Wheat 5
Wheat 5
Wheat 5
May, 2010
Bahir Dar University
Assessment of Bread Wheat Production, Marketing and Selection of
N-Efficient Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties for Higher
Grain Yield and Quality in North Western Ethiopia
May, 2010
Bahir Dar University
As thesis research advisor, I hereby certify that I have read and evaluated this Thesis entitled:
Assessment of Bread Wheat Production, Marketing and Selection of N-Efficient Bread
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties for Higher Grain Yield and Quality in North
Western Ethiopia prepared under my guide by: BIRHANU BAYEH. I recommend that it be
submitted as fulfilling the Thesis requirement.
As member of the Board of Examiners of the M.Sc. Thesis Open Defense Examination, we
certify that we have read and evaluated the thesis prepared by BIRHANU BAYEH and
examined the candidate. We recommended that the Thesis be accepted as fulfilling the
Thesis requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Plant Breeding).
This thesis is dedicated to my mother, Zenanesh Tarekegn, for her all-rounded and
unconditional support in my life.
I hereby, declare that this thesis is my bonafide work and that all sources of materials used for
the thesis have been duly acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for M.Sc. degree at the Bahir Dar University and is deposited at the
University Library to be made available to borrowers under the rules of the Library. I
solemnly declare that this thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the
award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate.
Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission provided that
accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation
from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the
major department or the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies when in his or her judgment
the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances,
however, permission must be obtained from the author.
The author was born on May 1979 G.C. in Bahir Dar town. He completed his elementary
education in July 1991G.C. at Megabit 28 elementary school in Bahir Dar town. The author
attended his junior and secondary schools from Fassilo Junior Secondary School and Tana
Haik Comprehensive Secondary School from September 1992 G.C. to July 1997 G.C. in
Bahir Dar town. Then he joined the former Alemaya now Haramaya University in September
1998 G.C. and graduated with B.Sc. in Plant sciences in July 2001 G.C. He was employed by
the Minister of Agriculture in December 2001 G.C. as an instructor in Agarfa and now serve
at Kombolch ATVET College as an instructor. In February 2008 G.C. he joined Bahir Dar
University to pursue his post graduate study in plant breeding.
First of all, I would like to thank my Lord Jesus for being with me in all aspects during my
stay at Bahir Dar University. I am highly indebted to my major advisor Dr. Tadesse Dessalegn
and co-advisor Dr. Yigzaw Dessalegn; as without their encouragement, guidance, constructive
comments and editing the completion of this work would not have been possible. My special
gratitude also goes to Mr. Shimeles Bayeh for his technical assistance provided during
execution of the field trial and data analysis.
I would like to thank the Improving Productivity and Market Success of Ethiopian Farmers
(IPMS) project for the financial support to conduct this experiment. In this regard, I also owe
my deepest gratitude to Dr. Yigzaw Desalegn for his role to attach me to the project (IPMS). I
am deeply grateful and indebted to Kombolcha ATVET College for allowing me to pursue
postgraduate study. I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Adet Agricultural
Research Center (AARC) management and the technical staff for all the assistance I obtained
from them. I am also highly thankful to Bahir Dar University for educating me the level of
M.Sc. degree.
I am very much thankful to Mr. Amlaku Ashgrie, Mr. Wassihun Zelalem and Mr. Melkamu
for their unreserved support while executing the field experiment. I use this opportunity to
thank Ms. Abeba Birhanu in Bahir Dar soil laboratory and Mr. Daniel in Amhara Region
Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) quality laboratory for their guidance and support
during soil and grain quality analysis respectively. My special thanks also go to Mr.
Adebabay Kebede for his help in proposal development, providing statistical software and
guidance for data analysis. My appreciation also goes to Mr. Endalew Bazezew for his help in
providing computer service.
Thanks and appreciations are extended to Mr. Teshome Derso for his cooperation and
guidance at Bure. I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Addisu Ayalew, Mr.
Derje Addisu, Mr. Azemeraw Addisu, Mr. Benalef Addisu and Mr. Habtamu Addis for their
unreserved help starting from land preparation up to harvesting of the crop. I would also like
to thank Mr. Muluken Bayable for providing statistical soft ware and consulting for data
management and Mr. Amare for providing meteorological data. My heartfelt thanks goes to
Mr. Walle Seyoume for his valuable advice and providing materials for write up.
Table 1. List of bread wheat genotypes that were included in the experiment ........................ 18
Table 2. Analysis of Variance for individual location ............................................................. 22
Table 3. Analysis of variance combined over locations .......................................................... 23
Table 4. Households characteristics of the study area ............................................................ 26
Table 5. Land holding and yields of respondent households in the study area........................ 27
Table 6. Percent distribution of problems affects bread wheat production.............................. 28
Table 7. Constraints of farmers in bread wheat marketing ..................................................... 29
Table 8. Information centres for bread wheat market price .................................................... 30
Table 9. Walking distance (km) to reach in the market for sale their produces ...................... 31
Table 10. Buyers of Bread wheat produce of the farmers........................................................ 31
Table 11. Analysis of variance for the 29 traits of Bread wheat varieties grown at Adet ....... 35
Table 12. Variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability of the 29 traits of ... 38
Table 13. Mean values for different agronomic traits for 20 treatments at Adet in 2009 ........ 39
Table 14. Mean values of different agronomic traits for 10 Bread wheat varieties grown at
Adet in 2009 .............................................................................................................. 40
Table 15. Mean values for different quality parameters for 20 treatments at Adet in 2009 .... 45
Table 16. Mean values for different Nitrogen use efficiency parameters for 20 treatments at
Adet in 2009 .............................................................................................................. 46
Table 17. Correlation coefficient for major agronomic, quality traits and nitrogen use
efficiency parameters of Bread wheat ..................................................................... 49
Table 18. Analysis of variance for the 30 traits of Bread wheat varieties grown at Bure in .. 52
Table 19. Variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability of the 27 traits of ... 53
Table 20. Mean values for different agronomic traits for 20 treatments at Bure in 2009 ........ 55
Table 21. Mean values for different quality parameters for 20 treatments at Bure in 2009 .... 61
Table 22. Mean values for different Nitrogen use efficiency parameters for 20 treatments at
Bure in 2009 ............................................................................................................ 62
Table 23. Correlation coefficient for major Agronomic, quality traits and nitrogen use
efficiency parameters of Bread wheat ..................................................................... 63
Table 24. Combined analysis of variance over locations........................................................ 66
Table 25. Variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability of the14 traits of .... 67
Table 26. Mean values of agronomic, quality and NUE traits for the 20 treatments combined
over location .............................................................................................................. 68
Table 27. Mean values of agronomic, quality and NUE traits for the 10 varieties combined
over location .............................................................................................................. 69
Appendix Table 1.Daily Rain fall in mm at Adet in 2009 ....................................................... 88
Appendix Table 2. Daily average maximum temperature (oc) at Adet in 2009 ....................... 89
Appendix Table 3. Daily minimum temperature in oc at Bure in 2009 ................................... 90
Appendix Table 4.Daily Rain fall in mm at Bure in 2009 ....................................................... 91
Appendix Table 5. Daily average maximum temperature (oc) at Adet in 2009 ....................... 92
Appendix Table 6. Daily minimum temperature inoc at Bure in 2009 .................................... 93
Appendix Table 7. ANOVA for plant height .......................................................................... 94
Appendix Table 8. ANOVA for number of seeds per spike .................................................... 94
Appendix Table 9. ANOVA for grain yield............................................................................. 94
Appendix Table 10. ANOVA for harvest index ...................................................................... 94
Appendix Table 11. ANOVA for Thousand seed weight ........................................................ 95
Appendix Table 12. ANOVA for grain protein percentage ..................................................... 95
Appendix Table 13. ANOVA for gluten .................................................................................. 95
Appendix Table 14. ANOVA for SDS sedimentation test ...................................................... 95
Appendix Table 15. ANOVA for Nitrogen uptake efficiency ................................................. 96
Appendix Table 16. ANOVA for Nitrogen utilization efficiency ........................................... 96
Appendix Table 17. ANOVA for plant height ......................................................................... 96
Appendix Table 18. ANOVA for grain yield........................................................................... 96
Appendix Table 19. ANOVA for Biomass .............................................................................. 97
Appendix Table 20. ANOVA for Thousand seed weight ........................................................ 97
Appendix Table 21. ANOVA for grain protein content .......................................................... 97
Appendix Table 22. ANOVA for SDS sedimentation test ...................................................... 97
Appendix Table 23. ANOVA for gluten .................................................................................. 98
Appendix Table 24. ANOVA for Nitrogen uptake efficiency ................................................. 98
Appendix Table 25. ANOVA for Nitrogen utilization efficiency ........................................... 98
Appendix Table 26. ANOVA for Nitrogen use efficiency for yield....................................... 98
Appendix Table 27. ANOVA for Grain yield.......................................................................... 99
Appendix Table 28. ANOVA for grain protein content .......................................................... 99
Appendix Table 29. ANOVA for Nitrogen uptake efficiency ............................................... 100
Appendix Table 30. ANOVA for Nitrogen utilization efficiency ......................................... 100
Assessment of Bread Wheat Production, Markating and Selection of N-Efficient Bread
Wheat (triticum aestivum l.) Varieties for Higher Grain Gield and Quality in the North
Western Ethiopia
The study was conducted in Adet Agricultural Research Centrer (AARC) and Bure disrtict
with the objectives of assessment of bread wheat production, marketing systems and selection
of N-efficient bread wheat varieties. A survey was used to collect data on bread wheat
production & marketing systems. Ten bread wheat varieties with two N levels were evaluated
under rain fed conditions using a randomized complete block design with three replications
over two locations. Analysis of variance revealed a significant difference (p<0.01) among
treatments for grain yield, agronomic, quality and Nitrogen use efficiency traits. Estimates of
phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation at Adet indicated variability for number of
tillers per plant (19.9, 11.5) and septoria (30.7, 24.5), respectively. The highest phenotypic
and genotypic coefficient of variation was scored for septoria (84.4, 47.1), grain yield (30.8,
14.4), total grain nitrogen (55.9, 39.5), total straw nitrogen (38.7, 22.4) and number of tillers
per plant (37.2, 18.1) at Bure. Estimation of phenotypic correlation coefficient among traits
at Adet indicated that there was significant correlation between thousand seed weight
(r=0.33) with grain yield. Spike length was negatively correlated with grain yield(r=-0.13).
Plant height exhibited a positive significant association with thousand seed weight (r=0.40)
and biomass yield (r=0.34). Nitrogen use efficiency for yield (r=0.92) had positive and high
correlation with nitrogen uptake efficiency. At Bure, plant height (r=0.18) and number of
spikelets per spike (r=0.26) showed significant positive correlation with grain yield.
Thousand seed weight showed significant negative correlation with grain protein content (r=-
0.51) and gluten (r=-0.47). Grain yield (r=0.43) and biomass yield (r=0.42) showed
significant positive correlation with hectoliter weight. Nitrogen uptake efficiency (r=0.9),
nitrogen utilization efficiency (r=0.5), grain yield (r=0.8) and biomass yield (r=0.6) showed
highly significant positive correlation with nitrogen use efficiency for yield. At Adet, Katar
(6.9 t/ha), Senkegna (6.8 t/ha), Bobicho (6.7 t/ha), Gassay (6.5 t/ha) with higher N levels, and
Kubsa (6.4 t/ha) at both N levels were top ranking varieties in grain yield. The highest grain
protein was scored by Millennium (14.4 %), and Densa (14.1 %) at higher N levels. Katar
(14.17) and Digalu had scored the highest nitrogen utilization efficiency. At Bure, Kubsa
(4.67 t/ha) at recommended N level, Paven76 (4.52 t/ha), Bobicho (4.24 t/ha) at higher N
level and Kubsa (4.22 t/ha) at recommended N level were the top ranking varieties in grain
yield. Kubsa (12.63 %) at both N level and Katar (12.9 %) were scored the lowest grain
protein content. Kubsa (37.25), Katar (36.99) at recommended N level and Gassay (36.86) at
both N levels had scored highest the nitrogen utilization efficiency.
Key words: Bread wheat production, Bread wheat marketing, nitrogen use efficiency, quality
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the important grain crops produced worldwide.
According to the FAO, 2005 report, about 620 million metric tons of wheat was produced
from 217 million hectares in the year 2005/06 with an average yield of 2.85 metric tons per
hectare. Wheat is grown on larger area than any other crop and its world trade is greater than
for all other crops combined. Its world trade is greater than for all other crops combined. It is
easily stored and transported (Slafer & Satorre, 1999).
Wheat is not only for making bread, biscuit and pastry products, but also for the production
of starch and gluten. The raised bread loaf is possible because the wheat kernel contains
gluten, an elastic form of protein that traps minute bubbles of carbon dioxide when
fermentation occurs in leavened dough, causing the dough to rise (Hanson et al., 1982).
Wheat is one of the most important cereals cultivated in Ethiopia. It ranks fourth after Teff
(Eragrostis tef), Maize (Zea mays) and Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in area coverage and third
in total production (CSA, 2007). The average per capital consumption of wheat in Ethiopia
estimated to be 39 kg/year during 1994-97 and 331,000 tons of wheat imported to meet the
national wheat requirements during 1995-97 (CIMMYT, 2000). The national average yield of
wheat in the country, which is 1.379 tons ha-1, is 24% and 48% below the African and world
average, respectively (FAO, 1994).
In Ethiopia, it is largely grown in the highlands of the country and constitutes roughly 10% of
the annual cereal production and plays an appreciable role in supplying the population with
carbohydrates, protein and minerals (Schulthess et al., 1997). The crop is grown at an altitude
ranging from 1500 to 3000 meters above sea level (masl), between 6-160 N latitude and 35-
420 E longitude. The most suitable agro- ecological zones, however, fall between 1900 and
2700 masl (Bekele et al., 2000).The major wheat producing areas in Ethiopia are located in
Arsi, Bale, Shewa, Ilubabor, Western Hareghe, Sidamo, Tigray, Northern Gonder and Gojam
zones (Bekele et al., 2000). The total wheat area and production in the Amhara region was
405,520 ha (27% of the countries coverage) and 12128.6 tons, respectively with the
productivity of 1.756 t/ha (CSA, 2007).
Yield levels and quality of produced grain play an important part in the successful and
economic production and marketing of wheat. Traditionally, yield was economically the most
important factor to the producer. However, as the end user became more demanding with
regards to quality of the end product, linked to the possibility of exporting surplus production
combined with higher quality standards required, the quality of produced grain became more
important. Protein quantity and quality directly affect the flour protein and dough
characteristics. Therefore, low protein grain is penalised by a lower price per ton, leading to
significant economic losses for the wheat producer.
Low soil nitrogen (N) availability is often the major nutrient factor limiting crop productivity
(Andrews et al., 2004). Application of inorganic N fertilizer has become an important tool
used to increase crop yields and grain quality in intensive agricultural systems (Andrews et
al., 2004). However, large proportion of the applied N fertilizer is usually lost as a result of
surface runoff, leaching, soil denitrification, volatilisation and gaseous plant emission.
Therefore, N management is essential for economic yield, optimum water utilization and to
minimum pollution of the environment (Corbeels et al., 1999).
Nitrogen is currently the most widely used fertilizer nutrient and the demand for it is likely to
grow in the near future (Godwin & Jones, 1991). Nitrogen fertilizer is one of the most
expensive inputs used in present day wheat production (Ehdaie et al., 2001). Because of these,
there is a need to reduce the use of inorganic N fertilizer and search for plant genotypes with
greater N use efficiencies, either in a strict physiological sense (increased carbon(C) gain per
unit N), or in an agronomic sense (increased dry matter or protein yield per unit plant N or per
unit N applied and available to the crop) (Andrews et al., 2004). Thus, the efficiency of wheat
cultivars in N use efficiency could allow a reduction in N fertilizer use without a decrease in
Adet and Bure have high potential for the production of bread wheat. Bure is one of the
consistently surplus producer districts of Amhara region (IPMS, 2007). Almost all farmers of
Bure district plant only one bread wheat variety called Kubsa (HAR 1685) which is risky
practice since occurrence of new disease can wipe out the whole wheat grown in the area.
Bread wheat is mainly produced for sale and alternative cultivars are required which can meet
the diversified needs of the wheat consumers as well as the needs of wheat processing
industries. Wheat growers use inorganic fertilizer (DAP and Urea) and herbicide (2, 4-D) for
bread wheat production but farmers apply below the recommended rate.
