PE Lab Manual - 21EEL55 - Final
PE Lab Manual - 21EEL55 - Final
PE Lab Manual - 21EEL55 - Final
Vision :
“To be recognized as a premier department for empowerment of women in the field of electrical and electronics
engineering by imparting quality technical education committed with social and ethical values”
Mission :
M1: To provide excellent academic ambience that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of
innovation to excel in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.
M2: To enhance learning through practice of modern tools and cutting edge technologies in Electrical and
Electronics engineering with multidisciplinary approach to meet industry requirements.
M3: To carryout research and innovative developmental activities in frontier areas which serves the
requirement of industry & society.
Program Outcomes (PO’s) based on NBA graduate attributes :
PO1- Engineering Knowledge: Able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to
the solution of complex electrical and electronics engineering problems.
PO2- Problem Analysis: Able to identify, formulate, review research literatures and analyze complex electrical
engineering problems using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3- Design/ Development of Solutions: Able to design system components or processes that meet the needs of society
related to public health and safety.
PO4- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Able to conduct investigation of complex problems using research
based knowledge & methods which includes designing of experiment and providing a valid conclusion through analysis
and interpretation.
PO5- Modern tool usage: Able to select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering tools
including prediction and modeling complex engineering activities.
PO6- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issue relevant to the
professional engineering practice.
PO7- Environment and sustainability: Able to understand the impact of the professional engineering solution in societal
and environmental context & demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.
PO8- Ethics: Able to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
PO9- Individual and team work: Able to function effectively as an individual, as a member or leader in multidisciplinary
PO10- Communication: Able to communicate effectively with engineering society and community through design,
documentation and presentation.
PO11- Project management and finance: Able to understand, demonstrate and apply engineering and management skills
in a team for managing projects in multidisciplinary environment.
PO12- Lifelong learning: Graduates will have the ability of self improvement through the continuous professional
development and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning.
‘Instructions to the Candidates’
3. Students will not be permitted to attend the laboratory unless they bring the
practical record fully completed in all respects pertaining to the experiment
conducted in the previous class.
4. Experiment should be started only after the staff-in-charge has checked the
circuit diagram.
5. All the calculations should be made in the observation / Manual / Work book.
Specimen calculations for one set of readings have to be shown in the practical
6. Wherever graphs to be drawn, A-4 size graphs only should be used and the
same should be firmly attached to the practical record.
8. They should obtain the signature of the staff-in-charge in the observation book
after completing each experiment.
2. Carelessness not only destroys the valuable equipment in the lab but also costs
your life.
5. Do not close the switch until the faculty In-charge checks the circuit
Course Outcomes
After completion of this lab course the student could be able to,
CO3: Understand the working of single phase fully controlled rectifiers and AC voltage
CO4: Understand the speed control of a dc motor, universal motor and stepper motors.
CO5: Analyze the speed control of DC motor using IGBT and MOSFET Chopper.
1 Static Characteristics of SCR
2 Static Characteristics of MOSFET & IGBT
3 SCR triggering circuit using Synchronized UJT Relaxation Oscillator
4 AC Voltage Controller Using TRIAC-DIAC Combination
Exp. No
Title of the Experiment
9 Static Characteristics of TRIAC.
10 Speed Control of universal Motor using AC voltage Regulator
Speed control of a separately excited D.C. Motor using an IGBT or MOSFET 38-40
12 Single phase MOSFET/IGBT based PWM inverter 41-
Power Electronics Lab – 21EEL58
Silicon Controlled Rectifiers(SCR) known commonly as Thyristors are three-junction PNPN
semiconductor devices which can be regarded as two inter-connected transistors that can be used in the
switching of heavy electrical loads. They can be latched-“ON” by a single pulse of positive current applied to
their Gate terminal and will remain “ON” indefinitely until the Anode to Cathode current falls below their
minimum latching level.
Static Characteristics of a Thyristor:
1. Thyristors are semiconductor devices that can operate only in the switching mode.
2. Thyristor are current operated devices, a small Gate current controls a larger Anode current.
3. Conducts current only when forward biased and triggering current applied to the Gate.
4. The thyristor acts like a rectifying diode once it is triggered “ON”.
5. Anode current must be greater than holding current to maintain conduction.
6. Blocks current flow when reverse biased, no matter if Gate current is applied.
7. Once triggered “ON”, will be latched “ON” conducting even when a gate current is no longer
applied providing Anode current is above latching current.
