A Study of The Sanctuary

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a. Why study the sanctuary?

b. What is the sanctuary?
c. A brief history of the sanctuary
I. Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden
II. The patriarchal sanctuaries
III. The children of Israel in Egypt
IV. The sanctuary in the wilderness
V. The sanctuary in the promised land (Shiloh Kirjath jearim and Jerusalem )
VI. The sanctuary absorbed into the temple
VII. The temple worship till the captivity and the destruction of the temple
VIII. The temple rebuilt till the time of Christ
IX. Where type met antitype at the cross and the destruction of the temple in AD 70
X. The heavenly sanctuary and its type

2. The earthly sanctuary , its structure and their spiritual significance

a. The camp and its significance
b. The court of the tabernacle
c. The altar of burnt offering
d. The laver
e. The roof of the tabernacle
f. The walls of the tabernacle
g. The first veil
h. The table of shewbread
i. The golden candlestick
j. The altar of incense
k. The second veil
l. The ark of the testament
m. The manna Aaron’s rod that budded, the book of the law

3. The priesthood :
a. A brief history of the priesthood
b. The high priest and his garments
c. The priests
d. Christ our great high priest

4. The daily services:

a. The sinner in the camp
b. The lamb in the camp and its characteristics.
c. Christ the lamb of God
d. The sinner’s experience in relation to the daily services
e. The various daily offerings
 Burnt offering
 Meat offering
 Peace offering
 Sin offering
 Trespass offering
 The offering of the red heifer
f. The court and its services
g. The holy place.

5. The most holy place.

a. The day of atonement and congregational duty
b. The 2300 days prophecy
c. The antitypical day of atonement and congregational duty

6. Miscellaneous topics
a. The feasts and their significance


We are told that if every age, God’s people have had a specific message to proclaim based on
their time, beginning with Enoch, Noah, Moses, John the Baptist and even the disciples till our
time, God has always given His servants a message to meet the needs of their time and this has
been called the present truth of that age. Peter speaking of this says thus:” Wherefore I will not
be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be
established in the present truth.” (2 pet 1:12)
So also in our time there is a present truth and the Lord’s admonition to us is: “Those who are
watching for the Lord are purifying their souls by obedience to the truth. With vigilant watching
they combine earnest working. Because they know that the Lord is at the door, their zeal is
quickened to co-operate with the divine intelligences in working for the salvation of souls. These
are the faithful and wise servants who give to the Lord's household "their portion of meat in due
season." Luke 12:42. They are declaring the truth that is now specially applicable. As Enoch,
Noah, Abraham, and Moses each declared the truth for his time, so will Christ's servants now
give the special warning for their generation. “{DA 634.2}
And what is the message for this generation? The pen of inspiration clearly declares saying:” I
saw the necessity of the messengers, especially, watching and checking all fanaticism wherever
they might see it rise. Satan is pressing in on every side, and unless we watch for him, and have
our eyes open to his devices and snares, and have on the whole armor of God, the fiery darts of
the wicked will hit us. There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is
"present truth" that the flock needs now. I have seen the danger of the messengers running off
from the important points of present truth, to dwell upon subjects that are not calculated to unite
the flock and sanctify the soul. Satan will here take every possible advantage to injure the cause.
{EW 63.1}
But such subjects as the sanctuary, in connection with the 2300 days, the commandments of
God and the faith of Jesus, are perfectly calculated to explain the past Advent movement and
show what our present position is, establish the faith of the doubting, and give certainty to the
glorious future. These, I have frequently seen, were the principal subjects on which the
messengers should dwell. {EW 63.2}
The sanctuary is the three angels’ messages, the last message of warning to be proclaimed to the
“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know
what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their
commandment.” {1 Chron 12:32}
“The subject of the sanctuary was the key which unlocked the mystery of the disappointment of
1844. It opened to view a complete system of truth, connected and harmonious, showing that
God's hand had directed the great advent movement and revealing present duty as it brought to
light the position and work of His people.” {GC 423.1}
“The subject of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be clearly understood by the
people of God. All need knowledge for themselves of the position and work of their great High
Priest. Otherwise it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith which is essential at this
time or to occupy the position which God designs them to fill. Every individual has a soul to
save or to lose. Each has a case pending at the bar of God. Each must meet the great Judge face
to face. How important, then, that every mind contemplate often the solemn scene when the
judgment shall sit and the books shall be opened, when, with Daniel, every individual must stand
in his lot, at the end of the days. {GC 488.2}
Like the children of Issachar who knew of the times and what Israel ought to do {1 Chron
12:32} so also we as God’s people are to watch and wait knowing the time (1Thess 5:1,4-8)and
doing our duty, lest Christ coming , we may be found unawares. See also {Lk 21:34}.


“The scripture which above all others had been both the foundation and the central pillar
of the advent faith was the declaration: "Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then
shall the sanctuary be cleansed." Daniel 8:14.” {GC 409.1}
“Ministers must not stand by as our doctrines are eroded.--In a representation which passed
before me; I saw a certain work being done by medical missionary workers. Our ministering
brethren were looking on, watching what was being done, but they did not seem to
understand. The foundation of our faith, which was established by so much prayer, such
earnest searching of the Scriptures, was being taken down, pillar by pillar. Our faith was to
have nothing to rest upon--the sanctuary was gone, the atonement was gone”.--UL 152.
{PaM 29.2}
“The passing of the time in 1844 was a period of great events, opening to our astonished eyes
the cleansing of the sanctuary transpiring in heaven, and having decided relation to God's
people upon the earth, [also] the first and second angels' messages and the third, unfurling the
banner on which was inscribed, "The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." One of
the landmarks under this message was the temple of God, seen by His truth-loving people in
heaven, and the ark containing the law of God. The light of the Sabbath of the fourth
commandment flashed its strong rays in the pathway of the transgressors of God's law. The
nonimmortality of the wicked is an old landmark. I can call to mind nothing more that can
come under the head of the old landmarks. All this cry about changing the old landmarks is
all imaginary.” {CW 30.2}
And the Bible declares unto us saying: “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers
have set.”(Prov 22:28) see also Ps 11:3.
Yet this important doctrine is under attack, the servant of God declares saying: “In the future,
deception of every kind is to arise, and we want solid ground for our feet. We want solid
pillars for the building. Not one pin is to be removed from that which the Lord has
established. The enemy will bring in false theories, such as the doctrine that there is no
sanctuary. This is one of the points on which there will be a departing from the faith. Where
shall we find safety unless it be in the truths that the Lord has been giving for the last fifty
years?-- Review and Herald, May 25, 1905. {CW 53.2}
“We must watch those who are calling the attention of the people to the Sabbath of Jehovah;
they will lead many to see the claims of the law of God; and the same light which reveals the
true Sabbath reveals also the ministration of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary, and shows that
the last work for man's salvation is now going forward. Hold the minds of the people in
darkness till that work is ended, and we shall secure the world and the church also. {TM