Although the areas have high potential for increasing wheat productivity and quality, little is
known about the existing bread wheat production and marketing systems, the quality of
produced grain, the adequateness of current fertilizer rates to improve yield and quality, and
alternative cultivars adaptable to the area. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to select
and recommend nitrogen efficient, high yielding, and better quality bread wheat genotypes for
the area. Thus, this study carried out with the following major objectives:
2.1. History & Evolutionary Processes of Bread Wheat
The process, which began some ten thousand years ago, involved the following major steps.
Wild einkorn T. urartu crossed spontaneously with Aegilops speltoides (Goat grass 1) to
produce Wild Emmer T. dicoccoides; further hybridizations with another Aegilops (A. taushi),
gave rise to Spelt (T. spelta) and early forms of Durum Wheat (cultivated emmer); Bread
Wheat finally evolved through years of cultivation in the southern Caspian plains. This
evolution was accelerated by an expanding geographical range of cultivation and by human
selection, and had produced bread wheat as early as the sixth millennium BC. Modern
varieties are selections caused by natural mutation starting with emmer wheat up to husk less
modern wheat. Cytological and cytogenetic evidences showed that wheat consists of diploid,
tetraploid and hexaploid (two, four and six sets of chromosomes respectively) species with a
basic chromosome set of x=7. Three genomes designated as A, B (G), and D was involved in
the formation of the polyploidy series (Feldmann, 2001). T. urartu and Aegilops squarossa
(syn. Triticum tauschii) are the diploid progenitors of the A and D genomes, respectively. It is
believed that T. monoccocum naturally hybridized with the yet unknown B- genome donor to
give rise to the tetraploid emmer group. Emmer wheat in turn hybridized with Ae. squarossa
and a spontaneous chromosome doubling of the triploid resulted in the formation of hexaploid
wheat (Feldmann, 2001).
Within the tetraploid group, cultivated emmer (T. dicoccum), which arose from the wild T.
dicoccoides, was the first to be domesticated. The other forms, such as T. durum, T. turgidum
and T. polonicum might have originated from cultivated emmer through mutation or
accumulation of mutations that reduced the toughness of the glumes to a point at which free-
threshing was attained (Kimber and Sears, 1987). According to Mackey (1966) classification,
at the tetraploid level, two main species have been recognized; T. timopheevi (AAGG) and T.
turgidum (AABB). T. durum belongs to the latter group. There are many known wild and
cultivated species in the genus Triticum. However, the principal wheats of commercial
importance are T. aestivum and T. durum (Hanson et al., 1982).
2.2. Variation
2.3. Heritability
Heritability can be expressed as broad-sense or narrow sense value. Broad-sense heritability
(h2b) is the ratio of the genotypic variance including additive, dominance and epistatic
variance to the phenotypic variance (δ 2g/ δ 2p = δ 2g/ (δ 2g + δ 2e + δ 2ge)), it expresses the
extent to which individuals’ phenotypes are determined by the genotypes. Narrow sense
heritability is a ratio of the additive genetic variance to the phenotypic variance (δ 2A/ δ 2p), it
expresses the extent to which phenotypes are determined by the genes transmitted from the
parents. Heritability in the narrow-sense determines the degree of resemblance between
relatives (Falconer & Mackay, 1996), and measures the relative importance of additive
portion of the genetic variance that can be transmitted to the next generation of offspring.
Therefore, it is of great importance in breeding programs to predict gain expected from
selection for a character (Fehr, 1987; Falconer & Mackay, 1996).
McKendry et al. (1988) concluded that all the NUE characteristics studied in their research
were under genetic control, with additive gene action being significant for the characteristics
thousand kernel mass, hectolitre mass and grain protein. Dominant gene action was detected
for certain characteristics but the degree and direction was both trait and genotype specific.
The studied characteristics were grain protein concentration, grain protein yield, total N at
maturity, N harvest index, grain yield and harvest index. Variance analysis indicated a large
genetic component of the variation relative to the environmental component for all the
characteristics studied.
2.4. Correlation among traits
Correlation among characters may arise from linkage or from developmental genetic
interaction, with or without purely phenotypic components (Simmonds, 1986). Understanding
the interrelationship among various characters is essential in formulating selection criteria.
Yield is a complex trait and is dependent on a number of related characters. Therefore, yield
in crop plants is usually dependent upon the action and interaction of a number of important
characters (Elias, 1992). Thus it is essential to examine various components and give more
attention to those having the greatest influence on yield. Getachew et al. (1993) reported that
grain yield/plant was negatively correlated with days to heading, maturity, grain filling period
and plant height in wheat. They further reported the presence of strong association between
days to heading and maturity; however, with the exception of plant height, these two traits
showed a negative association with the rest of the characters. The same authors indicated that
tiller number was positively associated with grain yield, but showed a negative correlation
with number of kernels/spike and 1000-kernel weight.
Nitrogen is an integral component of many essential plant compounds such as amino acids,
which are the building blocks of all proteins including enzymes, nucleic acid and chlorophyll
(Brady and well, 2002). Since nitrogen is present in many essential compounds, it is not
surprising that growth without added nitrogen is slow (Salisbeury and Ross, 1992), Nitrogen
makes up 1-7% of the dry matter of plants. It being the essential constituent of protein is
involved in all the major process of development and good supply of nitrogen to the plant
stimulates root growth and development as well as uptake of the other nutrients (FAO, 2002).
One of the most important functions of N in wheat is the promotion of rapid growth through
increase in height, tiller number, size of leaves and length of roots (Chatterjee and Maiti,
N deficiency causes stunted plant growth, development of thin and spindle system, low
protein, and high sugar content (thickening of cells) and formation of chlorosis as a deficiency
symptom on older leaves, which may progress to necrosis under severe condition. On the
other hand, Excess nitrogen supply causes higher photosynthetic activities, vigorous growth,
weak stem, dark green color, reduced product quality; delayed in maturity, increase in
susceptibility to insect pests and diseases and building up of nitrate in foliage which is
harmful to animals (Mengel and Kirkby, 1996; Brady and Weil, 2002).
This is quite natural that increasing levels of applied N increased grain yield of wheat (Panda
et al., 1995; Behera, 1998). Increasing N levels increased grain yield by increasing the
magnitude of yield attributes. The increase in yield attributing characters, however, was the
result of better nutrition or N uptake (Channabasavanna and Setty, 1994.) leading to greater
dry matter production and its translocation to the sink (Dalal and Dixit, 1987). However,
increasing N beyond the optimum requirement of crop resulted in decline of grain yield
(Singh and Pillai, 1994).
Yield attributes of cereal crops consists of number of panicles per unit area, number of
spikelets (florets) per panicle, percent (ripened) spikelets and thousand grain weight
(Chatterjee and Maiti, 1985). Application on N fertilizer increased the number of panicles per
unit area by increasing the number of productive tillers (Behera, 1998; Hari et al., 1997). It
also increased panicle length. However, excessive concentration of N resulting from
increasing rate of applied increased number of spikelets per panicle and there by increased
grain yield (Behera, 1998). Among all the yield attributes of wheat, panicle number per m2 is
highly correlated with grain yield and it is the most important factor that causes variation in
grain yield (Miller et al., 1991; Thakur, 1993).
Likewise, number of spikelets per panicle is another important yield attribute of wheat.
Increasing N application results in greater number of wheat spikelets per panicle (Sagar and
Reddy, 1992; Thankur, 1993). Since the grain size in wheat is fairly constant, sink capacity is
primarily limited by spiklet number, which in turn, has a close association with N nutrition of
the crop (Shiga and Sekiya, 1976). However, application of excessive amount of N has a
detrimental effect on spiklet formation, which in turn, reduces grain yield (Keulen, 1983).
Since the rate of carbohydrate flow has been used as a determining factor in plant organ
proliferation, an increase in completion for metabolic supply among tillers decreases the
production of spiklets per panicle. On the other hand, as the number of spiklet increase with
increased N supply, deleterious competition for carbohydrate would take place among
spikelets, and weak spikelets in the lower part of panicles would take place among spikelets,
and weak spiklets in the lower part of panicles would fail to be fertilized, or would abort
immediately after fertilization (Kumara and Takeda, 1962: Wada, 1969). It is also possible
that vigorous vegetative growth can cause a heavy drain on soluble carbohydrate resulting in
reduction of its availability for spiklet formation. All these physiological changes resulted in
increased number of unfilled spiklets per panicle (Hasegawa et al., 1994), subsequently the
yield response to N fertilization is negative. The number of filled spikelets per panicle shows
increasing trend to a certain level of N supply and then decreases with further increase of N
fertilizer level (Behera, 1998; Thankur, 1993). Similarly, Kanugo and Rout (1994) indicated
that with increasing fertility beyond optimum level, the filled number of spikelets per panicles
decreased and unfilled spikelets increased. Balasubramannian and palaniappan (1991) also
reported similar result.
The effect of nitrogen on grain yield is partly attributes to increase in grain weight of wheat
(Channabasavanna and Setty, 1994). In contrast, there are also reports that higher nitrogen
level resulted in reduced grain weight (Sagar and Reddy, 1992; Thakur, 1993). Since the
proportion of filled at spikelets at flowering is influenced by assimilate supply (Ingram et al.,
1991) increased number of spikelets per panicle and vigorous vegetative growth owing to
high N application induce competition for carbohydrate available for grain filling and spiklet
formation (Wada,1969;Hasegawa et al., 1994). This reduces the kernel weight because of
insufficient supply of carbohydrate to the individual grain.
2.5.4. Dry matter and straw yield
Increasing N fertilizer application was reported to increase dry matter accumulation in crops
(Barnes, 1985) by enhancing nitrogen uptake (Dalal and Dixit, 1987). Increasing dry matter is
attributed to increase in length of leaves, elongation of stem and panicles, or in general to
increase in vegetative growth of the plant (Kumbhar and Sonar, 1980). Ghoshal and Singh
(1995) also reported similar results showing greater responses of wheat biomass to nitrogen
fertilizer application. Successive increase of nitrogen level consistently increased wheat straw
yield (Hari et al., 1997; Behera, 1998). Similarly, Jedel and Helm (1992) documented an
increased in straw yield with nitrogen application on cereals, particularly wheat and barley.
Supply of nitrogen to the plant stimulates root growth and development as well as uptake of
other nutrients (FAO, 2000; Brady and Weil, 2002).
Harvest index represents the ratio of the dry matter of harvested part of crop to the dry matter
production (Marschener, 1995). Tanaka (1994) indicated that harvest index in wheat is closely
related to the percentage of productive tillers and generally decreased with increase N
application. An increase of N application favors huge vegetative growth and thereby results in
the lower percent productive tiller, panicle number and finally lower harvest index (Tanaka,
Decreasing trend of harvest index with increased rate of N application has been confirmed by
several studies (Kumar and Rao, 1992; Hari et al., 1997). However, with moderate doses of N
application increment of harvest index can be achieved (Kanungo and Rout, 1994). Behera
(1998) and Thakur(1993) also reported an increasing trend of harvest index to a certain level
of N and a decreasing one with further increase in its rate of application.
When N is applied in excess, the maturity of the crop is delayed (Wild and Jones, 1988) by
affecting the supply of photosynthesis during critical period of the reproductive phase
(Marschner, 1995). Moreover, when N is applied in excess to wheat, the sugar concentration
in leaves reduce during early ripening stage and hence, inhibition occurs in the translocation
of assimilated products to spikelets (Tanaka et al., 1994).
Nutrient uptake depends on both the inherent physiology of the plant and the availability of
nutrients to the roots. Under field conditions, N uptake is usually low following heading.
However, under favorable post anthesis conditions a large proportion of the final grain N can
be derived from N taken up during grain filling (Simmons, 1987). In general, high levels of N
result in higher grain protein in wheat and increased efficiency or N utilization is realized
when the N concentration in the kernels increases and the grain yield remains stable (Kramer,
NUE in wheat can be considered from three interrelated points of view: agronomy (in terms
of grain yield produced per unit of N applied), environment (possible contamination of
ground water, eutrofication of surface waters, or ozone depletion by release of N2O) and
economics (maximization of farmers’ income) (Raun & Johnson, 1999). From the agronomic
perspective, NUE has usually been considered with respect to the relationship between yield
and N rate (yield efficiency), recovered N and N rate (N recovery efficiency) and the yield
and recovered N (physiological efficiency). The different NUE components can generally be
defined as the maximum economic yield produced per unit of nitrogen applied, absorbed or
utilized by the plant. The efficiency of N use in wheat can be estimated in terms of the
following efficiency components (Moll et al., 1982; Bock, 1984; Craswell & Godwin, 1984;
Doyle & Holford, 1993; Ortiz-Monasterio et al., 1997), where YF and YC are the grain yields
of the fertilized (F) and unfertilized (C) plots or NF and NC are the N uptake and
accumulation in the grain and biomass (kg/ha) of the fertilized and unfertilized plots
respectively, and F is the quantity of fertilizer N applied (kg/ha) (McDonald, 1989).
Factors which influence NUE includes, variety, N source, N application method, time of N
application, tillage, quantity of N applied(generally decreases with increasing N applied),
product( Forage and Grain), and soil type (organic matter). The most appropriate time for N
application generally coincides with the period of rapid N uptake by the plant (e.g. grain
formation and filling) (Jenner et al., 1990). Application at this time reduces the opportunity
for N losses, and results in the applied N being available throughout the period of grain
formation and growth (Olson & Kurtz, 1982). Grain yield response to fertilizer N increases
more steeply at low rate and increases at decreasing rate as the rate increases. The proportion
of N removed in spring wheat decreased when N applied exceeds plant requirements
(Campbell et al., 1993).
Nitrogen use efficiency can be improved with fertilizer timing and adjusting. No yield
reduction was observed as result of split nitrogen application; rather it enhanced grain yield,
total nitrogen uptake, and agronomic efficiency (Tilahun et al., 1996). Studied on time of N
application on Nitisols at Holetta and Vertisols at Ginchi (both in central highlands of
Ethiopia) showed the application of 50% of the total N at sowing and the rest at full tillering
stage significantly increased grain yield as well as the protein content of wheat (Asnakew et
al., 1991). Crop response to N application varies with rate and timing of N application in
relation to plant development (Mugendi et al., 2000). The most agronomic problems with the
use of N is the substantial loss of N in the form of NH3 due to hydrolysis after application of
urea (Miller and Donahue, 1995).
Nitrogen is the most mobile element in soil. It is widely distributed in nature and atmosphere
is the main reservoir of nitrogen. The soil accounts for only small fraction of lithospheric
nitrogen of which small proportion is directly available to plants in the form of NO-3 or NH4+
ions. Inorganic N exists in the form of NO-3,NH4+, NO-2, NO, and elemental nitrogen (N2)
while the organic form includes protein, amino acids, amino sugars, and other complexes.
Ammonium, NO3-, and NO2- are produced from aerobic decomposition of organic matter or
addition of fertilizers to the soil and are the most important in plant nutrition. Nitrous oxide
and NO are forms of N lost through denitrification (Leikam et al., 1983). Cultivable crops
nitrogen uptake occurs mainly as NO3- even when there is NH4+ in the soil. Urea applied to
the soil is split in to NH4- and CO2 by the enzyme urease and NH4+ can be taken up by plants
or microorganisms, adsorbed by solid colloid and mostly oxidized to NO3- (Mengel and
Kirkby, 1996; FAO, 2000). Due to partial adsorption of NH4 on soil colloids, most crops do
not respond as quickly to NH4+ as to NO3- but loss by denitrification and leaching is more
with NO3- than NH4+.
According to Ranson(1983), possible negative effect of nitrogen may be due to toxic levels of
nitrite, which is converted from nitrate during denitrification under anaerobic conditions. This
is caused by frequent rains during the season, which keep the surface of the soil wet for
several weeks after planting, sealing it and reducing the movement of O2 in to the soil.
However, nitrite does not accumulate longer in the soil since it is readily oxidized to nitrate by
nitrobacter (Mengel and Kirkby, 1996).
In moist, warm and well aerated soils, NO3- occurs in higher concentration than NH4+ but in
plant system, the latter is the preferred source of N and may increase carbohydrate and protein
levels as compared to NO3-(Havlin et al., 1999). Uptake of N forms is depressed by lower
temperature and they vary in their sensitivity to soil pH. Uptake of ammonium N is best in
neutral to medium pH and depressed as pH falls, while the reverse is true for NO3- absorption,
may be due to competitive effects of OH- in the NO3- uptake transport system and both N
forms were absorbed at equal rates at pH of 6.8 (Mengel and Kirkby, 1996; FAO,2000).
