a single turn , N = 1

Vemf = −
In terms of E and B
∫L E.dl = − dt ∫S B.dS
Vemf = 

where S is the surface area of the

circuit bounded by the closed path L

Notice that in time varying situation, both electric and

magnetic fields are present and interrelated. 10
The variation of flux with time may be caused in three ways:

1) By having a stationary loop in a time-varying B field.

(Transformer induction)
2) By having a time-varying loop area in static B field.
(motional induction)
3) By having a time-varying loop area in a time-varying B
(general case, transformer and motional induction)

Application: DC Generators

Application: AC Generator

Water turns wheel

 rotates magnet
 changes flux
 induces emf
 drives current

A. Stationary loop in Time-Varying
B field (Transformer EMF)

∫L E.dl = − ∫S ∂t .dS
Vemf = 

A. Stationary loop in Time-Varying
B field (Transformer EMF)
∫L E.dl = − ∫S ∂t .dS
Vemf = 

By applying Stoke's theorem

∂B ∂B
∫S ( ∇ × E ).dS = − ∫S ∂t .dS ∇×E = −

This is one of Maxwell’s equations for time-varying fields.

Note that ∇ × E ≠ 0 (time-varying E field is non-conservative)

B. Moving loop in static B field
(Motional EMF)
Consider a conducting loo moving with uniform velocity
u, the emf induced in the loop is

∫ Em=
Vemf = 
.dl ∫ (u × B).dl

• This type of emf is called motional emf or flux-cutting

emf (due to motion action).

B. Moving loop in static B field
(Motional EMF)
• It is kind of emf found in electrical machines such as motors
and generators.
• Given below is in example of dc machine , where voltage is
generated as the coil rotates within the magnetic field.

B. Moving loop in static B field
(Motional EMF)
• Another example of motional emf is illustrated below, where
a conducting bar is moving between a pair of rails.

B. Moving loop in static B field (Motional EMF)
∗ Recall that the force on a charge moving with uniform
velocity u in a a magnetic field B is: F=
m Qu × B
∗ We define the motional electric field E m as
E m= = u×B

∫ Em=
Vemf =  .dl ∫ (u × B).dl

By applying Stoke's theorem,

∫ ( ∇ × E ).dS = ∫ ∇ × ( u × B ).dS

or ∇ × Em = ∇ × ( u × B )

∫ Em=
Vemf = 
.dl ∫ (u × B).dl
L 19
B. Moving loop in static B field (Motional EMF)

∫ Em=
Vemf = 
.dl ∫ (u × B).dl

• The integral is zero along the portion of the loop where u=0. (e.g.
dl is taken along the rod in the shown figure.
• The direction of the induced current is the same that of Em or uxB.
The limits of integration are selected in the direction opposite to
the direction of u x B to satisfy Lenz’s law. (e.g. induced current
flows in the rod along ay, the integration over L is along -ay).
C. Moving loop in Time Varying Field
Both Transformer emf and motional emf are present.

∫L E.dl =
Vemf =  − ∫ .dS + 
∂t ∫
(u × B ).dl

Transformer Motional

or ∇ × E= − + ∇ × ( u × B)

Note that eq. Vemf = − can always be applied in place of the
equations in cases A, B, and C.
Example 9.1
a conducting bar can slide freely over two conducting rails as
shown in the figure. Calculate the induced voltage in the bar

( a ) If the bar is staioned at y=8 cm and B = 4 cos 106 t a z mWb/m 2

(b) If the bar slides at a velocity u = 20 a y m/s and B=4a z mWb/m 2
( c ) If the bar slided at a velocity u = 20 a y m/s and
B=4 cos (106 t − y ) a z mWb/m 2

( a ) we have transformer emf
0.08 0.06
Vemf=- ∫ .dS = ∫ ∫ 4(10−3 )(106 )sin106 t dx dy
∂t =y 0=
x 0