“The chief subjects of study in these schools were the law of God, with the instruction given
to Moses, sacred history, sacred music, and poetry. In the records of sacred history were
traced the footsteps of Jehovah. The great truths set forth by the types in the service of the
sanctuary were brought to view, and faith grasped the central object of all that system--the
Lamb of God, that was to take away the sin of the world. A spirit of devotion was cherished.
Not only were the students taught the duty of prayer, but they were taught how to pray, how
to approach their Creator, how to exercise faith in Him, and how to understand and obey the
teachings of His Spirit. Sanctified intellect brought forth from the treasure house of God
things new and old, and the Spirit of God was manifested in prophecy and sacred song.” {Ed


Christ declared of Himself saying: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no
man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 and this way is found in the sanctuary, for
the Psalmist declares saying: “Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our
God?” (Ps 77:13) meaning as we study the sanctuary we will find revealed unto us CHRIST the
way, and if we get to know this way (Exodus 32:13), we have everlasting life. (John 17:3). The
sanctuary is actually a pictorial revelation of the plan of redemption. It is a revelation of the way
back to our Father who art in heaven: “Through the teachings of the sacrificial service, Christ
was to be uplifted before all nations, and all who would look to Him should live. Christ was the
foundation of the Jewish economy. The whole system of types and symbols was a compacted
prophecy of the gospel, a presentation in which were bound up the promises of redemption.
{AA 14.1}


History is always complete only when started from the beginning. Thus the history of the
sanctuary will be complete only when taken from the beginning. And of the beginning the Bible
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion
over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own
image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”( Gen 1:26-27)
Thus is shown unto us that man was created in God’s image , and the word image is connected to
the word glory(see 2 Corin 3:18 , 1 Corin 11:7) and God’s glory is the same as His name which
is His character( see Exodus 33:18,19;34:5-7) . “The glory of God is his character, and it is
manifested to us in Christ. Therefore it is by beholding Christ, by contemplating his character,
by learning his lessons, by obeying his words, that we become changed into his likeness. “
{SSW, July 1, 1894 par. 5}
Thus when the bible declares that man was created in God’s image , it means that man was like
God both in outward resemblance as well as in character. The spirit of prophecy declares unto us
“Man was to bear God's image, both in outward resemblance and in character. Christ alone is
"the express image" (Hebrews 1:3) of the Father; but man was formed in the likeness of God. His
nature was in harmony with the will of God. His mind was capable of comprehending divine
things. His affections were pure; his appetites and passions were under the control of reason. He
was holy and happy in bearing the image of God and in perfect obedience to His will. {PP 45.2}
” But the first Adam was in every way more favorably situated than Christ. The wonderful
provision made in Eden for the holy pair was made by a God who loved them. Everything in
nature was pure and undefiled. Fruits, flowers, and beautiful, lofty trees flourished in the Garden
of Eden… He was furnished with a holy nature, sinless, pure, undefiled; but he fell because he
listened to the suggestions of the enemy; and his posterity became depraved. By one man's
disobedience many were made sinners.” {8MR 39.2}
“When Adam came from the Creator's hand, he bore, in his physical, mental, and spiritual nature,
a likeness to his Maker. "God created man in His own image" (Genesis 1:27), and it was His
purpose that the longer man lived the more fully he should reveal this image--the more fully
reflect the glory of the Creator. All his faculties were capable of development; their capacity and
vigor were continually to increase.” {Ed 15.1}
But we know that sin destroyed this image in man, it made him fall short of God’s glory (Rom
3:23),compare Gen 2:19 and Gen 3:9-21. Sin also separated man from God (Isaiah 59:1), and
made him subject to death ( Rom 6:23). “ Through sin the divine likeness was marred, and
well-nigh obliterated. Man's physical powers were weakened, his mental capacity was lessened,
his spiritual vision dimmed. He had become subject to death. {Ed 15.2} “ Sin not only shuts us
away from God, but destroys in the human soul both the desire and the capacity for knowing
Him.” {Ed 28.3} “ Not only intellectual but spiritual power, a perception of right, a desire for
goodness, exists in every heart. But against these principles there is struggling an antagonistic
power. The result of the eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is manifest in every
man's experience. There is in his nature a bent to evil, a force which, unaided, he cannot resist.”
{Ed 29.1}
“The true object of education is to restore the image of God in the soul. In the beginning, God
created man in his own likeness. He endowed him with noble qualities. His mind was well-
balanced, and all the powers of his being were harmonious. But the fall and its effects have
perverted these gifts. Sin has marred and well-nigh obliterated the image of God in man. {CE
Thus sin made man to be unlike God in character and made him God’s enemy, one who was now
to die, for the wages of sin is death. But God in His mercy did not leave man to the consequences
of His transgression. A plan was devised by which man was to be brought back to the perfection
which he had in the beginning and bring him back to His creator once more. This was
pronounced in the Garden of Eden ,( see Gen 3:15). This plan embraced the death of God’s dear
son for the sins of man and also an up building process through His power back to the original
perfection which he had in the beginning. This plan was called the plan of redemption.
Man had become so degraded by sin that it was impossible for him, in himself, to come into
harmony with Him whose nature is purity and goodness. But Christ, after having redeemed man
from the condemnation of the law, could impart divine power to unite with human effort. Thus
by repentance toward God and faith in Christ the fallen children of Adam might once more
become "sons of God." 1 John 3:2. {PP 64.1}
“Through sin the divine likeness was marred, and well-nigh obliterated. Man's physical powers
were weakened, his mental capacity was lessened, his spiritual vision dimmed. He had become
subject to death. Yet the race was not left without hope. By infinite love and mercy the plan of
salvation had been devised, and a life of probation was granted. To restore in man the image of
his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created, to promote the
development of body, mind, and soul, that the divine purpose in his creation might be realized--
this was to be the work of redemption. This is the object of education, the great object of life.
{Ed 15.2}
“Sin has marred and well-nigh obliterated the image of God in man. It was to restore this that the
plan of salvation was devised, and a life of probation was granted to man. To bring him back to
the perfection in which he was first created, is the great object of life,--the object that underlies
every other. It is the work of parents and teachers, in the education of the youth, to co-operate
with the divine purpose; and in so doing they are "laborers together with God." [1 Corinthians
3:9.] {CE 63.3}
This plan by which man would again be brought back to God ( The plan of redemption ) was
given to man in symbols through the sacrificial system:
“ The sacrificial offerings were ordained by God to be to man a perpetual reminder and a
penitential acknowledgment of his sin and a confession of his faith in the promised Redeemer.
They were intended to impress upon the fallen race the solemn truth that it was sin that caused
death. To Adam, the offering of the first sacrifice was a most painful ceremony. His hand must
be raised to take life, which only God could give. It was the first time he had ever witnessed
death, and he knew that had he been obedient to God, there would have been no death of man or
beast. As he slew the innocent victim, he trembled at the thought that his sin must shed the blood
of the spotless Lamb of God. This scene gave him a deeper and more vivid sense of the greatness
of his transgression, which nothing but the death of God's dear Son could expiate. And he
marveled at the infinite goodness that would give such a ransom to save the guilty. A star of
hope illumined the dark and terrible future and relieved it of its utter desolation. {PP 68.1}
The sacrifices pointing to Christ the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world ( John
1:29) and who would clothe man with His righteousness and bring him back perfect before God
were offered beginning by Adam ( Gen 3:21) and they continued till the time of Abraham and
Jacob , but when Israel went into Egypt, they lost the spiritual significance of the sacrifices.
“Victims of lifelong slavery, they were ignorant, untrained, degraded. They had little knowledge
of God and little faith in Him. They were confused by false teaching and corrupted by their long
contact with heathenism. God desired to lift them to a higher moral level, and to this end He
sought to give them a knowledge of Himself. {Ed 34.1}. They did not have an understanding of
the consequences of sin and God’s rescue plan neither did they know what kind of a character
God wanted from them. To teach them more plainly the plan of redemption God introduced the
sanctuary among them.
“But the people were slow to learn the lesson. Accustomed as they had been in Egypt to material
representations of the Deity, and these of the most degrading nature, it was difficult for them to
conceive of the existence or the character of the Unseen One. In pity for their weakness, God
gave them a symbol of His presence. "Let them make Me a sanctuary," He said; "that I may
dwell among them." Exodus 25:8. {Ed 35.1}
Actually a deeper study of this text reveals a deeper thing than mere dwelling in their midst.
God said in another place
“And I will sanctify the tabernacle of the congregation, and the altar: I will sanctify also both
Aaron and his sons, to minister to me in the priest's office. And I will dwell among the children
of Israel, and will be their God. And they shall know that I [am] the LORD their God, that
brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell among them: I [am] the LORD
their God.” {Exodus 29:44-46}. And Paul quoting this text says : “And what agreement hath
the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will
dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” 2Cor
Thus God’s intention for the sanctuary spiritually shows us how we are to be so that God may
dwell in us , it is a revelation of how through the plan of redemption Christ will mould us till
we become like God again in Character and have His glory , His name, His character restored in
us . “Through Christ was to be fulfilled the purpose of which the tabernacle was a symbol--that
glorious building, its walls of glistening gold reflecting in rainbow hues the curtains inwrought
with cherubim, the fragrance of ever-burning incense pervading all, the priests robed in spotless
white, and in the deep mystery of the inner place, above the mercy seat, between the figures of
the bowed, worshiping angels, the glory of the Holiest. In all, God desired His people to read His
purpose for the human soul. It was the same purpose long afterward set forth by the apostle Paul,
speaking by the Holy Spirit:"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of
God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple
of God is holy, which temple ye are." 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17. {Ed 36.2,3}
There as we study the sanctuary , we are to know that through it God wants to show us how we
are to have God’s image restored in us again. The sanctuary I would therefore say is as it were a
pictorial illustration of the plan of redemption , it’s a revelation of how step by step we are to
walk till we can stand faultless before God. It’s a declaration of what we can be step by step
through the work of grace in our hearts. This is why David declared saying:
“Thy way, O God, [is] in the sanctuary: who [is so] great a God as [our] God?” Ps 77:13.
And Christ speaking of Himself said:
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but
by me.” John 14:6
The way to the Father which is Christ Jesus is shown in the sanctuary. Therefore it’s my prayer
that as we study the sanctuary we may walk this way of character building we may finally
posses the perfect character that we lost through sin, and which we can get through Christ
“In the building of the sanctuary as a dwelling place for God, Moses was directed to make all
things according to the pattern of things in the heavens. God called him into the mount, and
revealed to him the heavenly things, and in their similitude the tabernacle, with all that pertained
to it, was fashioned. {Ed 35.2}
So to Israel, whom He desired to make His dwelling place, He revealed His glorious ideal of
character. The pattern was shown them in the mount when the law was given from Sinai and
when God passed by before Moses and proclaimed, "The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and
gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:6. {Ed 35.3}
But this ideal they were, in themselves, powerless to attain. The revelation at Sinai could only
impress them with their need and helplessness. Another lesson the tabernacle, through its service
of sacrifice, was to teach-- the lesson of pardon of sin, and power through the Saviour for
obedience unto life. {Ed 36.1}