(0-30mA) IA
(0-30V) VL VAK
(0-30V) (0-30V)
VGK &VAK should in minimum position
R1 &R 2 should be minimum position.
a) To determine the gate current:
1) Rig up the circuit as shown in figure 1.1
2) Switch on the power supply.
3) Switch on 𝑉𝐴𝐾 and by increasing set the voltage approximately 20V.
4) Now gradually increase gate voltage𝑉𝐺𝐾 until SCR turns on (starts conducting, 𝑉𝐴𝐾 reads
approximately 0.7V)
5) Note down the Gate current𝐼𝐺 =----------A.
6) Bring back 𝑉𝐴𝐾 &𝑉𝐺𝐾 to zero position and switch off the supply.
b) To Plot V-I Characteristics:
1) Switch on 𝑽𝑮𝑲 adjust the gate current 𝑰𝑮 = 𝑰𝑮𝟏= ---------------A
2) Switch on 𝑽𝑨𝑲 ,slowly vary 𝑽𝑨𝑲 for every 2 volts note down corresponding 𝑰𝑨 till SCR conducts and
tabulate the same.
2.1 AIM:To conduct an experiment to plot the transfer characteristics and output
characteristics of a given MOSFE.
MOSFET stands for Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor, MOSFET was invented to
overcome the disadvantages present in FETs like high drain resistance, moderate input
impedance, and slower operation. So a MOSFET can be called the advanced form of FET. In
some cases, MOSFETs are also be called IGFET (Insulated Gate Field Effect
Transistor). Practically speaking, MOSFET is a voltage-controlled device, meaning by
applying a rated voltage to the gate pin, the MOSFET will start conducting through the Drain
and Source pin.
The main difference between FET and MOSFET is that MOSFET has a Metal Oxide
Gate electrode electrically insulated from the main semiconductor n-channel or p-channel by
a thin layer of Silicon dioxide or glass. The isolation of the controlling Gate increases the
input resistance of the MOSFET extremely high in the value of the Mega-ohms (MΩ).
A) To Plot Transfer Characteristics:
1. Rig up the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Switch on V1 and set VDS around 10V by varying V1.
3. Now Switch on V2 and increase it till VGS equals to thresh hold voltage.
4. Note down the thresh hold Voltage VT = ---------V.(Now MOSFET will turn on)
5. Further increase VGSby varying V2 in steps till VGS becomes constant, for each step
down corresponding VGS & ID reading.
6. Reduce V2 to Zero.
7. Again set VDS=15 By varyingV1 and repeat the above procedure for another set of
8. Plot the graph VGS Vs ID.
B) To plot VI Characteristics or output characteristics:
1. Switch on V2 and by varying V2 set VGS1value slightly greater than thresh hold
2. Switch on V1 and by varying V1 increase VDS in suitable steps till ID becomes almost
constant. For each step note down VDS & ID reading.
3. Bring back V1 to zero.
4. Again, set VGS2 value slightly higher than threshold voltage by using V2 and repeat the
above procedure for different set readings.
5. Plot the graph VDS Vs ID.
VGS1=3.6 V VGS1=3.7 V
Sl.No VDS in Volts ID in mA Sl.No VDS in Volts ID in mA
Figure 2.3 (a): Transfer Characteristics Figure 2.3 (b): Output Characteristics
As mentioned earlier an IGBT is a fusion between a BJT and MOSFET. The symbol
of the IGBT also represents the same, as you can see the input side represents a MOSFET
with a Gate terminal and the output side represents a BJT with Collector and Emitter. The
Collector and the Emitter are the conduction terminals and the gate is the control
terminal with which the switching operation is controlled.IGBT can be constructed with the
equivalent circuit that consists of two transistors and MOSFET, as the IGBT(as shown in
figure 2.4(b) posses the output of the below combination of the PNP transistor, NPN
transistor, and MOSFET. IGBT combines the low saturation voltage of a transistor with the
high input impedance and switching speed of a MOSFET. The outcome obtained from this
combination delivers the output switching and conduction characteristics of a bipolar
transistor, but the voltage is controlled like a MOSFET.
