1 Human Adult Neurogenesis - Evidence and Remaining Questions

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Human Adult Neurogenesis: Evidence and

Remaining Questions
Gerd Kempermann,1,* Fred H. Gage,2,* Ludwig Aigner,3 Hongjun Song,4 Maurice A. Curtis,5 Sandrine Thuret,6
H. Georg Kuhn,7,8 Sebastian Jessberger,9 Paul W. Frankland,10 Heather A. Cameron,11 Elizabeth Gould,12 Rene Hen,13
D. Nora Abrous,14 Nicolas Toni,15 Alejandro F. Schinder,16 Xinyu Zhao,17 Paul J. Lucassen,18 and Jonas Frisén19,*
1German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) Dresden and CRTD (Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden), Technische

Universita€t Dresden, Dresden, Germany

2Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA
3Institute of Molecular Regenerative Medicine, Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg, Paracelsus Medical University,

Salzburg, Austria
4Department of Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
5Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging and Centre for Brain Research, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
6King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, London, UK
7University of Gothenburg, Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology, Section for Clinical Neuroscience, Gothenburg, Sweden

€tsmedizin Berlin, Neurocure Cluster of Excellence, Berlin, Germany

8Charité – Universita
9HiFo / Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
10Program in Neuroscience and Mental Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON M5GOA4, Canada
11Section on Neuroplasticity, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
12Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
13Departments of Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
14Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux, France
15Lausanne University Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Center for Psychiatric Neurosciences, Lausanne, Switzerland
16Neuronal Plasticity Lab, Leloir Institute – CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
17Waisman Center and Department of Neuroscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison,

18Brain Plasticity group, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Center for Neuroscience, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
19Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

*Correspondence: [email protected] (G.K.), [email protected] (F.H.G.), jonas.frisé[email protected] (J.F.)


Renewed discussion about whether or not adult neurogenesis exists in the human hippocampus, and the
nature and strength of the supporting evidence, has been reignited by two prominently published reports
with opposite conclusions. Here, we summarize the state of the field and argue that there is currently no
reason to abandon the idea that adult-generated neurons make important functional contributions to neural
plasticity and cognition across the human lifespan.

Adult hippocampal neurogenesis, the lifelong generation of new The Evidence for Adult Neurogenesis in the
neurons in a brain region that is central to learning and memory Human Brain
(Altman and Das, 1965), exerts a strong fascination for scientists In 1998, Eriksson and colleagues applied the current ‘‘gold stan-
and the public alike. Knowledge about this process has funda- dard’’ adult hippocampal neurogenesis method, which was
mentally changed our ideas about how the hippocampus works previously established in animal studies, on the human hippo-
and, by extension, our ideas about the structural substrates that campus (Eriksson et al., 1998). They identified patients who had
underlie human cognition, cognitive aging, and the loss of hippo- received infusions of the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine
campal functions in, for example, Alzheimer’s disease or stress- (BrdU) for tumor-staging purposes, but did not receive any treat-
related disorders and depression. ment that is thought to affect cell generation, and they analyzed
Two prominently published studies have now reignited the the brains postmortem. Their conclusion from five brains was
scientific debate about adult neurogenesis in humans. A report that adult neurogenesis could be detected in the human hippo-
by Sorrells et al. (2018) concluded that neurogenesis in the campus in the same location and numbers as expected based
human hippocampal dentate gyrus drops to undetectable on work in rats. BrdU and other halogenated thymidine analogs,
amounts during childhood, and that the human hippocampus such as IdU or CldU, are incorporated into the DNA of dividing
must function differently from that in other species, in which adult precursor cells and can be detected immunohistochemically. De-
neurogenesis is conserved (Sorrells et al., 2018). In another tecting a BrdU-positive neuron thus indicates that the neuron has
study, Boldrini et al. (2018) came to the opposite conclusion originated from a cell that underwent division at exactly the time at
and reported lifelong neurogenesis in humans. Thus, in the which BrdU was applied, since BrdU has a short biological half-
space of only a few weeks, two reports have been published life. Incorporation of thymidine analogues or 14C into DNA could
that could not be more different. Herein, we discuss how the cur- theoretically be caused by processes other than duplication of
rent state of knowledge about adult hippocampal neurogenesis DNA during mitosis, such as DNA repair or methylation. However,
applies to the human situation (Figure 1). BrdU does not appear to be significantly incorporated during DNA