“Throughout the times of Moses and Joshua, and of the judges and kings of Israel, the ark of the
covenant was regarded as a symbol of God's presence among his people. It was the ark that led the
way for the hosts of Israel when they crossed the Jordan and entered the Promised Land.
Surrounded by a halo of glory, the ark was borne around the walls of Jericho by priests clad in the
dress denoting their sacred office. During the conquest of Canaan, Gilgal was the headquarters of
the Jewish nation and the seat of the tabernacle. Afterward, Shiloh, a little town easy of access to all
the tribes, was chosen as a place most suitable for the tabernacle of the congregation.
The ark remained at Shiloh for three hundred years, until, because of the sins of Eli's house, it fell
into the hands of the Philistines, and Shiloh was ruined. Through the providence of God, the ark
was returned, uninjured, to the Israelites, and was placed in the house of a Levite at Kirjath-
jearim, nine miles distant from Jerusalem. There it remained for many years, until David, at the
head of a triumphal procession, with sacrifices, and dancing, and music, brought the ark to
Jerusalem, and deposited it in the tent that had been prepared for its reception.

After Solomon had finished building the temple, he assembled the elders of Israel, and the most
influential men among the people, to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of
David. These men consecrated themselves to God, and, with great solemnity and reverence,
accompanied the priests who bore the ark. "And they brought up the ark of the Lord, and the
tabernacle of the congregation, and all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle, even those did
the priests and the Levites bring up. And King Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel, that
were assembled unto him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen, that could not
be told nor numbered for multitude." {RH, November 9, 1905 par.}

SECTION 2: The earthly

sanctuary, its structure and
vessels and their spiritual
1. The camp:

The camp was the outermost part of the sanctuary. After the erection of the sanctuary, God told
Moses to have the children of Israel arrange themselves in a given manner around the sanctuary.
The first tribe to encamp all around the sanctuary was the tribe of Levi of them God declared
saying: “And the children of Israel shall pitch their tents, every man by his own camp, and every
man by his own standard, throughout their hosts. But the Levites shall pitch round about the
tabernacle of testimony, that there be no wrath upon the congregation of the children of Israel:
and the Levites shall keep the charge of the tabernacle of testimony.” {Numb 1: 52-53}
And the order was : {see Numb 2:1-34} North
Asher West East
Levi South
Ephraim Judah
Manasseh Levites Levi Issachar
The tabernacle
Benjamin Zebulun

Reuben Simeon Gad
Here in the camp the children of Israel{the sinners in need of salvation} dwelt and took the lamb
from their midst to be offered in the sanctuary if at all they committed sin. So also in the great
plan of redemption before Christ would go and die at the cross, He had like the blameless lamb
to live in our midst that we could behold His glory. The camp with the lamb and the sinner was a
representation of what would befall Christ before His death. And the bible declares unto us that
when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth His son made of a woman, made under
the law see (Gal 4:4). Christ came and took our nature and for over thirty years was in our midst.
John declaring of this says: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt(encamped) among us,
(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
John 1:14.

