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Philippine Normal University

National Center for Teacher Education


Multicultural Education Hub

Detailed Lesson Plan in

Teaching English 3

Submitted by:

Rheyjean R. Soriano


Submitted to:

Prof. Elvie Charie Ortua

Course Instructor
Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English 2

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. identify action words;
b. determine the use of verbs; and
c. construct sentences using common verbs.

Value focus: Cooperation

II. Subject Matter: Verbs

Reference: Third Edition English This Way 2 Author, pp. 94 – 100

Materials: Pictures, Flash cards and Visual aids

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class! Good morning, teacher!

How are you this morning? We are all good, teacher!

1. Drill

2. Review

Do you still remember our last lesson? Yes, Teacher!

What is it all about? Demonstrative Pronoun
Very good!

What are Demonstrative Pronouns? This, These, That, Those.

Very good!
3. Motivation
Do you have a Favorite Cartoon
Character? Yes, Teacher!

Who is your favorite Cartoon SpongeBob, Teacher!


I also have here my favoritecartoon


Do you want to meet them? Yes, Teacher!

His name is Phineas and Ferb.

Say Hi to Phineas and Ferb! Hi, Phineas and Ferb!

Would you like to hear a story about

Phineas? Yes, Teacher!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the New Lesson
This afternoon we are going to
read a story entitled, “The outer space
adventure of Phineas and Ferb”

a. Unlocking of Difficulties
Before we read the story, let’s
have an activity. All you need to
do is to identify the exact definition of
the underlined words.

1. He shook the blankets vigorously to

get rid of the dust.
a. involves physical strength
b. unusual or surprising
c. not quick or fast
2. Ben gave him a strange look.
a. familiar
b. unusual
c. rare

2. Setting of Standards

But before we read the story, what

should a good pupil do while the
teacher is talking here in front? Behave, teacher!

What else? Be quiet and listen carefully teacher

Can I expect that from you class? Yes, Teacher!

A. Reading of the Story

“The outer space adventure of Phineas
and Ferb”
One day, while they were sitting at
their yard Phineas and Ferb, had a
strange idea, they plan to a big rocket,
which they will be using to go to the
moon. When they finally got to the
moon their excitement brought them to
jump vigorously. Phineas and Ferb had
a great time playing in outer space.
They sing a lullaby, they dance
energetically and also they run all over
the different regions of the moon. The
two boys had wonderful experience
playing together. That’s why Phineas
and Ferb felt tired. At that point, they
decided to back to their house and
take a rest. The end.

1. Comprehension Check Up

Did you understand the story? Yes, Teacher!

Who are the characters of the story? Phineas and Ferb, Teacher!

Where did they go? At the Moon, Teacher! They play, Teacher!

What did they do in the moon?

Very good!

2. Valuing

3. Language Focus
From the story that we read a while
ago what do Phineas and Ferb does
first in the moon, when they arrived?
Very good

After that, what are the activities they

do all over the moon?
They jump, Teacher!
Very good!

What else?
They sing, Teacher!
Very good!

And lastly?
They dance, Teacher!
Very good!

What are the activities they do? They run, Teacher!

What have you noticed on the


Very good! Jumping, singing, dancing, running

What do you mean by those words?

The pictures show actions.
What do you call the words that show

Very good! Action words, teacher.

What do we mean by verbs?

Verbs, teacher.
Very good!

Who can give me an example of a

verb? Verbs are words that show action.

Very good!

What else?
Eating, teacher.
Very good!

Walking, teacher.
Very good!

Did you now understand Verbs?

Talking, teacher.
Are there any questions about verbs?

C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization Yes, teacher.
Let us see if you really understand the
lesson. None, teacher.
What are verbs?

Very good!

What do we call to the word that shows

action? Verbs are words that show action.

Very good!

2. Application
We are going play Word hunting. All you Verbs, teacher.
have to do is to search for the words inside
the word hunt as I give you clues for every
word that you are going to look for.

Is that clear?

Let’s start!

1. What did you do when you’re very sad?

Yes, teacher.
2. What did you do when you see
something funny?

3. What did you do when you’re in a hurry? Cry

4. What did you do when you see a book? Laugh

5. What did you do when you’re hungry?

A E R Read
G D Eat
IV. Evaluation
Fill in each blank with the correct verb from the box.

push playing swim

throws writes

1. The swimmers __________ in the pool.

2. The boy __________ his name.
3. The runners’ ________ around the oval tracks.
4. The Basketball player _______ the ball.
5. The girl is _______ her doll.

V. Assignment
Construct five(5) sentences using common verbs.

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