=4(103 )(0.08)(0.06)sin106 t
=19.2 sin 106 t V

(b) This is motional emf

Vemf= ∫ ( u × B ) .dl = ∫ ( ua
x =l
y × Ba z ).dx a x

= - ubl = −20(4.10−3 )(0.06)

=- 4.8 mV
( c ) Both transformer emf and motional emf are present in this case.
this problem can be solved in two ways:
Method 1:
Vemf= - ∫ ∂t .dS + ∫ (u × B).dl
0.06 y

∫ ∫
4.(10 )(10 6
)sin(10 6
t − y ) dy dx
x =0 0
+ ∫
 20a y × 4.10−3 cos(106 t − y )a z .dx a x

240cos (10 t − y ) − 80(10−3 )(0.06) cos(106 t − y )


240cos (106 t − y ) − 240cos106 t − 4.8(10−3 ) cos (106 t − y )

 240cos (106 t − y ) − 240cos106 t
Method 2:
Vemf=- , where Ψ =∫ B.dS
y 0.06

∫ ∫
y 0=
x 0
4 cos(10 6 t − y ) dx dy

=-40(0.06)sin(10 t − y )6
y =0

= -0.24sin(106 t − y )+0.24 sin106 t mWb

= u → y = ut = 20t
Ψ = −0.24sin(106 t − 20t ) + 0.24sin10 6 t mWb
Vemf=- = 0.24(106 − 20) cos (106 t − 20t ) − 0.24(106 ) cos106 t mV
 240cos (106 t − y ) − 240cos106 t
Example 9.2
The loop shown in the figure is inside a uniform magnetic field B=50
ax mW/m2. If side DC of the loop cuts the flux lines at the frequency
of 50 Hz and the loop lies in the yz-plane at the time t=0, find
(a) The induced emf at at t=1 ms.
(b) The induced current at t=3 ms.

The B field is time invariant, the induced emf is motional
Vemf= ∫ (u × B ).dl , where dl = d z a z , u= aφ = ρωaφ
ρ AD
= = 4 cm,= ω 2π= f 100π
Transform B into cylindrical corrdinates:
B=B0a x B0 ( cos φ aρ − sin φ aφ ) , where B0 =0.05
aρ aφ az
u×B = 0 ρω 0 = − ρω B0 cos φ a z
B0 cos φ − B0 sin φ 0
( u×B) .dl = −0.04(100π ) ( 0.05) cos φ dz
− ρω B0 cos φ dz =
= − 0.2π cos φ dz

∫ −0.2π cos φ dz =
Vemf =
z =0
−6π cos φ mV
To determine φ recall that

ω= → φ = ωt + C0 (C0 is the integration constant)
At t=0, φ = π / 2 beacause the loop is in the yz-plane at that time,

0 π / 2. Hence, φ ωt + π / 2
−6π cos (ωt + π / 2 ) =6π sin(100π t ) mV
Vemf =
At t=1 ms, Vemf=6π sin(0.1π ) =5.825 mV
(b) The current induced is
=i = 60π sin(100π t ) mA
At t=3ms, i=60π sin(0.3π ) mA=0.1525 A
Note that for sides AD and BC ( u×B) .dl 0=
since a z .aρ 0
9.4 Displacement current
Here we will consider Maxwell's curl equation for magnetic fields
(Ampere's Law) for time-varying conditions.
For static EM fields, recall that
∇× H =J  (1)
But the divergence of the curl is zero:
∇ ⋅ (∇ × H ) = 0 = ∇ ⋅ J  (2)
However, the equation of continuity requires that
∇⋅ J = −  (3)
Thus, equations (2) and (3) are incompatible for time
varying conditions !!
Displacement current
Here We must modify equation (1) to consider time-varying situation:
To do this, add a term J d to eq. (1):
∇ × H = J + Jd  (4)
again, taking the divergence, we have:
∇ ⋅ (∇ × H ) = 0 = ∇ ⋅ J + ∇ ⋅ Jd  (5)
∂ρV ∂ρV
Since ∇ ⋅ J = − t ∇ ⋅ Jd =
, hen,
∂t ∂t
Since ∇ ⋅ D = ρV
∂ ∂D ∂D
→ ∇ ⋅ Jd = (∇ ⋅ D ) = ∇ ⋅ → Jd =  (6)
∂t ∂t ∂t
Substituting eq (6) into eq (4) results in,
∇×H = J +  (7)
∂t 30
Displacement current
∂D ∗ This is Maxwell's equation ( based on
∇×H = J +
∂t Ampere's circuit law) for a time varying field.
The term J d = is known as displacement current density.
This is the third type of current density we have met:
•Conduction current density: J=σ E
(motion of charge in a conductor)
•Convection Current Density: J=ρ V u
(doesn’t involve conductors, current flows through an insulating
medium, such as liquid, or vacuum).
•Displacement Current Density: J d =
(is a result of time-varying electric field). 31
Displacement current
The insertion of Jd into Ampere’s equation was one of the major
contributions of Maxwell.