Why did Christ have to come and dwell with us

1. To be our nigh of kin
Man in His lost condition could not redeem himself as we had seen. He needed one to come
and redeem him from death and the power of sin. But in the old testament if one had sold
himself, the only one who could redeem Him, was a person who was his nigh of kin (lev
25:47-49). It was therefore needful that Christ in our to redeem us who were sold to sin and
Satan(Rom 7:14), He must first partake of our nature and become our nigh of kin. See the
following texts about the humanity of Christ: ( Heb 2:9-18;John 1:14; Phil 2:5-11). When he
came to our world Christ was totally human bearing the same sinful flesh that we have (Rom
8:3,4), yet He never sinned.

2. To reveal God’s character unto men and angels:

Through sin men had become ignorant of God’s character, but Christ Jesus came as a living
revelation of the Character of the Father. He came to live with us and declare unto us the
ideal character that God has and which He expects from all men. “For God, who commanded
the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to [give] the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Cor 4:6. Of Christ we are told
that God’s image is found(see 2Cor4:4). In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead
bodily (Col 2:9). And when He declaring His mission, He said: “I have glorified thee on the
earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” “I have manifested thy name
unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them
me; and they have kept thy word.” “ And I have declared unto them thy name, and will
declare [it]: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.” John
17:4,6,26 see also John1:18;Matth11:27& John 14:8,9
“ "His name shall be called Immanuel, . . . God with us." "The light of the knowledge of the
glory of God" is seen "in the face of Jesus Christ." From the days of eternity the Lord Jesus
Christ was one with the Father; He was "the image of God," the image of His greatness and
majesty, "the outshining of His glory." It was to manifest this glory that He came to our
world. To this sin-darkened earth He came to reveal the light of God's love,--to be "God with
us." Therefore it was prophesied of Him, "His name shall be called Immanuel." {DA 19.1}
By coming to dwell with us, Jesus was to reveal God both to men and to angels. He was
the Word of God,--God's thought made audible. In His prayer for His disciples He says, "I
have declared unto them Thy name,"--"merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant
in goodness and truth,"--"that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them, and I
in them." But not alone for His earthborn children was this revelation given. Our little world
is the lesson book of the universe. God's wonderful purpose of grace, the mystery of
redeeming love, is the theme into which "angels desire to look," and it will be their study
throughout endless ages. Both the redeemed and the unfallen beings will find in the cross of
Christ their science and their song. It will be seen that the glory shining in the face of Jesus is
the glory of self-sacrificing love. In the light from Calvary it will be seen that the law of self-
renouncing love is the law of life for earth and heaven; that the love which "seeketh not her
own" has its source in the heart of God; and that in the meek and lowly One is manifested the
character of Him who dwelleth in the light which no man can approach unto. {DA 19.2}
“Satan led men to conceive of God as a being whose chief attribute is stern justice,--one who
is a severe judge, a harsh, exacting creditor. He pictured the Creator as a being who is
watching with jealous eye to discern the errors and mistakes of men, that He may visit
judgments upon them. It was to remove this dark shadow, by revealing to the world the
infinite love of God, that Jesus came to live among men. {SC 10.3}
The Son of God came from heaven to make manifest the Father. "No man hath seen God
at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared
Him." John 1:18. "Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever
the Son will reveal Him." Matthew 11:27. When one of the disciples made the request,
"Show us the Father," Jesus answered, "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou
not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then,
Show us the Father?" John 14:8, 9. {SC 11.1}

3. To give us an example:
Christ declared saying that He had given men an example that we should follow his example.
See John 13:15;1 Pet 2:21-23;Heb 12:2-4; Heb 3:1.
“Jesus Himself, while He dwelt among men, was often in prayer. Our Saviour identified
Himself with our needs and weakness, in that He became a suppliant, a petitioner, seeking
from His Father fresh supplies of strength, that He might come forth braced for duty and trial.
He is our example in all things. He is a brother in our infirmities, "in all points tempted like
as we are;" but as the sinless one His nature recoiled from evil; He endured struggles and
torture of soul in a world of sin. His humanity made prayer a necessity and a privilege. He
found comfort and joy in communion with His Father. And if the Saviour of men, the Son of
God, felt the need of prayer, how much more should feeble, sinful mortals feel the necessity
of fervent, constant prayer. {SC 93.4}

“In His resistance of evil and His labor for others, Christ gave to men an example of the
highest education. He revealed God to His disciples in a way that wrought in their hearts a
special work, such as He has long been urging us to allow Him to do in our hearts. There are
many who in dwelling so largely on theory have lost sight of the living power of the
Saviour's example. They have lost sight of Him and as the self-denying, humble worker.
What they need is to behold Jesus. Daily they need the fresh revealing of His presence. They
need to follow more closely His example of self-renunciation and sacrifice. {CT 36.2}

4. To qualify as our High Priest by passing through what men pass through
Of the earthly high priests the Bible declares “For every high priest taken from among men
is ordained for men in things [pertaining] to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices
for sins: Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for
that he himself also is compassed with infirmity.” Heb 5:1,2. And Paul declaring of Christ
says: “For verily he took not on [him the nature of] angels; but he took on [him] the seed of
Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto [his] brethren, that
he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things [pertaining] to God, to make
reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted,
he is able to succour them that are tempted.” Heb 2:17,18
“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong
crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he
feared; Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey
him; Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.” Heb 5:7-9
Therefore we are told : “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the
heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast [our] profession. For we have not an high
priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points
tempted like as [we are, yet] without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of
grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb 4:14-16
“Since Jesus came to dwell with us, we know that God is acquainted with our trials, and
sympathizes with our griefs. Every son and daughter of Adam may understand that our
Creator is the friend of sinners. For in every doctrine of grace, every promise of joy, every
deed of love, every divine attraction presented in the Saviour's life on earth, we see
"God with us." {DA 24.1}

2. The court of the Tabernacle (Exodus 27:9-19; 38:9-20)

The tabernacle had a court/fence that surrounded it all through. This court was made of pillars of
brass (see PP 347.3) which were fitted into sockets of brass, the pillars had fillets, chapiters and
hooks all of silver (see Exodus 27:10; 38:17) . Upon the hooks were hanged hangings for the
court which were made of fine twined linen. There were twenty pillars and an hanging of an
hundred cubits long for both the Northern and the Southern sides (Exodus 27:9-11)

On the western side there was an hanging 50 cubits long with ten pillars and ten sockets ( see
Exodus 27:12). On the eastern side, the breadth too was 50 cubits but there was a gate 20 cubits
long at the centre leaving a space of 30 cubits which was shared equally by both sides(each side
of the gate was 15cubits long ( Ex 27:13-15). The hangings for the two sides of the gates were 15
cubits each and they were hanged on six pillars (three for each side) which were set sockets of

The hanging for the court was five cubits high (Exodus 27:18)
The pillars were made firm by cords (Ex 35:8) attached to the ground using pins of brass
(Exodus 27:19)

As indicated earlier on, the gate had an hanging 20 cubits long made of blue, purple, scarlet and
fine twined linen wrought with needlework, their pillars were four and their sockets four.