IGBTs are used in various applications such as AC and DC motor drives, Unregulated
Power Supply (UPS), Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS), traction motor control and
induction heating, inverters, used to combine an isolated-gate FET for the control input and a
bipolar power transistor as a switch in a single device, etc.
Sl.No Description Quantity
2 Resistances (100Ω/20W) 1
3 Regulated Power Supply(0-15V) 1
Regulated Power Supply (0-30V) 1
4 DCAmmeter(0-2A) 1
5 DC Voltmeter (0-20V). 1
6 DC voltmeter(0-200V) 1
7 Patch Chords -
A) To Plot Transfer Characteristics:
1. Rig up the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Switch on V1 and set VCE around 10V by varying V1.
3. Now Switch on V2 and increase it till VGE equals to thresh hold voltage.
4. Note down the thresh hold Voltage VT = ---------V.(Now MOSFET will turn on)
5. Further increase VGE by varying V2 in steps till VGE becomes constant, for each step
down corresponding VGE& ICreading.
6. Reduce V2 to Zero.
7. Again set VCE=15 By varying V1 and repeat the above procedure for another set of
9. Plot the Graph VGE Vs IC.
B) To plot VI Characteristics or output characteristics:
1. Switch on V2 and by varying V2 set VGE1 value slightly greater than thresh hold
2. Switch on V1 and by varying V1 increase VGEin suitable steps till IC becomes almost
constant. For each step note down VGE& IC reading.
3. Bring back V1 to zero.
4. Again, set VCE2 value slightly higher than threshold voltage by using V2 and repeat the
above procedure for different set readings.
5. Plot the graph VCEVs IC.
VCE1=10 V VCE2=15 V
Sl.No VGE in Volts IC in mA Sl.No VGE in Volts IC in mA
VGE1=5.1 V VGE2=5.2V
Sl.No VCE in Volts IC in mA Sl.No VCE in Volts IC in mA
Figure 2.3 (a): Transfer Characteristics Figure 2.3 (b): Output Characteristics
20 V
230 V, 1ϕ,
50 Hz, AC
(a) Single phase Half wave Rectifier using SCR andUJT relaxation circuit:
230 V, 1ϕ,
50 Hz, AC
1. Switch ON the mains supply, vary the pot to maximum value.
2. With the help of CRO observe the wave forms at the different points in the UJT
circuit the wave forms should match the figure shown in 3.5.
3. UJT circuit triggers SCR T1, T2.
4. Make sure that the pulse transformer O/Ps T1& T2 are proper andsynchronized.
5. By varying Pot set different firing angle and note down corresponding time ‘t’ in
seconds & measure voltage across load by using multimeter.
6. Draw the wave forms at different firing angle – 150°, 120°,90°, 60° & 30°for Half
wave and full wave rectifiers.
7. In the UJT firing Circuit the firing angle can be varied from 150° to30°approximately.
8. We cannot vary from exact 0° to 180° as we vary in single phase converter
NOTE: Procedure remains same for Full rectifier circuit.
(A) For Half Wave Rectifier:
RMS value supply voltage 𝑉𝑅𝑚𝑠 =__________V
Maximum value of voltage 𝑉𝑚 = 𝑉𝑅𝑚𝑠 ∗ 2 = _________V
Firing angle 𝛼 = ∗ 180𝑜 =
Conducting angle 𝛽 = 180𝑜 − 𝛼 =
Theroretical value of 𝑉𝐷𝐶 = 𝑚 (1+cos𝛼)
Sl.No Time Triggering Firing Conducting 𝑽𝑫𝑪 𝑽𝑫𝑪
period time ‘t’ ms angle angle Practical Theoretical
T in ms 𝜶 𝜷 value in value in
volts volts
The main purpose of using DIAC with TRIAC is, TRIAC device does not fire
symmetrically thus there is a slight difference between the two halve of the device. The non-
symmetrical firing, as well as resultant waveforms, can give an increase to the unnecessary
harmonic’s generation. The less symmetrical waveform increases the harmonic generation
level. To solve the issues which result from the non-symmetrical process, a DIAC is
frequently arranged in series through the gate.