Nitrate (NO3-) moves to the plant root more easily with the flow of soil water and exchange to
the surface with HCO3- or OH- ions increasing the pH of the soil solution of rhizosphere. In
contrast, NH4+ exchanges with H+ and lowering the pH of rhizosphere soil solution and this
change in pH influences the uptake of companion ions like phosphate (Brady and Weil,
The source of N for vegetative growth of plants is either by the assimilation of (i) N absorbed
from the soil and/or (ii) N fixed from atmospheric N2 in the case of leguminous crop species
(Scharder, 1984). Both the xylem and phloem participate in transporting N in plant (Pate,
1973). The xylem is the principle path for long distance transport of nitrogenous solutes from
the roots to organs that transpire (Pate, 1973; Schrader, 1984). The xylem therefore transports
NO3- from the roots to shoots in addition to N reduced to NH4+ in the roots (Schrader, 1984).
The phloem is the principal transport path of N assimilated in one part of the shoot and
transported to another (e.g. leaf to seed). In contrast to the xylem, N solutes in the phloem are
organic solutes, with nitrate usually absent or present only in trace amounts in the phloem
(Pate, 1976).
3.1. Description of the Study Area
This study consisted of two sets of experiments namely assessment of bread wheat production
and marketing systems and evaluation of different bread wheat varieties for N-use efficiency.
The bread wheat production and marketing systems survey was conducted only in Bure
district (Fig. 1). On the other hand, the NUE experiment was conducted at two locations
namely, Bure district and Adet Agricultural Research centre (AARC) in 2009 main cropping
Bure is located 10042.7’N latitude and 37005.6’E longitude with an altitude of 2600 meters
above sea level (masl). The minimum and maximum temperature of the area is 170c and 250c
respectively, while, the minimum and the maximum rainfall is 1386 mm and 1757 mm
respectively (IPMS, 2007). Adet is located 11016’N latitude and 37029’E longitude with an
altitude of 2240 masl. The mean annual rainfall of AARC is 1250mm ranging between
860mm and 1771mm (Sewagegne, 2003). The average annual maximum temperature of
AARC is 25.50c and the average minimum temperature is 9.20c. The onset of the main rainy
season for both locations became late. Both at Bure and Adet farmers grow bread wheat on
nitosol soil type.
Bure distric has Dega, Woina Dega and Kolla agro-ecologies. However, bread wheat is grown
in Dega and Woina Dega parts of the district. Therefore, bread wheat production and systems
assessement study was carried out in the Dega and Woina Dega parts of the district. Sample
peaseant associations (PAs) for this study were selected following random sampling
technique. As a result, four peasant associations namely, Wangedam, Zalema, Sentom and
Tiyatiya Pas were selected as sample Pas from the two bread wheat growing agro-ecologies.
Similarly, sample bread wheat producer households were selected randomly in each of the
selected PAs.
To characterize the wheat production and marketing systems of Bure district, preliminary
visits were made to develop questionnaire. The questionnaire had many open ended questions
that allowed respondents to express their opinions on various bread wheat production and
marketing issues. Both secondary and primary data sources were used for this study. Primary
data was collected using formal survey. Information was gathered using semi-structured
questionnaire. The questionnaire pre-tested prior to the actual survey to assess its clarity and
check the possibility of collecting all necessary information using this questioner. The main
themes of the survey would be bread wheat production, marketing systems and major
constraints and opportunities of bread wheat production and marketing systems. The
following are some of the questions included in the questioner.
In bread wheat production system land holding/hh, area of crop land, availability of different
varieties, major diseases and control measures and cost of wheat production were included. In
bread wheat marketing bread wheat marketing season, major buyers, price per quintal, factor
affecting market price, place of sale and major marketing problems were included.
The N-use efficiency of ten released bread wheat varieties was assessed on-farm at Wundegi
PA of Bure district and on-station at Adet Agricultural Research Center. These varieties were
planted Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in a factorial arrangement with three
replications (Table 1). The experimental field was well tilled and planting rows were prepared
using hand pulled row-marker. Spacing between rows was 0.2m and each plot had 2.5m
length and 6 rows (1.2 m width). Therefore, the area of each experimental plot was 3 m2 (1.2
m x 2.5 m). The spacing between plots and replications was 0.4 m and 1.5 m, respectively.
Two rates of nitrogen fertilizer (N77 and N125 for Adet and N48 and N77 for Bure) were applied
to assess the N-use efficiency of each variety. Seed of each variety planted in each plot by
hand drilling at the rate of 150 kg/ha. The trial was planted on July 2, 2009 at Adet and on
July 24, 2009 at Bure. First weeding was carried out 35 days after emergence and second
weeding was done 30 days after the first weeding. Neither herbicides nor insecticides were
applied. All other agronomic practice was applied as recommended. All necessary data
collected from the four middle rows each plot.
3.3.2. Data collection
Composite soil sample was taken at the upper 50cm soil depth at different 6 random plots
from each replication as a bulk sample and the bulk sample was mixed properly to
characterize the N content (%) of the trial site before nitrogen application or planting. In
addition, to soil nitrogen content data on grain yield, agronomic performance, disease
reaction, grain quality, and nitrogen efficiency were collected from each plot as follow:
1. Days to heading (DH): The number of days from planting to a stage when 50% of the
plants in a plot had produced spikes.
2. Days to maturity (DM): The number of days from planting to physiological maturity
where 75% of the plants became mature in each plot.
3. Number of Tiller/plant (NT): tillers were counted on five randomly sampled plants from
central rows of each plot.
Table 1. List of bread wheat genotypes that were included in the experiment
4. Plant Height (PH): It was measured from ground level to the top of the spike excluding
the awn of five randomly taken plants from the middle four rows measured in cm.
5. Spike Length (SL): the main spikes from the five sampled plants were measured in cm
and averaged to represent the spike length in cm.
6. Number of spikelets per spike (NSKPS): The number of spikelets in main tillers of each of
the five randomly taken plants was taken.
7. Number of Seed per Spike (NSPS): number of seeds per spike from the five randomly
sampled plants from the central rows of each plot was counted.
8. Septoria disease score was measured with scale from 0-9 based on the percentage of
septoria disease infection on the plants.
9. Thousand Seeds Weight (TSW): Grain weight of thousand seeds sampled at random from
total grain harvest of the experimental plot was recorded on analytical balance expressed
in gm.
10. Hectoliter weight (HLW) (Kg/hl): Grain weight of one liter volume (randomly sample)
of grain was determined for each experimental plot following a standard procedure.
11. Biomass yield (TDW) (kg/plot): the total above ground biomass produced was recorded
for each plot.
12. Grain yield (GDW) (g/plot): Grain yield in g/plot at 12.5 % moisture content was taken
from the central four rows.
13. Grain Protein content (GP) (%): The grain protein content of the harvested genotypes
were determined via near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy (% protein = % N X
14. Gluten content was determined by near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy.
15. Grain starch percentage of the genotypes was determined by near infrared reflectance
16. SDS sedimentation test of the harvested genotypes were determined via near infrared
reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy by putting 100 gm seed sample to NIR apparatus by
17. Total straw nitrogen was the amount of nitrogen in the straw. The straw nitrogen was
determined by Kjeldahl method of nitrogen analysis. This method is used as standard and
universal method for analysis consists of digestion, distillation, and titration processes.
The sample was digested by addition of 5 ml of concentrated H2SO4 as an oxidizing
agent and 1g mixture of K2SO4 with a hydrous CUSO4 in the ratio of 10:1 was used as a
catalyst. Digestion converts any nitrogen to ammonia and other organic matter to CO2
and H2O. After digestion was complete, NaOH(40%) was added to neutralize and to
make the solution slightly alkaline. The ammonia was then distilled in to receiving flask
that consists of a solution of 4% boric acid for reaction with ammonia. Finally, the
amount of borate ion released by the reaction with ammonia distilled out was indirectly
titrated with standardize HCl (ca. 0.1M) solution. Percentage of nitrogen was estimated
as follows:
Nitrogen % = V HCl in L X M HCl (ca.0.1) X 14.00 x 100
Sample weight on dry matter basis
Where V is volume of HCl in L consumed to the end point of titration, M is molarity
of HCl and 14.00 is the molecular weight of nitrogen. Nitrogen content of straw and
grain yield (%) was determined.
18. Total plant Nitrogen (TN) was amount of N in the plant (grain N + Vegetative N)
19. Total N Supplied (NS) was the amount N supplied and N in the soil sample.
20. Biomass nitrogen is the amount of N in the above ground part of the plant.
21. Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Yield (NUEY) is ability to produce grain yield at the
GDW ⎛ GDW ⎞⎛ TDW ⎞⎛ TN ⎞
expense of applied N was determined. NUEY = =⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
NS ⎝ TDW ⎠⎝ TN ⎠⎝ NS ⎠
22. Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Protein (NUEP): the ability to produce grain protein at the
expense of applied N was determined. NUEP = TGN/NS = (TGN/TDW) (TDW/TN)
TGN ⎛ TGN ⎞⎛ TDW ⎞⎛ TN ⎞
(TN/NS). NWEP = =⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
NS ⎝ TDW ⎠⎝ TN ⎠⎝ NS ⎠
23. Nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUE): the ability of the plant to utilize the available N in the
soil was determined. NUPE =
24. Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency (NutE) is defined as the ability to convert the absorbed
nutrients in to economic yield and it reflects the efficiency of the crop nitrogen in plant
for synthesis of economic yield.
25. Biomass Production Efficiency (BPE): the ability of the plant to produce biomass at the
expense of applied N was determined. BPE =
26. Harvest Index (HI): the proportion grain yield to biomass was determined. HI =
27. Nitrogen Harvest Index (NHI) or translocation efficiency (TE); the proportion of N in the
grain than in vegetative tissue was determined. Relative Nitrogen concentration in grain
(RNC); the proportion of N in the grain to the total biomass. RNC =
28. Nitrogen utilization efficiency is defined as a crop’s ability to convert the absorbed
nutrient into grain yield. Utilizatio n efficiency =
29. N-use efficiency = uptake efficiency x Utilization efficiency. = ×
The statistical analysis was conducted using appropriate statistical software; Statistical
Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 16 was used to analyze the Bread wheat
production and marketing systems data collected through the survey. The General linear
Model (GLM) procedure of SAS (2000) was used for analysis of variance and to analyze the
correlation of traits in relation with N-use efficiency.
Data collected from each location were subjected to statistical analysis as per randomized
complete block design model (Table 2) (Gomez and Gomez, 1984) to assess the presence of
significant variation among treatments in each location. Similarly, combined analysis of
variance was performed following fixed effect model (Gill et al., 1982) (Table 3) to assess
presence of genotype x environment interaction effect. The statistical software employed for
the analysis of variance was SAS. Duncan multiple range test was used to identify
significantly different treatments.
Table 2. Analysis of Variance for individual location
The genotypic and phenotypic variance components and coefficient of phenotypic and
genotypic variability will be estimated according to the method suggested by Burton and
Devane(1953) as:
MS g − MS e
Genotypic variance (σ2g) =
Where: MS g = mean square due to genotypes
PCV = × 100
Genotypic Coefficient of variation (GCV)
GCV= x100
Environmental coefficient of variation (ECV)
σ 2e
ECV= × 100
Where, x = grand mean of the character.
Covariance was calculated by the following formula:
Mspg − Mspe
Where: Covgxy = Genotypic covariance between traits x and y
Mspg = Genetic mean sum product of traits x and y
Mspe = Environmental mean sum product of traits x and y
r = number of replications
Covpxy= Covgxy + Covexy
Where: Covpxy= phenotypic covariance between traits x and y
Covgxy = genotypic covariance between traits x and y
Covexy = environmental covariance between traits x and y
3.4.3. Estimation of phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations
The simple correlation coefficients were computed to determine the degree of association
among yield, yield attributes, quality and N efficiency traits. The correlation coefficients were
then partitioned to genotypic and phenotypic components. Phenotypic correlation, the
observable correlation between two variables that includes genotype and environmental
effects, and genotypic correlation, the inherent association between two variables was
estimated using the formula of Al-Jibouri et al., (1958). Estimates of genetic covariance
component between two traits (δgxy) and phenotypic covariance component between two traits
(δpxy) were derived in the same way as the corresponding variance components.
rpxy = Cov gxy
√ δ2px δ2py
Where: rpxy = phenotypic correlation coefficient between traits x and y
Covpxy = phenotypic covariance between traits x and y
δ2px = phenotypic variance of trait x
δ2py = phenotypic variance of trait y
δ gy = genotypic variance for trait y
Heritability (H): heritability in broad sense for all characters will be computed using the
formula by Falconer (1997).
Heritability (H) = δ 2g
X 100
δ 2p
The Climatological data of the two environments (Adet and Bure) for 2009 are listed in
Appendix 1 Tables (1 and 4). The soil of the study area was nitosol with PH of 5.22-6.05. The
average N across replication of 0.12%, organic matter of 1.75-2.56 at soil depth of > 0.2m
was recorded.
Almost all the total sampled bread wheat households (95.4%) were males while 4.6% of the
respondents were females. The marital status of the sample respondents were married (97.2%)
while 3% were single (Table 4). The average age of the respondents was 46 years with a
minimum and maximum age of 20 and 67 years, respectively. The sample peasant
associations were Tiya Tiya, Wangedam, Zalema and Fetam Sentom, the first three kebeles
were mid altitude agro ecologies while Fetam Sentom had 50% low land.
The owned cultivated bread wheat land size of sample respondents varied from 0.12 to 4
hectares with an average holding of 0.76 hectares and a standard deviation of 0.54. The
average size of land for maize, millet, teff, fababean, onion, pepper, and chick pea were 1.07,
0.45, 0.54, 0.19, 0.12, 0.32, and 0.28 hectares, respectively.
Variables N Percent
Male 104 95.4
Female 5 4.6
Married 106 97.2
Single 3 2.8
N= number of respondents
4.2. Bread Wheat Production Systems of Brue District
Bure has ideal soil and climatic condition for the production of many crops. Maize, bread
wheat, teff, pepper, finger millet, potato, vegetables, coffee, noug, sugarcane, haricot bean and
sesame are grown in the farming system (IPMS, 2007). Bread wheat is recently introduced
but steadily increasing both in area coverage and volume of production in Bure. Bread wheat
is the second major crop after maize in the district. The average land holding size of the
respondent for bread wheat was 0.76 ha (Table 5). Bread wheat is growing both in mid and
high altitude areas of the woreda. Farmers grow only one improved variety called Kubsa
(HAR 1685). It is preferred by farmers because it has white grain colour, yields better and
fetches good price in the market. However the survey result revealed that kubsa produced
under low fertilizer application (49%), with post harvest losses due to weevil (40%), sprouting
(23%) due to long rainy season after maturity, quality reduction (17%) due to manual
harvesting and threshing using animals mixing the grain with soil and manure, and septoria
(2%) were the major problems in bread wheat production in the district (Table 6). This result
was also concurs with the result reported by IPMS, (2007).
Table 5. Land holding and yields of respondent households in the study area
Farmers sell their produce only in the local market due to lack of market information.
Consequently, private traders from different regions buy grain and other products with local
market price.
Table 6. Percent distribution of problems affects bread wheat production
Problems N Percent
Sprouting 23 21.1
Septoria 2 1.8
Low fertilizer rate 49 45
Quality reduction 17 16.4
Post harvest losses 40 36.7
N= number of respondents
From this study, different bread wheat market participants were identified in marketing
functions between producer and the final bread wheat consumer. Bread wheat producer,
cooperatives, and consumers were key participants in the bread wheat market.
The number of intermediaries in a given marketing channel has a bearing effect on both
producer and consumer bread wheat prices. The shorter the channel, the more likely the lower
consumer prices will be and a higher return to the producers. Therefore, in this context it
looks that bread wheat market participants of Bure district took the advantage so long as
shortest market channels prevailing. Different types of bread wheat marketing channels.
Producer →Consumer: The channel is found to involve the direct sale of bread wheat to
consumer in the immediate neighborhood and local market places. Bread wheat for
consumption is mostly purchased in markets where there is better supply of produced in terms
of quality and quantity with ample bargaining alternatives. Farmers’ bargaining power is
generally poor because of their large number compared to the wholesalers, lack of direct
access to other markets or alternative channels and absence of any market extension services
(Gebremeskel et al., 1998).