Thus the court looked somewhat like the picture above.

The significance of the pillars

In the Bible, a pillar symbolizes God’s people, see (Rev 3:12, Ex 24:4). The pillars were spiritual
representation of the ideal that God requires from His children who are living here on the earth.
In the sanctuary God shows that we are to be rooted in brass pillars, made firm by cords attached
to brass pins and protected at the head by fillets and chapiters of silver.

What do these articles represent?

 The brass sockets represent Christ Jesus our foundation upon whom we are to be
grounded in. The Bible speaking of Him as our foundation declares saying: “Therefore
thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone,
a precious corner [stone], a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.”
( Isa 28:16) “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus
Christ.”( 2 Cor 3:11) “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, [so] walk ye
in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been
taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” ( Col 2:6,7). And how do we build on
Christ or make Him our foundation? It by believing in Him as the one through whom we
can be saved. We have no hope if we do not make Christ the basis of our Christianity, if
we neglect to make Him the basis of our faith, and go about establishing our own
righteousness, our faith is vain.

Why the sockets were made of brass? Brass symbolizes the sinful flesh that we as human
beings posses. Moses in the wilderness was bidden by God to make a brazen serpent that
whosoever would look upon it should be healed from the sting of the fiery serpents in the
wilderness (Numb 21:4-9 ), “ When the people of Israel were dying from the sting of the fiery
serpents, God directed Moses to make a serpent of brass, and place it on high in the midst of the
congregation. Then the word was sounded throughout the encampment that all who would look
upon the serpent should live. The people well knew that in itself the serpent had no power to help
them. It was a symbol of Christ. As the image made in the likeness of the destroying
serpents was lifted up for their healing, so One made "in the likeness of sinful flesh" was to
be their Redeemer. Romans 8:3” DA 174.4 see also Joh 3:14,15.

The sockets represents Christ our saviour who coming in the likeness of sinful flesh condemned
sin in the flesh and upon whom if we lay hold on by faith we can be able to withstand sin in this
world in our sinful fallen flesh that we have.

 The cords: represents love( Hosea 11:4) to our fellow men( the pins of brass). Thus is
shown that Christianity is not just about faith only but it also involves works. Just as the
pillars got an extra support to help them abide in the foundation by the cords, so also
Jesus bids us saying: “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”( John14:15). “If ye keep
my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's
commandments, and abide in his love.” (Joh15:10). And John the beloved apostle says:
“If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not
his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And
this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.” (1
John 4:20,21.). And this is the perfect assurance that we are abiding in Christ for John
adds by saying: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his
commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar,
and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of
God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him
ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.” (1 John 2:3-6). James even declared
saying: “ What [doth it] profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have
not works? can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily
food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be [ye] warmed and filled;
notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what [doth
it] profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” (James 2:14-17)
“ Love is the basis of godliness. Whatever the profession, no man has pure love to
God unless he has unselfish love for his brother. But we can never come into
possession of this spirit by trying to love others. What is needed is the love of Christ in
the heart. When self is merged in Christ, love springs forth spontaneously. The
completeness of Christian character is attained when the impulse to help and bless others
springs constantly from within--when the sunshine of heaven fills the heart and is
revealed in the countenance. {COL 384.2}
It is not possible for the heart in which Christ abides to be destitute of love. If we
love God because He first loved us, we shall love all for whom Christ died. We
cannot come in touch with divinity without coming in touch with humanity; for in Him
who sits upon the throne of the universe, divinity and humanity are combined. Connected
with Christ, we are connected with our fellow men by the golden links of the chain of
love. Then the pity and compassion of Christ will be manifest in our life. We shall not
wait to have the needy and unfortunate brought to us. We shall not need to be entreated to
feel for the woes of others. It will be as natural for us to minister to the needy and
suffering as it was for Christ to go about doing good. {COL 384.3}
So friends if you claim to abide in Christ?( the silver socket), reveal it by loving your
fellow men(attaching yourself to the pins by the cords).
 The fillets (Exodus 27:17): the fillets which were put on top of the pillars represent the
word of God, for they were made of silver and the Bible speaking about silver says: “The
words of the LORD [are] pure words: [as] silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified
seven times.” Ps 12:6. And so Paul speaking about the Christian armoury says: “Stand
therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of
righteousness;” (Eph 6:14) and these loins are the loins of our minds( 1 peter 1:13), and
the truth is the word of God(John 17:17). As Christians we are to ensure that the loins of
our minds are fortified with the word of God , it is our safety. We are told: “None but
those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the
last great conflict.{GC88 593.2}
There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the
Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the
faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God's word were studied as it
should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of
purpose rarely seen in these times. {SC 90.1}
“Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures and who have received the
love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world
captive.”--GC 625 (1911). {LDE 66.4}
“No renewed heart can be kept in a condition of sweetness without the daily application
of the salt of the Word. Divine grace must be received daily, or no man will stay
converted.”--OHC 215 (1897). {LDE 65.5}
 The chapiters: Noah Webster describing what a chapiter is says: “The upper part or
capital of a column or pillar;.” Thus a chapiter is like an helmet and the Bible speaking
about the Christian’s armour says: “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the
Spirit, which is the word of God:” (Eph 6:17)
 The hangings: The hangings which were put on the pillars were of fine linen
representing the righteousness of Christ( Rev 19:8, Isa 54:17) which God desires all to be
partakers. And how did the pillars get the hanging? It was through the silver hooks, and
we know that silver represents God’s word( Psalms 12:6). Therefore we too as
Christians( the pillars) need to daily study the word that we might be partakers of Christ’s
righteousness. This is why the scriptures are called the word of righteousness( Ps
119:123) . the word of God has power to transform us into a likeness with Christ, and He
abides in us just through the word( see 1Pet 1:23; 1Thess 2:13; John 15:7).
“The word of God is the seed. Every seed has in itself a germinating principle. In it the
life of the plant is enfolded. So there is life in God's word. Christ says, "The words that I
speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life." John 6:63. "He that heareth My word,
and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life." John 5:24. In every command
and in every promise of the word of God is the power, the very life of God, by which the
command may be fulfilled and the promise realized. He who by faith receives the word
is receiving the very life and character of God. {COL 38.1}.
 The height of the court; the court was shorter than the tabernacle yet it was the
outermost part of the sanctuary. As the court is a symbol of God’s church on earth
so also we as God’s people we are here on earth to be His representatives to shine
as lights in the world( Matt 5:14-16). Yet in our shinning we are to lead people to
Christ we are to reveal in our lives the sentiments of John the Baptist: “He must
increase, but I [must] decrease.” (John 3:30)
“The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago--a revelation
of Christ. A great work of reform is demanded, and it is only through the grace of
Christ that the work of restoration, physical, mental, and spiritual, can be
accomplished.” {MH 143.2}


The gate was a representation of Christ, the only door through which we can enter in order to be
saved. He declared of Himself saying: “Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say
unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but
the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and
shall go in and out, and find pasture.” (John 10:7-9) and this is why Peter declaring of Him said :
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among
men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

The direction of the gate: The gate was placed on the eastern side of the camp, meaning
anyone coming to the tabernacle would always give his back to the east the side of the rising of
the sun. The sun was a symbol of the heathen gods which they used to worship ( Deut 17:3).
Thus the first step in our salvation is that we have to forsake all our idols in order to be a
follower of Christ we have to leave all false gods before we can walk the path to heaven.

