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This focuses on sets of Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on
training principles to achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF).

A proper program of exercise considers three principles of training:

the principle of overload, the principle of progressive, and the principle of


- pertains to doing “more than normal” for improvement to happen. It means to
boost our fitness, strength, or endurance. The workload is extended accordingly.
Applying these training principles will cause long-term adaptations, enabling the
body to figure more efficiently to deal with higher levels of performance.

Overloading will be achieved by following the acronym FITT:

Frequency: Increasing the number of times you train per week
Intensity: Increasing the problem of the exercise, for instance, running at 12
km/h rather than 10 or increasing the load you're squatting with.
Time: Increasing the length of your training time for every session, for instance,
cycling for 45 minutes rather than 30.
Type: Increase the intensity of the training. For instance, progress from walking
to running

To ensure that the results will still improve over time, the adapted workload
should be continually increased. A gradual and systematic increase within the
workload over a period of time will lead to improvement in fitness without risk
of injury. If overload occurs and increases rapidly, it may lead to injury or muscle
damage. If it increases slowly, improvement is unlikely.
The athlete who exercises vigorously only on weekends violates the principle of
progression and may not see obvious fitness gains.

The Principle of Progression also stresses the requirement for correct rest and
recovery. Continual stress on the body and constant overload will lead to
exhaustion and injury. You ought not to train hard all the time, as you'll risk
overtraining and a decrease in fitness.
We have all heard the phrase, "Practice makes perfect." Well, this is often the
principle of specificity in action. This principle simply states that exercising a
specific piece or component of the body primarily develops that part. The
principle of specificity implies that to become better at a selected exercise or
skill, you need to perform that exercise or skill.

For example, a cyclist should be trained in cycling and a runner should be

trained in running. Use the acceptable sort of exercise that directly improves
your target muscles.

Development of muscles will happen if regular movement and execution are
completed. If activity ceases, it will be reversed. This shows that benefits and
changes achieved from overload will last as long as training is continuous. On
the flip side, this also implies that the detraining effect will be reversed once
training is resumed. Extended rest periods reduce fitness and therefore the
physiological effects diminish over time which throws the body back to its pre-
training condition.
The effect of training will be lost if the training is discontinued

The F.I.T.T Principle of Physical Activity

Four elements you would like to believe to make workouts that suit your goals
and fitness level.
Factor Definition
Frequency Number of meeting in a week
Intensity The effort level of the exercise
Time Period covered in an exercise session
Type Kind of activity

The first thing to identify in the workout plan is frequency—how often you
exercise. Your frequency often depends on a spread of things including the sort
of workout you're doing, how hard you're working, your fitness level, and your
exercise goals. Three to five times a week is a safe frequency for each
component of health- related physical fitness.
American College of Sports Medicine sets exercise guidelines to provide a place
to start figuring out how often to work out:
For cardio: Include your goal, guidelines recommend moderate exercise five or
more days every week or intense cardio three days every week to improve your
health. If your goal is to lose weight, you'll need to work often up to six or more
days a week.
For strength training: The suggested frequency is two to three non-consecutive
days a week, it should be one to two days between sessions. If you are doing a
split routine, like the upper body at some point and lower body subsequent,
your workouts are going to be more frequent than total body workouts.

Intensity refers to how hard you work during the physical activity period.
Intensity is often measured in several ways, counting on the health-related
component. For instance, monitoring pulse rate is a technique to measure
intensity during aerobic endurance activities but gives no indication of intensity
during flexibility activities.
For cardio: For cardio, you will usually monitor intensity by heart rate or pulse
rate. The recommendation for steady-state workouts is at a moderate intensity
and for interval training, it should be done at a high intensity for a shorter
period of time.
For strength training: Monitoring the intensity of strength training involves a
special set of parameters. The intensity depends on the workload you are doing,
the amount of weight you lift, and the number of repetitions and sets. You can
change the intensity based on your goals. For a beginner use a lighter weight
and do fewer sets with high repetitions (two or three sets of 12 to 20
repetitions). If your goal is to develop muscle, do a higher number of sets with a
moderate amount of repetitions (four sets of 10 to 12 reps each). If you want to
create strength, use heavyweights to try to do more sets with fewer repetitions,
for example, five sets of three repetitions each.