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Figure 1. Multiple Lines of Evidence in
Support of Adult Hippocampal
Neurogenesis in Humans
Data from rodents suggest a particular and spe-
cific function for adult-generated neurons of the
dentate gyrus, which would be of great relevance
to human cognition in health and disease (green
box). Three birthdating studies confirm the idea
that adult hippocampal neurogenesis exists in
humans (dark green box, top), and a much larger
set of studies based on ex vivo analyses of pre-
cursor cells and marker expression provide sup-
portive evidence (light green box, bottom). Sorrells
et al. (2018) have questioned the validity of marker
studies (red X), and we discuss evidence for and
against human hippocampal adult neurogenesis in
this Minireview.

genesis between the precursor cell stage

and immature neurons, and it is widely
used as a proxy marker for adult neurogen-
esis, although it is also expressed in other
contexts (Kuhn et al., 2016). Several earlier
studies have used DCX to assess adult
neurogenesis in humans (Dennis et al.,
2016; Galán et al., 2017; Knoth et al.,
2010; Liu et al., 2008; Mathews et al., 2017).
Sorrells et al. and Boldrini et al. use the
approach first reported by Knoth et al.
(2010), who assessed 54 samples across
the lifespan of 0 to 100 years using combi-
nations of 14 markers (Knoth et al., 2010).
In contrast to Sorrells et al. (2018), Knoth
et al. and now Boldrini et al. found DCX-
repair and is not taken up by dying neurons (Bauer and Patterson, positive cells co-expressing other neurogenesis markers. But
2005), and 14C incorporation during extensive DNA repair in while Sorrells et al. and several other studies pointed out an
cortical neurons after stroke was below the level detected by car- age-related decrease in marker overlap and a sharp decline in
bon dating (Huttner et al., 2014). For the 14C levels in the DNA of proliferating cells (Dennis et al., 2016; Knoth et al., 2010; Math-
adult human hippocampal neurons to be explained by DNA repair ews et al., 2017), Boldrini et al. employed additional validation
or methylation, the entire genome would have had to be methods that did not find an association between labeled cells
exchanged in 35% of the neurons by these processes (Spalding and increasing age. In contrast to previous studies, they applied
et al., 2013), which is by a very large margin beyond any type of stereology, a method for unbiased quantification within a tissue
DNA modification described. volume. The conclusion still stands in contrast to quantitative es-
While such birthdating methods are cornerstones of demon- timates, based on carbon 14 (14C) birthdating of neuronal DNA
strating adult neurogenesis, especially in undescribed regions (Spalding et al., 2013). That study by Spalding, Bergmann, and
of the brain or in new species, they alone are not sufficient as colleagues notably assessed 14C data from 55 individuals, and
proof but require support by methodologically independent lines this broad range of samples and alternative method of quantita-
of evidence. tion serves as independent validation for adult neurogenesis in
Providing such supporting evidence, stem cells with neuro- the human hippocampus. Another study by the same group,
genic potential were isolated from the adult human hippocam- though focused on striatal neurogenesis, also contained a repli-
pus (e.g., Palmer et al., 2001). In addition, several studies have cation of Eriksson’s findings using the thymidine analog IdU in
used immunocytochemistry to detect cells expressing cell prolif- four more subjects (Figure S2 of Ernst et al., 2014).
eration markers in human postmortem brains (e.g., Boekhoorn The studies by Eriksson et al., Ernst et al., and Spalding et al.
et al., 2006; Curtis et al., 2003; Dennis et al., 2016; Liu et al., used a form of lineage tracing in which the DNA of dividing
2008; Mathews et al., 2017). precursor cells was labeled (by 14C, BrdU, or IdU) and their prog-
Both Sorrells et al. and Boldrini et al. primarily base their main eny was analyzed for the expression of neuronal markers. Thus,
conclusions on the individual or combined expression of key these studies focus on identifying the presence of newly formed
marker proteins such as doublecortin (DCX) or PSA-NCAM as neurons. In contrast, Sorrells et al. and other studies base their
markers for intermediate progenitor cells and early immature conclusions about neurogenesis on histological analysis of
neurons (often dubbed ‘‘neuroblasts’’). In rodents, DCX (and markers for precursor cells and their proliferative status, as
PSA-NCAM) characterizes an intermediate phase of adult neuro- well as early immature stages.

