Class 4-3: Unit 7

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The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.

Class 4-3

Unit 7:

Were you at school yesterday? 2

Unit 8:

I climbed the mountain. 8

Unit 9:

He’s the biggest. 15

Review 3 21

Written by ENG -1-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3

Word list

Unit 7: Unit 8: Unit 9:

climb biggest
cook careful
dry dangerous
jog fastest
spout flavor
do the farming
vacation greatest
visit happiest
wash jealous
school bell

Written by ENG -2-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3

Unit 7: Were you at school yesterday?

1. Read and listen.

Pig: Here you are! I think I will never see

you again!
Rabbit: What happened to you?
Where were you?

Pig: I was in the forest to catch butterflies.

Pooh: Great! How was it?
Pig: It was great at first. Then, I lost
my way home but I could be home at last.

Pooh: Tiger and I were in the garden,

we did the farming, so exciting!
Tiger: Where were you, Donkey?
Donkey: I was at home. It was boring.
Pooh: Oh, sorry for not inviting you to
go with us.
Donkey: It’s ok!
Tiger: Don’t be sad! We are together now!
Pooh: From now on, we will always
be together.

Written by ENG -3-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3
2. Listen, point and say.

at school at home
at the beach at the bookstore

at the zoo
at the supermarket
at the cinema at the circus

 Your turn: Listen and make a tick () then talk with your friends.




Ben &

Written by ENG -4-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3
3. Let’s speak.
 Ask your friends. Use:

Were you at……………yesterday?

Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.

 Your turn: Talk with your friends to find where your friends
were yesterday!


Learn these:

We/you/they were

I/he/she/it was

yesterday last week last month last year ago

Written by ENG -5-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3
4. Listen and match.













Written by ENG -6-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3
5. Ask and answer as the modal below.

Hey Mary! Where

were you yesterday?

I was at the
beach yesterday.
How was it?

It was fun.

Written by ENG -7-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3

6. Let’s sing together.

walked to school
lked to school
I went to school one morning.
and I walked like this.
Walked like this, walked like this.
I went to school one morning and I walked like this.
All on my way to school.

I saw a little robin.

and he hopped like this.
Hopped like this, hopped like this.
I saw a little robin and he hopped like this.
All on my way to school.

I saw a shiny river.

and I splashed like this.
Splashed like this, splashed like this.
I saw a shiny river and I splashed like this.
All on my way to school.

I saw a tall policeman,

And he stood like this.
Stood like this, stood like this.
I saw a tall policeman and he stood like this.
All on my way to school.

I heard the school bell ringing.

And I ran like this.
Ran like this, ran like this.
I heard the school bell ringing and I ran like this.
All on my way to school.
Written by ENG -8-
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3

Unit 8: I climbed the mountain.

1. Read and listen.

Written by ENG -9-

The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3

2. Listen, point and say.

played soccer listened to music

watched TV

climbed the mountain

washed clothes jogged in the park

studied at school

visited friends
played computer games

Written by ENG - 10 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3
3. Ask and answer.

 Ask your friends what he/she did last week.

 Then write your friend’s diary.

What did you do

last Monday?

I watched TV at home
and did my homework.

Friend’s name:_________
Friend’s name:_________
Tuesday: _____________
Tuesday: _____________
Wednesday: __________
Wednesday: __________
Thursday: ___________
Thursday: ___________
Friday: ______________
Friday: ______________
Saturday: ____________
Saturday: ____________
Sunday: ______________
Sunday: ______________

Friend’s name:_________ Friend’s name:_________

Monday:______________ Monday:______________
Tuesday: _____________ Tuesday: _____________
Wednesday: __________ Wednesday: __________
Thursday: ___________ Thursday: ___________
Friday: ______________ Friday: ______________
Saturday: ____________ Saturday: ____________
Sunday: _______________ Sunday: ______________

Written by ENG - 11 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - class 4.3

Learn these:

o rain  rained /d/

o smile  smiled /d/

o study  studied /d/

o dance  danced /t/

o kiss  kissed /t/

o stop  stopped /t/

o want  wanted /id/

o need  needed /id/

 Your turn: Adding “ed” after the following verbs then pronounce.

o cry ------------------------ o add ------------------------

o ask ------------------------ o work ------------------------

o cook ------------------------ o shop ------------------------

o rained ------------------------ o laugh ------------------------

o play ------------------------ o help ------------------------

Written by ENG - 12 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3
4. Listen and complete Henry’s diary.