This DIAC device assists in making the switching more for both halves of the cycle. So the
switching characteristic of this device is far more as compared with the TRIAC. As the DIAC
stops any gate current supply when the trigger voltage reaches a certain voltage within any
direction, then this will make the TRIAC firing point more in both directions also. So, DIACs
may be frequently used with the TRIAC gate terminal.
1. TRIAC BT136 - 1
2. DIAC SD32 - 1
3. Resistor & Capacitor As per design 1 each
4. CRO with Probes - 1
5 Incandescent Lamp 40W 1
6 Multi meter - 1
7 AC Milliammeter (0-200) mA 1
Figure 4.2 Circuit diagram for Lamp dimmer circuit using TRIAC/DIAC combination.
Supply mains should be Off position.
Variable pot should be in minimum position
Connect CRO across lamp load with probes
1. Connect the dotted lines with patch chords as shown in figure 4.2.
2. Switch on supply mains, gradually increase the pot to maximum value and
observe the lamp will glow.
3. Now Note down time period T for half cycle.
4. Now slowly decrease the pot in steps to increase the firing angle, note down
corresponding ‘t’ value and 𝑽𝑹𝑴𝑺 value of voltage across load and tabulate the
5. Switch off the power mains.
Note: Since 50V AC input is applied do not touch any components when supply is ON.
Firing angle 𝛼 = ∗ 180𝑜
5.1 AIM: To draw the output waveform of half controlled rectifier using digital firing circuit.
5.2 THEORY :When designing a thyristor, SCR circuit, special attention needs to be paid to
the trigger circuit within any electronic circuit design using these electronic components.
The operation of the whole area of the thyristor or silicon controlled rectifier circuit is largely
dependent upon the way in which it triggers.
Ensuring that there are no false triggers whilst also ensuring the thyristor triggers when it is
required needs to receive particular attention when the circuit design is undertaken.
For gate SCR triggering to be used, the SCR must operate below its breakdown voltage, and a
suitable safety margin also allowed to accommodate any transients that may occur. Otherwise
forward voltage or breakdown triggering may occur.
To turn-on of an SCR, a positive gate voltage between gate and cathode. This gives rise to a
gate current where charges are injected into the inner p layer of the device. This effectively
reduces the voltage at which forward break-over occurs. It can be gathered that the gate
current determines the forward voltage at which the device switches to its conducting state.
Higher the gate current, the lower the forward break-over voltage. There are different
triggering methods are available.
Figure 5.2 Circuit connection for Single phase halfwave rectifier using SCR and DFC
1. Make the connections as shown in the circuitdiagram.
2. Switch ON both AC & DC power supply to themodule.Preset the starting count to any
value say 1000 =8.
3. Using CRO check the waveform at the different stages of the triggering
circuitcompare them with given waveforms asshown.
4. Now Change the starting count to from 0000 to 1111 and in each step record
𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 = -----------volts
𝑽𝒎 = 𝟐 ∗ 𝑽𝒓𝒎𝒔
𝑽𝑫𝑪 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 = ∗ (𝟏 + 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜶)
6.1 AIM :To conduct an experiment on single phase fully controlled rectifier with R, R-L loads and
vary the DC output voltage.
In the fully-controlled rectifier configuration, the average DC load voltage is
controlled using two thyristors per half-cycle. Thyristors SCR1 and SCR4 are fired together as
a pair during the positive half-cycle, while thyristors SCR3 and SCR4 are also fired together
as a pair during the negative half-cycle. That is 180o after SCR1 and SCR4.
Then during continuous conduction mode of operation, the four thyristors are constantly
being switched as alternate pairs to maintain the average or equivalent DC output voltage. As
with the half-controlled rectifier, the output voltage can be fully controlled by varying the
thyristors firing delay angle (α).
No. Particulars Range Quanti ty
re 6.2 Single phase Fully controlled converter with R-L Load
Firing Angle 𝛼 = 𝜏 ∗ 180𝑜
Conduction angle 𝛽 = 180𝑜 − 𝛼
𝑉𝐷𝐶 (𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 ) = 𝜋
∗ (1 + cos 𝛼) (For R load)
𝑉𝐷𝐶 (𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 ) = 𝜋
∗ (cos 𝛼) (For RL load)
7.1 AIM: To conduct an experiment to control speed of a DC Motor using single Semi
Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor
The power circuit diagram for speed control of separately excited DC motor is shown
in the circuit diagram.