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Technical Issues seems likely that the Sorrells et al.’s study was at least not
The Limitations of Marker Studies optimized for the detection of neurogenesis.
Sorrells et al. essentially based their conclusion about the An important consequence of the renewed discussion will
rareness or even absence of neurogenesis on the absence of therefore be a raised awareness of the challenges that these
morphological features and the lack of detection of two marker approaches pose when studying human brains (Bao and Swaab,
proteins, DCX and PSA-NCAM. In contrast, Boldrini et al. de- 2018).
tected a large number of cells displaying the very same markers Quantitative Aspects
and saw that as evidence of neurogenesis. A crucial factor in ac- Several groups have previously reported quantitative estimates
curate detection of marker proteins is the postmortem delay of the presence of DCX- or PSA-NCAM-positive cells in adult
(PMD), i.e., the time between the death of a person and fixation humans (Dennis et al., 2016; Galán et al., 2017; Knoth et al.,
of the brain. DCX rapidly breaks down after death: a controlled 2010), and Boldrini et al. (2018) have been among the first to
time course study of PMD in rats has shown that DCX staining make a serious attempt to apply proper stereological principles
becomes weak within a few hours of PMD (Boekhoorn et al., to the analysis. This approach is urgently needed, but the imple-
2006). In the Sorrells paper, many subjects had very long mentation is challenging in the kind of tissue samples usually
PMDs of ‘‘less than 48 hr’’ (that is, up to 2 full days before fixa- available from humans. Irrespective of the approach used, all
tion), whereas in Boldrini et al. (2018) the PMD was up to 26 hr. of these studies reported only sparse DCX-positive cells in the
Some samples in Sorrells et al., however, also had only short adult dentate gyrus, and the rough quantitative estimates
postmortem intervals of below 5 hours. It thus would be valuable actually seem comparable between the studies.
to know whether the inter-individual variation in neuroblast Carbon dating indicates that about 700 new neurons are
numbers in Boldrini et al. correlated to the PMD. In addition, it added per day in each dentate gyrus and it seems that, even
would be interesting to learn how well the different marker com- if one allows a large margin of error, the available numbers
binations (and, hence, cell types) correlated. Type and duration for DCX-expressing cells fall into the same order of magnitude.
of fixation are other relevant methodological factors. Human The decline in the number of DCX-positive cells during adult-
samples might be stored in the fixative for years. Based on their hood and into old age, reported in most studies, is closely
long fixation period in 10% formalin, masking of the PSA-NCAM paralleled by a decreased generation of new neurons
antigen has likely occurred, possibly explaining the relative measured by carbon dating (Figure 5A in Spalding et al.,
absence of this marker in Sorrells et al.’s tissues. Other samples 2013). This decline is also found in rodents, where not only
in that study, however, were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, so proliferation decreases but also the subsequent neurogenesis
this problem might not extend to all cases. The key point is phase slows down with increasing age. If the numbers from