Monday: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Tuesday: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Wednesday: …………………………………………………………………………………

Thursday: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Friday: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Saturday: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Sunday: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Written by ENG - 13 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3
5. Write about your last week.








Written by ENG - 14 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3
6. Let’s sing together.

Incy wincy song

Incy Wincy spider climbing up the spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

Now Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!

Incy Wincy spider climbing up the spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

Now Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!

Written by ENG - 15 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3

Unit 9: He’s the biggest.

1. Read and listen.

1. Daddy, I want to 2. No, Samba, it’s the

play in the jungle. most dangerous place.

3. You’d better
stay at home.
4. Daddy, please!

5. Ok! Be careful,
6. Look! What a
beautiful waterfall!

8. Pig! This is
the nicest place
in the jungle.

9. And dangerous
too, it’s time for
7. Right! Let’s go! home.

10. Samba is the

happiest animal in
this jungle.
I’m jealous with him.

11. I’m home daddy.

You’re my greatest
father. I love you. 12. I love you, too!

Written by ENG - 16 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3

2. Listen, point and say.

tall taller the tallest

big bigger the biggest

fast faster the fastest

the smallest

long longer the longest

Written by ENG - 17 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3
3. Look and write the correct numbers.

3. whale
6. ostrich

8. hippo 11. lamb

5. horse
9. bear

10. worm 4. monkey


7. shark
12. wolf

2. dog
1. lion

Written by ENG - 18 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3
4. Let’s speak.

 Look at Part 3 again, ask and answer with your friends.


Which animals are bigger

– the lion or the dog?

3. 2.

That’s right! The lion is bigger.

Your turn!


5. Which animals are

the fastest – the
The horse is horse, the worm or
the fastest. the dog?

 Your turn: Look at Part 3 again and write “true” or “false”?

1. The shark is longer than the worm. ..............................................................

2. The bear is shorter than the dog. ..............................................................

3. The horse is not slower than the monkey. ........................................................

4. The worm is the smallest. ..............................................................

5. The lion is bigger than the dog. ..............................................................

6. Lambs are not the fastest animals. ..............................................................

Written by ENG - 19 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3
5. Look and write.

1.big ___________ the biggest


______________ ___________ the smallest


______________ taller ____________


fast ____________ ____________


short ____________ ____________


____________ ____________ the longest


slow ____________ ____________


fat ____________ ____________

Written by ENG - 20 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3
6. Let’s sing together.


Don’t always like the same things

Take ice cream

We like different flavors We

And we Don’t always see eye to eye

Don’t always see things the same Don’t ask me why

Once you called me a name But we don’t mind it

And I returned the flavor And we

But you are my best friend Don’t always get a long

Forever But our friendship is strong

We won’t ever let that end We can always find it

No never And you are my best friend

You are here for me and Forever

I am here for you We won’t ever let that end

That’s what best friends do. No never

You are here for me and

I am here for you

That’s what best friends do.

Written by ENG - 21 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3

3. 5.
Where was Mary last Everest is the Where is the red
Monday? ____________
mountain in the world.

3. The great wall of
China is the ______
What did Sue and 5.
John do last wall of the world.
Are you from

Yesterday, I stayed
4. 5.
at home and
________________ Peter w_____ to Was Jim at home
school last Monday. yesterday?

Written by ENG - 22 -
The He Moi English Programs Student’s book - Class 4-3

1. 2.
I ____________ Tony is from
last Saturday.
He can speak

1. 2.
Tom was at the
__________ is
______ yesterday.
longer than

1. Choose the colors.

Take turns rolling the die
to complete your tasks.
- If you are correct, put
your notes on the
1. Is the blue whale
Can Lisa speak the biggest mammal
- If you are wrong, leave
Greece and in the world?
the picture empty.
2. The winner is the first
player who can put
the notes on all
each card.

Written by ENG - 23 -

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