Farmers in the study area suffer from a number of difficulties and challenges (Table 7) that
are antagonistic to the success desired in the bread wheat market such as low output price
(52.3 %), lack of road or transport (25.7 %) to access the market, low purchasing power of the
people (20.2 %), lack of pack animals (14.7 %) to bring all the produces to the market , high
transport cost(7.3 %), lack of storage facilities (5.5 %) to put the produced until there was
reasonable price for the produced and lack of market (1.8 %). This result is similar with the
findings of Gebremeskel et al., 1998 there were high spatial price differentials because of the
low participation of private sectors which was exacerbated by poor infrastructure, weak, and
highly fluctuating terms of trade, an inefficient input and output marketing system, lack of
market integration, independently developed financial markets and missing institutions,
particularly in rural areas. Moreover, farmers’ bargaining power is generally poor because of
their large number compared to the wholesalers, lack of direct access to other markets or
alternative channels and absence of any market extension services. Hence, farmers are forced
to sell their grains (79% of their annual grain sales) immediately after harvest (January –
March) when price are generally low (Gebremeskel et al., 1998). These all made farmers to
face an uncertain production environment and enormous constraints and higher transaction
costs in accessing markets (Wolday and Eleni, 2003; Eleni and Goggin, 2005). For instance,
in Amhara region, the producer price of tef, wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, pulses, and
oilseeds during 2001/02 was decreased by 18 %, 29 %, 26 %, 40 %, 28 %, 38 %, and 17 % ,
respectively compared to that of 1998/99 production year (BoA,2000).
Constraints N percent
lack of road or transport 28 25.7
lack of market 2 1.8
low purchasing power 22 20.2
low out put price 57 52.3
high transport cost 8 7.3
lack of pack animals 16 14.7
lack of storage facilities 6 5.5
N=number of respondents
4.3.3. Farmer information about price of bread wheat market
Farmers received information about market price from other farmers (67.9 %), cooperatives
(41.3 %), speaking traders (29.4 %), development agents (20.2 %), radio (8.3 %), personal
observation (7.3 %), and peasant association (0.9 %) (Table 8).
Variables N percent
Development agents 22 20.2
Radio 9 8.3
Cooperatives 45 41.3
Peasant association 1 0.9
Other farmers 74 67.9
Personal observation 8 7.3
Speaking traders 32 29.4
N=number of respondents
Most of the respondents travel relatively long distance from home to the nearest market center
to sell agricultural products and buy inputs. The range varied from 0.1 km to 18 km .The
mean of traveling distance to sale their produced was 5.5 km (Table 9). The nearest local
market is located at a distance requiring on average about 5.5 km with a standard deviation of
3.4. Most of the farmers sold their produces to consumers (48 %), cooperatives (45 %),
retailers (36 %), whole seller (29.4 %) and other farmers (3.7 %) (Table 10). Bread wheat
price ranged from 300 to 625 ETB. The mean price of bread wheat produce was 393ETB.The
mean indicated that most farmers sold their produces with lower price.
Table 9. Walking distance (km) to reach in the market for sale their produces
Variable N Percent
Consumers 48 44
Retail traders 36 33
Whole sellers 32 29.4
Cooperatives 45 41.3
Other farmers 4 3.7
N= number of respondents
4.4. Yield, Quality and Nitrogen Efficiency Attributes of Genotypes Tested at Adet
The results obtained from the analysis of yield and yield related traits, quality and nitrogen
use efficiency traits in relation to variability of tested genotypes at Adet with different levels
of fertilizers are presented below. Presence of variation in tested genotypes, coefficient of
variation, heritability and correlation coefficient were computed for most traits.
There was significant difference (p<0.01) among the treatments, genotypes and between
nitrogen rates with respect to yield, yield related traits, quality parameters and nitrogen use
efficiency parameters (Table 11). Highly significant difference among the genotypes was
exhibited for day to maturity, plant height, days to heading, grain filling period, spike length,
number of seeds per spike, number of spiklets per spike, septoria, grain yield, biomass yield,
harvest index, hectoliter weight, thousand seed weight, grain protein content, sedimentation
volume, gluten, starch, grain nitrogen, total grain nitrogen, vegetative nitrogen, total straw
nitrogen, biomass nitrogen, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen utilization efficiency,
nitrogen harvest index, biomass production efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency for grain yield,
nitrogen use efficiency for protein and relative nitrogen concentration exhibited. Grain yield,
biomass yield, thousands seed weight, grain protein, sedimentation volume, gluten, starch,
grain nitrogen, total grain nitrogen, vegetative nitrogen, total straw nitrogen, biomass
nitrogen, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen harvest index, biomass production efficiency,
nitrogen use efficiency for yield, nitrogen use efficiency for protein, relative nitrogen
concentration also exhibited highly significant difference between N levels.
The range between genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation is shown in Table 12.
The maximum variability between phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation was
recorded by number of tillers per plant (19.9, 11.5) followed by septoria (30.7, 24.5).
Generally, the genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability was similar in magnitude
and direction which indicated that the genotypes were able to express their genetic potential
for various traits. The highest genetic coefficient of variation was observed for total grain
nitrogen (37.3) followed by septoria (24.5), sedimentation volume (24.4), vegetative nitrogen
(24.2), no of seeds per spike (17.1), grain yield (11.9), spike length (11.5), no of tillers per
plant (11.5), nitrogen use efficiency for yield (11), harvest index (10.9), plant height (10.3),
grain protein content (10.3), gluten (10.3), grain nitrogen (10.2), and nitrogen utilization
efficiency (10.2). Total grain nitrogen (37.3), septoria (30.7), sedimentation volume (25.3),
and vegetative nitrogen (24.2) showed the highest phenotypic coefficient of variation. The
lowest phenotypic coefficient of variability was recorded by Starch (3.4) and hectoliter weight
4.4.3. Comparison of mean performance for yield and yield related, quality and NUE
Yield levels and quality of produced grain play an important part in the successful and
economic production and marketing of wheat. Traditionally, high yield alone was
economically the most important factor to the producer. However, quality of produced grain
become more importance as the end users became more quality demanding of the end product
and quality should not be ignored any more to satisfy the consumers demand improve the
marketability of the produce. Among the quality determining factors of wheat production is
nitrogen fertilization. Seasonal patterns of N uptake and its partitioning within the crop is
useful in assessing the amount, timing and method of N fertilization to prevent the occurrence
of N deficiencies which lead to reduced yield and quality as well as to prevent over
fertilization, which contributes to increased lodging, poor grain filling due to mutual shading,
and increased severity and incidence of diseases (Liu, 1991 and Saito, 1991). The
development of efficient N management should give attention to cultivar differences on their
nutrient use efficiency which is necessary to avoid potential yield loss due to the over or
under fertilization according to the result of Senanayake et al., (1994).
Plant height
Digalu (114.8 cm) and Bobicho (107.4 cm) were the tallest varieties in both rates of fertilizer
(table 13 and 14) while Kubsa (90.7 cm) and Millenium (85.3 cm) were the shortest varieties
(table 13 and 14). Heritability in broad sense was 0.59 (Table 12). Mosalem (1993) reported
that plant height of wheat increased with increasing N level.
Days to maturity
Digalu (HAR3116), Millennium (HAR4921) and HAR604 were late maturing varieties at
higher rates of fertilizer application where as Kubsa (HAR1685) and Paven76 were early
maturing varieties (table 13 and 14). Delayed maturity was observed at increased nitrogen
levels and the differences between maturity at a given rate was due to their genotype.
Septorial disease
Kubsa (HAR 1685) and Paven76 were susceptible to septoria with the score of 8.3 and 8,
respectively. Densa (HAR2562) and Digalu were less affected by septoria disease with the
score of 5 (Table 14).
Grain yield is the final result that can be studied through its yield components. Katar (6.9
t/ha), Senkega (6.8 t/ha), Bobicho (6.7 t/ha), and Gassay (6.5 t/ha) were highest yielding at a
higher nitrogen level. Kubsa (6.4 t/ha) was top yielding at highest and recommended nitrogen
level (Table 13). The lowest yielding cultivars were HAR604 (5.2 t/ha) and Paven76 (5.1 t/ha)
at recommend nitrogen while Millennium (4.9 t/ha) was the lowest yielding at both nitrogen
levels. The result indicated that when N increased grain yield also increases. Similar results
were reported by Halloran (1981), Bhatia and Rabson, (1987), and Gate (1995) where both
yield and protein increased simultaneously up to a certain level, given an adequate N supply
to the plants and efficient translocation to developing grain. The heritability in broad sense
was high (0.71) showing the possibility of repeating the same result and the possibility of
success in yield improvement.
Varieties are divided into in-efficient/non-responder (low yielding two N levels) and efficient/
responder (high yielding in sub-optimal N supply but respond with increased yield to
additional N supply). Inefficient/responder is high yielding only in response to added fertilizer
and efficient non-responder is high yielding in sub-optimal N supply only. Most of the
varieties were efficient/responders and inefficient/non responders. Responders were the
varieties capable of producing average grain yield with the additionally supplied N. Non-
responders are those which fail to translate the additionally supplied N to grain yield.
Table 11. Analysis of variance for the 29 traits of Bread wheat varieties grown at Adet
Based on these varieties such as Katar (HAR1899), Senkegna (3646), Gassay (HAR3730),
Bobicho (HAR2419), Digalu (3116), Densa (HAR2562) were efficient/responders. HAR604
and Millenniun (HAR4921) were inefficient/non responder, Paven76 was
inefficient/responder and Kubsa (HAR1685) was efficient non responder.
The major breeding objectives of wheat programs in the Ethiopian includes high grain yield
with less emphasis for N-use efficiency traits.
Accurate fertilizer N recommendations are therefore important for cost-effective and
environmentally friendly agricultural production (Halvorson et al., 1987). In other hand,
optimum water utilization and minimum pollution of the environment as reported by Corbeels
et al., 1999 with efficient N management.
Biomass yield
Senkegna produced the highest biomass yield of 16.3 t/ha at higher nitrogen level and 13.7
t/ha at recommended N-application which indicated that increasing N rate increased biomass
yield. Ghoshal and Singh (1995) also reported similar results showing greater responses of
wheat biomass to N fertilizer. Several other studies have also shown that application of N
tends to increase the biomass of different crops. The lowest biomass yield was recorded by
Paven 76 (12.6 t/ha) (Table 13). The nitrogen application enhances the vegetative growth of
wheat crop, which ultimately increase biological yield and increase in straw yield with added
nitrogen to the soil (Sardana and Sardana,2000; Allam, 2003). The yielding potential of the
studied varieties revealed the same result with two levels of N application (Table14). The
heritability in broad sense of grain yield was 0.5 (Table 12).
Economic responses of crops to fertilizer N additions occurs as increased yield, biomass yield
or grain quality improvement. The simplest response of plants to applied N (When N is the
limiting factor) is a linear increase in dry matter production with rates up to the maximum
application rates of N, staying constant thereafter declining.
Harvest Index
Bread wheat varieties with high harvest index values are known to have higher NUE’S.
Varieties such as Kubsa and Katar gave the highest harvest index at recommended and higher
N levels (Table 13). These two varieties showed the highest potential in harvest indices (Table
14). HAR 604 with higher N level showed the lowest harvest index.
Yield levels and quality of produced grain play an important part in the successful production
and marketing of wheat, and efficient N inputs must be economically feasible and
environment friendly (Godwin and Jones, 1991).
Hectoliter weight
Test weight provided a rough estimate of flour yield potential in wheat. It is important to
millers just as grain yield is important to wheat producer. Digalu (84 kg/hl) with higher N
level scored the highest weight whereas Bobicho (74.4 kg/hl) scored the lowest hectoliter
weight (Table 15).
Katar (38.7 g) had the highest thousand seed weight followed by Densa(37 g) and Gassay (37
g) with recommended N level. However millennium with higher N level was scored the
lowest thousand seed weight (Table 15).
Table 12. Variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability of the 29 traits of
Bread wheat varieties grown at Adet in 2009
Table 13. Mean values for different agronomic traits for 20 treatments at Adet in 2009
Table 14. Mean values of different agronomic traits for 10 Bread wheat varieties grown at Adet in 2009
Grain protein content
The protein content varied from 10.9 % to 14.4 %. The highest grain protein content was
scored by Millennium (14.4 %), Densa (14.1 %), and Paven76 (13.9 %) at the high level of N
application followed by Millennium (13.9 %) at recommended N level, Bobicho (13.7 %) and
Senkegna (13.4 %) with higher N level (Table 15). Digalu (10.9 %) scored the lowest grain
protein content. The results showed that when N rates increase grain protein also increases up
to a certain level. Similar results was reported by Borghi et al., 1997; Lo´pez-Bellido et al.,
1998. N fertilizer rates and timing of application are a decisive factor in the obtaining of high
yields, increased protein content. Grain protein is of primary importance in determining the
bread making quality of wheat flour. Although total protein is the primary factor in
determining the end use of wheat, there is often a need to measure properties that are
indicative of the protein quality (Delwiche, 2004). High level of protein is important for
superior wheat milling and baking characteristics. Breeders have reported little success in the
attempt to identify selection criteria based on simple physiological attributes to combine high
yielding and high protein content (Monaghan et al., 2001). The low yielding ability of the
high protein genotypes is usually explained by the high energy needed for protein production
compared to starch production.
Densa (55.9 ml), Paven76 (51.3 ml) and Millennium (50.4 ml) had the highest value of SDS
Sedimentation test with high N inputs, Densa and Millennium had the highest value for
recommended N levels (Table 15). Katar (31.4 ml) and Gassay (30.6ml) scored the lowest
SDS sedimentation test. The current tested genotypes had moderate gluten strength. Gluten
strength was measured by the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation test (Pena et al.,
1990). The sedimentation test was influenced by the quality and quantity of gluten and ranges
from 3 to 70; 3 ml for very weak and 70 ml for strong. The broad sense heritability was 0.93
showing high genetic gain will be achieved in an improvement program of this trait using the
studied genotypes.
Gluten content
Millennium had the highest gluten content of 36% at higher and recommended N levels
followed by Paven76 (35%), Densa (34.2%), Bobicho (33.1%) and Senkegna (32.7%). The
result indicated that the above varieties had the highest quality. Similar result, the ability of
wheat flour to be processed into different foods is largely determined by the gluten proteins
(Weegels et al., 1996). All gluten proteins are synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
Mature grains contain 8-20 % proteins. The gluten proteins, the gliadins and glutenins,
constitute up to 80-85 % of the total flour protein, and confer properties of elasticity and
extensibility that are essential for functionality of wheat flours(Shewry et al.,1995).The
gliadins and glutenins constitute each around 50 % of the gluten proteins.
Digalu (68.8 %) with recommended and high N level, Katar (68.1 %), Gassay (67 %), and
Kubsa (66.8 %) had exhibited the highest starch content. This result indicated that the above
varieties had high staling. Similar result, Starch is the main component of carbohydrate
fraction accounting for 65-75 % of the grain dry weight. A series of enzymes synthesize the
amylase and amylopectin chains that comprise starch. Differences in wheat starch particle size
distribution and amount of damaged starch granules has been shown to be important for the
baking performance (Hoseney et al., 1971).
Millennium (2.5%) followed by Densa (2.4%) and Paven76 (2.42) scored the highest grain
nitrogen content (Table 16). The heritability in broad sense of N content was high which was
indicative of possibility of high genetic gain in a selection program.
The grand mean was 0.12 t/ha ranging from 0.1 t/ha (Tay) with recommended N level to 0.16
t/ha (Senkegna) (Table 16). Nitrogen in the grain is derived mainly from organic N present as
components of vegetative plant parts that is remobilized during grain filling (Simmons, 1987;
Lea and Azevedo, 2006).
Large proportion of the grain N can be derived from N taken up during grain filling
(Simmons, 1987). Genotypic variability for N efficiency was mainly caused by differences in
uptake efficiency. Kubsa (1.8) with recommended N level followed by Densa (1.7),
Millennium (1.7) and Senkegna (1.7) at recommend N level scored the highest nitrogen
uptake efficiency.
There was a significant difference among genotypes for vegetative nitrogen, Total straw
nitrogen and Biomass nitrogen. Paven76 (0.5 %), Kubsa (0.5 %) and Millennium (0.5 %) at
recommended N level had scored the highest vegetative nitrogen. Senkegna (0.19) followed
by Gassay (0.18) and Katar (0.18) at higher N level scored the highest biomass nitrogen
(Table 16).
Katar (41.7) and Digalu (41.3) scored the highest Nitrogen Utilization efficiency (Table 16).
Genetic variation for N uptake was important for N efficiency under conditions of high N
supply. The importance of Nitrogen utilization efficiency was more apparent when a
comparison was made between genotypes with grain yields and genotypes should utilize the
N taken up from the soil to produce grain. The heritability in broad sense was 0.97 which
shows high genetic gain expectation during selection in the tested genotypes.
The effect of N treatment on the NHI of Bread wheat cultivars tested at Adet is displayed in
Table 16. The mean NHI value for this trial was 0.8. However, this index differed
significantly between cultivar and N treatments. The highest NHI was scored by Densa (0.89)
at recommended and higher N levels and by Bobicho (0.88) at higher N level. However, HAR
604 (0.74) scored the lowest NHI at with recommended N level. Higher NHI would be
desirable as it would be more capable of remobilizing N into the grain during grain filling.