that these technical issues need to be taken into consideration Boldrini et al. are confirmed, the extent of adult human neuro-
for a full evaluation of the evidence. genesis would previously have been under-estimated rather
As what could be considered a control for the issue of than over-estimated.
postmortem interval, Sorrells et al. also examined tissue from ep- For the number of DCX-positive cells found by Knoth et al. to
ilepsy surgery. While this is rare tissue, it is challenging to investi- give rise to the number of new neurons estimated by carbon
gate and its use is potentially confounded by the fact that epilepsy dating, the phase of DCX expression could last for approximately
results in a massive reorganization of the hippocampal circuitry 3 weeks if half of them gave rise to mature neurons. This duration
and damage to the neurogenic niche (Jessberger and Parent, of the DCX-positive stage is comparable to what is seen in
2015). On the other hand, others have reported evidence of neuro- rodents, in which approximately half of the DCX-positive inter-
genesis in epilepsy patient samples (Coras et al., 2010; Liu et al., mediate cells give rise to a mature neuron. Thus, it is conceivable
2008). Nevertheless, the caveats of studying epileptic tissue and that the reported very sparse numbers of DCX-positive cells in
these clear discrepancies between the different studies make it the adult human dentate gyrus can still give rise to the number
difficult to confidently interpret these results. The disease phase of new neurons quantified by the BrdU method and carbon
preceding the study subjects’ deaths also generally needs to be dating. However, there is a large inter-individual variation in the
considered. Moreover, in humans, the act of dying itself massively number of neuroblasts reported by Boldrini et al., with very low
elevates stress hormones (Bao and Swaab, 2018), and since DCX numbers in some subjects. Such inter-individual variation has
staining dropped dramatically as soon as 30 minutes after capture been suggested by a previous marker study (Dennis et al.,
in bats, stress hormones may have reduced DCX levels in the 2016), as well as by carbon dating (Spalding et al., 2013). It
human brain as well (Chawana et al., 2014). does not seem likely, but it is still conceivable that the individuals
Variability can also be explained by the many genetic and envi- in the sample of the Sorrells et al. study all happened to have
ronmental factors that regulate neurogenesis in rodents such as minimal or no neurogenesis.
exercise, hormonal status, diet, epilepsy, anxiety, addiction,
inflammation, and stress (Lucassen et al., 2015). The study by Conceptual Contexts
Boldrini et al. differs from previous studies in that it attempts Potential Species Differences
to correlate adult neurogenesis with angiogenesis and tissue The use of DCX and PSA-NCAM expression as sole indicators of
volume as additional tissue parameters, which are influenced neurogenesis is also problematic as, in humans, we might find a
by activity. Moreover, they included only subjects without neuro- relative temporal ‘‘decoupling’’ of precursor cell proliferation,
logical or psychiatric disease. which builds the potential for neurogenesis, from the actual
Given these methodological issues and the impact of lifestyle recruitment or differentiation into new neurons. One study
factors for the human tissues that were studied at an end stage, it suggested, for example, that the decrease in DCX in the aging