The size of the gate: The saviour declaring about this gate said: “Enter ye in at the strait gate:
for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be
which go in thereat: Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto
life, and few there be that find it.” (Matt 7:13,14). The gate is narrow, if we want to begin the
way back to perfection, we have to know that it’s a path that is chosen by only the minority and
it involves self denial and sacrifice.

“But the way to life is narrow and the entrance strait. If you cling to any besetting sin you
will find the way too narrow for you to enter. Your own ways, your own will, your evil
habits and practices, must be given up if you would keep the way of the Lord. He who
would serve Christ cannot follow the world's opinions or meet the world's standard. Heaven's
path is too narrow for rank and riches to ride in state, too narrow for the play of self-
centered ambition, too steep and rugged for lovers of ease to climb. Toil, patience, self-
sacrifice, reproach, poverty, the contradiction of sinners against Himself, was the portion of
Christ, and it must be our portion, if we ever enter the Paradise of God. {MB 138.4}

We can only enter by striving: “Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved?
And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek
to enter in, and shall not be able.” (Luke 13:23,24) . The gate that leads to perfection involves a
battle, you have to strive in order to enter in. If you only seek to enter in you will not be able to
enter, and this (seeking) is what many are doing, and the Savior’s word is they “shall not be
able”. A story of how narrow this gate is declared in the book of

The Christian life is a battle and a march. But the victory to be gained is not won by human
power. The field of conflict is the domain of the heart. The battle which we have to fight--the
greatest battle that was ever fought by man--is the surrender of self to the will of God, the
yielding of the heart to the sovereignty of love. The old nature, born of blood and of the will of
the flesh, cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The hereditary tendencies, the former habits, must
be given up. {MB 141.2}

He who determines to enter the spiritual kingdom will find that all the powers and
passions of an unregenerate nature, backed by the forces of the kingdom of darkness, are
arrayed against him. Selfishness and pride will make a stand against anything that would
show them to be sinful. We cannot, of ourselves, conquer the evil desires and habits that
strive for the mastery. We cannot overcome the mighty foe who holds us in his thrall. God
alone can give us the victory. He desires us to have the mastery over ourselves, our own will
and ways. But He cannot work in us without our consent and co-operation. The divine
Spirit works through the faculties and powers given to man. Our energies are required to
co-operate with God. {MB 141.3}

The victory is not won without much earnest prayer, without the humbling of self at every step.
Our will is not to be forced into co-operation with divine agencies, but it must be voluntarily
submitted. Were it possible to force upon you with a hundredfold greater intensity the influence
of the Spirit of God, it would not make you a Christian, a fit subject for heaven. The stronghold
of Satan would not be broken. The will must be placed on the side of God's will. You are not
able, of yourself, to bring your purposes and desires and inclinations into submission to the will
of God; but if you are "willing to be made willing," God will accomplish the work for you, even
"casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5.
Then you will "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which
worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." Philippians 2:12, 13. {MB 142.1}

Seeking is not enough: But many are attracted by the beauty of Christ and the glory of heaven,
who yet shrink from the conditions by which alone these can become their own. There are many
in the broad way who are not fully satisfied with the path in which they walk. They long to break
from the slavery of sin, and in their own strength they seek to make a stand against their sinful
practices. They look toward the narrow way and the strait gate; but selfish pleasure, love of the
world, pride, unsanctified ambition, place a barrier between them and the Saviour. To
renounce their own will, their chosen objects of affection or pursuit, requires a sacrifice at
which they hesitate and falter and turn back. Many "will seek to enter in, and shall not be
able." Luke 13:24. They desire the good, they make some effort to obtain it; but they do not
choose it; they have not a settled purpose to secure it at the cost of all things. {MB 143.1}

This is what the rich young ruler in (Matt 19:16-26.) did. He only sought the kingdom, but he
did not strive to enter in…. and of such Christ declared saying: “So likewise, whosoever he be of
you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” Lk 14:33…oh friends may
God help us that we may be among those who strive to enter.

The hanging at the gate: The gate had an hanging made of “ blue, and purple, and scarlet,
and fine twined linen, wrought with needlework: [and] their pillars [shall be] four, and their
sockets four.” (See Exodus 27:16). These four colours represent the offers Christ is extending to
all who will accept to enter in through the gate. The colour blue is a symbol of obedience to the
commandments that was revealed in Christ and which He desires to impart unto the sinner
( numb 15:37-40; Rom 8:1-4 ), scarlet is a symbol of sin, typifying Christ who would be our sin
bearer( Isa 1:18; 2 Corin 5:21), purple symbolizes the royalty which Christ has and He wants us
all to partake of( Mark 15:17; Rev 3:21). And the fine linen which is white represents the
righteousness which He desires all of us to partake of (Rev 19:8). Thus to the sinner the gate
hangings are declaring saying: if you trust in me (Christ), I will, bear the burden of your sins,
clothe you with my righteousness, give you grace to obey, and finally grant to sit with me in my
throne. Is this not a good offer given unto us if we are willing to renounce all? Surely it is worth
all that we can go through till we have everlasting life at last. To all the invitation from the gate
is: " Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find
rest unto your souls. For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden light. " Matt. 11:28-30

The four pillars at the gate: The gate had four pillars (Exodus 27:16,17). Since a pillar
represent a person and since the gate represents Christ, we can safely conclude that the four
pillars represent four different positions Christ occupies in the work for man’s salvation. The
number 4 in the four colours and four pillars and the four coverings on the roof of the tabernacle
all refer to Christ Jesus our saviour, just as we have 4 gospel books all referring to Christ in His
work for our salvation. The four pillars tell us that all that Christ is offering, He himself has
become all that He desires us to be. As a human being, Christ obeyed the law ( Phil 2:7), offered
Himself as our sacrifice,( Phil 2:8), ascended up to heaven as our High priest( Heb 8:1,2) and
King on the throne of grace, and He will soon come as our King in His throne of glory(Rev
19;8; Matt 25:31).