The concentration of N remaining in a vegetative plant part at maturity may also be a good
indicator of how extensively N is mobilized from that plant part (Simmons, 1987). Dry matter
accumulation, synthesis, translocation, partitioning and accumulation of the photosynthetic
products within the plant are controlled genetically and can be significantly influenced by the
environment (Snyder and Carlson, 1984).
The effect of cultivars and N treatments on the NUEyld of Bread wheat cultivars planted at
Adet is displayed in Table 16. The mean NUEyld value of genotypes was 53.1 ranging from
Millennium (35.8) to Kubsa (69.9). The result showed that nitrogen efficient varieties were
high yielder. Similar result by Ortiz-Monasterio et al. (1997) stated that N use efficient
genotypes can be characterized by their ability to produce high grain yields under both low
and high nitrogen fertility conditions, and genotypes that are nitrogen use inefficient only
produce acceptably high grain yields under high N fertility condition. NUEyld declined
substantially as soil available N increased (Soon et al., 2006). The heritability was 0.63
which had moderate to have selection gain.
The ability to produce grain protein at the expense of applied N (NUEpr), the mean NUEpr
value studied geontypes was 1.1. Densa (1.5) followed by Kubsa (1.4) and Senkegna (1.4)
scored the highest nitrogen use efficiency for protein. Tay (0.80) scored the lowest NUEyld.
The heritability in broad sense was 0.63 (Table 12).
Table 15. Mean values for different quality parameters for 20 treatments at Adet in 2009
Table 16. Mean values for different Nitrogen use efficiency parameters for 20 treatments at Adet in 2009
Densa+N1 2.3d 0.14bcde 0.2k 0.02f 0.16cdefg 1.7ab 37.93cd 0.88ab 92.9bcd 64.5ab 1.48a 0.009abcd
Gassay+N1 1.99fg 0.12fghi 0.39f 0.03cd 0.15efghi 1.65abc 39.8b 0.8efg 93.8bc 65.5ab 1.3abc 0.008defgh
Digalu+N1 1.9g 0.11hi 0.35gh 0.03cd 0.14i 1.48de 41.27a 0.78efgh 102a 61.1bcd 1.17cdef 0.007gh
Katar+N1 1.99fg 0.12ghi 0.3i 0.02ef 0.14hi 1.54bcd 41.68a 0.83cd 94.6bc 63.9ab 1.27bcd 0.008cdefg
Paven76+N1 2.19e 0.11ghi 0.47a 0.03bc 0.15ghi 1.6bc 34.6i 0.76ghi 85.5ef 55.6def 1.22bcde 0.008cdef
Bobicho+N1 2.13e 0.12ghi 0.42cd 0.03cd 0.15ghi 1.63abc 36.68efg 0.78efgh 88.9cde 59.9bcde 1.27bcd 0.008cdefg
Tay+N1 2.01f 0.11i 0.45b 0.04ab 0.14hi 1.54bcd 36.5efg 0.73i 95.95ab 56.4cdef 1.17cdef 0.007h
Senkegna+N1 2.15e 0.13efgh 0.38f 0.03cd 0.16defgh 1.7ab 37.39cdef 0.81de 88.5cde 63.1abc 1.38ab 0.009cd
Millenium+N1 2.4abcd 0.12ghi 0.47a 0.04a 0.15efghi 1.7ab 31.29j 0.76hi 83.7ef 53efg 1.28bcd 0.009cd
Kubsa+N1 2.01f 0.13defg 0.47a 0.04a 0.17bcdef 1.8a 38.5c 0.77fgh 86.4ef 69.9a 1.41ab 0.008cde
Densa+N2 2.45ab 0.15abc 0.2jk 0.02f 0.17bcd 1.25fgh 36.18fgh 0.89a 85.3ef 45hi 1.1cdef 0.01a
Gassay+N2 2.2e 0.14abcd 0.43bc 0.04a 0.18ab 1.32efg 35.68ghi 0.79efg 84.7ef 47gh 1.04efgh 0.009cd
Digalu+N2 1.99fg 0.12efgh 0.3i 0.03cd 0.15efghi 1.12hi 40.68ab 0.8def 101a 45.4hi 0.9ghi 0.007efgh
Katar+N2 2.16e 0.15abc 0.36g 0.03cd 0.18ab 1.3efgh 38.54c 0.83cd 85.9ef 50fgh 1.1defg 0.009abc
Paven76+N2 2.4abc 0.14abcd 0.3i 0.03de 0.17bcde 1.24fgh 35.15hi 0.85bc 81.6f 43.3hi 1.1efgh 0.01a
Bobicho+N2 2.38bcd 0.16ab 0.25j 0.02f 0.18abc 1.3fgh 36.98def 0.88ab 84.8ef 47.6gh 1.14icdef 0.01ab
Tay+N2 2.18e 0.12ghi 0.36g 0.03bc 0.15fghi 1.08i 35.6ghi 0.78efgh 98.1ab 38.5i 0.84i 0.007fgh
Senkegna+N2 2.3cd 0.16a 0.3hi 0.03bc 0.19a 1.38def 35.72ghi 0.83cd 85.4ef 49.4fgh 1.03efgh 0.0098abc
Millenium+N2 2.5a 0.12efgh 0.41de 0.03bc 0.16defgh 1.14ghi 31.4j 0.8efgh 83.8ef 35.8j 0.88hi 0.009bcd
Kubsa+N2 2.15e 0.14cdef 0.39ef 0.03cd 0.17bcde 1.24fghi 37.42cde 0.8def 86.79def 46gh 0.99fghi 0.009cd
Mean 2.19 0.12 0.37 0.03 0.16 1.44 36.96 0.8 89.49 53.1 1.1 0.009
CV 2.5 8.3 2.7 10.5 6.25 7.9 1.99 2.3 4.4 8.5 10.34 7.1
LSD 0.09 0.01 0.02 0.005 0.02 0.18 1.2 0.03 6.5 7.46 0.196 0.001
SE 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.003 0.01 0.1 0.7 0.01 3.9 4.5 0.1 0.0006
GN= grain nitrogen, TGNI= total grain nitrogen, VEGN= vegetative nitrogen, TSTNI= total straw nitrogen, BNI= biomass nitrogen, NupE=
nitrogen uptake efficiency, NutE= nitrogen utilization efficiency,NHI= nitrogen harvest index, BprdE= biomass production efficiency,
NUEyld= nitrogen utilization efficiency for yield, NUEpr= nitrogen utilization efficiency for protein, RNC= relative nitrogen concentration.
Mean within a column followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at 5%.
4.4.4. Correlation of yield with yield related traits, quality and NUE parameters
Yield is being a complex trait is governed by many genes interacting with the environment
and depends on a number of related traits. Knowledge of interrelationship among various
traits affecting yield directly as well as indirectly is essential for selecting best yielding
The results at Adet indicated that there was significant correlation of r = 0.33 between
thousand seed weight and grain yield (Table 17). Similarly, Blanco et al. (2001) found
significant positive correlation between thousand seed weight and grain yield (p<0.05) in four
out of six population of hexaploid wheat.
Days to heading showed negative association with grain yield. Blanco et al. (2001) also
reported that heading and maturity dates tended to be negatively associated with grain yield in
six population of hexaploid wheat. There was significant correlation (r=0.73) between number
of spikelets per spike with number of seeds per spike. Plant height exhibited a positive
significant association with thousand seed weight (r= 0.40) and biomass yield (r=0.34). Plant
height had significant but negative association with grain protein content (-0.28) and SDS
sedimentation test (r= -0.25).
Thousand seed weight showed negative significant correlation with grain protein content (r= -
0.51) and gluten (r= -0.47). The result was in agreement with the findings of Tesfaye (2003).
Spike length was negatively correlated with grain yield (r= -0.13) in agreement with the
finding of Pathak et al. (1984) which calls for less attention in the process of selection for
yield. Plant height (r= -0.28) and number of seeds per spike (r= -0.38) exhibited negative
correlation with grain protein content (Table 17).
Biomass yield (r= 0.8) and total grain nitrogen (r= 0.83) had positive and high correlation
with grain yield. The significance correlation suggests that these traits could be used as
indirect selection traits for grain yield. Nitrogen use efficiency for yield (r= 0.92) had positive
and high correlation with nitrogen uptake efficiency. Biomass production efficiency (r= 0.56)
correlated with nitrogen utilization efficiency. Nitrogen use efficiency for protein (r= 0.92)
highly and positively correlated with nitrogen uptake efficiency. The high positive correlation
between different traits showed the possibility of simultaneous improvement of these multiple
traits. Significant negative correlations between two traits might pose problem during
selection for higher values of both traits and care should be taken.
Table 17. Correlation coefficient for major agronomic, quality traits and nitrogen use efficiency parameters of Bread
wheat grown at Adet in 2009.
DH 0.09
DM 0.21 0.79
SL -0.04 0.24 0.31
NSEPS 0.38 0.4 0.32 -0.09
NSKPS 0.36 0.62 0.57 0.25 0.73**
GY 0.26* -0.47** -0.24 -0.13 -0.11 -0.17
BY 0.34 -0.09 0.07 0.11 0.02 0.11 0.8**
HLW 0.16 0.3 0.48 -0.05 0.22 0.29 0.08 0.18
TSW 0.40** -0.25 0.01 0.11 -0.01 -0.12 0.33** 0.26 0.24
GPC -0.28* -0.004 0.02 0.11 -0.38** -0.10 0.03 0.07 0.02 -0.51**
SDS -0.25* 0.12 0.16 0.08 -0.33 -0.05 -0.02 0.03 0.15 -0.40 0.92
GLU -0.22 0.07 0.09 -0.04 -0.14 0.01 0.09 0.12 0.22 -0.47** 0.92 0.88
GN -0.28 -0.004 0.02 0.11 -0.38 -0.10 0.03 0.07 0.02 -0.51 1 0.92 0.92
TGNI 0.08 -0.39 -0.19 -0.04 -0.32 -0.2 -0.83** 0.69 0.07 -0.00 0.58 0.50 0.57 0.58
BNI -0.02 -0.37 -0.21 0.03 -0.27 -0.17 0.81 0.73 -0.01 -0.09 0.53 0.42 0.52 0.53 0.95
VEGN -0.44 0.03 -0.17 0.05 0.13 -0.02 -0.38 -0.37 -0.35 -0.31 -0.3 -0.38 -0.32 -0.3 -0.49 -0.23
NupE -0.18 -0.24 -0.22 -0.15 -0.19 -0.14 0.08 -0.12 -0.14 0.12 -0.16 -0.17 -0.25 -0.16 -0.03 0.02 0.27
NutE 0.47 -0.19 -0.05 -0.27 0.26 0.004 0.38 0.18 0.16 0.68 -0.78 -0.68 -0.65 -0.78 -0.12 -0.24 -0.29 0.09
NHI 0.24 -0.32 -0.09 -0.17 -0.28 -0.19 0.61 0.39 0.23 0.19 0.46 0.48 0.48 0.46 0.76 0.52 -0.89 -0.12 0.19
BproE 0.43 0.45 0.39 0.08 0.44 0.39 -0.32 -0.02 0.22 0.42 -0.71 -0.58 -0.63 -0.71 -0.65 -0.69 -0.09 -0.16 0.56** -0.34
NUEyld 0.01 -0.29 -0.21 -0.23 -0.08 -0.15 0.22 -0.04 -0.07 0.38 -0.45 -0.41 -0.48 -0.45 -0.07 -0.07 0.12 0.92** 0.47 -0.02 0.07
NUEpro -0.1 -0.3 -0.24 -0.2 -0.26 -0.21 0.23 -0.07 -0.06 0.19 -0.04 -0.03 -0.11 -0.04 0.17 0.13 -0.005 0.92** 0.18 0.19 -0.26 0.89
** = is highly significance at P<0.01, * = is significance at P<0.05, DH= days to heading, DM = days to maturity, PH= plant height(cm), SL= spike
length(cm), number of seeds per spike,NSKPS = number of spiklet per spike,GY= grain yield(t/ha), BY= biomass yield(t/ha), HLW= hectoliter weight(kg/hl),
TSW= thousand seed weight(g), GPC= grain protein content(%), GN= grain nitrogen(%), VEGN= vegetative nitrogen(%), NupE= nitrogen uptake
efficiency,NutE= nitrogen utilization efficiency, NHI= nitrogen harvest index, BproE= biomass production efficiency,NUEyld=Nitrogen utilization efficiency
for yield,NUEpro= nitrogen utilization efficiency for protein.
4.5. Yield, Quality and Nitrogen Efficiency Attributes of Genotypes at Bure
There was significant difference (p<0.01) among the treatments, genotypes and between
nitrogen rates with respect to yield, yield related traits, quality parameters and Nitrogen use
efficiency parameters (Table 18). Days to maturity, plant height, days to heading, spike
length, thousand seed weight, grain protein content, sedimentation volume, gluten, starch,
grain nitrogen, vegetative nitrogen, total straw nitrogen, nitrogen utilization efficiency,
nitrogen harvest index, biomass production efficiency exhibited highly significant difference
among the treatments and genotypes. Plant height, number of spikelets per spike, grain yield,
biomass yield, grain protein, sedimentation volume, gluten, starch, grain nitrogen, total grain
nitrogen, vegetative nitrogen, biomass nitrogen, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen harvest
index, also exhibited significant difference between nitrogen. Septoria and biomass yield
exhibited significant difference among genotypes.
AT Bure, the highest genotypic coefficient of variation was observed for spetoria (47.1), total
grain nitrogen (39.5), total straw nitrogen (22.4), number of spiklets per spike (22) and
vegetative nitrogen (20) (Table 19). The range between genotypic and phenotypic coefficient
of variation was not wide at Bure (Table 19). Sodium dodeyl sulfate test (14.2) had showed
the highest genotypic coefficient of variation among the quality parameters. Starch (2.3)
recorded the lowest variation at genotypic level among quality parameters. Total grain
nitrogen (39.5) had the highest genetic coefficient of variation among nitrogen use efficiency
parameters. Nitrogen use efficiency parameters such as nitrogen harvest index (5.6), nitrogen
uptake efficiency (4.2), and biomass nitrogen recoded the lowest variation at genotypic level.
Septoria (84.4, 47.1), grain yield (30.8, 14.4), total grain nitrogen (55.9, 39.5), total straw
nitrogen (38.7, 22.4) and number of tillers per plant (37.2, 18.1) had the maximum phenotypic
and genotypic coefficient of variation (Table 20). The highest phenotypic coefficient of
variation was observed by septoria (84.8), total grain nitrogen (55.9), total straw nitrogen
(38.7), number of tillers per plant (37.2), grain yield (30.8), nitrogen use efficiency for yield
(32.7), nitrogen uptake efficiency (24.3), and biomass yield (23.4). The lowest phenotypic
coefficient of variation was observed by nitrogen harvest index (9.7), gluten (9.3), number of
spikelets per spike (7.7) and starch (2.4).
4.5.3. Comparison of mean performance for yield and yield related, quality and nitrogen
use efficiency parameters
Tay (109.6) was the tallest variety in high nitrogen level followed by Digalu (101.8) with
higher rates of fertilizer (Table 20). However Kubsa (83.2) and Millenium (83.1) with higher
nitrogen level were the shortest varieties (table 20). Heritability in broad sense was 0.94
(Table 19).
Tay (HAR604) followed by Digalu (3116) and Millennium (2421) were the late maturing
varieties. Bobicho (HAR2419), Gassay (HAR3730), Kubsa (HAR1685) and Katar (1899)
were early maturing varieties (Table 20).
Kubsa, Paven76 and Bobicho (HAR 2419) genotypes with recommended nitrogen level were
susceptible to septoria with the score of 8, 7 and 7 scale respectively. However Digalu
(HAR3116) was not affected by septoria disease (Table 20).
Kubsa (4.67 t/ha), Paven76 (4.52 t/ha), Bobicho (4.24 t/ha), Kubsa (4.22 t/ha), and Gassay
(3.9 t/ha) with higher nitrogen levels were top ranking varieties in grain yield with the given
nitrogen level (Table 20). However Millennium (2.49 t/ha) at higher nitrogen level, Paven76
(2.48 t/ha), Densa (2.33 t/ha), and Senkegna (2.29 t/ha) at recommended nitrogen level had
the lowest grain yielding varieties (Table 20). Yield increased with rising N rates only up to
certain level. Similar results were obtained by Lo´pez-Bellido et al. (2000). The heritability
in broad sense was low (0.22).