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Figure 2. Consequences of Species Differences in the Course of Neurogenesis

Besides methodological considerations, a hypothetical concept of a temporal decoupling of the stages of adult neurogenesis and species differences in marker
expression, although largely speculative at this time, might explain part of the discrepancies between rodent and human data. The point is that alternative
hypotheses that are consistent with the available data are possible.

human hippocampus is not paralleled by similar decreases in pattern separation.’’ They facilitate the integration of new infor-
proliferation marker Ki67, putative stem cell marker GFAPd, or mation into pre-existing contexts and help to clear the dentate
neurogenic transcription factor Tbr2/EOMES (Mathews et al., gyrus at the circuit level and, at least in this sense, support
2017). The learning-induced recruitment of newborn neurons forgetting. In addition, as the hippocampus is part of the limbic
(at least in rodents) is dependent on a reservoir of recruitable system, new neurons are involved in affective behaviors.
postmitotic cells and not on precursor cell proliferation per se. The new neurons contribute synaptic plasticity to the dentate
DCX is often used as a proxy for this population of ‘‘immature’’ gyrus, measured as increased long-term potentiation (LTP; Ge
neurons. However, there is no simple relationship between cell et al., 2007; Marı́n-Burgin et al., 2012; Schmidt-Hieber et al.,
proliferation, the number of DCX-positive cells, and net neuro- 2004). All other neurons are massively inhibited by the local
genesis. In fact, DCX expression is not required for adult neuro- interneurons. At a given time, synaptic plasticity in the dentate
genesis or synaptic plasticity during that period (Germain et al., gyrus is thus concentrated in a defined, functionally naive subset
2013). DCX expression alone is thus likely not sufficient to fully of (new) neurons. This unique mechanism of focusing plasticity
predict the functional potential of neurogenesis. sets this neuronal network apart from all others studied to
In addition, new neurons in mice are not DCX-positive date. In this context, the number of new cells required for a func-
throughout their entire postmitotic maturation period, and rats tional benefit is actually very low.
have many fewer DCX-positive cells than mice, despite having As an important and influential discussion point, Pasko Rakic
higher rates of neurogenesis, because their neurons mature has famously argued that adult hippocampal neurogenesis
faster (Snyder et al., 2009). In mice, Calretinin (CR) appears to would not be possible in humans because the adult human brain
be a better proxy marker for this period. Ironically, CR does has to favor stability over plasticity in order to accomplish its
not seem to be similarly expressed even in rats, but it has been computational tasks (Rakic, 1985). Current theories usually
used in at least one human study (Galán et al., 2017). It is clearly argue the other way around: it is exactly its amazing plasticity
speculation at this time, but if DCX does not cover the entire that has made the human brain so flexible and successful. The
period of increased plasticity in mice, we should be open to question is: what is the contribution of new neurons to this
the possibility that species (as well as inter-individual) differ- success? As adult neurogenesis is spatially limited, this contri-
ences also apply to the dynamics of marker expression and bution cannot be general, as most brain regions, including the
the lengths of critical phases (Figure 2). neocortex, work without it, but its effects might still be strategic.
Functional Aspects Simple brains are highly effective but in their ‘‘hard-wiredness,’’
Research across many laboratories has painted an increasingly they are hardly adaptable. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is a
complete picture of how new neurons contribute to hippocampal prime tool for adaptability and seems to be a solution to the
function (Abrous and Wojtowicz, 2015; Christian et al., 2014). specific computational challenge in the dentate gyrus. Without
These studies support the view that adult neurogenesis is not it, yet another solution to the plasticity-stability dilemma as
needed for learning per se but rather for an advanced level of seen in rodents would need to have evolved in humans. Whether
functionality. The new neurons allow the spatiotemporal contex- such a parallel solution is likely or not remains to be discussed,
tualization of information and they help avoid catastrophic inter- but the functional contribution that new neurons would make
ference in the hippocampal network, promoting ‘‘behavioral to human cognition is not negligible.