Light, Moderate, Vigorous

How to get your Target Heart Rate

1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate.
MHR = 220 - (your age) MHR =

2. Determine the Heart Rate Reserve.

HRR = MHR – _ (Resting Heart Rate) HRR=
3. Take 60% and 80% of the HRR
a. 60% x HRR = b. 80% x HRR =

4. Add each HRR to the Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain the Target Heart
Rate (THR) range.
a. 60% HRR + = beats per minute (RHR)
b. 80% HRR + = beats per minute (RHR)

Note: Your resting pulse rate is the number of times your heart beats per
minute after you are at rest.
When it comes to resting heart rate, lower is healthier.
It means your heart muscle is in good condition and it does not need to work
strongly to maintain a steady beat. Studies found out that a greater resting
pulse rate is connected with poor physical fitness and high blood pressure and
body weight.

Time is the length of the physical activity. Considering the other aspects of the
F.I.T.T principle, the time differs depending on the health-related fitness
component targeted.
For cardio: The suggested cardio exercise is 30 to 60 minutes but the duration
of your workout depends on the type of exercise. For a beginner, you might
start with a workout of 15 to 20 minutes. If you're doing steady-state cardio, like
going for a run, you may exercise for 30 minutes to an hour. If you're doing
interval training and working at a high intensity, your workout should be
shorter, around 20 minutes to a half-hour.
For strength training: How long you lift weights depends on the type of workout
you're doing and on your schedule. For a total body workout, you may take up
to an hour, but a split routine may take less time because you're working for
fewer muscle groups.

Type refers to the definite physical activity selected to improve a component of
health-related fitness.
A person who wants to improve the arm strength should exercise the triceps
and biceps, while an individual who wants to improve aerobic endurance needs
to execute some other aerobically challenging activities such as jogging,
running, swimming.
For Cardio: Cardio is changeable since any activity that makes your heart rate up
counts. Dancing, running, walking, jogging, and cycling are some of the wide
variety of activities you may choose. Having more than one cardio activity helps
reduce boredom.
For strength training: Strength training workouts can also offer a variety of
exercises. It includes any exercise using resistance like dumbbells, barbells,
machines, and many others to work your muscles. You may also use your body
as a resistance tool. You may change the type of your strength workout
depending on your goal.


Three components: warm-up, exercise load, and cool-down

The exercise load or workout load is the program activity that would stimulate
beneficial adaptation when performed regularly.

A warm-up is essential prior to the actual workload as it prepares the body for
more strenuous activity. It increases the blood flow to the working muscles
without an abrupt increase in lactic acid accumulation. According to research,
the warmer the body and muscle, the higher the muscular output. A good
warm-up also prepares the heart, muscles, and joints for the next activity by
decreasing joint stiffness and increasing nerve impulses.

Cool-down is essential after a workout as it permits the pre-exercise heart rate

and blood pressure for a gradual recovery. Cooling down may be most vital for
competitive endurance athletes, like marathoners, because it helps regulate
blood flow.


Understanding the importance of engaging in moderate to vigorous physical
activity is considerably a great habit in achieving good health and fitness, but it
does not end there. As you engage in physical activity, you will meet and
interact with other people, making you more sociable, making you more
Aerobic Exercise is any physical activity that makes you sweat, causes you to
breathe harder, and gets your heart beating faster compared to when you are at
rest. Doing aerobic exercises regularly strengthens your heart and lungs and
trains your cardiovascular system to manage and deliver oxygen more quickly
and efficiently throughout your body Aerobic exercise, rhythmic in nature, uses
your large muscle groups and can be maintained continuously for at least 10
minutes and can be maintained continuously for at least 10 minutes.