The armature of DC motor is connected to the semi converter.
The DC supply to the field winding is given by controlled or uncontrolled rectifier.
When the semi converter is used, the power flows from supply to load side.
As the power flows from load to supply is not possible, the DC motor regenerative
action is not possible.
The operation of semi converter due to flow of armature current is possible in the
following modes.
Continuous Mode :
The armature current becomes continuous.The SCR T1 and SCR T2 turns on at firing
angle of α and π + α during positive and negative half cycle of alternating supply.
The DC motor gets supply through SCR T1 and diode D1 through path SCR T1 –
Armature – D1 –during α <ωt< π.
SCR T2 and diode D2 conducts during negative half cycle of alternating supply and
load current flows through path SCR T2 – Armature – D2 path during π + α <ωt<
The power flows through supply to load during both positive and negative half cycles.
The armature current becomes continuous when the firing angle becomes small.
Discontinuous Mode:
When the firing angle becomes large, the armature current becomes discontinuous due
to high speed and low torque operation.
The speed regulation becomes poor when the no load speed of DC motor becomes
high and operation of DC motor armature in the discontinuous mode.
Therefore the operation of the DC motor is always done in the continuous conduction
No. Particulars Range Quantity
Figure 7.1 Circuit connection for speed control of DC Motor by semi convertor
1. Firing module triggering pulses is connected with the
corresponding SC terminals in the rectifierunit.
2. Ensure the firing angle variation POT is in zeroposition.
3. Now switch ON rectifier unit then firingmodule.
4. By keeping the CRO probes across the Load (D C Motor) and waveforms
5. Now vary the firing angle by turning the POT in steps, observe the waveforms
and note down the Speed of themotor.
8.1 AIM: To study the working of stepper motor & to control stepper motor by using digital
circuit control.
The Stepping motor is an p motor device which converts digital pulses into discrete
mechanical rotational movements. In rotary step motor, the output shaft or motor rotates in
equal increments, in response to a train of input pulses.
Stepping Motor: Stepping motor is basically a Motor with two phases, eight salient poles,
toothed iron rotor and permanent magnet. This rotor is known as hybrid rotor. The rotor is
suspended f the stator by means of sealed ball bearings. All parts of the motors are precision
maintained for better performance and accuracy of steps.
Step Angle : 1.8𝑜 + 𝑜𝑟 − 0.1𝑜 - non cumulative.
Holding torque : 2.8 Kg.Cm.
Dynamic Torque : Dynamic torque Is mainly controlled by the electronics control circuits.
Torque will drop down as the speed increases.
Residual Torque: Because of the presence of the permanent magnet in the Rotor.
Working of stepper Motor: The stepping action is caused by sequential switching of supply
to the tow phases of motor as shown in the switching logic sequence table. The specified
torque of any stepping motors is the torque at stand still. This torque is directly proportional
to the current to rated level within the time given for one step. This is mainly due to L/R time
constant of winding. The drop in the current level causes necessary to maintain current at the
rated level.
Particulars Quantity
1 Supply Mains (230V,
50Hz 1
2 LCD Display 1
3 KEY BOARD set up for different 1
4 FUSE 1
5 LED’s -
6 Patch chords -
B. Step Control:
control Forward Reverse
9.1 AIM: To plot the characteristics of a TRIAC and to find the holding current and latching current.
An TRIAC is a device which can be turned on through the gate pulse for both positive and negative
values of VAK and turned off using power circuit i.e., turn on is controlled but turn off is uncontrolled in a
TRIAC. The voltage at which the TRIAC gets into conduction state is called forward breakover voltage
(VBO) for positive voltages and reverse breakover voltage (VBR) for negative voltages. If the gate current is
increased then the forward breakover and reverse breakover voltages will be reduced. The current at which
the TRIAC turns on is called latching current (IL). Once the TRIAC is turned “on”, no need of the gate pulse
i.e., gate pulse can be removed once the device is turned on. The minimum current required for the device to
keep the thyristor on is holding current (IH). The ratio of latching to holding currents will be 3-5. When the
gate current is increased, the breakover voltage values will be reduced.