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Evolutionary Considerations tion, this balance is likely to change across the lifespan. If the
The mammalian dentate gyrus as we see it in rodents and pri- duration of the window of plasticity lengthens with age, extremely
mates, including humans, is an ‘‘add-on’’ structure that evolved low numbers of proliferating cells could still contribute to a reser-
late phylogenetically and developed late ontogenetically. Signs voir of plastic cells that sustain the required functionality. To some
of adult hippocampal neurogenesis have been detected across extent, this functionality also seems to be additive, in that past
essentially all land-born mammalian species; that is, except for neurogenic events also lastingly change the networks (because
the aquatic and possibly some flying mammals (Kempermann, the new neurons survive for long durations with presumably
2012). Dolphins, despite their ascribed ‘‘intelligence,’’ have a normal levels of synaptic plasticity), so that aged individuals
habitat that is profoundly different from humans, and they have might actually require lower numbers of new neurons.
an exceptionally small hippocampus and a cortical architecture The process of adult neurogenesis may somewhat parallel
that differs massively from terrestrial mammals. By all standards, what occurs in the female reproductive system of mammals,
humans are more like mice in this respect. where all stem cell proliferation that generates the population
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis evolved with the dentate of egg cells occurs very early in life and further development is
gyrus; it shows little resemblance to the more diffuse neurogen- delayed. The case of adult neurogenesis might not be as
esis found in the non-mammalian equivalents. Additional extreme, depending on whether the study by Sorrells et al. or
comparative studies are still needed, but the hypothesis is that Boldrini et al. best reflects the situation, but there is no funda-
adult hippocampal neurogenesis is an advanced solution to a mental need for substantial stem cell proliferation in adult neuro-
particular network situation that delivers added specialized func- genesis to extend throughout the ever-expanding lifespan of
tionality to the hippocampus—including that of humans. Sorrells humans. There might also be a ‘‘neurogenic menopause,’’ in
et al. argue that there is no condensed subgranular zone stem which the potential is used up, and this might indeed contribute
cell niche or neurogenesis in humans and thus that such continu- to age-related cognitive decline.
ity in function might not exist, but this cannot be concluded
from the presence or absence of marker proteins alone. The Conclusion
described functional relevance of adult neurogenesis is depen- Regarding adult hippocampal neurogenesis in humans, many
dent on the availability of ‘‘immature’’ neurons with reduced inhi- questions remain unanswered. Species differences are inter-
bition and high synaptic plasticity, not on precursor cell esting and important, and the report by Sorrells et al. reminds
proliferation or intermediate progenitor cells per se. us that simple 1:1 translations from animal studies to humans
Neocortical development is an example of where, in the are problematic. But the coincident publication by Boldrini
human brain, a common developmental principle has evolved et al., which in our view is more in line with the other current
to greater complexity: a precursor cell population that is only body of knowledge briefly summarized in the present article,
transient in mice and rats became the foundation of the massive not only further questions the interpretation that there is minimal
expansion and gyrification of the neocortex in primates (Fietz or undetectable adult neurogenesis in the human hippocampus,
et al., 2010). However, the basal progenitor cell that allowed but also points out the direction in which this kind of research will
this step at least transiently also exists in mice. With respect to develop: toward a more quantitative analysis that aims at relating
adult neurogenesis, a key difference between rodents and neurogenesis parameters to other features of plasticity and to
humans might therefore lie in the specific qualitative and quanti- behavior in health and disease. There is a clear need for addi-
tative relationship between precursor cell proliferation, a hypoth- tional ways to study the generation of new neurons in adult hu-
esized non-proliferative waiting state, a period of high synaptic mans. A more complete analysis of cell phenotypes and poten-
plasticity, and the lasting integration of the new neurons. tial differentiation trajectories, by for example single-cell RNA-
The contribution of such highly plastic ‘‘neurons in waiting’’ not sequencing, is likely to provide valuable information. Methods
only depends on the number of cells but also on the duration of for following the process of adult neurogenesis in vivo would
this critical time window of enhanced plasticity (Kempermann, be extremely valuable, particularly for assessing changes under
2012). The period of DCX expression appears to be about a different conditions and in pathology.
month long in humans, as it is in mice, but species might still Since the serendipitous discovery of adult neurogenesis by
differ in that respect. In any case, full maturation of newborn Joseph Altman (Altman and Das, 1965) and the heated discus-
neurons might take several months in primates (Kohler et al., sion about ‘‘Limits of neurogenesis in primates’’ (Rakic, 1985)
2011), resulting in a heterogeneity of the granule cell population after Fernando Nottebohm’s description of adult neurogenesis
with a relatively large subpopulation of early neurons in waiting in songbirds in the 1980s, the field has come a long way and
with delayed final maturation. amassed a more than critical and multifaceted body of evidence
Different mammalian species might have developed different supporting the existence of adult neurogenesis in human brains.
solutions to the problem of how to provide a critical population Human evolution might have found very efficient ways to balance
of highly plastic cells to the network. For example, the red fox proliferation and the duration of the critical maturation period in
(Vulpes vulpes) has very high numbers of DCX-positive cells order to provide the level of hippocampal plasticity that the indi-
but very low levels of proliferation, which is quite different from vidual requires.
mice (Amrein and Slomianka, 2010).
The balance between retained neurogenic potential from
proliferating progenitor cells or from a reservoir of pre-generated,
highly excitable cells might also vary between human individuals This research was in part supported by the Intramural Research Program of the
(see discussion above and within Spalding et al., 2013). In addi- NIMH (ZIAMH002784 to H.A.C.).

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