Without the term Jd, the propagation of electromagnetic waves

(e.g., radio or TV) would be impossible.

Displacement current is the mechanism which allows

electromagnetic waves to propagate in a non-conducting medium.

The displacement current is defined as:

I d = ∫ J d .dS = ∫ .dS
Displacement current
A typical example of displacement current is the current through a
capacitor when alternating voltage source is applied to its plates.

The total current density is J+Jd.

Take Amperian path as shown. Consider 2 surfaces bounded by path L.
If surface S1 is chosen: Jd=0

∫ H.dl = ∫ J.dS=I
L S1
enc =I

If surface S2 is chosen: J=0

d dQ
∫ H.dl = ∫ J d .dS=
L S2

dt S2
D.d S =

So we obtain the same current for either surface.

A time-varying electric field induces magnetic field inside the capacitor.
Conduction to Displacement Current Ratio
The conduction current density is given by Jc = σ E
The displacement current density is given by J d = ε
Assume that the electric field is a sinusoidal function of time:
E = E0 cos ωt
Then, J c = σ E0 cos ωt , J d = −ωε E0 sin ωt
We have J c max σ=
E0 , J d max ωε E0

Therefore J c σ σ >> ωε Good Conductor (I d neglible)

Jd max
ωε σ << ωε Good Insulator (I c neglible)

Note: In free space (or other perfect dielectric), the conduction current is
zero and only displacement current can exist.
Example 9.4
A parallel plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm2 and plate
separation of 3 mm has a voltage 50 sin 103 t V applied to its plates.
Calculate the displacement current assuming ε=2 ε0.

I d = J d .S , J d =
V ∂D ε dV
but D = ε E =→ε Jd = =
d ∂t d dt
ε S dV dV
→ I= d = C ( same as conduction current I c ).
d dt dt
10−9 5 × 10−4 −3
→ I d 2. . .10 × 50cos(10 3
36π 3 × 10 −3

→ Id = 147.4 cos(103 t ) nA
9.5 Maxwell’s Equations in Final Forms

The concepts of linearity, isotropy, and homogeneity of a material
medium still apply for time varying fields.

In a linear, homogeneous, and isotropic medium characterized by

σ, ε, and μ, the following relations hold for time varying fields:

D ε=
= E ε 0E + P
B µ=
= H µ0 (H + M)
J σ E + ρV u

Consequently, the boundary conditions remain valid for time

varying fields.
E1t − E2 t 0, D1n - D2 n ρ S
1t − H 2 t K, =
B1n - B2 n 0
Electromagnetic flow diagrams

Figure 9.11 Electromagnetic flow diagrams showing the relationship between the
potentials and vector fields: (a) electrostatic system, (b) magnetostatic system, (c)
electromagnetic system. 38

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