4. THE ALTAR OF BURNT OFFERING: ( Ex 27:1-8;38:1-7)

"Five cubits was the length thereof, and five cubits the breadth thereof; it was four square; and
three cubits the height thereof." Ex. 38:1. It was "hollow with boards" overlaid with brass. At the
four corners thereof were four horns of the same. “To the midst of the altar” - half way between
the top and the bottom - was "a grate of network of brass." At the four corners of the grate were
four rings of cast brass, to be places for the staves. The staves also were of wood overlaid with
brass. Just above the grate was "the compass of the altar." Ex. 27:5; 38:4. This compass seems to
have been a narrow platform encompassing the altar, on which the priests walked when placing
the firewood and arranging the parts of the sacrifice. The approach to the compass was not by
steps, Ex. 20:26, but by a sloping ascent to the altar on the south side. All the vessels thereof
were of brass, - "his pans to receive his ashes, and his shovels, and his basons, and his flesh
hooks and his fire pans." Ex. 27:3. Some of the basons were doubtless for washing the sacrifices,
others for receiving the blood to be ministered in the sanctuary. The shovels were used to remove
the ashes from the altar and the grate; the flesh hooks for handling the sacrifice, the fire pans, or
brazen censers, held the sacred fire when the altar was carried from place to place.

Unlocking the altar of burnt offering:

Why an altar? The sacrifice was always put upon an altar, why? Because in its prophetic
significance, the altar pointed to the manner of Christ’s death. Just as the altar was lifted up in
height, so also Christ Jesus would be lifted up by His death on the cross. From Eden till the last
sacrifice, before Calvary all the lambs pointed to Jesus Christ the true lamb of God that taketh
away the sin of the world( John 1:29) while all the altars pointed to the manner of the Saviour’s
death- a cross. God even made it more clear through the brazen serpent. And so Christ declared
saying: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man
be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John
3:14. And what would this lifting up do? At the cross Christ revealed God’s love to all men, John
3:16; Eph 5:1,2. And love has a drawing effect, Jer 31:3;Hosea 11:4. This is why Christ spoke
saying: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me.” John 12:32.

“ Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. His love, shining from the cross, speaks
eloquently of the sufferings of the only-begotten Son of God for fallen man. This love draws
sinners to Him. The transgressor may resist this love; he may refuse to be drawn to Christ; but if
he does not resist, he will be led to the foot of the cross, in repentance for the sins that caused the
death of the Son of God. {ST, March 18, 1903 par. 1}.

But the cross would not only draw man to Christ, it would as well reconcile man to God. Christ,
hanging on the cross came between heaven and earth to reconcile both. We are told of Christ:
“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition
[between us];Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, [even] the law of commandments
[contained] in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, [so] making peace; And
that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby,
Eph 2:14-16. “And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all
things unto himself; by him, [I say], whether [they be] things in earth, or things in heaven. And
you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in [your] mind by wicked works, yet now hath he
reconciled.” Col 1:20,21. And to whom is Christ reconciling us to? To God for the Bible declares
unto us saying: “And all things [are] of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus
Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ,
reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed
unto us the word of reconciliation.” 2 Cor 5:18,19.

The altar lifted up pointed to the cross through which by the death of His son, God would
reconcile man unto Himself.

Why was the altar made of brass? as we have seen in our study of the court, brass represented
sinful flesh. To mean that while coming to be offered upon the cross, Christ Jesus would come
with the same sinful flesh that humanity possessed and would die for us. We are told that at the
cross , it’s a man that died, divinity did not die. “"I am the resurrection, and the life" (John
11:25). He who had said, "I lay down my life, that I might take it again" (John 10:17), came forth
from the grave to life that was in Himself. Humanity died; divinity did not die. In His divinity,
Christ possessed the power to break the bonds of death. He declares that He has life in Himself
to quicken whom He will. {1SM 301.1}

The four horns: a horn is a symbol of power, Hab 3:4, and with God it represents power to save,
Ps 18:2; Luke 1:69, which is found in the gospel, Rom 1:16. And as the horns were four for each
corner representing the four corners of the earth, Rev 7:1. So also Christ’s power to atone for the
sins of men and save them into His kingdom is available for all men. And this why the gospel
has to be presented to all (Math 24;14;Rev 14:6) as it was done during the days of the apostles
( Col 1:23)

The significance of the altar of burnt offering to the sinner:

As we’ve seen the altar was the place where the saviour would die, revealing God’s love to men
nd thus drawing them all unto Him. And all sinners who would respond to this drawing would be
led to repentance for God’s goodness always leads us to repentance( Rom 2:4).

“It is true that men sometimes become ashamed of their sinful ways, and give up some of their
evil habits, before they are conscious that they are being drawn to Christ. But whenever they
make an effort to reform, from a sincere desire to do right, it is the power of Christ that is
drawing them. An influence of which they are unconscious works upon the soul, and the
conscience is quickened, and the outward life is amended. And as Christ draws them to
LOOK UPON HIS CROSS, to behold Him whom their sins have pierced, the commandment
comes home to the conscience. The wickedness of their life, the deep-seated sin of the soul, is
revealed to them. They begin to comprehend something of the righteousness of Christ, and
exclaim, "What is sin, that it should require such a sacrifice for the redemption of its victim?
Was all this love, all this suffering, all this humiliation, demanded, that we might not perish, but
have everlasting life?" The sinner may resist this love, may refuse to be drawn to Christ; but if he
does not resist he will be drawn to Jesus; a knowledge of the plan of salvation will lead him to
the foot of the cross in repentance for his sins, which have caused the sufferings of God's dear
Son. {SC 27.1,2}. And in the repentance , we not only sorrow for our sins but we also cry for a
new heart like David “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Ps
51:10). Then as He demands for our hearts, (Prov 23:26), when we surrender it Christ will
crucify it on the cross. This is why David pointing to sacrifice that we are to give at the altar
says: “For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give [it]: thou delightest not in burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God [are] a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not
despise” Ps 51:16,17. Thus it’s at the altar that the old man is also to be crucified before we can
be created anew in Christ, it’s at the altar where we surrender ourselves to Christ to burn us fully,
to be crucified, that the old man may be dead, here at the altar the work of renewal begins.

We cannot advance in Christian experience without an entire consecration of ourselves to God.

This is why Paul says: “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were
baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as
Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in
newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also
[in the likeness] of [his] resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with [him],
that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that
is dead is freed from sin.” Rom 6:3-7

Paul himself underwent this experience and he declares saying: “I am crucified with Christ:
nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I
live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Gal 2:20. See also
Eph 4:4 and Col 3;9.

And how often should we surrender the old man to Christ? Paul declares saying: “I protest by
your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.” 1 Cor 15:31.It has to be a
daily experience.

And we are not only to surrender our hearts to God but also we are to all to him at the altar body
mind and soul, this is why Paul declares unto us saying: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by
the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,
[which is] your reasonable service.” Rom 12:1

Altar of burnt offering=surrender.

5. The laver and its foot( Ex 30:17-21)

The laver as shown

above was the next instrument in the sanctuary. It was made of brass that was got from the
looking glasses of the women (Ex 38:8). It had water which was used by the priests to wash their
hands and feet before going to minister in the tabernacle of the congregation or the altar of burnt
offerings. Thus in his daily ministration, the priest would come to the laver first before going to
the altar or the tabernacle. An illustration of Christ our Great high priest who before His death at
the altar or the beginning of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary would be baptized first. And
this we know was fulfilled in the life of Christ. For before anything, just before His ministry
began ,Christ was baptized first , Lk 3:21-23.