Aerobic fitness is the ability of the body’s cardiovascular system to supply

energy during continuous physical activities such as biking and running. Studies
show that this type of exercise provides many health benefits such as
decreasing risk for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type II diabetes
and some cancers.
Examples: aerobic activities include walking at a brisk pace, swimming, jogging,
dancing, etc.

Muscular strength is the ability of the muscles to exert a force during an activity
such as lifting weights. Muscle strengthening exercises involve using your
muscles to work against a resistance such as your body weight, elastic bands or

Bone strengthening exercise, or any weight-bearing activity that produces a

force on the bone, is also important to overall health for children and adults.
This force is usually produced by impact with the ground and results in bone
growth in children and healthy maintenance of bone density in adults.
Examples: bone strengthening activities include jumping, walking, jogging, and
weightlifting exercises. As you can see, some exercises such as walking, or
jogging serve a dual purpose of strengthening our bones and our aerobic


Intensity refers to the rate at which the activity is being performed or the
magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity or exercise. It can be
thought of as how hard a person works to perform the activity.
The intensity of different forms of physical activity varies between people. The
intensity of physical activity depends on an individual’s previous exercise
experience and their relative level of fitness.

A successful exercise program incorporates a number of general principles to

that make the training safe and effective and help us achieve our goals.
Other principles:
Principle of Individual Differences
-means that because we all are unique individuals, we will all have a slightly
different response to an exercise program. This is another way of saying that
"one size does not fit all" when it comes to exercise. Well-designed exercise
programs should be based on our individual differences and responses to
exercise. Some of these differences have to do with body size and shape,
genetics, past experience, chronic conditions, injuries, and even gender. For
example, women generally need more recovery time than men, and older
athletes generally need more recovery time than younger athletes.

Principle of Adaptation
-refers to the body's ability to adjust to increased or decreased physical
demands. It is also one way we learn to coordinate muscle movement and
develop sports-specific skills, such as batting, swimming freestyle, or shooting
free throws. Repeatedly practicing a skill or activity makes it second-nature and
easier to perform. Adaptation explains why beginning exercisers are often sore
after starting a new routine, but after doing the same exercise for weeks and
months, they have little, if any, muscle soreness.


Skill-related physical fitness
-consists of those components of fitness that have a relationship with enhanced
performance in athletic activities.
- Skill-related fitness increases one’s ability to perform in various activities and
only have an indirect connection with health.

Fitness is a condition in which an individual has sufficient energy to avoid

fatigue and enjoy life.

Skill- or performance-related fitness involves skills that will enhance one’s

performance in athletic or sports events.


agility, balance, coordination, speed, power, and reaction time.

1.Agility is the ability to change and control the direction and position
of the body while maintaining a constant, rapid motion.
Example: changing directions to hit a tennis ball or making a cross over move in

2.Balance is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is

standing still or moving.
Example: skateboarding or most of the event in gymnastic like the ring.

3.Coordination is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during
Example: dribbling a basketball
Using hands and eyes together is called hand-eye coordination or performing
anyo (Arnis)- is the application of all styles learned throughout one's training,
and is performed with a specific weapon (i.e., cane, dagger, hands) to show the
flow of that form.

4.Speed is the ability to move your body or parts of your body swiftly in one
direction. In sports, players rely on speed to gain advantage over your
Example: a basketball player making a fast break to perform a lay- up, a tennis
player moving forward to get to a drop shot, a football player out running the
defense to receive a pass
5.Power is the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the
maximum force of the muscles.
Power is a combination of both speed and muscular strength.
Example: punching in boxing, kicking for taekwondo or rowing.

6.Reaction Time is the ability to reach or respond quickly to what you hear, see,
or feel.
Example: an athlete quickly runs when he hears the starting gun, stealing a base
in baseball or blocking a punch or a kick.



Sports-Related Injuries
Sports injuries
Injuries may occur when a person engages in Moderate to Vigorous Physical
Activity (MVPA). This includes physical activities which span from moderate
progressing to vigorous intensity. Brisk walking or cycling and jogging are
examples of moderate activities while aerobic dance or cycling uphill are
vigorous activities
On the other hand, sports injuries are those that happen when playing sports or
performing exercises.