To find Gate current require triggering theSCR:
1. Make the connections as given in the circuit diagram includingmeters.
2. Now switch ON the mains supply to the unit and initially keep V1 &V2 atminimum.
3. Set load potentiometer R1 in the minimumposition.
4. Fix the voltage VT2T1around 10V (by using the V1). Increase the gate current gradually by using V2 until the
TRIAC turn on (VAK meter becomes approximately 0.7V). Note down the break over voltage of TRIAC and
the gate current (IG) required to turn on theTRIAC.
5. Adjust IG –IG1 by varying V2 or gate current potentiometerR2.
6. Slowly vary V1 and note down VT2T1 and IL readings for every 5 Volts and entered
thereadings in the tabularcolumn.
7. Further vary V1 till TRIAC conducts, this can be noticed by sudden drop of V T2 T1 and rise
of IL readings note down these readings andtabulated.
8. Vary V1 Further and note down IL and V T2 T1 readings. Draw the graph of VT2 T1 V/s IL.
Repeat the same for IG=IG2 /IG3 and draw thegraph.
To find latchingcurrent:
1. Apply about 20 V between MT2 and MT1 by varyingV1.
2. Keep the load potentiometer R1 at minimum position. The device must be in the OFFstatewith
3. Gradually increase Gate voltage - V2 till the device turns ON. This is the minimum gate current (
Igmin) required to turn ON the device.
4. Adjust the gate voltage to a slightlyhigher.
5. Set the load potentiometer at the maximum resistanceposition.
6. The device should come to OFF state, otherwise decrease V1 till the device comes to OFFstate.
7. The gate voltage should be kept constant in this experiment. By varying R1, gradually increase load
current IA insteps.
8. Open and close the Gate voltage V2 switch after eachstep.
9. If the anode current isgreaterthe latching current of the device, the device stays on even after the
gate switch isopened.
10. Otherwise the device goes into blocking mode as soon as the gate switch isopened.
11. Note the latching current. Obtain the more accurate value of the latching current by taking small steps
of IA near the latching currentvalue.
To find Holdingcurrent:
1. Increase the load current from the latching current level by load pot R1 orV1.
2. Open the gate switch permanently. The Triac must be fully ON. Now start reducing the load
current gradually by adjusting R1. If the Triac does not turns OFF even after the R1 at maximum
position, then reduce V1.
3. Observe when the device goes to Blocking mode. The load current through the device at this
instant, is the holding current of the device. Repeat the steps again to accurately get the IH.
(Normally IH<IL).
10.2: THEORY:
The circuit shown in figure 10.1, features a wide speed-control range, together with smooth
motor performance. These desirable characteristics stem from the use of full-wave TRIAC control
and a double phase-shift network. The full-wave control enables application of nearly full power to
the motor at the high end of the control range. As previously pointed out, half-wave control is a
rectification process; a half- wave rectifier working over the full 180-degree of the AC half cycle
can deliver only 45 percent of the average load current that would be available directly from the ac
line. Another disadvantage of half-wave control arises when it’s described to use an isolation
transformer in the incoming line-the dc component that accompanies half-wave rectification tends
to saturate the transformer, thereby increasing its losses and distorting the voltage wave shape in the
secondary winding.
The TRIAC does not provide full-wave rectification; its control mechanism is even better for
the purposes at hand. The TRIAC the gating complications attending the use of dual SCRs. The
voltage delivered to the load is always an ac sine wave. Variable fractions of a true sine wave are
produced by varying the timing of the gate trigger signal.Because of the aforementioned wave
symmetry, there is no dc component. Because rectification is not involved, a universal motor would
be expected to perform much better than a dc series motor. Also, this circuit could be used to
provide limited speed control to certain types of induction motors, such as the permanent-capacitor
and shaded-pole types.