But not only was the laver a symbol of baptism, the laver also showed that after his death at the
cross (altar of burnt offering) Christ would be buried just as we are buried in the waters of
baptism, and then rise again, Rom 6:3-9.

The laver made of looking glasses which were mirrors represent God’s law( James 1:22-25)
which as our mirror points unto us our sins and points us to Christ, who is able to wash us from
all our unrighteousness.

The laver’s significance to the sinner:

Having seen how the laver relates to the life of Christ, let us see what relation it has to the sinner
because the sanctuary does not only point the position of Christ, but it also points to that which
His people should occupy.

While the altar represents the experience of surrendering our lives to God to be crucified with
Christ, the laver represents our being buried with Him, and then rising washed and cleansed from
our sins in newness of life ( Rom 6:4). This is what is called the new birth experience or
conversion. Titus speaking of it says: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but
according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy
Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;” Titus 3:5,6. And
Christ declared unto Nichodemus saying: “Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of
God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” John
3:5,6. But when we’ve been born again, when we’ve risen in newness of life, it’s not us who are
living but Christ who is living in us, Gal 2:20. And how does Christ dwell in us, it’s through
the holy ghost and the word ( 1 Joh 4:12,13; John 15:7). And if the Holy spirit dwells in us, we
will bear the fruit of the spirit, Gal 5:18-21, works of the flesh, of the old man will never be seen
again in our lives (Gal 5:19-212; Cor 5:17 ). And all who are led of the spirit (have been born
again), they are the sons of God ( Rom 8:14). All these Christ presents before His father clothed
in His righteousness and the Father accepts them as His own sons. This is what we call
justification by faith-The process by which God pardons us and through His transforming grace
makes us new creatures and accepts us as if we’ve never sinned. This is how we get the
righteousness of Christ imputed unto us. Then as we stand before the mirror/ law which had been
condemning us we can be pronounced righteous, because we’ve been washed.

The two agencies that God uses in this experience practically the word and the Holy Spirit
represented by the water. (See Eph 5:26; 1 Pet 1:23; John 7:37-39).


The experience at the court represents as we have seen the process of justification by faith. The
sinner at camp coming to the sanctuary enters through the gate, which symbolizes Christ Jesus,
then Christ will reveal unto us his love at the altar of burnt offering, and this love will break our
hearts leading us to repentance (Acts 5:31), and in repenting we will acknowledge/ confess our
sins and Christ promised that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our]
sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. Thus Christ does not only
forgive us of our sins but He desires to cleanse us from all our sins, which are in our hearts ( Jer
17:1). Thus if we surrender our hearts to him, Christ will crucify / destroy the carnal mind, at the
cross thus killing the old man (Rom 6:6 ). And to all who have died with Christ in His death, He
raises them in newness of life, He raises them new creatures with new minds which are spiritual,
we come forth born again with all our old things having passed away, 2 Cor 5:17. He has
promised in the book of Ezekiel saying: “Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall
be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also
will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart
out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you,
and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do [them].”
Ezekiel 36:25-27. Dear friend you maybe struggling with sin and yet you are not overcoming,
the solution is in surrendering your heart to God that He may give you a new heart and give you
His Spirit then you can walk in His commandments to do them. “You who in heart long for
something better than this world can give, recognize this longing as the voice of God to your
soul. Ask Him to give you repentance, to reveal Christ to you in His infinite love, in His perfect
purity. In the Saviour's life the principles of God's law--love to God and man--were perfectly
exemplified. Benevolence, unselfish love, was the life of His soul. It is as we behold Him, as the
light from our Saviour falls upon us, that we see the sinfulness of our own hearts. {SC 28.2}


The Roof of The Tabernacle:( Ex 26:1-15)

The roof of the sanctuary was formed of four coverings as shown below. From left is the inner
covering to the right till the outer covering on the right.

The inner covering was "of fine-twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet; with
cherubims of cunning work." Over this was a white covering of woven goats' hair. Next was
a covering of rams' skins dyed red; and outside of all a covering of badgers' skins. Ex. 36:8-
19. The brass "pins of the tabernacle," like tent stakes, held the coverings firmly to the ground
using cords Ex. 38:31, 35:18. “The roof was formed of four sets of curtains, the innermost of
"fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubim of cunning work;" the
other three respectively were of goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, and sealskins, so arranged
as to afford complete protection. {PP 347.1}

 The inner covering:

The ten curtains for the inner covering were twenty eight cubits in length and four
cubits wide, all the ten were of one measure.(Ex 26:2) When these ten curtains
were ready, five of them were coupled together, and the other five likewise
coupled one to another, thus making two larger curtains, each twenty cubits wide
and twenty-eight cubits long, or at least thirty by forty-two feet. On one long
selvedge edge of each (the 28 cubits long side ) were fastened fifty loops of blue,
(blue representing obedience to heavenly truth), so that by means of fifty taches,
or couplings of gold, these two large curtains were joined together. So it became
one covering, and it was called the "tabernacle." Ex. 36:8-13. How significant that
under these taches of brass and gold was hung the inner veil, Ex. 26:33
 The goat’s hair covering was made of eleven curtains each 30 cubits long and 4
cubits wide. Five of them were coupled together and the other six likewise were
coupled one to another. The curtains were joined with fifty taches of brass on fifty
loops making it one. The extra two cubits from the 30 cubits length was to overlap
the inner curtain thus covering the inner curtain with one cubit on each side, Ex

The spiritual significance of the coverings:

As we saw earlier while looking at the gate, the number four is a number that reveals aspects in
relation to the life of Christ. Therefore even the four coverings reveal unto us different aspects in
the life and ministry of Christ. They show us the different positions Christ would occupy to make
the work of our salvation complete.

1. The outer covering (badger’s skin): “The badger is supposed by some to be like the
seal. It was a marine animal found in the Red Sea. Its dark brown or black skin was
tough and durable, and often used for show leather and soles.” Path To the Throne of God
p 85, by Sarah peck.
Black or brown are very somber colours, they have nothing attractive in them. Thus
the outer covering, that which was outwardly visible represents that part of Christ’s life
that was the most unattractive of all- His life here on earth as a human being. Of it the
inspired record states: “Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the
LORD revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a
dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, [there is] no
beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of
sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were [our] faces from him; he was
despised, and we esteemed him not.” Isa 53:1-3
David speaking of Him in prophecy says: “But I [am] a worm, and no man; a
reproach of men, and despised of the people. All they that see me laugh me to scorn:
they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, [saying], He trusted on the LORD [that] he
would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him” Ps 22:6-8
And if this is how our master presented Himself in this world, He warns us by telling us
to expect such saying: “Blessed are ye, when [men] shall revile you, and persecute
[you], and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be
exceeding glad: for great [is] your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets
which were before you.” Math 5:11,12
“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you. If ye were of the
world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have
chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I
said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they
will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” John
“For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.”
Lk 16:15.
And so H

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