Table 18. Analysis of variance for the 30 traits of Bread wheat varieties grown at Bure
in 2009
Df 2 9 1 19 38
DH 0.8 117.4** 0.27ns 55.9** 0.34 0.9
DM 306.1 398.6** 21.6 216.5** 71.8 7.4
PH 71.4 257.8** 107.5** 142.5** 15 4.1
GFP 283.3 121.6ns 26.7ns 86.6ns 70.9 15.8
SL 0.5 4.1** 0.5ns 2.4** 0.4 7.6
NSEPS 17.9 60.1* 18.2ns 2.8ns 1.6 7.3
NSKPS 3.9 2.0ns 15.8** 2.8ns 1.6 7.3
NTIPPL 5.5 3.2ns 0.01ns 1.7ns 1.6 31.8
SEPT 5.6 21.6* 18.2ns 13.1 9.2 70.2
GY 0.79 1.6 7.8** 1.6* 0.9 27.3
BY 7.8 5.8* 44.2** 7.3** 2.5 19.5
HI 0.005 0.007ns 0.00006ns 0.005ns 0.006ns 18.2
HLW 40.4 7.9 1.7 11.4 10.9 4.1
TSW 13.6 46.6** 0.2 27.7** 7.9 7.5
GPC 2.1 5.5** 1.7** 2.8** 0.2 2.9
SDS 187.2 159.4** 124.1** 86.7** 13.1 7.4
GLU 15.3 28.2** 8.6** 14.3** 1.2 3.2
STAR 0.2 6.9** 0.9** 3.4** 0.1 0.6
GN 0.1 0.2** 0.1** 0.1** 0.01 2.9
TGNI 0.0002 0.0004 0.005 0.0008 0.0006 29
VEGN 0.003 0.04** 0.14** 0.07** 0.0002 3.2
TSTNI 0.0001 0.0001** 0.00006 0.0001 0.00004 28.1
BNI 0.0006 0.0006ns 0.006** 0.001 0.0006 23.6
NupE 0.07 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.1 23.7
NutE 1.1 52.8** 10.7ns 31.4** 5.9 7.4
NHI 0.007 0.01** 0.02* 0.01** 0.004 8.3
BprdE 97.3 192.8* 8.3ns 176* 77.3 10.9
NUEyld 95.5 276 402 227 178.6 30.0
NUEpro 0.01 0.08 0.3 0.1 0.09 29.2
RNC 0.000008 0.000006 0.0000004 0.000004 0.000004 21.0
MSr = Mean square due to replication, MSg = Mean square due to genotypes, MSn= Mean square
due to nitrogen, MSt= mean square due to treatment, MSe = Mean quare due to error, CV%=
Coefficient of variation. *Indicate significance at 0.05 probability levels, **Indicate significance at
0.01 probability levels, ns= non significant difference.
Table 19. Variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability of the 27 traits of
Bread wheat varieties grown at Bure in 2009
Varieties are divided into in-efficient/non-responder (low yielding two N levels) and
efficient/ responder (high yielding in sub-optimal N supply but respond with increased yield
to additional N supply). Inefficient/responder is high yielding only in response to added
fertilizer and efficient non-responder is high yielding in sub-optimal N supply only. Most of
the varieties were efficient/responders and inefficient/non responders. Responders were the
varieties capable of producing average grain yield with the additionally supplied N. Non-
responders are those which fail to translate the additionally supplied N to grain yield. Based
on this varieties such as, Gassay (HAR3730), Katar (HAR1899) and Bobicho (HAR2419)
were efficient/responder. Millenniun (HAR4921) was inefficient/non responder, Paven76,
Digalu, Senkegna, Densa and Tay were inefficient/responder. However, Kubsa (HAR1685)
was efficient non responder.
The major breeding objectives of wheat programs in the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural
Research (EIAR) include high grain yield but with less emphasis for N-use efficiency traits.
Accurate fertilizer N recommendations are therefore important for cost-effective and
environmentally friendly agricultural production (Halvorson et al., 1987).
Paven76 (10.68), Kubsa (10.12), Digalu (10.09), Bobicho (9.63), and Tay (9.54) at higher
nitrogen level produced the highest biomass yield and the lowest biomass yield was recorded
by Millennium (5.74) (Table 20). The result indicated that increasing N rate increased
biomass yield. Similarly, the nitrogen application enhances the vegetative growth of wheat
crop, which ultimately increase biological yield and increase in straw yield with added
nitrogen to the soil was also reported (Sardana and Sardana,2000; Allam, 2003). The
heritability in broad sense is 0.31 (Table 19).
Economic responses of crops to fertilizer N additions occurs as increased yield, biomass yield
or grain quality improvement. The simplest response of plants to applied N (When N is the
limiting factor) is a linear increase in dry matter production with rates up to the maximum
application rates of N, staying constant thereafter declining.
Bread wheat varieties with high harvest index values are known to have higher NUE’S.
Varieties such as Bobicho (0.49), Millennium (0.46), and Kubsa (0.46) at recommended N
level (Table 20). HAR 604 (0.33) at higher level showed the lowest harvest index.
Table 20. Mean values for different agronomic traits for 20 treatments at Bure in 2009
Quality parameters
Test weight provided a rough estimate of flour yield potential in wheat. It is important to
millers just as grain yield is important to wheat producer. Katar (83.47 kg/hl) with
recommended N level followed by Gassay (82.8) and Digalu (82.6) at higher N level scored
the highest hectoliter weight whereas Millennium (75.03 kg/hl) scored the lowest hectoliter
weight (Table 21).
Kata (43) and Gassay (42) had the highest thousand seed weight with recommended N level.
Millennium at both rates of fertilizer showed the lowest thousand seed weight (Table 21). The
heritability in broad sense was 0.83 (Table19).
The protein content varied from 12.60 % to 15.87 %. The highest grain protein content was
scored by Millennium (15.87 %) at both N levels followed by Densa (14.87%), and Digalu
(14.37%) at higer N levels (Table 21). Kubsa (12.63 %) and Katar (12.9%) were scored the
lowest grain protein content. This indicated an increase of nitrogen fertilizer, an increase of
grain protein to certain level. Similar reports of nitrogen fertilization contributes significantly
to the increase in protein content, especially when fertilizer rates satisfy the requirements of
both yield and protein formation (Johnson and Mattern, 1987). Grain protein is of primary
importance in determining the bread making quality of wheat flour. Although total protein is
the primary factor in determining the end use of wheat, there is often a need to measure
properties that are indicative of the protein quality (Delwiche, 2004). High level of protein is
important for superior wheat milling and baking characteristics. The heritability in broad
sense was 0.97 showing the highest genetic gain in an improvement program of this trait.
Densa (60.87 ml) at both N levels followed by Millennium (53.77 ml) and Paven76 (53.60
ml) had the highest value of SDS sedimentation test at higher N levels (Table 21). Kubsa
(40.83 ml) at both N levels and Katar (40.07 ml) had scored the lowest SDS sedimentation
test. The result indicated that those varieties with high SDS sedimentation test had high gluten
strength. Similarly, gluten strength was measured by the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
sedimentation test (Pena et al., 1990). The sedimentation test was influenced by the quality
and quantity of gluten and ranges from 3 to 70; 3ml for very weak and 70ml for strong .The
current tested genotypes had moderate gluten strength. The broad sense heritability was 0.92
(Table 19) showing high genetic gain in an improvement program of this trait.
Millennium (39.53 %) in both N- input rates followed by Digalu (36.47 %) exhibited the
highest gluten percentage. Gassay (32.60 %), Kubsa (32.13%), Bobicho (30.07 %) in
recommended N-input rate and Kubsa (32 %) in high N-inputs rate showed the lowest gluten
percentage (Table 21). Similarly, the ability of wheat flour to be processed into different
foods is largely determined by the gluten proteins (Weegels et al., 1996). All gluten proteins
are synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum(ER). Mature grains contain 8-20 % proteins.
The gluten proteins, the gliadins and glutenins, constitute up to 80-85 % of the total flour
protein, and confer properties of elasticity and extensibility that are essential for functionality
of wheat flours(Shewry et al.,1995).The gliadins and glutenins constitute each around 50 % of
the gluten proteins.
Katar (66.63 %) at both N levels followed by Digalu (66 %) at both N levels and Kubsa
(65.13 %) had exhibited the highest starch content. Millennium (62.80 %) at both N levels
showed the lowest starch content (Table 21). The result indicated that those varieties which
had high starch content had importance for baking performance. Similarly, starch is the main
component of carbohydrate fraction accounting for 65-75% of the grain dry weight. A series
of enzymes synthesize the amylase and amylopectin chains that comprise starch. Differences
in wheat starch particle size distribution and amount of damaged starch granules has been
shown to be important for the baking performance (Hoseney et al., 1971). In baking
technology starch is mostly associated with staling, the processes that are responsible for the
aging of bread.
Millennium (2.76 %) at both N levels followed by Densa (2.59 %), and Senkegna (2.49 %)
had scored the highest grain nitrogen content at higher N levels (Table 22). Katar (2.19%) and
Kubsa (2.19) showed the lowest grain nitrogen content. The heritability in broad sense was
0.97 which was indicative of possibility of high genetic gain in a selection program.
The grand mean was 0.08 t/ha ranging from 0.11 t/ha (Paven 76) with recommended N level
to 0.05 t/ha (Senkegna) for total grain nitrogen content (Table 22). Nitrogen in the grain is
derived mainly from organic N present as components of vegetative plant parts that is
remobilized during drain filling (Simmons, 1987; Lea and Azevedo, 2006). The heritability in
broad sense was 0.50 (Table 19).
Large proportion of the grain N can be derived from N taken up during grain filling
(Simmons, 1987). Genotypic variability for N efficiency was mainly caused by differences in
uptake efficiency. Kubsa (1.96) followed by Millennium (1.59), Tay (1.59), Bobicho (1.53),
and Gassay (1.53) at recommend N levels, Paven76 (1.5) and Karar (1.46) (Table 22) was
scored the highest nitrogen uptake efficiency. Millenninu (0.85) had scored the lowest
nitrogen uptake efficiency.
There was a significant difference among genotypes for vegetative nitrogen and Total straw
nitrogen but Biomass nitrogen was significant for N levels. Millennium (0.85 %) at
recommended N levels had scored the highest vegetative nitrogen where as Millennium (0.24)
at higher N levels were scored the lowest vegetative nitrogen. Paven 76 (0.14) followed by
Densa(0.13) and Bobicho (0.13) with high N-inputs rate had scored the highest biomass
nitrogen. Senkegan (0.07) was scored the lowest biomass nitrogen (Table 22).
Kubsa (37.25), Kata (36.99) at recommended N level and Gassay (36.86) at both N levelse
had scored the highest Nitrogen Utilization efficiency (Table 22). Tay (28.06) and
Millennium (25.54) had scored the lowest nitrogen utilization efficiency. The result showed
that efficient varieties were high yielder. This finding is similar with the findings of Ortiz-
Monasterio et al (1997) stated that N use efficient genotypes can be characterized by their
ability to produce high grain yields under both low and high nitrogen (N) fertility conditions
and genotypes that are nitrogen use inefficient only produce acceptable high grain yields
under high N fertilization conditions. Genetic variation for N uptake was important for N
efficiency under conditions of high N supply. The importance of Nitrogen utilization
efficiency was more apparent when a comparison was made between genotypes with grain
yields and genotypes should utilize the N taken up from the soil to produce grain. The
heritability in broad sense was 0.73 which was high genetic gain was expected for this traits in
the tested genotypes.
The effect of N treatment on the NHI of Bread wheat cultivars tested at Bure is displayed in
Table 22. The mean NHI value for this trial was 0.78. However, this index differed
significantly between cultivar and N treatments. Millennium (0.88), Senkegna (0.87) at higer
N levels, and Gassay (0.83) at both N levels were scored the highest nitrogen harvest index.
HAR 604 (0.65) was scored the lowest NHI at recommended N level. Higher NHI would be
desirable as it would be more capable of remobilizing N into the grain during grain filling.
The concentration of N remaining in a vegetative plant part at maturity may also be a good
indicator of how extensively N is mobilized from that plant part (Simmons, 1987). Dry matter
accumulation, synthesis, translocation, partitioning and accumulation of the photosynthetic
products within the plant are controlled genetically and can be significantly influenced by the
environment (Snyder and Carlson, 1984).
Senkegna (92.77) and Tay (89.97) had scored the highest biomass production efficiency at
recommended N level where as Millennium (60.25) was scored the lowest biomass
production efficiency. The heritability in broad sense was 0.33 (Table 19).
The ability of genotypes to produce grain protein at the expense of applied N (NUEpr), the
effect of cultivars and N treatments on the NUEyld of Bread wheat cultivars planted at Bure is
displayed in Table 22. The mean NUEyld value for this trial was 44.48 ranging from
Millennium (27.06) to Kubsa (65.48) (Table 22). The heritability was 0.15. Ortiz-Monasterio
et al. (1997) stated that N use efficient genotypes can be characterized by their ability to
produce high grain yields under both low and high nitrogen fertility conditions, and genotypes
that are nitrogen use inefficient only produce acceptably high grain yields under high N
fertility condition.
The mean NUEpr value for this trial was 1.05. Kubsa (1.61) followed by Gassay (1.26),
Bobicho (1.22), Millennium (1.89) at recommended N level, Paven76 (1.18) at higher levels,
Katar (1.18) at recommended N level, and Bobicho (1.11) at higher N level had scored the
highest nitrogen use efficiency for protein (Table 22).
4.5.4. Correlation of yield, yield related traits, quality parameters and nitrogen use
efficiency parameters.
Number of seeds per spike showed positive significant correlation with number of spikelets
per spike (r=0.27) and had weak positive correlation with days to maturity (r=0.09) as similar
reported by Debebe (2003) and Tewaney (2004). Spike length showed positive significant
correlation with plant height (r=0.31) and also had positive significant correlation with days to
maturity (r=0.28).
Plant height (r=0.18) and number of spikelets per spike (r=0.26) showed significant positive
correlation with grain yield (Table 23). This finding is similar with the findings of Jaglan et
al. (1997) also found that yield was highly significant and positively correlated with plant
height, number of tillers per plant and grain weight. Spike length (r=-0.06) was negatively
correlated with grain yield. Plant height (0.41), number of spikelets per spike (0.32) and grain
yield (0.84) showed significant positive correlation with biomass nitrogen.
Grain protein content (r=-0.23), SDS test (-0.18) and gluten (r=-0.2) were slightly significant
negative correlation with grain yield. Grain yield (r=0.43) and biomass yield (r=0.42) showed
significant positive correlation with hectoliter weight (Table 23). Grain yield (r=0.45),
biomass yield (r=0.32) and hectoliter weight showed significant positive correlation with
thousand seed weight.
Nitrogen uptake efficiency (r=0.9), Nitrogen utilization efficiency (r=0.5), grain yield (r=0.8)
and biomass yield (r=0.6) showed highly significant positive correlation with nitrogen use
efficiency for yield. This indicates that more N was taken and changed in to grain. Grain yield
(r=-0.2), biomass yield (r=-0.3) and thousand seed weight (r=-0.5) showed significant
negative correlation with grain nitrogen. However grain protein content (r=1), SDS test
(r=0.8) and gluten (r=0.9) showed highly significant positive correlation with grain nitrogen
(Table 23).