Some are from accidents. Others can result from poor training practices or
improper gear. Some people get injured when they are not in proper condition.
No proper warm-up and stretching before you play, or exercise can also lead to

The most common sports injuries are:

Sprain is a tear of ligament fibers, muscles or tendons supporting a joint. This

can occur when a joint is extended beyond its normal range of movement. A
sprain may involve a small number of fibers through to a complete rupture. In
extreme circumstances, the fibers of the ligament, muscle or tendon may
remain intact and rip from the bone.
Contusion or bruise is bleeding into the soft tissue. It is caused by a direct blow
from another person, an implement, or an object. A bruise can occur to any soft
tissue of the body.

Concussion is caused by a direct blow to the head. Depending on the severity of

the concussion, injury can cause varying levels of impairment of brain function.
Concussions are categorized as mild (grade 1), moderate (grade 2), or severe
(grade 3) depending upon symptoms.

Dislocation occurs when the ball of a joint is forced out of its socket (i.e. arm
forced out of the shoulder joint). A dislocation must be reset by proper medical

Fracture is a break, crack, or shattering of a bone. In closed fractures, the

broken bone does not pierce the skin, while in open fractures, the broken bone
breaks the skin's surface.

Strains are injuries that involve the stretching, partial tearing, or complete
tearing of a tendon. Strains are categorized as first, second, or third degree.
Chronic strains are injuries that gradually build up from overuse or repetitive


Acute injuries occur suddenly when playing or exercising. Sprained ankles,

strained backs, and fractured hands are acute injuries. Signs of an acute injury
 Sudden, severe pain;
 Swelling;
 Not being able to place weight on a leg, knee, ankle, or foot;
 An arm, elbow, wrist, hand, or finger that is very tender;
 Not being able to move a joint as normal;
 Extreme leg or arm weakness; and
 A bone or joint that is visibly out of place.
Chronic injuries happen after you play a sport or exercise for a long time. Signs
of a chronic injury include:
 Pain when you play;
 Pain when you exercise;
 A dull ache when you rest; and
 Swelling.

When the body does not have enough fluid needed to function normally, it is
dehydrated. This happens when lost body fluid is not replaced. Dehydration
causes a person to have a dry thirsty mouth, become fatigued, have less urine
yield with dark color, and in severe case, unconsciousness. The usual causes of
dehydration are hot weather condition, too much perspiration, high fever,
diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive exercise without taking in enough fluid. To
nurse dehydration, the body will need to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day and up to 12 glasses during summer

Hydration is also the soundest way to prevent dehydration. Prevention is better

than cure, and the ways to prevent dehydration include the intake of adequate
fluids, watery fruits and vegetables and avoiding hot environment.

The following are terminologies that you might experience if we opt to observe
personal safety protocols during Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities
 Dehydration- Dehydration happens when the fluid in your body is
used or lost more than the fluid you drink or intake. If your body does not have
enough water or fluid to do its normal functions, hence, you get dehydrated.
Anyone may become dehydrated, as to the people who are more at risk, young
ones or children and the older adults are more at risk.
 Overexertion- This refers to the pressure one puts in himself or
herself, too much pressure that leads to a simple discomfort that might extend
to a more serious injury.
 Hypothermia- It usually happens when the body easily loses
temperature. A person suffers hypothermia when his or her body temperature
drops below 35 degrees Celsius.
 Hyperthermia-the opposite of hypothermia. It happens when the
body temperature rises up significantly beyond the normal temperature which
is 37 degrees Celsius. Hyperthermia like hypothermia can threaten life too.