The double phase-shift network comprises R1, C1, R2, and C2. This network practically
eliminates a disturbing hysteresis effect which characterizes single phase shift networks when a
thyristor is operated at low conduction angles—this corresponds to low motor speeds. For lamp
loads, the hysteresis effect is merely a nuisance; you learn to exercise patience when adjusting for
dim illumination. How ever , for motor control, the effect is more serious because erratic operation
will occur at low speeds. Hysteresis is due to the abrupt reduction of voltage across timing capacitor
C1 when triggering occurs. Techniques for overcoming this effect involve imposing less loading on
No. Particulars Range Quantity
1. AC voltage controller Module. - 1
2. UniversalMotor. - 1
3. Isolation transformer withwire. 230-115V 1 each
4. AC voltmeter 0-250V 1
5 CRO withprobes.
6 PatchChords. -
7 Powersupply
Figure 10.1 Circuit Diagram for control the speed of Universal motor using TRIAC-DIAC
1. Check the components/equipment’s of theircorrectness
2. Connection are made as shown in fig1
3. Set the pot for maximum position close theswitchS1
4. Vary the firing angle in steps by varying pot form maximum to minimumposition
andobserve V rms, speed values and tabulateit.
5. Bring back the pot to the initial position and the supply switch isOFF.
6. Plot the graph between α Vsspeed.
𝑽𝒊𝒏 = ______________𝑽
Firing angle𝜶 = ∗ 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟎
10.8 GRAPH:
11.1 AIM: To conduct an experiment to control the speed of a separately excited DC Motor using
11.2 THEORY:
With the intervention of choppers, the efficiency of dc machine systems have increased to a
great extent and as such the dc choppers have become a key component of the modern dc
applications and as a whole of the entire industry employing dc power. Nowadays choppers have
become an essential component of rapid transit systems. They have also found extensive applications
in mine haulers, forklift trucks and marine hoists. They are also used in hybrid electric vehicles as
they provide the regenerative braking facility. A power semiconductor device is used as a switch in
the overall chopper circuitry. This device can be a MOSFET, a GTO or an IGBT. These power
electronic devices have a voltage drop of around 0.5-2.5 volts which has been neglected as such in
the analysis carried out in this project report
MOSFET is nowadays the most preferred switching device used in the chopper circuits.
MOSFET is a voltage-controlled device and has zero storage time. MOSFET is highly suitable for
high frequency switching and as such is widely used because of absence of minority carrier storage
Two modes exist which can help us in varying the duty cycle of the system in order to get the
required output voltage. The two control strategies existent are:
Time ratio control (TRC)
Current limit control (CLC)
No. Particulars Range Quantity
Power Electronics Lab-21EEL58
Figure 11.12 Circuit Diagram for speed control of separately excited DC Motor
NOTE: In above fig replace IGBT to MOSFET to control the speed of separately Excited DC
Motor using MOSFET Chopper
1. Check the components/equipment’s of their correctness
2. Keep the voltage selector switch in OFF position and supply switch is ON.
3. The LCD display shows
DCY – 0: FRQ –50
Digital volt meter and ammeter shows 000
Power Electronics Lab-21EEL58
4. Measure the Field voltage using digital voltmeter. It should be 220V ± 10% approximately and the
neon lamp glows.
5. Now keep the voltage select switch at position 1 and measure the voltage at VDC terminals. It should be 24
volts. The output voltage should be 48 volts when VOLT-SELECT switch at position – 2, 110 volts when the
VOLT-SELECT switch at position – 3, 220 volts when the VOLT-SELECT switch position at 4approximately.
6. Make sure that the DC supply is correct. Now observe the driver output using CRO by varying duty
cycle and frequency.
7. Make sure that the driver output is proper before connecting to the gate/emitter or gate/source of
8. Now all the outputs are proper. Make the connections as given in the circuit Fig11.1
9. Vary the duty cycle in steps and keep the frequency as constant and observe the speed of the motor
and note down the values of V, I and RPM.
10. Now change the frequency in steps and keep the duty cycle as constant and tabulate the necessary
NOTE: Connect field supply to the field terminals of the Motor before connecting to the armature supply. And
the field supply should be removed only after switching OFF the armature supply.
Vin= V : Frequency= Hz
Duty cycle (%) Volts Io (A) Speed N (rpm)
Duty cycle (%) Volts Io (A) Speed N (rpm)