Table 21. Mean values for different quality parameters for 20 treatments at Bure in
Table 22. Mean values for different Nitrogen use efficiency parameters for 20 treatments at Bure in 2009
Densa+N1 2.5bc 0.06cde 0.36i 0.01de 0.07ef 1.13bc 32.3efgh 0.8abcd 87.2abcd 36.48bc 0.89bc
Gassay+N1 2.24fgh 0.08abcde 0.36i 0.017cde 0.1abcdef 1.5ab 36.86abc 0.83ab 84.9abcde 56.3ab 1.26ab
Digalu+N1 2.34def 0.067bcde 0.59d 0.02abcd 0.087cdef 1.3bc 31.87efghi 0.75bcdef 74.9cde 43.06bc 1.01bc
Katar+N1 2.19h 0.077abcde 0.43h 0.017cde 0.09bcdef 1.46ab 36.9ab 0.81abcd 81.5abcde 53.9ab 1.18abc
Paven76+N1 2.3defg 0.057de 0.7b 0.03abc 0.08def 1.29bc 30.06ghi 0.69ef 73.4def 38.76bc 0.89bc
Bobicho+N1 2.33def 0.08abcde 0.56e 0.017cde 0.09bcdef 1.5ab 33.7abcdef 0.79abcde 70.9ef 52ab 1.2abc
Tay+N1 2.3def 0.067bcde 0.56e 0.03a 0.1abcdef 1.58ab 28.06ij 0.65f 89.9ab 45.4abc9 1.06bc
Senkegna+N1 2.39cde 0.05c 0.37i 0.017cde 0.07f 1.09bc 32.7defg 0.78abcde 92.8a 35.8bc 0.85bc
Millenium+N1 2.7a 0.077abcde 0.85a 0.02abcd 0.1abcdef 1.59ab 25.5j 0.7def 60.3f 43.27bc 1.19abc
Kubsa+N1 2.19gh 0.1ab 0.42h 0.02bcde 0.12abcd 1.96a 37.2a 0.82abc 80.6abcde 65.48a 1.6a
Densa+N2 2.6b 0.09abcd 0.6c 0.03a 0.13ab 1.38b 28.5hij 0.74bcdef 70.7ef 39.46bc 1.02bc
Gassay+N2 2.24fgh 0.09abcde 0.37i 0.02bcde 0.1abcdef 1.15bc 36.7abcd 0.83ab 84abcde 42.44bc 0.95bc
Digalu+N2 2.5bc 0.09abc 0.32j 0.02bcde 0.11abcde 1.27bc 32.8defg 0.82abc 88abc 41.76bc 1.05bc
Katar+N2 2.24fgh 0.08abcde 0.48g 0.02bcde 0.1abcdef 1.13bc 35.37abcde 0.79abcde 78.8abcde 40.42bc 0.89bc
Paven76+N2 2.4cde 0.1a 0.47g 0.03ab 0.14a 1.5ab 32.8cdefg 0.79abcde 77.5bcde 49.2ab 1.18abc
Bobicho+N2 2.4cd 0.1ab 0.47g 0.03abc 0.13abc 1.39b 33.2bcdefgh 0.8abcd 75.8bcde 54.3ab 1.1abc
Tay+N2 2.29efgh 0.08abcde 0.53f 0.03ab 0.11abcde 1.2bc 31.2fghi 0.71cdef 86abcd 38.42bc 0.88bc
Senkegna+N2 2.5bc 0.09abcde 0.28k 0.01de 0.1abcdef 1.15bc 34.89abcdef 0.87a 81.4abcde 40.05bc 1bc
Millenium+N2 2.8a 0.067bcde 0.24l 0.01e 0.08ef 0.85c 31.89efghi 0.88a 81.3abcde 27.06bc 0.75c
Kubsa+N2 2.19gh 0.09abcde 0.46g 0.02abc 0.11abcde 1.25bc 36.4abcd 0.8abcd 79.9abcde 45.8abc 1bc
Mean 2.38 0.08 0.47 0.02 0.1 1.34 32.9 0.78 80.01 44.5 1.05
CV 2.8 29 3.2 28.1 23.6 23.7 7.4 8.27 10.9 30.04 29.2
LSD 0.1 0.04 0.025 0.01 0.04 0.5 4.04 0.1 14.5 22.09 0.5
Alphan 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
GN= grain nitrogen, TGNI= total grain nitrogen, VEGN= vegetative nitrogen, TSTNI= total straw nitrogen, BNI= biomass nitrogen, NupE=
nitrogen uptake efficiency, NutE= nitrogen utilization efficiency,NHI= nitrogen harvest index, BprdE= biomass production efficiency,
NUEyld= nitrogen utilization efficiency for yield, NUEpr= nitrogen utilization efficiency for protein. Mean within a column followed by the
same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at 5%.
Table 23. Correlation coefficient for major Agronomic, quality traits and nitrogen use efficiency parameters of Bread
wheat grown at Bure in 2009
DH 0.23
DM 0.19 0.64
SL 0.31** 0.05 0.28*
NSEPS 0.23 0.2 0.09 0.09
NSKPS 0.33** 0.02 -0.14 0.24 0.27*
GY 0.18* -0.27* -0.31* -0.06 0.12 0.26*
BY 0.41** -0.15 -0.25* -0.02 0.07 0.32** 0.84**
HLW 0.24 -0.25* -0.28** 0.003 -0.19 0.004 0.43** 0.42**
TSW 0.18 -0.46** -0.31** -0.07 0.08 0.12 0.45** 0.32** 0.4**
GPC -0.16 0.48** 0.41** 0.09 -0.08 -0.001 -0.23 -0.28* 0.22 -0.6**
SDS 0.003 0.25* 0.31** 0.17 -0.12 0.17 -0.18 -0.15 -0.12 -0.3** 0.8**
GLU -0.19 0.52** 0.46** 0.05 0.01 -0.07 -0.2 -0.3** -0.2 -0.4** 0.9** 0.7**
GN -0.16 0.48** 0.41** 0.09 -0.08 -0.001 -0.2 -0.3** -0.22 -0.5** 1** 0.8** 0.9**
TGNI 0.17 -0.16 -0.21 -0.04 0.11 0.27* 0.9** 0.8** 0.4** 0.4** 0.01 0.02 0.57 0.58
BNI 0.27* -0.12 -0.19 0.02 0.09 0.28 0.9** 0.9** 0.4** 0.3** -0.05 -0.007 -0.07 -0.05 0.9**
VEGN -0.03 0.15 0.11 0.16 0.03 -0.3* -0.13 -0.19 0.09 -0.3* 0.04 -0.03 0.02 0.04 -0.1 0.06
NupE 0.11 -0.12 -0.15 -0.04 -0.06 -0.04 0.7** 0.6** 0.4** 0.3** -0.16 -0.2 -0.2 -0.17 0.7** 0.7** 0.3*
NutE -0.09 -0.5** -0.39** -0.19 0.13 0.2 0.6** 0.0.3* 0.17 0.6** -0.5** -0.4** -0.5** -0.5** 0.4** 0.3* -0.6** 0.23
NHI -0.19 -0.21 -0.14 -0.15 -0.09 0.26* 0.5** 0.1 0.01 0.4** 0.16 0.1 0.17 0.16 0.5** 0.3* -0.6** 0.12 0.8**
BproE 0.25* 0.009 -0.06 -0.08 -0.11 0.3 -0.31** 0.14 -0.09 -0.01 -0.4** -0.23 -0.3** -0.4** -0.** -0.4** -0.5** -0.4** -0.07 -0.32
NUEyld 0.09 -0.28* -0.29* -0.11 0.07 0.08 0.8** 0.6** 0.4** 0.5** -0.3** -0.3* -0.3** -0.3** -0.8** -0.7** 0.05 0.9** 0.5** 0.4** -0.4**
NUEpro 0.03 -0.17 -0.19 -0.09 -0.09 -0.07 0.8** 0.5** 0.4** 0.4** -0.09 -0.14 -0.1 -0.09 0.8** 0.8** 0.07 0.9** 0.4** 0.4** -0.5** 0.9**
** = is highly significance at P<0.01, * = is significance at P<0.05, DH= days to heading, DM = days to maturity, PH= plant height(cm), SL= spike length(cm), number of
seeds per spike,NSKPS = number of spiklet per spike,GY= grain yield(t/ha), BY= biomass yield(t/ha), HLW= hectoliter weight(kg/hl), TSW= thousand seed weight(g), GPC=
grain protein content(%), GN= grain nitrogen(%), VEGN= vegetative nitrogen(%), NupE= nitrogen uptake efficiency,NutE= nitrogen utilization efficiency, NHI= nitrogen
harvest index, BproE= biomass production efficiency,NUEyld=Nitrogen utilization efficiency for yield,NUEpro= nitrogen utilization efficiency for protein.
4.6. Combined Results over Locations
There was significant difference between N treatments and genotypes for days to heading,
days to maturity , plant height, spike length, number of seeds per spike, number of spikelets
per spike, septoria, grain yield, biomass yield, thousand, seed weight, grain protein content,
SDS test, gluten starch, grain nitrogen, total grain nitrogen, vegetative nitrogen, biomass
nitrogen, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen utilization efficiency, biomass production
efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency for yield (Table 24). Plant height, number of spikelets per
spike, hectoliter weight, thousand seed weight, grain protein content, SDS test, gluten, starch,
grain nitrogen, vegetative nitrogen, total straw nitrogen, nitrogen utilization efficiency,
nitrogen harvest index, biomass production efficiency showed significant N treatment by
location (txl) interaction. Days to heading, days to maturity ,grain filling period, spike length,
number of seeds per spike, number of tillers per plant, septoria, grain yield, biomass yield,
total grain nitrogen, biomass nitrogen, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency for
yield, nitrogen use efficiency for protein showed non significant treatments by location
interaction. Plant height, number of spikelets per spike, grain yield, biomass yield, grain
protein content, SDS test, gluten, starch, grain nitrogen, total grain nitrogen, vegetative
nitrogen, biomass nitrogen, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen harvest index, nitrogen use
efficiency for yield and nitrogen use efficiency for protein showed significance difference
between nitrogen level.
4.6.2. Estimates of mean values for different traits combined over locations
The combined analysis of variance over the two locations revealed the existence of
significant difference between treatments and genotypes in many traits. The highest genotypic
(36.05) and phenotypic (37.77) coefficient of variation was observed by biomass yield and the
lowest genotypic (6.43) and phenotypic (10.41) were observed by nitrogen uptake efficiency
and number of spikelets per spike (Table 25).
The highest number of seeds per spike was recorded by Digalu (57.4) at both N levels and the
lowest number of seeds per spike was recorded by Densa (40.5) at recommended N levels.
The highest number of spikelets per spike was recorded Digalu (17.6) and Tay (17.5) at high
N levels where as the lowest number of spikelets per spike was recorded by Katar (14.9) at
higher N levels and Paven 76 (14.87) at recommended N levels (Table 26).
Kubsa (5.6 t/ha) followed by Bobicho (5.4 t/ha), Katar (5.3 t/ha) and Kubsa (5.3 t/ha) at
recommended and higher N levels had recorded the highest grain yield where as Millennium
(3.8 t/ha), Paven 76 (3.8 t/ha) at higher N level and Millennium (3.7 t/ha) at recommended N
level was scored the lowest grain yield (Table 19). Kubsa (5.4 t/ha) followed by Gassay (5
t/ha), Katar (4.9 t/ha) and Bobicho (4.9 t/ha) had recorded the highest grain yield among
varieties (Table 27). This indicated that these varieties were efficient and high yielder across
location. Similarly, Ortiz-Monasterio et al. (1997) stated that N use efficient genotypes can be
characterized by their ability to produce high grain yields under both low and high nitrogen
(N) fertility conditions and genotypes that are nitrogen use inefficient only produce acceptable
high grain yields under high N fertilization conditions.
The highest grain protein was recorded by Millennium (15.1 %) at both rates of nitrogen and
the lowest grain protein was recorded by Digalu (12.2 %), Gassay (12.17 %), Kubas (12.1 %)
and Katar (12.01 %) at recommended N level (Table 26).
Kubas (1.89) scored the highest nitrogen uptake efficiency where as Millennium (0.99) had
the lowest nitrogen uptake efficiency. Katar (39.34) followed by Gassay (38.33) and Kubas
(37.88) at recommended N level was recorded the highest nitrogen utilization efficiency.
Millennuim (28.4) was scored the lowest nitrogen utilization efficiency at both N levels. The
result showed that genotypes which had high utilization efficiency were high yielder.
Similarly, Ortiz-Monasterio et al (1997) stated that N use efficient genotypes can be
characterized by their ability to produce high gain yields under both low and high nitrogen
fertility conditions, genotypes that are nitrogen use inefficient only produce acceptably high
grain yields under N fertility conditions. Kubas (67.7) was recorded the highest nitrogen use
efficiency for yield where as Millennium (31.45) had scored the lowest nitrogen use
efficiency for grain yield (Table 26).
Table 25. Variance, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability of the14 traits of
Bread wheat varieties combined over locations
Table 26. Mean values of agronomic, quality and NUE traits for the 20 treatments combined over location
Densa+N1 40.5g 15.6bcd 4.1efg 10.4cde 35.7ef 13.8c 54.1ab 33.8bcd 1.4bcdefg 35.1de 90.1abcd 50.5bcde 1.2bcd
Gassay+N1 44.6cdefg 15.6bcd 4.8abcdef 11.3bcd 39.5abc 12.2fg 38.7ghij 30.1gh 1.59bc 38.3ab 89.4abcd 60.9ab 1.3ab
Digalu+N1 57.3a 16.7ab 4.2efg 10.08de 36ef 12.2fg 38.7ghij 31.5efg 1.4bcdefg 36.6bcd 88.5abcd 52.1bcde 1.08bcde
Katar+N1 49.4bc 15.5bcd 4.7bcdef 10.5cde 40.8a 12.02g 36.7j 30.9fgh 1.49bcde 39.34a 88abcde 58.9abc 1.2bcd
Paven76+N1 43.3efg 14.9d 3.8g 9.4e 34.8f 12.9de 45.4cdef 32.6cde 1.45bcdef 32.35fg 79.4fg 47.2def 1.06bcdef
Bobicho+N1 46.2bcdef 15.7bcd 4.4defg 10.1de 37.5cde 12.8de 38.9ghij 30.3gh 1.58bcd 35.2de 79.9fg 55.9bcd 1.2abc
Tay+N1 42.4fg 15.9bcd 4.05fg 11.3bcd 38.3bcd 12.5efg 41fghij 30.3h 1.57bcd 32.3fg 92.9a 50.9bcde 1.1bcde
Senkegna+N1 46.2bcdef 16.4abc 4.05fg 10.2de 36.8def 13.03d 41.5efghi 31.4efgh 1.39bcdefg 35.05de 90.7abc 49.5cdef 1.1bcde
Millenium+N1 49.7bc 15.7bcd 3.8g 9.4e 31.7g 14.8ab 49.9bc 37.2a 1.6ab 28.4h 71.9g 48.2cdef 1.2bcd
Kubsa+N1 49.2bcd 15.3cd 5.5a 12.2ab5 36.8def 12.1fg 36.8ij 29.8h 1.89a 37.9abc 84.5cdef 67.7a 1.5a
Densa+N2 44.1defg 16.7ab 4.9abcde 11.8abc 36.7def 14.5b 58.4a 35b 1.32defg 33.4fg 78fg 42.2efg 1.07bcdef
Gassay+N2 49.9b 16.7ab 5.2abcd 12.2ab 37def 12.8de 45.2cdef 32.def3 1.24efgh 36.2cd 84.5bcdef 44.7def 0.9cdef
Digalu+N2 57.4a 17.6a 5.06abcd 12.8a 37.7bcde 12.9de 42.7defgh 33.3cd 1.19fgh 36.7bcd 94.6a 43.6ef 0.9def
Katar+N2 48.3bcde 14.9d 5.3ab 11.8abc 40ab 12.7def 41.3efghij 32.6cdef 1.22fgh 36.9bcd 82.4def 45.3def 0.9def
Paven76+N2 45.2bcdefg 15.4bcd 5.3abc 12.3ab 36def 13.9c 52.5b 34.9b 1.37cdefg 33.9ef 79.5fg 46.3def 1.1bcde
Bobicho+N2 42.4fg 15.7bcd 5.4ab 12.3ab 36.5def 13.8c 45.9cde 33.4bcd 1.34cdefg 35.07de 80.3ef 50.9bcde 1.1bcd
Tay+N2 50.1b 17.5a 4.4cdefg 12.08ab 35.7ef 12.9de 43.3defg 31.5efg 1.15gh 33.4efg 92.09ab 38.5fg 0.9ef
Senkegna+N2 46.2bcdef 16.5abc 5.3abcd 12.4ab 37def 13.9c 47cd 34.1bc 1.27efgh 35.3de 84.4cdef 44.7def 1.02def
Millenium+N2 46bcdef 16.5abc 3.7g 9.7e 31.3g 15.1a 52.1b 37.8a 0.99h 31.7g 82.5def 31.5g 0.8f
Kubsa+N2 45.3bcdef 15.2cd 5.3ab 11.9ab 37.2cdef 12.5defg 38.4hij 31.2efgh 1.24efgh 36.9bcd 84.4cdef 46.08def 0.9cdef
Mean 47.2 15.9 4.7 11.2 36.7 13.2 44.4 32.7 1.4 34.9 84.8 48.8 1.09
CV 9.5 7.5 15.5 11.3 5.9 3.7 9.3 4.3 17.04 5.2 8.2 20.2 21
LSD 5.1 1.4 0.8 1.45 2.47 0.55 4.73 1.6 0.27 2.09 7.9 11.3 0.27
SE 4.46 1.21 0.72 1.26 2.15 0.48 4.11 1.39 0.24 1.83 6.96 9.87 0.23
Alpa 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
NSEPS= number of seeds per spike, NSKPS= number of spikelets per spike, GY=grain yield(t/ha), BY=biomass yield(t/ha), TSW=thousand seed weight(g), Grain protein
content(%), SDS=Sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation test(ml),GLU=gluten(%), NupE=nitrogen uptake efficiency,NutE=nitrogen utilization efficiency, BprdE=biomass
production efficiency, NUEyld= nitrogen use efficiency for grain yield, NUEpr=nitrogen use efficiency for protein,CV= coefficient of variation, LSD=least significance
difference,SE= standard error. Mean within a colomn followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not significantly different from each other at 5%.