Etiquette in Physical Education

-conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to
be observed in social or official life.
-etiquette is a set of customs and rules for polite behavior, especially among a
particular class of people or in a particular profession.
-Etiquette is meant to be a guideline using common sense, fairness, politeness
and concerns for others. Ignorance of proper etiquette will result disorder in the
society, it is like having rude people controlling the actions of others.
-Etiquette during online and offline class in physical education at the present
pandemic situation must be understood by learners and is highly expected from
them to help teachers facilitate the challenging tasks interactively and address
their experienced concern.

-There are written and unwritten rules in sports that require people to follow to
make it fair. To ensure respect, fairness and safety in sports, it is expected for
the people engaged to take personal responsibility and behave in a certain way
compliant with the rules to promote social values.
-is a conduct (such as fairness, respect and graciousness in winning or losing) to
one participating in sport. Sportsmanship is playing by the rules and principles
and using sports etiquette. A real sportsman observes and does all the rules in
the right way.

Importance of Etiquette in Physical Education

● It enhances the social aspects of every individual.
● It is essential in maintaining friendly relationships between
● It helps us show respect for other people and vice versa.
● It enhances communication by breaking down barriers.
● It protects the feelings of others.
● It helps you feel good about others and yourself.
● While doing your best, it encourages others to also do their best.

Protocols/Etiquette Before-During-After a Physical Activity

Here are some tips to stay safe during and after an exercise:
● Wear comfortable clothing. Choose your shoes and equipment
properly and remember if this is right for the activity.
● Use appropriate gear for the activity. It will help you to be safe in
doing the activity.
● Taking warm-up and cool down before and after an activity will
lower the risk of strains and sprains;
● Take appropriate breaks during the activity. A recovery once a
week of activity is good to rest your muscle pain;
● To give you some stamina, eat light food. But exercising
immediately after a full meal will affect your digestion.
● Be hydrated. Replenish extra fluids before, during and after
physical activity, especially for prolonged exercise;
● Beware of the weather and environmental conditions. Take it
easier when doing an activity especially when it’s hot;
● Listen to your body. Stop the activity and seek medical advice as
soon as possible when you are feeling unwell.

Proper Etiquette and Safety Standards in Facilities

1.Read the rules and regulations of the place. We must be knowledgeable in
various rules inside the premises. If you have any questions, you must ask the
information desk personnel or the person in-charge.
2.Maintain cleanliness and orderliness. Cleanliness is one basic etiquette we
must observe at all times.
3.Be mindful of others. Always consider other people’s time and space. Do not
distract them.

Proper Handling of Equipment.

1.Read the manual carefully. Before using any equipment, you must read the
manual guide to know its proper use.
2.Be alert and aware on how to use the equipment. You must be alert in using
certain equipment and if you encounter certain problems, you must report it
3.Take good care of the equipment. You must maintain its standard and must
be clean after usage.

Etiquette Guidelines in Attending or Joining in Sports as Physical Activity

1.Being a good sport means playing by the rules, playing safely, and dressing in
appropriate attire.
2.Arriving on time, whether you are playing or watching a game; it is rude and
inconsiderate to be late.
3.Greeting and shaking hands with each player or with fellow spectators upon
arrival is another important rule.
4.Players should be honest about their ability to play the sport and should take
lessons before trying to play a game.
5.Players should be gracious winners and gracious losers; they should not argue
about the score or the referee’s call. The loser should take the initiative in
shaking the winner’s hand to offer congratulations.



Factors in developing a Home-based physical activity event is the setting of their

goals for the event. Activities should be suited for the age of the participants
especially for the parent, safety precautions.
It is very important to encourage your family members and/or anyone staying at
home with you.

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for

conditioning any part of the body used to improve health and maintain fitness.
Generally, you work up a sweat, breath heavily, and increase your heart rate
during exercise.

A gym is a usual place where people exercise. But there are many reasons you
may want to avoid the gym. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, many
people are concerned about going to the gym, while others simply want to
maintain an exercise regime while they may have limited ability to travel
outside their homes.