Table 27. Mean values of agronomic, quality and NUE traits for the 10 varieties combined over location
Densa 42.3d 16.2bcd 4.5bc 11.1ab 36.2c 14.1b 56.2a 34.4b 1.4b 33.7de 84bcd 46.4bcd 1.1abc
Gassay 47.3bc 16.2bcd 5ab 11.7ab 38.3b 12.5d 41.9cde 31.2efg 1.4ab 37.3ab 86.9ab 52.8ab 1.1abc
Digalu 57.4a 17.2a 4.6bc 11.5ab 36.8bc 12.5d 40.6def 32.4d 1.3b 36.7bc 91.6a 47.8bc 1bc
Katar 48.8b 15.3de 4.9ab 11.2ab 40.4a 12.3d 39ef 31.7def 1.4b 38.1a 85.2bc 52.1abc 1.1abc
Paven76 44.5cd 15.1e 4.5bc 10.8b 35.4c 13.4c 48.9b 33.8bc 1.4ab 33.2e 79.5de 46.7abc 1.1abc
Bobicho 44.3cd 15.7cde 4.9ab 11.2ab 37bc 13.3c 42.4cd 31.9de 1.5ab 35.1d 80.1de 53.4bcd 1.2ab
Tay 46.3bc 16.7ab 4.2cd 11.7ab 37bc 12.7d 42.2cde 30.7fg 1.4b 32.8e 92.5a 44.7ab 0.9c
Senkegna 46.2bc 16.4abc 4.8bc 11.3ab 36.9bc 13.5c 44.2c 32.7cd 1.3b 35.2cd 87ab 47.1cd 1.1bc
Millenium 47.9bc 16.1bcde 3.7d 9.6c 31.5d 14.9a 50.9b 37.5a 1.3b 30f 77.3e 39.8bcd 1bc
Kubsa 47.3bc 15.3de 5.4a 12.1a 37bc 12.3d 37.6f 30.5g 1.6a 37.ab4 83.4bcd 56.9a 1.3a
Mean 47.2 15.9 4.7 11.2 36.7 13.2 44.4 32.7 1.4 34.9 84.8 48.8 1.09
CV 9.5 7.5 15.5 11.3 5.9 3.7 9.3 4.3 17.04 5.2 8.2 20.2 21
LSD 3.6 0.98 0.5887 1.0278 1.748 0.3917 3.34 1.134 0.19 1.48 5.656 8.02 0.1877
SE 4.46 1.21 0.72 1.26 2.15 0.48 4.11 1.39 0.24 1.83 6.96 9.87 0.23
Alpa 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
CV= coefficient of variation, LSD=least significance differences= standard error. Mean within a colomn followed by the same letter(s) within a column are
not significantly different from each other at 5%.
As a conclusion, from this study it was noted that the existing Bread wheat production &
marketing are interwoven by many constraints related to low fertilizer supply, quality
reduction due to threshing on the ground and mixing the seeds with soil and manure, septoria,
sprouting, post harvest losses due to weevil, lack of road or transport, low output price, high
transport cost and lack of storage facilities in the study district.
Ten released bread wheat varieties were grown at Adet and Bure with the objective of selection
of N-efficient varieties for higher grain yield and quality using agronomic, quality and nitrogen
use efficiency parameters. The result showed among the ten bread wheat varieties, Katar
(HAR1899), Gassay (3730), Bobicho (HAR2419) and Kubsa (HAR1685) were the best
genotypes that meet the objective of the study. Katar (HAR1899), Gassay (HAR3730) and
Bobicho (HAR2419) were efficient responder genotypes that is high yielding in suboptimal N
supply but respond with increased yield to additional N supply while Kubsa (HAR1685) was
efficient non responder genotype that is high yielding in sub-optimal N only (no yield
difference in at both N levels but the yield was high). Among these four best genotypes,
Bobicho (HAR2419) was scored the highest protein content at both N levels.
In general, having this background, it can be inferred that the production and marketing system
of bread wheat is at its infant stage compared to the existing potential of the area. Most of the
bread wheat is sold individual to private traders. It is sold on local market and farmers did not
sale bread wheat directly to bread wheat factories. Farmers should grow other genotypes
besides Kubsa (the only bread wheat variety grown by farmers) like Bobicho, Gassay and
Katar which had high yielder as well as better quality.
Therefore, the government and other concerned bodies should pay due attention to promote better
production and marketing systems in Bure district as well as Production of genotypes which have
acceptable yield and quality. The information generated through this research has important
implications in N-efficiency studies. But the findings of this study are based on two locations, two
N rates and one cropping season data. Thus further studies using more diverse locations, N-levels
and seasons in more number of agronomic, nitrogen use efficiency and quality attributes are
required to generate more reliable information to select N-efficient genotypes.
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Appendix. Daily Rain falls, maximum and minimum temperature in oc at Adet and Bure in
Appendix Table 2. Daily average maximum temperature (oc) at Adet in 2009
Date Jan Feb Mar May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
1 28.5 28 28.5 30.5 31 26.5 25 24.5 25.8
2 27 29.5 28 32 29 27.5 23 23.5 27.4
3 26.8 29.4 30 32 31 26 25.4 25.4 26.8
4 26.2 28.5 28.5 31.2 29.2 24 23.5 26.5 29.5
5 26.5 28.6 28 31.5 31 26 25.4 26 26.5
6 29.5 28.2 30 37 31.2 26.5 24.5 27 26.6
7 28.6 28 29.5 32 27.5 25.5 26 25.5 25.5
8 28 28.1 31 30.5 29 26.5 25 24.5 24.4
9 27.5 27.8 30.5 29.8 28.8 26.6 22 25 21.5
10 28 29 30.7 29 27.5 25.6 24.2 25.2 22.6
11 27.6 29.2 31.5 29.2 27.4 25 21.2 25.7 24.5
12 28 28 29.5 28 30 24 25.5 27.6 23.4
13 29 27.5 31 28.5 30 25.5 25.4 27.5 24.6
14 27 28.7 29.6 28.5 29.5 23 24.5 26.5 24.5
15 26.3 29 31.6 30.5 27 23.8 25 26 24
16 28.2 27.5 30.5 30 29 24 28.2 25.6 24
17 28.7 29 31 30.8 27.8 23 24 25 26
18 29 28.8 30.5 31 28.2 21 23 26 27.5
19 27 30 29.6 31.5 27.2 20.2 26 26 24.5
20 27.4 29 29 30.5 27.5 21.6 21 25 24.5
21 28.6 30 27 32.6 29 24 17.5 26 25.5
22 29.3 30.5 29.5 30.2 29.8 23.4 26 26.5 25.6
23 27.5 31.4 28.5 30 28.2 25 25.2 25.7 23.8
24 26.8 30 30.4 30 26 24 22.5 26.4 26.5
25 31 30.6 28 26.5 23.5 21.5 28 26.4
26 29 30.5 31 29.5 27.5 24 23 28.2 25.5
27 30 30 29.5 28.5 26 23.5 30.2 25.8
28 27.5 30.5 28.5 30.5 30 24 26 25 26
29 28.6 32.5 27.8 24.5 28.5 25.2 26.5
30 27.7 29.5 33.5 25 27 26.5 25.5 26.5
31 28.2 28.8 32.5 25 25.5 27.2
Appendix Table 3. Daily minimum temperature in oc at Bure in 2009
Date Jan Feb Mar May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
1 0 8 12.5 17.4 13 12.5 13 12.5 10
2 9 10 9.5 14.5 15 13 12.5 10.5 12
3 8 10.2 9.7 14.8 14.5 12 13 6.5 13
4 8.6 9 14.5 12 12 10 13.2 10.5 9.6
5 8.1 10 9.5 13 13 11 14 9.5 10.6
6 8 10.5 9.7 14.6 11 12 13.5 11.3 10.5
7 7.5 8 9.5 12.5 13.5 12.5 14.5 11 12.4
8 7.6 8.7 11 15.5 13.8 12 14 12.6 11.5
9 7.5 13 11.4 16.2 11.6 12.5 13 13 14.5
10 7 10.2 11.2 17.4 14 13 12 10.8 13
11 6.5 10.5 13.1 16.5 13 12.5 13.2 11.2 11.5
12 6 11.6 12.5 19.4 12.6 13.5 11.5 9.8 10.5
13 7 11.3 13.5 15 13.8 13 12.5 9 11.5
14 7.5 9.5 14.5 12.9 12.8 13 13.2 10.5 11
15 8.6 12.5 10.7 15 13 12 9.5 12 10
16 9 14 11 15.2 15 12.5 10.5 11 8.5
17 10 10 12 14.8 9.2 13 10.5 12.5 8
18 8 10.5 12.2 12 13.5 12.5 13.5 10 10
19 6.5 11.2 12 14 13 13 12.5 9.5 12.5
20 7 11.5 14 18.5 11.5 13.2 13 8.5 11.5
21 6.5 11.5 11.8 16.3 11 12.8 12
22 7.5 12 11 15.6 12.5 13 10 10.2 8
23 7 10.5 11.5 15 13.5 13.5 13.5 11 10
24 7.5 12.4 13.5 16 10.5 10.5 13.6 10 8.5
25 8.5 11.5 12.5 14.3 11 13 12 12 11.5
26 11.6 12.5 10.5 12 12.5 12.5 10.6
27 8 13.5 14 14.7 12.5 12.2 12.4 10 12.5
28 9.5 15 13.5 10.5 11 11 13.5 10.5 10.8
29 11 16.4 12.5 12.8 13.5 12.5 10
30 7.8 9.2 10.6 11.5 13 11.5 11.7 10.5
31 8 10.5 16 12.5 13.5 13.4 10
Appendix Table 4. Daily Rain fall in mm at Bure in 2009
Appendix Table 5. Daily average maximum temperature (oc) at Adet in 2009
Date Jan May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 26.5 26.5 24 24 22 26 28.5 27.5
2 26 26 21 25 30 25 28 28
3 27 31 23 25 25 24 26 27
4 26.5 27 23 25 25 23 27 28
5 27 26 24 27 25 23 27.5 27
6 28 26 25 24 26 25 27.5 27
7 26.5 27 25 24 28 25 27.5 27
8 27 27 22 25 27 24 27 27
9 27.5 28 22 25 29 25.5 29 27.5
10 27 30 22 25 30 25 27.5 27.5
11 28 29.5 25 25 25 25.5 27 28
12 27.5 24.5 22 25 26 26 28 27.5
13 28 24.5 21 25 26.5 26.5 27 27
14 27.5 24 21 22 26 26 27.5 28
15 27.5 25 21 25 25 26 26 27.5
16 28 28 22 24 26 26 27 28
17 28 30 22 24 27 25 26 25.5
18 27.5 28 22 25 27 26 26.5 25.5
19 27.5 25 24 24 25 27.5 27 26
20 28.5 22 21 27 25 27.5 26.5 26.5
21 28 23.5 24 24 25 27 27.5 26
22 27.5 24.5 23 24 26 27.5 27 26
23 28.5 26 25 24 26 26 28.5 25.5
24 28.5 25 26 24 25 25 26 26
25 28.5 23 25 15 24.5 26.5 227.5 26.5
26 28 22 24 25 26 27.5 27.5 26
27 28 25 25 25.5 26.5
28 28 31 13 24 32 24 27 27
29 28.5 30 23 24 28 25 27 26
30 29 27 24 25 27 26 27.5 26.5
31 28.5 26.5 25 25 26 27 28 27.5
Appendix Table 6. Daily minimum temperature inoc at Bure in 2009
Date Jan May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 12 12 13 22 5 8.5 4.5 10
2 12.5 11.5 14 21 7 9.5 5.5 10
3 12 12 15 21 7 9.5 5 10.5
4 12 11 16 24 7 10.5 4 14
5 14 10 21 21 8 8 2.5 13.5
6 12.5 9.5 16 21 7 9 1 14.5
7 12 13 15 22 8 9 4 14
8 13 12 16 22 7 7.5 4 16.5
9 13 10 16 21 5 5 4 14
10 14.5 16 16 21 9 8.5 5.5 12.5
11 15 14 16 19 8 9 5 13.5
12 15 14 20 24 8 6 5.5 13.5
13 17.5 13 19 20 9 8.5 5 13.5
14 14.5 13 16 22 11 7.5 6 13
15 15 12 19 20 9 7.5 6.5 14.5
16 15 14 19 21 7 5 7 15
17 15 13 19 23 8 5 7.5 15
18 15 12 19 24 6.5 4.5 7 16.5
19 16.5 13 18 20 7 5.5 8 13
20 15.5 13 25 21 8 5.5 8.5 12.5
21 16.5 11.5 21 22 8 6 9.5 13.5
22 17.5 12 22 21 11 6.5 10 12
23 17.5 14 20 22 9 6.5 8.5 12.5
24 12 12 21 19 10 9 8 12
25 12.5 13 21 18 9 8.5 8.5 12.5
26 11.5 13 19 17 9 9 8.5 12.5
27 11 22 10 6.5 12
28 12 13 12 20 10 2.5 7.5 11
29 14.5 12.5 13 21 5 9 7.5 11.5
30 12.5 13 14 19 6 9 6 12.5
31 12 12.5 13 22 5 10 5 12
Appendix .ANOVA Tables for some Agronomic, quality and NUE traits in Adet
Appendix Table 11. ANOVA for Thousand seed weight
Appendix Table 15. ANOVA for Nitrogen uptake efficiency
Appendix ANOVA tables for some Agronomic, quality and NUE parameters for Bure
Appendix Table 19. ANOVA for Biomass Yield
Appendix Table 23. ANOVA for gluten
Appendix Table 26. ANOVA for Nitrogen use efficiency for yield
Appendix ANOVA for some Agronomic, quality and NUE Parameters combined over
Appendix Table 29. ANOVA for Nitrogen uptake efficiency
Appendix . Questionnaire on Bread wheat production and marketing systems
Survey Questionnaire
I. General information
1.1 Research Site: Region______________ Zone____________
Woreda________________ PA__________ Name of village___________________
1.2 Interviewer full name: _______________ Date of interview____________
1.3 Respondent identification number__________________________________
1.4 House-hold Head: a) Full name___________________________________
b) Sex: Male = 1 Female = 0 c) age________ (in years)
d) Marital status: Married = 1 Single = 2
II. Production
2.1 . Provide information on the area covered and the yield obtained from the bread wheat
varieties that you have cultivated in 2009.
Variety name Land , Yield , and Price
(specify if you Land(ha) Yield(qt) Price(birr/qt) Total value
use one or
more varieties)
2.2 . In your opinion, which of the following problems affect bread wheat production (tick
one or more of your choice?)
1 = Poor quality produce
2 = Sprouting
3 = Rust
4 = Septoria
5 = Stem borer
6 = Low fertilizer supply
7 = Quality reduction due to threshing on the ground
8 = Post harvest losses due to weevil
9 = Other (Specify) --------------------------
III Marketing
3.1 How long it takes (on foot, one way) to reach to the nearest market from your house
(in walking hour)? _____________________ walking hour
3.2 Where do you often go to sell and purchase the Agricultural produces?
1=Village 2 = Market 3 = Other town
3.3 To whom do you mostly sell your bread wheat produce?
1 = Consumers 2 = Retail traders 3 = Whole sales
4 = State trading companies 5 = Cooperatives 6 = Other farmers
7 = NGO 8 = Others
3.4 Where do you get information about price of bread wheat varieties?
1 = DA 2 = Radio 3 = Leaflet/brochure
4 = Cooperative 5 = PAs 6 = Youth Association
7 = Women Association 8 = Government Officers 9 = Input Supplier
10 = Friends/relatives 11 = Research Institution 12 = Personal observation
13 = Speaking with other farmers 14 = Speaking with
traders/regular customers
15 = Other (Specify) , ,
3.5 What were the major problems in bread wheat marketing in your area in 2008 crop
1 = Lack of road or transport 2 = Lack of market places
3 = Low purchasing power of the people 4 = Lack of storage facilities
5 = Low out put price 6 = High transport cost
7 = Lack of pack animals
8 = Other (Specify) , ,
3.6 What do you suggest to improve?
A. The production of bread wheat _____________________________________ ,
_______________________, ______________________________________
B. The marketing system of bread wheat________________________________,
_____________________, _______________________________________