Value of Participating in Physical Activities

Physical fitness is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the
demands of daily activities and to still have the energy to enjoy other leisure
activities. For this reason, engaging in different physical activities is very
effective to improve our body.
According to World Health Organization, having a sedentary or inactive lifestyle
is considered a high-risk factor in the development of many non- communicable
Physical Activity is any movement of your body that uses energy. Walking,
dancing, playing sports are some good activities for you to become active.
Applying the FITT principle such as frequency, intensity, types, and time can
improve your performance.

Moderate Physical Activity

This includes brisk walking, dancing, biking, swimming, and jogging. Some
household chores may also be considered as moderate activities.

Vigorous Physical Activity

These are activities that make your heart pump faster than moderate activities
and release more sweat, such as sports involving excessive running like playing
soccer or even swimming, and jogging.

Common results of physical inactivity involve:

*increased risk of being overweight and obese
* hypertension/high blood
* anxiety
* type 2 diabetes mellitus
* depression

Common Results of being Active in Physical Activities

* Improves bone, joint, and muscle strength
* Develops motor control and coordination
* Helps maintain a healthy body composition
* Increases the efficiency of the lungs and the heart
* Protects the body from musculoskeletal problems such as low back
* Possibly delays aging process
* Promotes healthy cholesterol level
* Helps regulate blood pressure
* Decreases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
* Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery
disease and stroke
* Improves the psychological functioning
* Improves control over anxiety and depression
* Build self-esteem and social interaction

Why do we have to Organize Fitness Events?

Building healthy relationships and spending time with your family, friends, and
others in your community can help improve your mental well- being.
Strengthening relationships both at home and within your community
ultimately shapes your life. Mental health and physical health are fundamentally
linked, with positive mental well-being contributing to physical conditions.
Those at risk for serious mental health conditions are at increased risk for
chronic physical conditions, which makes having community support very

Community-wide events bring people from all walks of life together,

strengthening the bonds between them. Those bonds act to improve mental
well-being, while helping to alleviate personal struggles. Being physically active
also offers benefits far beyond the obvious.

How to Develop a Fitness Event?

Organizing a fitness event to meet the target health issue or concern is not an
easy task. You, as a leader of an event or activity, should always think of the
best possible way to be able to administer the event smoothly. The aspects to
be included in the planning and organizing should also be considered.

A well-organized and planned event or activity is the key to achieve the target
and attain the best result. Collaboration with the group and the spirit of
openness will be important components to having a good result. Remember
that you cannot organize an event alone. Involving the whole team or group
would be much better in gathering information and ideas that will serve as the
ingredients of the best output.

Organize - is making arrangements or preparations for an event or activity

which are often arranged in a systematic way, especially on a large scale.
Organizing an event or an activity is always associated with a plan.

Planning - is the process of making plans for something. It is the most important
part of the success of every activity. The planning process provides the
information. Top management needs to make effective decisions about how to
allocate the resources in a way that will enable the organization to reach its
objectives. Productivity is maximized and resources are not wasted on projects
with little chance of success. Planning is essential to the success of any activities
or project. When a leader or manager has a plan to follow, he will be better and
equipped to prepare for the future. A project plan creates a focus for the
activity, uniting groups toward common goals. When everyone works together,
it’s easier to manage time and resources.

Key Elements of Effective Event Planning:

1. Understand the purpose of the event.
2. Know your audience.
3. Selecting the right venue is vital.
4. Choose a suitable timing.
5. Draft a plan and follow the timeline.
6. Create content that attracts your target audience.
7. Design the message you want to share through the event.
8. Lead capture mechanism.

Fitness event - an event in your day where the activity is considered "fitness
level" because it was performed at a higher intensity than your normal, routine

Participation - the action of taking part in something. The greatest and widely
accepted benefit of participation is the increased work ownership of an
individual. An individual is better able to relate himself/herself with his or her
work and this improves performance and efficiency at work.

- the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
-the ability to be resourceful and work without always being told what to do. It
requires resilience and determination. People who show initiative demonstrate
they can think for themselves and take action when necessary. It means using
your head, and having the drive to achieve.
You can initiate any fitness activity that will benefit not only you as an
individual, also for everyone, as well.

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